The Wingham Times, 1895-04-12, Page 7r
Planting and Caring for Young wooden vessel, or hi the barrel on .) "Mr, Scrimple," says the magnate
Trees in an Ppple Orchard, which the force pump, is mounted. f to the rising young lawyer, "I want
To do this quickly hang it in a little !to make use of your valuable ser -
cotton bag so that it will be just be -1- vices." "Very well, sir," said Scrim -
low the surface of the natm' in the pie, as he grasped at the joyous
barrel. In another vessel stead ° the prospect of a first brief ; "what can
lune, using plenty of water, then I do for you ?" "A firm whiell conl-
PRtINING. One of the first things strain it through a hit of coarse sack- peter with my douse," replied the
to be considered in pruning a young ing into the barrel containing the magnate, firmly, "is about to bring
•orehard is the height at which the copper sulphate, Fill the barrel a damage suit against lie, and I
beads should be started. Solve pre. with water. . want you to get them to engage
ler low heads and others high heads.. It the lime is fresh and pure it you as their attorney."
Either extreme should be avoided. should neutralize all the acid in the
c'()NCI+TJIIEI) )'ROM (r1'1 DACE,
over the ground as far out as the
roots extend..
".r to four and a half feet is copper sulphate solution. To test;
aced the Warning.
.a convenient height for apple trees. if this be the case, add to a small The common sad ever peasant warn
To have them all alike eut them sainple of the lnixtnre a drop Or two w0iiltaeykidney
l uy yank
(' ucae.quicisivt4relievecdj
back when young to the desired of ferrocyanide of potassium. If the by llr. Chasa'v P,III. The ori ui:tt tared
height. Three branches are enough lime is insufficient, this drop, when only '25 cent Kitiney•l.river Poly When
to leave to start the head, Space
these evenly, and direct new growth
whenever necessary by cutting back
to a bad pointing in the direction
you wish the new branch to take.
The Ideal pruning consists rather ha
directing growth than in cutting out
what has grown. Thin out the new
'shoots as may bo required to keep
the head from becoming too crowded,
Out out any branches that cross or
rub eaeh other, and keep the top
added, lvill turn brown. In that all other remedies fail, they cure.
case lime-w'atel` must be added until The gold -beating industry is
the test gives no brown coloration. threatened with extinction by the
T1 s- 13x•1 ati t • ' ' 1 '
. t L titiX let( (4114. t 14 Sloan process of preparing
Paris green may with advantage be %This consists of deposit, I_
gold thin
applied together, thus furminr;' a coating of gold upon a copper s ace
combined fungicide and insecticide.p ep
To do so add 4 ozs of Paris green to and then dissolving the base by Bub-
a barrel of the mixture. mission to perchloride of iron. It is
X111 of those mixtures should be stated that the leaf may by . this
applied in the form of a very fine means be made of the thickness of
spray. The "Vermorel" and "Mc- 1 J,000,000th part of an inch.
symmetrical by cutting back Gowan" nozzles have so far been Iielis)t in. six hours. -Distressing
branches growing too fast in any found to be the most effective and nay and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the Greut South Ameticau J id -
particular direction, as they are often economical for this work. These ney Cure." This great rernedy is a great
inclined to do on the leeward side. may be attached to any good, strong surprise and delight to physicians on ac -
If an orchard is pruned regularly
every year, as it should be, there
need be no necessity for cutting out
large limbs, and the pruning at any
time will be very light. Light prun-
ing may be done at any time during
the summer, but for the general,
annual pruning, this had better be A well -drained, deep,o has just been completed by some
,done early in spring before the c , open,
,growth starts. clayey loam is best. Bombay jewelers. It is not larger
PROTDCTING THD TRUNKS PROM 3. Work the land deeply and well than a two anna bit (about the size
Iioi ui s. One of the most destructive previous to planting. of a clime), and has the most perfect
force pump, of which a number of count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
in„ pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
Canadian males ' may be found every part of the urinary passages in male
advertised in the agricultural and ana female. It relieves retention of water
hortieultilral journals. and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief ar, d cure this is
SUMMARY. your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
1. For an orchard,- select, if pOs- store.
sible, high land with a northern or -
northeastern exposure. The smallest watch in the world
insects to newly transplanted trees is
the flat -headed apple tree borer.
The mature insect is an active. little
beetle, nearly half an inch long,
which lays its eggs on the bark of
the trees, generally on the southwest
side. When the egg hatches the
4. Plant far enough apart that jeweled lever movement and a fully -
trees will not touch when full grown. compensated chronometer balance.
5. The hexagonal arrangement of
trees in an orchard admits of 15 per
cent. more trees per acre than on the
square,. without a bit more crowding.
f3, To secure proper. fertilization
larva eats its way through the bark of blossoms,'avoid planting too large
where it feeds upon the sap -wood,
sometimes entirely girdling the tree.
When full grown it is a pale, yellow,
footless grub, over half an inch long,
a block of any one variety.
7. When transplanting, keep roots
moist and pack the earth about thein
with a large flattened head. The 8. A mulch spread about newly
presence of these pests in infested
trees may readily be detected by the
blackened and deadened appearance
transplanted trees maintains a uni-
formity of temperature and moisture
favorable to the formation of new
of the bark over the parts where the
Give thorough, shallow, are at work. level
When borers get into a tree there cultivation.
is no other remedy than cutting them 10. Cropping between the rows
d 11 1•
out with a sharpknife or killingmust gla ua y cease as t le trees
, tin church.
them in their burrows with a stout increase in size.
11, Unleached wood ashes are one I
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.-
wire. Bait prevention is better than •
remedy, and the injury from borers
can easily be prevented. To do so
wash the trunks and Larger branches
with a mixture of soft soap reduced
to the consistency of thick paint with
.a solution of washing soda. If just 13. Prune regularly every year
enough carbolic acid is added to give and direct growth rather than cut
it a strong smell it will be all the out what has grown.
more repulsive to the beetles. This. 14. Prevent injuries from borers
should be applied during the early by coating the trunks of trees with a
part of ,Tulle and again early in Soft soap, soda and carbolic acid
July when the beetles are most active wash.
in laying their eggs. 15. Spraying is often necessary on
SPR,#YI`G. The whole frost of young trees while not yet of a.bear-
leaf-eating insects which feed on the ing ago.
apple tree, such as the Tent cater- 19, For leaf -eating insects, use
pillar, Red -humped apple tree cater- Paris grecs; for sucking insects,
pillar, bellow-Heel;ed apple tree kerosene emulsion ; and for fungous
caterpillar, Fall web worm, Tussock diseases, copper sulphate solution and
moth, canker worms, etc., must be
fought with Parr green, used at the
rate of 1 ib. to 250 gallons of water.
Other insects which! suck the juices
from the leaves and young wood,
:such as the aphis, tree cricket and
bark louse, must be destroyed by
-the kerosene emulsion. This is made
.according to the following formula:
Hard soap •7 lb, (or soft soap about1.
gallon), hot water 1 gallon, coal oil 2
Dissolve the soap in the hot water,
:add the coal oil, then agitate by
means of a force pump of syringe
for five or ten minutes until thorough-
ly mixed. If properly made, this,
on cooling, will form a jelly-like
substance, which, before using should
be diluted with about fifteen parts of
The apple scab fungus, which
.affects the foliage as well as the fruit,
must not be allowed to weaken the
young trees before they come to a
bearing ago. To hold this in cheek,,
. • spray before the buds open with a
solution made of 1 lb. of copper
sulphate to 25 gallons of water;
.,after the. foliage appears spray three
Or four times at intervals of ten days
or two eks mixt re.weThis, irvi now used,ois made fro
o 1i M nith the Brdeaux. chester, lin lanc189a e to Vie• Proposed. to me, George, were you
recording to '' • 'Blowing formula l toria, British Columbia, and the not? Yes, I owed over ;x..0,000,
,Copper sulph n • • (bine vitriol) 4 lb., answer returned, all in 90 seconds. It is claimed that 3,000,000 song
liimie (fresh) 4 le., water 50 gallons In October, a message was 'despatch• birds were killed last year for the
..or elle coal oil lb•irrel, ed from I' ew York to London, and purpose of adorning women's hats
Dissolve the copper sulphate in. a tha answer received in five seconds. with their plumage,
Hood's Sarsaparilla gives great bodily,
nerve, mental and digestive strength,
pimply because it purities, vitalizes and
enriches the blood.
Witticnss : What do you think of
these "Lines to a Gas Company ?"
Pitticuss : The metre is false. Witti-
cuss : • That is done intentionally to
make it realistic.
Captain Sweeney, S. A, San Diego,
Cal. , says' "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is
the first! ntedjcine 1 have ever found
that would do me any good." Price
50o. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug
No matter whether he is eloquent
or not, the man who lives right will
be listened to with interest by some-
body every time he stands to speak
of the best fertilizers for fruit trees One short puff of the breath through
of all kinds. - I the Blower, supplied with each bottle of
12. Like all other fertilizers, they Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this Powder over the surface of the nasal
should be spread evenly as far out passages. Painless and delightful to use,
as the roots extend. it relieves instantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head-
ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf-
ness. 60 cents. At Chisholm's Drug
Find out what you cannot do and
cease to worry about that ; find out
what you are fitted for and set about
the doing of that with all your
Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and
Cron (Jure,is in great demand. Pocket
size containI,
twenty.tive doses. only 25c.
Children love it. Sold at Chisholm's
Corner Drug Store.
Robert J. Davis, a carpenter living
at 58 Wright avenue, Toronto, fell off
a build ing aat College street and I3runs-
wiek avenue on Friday and was
Bordeaux mixture.
17. The Bordeaux mixture and
Paris green may be applied together
with advantage.
PI Ltd
'I'. IA•wa,v 5f urnfcr standard lin::.:, Brad-
ford. pot., say.,, ,ed. TC;aina•e-hirer pit pee a
gr:u.d medicine tar rhe kidney,. and Liver.
W. 1'. CAss,rk, .11 NI, e.'nut S:..
presuming \L.n•rr„? h:. r. a.,. Ch•r, '. Pals n, t
like m:•gia !'or the r 11, i. fbras?-acs„•, hiliuu, a•r,.k
and c.,nsripatien, ti •ld rrrrva$rrr, or by mail ,+n
r. crier 1 rree, r,. CO:432;24 :, CATS & 00.
4{i LOFfl3,ru.1 51. T4thI:ITe, Oto
INCLUDING Soaks, P:Intphlni;s, Posters, B?1
I Heads, Circuiars, 4e.. c., executed in the beet 1
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
Times OtHce, Wingham,
N! ANTED" Local ani Traveling Salesmen
■ to handle our Iiard.v Canadian
Grown Nursery Stock, tt'e guara•,tae satisfaction to
representatives and Customers. Our Nurseries ars
the largest in the Dominion -oyer 700 acres. No
substitution in orders. Exclusive territory and
liberal terms to whole or part time agents, Write
(vend OHlce,) Toronto, Ont.
The only Nursery in Canada havirgtesting' orchards.
A YOTING LAD 1 Hoax: 1 don't like that cough of
yours. Soax : Sorry, but it's the
only one I've got,,
_ I 0. Donnelly, prop. of th.e popular and
ERNEA1 MCO't1t.GOR, OF W1LITBY, ONT., well-known Windsor Hotel, Ailiatvn,
Ont„was troubled for years with Itching
GIVES AN ACCOUNT OF ITIS EX- Piles. He was persuaded by Jas. Me
PI:RIDNCE--CURED 0J' 1'I RSISTENT Garvey, A►liston, livery man, to use
DYIJSP] I'STl BY B. n. B. Chase's Ointment, which he did, was
cured, has had. no return of them and
WORST 1BIND OF DYSPEPSIA. highly recommends this Ointment as a.
sovereign euro for Piles.
0l.NTr.ESIEN,-I write to inform yon
that for years I had been troubled with She: What min a woman do for
Dyspepsia, and having tried other amusement when she has no'nhoney ?
medicines which entirely failed, 1 at last ICO : Go shopping,
found relief and cure in Burdock Blood
Bitters, of which 1 tools two bottles, the Teacher : When water becomes
result being it perfect curd, Although ice, what ie the great change that
only a young; lad I had been troubled ashler lace . Pupil . The change
with Dyspepsia for four or five years, In p
but 1 eitn situ now that B. B. B, does its in prieo.
work Faithfully in the worst hind of Rheumatism Cured in a day. -South 1
Dyspepsia. and has proved itself the t ov crican l$heutntttie Cure of Rheumatism
only euro for vie, anaNeuralgia radically cures in 1 to S days.
EttNNST MOGitEDOTt, Its action on the system is remarkable and
Whitby, Ont, mysterious. It removes at once the cause
in the send- speed of the disease immediately disappears. The
The record fors
p first atm greatly benefits. 75 cents.
ing of telegrams - is said to be hell by Warranteed at Chisbom'sdrug store.
the Commercial CableCoinpany. In "Yost were embarrassed when you
If you want your
-' L1 r
made in the latest style, go to
opposite Bank of Hamilton,
0 Ill
D p
but don't try to patch np a lingering
cough or cold by trying experimental
remedies. Take
and relief is certain to follow, Cures
the most obstinate coughs, colds, sore
throats, in fact every forst of throat,
lung or bronchial inflammation In.
duccd by cold.
Largo Bottle, 25 Cents.
An Hones Offer,
ff you havo GA T ARRH, and dasiro to be curets
without risk of losing your money, we will send
a Gr.: MIGIDE INHALER and medicine fcr that
disease without ackin, a cent of pay In advance.
After a fair trial at your own home, and you find
It a Con ulna remedy, you can send us 83 to pay for
same, if not satisfactory In every way you can
return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not
pay one cent. Could anything be more fair?
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
If the remedy Is not an we claim, we aro the
losers, not you, dust think ofbeingcurodfor $3.
Rev, J. E. MAvsrv, Methodist minister, Ot-
tawa, Ont., writes: -"Your Germicide Inhaler
in two months radically cured my daughter of
chronic catarrh."
Rev, T. S. Nelms, late Bond St, Church, To-
ronto, Ont.: --"Your Inhaler and Medicine has
proven genuine in every respect'
Ma. J. A. MCNAia, Schaw, Ont., writes :-"The
Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat-
arrh. It is worth many theca your charge:."
on trial
In advance.
I ISTercu GR
Ma. DGCGT.As, Conductor, tr Ontario St„
Toronto :•-•Your treatment in a tow weeks
cured me of catarrh of long standing;."
itite. T. Muss, a Christopher St., To -
:-"Your Inhaler and Medicine cared
me of a case of catarrh of ten years' stand-
This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to
your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for
the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address
`3" With a colicy baby or a colicy stomach
isn't pleasant. Either can be avoided
vi .4y keeping a bottle of Perry Davis'
PAIN KILLER on the medicine shelf. It dt
s is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps,
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diarrhea.
Just as valuable for all external pains, ,, .t, _
nose -Ong te::s•'oonfut in a half r a '.outer or milk r ;vur:n if convenient).
IJ 14'41144in. ,t : 10,,rl.
3 T H E R ES U LT ignorance sand folly in youth, overexertion of mi td and induc-
ed by lust and exposure aro constantly wreckin ' the fives an:l futur<•'
. happiness of thousand :of promisin )oung men. Some faadde and wither at an early
i° at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless ani
melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The
victims are found in all stations of life: -The farm, the ohcc, the workshop, the pulpit,
lithe trades and the professions.
Aisr IN Y
9 a 0..t N a' §AZ-
e:, ., I•nt'l 4 iN
- �T s . r
313LrFCI:IC TIIICATM$NT AFTICIi TREATMENT Divorced but united again
t� Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says: -`•I have eniferedf
SYPHILIS untold agonies for my "gate life." I wasindiscrcet when&
young ignorant. As ' One of the Boys" 1 contracted
Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the
ST I �� mouth and throat, bone pains,, hair loose, pimples on
r� face, finger nails came off, eri issien8, because thin anal'
CU R �� despondent. Seven doctors treated ma with Mercury,
IiiV Finan. afriendindncedmetotry 11rs.Kennedy&KeroanPota-h, etc. They helped me but could not euro me.640'.
rtSht it Naw Method Treatment o' fired me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderful./.'
,You feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to caro is asinglo
IPI(AtCap1l(e'ahrnda radhab;^ "IAotw2e lide o Drs.s'Km. pctboK
f kiemi•.u1 Wea mess and Spermatorthcea, Emissions
IsAw,re drain ng and weakening my vitality. 1 married at
24 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a
h. o were divorced. I
ri• Hca In e
i htetn
months w e r
sade ex o g
then consulted Drs. li. &K., who restored me to manhood
R1'by their New Method Treatment. Ifelta new life thrill through
any nerves. We were united again and are happy. This was _- -
em years ago. Drs. I1. & K. are scientific specialists and 1 heartily recommend them '
l missions Nervous Debility, zf••:.
or W' treat and cure Varicocele, Ey, Sr.r, r- c,'
i ll,.akness, GI et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, S,� Abi,..r.Vk
Lir Kidney and Bladder .Diseases. °
,rr0 1''1 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK ..•
R{1~ r�, 1 Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you rontemplefin mar
ADER . liege? Has your Blood been diseased? Have you -any weakrer.:? OM W4'
New Method Treattnpnt will, cu, a you. What it done for oth re it will do for yon,;
.CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write tor an hcnr.,tor•:,Ion ire, ,.,.
`"'of Charge., Charges reasonable. BO0Ka FREE -"The Golden Monitor" tillust ated), of ".
Diseases of Men. inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. 1,
VATE. No medicine sent 0 0. D No names on IaoxAs or�el-.'l
iezropes. EverytnIng confidential. Question list and cost of 'l, sat. -.4:.
a � �,.
E�OS+ � NS ..
Of the marvelous success of Burdock
Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative
power over every organ of the body.
The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the
Bladder, in fact, alt parts of the human,
system are regulated, purified) and
restored to perfect natural action by
this medicine. Thus it CURES all
diseases affecting these or other parts
of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipaw
tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head.,
ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint,
Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofula,
Rheumatism, Nervous or General
Debility, and all irregularities of the
system, caused by Bad Blood or disc
ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels,.
Liver' or Kidneys. Thousands of testi
menials warrantthe assertion that
MI I. is the BEST . SPRING