The Wingham Times, 1895-04-19, Page 2PROFEE!l'OR i,LA CI IIE. .1. t.ti:I:'If'II. The iollowin;, sketch of 1'1'u1. Mackie, wlltis(+ crc ?lit death httS r(', movec1 tine t.f the kindliest and most cultured person:llitil,s from English Literottuie i l ):alien from Mr. harry IltLwy''`> 'lllt?rtaitt, it xlltt'1'w IC'\\' 1)\111 is of Innelt iutt';'+': There is priaeilas ilr> name better known i12 the world v;' literature and learning than t?tai c , John Stuart Blackie. There la always emelt C0111'h t•.l i.t1 a •its and spCP.itl:ttiull regarding the lit, and habits of xylan who won fame ('within the Pude., of his (•i1.: roam znel the serreund- ing„ (., .., highly , i;'.•lc. It i, from a (l beta point (ii' vi(`tt' that' .'thy t:'!., • Prof. `717()'1->".('. T Rlt+�(, . •,.t t7i ;( ltitti in .:din- bt'i , . tlj1. .'1 fl to'al char, ,.('n .I'c'(1 tt, l.1'( :.'ee very Tree • .. ea r relined, eultnre, heart:. , :(..(l D`t 1..'^. S•!,!11it,li and lin- , .3.1 i•?, lits trill nest,. ,:, _,. i+.es dilate tat the .., .. (3t ..t• e:1,.ri..I .,.1=1:1(1'11 thei.�:�" and ti L I2 111tH Di; hteieg ra )1El' t:• fees; 'alto :ringing an S. . •1. . alio t'. , 't '9111 • .:(.x I),l.e.=+l ,.t.a"t,,fat3 t1.1C1'311taI v boa tl''4' eeti`"lesa(illy above the 2'egu- la.tioi, f.t!'. 1lt `iv,c;`1 bands with--'1iC'l tl`t1410 lr',>';, ! I lUfessUl JU11n 1' llbnli. „ l ''i 'joke, r it shelved :end in tho'e clays Professor not Been to the top e.)1 and rye n1') me aril then (.'..Ia.s. =tu.d to 5112,.. \rhes thiswas c, odoubt but that 1",1 could do it now— lie telt' me of his career, and .:t certain confusion of the ethical and Blackie said that be was working:' I with a but bythe way.' sandwiched between hi, anecdotes the aesthe.ticai which sometimes one his moral life. This disturbed `g •> ' -' seemed to near tile soundness of his his studies OS he ave his whole •- ,;.� •,_., Snatelteti of b,.)I,, ani, pithy quota; 1 g -a '-V tion; and so it went on all through judgment in platters of art.' 1 thoughts to devotional meditation. u?`t✓• a the day. If 311': i, 'worried fora: We looked it the portrait of Dr. When it eazneTo the clistril�titioii of A Lady Saved. sentelice or troubled for a rhyme he Guthrie. prizes, John Wilson told him that he; walks about the. rt,om humming. 'I 'He was an intimate friend of could not give him one for be had f met, WAS A BURDEN A.ND ALL i1I:11E- ' t r splendid as me ca' alt']UL1<>1t S THE WINGU-UA TIMES, APRIL j, lf..1 \Tackle, as we ereased to the window three went to .Aberdeen. My father (teY of probebly one of the most anti looked. Out upon the C'orstorpllitle , was a bOrtk'1'lnan -tt Kelso lad -- and funlo iia al7cedotes told 0{' any luau. ,bili, with it greed fir trees and was the first agent of the Co2nnlereial 1Wl'la has not heard the story ?' It; is strained our eyes to catch 11 view of Bank of Scotland ill Aber'detu,wllere to the effect that (me day Professor the distant< hills of 1'vfi �'lbuskin, it started in 1"1' Vit. I went to sehool Mackie 'eallsec1 a merit'(' to he �t 1'ittelt i u' ") and intense there :.beld))11U111s have produced 011 the blackboard of the class -room who wile a man f deep n z 1 feeling would lift you up in delight -10e best Latin scholars in Scotland, st:1t1)1e that 'Professor Iila('ki(? will ful imagination a4 easily' as he would I have to 11(1111it to heldgtiflogged by 1101 Ill('('t 1(114 ctasse:i tn-)illi',' 1'\7\1)7 ' ;:torr runt; that; a wa" • of a t 0(101(1 drop pm. again to the ordinary level ; my father. Once 1011 telling 1t lie, id' In. Ruskin was to small edition Aly atltlt insisted on pouring' down (,f Cariyie ---hut he was a delicate' my throat some broth that 1 didn't t:11d dainty edition.' I will talk of like, I didii't go to school but went Carlyle by'-1tr.(1.hy. Well, .n(ne' and sulkily hid myself and seta that forty ye•u's ago I was walking with 1I had been. to school I was flogged. entering F(11)11 after very nllai)i(1I ruhbed off the letter 6. 'Telt the l'rofe sal himself teetering and toeing the obliteration or the (' immediately proceeded. to wipe out tli.e 1, ! Ruakin down Princess street and he i The second 0000Sion was for calling It: t' not tree, hi'S 1101 t.i'ii ? !' ex - was IOOkin,g up at the old town the servant girl names. I Wa4 flog - (thuiued the I toffs ot, dramatically " Ilk!\) rises up before von, `11`heo I • ged for that, and quite fight, t(1(>, rising' from lila chair 1\111 striking �t'all; along 111is grand stret't,' 11'. • .15 0 boy 1 1VtiS always antagonistic his fist on rile Wile, " , •glut, 1111' ticlt id sirs. > snit\, 1 :111 :11waYs glad When I (�,=m to sehoo1 tights. I ngilism had no T, said Mackie, oeld 0) the ('2'(4ss ,tr04•i s for then 1 leek 01); fascination for 111e. I well reme (':,4111 t'.( tv(M'k$ ('t' 11:(111 to the wr4r1:, bet' a lad, over 14uu10 14111(1! sc:uttla1 of (''1'.i. "his remark, no dent it !saying to me: '111'(1! yon fig;'nt?' a1 ' !saying :, • about bel neck kissed her. Then he was ?Il,tlitt'<1 be t1t( "(�i11.'r1l1 tameness 11'('p1Ie11, 'hilt I will Dil'a0eli yl)ll i t �• e;riet1 ti"otoualt a:. 1x. Inok(.kl otlt at and. le,tln3,t.,t:y' (at't1 t .�tlt'et (it'('![it('e- 3d()ivlt, and ltlintC'(lli7t('ly (1211 It with , , ' , ,, t1 ', rot (.:114 111 1'.(>0il>atl•!.rh 1 .ut in: glut ft1'pittu:;e. I went:to eoik('g4. ata i1 +'tl,•h:+r: 1t,- ;.>111 ; to be 2a L' 11>l.:0, ::t the :Lillie olon i1((? newitwelve and won a scholarship for' lx:ltltiiitl afr(•r11tt(,n. 1'11 go (.nt. 171))'2( (,Z 1`(III11id1'gll was !)11111. Tea,' Latin, bat as the gift was intended1 I ti 10 In {l\(' minutes 110 was ' , really 80(1 seleeh'd 000 out of twenty •r '4 1'> :�' fur 1 ( 1 .111?, l t ;in• 11, y't,t7 1. t yC! ii., oust, Nu1 4:y, t. (. - , n('d it 1.t111i1ti°' St1cIL (. '1 still do my three ),`12' 1lres which are 11':)W prinetpie pastime in tlior'4. (LAYS\\':15 .1 miles • t 01 low: mile, a day, but there wit4 a. x :.-illg all al(117'ti, the, street; t0 vary tllL? 'golf Which 11'(1 used. to 1Jlily 011 the )11\07 1Vlitia 1 lived 111 Obiln when I monotony <)f the vri<'fnai three -storied •:111crclr•Pu linin. I remained at cel- ; ' ' ' e:)uld rn4) (Irl' for a fortnight':( )walk o1• houses ?' No, said he, I hate high lege. till I was tar when I went to what t'( 'The Ono 16t1ueltocall, ! nc hirt 1(311.•0.;,' 'Why?' said I. 'Because,' � Edinburgh lvhe'r c I wvas for two said 10, 'they are bad for people with • ;):ears attending a special disc ender , , , ,• , high mountain ha Scotland that I've That any tyro mothers will ever •• Expedition,' 11711,, there's not a o You Supposaa IThat man is such an inferior creature after 011 ? That the person who chews guns .publie is la lady? 'That this world was made for 1 your special 110ileflt Y That you would lift really' happy if you had everything you want ? Tliat your baby buy is really the brightest child ever born? That we will all wear immense bustles again if fashion commands it? That the troubles you worry over 81'>' 1111-1f as serious a, you think tt:e11I? That St. Valentine was selected as the patron of all •lover's because he lost his head Thttt 0110 professions Will 1101p 111 1111101 if our lives di) not conic up to thein ? That all education of mind and heart makes a woman. any less the good housekeeper ? That 1ve can give money to the Lord acceptably, while our legal debts remain unpaid ? am a motive ani)nal he says. Some )nine,' said he Plofesso , `asp1e1 did only 11litten single c 6 v,! DIES r means 2ILL> U. 11 IT AVIS times he will sit' down at the piano in humorist and a true Scotchman. Ile it was a remarkably good one, On i TRIED, NOW DIGESTION IS PER - the drawing-roula at night and the' overflowed with 'humor'. One Sun- hearing this young; Blackie burst into FEOT, AND HE#LT(z H is RETURN- 111118i0 ET(sra - music tempts the Muse. Again when day he had been up at Inverness tears. rhymes arerare, lie will make an, assisting at the' sacrament, On the > • Ile afterwards studied in Germany Deals Sirs, --Until lately: 114ut'fered excursion in the heart of some glor-: Monday there was a meeting and and Pomo and WES called to the bar, • continually from iloadache caused by ious glen or try the mountain path,' the Doctor happened tobe particular- hut finally at thirty found los talent Constipation, which rendered n'1y lite a and on his return he brings a poem' ly merry. There was one man in for the bar was small, so gave it tip. hoyden oe myself :and to others. sifter 1 11',(1;,1' doctors and rempdieR without 1 with him which is immediately trans -,the front seat whit et ed the Doctor In 1>`a•11 he was :appointed to tic, number and with no good results, I was ferred to paper. .and this, be it re-; with great gravity, and, as he gave Chair of' Latin Literature in Marese- advised to try B. B, 13. 1 u1.w rejoiee Inembered, is the doings of one of i out joke after joke his face •became : hall College, Aberdeen. The world plat I did ed, fore two bottles have con,- ptetety cosec( mo. 1 now eat well. anti the fathers of Scotland who can put graver still. Wilen the meeting was in a substantia claim to eighty-five; over he went up to Guthrie with a birthdays.. I found him sitting at . fearfully solemn face and said : 'Alt! his table in one of his studies. The Dr. Guthrie; Dr. Guthrie, if it hadn't table is just by the window looking been for the grace of God you might into the garden. Ile wore a long, have been a splendid comic actor: bine coat, Picturesquely. fastened 'Ah g that portrait is of Norman around the waist with a red silk sash. He had on a very broad linen- collar,. with a long, black cravat, loosely tied, negligently banging down. On the Sabbath. The churell, in Skye itis head was a fine broad -rimmed is some fifteen or 'twenty miles from Panama hat—an excellent assistance the parish, and one bright and glor- to the retention of good sight—and ious summer day a grave. old elder. he has never worn a pair of speeta- and young man of happier incline - cies in his Iife. Strange to say, too, tions set out to walk this distance. until the morning of my- visit he has As it was Sunday' they walked on needed no medical advice for over for some miles without speaking a thirty years. Ile is patriarchal in word. to each ether. At last the in appearance with classical features young man had to speak. and long, pure white hair which 'It's a verra fine day,' he observed, ,reaches to his shoulders. He has all quietly. the vitality of a young man. A trip `The old elder \coked at hitt, and alone to Constantinople at the age of with a gravity sufficient to silence eighty-two is a good record. He anybody, replied : ; 'Yes, it is t1 fine attributes his robust health. to the day, but is this a day to be talking fact that he has always read and about days?' thought, worked and lived on a Professor Blackie told me an anec- • system. IIc rises at 7.30 and break- dote of himself and the Sabbath. .fasts. The horning is occupied in Some years ago he Was lecturing in work and correspondence. The open Glasgow on a Sunday. His subject .air claims him for two hours every was 'The Philosophy of Love,' and day before dinner and ' Morpheus for' he directed the attention of his hear - an hour after the midday meal, and ers to the love songs of Scotland. In no bald work after nine. Unless he his fervor, he burst out singing a has a lecture or other engagement Scotch ballad, 'Let ns haste to Kelvin the evening finds Ilim playing a Grove, bonnie lasste, oh 1' It had an McLeod. Ile told .me a story once which well illustrates :the . severity .with which the Scotch people regard knows his works and successful, efforts to better the condition of Ms fellow creatures too well for the sub- ject to call for lengthy remarks here. His books are extensively read, the two which have . the largest sale being 'Self -Culture' and the 'Life of Burns.' In the dining -room I met Mrs. Blackie—a woman of great culture and great kindness.: She has been a wifely help to her husband for more than fifty years. Even to -day, when her husband writes her a letter,' he calls her 'Oki,' a Greek word which means `swift.' A word was whisper- ed across the table--`Cariye.' 'I knew Carvlc intimately,' Professor Blackie, said, 'but I was not one of his out and out worshippers at all, His work MMS to arouse the world, but I was wide awake and required no rousing, I thought him somewhat despotic and tyrannical; though, mark you, he possessed extraordin- ary pictorial p0weriand was 0 good Scotehlnan. I admired his genius and perhaps his bark was worse than his bite. He was hard-hearted and hated sinners, He called here once just when the great .noise was going on about the convicts' being under- fed. He began talking about them, 'Pule fellows, puir fellows 1' he said, ' 'give them brown soup and a foot- stool and kick them to the devil.' 'Carlyle was a great talker and he game of backgammon with his wife, electrical effect upon his hearers, but would talk, talk, talk, and never and he opens the door of his bed -room oh ! the shock, the terrible shock, it give one a chance to contradict his just as his Bleck is striking 12. occasioned on the . morrow ! A few assertions. I have it habit ---one of System governs every hour of • the ; days afterwards • he received an many years standing—of going to day and two unapproachable mottoes • annonynlous cai'ictiture of himself. London once every ,v ar. I always govern 've • , . , It represent; a certain one—shall he called on Carlyle at Chelsea ener- �,ove, every y 2tit,y (,Illf,'1t of tris. life., I i Y , ;; Yau cannot cevie t letter f z him `'be mildly referred to *as Mephisto ally oil Sunday evening One tight my digestion is perfect. I believe there is no remedy equal Ito B. 13. 13., and T re- commend it to all sufferers. Dia ADJUTOa LACIaAx`ICI7, Oharlesburg, Que. On Bad Handwriting. One. of the lost important things for boys or girls to learn to do is to write plainly, so that those who have t to read what they write are left in no doubt as to their meaning. Several amusing stories of the embarrassment which has followed not learning to write legibly are told. One of these is of a Massachusetts b] 1 y a u e g•, m n who nearly got himself into a peck of trouble because of the bad quality of his handwriting. It was more than a century ago that this` clergyman had occasion to address a letter to the General Court of Massachusetts upon some subject of great interest at that time. When the letter was received the Court ordered the clerk to read it. and were filled with wrath at what appeared to be these words in open- ing: "I address you not as magistrates, ` but as Indian devils." "What 1" they cried, "Read that over again. Hew does .lie address tis Ayr. Gelit11!ta • -+17(,)(1(1 you like to taiLe 0 ellen('(' iU Il loth'\•,', Miss Over'. age' ? Mi.•ti Overige (blushing) ---- This Is so sudden, sir ! --Yonkers State>.ivay.. )Karl's ('(80'>')' 'Root, 11,1 (414'at 131o04 p3.>((13.'(' �I"•r. ,!•:l,tu••,,. ua,l1.144:(t>i'> to t13n (:,•r .\'•1''434 1, 1.! ,•klrl•:1 t.:4;1;R'It>at:1Pn, '.2, oto,,:+at (•i,- ^ r. :31,1.) :tt i.ltish011I1'a ()err, 1• t .,•, ';:( 0,- " ,•, "1)1,a't roll t0el :tfynicl to let your wife div+' :l}:ii horse? ll.lt!3ban(1 — N'o, not 8''.: 1(11 the 1.eople know how t(3 dot\ge trill, 0, her wiry, have the same ideas about the bring ing up of' children That men really believe one-half of the " smart " things they write , about women ? That your granddaughter will simile at your finery as you do at your grandmother's ? mi' r'(al 1i:>.'•• 1> s, n 81."'i1: x (e 1.4>:1,", . �, i 3>('8,0 f a 1.>r ' {r{;ar4^(!i?S Gyri ' ,,:3 *fat :1:12:rcit;;;; riy),^];h a 6: L'.' ,,L tt,: tri'. t. ,e...l4'L u 1 ti l•1:1 Te1,•,v...:, nrarcm.t8C:,0.r.33�'Co. „1hl.!> i. • r). x1' Bt, g-t•to,rr,a sen 1r>� .,1'.e+f1•^..1i,--;aid,hli„a.I11.,,44, 3att`re, d»op. TI�mft.eil'e t';}t 1'l , u.a 1 ,'. h ,rood , tc ••+, 4>:.d :. c: mdrrf,d 3 4, 4i e.. 1 on.'c 1,nd a 11>I.,'otl:at 11133" xv:d l,e:. i.:411,1,3 x3 r x` 11 o s) C•, .4 4 1'r. • 1,V4( t a nn (Remit spiv,: to n) 411;a1 hett,ra e.1' 'i v.-_ . (' 133'o C$i9. t OW iu. t' HDAL Mi i CA11 ell,110., Apr.1,'8. 2)1' 11 S "rvnnti, Ct. Pea, R1',v-•I Have used several bottles of yea. 3, ,141i. (>4.av(11 Cure''>vtth much Mattes;(. 1 tl;iut: it the beat Liniment I over us0d, Iazre tv>- )o4'c4o,ee 0nrb, tote 81and t(p,tvtti mxa wird two (bete Npt,vhto. clava recommended It to >; averal of ,ny Tr e1880 c^1( 1 �c much pleasCd with cud !beep it, ltespc tfn11Y, 1S. It. its', F. 0. Tos"`15. 1'o: