The Wingham Times, 1895-04-26, Page 3`I'iiE WING: HAM TI,A,ES1 APRIL '46, is a,. urs f I T co a i Ito you. DoIr t; you thinkI hu:ve i A Nov41 Text. miiclt reason to� be offended with you o:•!u •i i•rra�i ;vr.:l,liAal nsArcli.) as Yol1 stave with me?" the sociable man saw the point; 11 ft'", ("I "1 l lr,fitt chars Aa" " I,antd, and it would be money, health, and morals l 'f tile OSSOn coo e firmly implanted in the mind of every young man in the land. To Mateo ]Pro Blood There is no medicine before the people equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the standard 'spring medicine and' blood purifier and it possesses peculiar merit which others try in vain to reach. It really makes the weak strong. Do not inegleot to purify your blood this spring. Take lioodrks Sarsaparilla now.. Ho ,D's PITA' •4 become the favcrate cathartic with every one who tries theta. 250. per box. Gems of Thought, If you would create :something, you mint be something, Opposition inflames the enthusiast, never converts bins. No man ever worked honestly withont giving some help to ilniis race. Passive emotions Weaken by me - down petition ; active habits strengthen. Observe that life•s not beer and skittles. Observe ht1'a taken "Licensed Victuals." An Impressive Temperance Lecture. 'The*fol lowing true story, accord- ing •' Golden Rule," organ of the I. P. S. C. E., is related by one of the rpartioipants in the renuidkable incident : Not long since in It eertr,ttihr New Engtland.city, four colmnerela trav- ellers met !for the first time, a;t the Olde. With that genial bono'hornie peeuliar to the craft they were -soon 'engaged In reOnvel'sation. In 1L few moments•one of them said: Gentlemen, suppose we 'begin, being all strangers, with the gentle- man opposite me, to introduce -our--- sel=ves and our firm's business, This •was unanimously agreed upon. Said NO. 1: " I am , and I represent 'the house of X. Y. Z., sell- ing glass 'bottles:" Said .No. 2: " Well, gentlemen, perhaps 11 1s pot strange that I comae next, for I represent P. D. Q.; i am , and 1 sell the stub' that goes into the bottles. I sell wines and liquors." There was a moment's silence :as No. 3 said; '" That, gentlemen, does seem a little strange, but perhaps there is a fatality about this. I am ----, of the firm of W. U. S., dealer; in undertakers' goods." No. 4 now remained silent and suggested that if would be well not to pursue the subject further, and that it had been well never to have started it. After much -rrging to complete the chain, he said: " Gentlemen, it is indeed a fata1•i.t'i . I am , of 13. B. E., 'and I :am taking orders for gravestones." Was there ever a temperance lecture compressed into so few lines ? The "Social" Phase of the 'W hickey Drinking in its True Light. Mr. Perry was a Southern gentle- man, exceeding polite and a very temperate man. One day he met an aequiantance who called out: "Halloo, Perry! I was just going to get a drink. Colne in and take something." "Thank you," said Perry. "I don't care for anything." "But," persisted the other, "come in and take something, just for sociabil- ity's sake." "I want to be sociable," answered Perry. "I am anxious to be sociable, but I can't drink with you." "All right," growled the friend. "If you don't want to 1)e sociable, I'll go without drinking," The two men walked silently along for a minute or two, the sealable man .its a state of great irritation, Until Pony suddenly halted iii front of a drug store. "I'm not feeling well to -day," said he with a pleasant smile, "and I think I'll go le here and get a dose of castor oil. Will you join bre?"' ""What;" exclahncd the other. "In h dose of castor-oil?" "Yes, I'll pay, for it." "Ugh!" cricks the sociable maty with a wry face. "I hate the stuff'." But I want you to take a glass of oil with ine ,just to be sociable, yon. know." "I won't do 1t." "Indeed, cry friend," said Perry gravely, "your 6ociab1e whiskey is just as distasteful to me as any oil is Only actions give life strelfipth;; unity moderation. gives at a etianni. Think only healthful thoughts..As a inlan thinketh in his heart, sods she. By taking revenge a roan is but oven with his enemy, but in passing iit•over he is superior.. The men who succeed best its ;public life are those who take the risk of standing by their ,on.teon- wictions. To act nobly unconsciously, utile :must strive for nobility consciously:. A pail spills only that of whieli it is :full. , Conceit, more rich in (natter than in words, brags of his substance;; they are but beggars selro eau count their worth. In the man whose childhood has known caresses and kindness there is always a fibre of memory that can be touched to gentle issues. It is by adding to our good pur- poses, and nourishing the affection which are rightly placed, that we shall best be able to combat the bad ones. It is a sober truth that people who live only to amuse themselves work harder at the task than most people do in earning their daily bread. Among the .instrumentalities of 1ove and peace, surely there can be no sweeter, softer, more effective voice than that of gentle peace-; breathing music. • j There is only one stimulant that never fails, and yet never intoxicates. Duty. Duty puts a blue sky over every man --up in his heart maybe --into which the skylark, happiness, always goes singing. Failure, disappointment and defeat eonstitute a considerable part of human life, and much of our welfare depends upon the way in which we aeeept them, and the results which we wrest from them. To -day's privileges cannot be en- joyed nor to -day's duties discharged J to -morrow. To -morrow may never , come. • If it does conic, it will bring its own privileges and duties—privi••1 loges made less and duties made greater by to -day's neglect. He who recklessly injures his health does not thus prove his un- selfishness—he simply curtails his power of doing good; and he who injures his character by welcoming evil influences is thereby inflicting a still greater evil upon the cornmitn- ity. Short Journeys on a Lon; Road Is the characteristic title of a profusely illustrated book containing over one hundred pages of charmingly written descriptions of summer resorts in the country north and west of Chicago. The reading matter is new, the illustrations are new. and the information therein "Short Journeys on a Long A copy of be new to almost everyone. f. Road" will be sent free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to GEO. R. HEAF,ORD, General Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul i Railway, Chicago, x11, Penny postage for London and its suburbs dates from the year 1681. Spectacles were first used ilr, the , latter part of the thirteenth century. In the Bank of 1 nglai d sixty folio volumes or ledgers ars filled daily with writing in keeping the ac-� coturts. An Old minister pant d Walter Mills was going to church one Sun- day morning, and passing an old lady on the street be spoke to her and asked her to attend church. The old lady asked him what de- i nomination. he belonged to and he: told her. She said she had no love 'for that denomination, and would not go to hear their minister preach, • Mr. Mills on hearing this said, "I !ain the minister'." • This nearly took the breath from the old lady, but she quickly got over her sarpriso and said, "Are you, and what alight your text be this morning ?" Dir. Mills answered. "Beef f .and :greens," and started off towards the ,church, The old lady looked after him and :unuttered, "Beef and greens;" what does he mean ? I most go ;toad bear him, And off she started. When the minister got into the ',pulpit he saw the old lady in the front pew. After tlae opening services were over, he proceeded to preach, taking his text from .Pro- verbs : "Better adinner of herbs and contentment therewith, than a stalled •©x with sorrow." The instant the old lady hears it she exclaimed: "Yes it's 'beef and greens' after all," to the surprise of the congregation. Mr. Mills then took up her words and said, "Yes, brethren, its beef and greens ; and lie preached an eloquent sermon.. One Gives Relief. It is so easy to be mistaken about indigestion, and think there is some 'other 'trouble. The cure is liipans Tabules. One tabule gives relief. Ask any druggist. The Coal Oil utput. Within the last few days, Ameri- can crude petroleum has made a de- cided advance in price, and is going up each day. As a result the retail dealers are paying the wholesalers more for refined oil, and of a neces- sity the consumers will have to bear their portion of the advance. The ,explanation given is that the supply to all appearances is becoming ex- hausted; old oil fields are giving out and new wells put down are not giv- ing satisfactory yields. The decrease in production in Pittsburg fields alone shows a falling off of 4,708 barrels in the month of March as .compared with the corresponding month of 1894. If coal oil takes a further jump consumers need not be surprised. Canvassing for V otee.' A lady canvasser in the recent London county council elections has been relating some of her experi- ences. At one house, in answer to her questidn " Is Mr. in ?" she was told, "No, we cannot give to beggars," and the door was sharply closed. Proceeding further, this canvasser asked of' a woman, engrossed in her scrubbing and cleaning, " Is your husband on the register ?" and re- ceived the startling reply, " My hus- band on the register? No, mum; he's on the drink." Another hard-working wife re- plied in the course of conversation to the quem* Is your husband a Socialist?" No, mum; he's a lamp- lighter. Remarkable medical discoveries continue to be made. Dr. Marmorek, a young Viennes studying with Pas- teur, is said to have found out the bacillus that causes blood -poisoning and inflamed wounds. .He calls it Streptococcus pyogenes, and says he has found out the antidote as well. The remedy can be used also for cases of diphtheria too malignant to be cured by serum. As soon as spring opens and seed- ing operations commence, "dispatch" should be the wateliword on every farm. Time can be saved and horses given much more comfort by clipping the team that have anything like a heavy coat of hair. To a horse that sheds its coat early there is little or no advantage hi clipping, but these IVO the exception and not the rule. Not only oan tine clipped team be i kept constantly going while in the 1 field, but the work of grooming be- comas a ranch lighter task morning and night than with a heay,y-coated horse. It is not well to clip the legs' from the hooks down, especially if . the animal be of one of the draught breeds, or there will be a tendency fur them to chap by being exposed to winds and moisture. Much in Little. rnderstaad your antagonist before you answer him. Better to go to bed supperless than to get up in debt. The world would be a place of peace if leen were ail peacemakers. The more one speaks of himself the less he likes to hear another talked of. What seems to tis the merest acct. !dent springs from the deepest source I of destiny. Content can soothe, whcre'er by 'fortune placed; can rear at garden in a desert waste. And yet I know out of the dark ' must grow, sooner or later, whatever is fair, for the heavens have willed it • 80. All men have their frailties; and ' whoever looks for a friend without imperfections will never find what he seeks. It is far more important` to me to ' preserve an unblemished conscience than to compass any object however . great. It was as if the spirit of life in !nature were but withholding any :too precipitate revelation of itself, in its slow, wise, maturing work. It is stated that Wallace Graham, late of Parkhill, died in Chicago the other day by taking his own life. He formerly ran the Parkhill Gazette. Miss Chatterly—Don't you think that Algy has a horrid large mouth? Baboony — Well, it just fits the handle of his cane.— Philadelphia Times. Jillison says he does not see why there should be any objection to women entering the legal profession. Nine out of every ten married men know well enough that her word. is law.—Buffalo Courier. The Supreme Court of California has decided that the holder of a through ticket is entitled to stop -over privileges, and that the ticket must be honored for the distance till used. The two most absent-minded men on record are the fellow who thought he had left his watch at home and then took it out to see if he had time to go hack to get it, and then the man who put on his office door a card saying: "Out, will be back soon," and on his return sat down on the steps to wait for himself. The decision by Judge Morrison that a lodge doctor's contract includes both surgical and medical attendance is a platter of wide. interest, but its application is limited by the fact that itis based on the wording of a lodge by-law. To the average mind the attempt to distinguish between medi- cal and surgical attendance seems like a quibble. The raising of the issue should lead lodge members to have a more definite understanding in all contracts. .t Gentlemen, I can't lie about the horse; he is blind in one eye," said the auctioneer. The horse was soon knocked down to a citizen who had been greatly struck by the auction- eer's honesty, and after paying for the horse, he said: " You were honest enough to tell Inc that this animal was blind in one eye. Is there any other, defect ?" " Yes, sir, there is. lie is also blind in the other eye," was the prompt reply.--- Tid•13it . Fruit trees may be planted until they start into growth. Pruning maybe done even after that time, as it is better to prune late than not EOR 0 N E at all. All dead weed should be re- moved, as it only causes. decay and death ainong the healthy branches. If trees show signs of becoming stunted, a good dressing of manure on the surface over the roots will be service- able. Currants and gooseber'r'ies are greatly benefited by a coating of 1 manure worked into the surface soil. Many of the old apple -orchards of Canada are dying out, and should be replaced by new ones. Maury fauns arse practically without orchard~, or, at all events, the output is so limited and so inferior in finality as to har•clly merit the name "fruit growing." Partners will make no mistake in set- ting oilt on a well-chosen, well-pre- pared site A now oi'eharcl. Procure the young tree; from a reliable nnrsel'ynnan, elm' Ise we'll -triers sorts adapted to the locality. let them be mostly winter fruit, and do not select more than t•hre'tr tr,' four varieties. 1)o not delay tite pinntinw, fti' it will be seycral years before the orchard coiner into hearing. INCHA VI SYt MILLStBAR, ofHgMILTO Tho undersigned in returning thanks for past i'avors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stook of LUMBER, %UNCLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &G., on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirenients .ol' the hard times, First Class Shingles, $1,70 per aauare. Wood 75cts, per Cord, delivered, I Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold, McI,EAN et SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1803, HALSTEE & ` T Josephine Street • - WNglle!n, ant, J. A. HALSTEn,I J. w'. Scorer, Mount Forest, Listowe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuator, • 111bney remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting'Aecounts and Notes. Agents in Canada- The merchants' Bank of Canada WIN r, , a G .tf al, 01,-•1 5G,GUG. j.,:.• t, :jtSG.-WR 1 1resident—Join STUART. Vieo•President--A. 0. IlAtisAVe Plcr.14 ol'gnia ,10UN Paworos, GEo. Roam, wit e,nr;,,•., 5I 1',,5. T Ween, A, A. Leo (Toronto). Cashter—J, TURNBULI,. Savings alwrsed IQ I. of SII and upwards reci d n inter» allowed. special, pepesits also received ut current• rates of ir•..rost. Drafts o'. ,)rest lirilal,, anti the United State* bought and aoid 1;. WILLSON, AoiNT E, L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. f CEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THEPHIEE OF MEAT AGAIN. STEAK, IOC. PER LB. and other meats in low proportion. •PORK SAUSAGE also on Land. I am prepared to pay the highest' price for all kinds of fowl. They rnnst be drawn and well dressed. i GEO. SHAW Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1808. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 011lrr Hour+—From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, will send you by retnrn Send 0 cents in stamps, or 10 cents silror, and we snail the A en . PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A neat little Book, being perfect Ouiae in the art ,, i,,..1u,adh 1. i I,I , 1111 11 I 1.1.a1i .4 , , ..,,,.e II I i, ' I of L.•tttr Writing, It contains letters of Lose, Friendship and Business, etc., with valuableinste-ue• 'COnSumption. tions and advice. Every young ,E+n and wawan ■I ! should have this Book. Address. Valuable treatise and two bottles or medieine sent Prep to NOVELTY PU BLISH.ga$ any Sufferer. Give Express and Pat Office address. x A. , , SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. ingecaoll, ant 1 1 1 • 11 r 4 rte , `S 5 . s v Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Cdrset of CLnada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DE„LER FOR THEM. A. Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PHIS AND DINT! ° ENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best lredicioes for Family use. T�3 PII LS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND ROWELS and invaluable in nil complaints incidental to females of all ages. TI1M OINTMJNT Is the only reliable remedy for' bad egg, eor,•s, uleere, and old wounds. FOR 1,RONC1T11iS, sesE TIIROATS, BOUGHS, nOLDS, GOUT, RVEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL B1LIN DISEASES IT HAS N0 EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 588, Oxford Street, London, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. i Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, Londou, they are spurious. MONTH AFTER EASTER WEBSTER & CO. will continue to reduce the price for AKd N 0 ED'S TWEED SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT GASH. If you have any Tweeds at horse, now is.the tinge to save a dollar ori the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimming's supplied at wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you Want to buy a Snit or Ove r cult you can rni t' lion 3110 $10.00 en each, by pur'ohasing from us. WEBSTER & 001, Merclrant Tailors Opposite the ucw Macdonald Block, Wingham.