The Wingham Times, 1895-04-19, Page 6re -
°filet. end brought °et the mail bap
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I 11;Vidie,'.
A speeiel meeting of the Township
Cottuel was bold at k lorrie„ on the
4th iteeiolt, on the tall of the peeve.
to eonNitttt:' the npietilltillelit of a
f r t nemieipality, owing to
the death of the late Clerk of the
Tovvesitip. 1 tie members of
Conn present. The Peeve in the
cam 1)\.,•i1 (}rolinni.
seeanded by Me. Dag, thatthe Reeve
. aQt a -ts este; , until a clerk is appointed
for the Intel ielpa 1 y Carried. Moved
'by Mr. Oregg, secomied by Mr.
t5otheran. that the conneil shall re-
ceive applientions for the clerkship
..,f Howlek, and that all applications
,e addressed to the Peeve, on or be-
fore the 10th April hist -70;11'1.1(d.
'Aloved by Mr. Graham, -seeoeded by
Mr. Oregg, and resolved, that we,
the members of the Ciencil of the
Township of Ilowiek, do hereby
place upon record our most profound
regret at the death of our esteemed
and faithful brother, Wm. Dane,
who has been Clerk of this township
for.the past 21 years, and one who
ims by his genial an 1 hoaorable
career endeared. himself to all with
whom he became acquainted. Know-
ing full well our loss in him who has
been so faithful aservant and officer,
in this municipality, we cannot help
but mourn with those that mouse
oyer the removal, by death of so
fitithfulatriend and officer, and we
heveby,extend to the widow eitt
family of•our deceased brother and
official, in her and their sorrowful
moments •ofeneditation over the loss
of a faithful husband and kind
father, our deepest sympathy, and
earnestly pray our Heavenly Father,
who has promised to be a husband
the widow end:a father to .the father-
less, may guldeband comfort them; and
that a. copy of this resolution be for-
warded to the widow ofour late Clerk.
Moved. by Mr. Gregg, .seconded by
Mr. Doig, that this ,council do now
adjourn till April Cith--Carried.
B. S. Cook, Clerk, pro tem.
And Make Money At It.
If you only knew at, the troublsis
With your digestiota. If that was
geed you would sleep better, wake.
better, work better, and wake more
money at it. How Can 0114:'. "get 011"
10:en the whole system is sluggish?
But eeople duli't realize what is the
treuble. A box a Ripens Tabules
pekes life worth living. At druggists.
'bus be aleo ameattel and rode to the
There is a tliffeieetee
opinion tiWhtIdt'liVorotin.ttl hag
!to the mail elerk. Bee ttie s; r'. le-
' did. ('ole handed in the letters
taken from the P. 0. letter box at
the station and returned it 1 the 'has.
What followed is weekly told.
This man Coll', Whil hail wee knevn
to be „store Loose to the NV:MI as far
as tinaneee were eeneeet.ed. eaddealy
beeenie affluent. pee:tieing a golf]
watee from T. Fletelter ; a pale of
pants from Meesrs. Smith MeLaren,
and made a donation to et least, one
Bruseelite. Armed with a flask of
"corn jeice" he assayed to the station
again and took the mixed train to
Wingham. Here Ile put up at the
Queen's Hotel, regietering ae "C. O.
ellmiterlaucl," Cinehmati, displayed
11 roll Of bills and was eulte generous
m the purchase of 1() .eent egears.
Mr. Oule, invested in a new mods at
Chas. Kneelttel'e &lop tranefetred
bis wardrobe from his box to said
trunk and donned a new shirt. Some
say he bought a suit •of clothes. lie
called at one of the banks 4Ind ex,
changed Canadian bills for American
money and then hied himself to Lon-
don ,on the afternoon train, from
which city, it, is said, he proeeeded to
Detroit. Whether Ooie, ."Cumber-
land," or whatever his name may be,
tapped the mail bag or not the, ehain
of circumstances has a very suspi-
cious appearance. The surmise is
that the registered parcel was re-
moved in the storm porch at the
postoffice, through the slit made in
the mail bag.
Cole is ebout 30 years of age,
solidly built, dark complexioned,
rather inclined to be dudish and is
, not the most prepossessing youth a
inan would care to have about his
It is reported from Stratford that
while acting in the capacity of porter
at one of thc hotels in that city be
was arrested for stealing $9 from the
proprietor and served a short sen-
tence in jail. He also pilfered a $5
gold piece from a boarder a.nd was
given notice to shake the dust of the
classic city off his feet,which he did
without delay. •
! Telegrams, descriptive of the
suspect, were 'forwarded to police
authorities and. it is to be hoped some
lynx -eyed bobby will collar him.
As to who will have to make up
tbe cash does not appear to be m
settled fact, but the probabilities are
that the money will be made good to
Messrs. Spence, Vincent, Pollock,
and the C. O. P.
There is evidently room on the
MUL B& -
L part of the Govestunent to amend
Thursday morning of last week
the parcel of 1 cgistered letters was
stolee from the mail bag between the
thee it left the Deputy Postmaster's
Mande and the receiiit at the t.. T. R.
moening drain frum 1inea Mine by
;Mail Clerk Denning. The loss was
tot known by the autiturities here
, until Friday, and by that tinte the
suspected party had taken his depar-
ture. Poettnester Fallow, on receipt
orthe intermetiott that nu letter bill
was found in the bag helm Beuesels
and that there was also a slit cut in
the. mail bag, hnluediately telephoned
to. the Inspector at Stratford and
Deputy Inepeetor lialeaey came to
Beuesels and made enquiries into the
particulars of the 0850. 011 Monday
evening Inspector 11)pkirk investi-
gated the case more fully, hearing
the. evidence of the Postmaster,
Duputy le'ostmaster, Mail Carrier
reaetie, Mail Clerk Dunning and
The facts of the case tipper to be
stet:fettling after the following
The registered parcel being for-
warded on the morning named eon-
sieted of four letters. One to Post -
Mester Spence, Ethel, from Post-
master Farrow, containing 01.73 ;
otio front Oraubrook Canadian Order
of Foresters, to Iligh Court Secretary
White, Brantford,100.05 ; one from
,J. JJ
. Vincent, merchant, amestown,
to a wholesale house, Toronto, C527,..-
05; and one from J. Pollock, Grey,
to a Hamilton Company, 415.00;
$163.83 in all.
Thursday morning wheits1.3cattie
or me down to the livery arxt 1» hitch
• to gO to the train a man calling
himself J. Howard Cole, hailing from
thre States, who had been visiting in
this1 cality, came up and asked Mr.
Beattie for a postage stamp. He was
liold he e uld get it in the postoffice,
°ftrineh Was open to send out the
ing's mail. Cole went into the
their Aet concerning the registration
of letters, &e., whereby the sender
will have a guarantee for the safe
conveeanee of his property to its
destination, which does not now exist.
Brussels postoffice officials aro
very careful in the performance of
their duties and outside of the crack -
Ong of the safe a few years ago, this
is the first time any trouble has
arisen.--Brassels Post.
2.5 Cents vs. Kidney Trouble,
Pot 2 years r was dosed, pilled, and
p • ' bi . , urioo
and constipation, without, benefit. Ude
uox or Cliese's Kidney -Liver Pills relieved
3 boxes cured. ft J. Smith, Toronto.
Lake Superior iroa .mines employ
10,000 men,
Shoes were first mentioned in
Egyptian annals 2,000 years le_fore
A new telegraphic invention will
convey 2,030 words a minute over
the wire.
The cost of an ironclad is about
$100 a ton. This includes guns and
The Salvation Army's War Cry
has a cireulation of 50,000,000 copies,
printed in 40 languages.
That scorfulous taint which has been
in your 'bloodfor yours, will be expelled
by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the great
blood eurifier.
Mr. .Tames Crowston, Langside,
sold. his prize-winning filly to Varson
Bros., of the same place, for one hun-
dred and seven dollars cash.
Scientists say that there are mi-
erobes in kisses, said Miss Xittish to
Mr. Hunker. Happy microbes ex-
elaina.d the young man, oestat'cally.
Cynic-1(3w7s t tat novel of your's
coming along? -Seribbler- -:t isn't
coming along. I forgot to inclose
stamiki for is roturn,----"Tracuse
T F. NV I NG ItAM TIM ES, APRIL 19. 1.895.
WILY Till': OLD t'01,01fR4l 141,1N PROPOS
En ieeevie vieueraTiox
'While the eolottel and I were
-enjoying our elves after dinner an
old colored inau approached, with hie
hat in lits hand. and 011 being asked
what he wanted, he replied;
' Kernel Taylor. Fee gwine t) emit
de planta dem ale go pi town'
'Anything wrong, Moses ?' asked
the colonel.
'Not wally wrong. kurnel, but ---'
'Speak right up, Moses. 0)11' 1- I
pay yea nth wagesr
'TVS, Sail.'
▪ Dont you have plenty to eat?".
itaven't you got a good coruhusk
bed to sleep ou?'
'Yes, sale'
'And I dou't work you too hard?'
'No mile'
‘ Titen, what's the troublal
.‘ Waal, kurnel, you has done gone
au' 'et a swing gun in the meat -
'Yes, but I must keep my bacon
from being stolen, you know. That
spring gen won't hurt you.'
'Yu's got two acres of wa,termill-
yons, an' yo'e gwine to put poison
ignettripe?ott10, big melon:, as fast as they
'I may put jahip in, Moses,to make
the thieves sick, If didn't do some-
_ thing, every melon would walk off,
you know.'
! 'An' dey say, Kurnel Taylor, that
you' am gwine to coun t the pigs an'—
'Yes, I may do that, as some of
them are apt to wander away.'
'An' (ley tells me dat de clawgs am
gwine to be turned loose to guard de
yams an' sweet co'n at night, an' a
line of b'artraps sot all about de
cotton gin an' de milk house.'
! 'Perhaps so, Moses, but how can
that effect you?'
'How it gwine to affect me?
can't zactly 81)111111 to yo', kurnel,
how de pomposity of all sich prejudice
am gwine to git me shot by dat gun,
cotched in one of dem traps or made
sick on one of dem millvonse b.ut
when I lay down at night an' think
it all 'ober my variegatedopinyon am
to de affeck dat de sooner I git
fo'teen miles from dis plantashun de
quicker I kin draw a long brei with -
oat jumpin' two feet an' feelin' dat
suthin' has busted!'—Pittsburg Post.
Curiosities of Definitions.
Richard Huloet's Dictionary, pub-
lished as early as 1552, contains
"Pickers or thieves, that go by into
chambers, making ,as though they
sought something."
Henry Cockerham's English Dic-
tionarie, 1623, has: Pole is " the end
i of the axle -tree whereon the heavens
i do move." An idiote is an unlearned
I asse. A heretick, he 'which maketh
I choice of himself what poynts of re-
ligion he will believe and what lie
will not. The barble, a fish that
; will not meddle with the baite until
with her Mile she have unhooked it
from the hooke.
Here are few quaint Natural Ills -
tory definitions: A baboon is said to
' be a beat like an ape, but farre big-
ger; a lynx is a spotted beast—it
hath a most perfect sight, insomuch
as it is said. it can see throw a wall;
and a salamander is "8 small, ven-
t omous beast, with foam feet and a
short taile—it lives in the fire, and,
at length, by his extreme cold, puts
out the fire. !
• Sometimes explanations and defini-
in the dictionaries are blunders, 1
pure and simple. Edward Phillips ,
defines a gallon as a measure con -1
taining two quarts; and again, a
quaver is stated to be a measure of
June m music s., being the half of a
crotchet, as a crochet the half of a
quaver. Dr. Johnson defined pas-
tern as the knee of a horse; this
blunder was, however, corrected in
subsequent editions. Dr. Ash, in his
1 dictionary of 1775, explains " es-
, oterie " as merely An incorrect spell-
ing of " exoteric." Webater, in his
first issue, defined wicket -keeper, as
the player in cricket who stands
with a bat to proteet the wicket
from the ball, and a long -stop as ono!
who is sent to stop balls sent a long
1 Wesley defines Methodist as one
that lives according to the Method
laid down in the Bible
Riehelet, author of an early
French dictionary, remarks underi
the he td ot groom., that " these.
people wrap som3 of their merehan-,
dise it gray paper, oe in a few sheets !
of wretthed bo Ate, width one sells to
them becalm one has been *unable
11u sell them to others; the translation
Tiaeirti,..lir t!se little man (1"Ablan.1
1. •'
oats ae a
" ;tin wieell in England is gener-
ally elven to le)rsee, Lilt ill Scotlalld
supports tlic people." The doet,)p's
111181 is well-ktiown. Ile definee
Puritan8 a sectary pretending to 1
eminent purity of ri,ligion."
Wide" ie newly " flak name or 11
foct-mo,.- Ivo Tery (that he himself
was) le -ono who adheres to- the
antient cone:innion of the SliaLe 1111(1
the apostolic:II heirarchy or the
Oluirelt of Etightml, opposed to a
Whig." Pensioner is a. " slave of
state, hired by a stipend to obey his
master." Au excise is " hatdul
tax levied spell commodities, and
adjadged, not by the common judges
of property, but by wretches hired
b'y those to whom excise is paid.
Lexicographer is " a writer of die- •
tionaries; a harmless drudge that
busies himself in tracing the origin
and detailing the significance of
words." An exainple of J01111SOD'S
Johnsonian style is found in the ex-
planation of the word network,
which is " anything resticulated or
clecussated at equal distanees, with
interstices between .interseetions.
Ponderous definitions of this kind
are often met with in technical
works. A boil is described in a
book as a "a circumscribed subeu.-
taneous inflammation, suppurating,
with a central core, a furuneulus."
A kiss is " the anatomical juxtaposi-
tion of two orbicularis oris musciee
in a state of contraction.
All the above are examples of un-
conscious humor; here are a few of
the conscious kind :
"Dust is mud -eith the juice
squeezed out."
"A lawyer is a learned gentleman
who rescues your estate from your
enemies and keeps it fur himself."
"A luncheon is base ingratitude to
breakfast and a premeditated insult
to dinner."
"A bachelor is a man who has lost
the opportunity of making a woman
"Matrimony is an insane idea on
the part of a man to pay some wo-
man's board."
"Flirtation is an attention without
in ten tion."
"Flatt is • mind?"—"No matter."
"What is matter i"—"Never mind."
- •
Everyone has his faults.--Catullas.
We may mend our faults as easily
as cover them,—S. J. Prime.
When you have faults do not fear
to abandon them.—Mencins.
The fool glories over his faults ;
the wise man corrects them.—Pah
He who overlooks. one fault invites
the commission of another.—Publius
Why do we discover faults so much
mo,v , readily than perfections ?—
Mdme. De Sevigne.
It is only your friends and your
enemies that ts11 you of your faults.
To have faults and not strive to
con ect them is to add to our faults.
• Confucius.
No eharacter is more despicable
than your habitual fault -finder. --Sir
R. Adair.
He shall be immortal who liveth
till he be stoned by one without
In war the gain is always with
him who commits the fewest faults.—
Napoleon L
bled with many faults are the most
'anxious to disclose those of others.—
James Ellis.
He became a social favorite in
The little western town,
Until he turned his trousers up—
And then they turned him down.
Wife (at breakfast)—I didn't 1)080
you when yon came in last night.
Husband -e -I guess that's the reason
didn't hoer yens—Philadelphia
Mr. Adam Cantelon, treasurer of
the township of Goderich, died at
Clinton Friday. Ile was seventy-five
years of age. having been born the
eday and the same year as the
Whieh is my part in th's duet ?
asked the prima donna of her hus-
band, who was the toner. Your part?
Here it is, of course. The one with
the last words in it.— as ling on
Iioart Dis€aso in 89
*eel e:ee. 11 e: sr • ••• r Rya, -
e,.. le ate. e. , 1 iao
mine' OR and quickl,:i toed, by Dr. Ag-
new's eine. Hold st teesteilek. Drug
.=tori., V% logilaur.
,13 -
WOOD'S 3E" DE 0 II4013 Mg"
The Great Elias:Mb Itemody.
MX Packages Guaranteca to
promptly and permanently
euro all forms of Ziervova
alorrhca, inwatcncy and all
creels of Abuse or Rxcesses,
Illentat Worry, emacssive lose
Before and
was, which, soon lea N In-
ftel.. of Tob"", Opium or Stint".
,flmity, insanity, Consumntlon and on. early grave.
Ilas been proscribed over 35 years in thousand
eases; is the only RellabN and Roma ,Ilfcclicine
known. Ask druggist for %Vood's Phosphodlne; if
offersiomo wornness medicine in place 'of this,
inclose prIcein letter, and wo will send by return
le6t1si fsriext:to$5a.nYCaild6d:ssill,
vrauttamilL sl'irwiewo,inecatewor rolatmegpeh,
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont„ Canada.
• i',21,9112-1,1=1211,
Sold in %%Ingham by 0. E. Wiillums, Druggist,
081ic i=t)
u . 1 3
To meet the wishes of their oustomsrs
The (heo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the
A Combination Ping of
T 709
This supplies a lougtelt want. giving
the consume- one 20 cent plug. or a 10
csnt piece le a 3 eV° t 1.101.'011? iL 11 Emma
"J'Zita,.00.11" brand 0C pure Virginia
The tinME) 1°T & B" is on every
.1 •
• e
L 41 „ ,
44.1.f tilt 4 ai t
EVEP 1,1t11)A NoluVING •
JO:,'IJI-1160, ABET"
p co, 1:4 4.I4 year. 4,, advanoe
Vr!':,, •
Npact. 1
el,. .48 1' r.,01 ...9c int 1
14°11 " to d 11 ". 4 do.
14.4 ter 1 N 114 4; ; .10 2 00
001.1. 1 3 •DI .to 4 2 1.!1 1 00
ptrr line
for lest Msortion. alai :le, pel ;is.,4 sAell subsequent
118:;1;WEN lcpt hiir 5.4 h sertiori'aid
118" 4.1111,
for .1,ortic . No i)AI
AAA ORNANAN ‘1.47.4%-8, ROI emeeutlins.t 8 lines
dr, J8tjices; jet eurlitl)nngola lines
'those It mil,1 1 trivtil ..dlicred lu
ill:chit rates 101 ILcal :ea 81 Omni:mita, or fo1C10488 4)8110(18,x
oi,d loyal ti('08 without specula'
dirs.:ries% ujes.ted tiiferhld and eliargee
ac.••.,1;, 1 • ,1 vi*ory advertisement.. must
1 11014
o eels
I)14 mAoutENALI),
MI. Am,
11. eo L.10,,
4 /
Member College PhYsicians and Surgeons, Ontario
--Coroner for County of _Huron—
°face Cp.:tains, mixt to Mr Morton's °n1,, Wing. -
11 cuss.- O to 12 a. u.., 1 to p. in., 'or o
Residence, Street.
P. 44 ENNEOV, M. 1)., AI. P,S 0.
o (suet, v yr to Dr, J. A. MOWTIII°.)
18 Mel1,3704.Western University: Late House'
dere con in London t1 hmital. rpecial often -
thin pull to diseases of women and children
Nice—Follow . occupied by Dr. Meldrurn,Corrier
of Witt 'um Nitre.; streets.
44 I8°11.811
25 ate.,
50 ots. and
91.00 Bottle.
Ono cent a dose.
It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists.
It cures Incipient Consumption and. is the
best Cough and. Croup Cure.
Sold at Chislinica's (Rimer Drug Store.
Ask your Druggist for
Murray &
For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath..
For Twenty.five Years
31. Is. fn, -onto, Member College Physicians and.
Surgeons, °omit).
Private 'Ail Company funds to loan at lowest rate
Interest. No eoininission charged. Mortgages, town.
and 'arm properb bought and sold
OFFICE—Fleavor Block WixortAm
.1, A. MORON
PA !Minn ,
Whighani 0110
'Barrister Ete.
0111°0-1)eyer Block, Mitcham
DEvrisTity.--.1. H. J Eat0:4111. L. D. 8,41 1ROII&J1.
IVisessfeetur iig first-ohop tees or
eve it us Shoup es they eon be !rade,
11. t e Dominion. Tooth extracted.
Riotut pain, by his new
process, gmtranteei. per18 1.13 wife.
OPERJE .. In 1110o Beaver Block, oppo..ite the,
Brunswick 1101(80
.A.RTUCII, J. IN, D. D i,L. *0.5.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the renusylvania..
Dental College.
or nunorr,
Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charger-.
DEANS, Jti„WittegAn,
JOHN CURRIE, Wisonenr, Oat,
11111:05 ANI) ERUCE.
All Orders left at the Touts °Mee promptly attend.
ed 8. Terms reasonable.
Ltoostirm A curio:mit TON COVNTIVI thaws AND
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest*.
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All moose*. arrangements can be made at th
Tates' once
WistmAst ONO
Money to Loan on Notes,—
powDERs I lqotes Discounted
Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
in seo mmturste, al..o Coated Tongue, *0)071-
0083, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Dad Dreath. To stay cured and
regulate the bowels. VERY le/OE TO 'Nam.
Pivoir 28 Otriers) Ditua 87081414
Money udvanc«I on Mortgages at Bi pet eentirlt
rartigeetetuonftopedevillieuretrei(li the end of any year. Noe
rioner. tit:1140o°.
re.,tor Block Wineham, Ont.
. — .
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