The Wingham Times, 1895-04-19, Page 7ANY MIMS NOTES.
ROMANCE OF A sur..t..ET.
1 it Reenlist the aftventfel Paye of the Siege NATURAL HISTORY TALKS.
of Poets.
filt7 ' ES, AP IL 1911895,
*on t Things of the 'World -Witches and
Plants -Lord's Prayer In Thirty -Two
Languagett-and other Natters of Cons
siderome loterest. ,
The largest nugget of gold ever found
Was -taken out of the Byer te Holtman
Mine at 11111 End, New South Wales, on
May 10, 1372. It weighed an (sauce or two
IW pounds. It was Ii111,11-Iillhped, 4
feet 0 invites long and about 3 feet e hwheH
in thickness. The finder sold it, for $1.43,-
The largest allVertisement, in the world
is in the hape of immense flower beds on
the elite of a hill near Ardenlee, Scotland,
The Lytle are emit gigantic letters, 40 fcket
in length, the whole forming the words
"Giese:ow News." The total tenetb of the
line is 123 feet; area coveted by the letter&
1.4,815 feet, The letters caa be diet•inetly
seen from a distance of four and one-half
The organ in the old llornuin Temple at
Salt lake City is one of the largest, if not
the very largest, ever constructed in this
•country. It has 2.704 pipee, each ha feet
long and large eetnesii t') hnit the body
•of a, man of ordinary size. It also has two
towers at either side which rise to a height
of 42 feet.
The largest painting ever produced (not
including penoramie views) is now in the
Grand Salon. of the Doges at Venice. It is
by the renowned Jacopo Robuste and is tia
feet long and al feet wide. panoramic
view, called the "Frost Ring," now in
Westminster, London, cenTr8 20,000 square
feet of etuwas.
The largest hammer and anvil in the
world are in use at the Rrapp Gun:Works, AFTER DIVES HAS DINED.
Essen, Germany. • The hammer, which Timmy vreeeilwimout comets Enough
was made in 1880, weighs 150 tons, and the • ee es,,,,,Ise Hee ilonnit,,g- Toth,
.anvil and block 101 1-2 tons.
In lealf, before being reduced to its pres-
ent proportions, Custer County, ;Montana,
was tho largest county in the United
State& Its area at that time was 30,000
• square miles, being greater than the com-
bined areas of New Hampshire, hiassachu-
setts. Connecticut, 'Delaware and Rhode
The three tallest trees in the world are
believed to be a sequoia near Stockton,
Cal., (335 feet) and two eucalypti itt Aus- , morning, that the garbage cans sent out
tallies estimated at 4135 and 450 feet, re- • from the areawitaa of fine houses betrayed
spectwely. it lamentable wastage of good food. She
Witches atm). Plants. ' was visited by a great idea and acted upon
In all countries in which the witchcraft it by hating interviews with the cooks of
delusiou now exists, or in which it pre- 1 several uptown mansions. The result was
smiled in former times, we find folk lore that for a small consideration these cooks
stories connecting those mysterious bogies consented to permit, her the privilege of
with the.plants of those particular regions. making what selections she wished from
Even the great Shakespeare causes his the plates and dishes returned ta the kit -
witches to discourse learnedly on the dia- then, from the mistress' table, afte: the
boliea] properties of "hemlock diggld i' cook had made certain reservations Here
dark" and of "slips of yew silvered in the wasa wealth of material beyondthe dreams
moon's eelipse." They are supposed to of any boarding-house gourmand. The
have mid their favorite flowers ait well as little French woman rarely goes to the
plants, and in England at the present time regular market, but once it. day makes her
foxglove is spoken of as "witch bells" and rounds to the kitchens. She carries a bas-
herebelle a "witches' thimbles." The com- ket heed with zine and divided into com-
mon ragwort is well • knowm as the partments, and a fork. Iter selections
"w tches horse," the tradition being that from the plates and dishes itre Made with
th mounted rank growths of that species the utmost discretion,and in her own
ofweed and "rode the skies," just as the -
dame with the painted hat rides the broom
in the familiar picture. In Germany and.
throughont Northern Europeit is the belief
that witches float from place to place on
beds of low, composed largely of witohes'
This advertieement was printed its one
of thenewspapers recentlyi
"IseST-On Friday evening, in 23d st.,
near itlt ave., it lady's gold watch •anti
chain, with it bullet set in silver, a small
glass cross and a medal; the finder will be
rewarded at Priest's drag store, 23i1 se and
itis ave.
There is nothing remarkable about the
watela eluthe e11,54 nii,ttla, but the bul-
let, has it romance which the leset or the
triukets told to it Sun reporter. It, beeline
away batik In: the time of the Evacuee
Pruesian war. At that t-ime the person
in question was studying art in Paris. In
her own words the romance of the bullet
, is as follows:
"When the siege of Pule begen, I, like
a Tambov of other American wemen,
offered my sort ices as a nurse. Thcsre
• were enough of us, 1 tun proud to say,
to maintain a hospital of our own.. About
the last of October or the first of Novelle
Th'r, 2-1 Years; ago, (iu!' anibulanee drove up
one day to the tent over whit+ I had
charge, and they lifteda handsome young
• Zonave out of it. He had been shot in the
calf in ties leg. The se us:stone hanueliately
laid him upon the operating cot and began
Probing for the bullet. I wits bathing I&
head !Mil r' tr; to retie ee bus petit When
Hoy timilly etathe ballet out 1 look it,
washed it, and. as is eustomary, handed it
to the \vomitus' luau. With a cheerful
:smile he said: •
" 'Won't you keep it, mademoiselle? , As
soon as I get well I can go out, awl get
• -"I theaked him, mid promised that I
would keep it and wear it. 1 bud a silver
bancl placed around_ it, with three little
silver chains, so that 1 eould wear iton my
watch chain.."-ew York sun.
An illustration or keen Frouch thrift,
beside which ynnkee b oik.resentble al-
most oriental extravagance, is the catering
clone by a little French boarding-house
keeper, says the New York Evening Sun.
She supplies small rooms and two meals e
day to lodgers of modest means, who boast
of her table. It is, indeed, quite. royally
spread, and literally from the kitcheu of
millionaires. A year ago it occurred to
her, «.s she went to market in the early
kitchen every scrap is. turned to the most
tempting and wonderful accounts Fier
expenses have been greatly reduced, and
her boarders look 'forward to her meals
with great anticipatioie.
Oneer Little Animal With Very .010We "
little RyCer
There is a q neer little animal mike),
teatmeleon Naha has so many odd thaeo
about tlitrt that 11, would take it lona Ftory
to telt them all. First there are I, is eye&
They are eery large and roiled and !stick
out like hig Wade from the side of his.
head. And he has the ability to tusti then1
in all sorts of difrort•ilt ways, so 115 to se0.
till about him. Ile can turn one lel) and
the other down, or otie forward and the
other look, and so see the smallest iuseet
in any direction, It ettenot nscape those
wonderful, eyes when the chameleon is
100hiled Moat for a dinner.
Tliecleittskin of the
i'l swell it out into quer -,etees, and,
chameleon ie loose and
he has some peeuliar property of this skin
whereby 1(5 eau (thme. it from one Cohn'
to another, geuerally becoming the color
of the tree or ground. mem which be is
walking. Thett his feet are of such ppm -
liar shape that be can easily hold ou to the
branches of the trees upon which he is
walking. And in this business.of
110t and walking trees he is nitwit assieted,
by hie tale whieli le long and prehensile
like a monkey's miabling Mtn i,.. llold on
blossoms and "devil spikes," this last being Worry.
a species of dwarfed slough grass. St. Worry is killing.It is bad management
sTohn's welt, which is now so popular for that kills people. Nature will let no num
overwork hin melt unless he plays her false,
shot:IV:lei and button -hole bouquets on St.
John's Eve, was formerly •worn for the unless he takes stimulants at irregular
express purpose of averting the crafts and tithes, smokes much or- takes Opium. If
he is regular and obeys the laws.of health
subtleties of the witches, bogies, ghosts
and spirits; which the Ertropean peasantry, and walks in tlie way qt otysiological
righteousness, nature will neverailow him
believed walked abroad on "that night of 1
1 or any person to work too hard, I have
witching mysteries." .
i never yet seen a case of breaking down
I Lorda; Prayer in 32 Languages. • from overwork alone, but I admit that it
The Russians now have possession of is necessary -above all things to 'cultivate
the Mount of Olives, the spot where the tranquility of mind.
Lord's Prayer was first uttered. The apex Tey to exercise your wills in regard to
of the mount is nearly 200 feet above the this -for will eounts for something in
hill upon which Jerusalem is built, 2,700 , securing tranquility -to accept things as
feet above the level of the Mediterra,uean . they are and not tobother about yesterday,
and about 3,000 feet above the sluggish which is gone forever; o ot to bother about
waters of the Dead lea. On this elevation, to -morrow, which is not ours; but to take
upon the exact spot which tradition says the present day and make the hest of it.
the Prayer was first spoken, the Carmelite Those women who will continually peer
Sisters have, through the kindness of Mine. into what lies beyond never lia,ve any pre -
de la Tour d'Auvergne, who furnished the sent life at all -they are always grizzling
necessary funds, built a large convent. over the past or prying into the future,
The exact, or what is dolma to be the and this blessed to -day, which is all that
exaet, spot preesed by our Saviour's feet on we are sure of, they never have. -Sir
that celebrated, occnsion, is marked by a Aacirew Clark.
pure white polished inarbel ems& and the :
'nave Another Prayer or re -op'
Scribed upon them in 32 different langu-
A good story of poor Villiers', the war
s,ges. In some instances, the letters form-
° corresponden , whose death be the war in
-Mg the prayer are engraved in marble
the East is reported this week.. was told
panels; in others, they aro letters of wood, I'SCaptain Chories,'Reade, It. N., a
glued to backgrounds suitable to their me '
nephew of the novelist of that name. Cap -
colors The Russianportion of tine \t 011- Reittle hanpened to be in it certain
derfel collection of inscriptions is said to
town in England one evening and found
be hi letters of pure gold, each capital
that Villiers' was to lecture there on his
Atm being Aix and a fourth inches long
°XI/000100S MS it war correspondeat. The
and four-fifths of an inch in width. Among
lecture was nutlet the auspices of the
the languages 'which one would. hardly ex -
Young 'Alen's Cheistian Association.. The
walls of the convent have the Prayer in- •
while climbing 'from branch to ineutch.
The ehameleon bus also a cower tongue.
It is ilearly iN lows ns his body, thin and
icky. Witenever perceives it good
fly or bug he darts out, this long,
funny tongue :and captures his dinner
without turning from the spot where he
'I'his strange little animal lives in Africa.
For many years little was known about '
INCLUDING ' Rooks, Ninplitets, Polters, 111,
him, but on account of his odd traits and Heeds, circulars, ae., Ate, extsmted in the hes*
queer habits very curious stories were told style of the art, at moderate prices, and on shore
about him in the Olden times. And the lit- notice. Apply or address
tle fellow himself was regarded with au Toms_ Office, Wingham.
absurd awe, 'just because nobody under-
stood him. . •
1. wenn. Manager Standard Rank, Brad.
ferii4),,, says. Chasea Kidney -Liver Pills arc a
s• ,iteateeites for the Kidneys and Liver.
'0, P. CARRIER, x$ MCCEA, Si., Toronto, re.
,o4.,e,,tinif Montreal SMr, says, Chase's Pills act
, 4.- for the relief of headecheelsiikess attack
•1 s sada-scion, Sold everywhere, or by malt 011
.t erce, to En-MANSON, BATES /et CO.
41 ustaatili eT. mum. ONT.
The eneetee Rath in mailagasear,
Since the great African island has lately
caused a great deal of talk it; will uot 150
uninteresting to give some account of the
strange ceremony`practised at the Mala-
gasy national festival every year, as relat-
ed by nearly all the travelers who have
visited the land of theHovas, The "Fara
droana," or royal bath, was first institnte
ed by RingRabamho, and 18110(1mA-1u:illy,
by royal proclamation, from the 2,2c1 of
November to the 10th of January. During
this time no business is allowed to pro-
ceed. The people of the kingdom meet the
Queen in the Silver Palace on the first day
of the festival, and a rad cock is then
brought by the head priest or sacrificer of
the Genera Its neck is wrung, and its
blood, being caught in a banana leaf, is
carried to the Sovereign, who touches with
it her forehead, neck stomach, armpit,
finger nails and toe nails. The rest of the
assembly follow the example.
Next the people assemble again for the
royal bath in the great palace. This the
Queen takes in one of the sacred corners
of the hall, iu a silver bath, Wing screened
from view by "lambag," held by her at-
tendants. •
Amid the firing of cannon and the joy-
ous shouts of her humble subjects, Her
Majesty then passes along the balcony,and
from a horn in her band sprinkles the
crowd with the water she has just been
using for her ablutions, exclaiming at the
same time, "Mtesina, ahol" (I am piwified).
This sprinkling is said to typify an abund-
ance of rain dining the coming year.
To be abeent from the ceremony would
be to incur the royal displeasure, so that
the French Plenipotentiary Minister him-
self, M. le Myre do Vilers, who is now on
his way to Madassascar, had to submit
himself, in 1880, a this strange ordeal. •
Every wife, also, must be with her hus-
band at the time, or it is considered that
she is as. good as divorced. The new year
is then supposed. to have begno and for
several weeks there is a great' deal of
visiting and feasting, -Tit -Bits.
Christmas Carols.
The first Christmas carol, MS Milton and
Jeremy Taylor have said, was sung by the
angels ou the plains ot Bethlehem. This
custom has prevailed in most Christian.
countries and is perpetuated in England
and on the continent. Calabrian minstrels
still leave their mountains during the last
days preceding Christmas for Naples or
Rome, saluting with their wild music the
shrines of the Virgin 'Mother, to cheer her
'until the birth hour of the infant Jesus,
now near at band. The first Christmas
enrols were hymnsin honorer the nativity.
They afterward assumed a mom secular
character, manY of them being songs of
revelry accompanying the festivities of the
The Win' Scare.
Jimson, MeetingTheson the otherreorn-
ing on the 'bus, coming to the eity, atter
passing the urinal courtesies, comes out
with the following:
"Apropos of the war scare, I have arrita
ed at the conelusion, after grave consider
ation, that if a colored waiter should tiro/
a platter containing a roast turkey, tilt
actwould be productive of a grand corn.
plication of evils; namely, tile downfall ol
pect to find tem esentt c ale tha
proceedings were opened with prayer anti . Turkey, the overthrow of Greeee, the
the Chinese, the Coptic, the Tartarian, anti
then Villiere' began his address. When breaking -up of China, and the 'humiliation
the japanese. The -Arabian, as it had been
ie had got half way through he said, 1, of Africa!"
a task to relinquish Molutrameclism, ends 0
"Ladies Mid gentlemen, the most interest- I
With '"(.1-Veat is Christ."
ing portion of the evening's entertainment, I
The highest bridge of any kind in the ittes. am going out for a, minute or two. I Why do most Rugby foot -ball players
Spotting Spurts.
Vera the Lois River vituluct, on the An- While 1 am away Yon chjoit YettreelVes: wear lona hair? ma how is it that barbers
A Iltidge 1330 Vett has now arrived -an interval of five min-
tofagasta Railway, in 13olrvia, South have another prayer or twat
Americo. The place where this highest
railway structure has been erected is overlenow When icebergs Are Near.
the Melo rapids in the Upper Andes, and The captain of an ocean steamer in most
between the two sides of a canon, which is cases finds out when his vessel is approach- replied to.
Altuated 10,000 feet above the level of the ing an iceberg froni the hien flown in the "I want to give brother Tom some littlt ,
Paelfic. Counting from the surface of the
ttettni to the level of the rails, this mile-
engine-roona. That sounds queer, bnt it is gift before be leaves for college. 'Who
brated latidge is exaetly 63612 feet in a fact, nevettheless. It appeats that, when would you get`t» 'li1loutncc-"I SW 801111-
a steamship enters water considerably lovely hair brushet§ with silver monogram
height. The length of the principal span colder than that through will& ithas been Anti—" "Von silly girl; don't you knov v
1s 80 feet, and the distance between abut- going its propeller runs faster. Snell he belongs to a football team,"
meats (total length of bridge) is 802 feet.
whe largest eeimaa is 314 feet 2 ladies water usually surronnels the vicinity of The fast sportsmen's exposition eve i
2Cmg, end the batter of the pier, what is 1 bergs for nutty miles. When the ptopel- held. in America will take place at Mat
let's action, therefore, is accelerated with- ison Square Garden next spring. This eit
;mown to britlge-bnilde rs as "one lit three." out the steam power being increased word 1 position will embrace every depertment o
The gauge of ttw road is 2 feet dinehles, is passed up to the officer on the 'bridgeit. iel 1
sport mai will illustrate not 0111,
littid trains cross the bridge at a speed of ' that bergH may be .expeeted and a dose , pt.e.,catt, conditions but the history 0
.00 Miles an hour. ,. lookout for them is established.--Washinge ' sport. elLitida will be well represented
ton Star, no doubt, i
are disgusted when the Rugby seasot
opens, while surgeons are delighted? Th,
answer to the last question is obvious, bu •
1 have never heard the first satisfactoril
w ANTED atm Traveling Salesmen
a to handle our Hardy cenathau
Grown Nursery Stock. it e guarantee satisfaction to
representatives and customers. Our Nurseries aro
the largest in the lawman -over 7(1(1 AMR, No
substitution in orders. Exclusive territory and
liberal tonne to whole or part thne saenN. Write
(Head Office,) Toronto, Ont,
Tho only Nursery in Canada having testing orchards.
If you want your
made in the latest style, go to
opposite Bank of Hamilton,
1 lionfisl
• . • .A.,11......,••••.0
If you have OieTheitel, and •,:estre. to Ise LJrr1l
ratecut rick of keine your MO:301, WO will cend
15 t:i leheal.Ea and romicine Inc that
,;:Az,c,...=0 without aeliin,s a rent of pay le advanse.
A:,lor fajr teat nI yourown home, and you find
it a onulne remedy, you one send un$3 to pay for
same,if net eatiefactery in every vsey you ean
return the inhaler at our oil pence, and need not
pay Ono cent. Ostild amehing be .more fair?
'fou have cvorythirrsto caia and nothiuz, to Ioee.
if the remely le not (el we claim, we are the
loraire, not you. Just thinkof beingeti red for G3.
Rev. T. E. MAYETY, Methodist minist,„
taw., Ont., writes: --'1Coor intadcr,
in two monthd rplicaly curca my daughter of
v., chronic catarrh.'
Re:r. _J. S. Nounts, Tend St. Church. Ti.
ronto, Ont. :- "Your kinder ety. Mediciao has
proven genuino int:very respect.'
?i.A., J.A.MeNetraFelrv.Ont.„writest-"Tho
Inhaler you sent hor
s e ;catty cowl mo 0u..
arrh. It is worth many times your eletree."
WIT47111,r„ -
nor.-:TAq, COYEIUOteir, to St„
TOrk,ato:ovr 1l-'.l
CUrea me 1,4,',catarril of long standing."
V'II. Illistr:s, Chvis:cnher St., To.
rani :-.''l inhaler ee
Tic,"trle curcel
me of ti cat e of cats/Aril oz ten ycz„ra' stand-
Inti .41er
on t ho
This Is a golden opportunity. ormut TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to
your satisfaction ',without money and without price." You only Fay for
the good you c'it. For remedy en above tiberul terms, aticireee
,•,,,....!„,1•.,ree,,,les • e s
4,1.1,111 11101Y 1 1 Al
hn\ r)raa.t. -571
• . ..
all, pams, c:i.tornali.
..z•,, . or internal, are iitetaae-e
":' ly relieved by
fllKil T ..
;Alliteltalsisll 1i3. ai esstailuitai
s: This old remedy IF knewn, use,l
sohl ev ;rt ntinn,
,) L"
AREYOU 9 viegonintatsp.oengeonrty; woeoark. eoarsaegtigeeda;. etiredxcaiminnt s4rriialre:
(33 es sunken, red and brurreii; pimples on iace; dreams and night'
losses; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pain .; hair lee ; vicars. sore throat;
varicocele; deposit in urine and drains et etool; distruslge
fal; wantof confidence; lack of
energy and strength- WE OAN CURE YOU !
With a cough, cold or
sore throat. Use 'itremeciv that relieves
rom the start, soothes
and heals the inflamed
tissues of bit- leryirt or
bronchial tubes. •
is . certain semedy Wised on a clear lcnow.
ledge of the diseases it was created to
BEFORL ,.1:12EATMENT. .A.P.VER 1tt.A.1.1,1RNT. BEFORE TuitA.A..4ENT.
John A. Manila says: -"I was one of the countle.e 41C-
tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 Tears of age. I es- •
tried seven medical firms and spent WM witueut avnit.
I gave ep in despair. The drains on*my cyst na, were a
weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical -
life. My brother advised me as a last resort to consult A
Dre. Kennedy &Kagan. 1 commenced their Now Method
Treatment and in a few weeks was it new man, with new
life and ambition. This was four years age), and now 1
am married and happy. 1 recommend these reliable
specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen."
"The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my
ruin. Later on a "gay life" tied exposure to blood di-.
senses completed the wreck, I had all the symptoms of
Nervous Debility -sunken eyes, emissions, dram in urine,
nervousness, weak back, eta. Syphilis caused my hair to
fall out, bone pains, ulcers in mouth and on tongne,
blotches on body, etc. I thank God I tried Drs. Hem, edY
&Korean. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POVTERS.
Ear We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, IVetvous Debi/f", Seminal
Weakness, Gleet, Strkture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
READERAre you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplating
! riage? Has your Blood teen diseased? Have you any weekness? Our
New Method Treatment will cure yon. what it has done for others it will do for • nu.
CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who hes treatsd you, write for an honest opinion Free
of charge, Charges reasonable. ROOKS FREE - "The Glolden Monitor" (illustrated). on
Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed.
VATE. No medicine s nt C. 0. D. No names an boxes or envel.
°tees. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat.-
ment, FREE,.
Syphilis, Emissions
Varimele, Cored.
DRS, KENNEDY 85 KERGA,N NU-61181-11'iriVC1-1.1-.
Of the marvelous success of Burdock
Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative
power over every organ of the body.
The Liver, the I3lood, the Bowels, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the
Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human
system are regulated, purified, and
restored to perfect natural action by
this medicine. Thus it CURES an
diseases affecting these or other par*
of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipar, f•
tion, Bad Mood, Biliousness, Ilead4
ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint),
Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofulay
Rheumatism, Nervous or Gen 0 r
Debility, and all irregularities of tilt
system, caused by Bad Blood or disk
ordered Action of the St011111Chs Th1s,
Liver or Ridneys. Thousands of testi.
monials warrant the assertion thab
B,'13,134 i8 the BST SPRING
• 1