The Wingham Times, 1895-04-19, Page 5TILE T1INGI AM TIMES, APRIL 19, 1895,
x mRE DAIRY INTEREST.. house of Refuge. BI.IJEVAL1'l. Liberals, on Thursci,iy evening, was
Tho board ot directors of the
Dairymen's Association of Western
• Ontario met -on Saturday in the
seerctary'a office, London. There
were present President Patteallo,
Woodstock; A. F. MateLaren, Strat-
ford; Harold Eagle, Attereliil'e
Station; 1ton. T. Ballantyne, Strat-
ford: .John Prain, Uarriston;
Pearce, London; J. F. Williams, In-
gersoll; J. N.•Paget, Canboro;' George
Robertson, Lucknow, and henry
White, llawkesville.
The principal items of business
transacted were: Making grants to
the fall fairs and arranging the time
and place for holding the next an-
nual convention. •
The usual grant of $100 towards
prizes in the dairy- department of
the Western Fair will be continued
this year. In addition, the board
this year recommended a grant of
$50 to the Industrial Fair, Toronto,
toward • prizes for dairy products.
r This amount will probably be sup-
• plemented by a Iike amount from
• the Eastern Dairymen's Association.
It was decided to hold the next
annual convention on .Jan. 6, 7 and
8, 189(, in the town of Woodstock.
This date is somewhat earlier than
previous ones, but was selected so
that the convention would interfere
less with the institute and dairy
school work during January, and
allow more time for local meetings.
II DIr. la. W. Hodson, Guelph, super-
intendent of the Farmers' Institutes
of the Province, was present and ad-
dressed the meeting at some length,
with the view of securing the co-oper-
ation of the association in holding a
dairy show in connection with the
Pat Stock Show at Guelph in Decem-
ber, and in holding a series of joint
dairy and institute meetings during
the winter. He also desired that if
possible the association would hold
its annual convention during the
7\. month of December.
The board expressed itself as
being willing, as far as possible, to
co-operate with Mr. Hodson in his
work, and arranged as early a date
for their next convention as was
deemed advisable under the circum-
stances. The other matters referred
to by Mr. Hodson were left to the
exeeutive committee to deal with. '
Mr. T. B; Millar, dairy -instructor
• and inspector for the association, was
also present. He will give instruc-
tion to makers. at the Northwood,
Bright and Elma factories this
The Building (folnmittec of the Mrs. West of Grand Valley, spent very good. The concert was given
House of Refuge, consisting of Meseta. Easter with ber parents, Mr, itnd ethttl•eh by J. r d. Bingham
Silber, McEwen, dolt, McDonald, Mrs. Robert Duncan. ----Miss Aunio and Mr. I,eun" ' yonng aahhateurs' 01
Cook and Kerr, met at Clinton Tues- Stowe, who has been visiting ill town. Mr. l:d. Bingham s sentimen-
day of hast week. Inspector Cham- (aoderieb spent Plaster in Blucvai tai sang; were heartai% encored; •Jtv k
berlain was unable to attend. °I'he (teColnl)atlic l l)y* lhel' Cousin, Miss eeil"a " magic wand " (?fl tilled this
rules and regulations to govern 11Iag„ie Stotve, of (Io(iericll.- Hiss magician to pertain n: unique
officers and inmates in connection Annie Corbett has returned to I3lue- sleight of hand Performances] Dir.
with the Home were gone carefully vale, alter a long • stay with a sick I Lennox is quite at Immo in the ernale
over. Salaries were recommended relative ir. Atw(lod, Miss Maggio
sphere. It was a regul:lr Iiialc:Lpuo
as follows :—Inspector, who is to Hartley, who is teaching near Varnit, entertainment, The boys did re-
visit the House once a Week, x.100 re -
anti Mr. Fred. Hartley, who is attend- markably web in their first at-
annum ; Deeper, $250 ; Matron, I Ing Clinton high School, spent their tempt.
$150. In addition they to receive ( holidays at the Manse. ---Miss aiaggie -
board, rooms, medicalattendance, Burgess is recovering from a bad
&e. Pliysletan, *150, he to supply ;attack of la grippe. --Misses Lizzie At her home in St1' atfu(•cl, on Mon -
all necessary medicines and make
weekly visits, or oftener if required,
These rules will bo printed at once
and a copy supplied to each Reeve
and .Deputy, also to each applicant
London. wife
and Belle Nichol have returned from ay moi of Da, Dg. asliay, t, ,Re;gistrar,net ].io;;dieel sd inon,
Listowel Banner: Although it is the 68th year of her age. Mrs. Hay,
past the usual season we have not who bad enjoyed the blessing of
received the usual annual detailed Ood health almost ail her life, ie -
for any of the positions, and will be report from the cheese factories inserved a stroke of paralysis seven
adopted at the .June County Council this district. We notice, however, weeks ago and gradually grew
With any necessary , amendments.that the Bluevale factory for the year 1 weaker till the end came. During
Tenders were received from three 1894 made an excellent showing in the last three weeks she was unable
firms fob' awindmill and a 50 footthe price obtained for their product. to speak, though apparently con -
tower. After examining the various ,The average for the season was ; serous at times. Deceased was the
offers it was decided to accept the:10 1-10 cents, and this although the second daughter of the late John
Gould, Shepley & Muir Co's. offer factory did nt start until the middle Rogerson, of Innisfil, and was born
from Brantford, 10 foot wheel and of May, and the earlier cheese •sold in Dumfries, Scotland, in 1828. She
tower, at $95. An order was also higher. The company and their was quite young when her people
given to Jacob Miller, Clinton, for a efficient salesman, Mr. Wm. Messer, came to Canada and settled in In -
pump with galvanized piping and a are to be congratulated upon the re- nisfil township, county of Silncoe,
Parker cylinder, to cost $27. The sult. Ont Here she was married in 1851
above figures cover the necessary , —
work. in putting these articles in 1
their proper place, a year's guarantee
being given . as to satisfaction in : On Monday the Misses Kelly- left break in her own family and in her
working. The House of Refuge, i here on a visit to Detroit.—On ' Mon- father's family as well,all her brothers now under coarse of erec- day Mr. Miles Kelly left here for and sisters being yet alive. She
tion, will be 44x120 feet, with wing , Chatham for the purpose of attending loaves a family of five sons, Russell
20x28 fent, all 21- stories high. Base-: a business college. —On Monday R., William J., and Warren H., of
ment ceiling will be 8 feet ; 1st and evening our fire company and engine Listowel, James F., of Melita, Man.,
and story 10 foot ceilings. White was out for practice.—Divine service and Duncan D., of Sti.atford; and "Mantle Making a Specialty. Latest Styles and Perfect Fit.
to Mr. Hay and in 1854 came to this
place with the first permanent settle-
ment arra Hay's death is the first
well-known former resident of this {'�`
place, died at his home in Ayr, last
week. Dir. McMillan, for a number
of years carried on the mercantile
business here.
Ras. decided to open a Dress and Mantle
Making business at her home, No. 83,
Edward street, Wingham. near Baptistchurch. Cutting and fitting a specialty. •
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wishes to intimate
purchased. the
POWD . "a
Cure $IQ? HFALIP O IE and T;euealgia' -
lu 20 I. lNUTE2, tp r C ted TU,�r 1.•, nizar•
n,•ss, lieu,usnuEc. N.un'n the S:+ta, <'nn sq,attap -
Tt pi ,i Liver. P.4 i)r at.,. ' ' u . rt'r..1 and
regt.uto the SOn., .s. VI;i:Y !VICE: To TAKE.
Pndca< .'C Qi? r.^, a'i• DRuci Oroses,
ess (Ian g .
Late of Toronto,
to the Ladies of Wingham and vicinity that lie has
so successfully carried on by Mrs, herdsman for so Many years, and has
entered into possession of the same. She will keep a well -selected stock of
Millinery Goods, consisting of
in all the latest novelties.
will also contain a varied assortment of
to choose from.
brick will be used in the 16 inch' was held on Good. Friday evening in four daughters, Mrs. George Climie,
walls and a slate roof put on. The Trinity church.—Good Friday was ot Montreal, and Lillie, Elizabeth
height to peak of roof will be 42 observed here as a general holiday.-- and Nellie living at home in Strat-
feet. A lease was signed for the use On Saturday evening the phonograph ford. The family removed from
of the 50 acre farm for season by Mr. concert held in the basement of St. Listowel to Stratford ten years
Plumsteel, and the agreement with Andrew's church was very well ago, Mrs. W. G. Ilay is asister
Mr•. Mc Beth for the new barn also patronized. Proceeds over $14.—On of the deceased. Her other
completed. Chairman I:ilber was Sunday morning Mr. John Wilford brothers and sisters, except one, still
•1 d t eet Ins ector Cham- occupied the pulpit in the Methodist live in Sihncoe county. The remains '
By keeping nothing but the best of goods, and giving prompt and
careful attention to the wants of her customers, she hopes to merit a con-
tinuanee of the patronage so generously extended •to her predecessor.
REMEMBER THE PLACE—Mrs. Herdsman's old stand, Josephine street,
Apprentices Wanted. MISS McP1IERSON.
gut aor:ze o m p l
berlain at Clinton when that gentle- church. — Holy communion was were brought to Listowel at noon on
man sees fit to come. Reeve Me- celebrated in Trinity church un Wednesday and the funeral took ;
Murchie who is it member of the Easter Sunday morning.—Our new place from her eldest son's residence
Committee, was too ill to be present. butcher, Mr. Chowen, commenced on Dodd street to I''airview eemetery
—Brussels Post; business on Saturday in Thos. Jones' and was attended by many of her
old stand on Dinsley street. --Mr. F. friends of former days and citizens
Killers Require Long, Thin -Hull- J. McCaughey intends opening out of the town. Her brothers, Richard
ed White Oats. . shortly in the grocery business in the and William Rogerson. of Innisfil,
A meeting of the Oatmeal Millers,- stand on Queen street formerly oecu- find her sister, Mrs. liusaie, of Barrie,
of Ontario, was held at Toronto, on pied by Heffron Bros., butchers.— were among the relatives present.—
March 29th, to consider the best Denstedt Bros., hardware merchants, In Kincardine, on Tuesday morning
means for securing suitable oats- for. are having the materal laid down on of last week, Jane, relict of the late
Milling and of improved quality. To their lot on Westmoreland street for Thomas Large, died at the residence
make a first class article of rolled building a nice brick rest- of her daughter, Mrs. Ira S. Fisher,
oats it is necessary to have oats of dent during the coming summer.— aged 83 years and ten months. The
the same size and shape, and experi- Miss Annie Hamilton, teacher of deceased was the mother of Mr.
week. cute
hulled, plump grain is the most suit- holidays with her parents in town. been living with her daughter, Mrs.
able. The consumption of rolled ' —Miss. Maggie McKellar left on Fisher, of Kincardine, for a number
- AN OCEAN RACE. The oats is rapidly increasing in Canada, Wednesday morning for Sarnia, of years. i. he remains were brought
to Great Britain, Germany, Denmark —By the assessor's returns Blyth has nesday and the funeral took place at
and other nations in Europe, and it increased in population daring the two o'clock Thursday afternoon to
is the desire and purpose of Canadian 1 past year from 913 to 987,• an in- the old cemetery. The remains
oatmeal millers to largely increase crease of 71 for the year, were accompanied by the Rev. Jas.
the export trade with these countries 1
has shown that a long, thin Brumfield, has been spending her Jacob Large, of this town, and has
NEW YORK, April 14.—The steam-
ship Paris, of the American line, was
moored at her dock yesterday after
encountering and being defeated by
the Lutanun
ist of G1ae Card line, in
an ocean ;'ace. The Pai'is left
Southampton at noon on Saturday
last Sit hours later the great ship,
quantity is being sent where she will make her future home. to her son's residence here on Wed -
Livingstone, who as -est -ad in the fnn-
and with that object in view they IIAItRISTON; oral services.. --Wm. McMullan, a
I1o1V ask the co-operation of farmers' , y visiting ._-..._...__. -..r ...
bass .Jennie Meiiedd is
and grain dealers, Farmers can f ; ` d P• 1 DIr -Tn mac Die.
materially increase the whole value' t len sin ars e3 .—
of the oat crop in Canada by giving' Murchie, principal high school, left
for Toronto on ruesdav morning to
once the undisputed- queen of the careful attention to securing the best attend the Provincial Teachers Con
ocean, passed the Scilly islands. On varieties of well -cleaned seed that i vent]o r. r• Science Mas
Tuesday the leviathan Lucania was will be suitable for oatmeal milling., ter, is .-Mug friends i.n Forest, i
looming above the horizon to The varieties now in general use
espied best adapted for milling - Miss Alexander, of Oshawa, spent'.
the westward, but astern of the p' are the Ihn- her Easter holidays visiting at Digs.
Paris. From that moment the decks proved American, Banner and Acs- Alexander's.—Mr. Wm. Fyfe, of
of the racing liners were black with tralian or white .Russianbut anyformally High School'
e, variety will do that will yield well your town, g
excited passengers. All steam was y here, ere s
put on, and the two ships forged and,is a long,. plump and thin -hulled student ' p eat Sunday in town. grain. Graindealers,bi
white, an. y• Cupid, we fear, will soon have hint
through the tranquil sea as fast as with her darts.—Dir, 1� nt.
their propellers could drive them. keeping separate the thick and thin- slain with
*, carriage darts.—Mr.
Newry i
' ' •11 obtain f •ern P S g �, :
the high School students are away;
r millers a higher price for the latter. was in town on Saturday Most of •;
knots, and the Lucania u40.
On that day the Paris made 507 hulled vahlett(s W
Slowly bat steadily the Lucania CULROSS. 1 for their well-earned vacation. The
kept pushing ahead and gaining on Messrs. Geo. and Henry Mayers test examination reduced some con-
the Paris and at midnight she was shipped a car load of potatoes to sidcrably in avoidupois, while a num-
slightly in the lead, Signals were Pittsburgh, Pensylvannia, last week. ber fainted by the way and were not
reexchanged, and many wagers were Mr, Geo, McEvers accompanied the able to fight it through.—•(.*CO.
!..i rade on board the Paris as to the ear,—The school house in No, 9 will 8, Spotten was in town over Sunday.
result of the contest for supremacy undergo considerable repairs, a new George is greatly interested in one of
• as to speed on the ocean, The two roof and ceiling will be put on. --Mr, the junior forms of our Public School
,, great giantesses of the sea were G. A. Pringle was at the IC. 0. T. m. bf late. --The Good Templars are
beautifully illuminated, and the convention at Sarnia, last week, doing a noble work here among the
Paris' commander, Capt. Watkins, representing Evergreen Tent.. young men. Some who were looked
said that he never saw a scone equal on as confirmed tiplers have signell
• to it, as the moon shed her silver TELSWAP.1 It. the pledge and. are sticking to it like
light on the tranquil sera. The tuitrl et square bill lints been heroes, although, we are sorry to say,
The Lueania was lost to the view passed by the Ontario Legislature.,some have tried to induce them to
of the Paris at 3.:30 en Wednesday The square can now be sold, but the break it. ---Mr. Alex. Moore, our en -
morning, and arrived at midnight on proceeds are to be devoted to the terprising ,jeweller, was united in the
Frida • night, five hours in advance purchase of a park, fair ground or - holy bonds of matrimony to Miss
of tiro Paris, and the great race was public library. ---Messrs. Gillies & Jessie Waddell, on Thursday last, at
over. Notwithstanding this the two Martin have so]d the flax mill to 7 p, an., . in the presence of a few of
steamers left quarantine within 80 Mcssra. Stumpf, Zcttle & ()Meisel., their near relatives. They left on
• minutes or each other, and the Paris who have taken possession and will the G. T. R. for Owen Sound the
•landed her passengers an hour rain the business to its full capacity. same evening. They intend visiting
earlier than the Lucania. The industry will give employment 1 Toronto, Montreal and other places
When steaming at top speed the , to a good number of hands and will !ere returning. We wish them a
Paris consumed 350 tons of coal aa certainly prove beneficial to 'the ! pleasant journey and a happy future,
day, while the Lucania burned 550. village and the surrounding •country. t ---'.Che concert given by the Young
moriosiln asr'
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. Tho many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by maoro promptly
adapting the world's best products to
tiro needs of physical being, will attest
the valuo to health of the puro liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs,
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect Jaz-
*calve ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
riot with the approval, of tho medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
noy s, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Pis is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California rig Syrup
Co.. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the nano, Syrup of Figs.
a:1 being well informed, you will not
ace.4,6 any substitute is offered. 4
It is now nearly twelve months, since we first opened up our doors, un-
der the present management. At that time, when we announced our inten-
tion of doing a• -
The knowing ones looked very wise, and declared it could not be done in
Wingham, but we have proven clearly, not only to ourselves, but to the
public at large, that it can be done in Wingham. We have had many
years experience. in the LONG CREDIT SYSTEiI, under every existing
condition, and pronounce it a failure every time. Now after one year's
experience -of the CASH SYSTEM, and that in -a time of great depression,
we have come out on top, and pronounce it a success. We have in the past
by keenly watching the markets of the world, carefully studying the wants
of our customers, small profits, and close attention to business, succeeded in
our aim, in placing good Goods within the reach of all. We are happy to
state, that this year we are in a much better position than ever to give
you the benefit of close buying. Now before STOCK TAKING, and in
order to make room for SPRING GOODS, we will, during the remaining
days of our financial year, make SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in prices; all
FUR and HEAVY GOODS will go, REGARDLESS 01? COST. It will pay
you well to call on us during the next THIRTY DAYS and see what CASH
BUYING and cash selling will do for you.
FROM 5 cts. ia.. / YARD UP.
From 4 -ets. per yard. up.
' A Choice Stock of Men's and `boys'
Direct Importation.
A Call Solicited.