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The Wingham Times, 1895-04-12, Page 5
IIARItISTON. The test examination is being written on this week in our High School. ---The Young Liberals are making things interesting at their club rooms every Thursday evening ----being a mock parliament. Tim government of Mr. James McMur- cltie, principal of Ii. S. has been de- feated, and now Olivet* 0. Schmidt, Modern Language Master H. S„ leads the government. The speech from the throne was delivered last Tnursday night, in which a number of reforms were promised : Abolition of Kingston Military School, redue- tion of Northwest Mounted Police, and Reform of Senate. A bill for - making the Senate elective every ten years was brought in by the Government. The Opposition moved to have the Senate abolished. Some capital speeches were made by the leaders, and a humorous one by the third party leader, P. T. McGilli- eucid --What might have resulted in }L d!'vWitiiig ticeitle,nt Tia p(tiic;cL at:,out five o'clock on Monday last. Coorge Casson, son Of Rev. Mr. Casson, aged about thirteen, got in- to a boat on the river, which was very high, and allowed himself to float down the swelling stream, When be reached the bridge at Fisher's blacksmith shop he projected bis paddle and prevented the boat from going under for a moment. While in this position the stream turned, his boat sideways and so George let go the bridge and allow- ed his boat to be carried under. The -water nearly touched the bottom of the bridge, and so the boat was up- set and young Casson was percipitat- ed into the swoellen stream, which must be about seven or eight feet deep at that place. Ho was caught by A. McQueen and rescued from a watery grave.—On Sunday last,Rev. Dr. McKay, returned missionary from Formosa, occupied Knox church in the morning, addressed a union meeting of Knox and Guthrie Sunday school scholars and others in Guthrie church at 3 p. in: and preach- ed in Guthrie chureh in the evening, the church being crowded. There was no service in Guthrie church in the morning nor in Knox in the evening. Mrs. McKay and also a student of Oxford College. Formosa, i were present, All the meetings were very interesting and instructive.! The Dr. was very enthusiastic in describing his work in Formosa.I The young student read a portion of I scripture in the morning, sang and also spoke very appropriately at the � evening 'meeting. It has often occurred to me what we want two Presbyterian churches in the town of Harriston. People of the same nationality, living in peace together during the six days of the , week, professing to worship the same Great God and all expecting to spend. an eternity together, but yet cannot agree for two hours on Sab- bath. He wh., thinketh himself bet- ter than his neighbor may when weighed in the Great Balance be found wanting. --J. H. Aiken, late of Southern Africa, is to deliver a lec- ture in the town hall on Thursday evening of this week. His lecture will be illustrated with lime light.— Dwelling houses are at a great premium iii town at present. Never in the history of the town have we seen houses so hard' to get.—Great preparations are being made for the bolding of the 12th of July here.— The schools of the town will close on Thursday, for over a week. -1 for- got to tell .you last week about the great meeting of the fanners that was held here two weeks ago, ad- dressed by Tohnie, of Kincardine, and Stratford, of Binder Twine Company; but suffice it to say that if they snake the same mark behind thein everywhere they go the Patron order will be short lived. --- The Young Liberal Clab of the town and. township is making great headway, some of our young leen showing strong evidence of' their oratorical powers. Rooms over A. J. M:eikle- john's • hardware. Meeting every Thursday night. Strangers from other clubs always welcome. KINTAIL. Mr, T. Dalton has sunk an artesian well onhis farms south of the village, aucl has struck a good flow of water.—.There was a meeting of the shareholders of the Kintail Cheese and Butter Co., held hero on Monday last, The drawing of the Milk Was let to Messrs. J. Keefe, W. Jamison, and IL McLeod, and the whey was sold to Mr. W. Kilpatrick. I.IIOKNOW. Mr. J. II. Aiken, of London, lec- tured to a fair-sized audience in the Methodist church on Tuesday even- ing. Miss G hnour, the Scottish voca- list, accompanied him, and Iter dif- ferent numbers were much enjoyed. -Miss Allan Stanley, of Purple Grove, is the guest of Miss Sadie Johnston. -----•Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Curtain, of Ripley, are visiting Mrs.. R. Proctor, --Another old pioneer has passed away in the person . of Mrs. Alex, Murray, who died at her late residence, Inglis street, on Tuesday morning. Mrs, Murray came to Lucknow in 1865, her husband being at that time a merchant here, A family of six -daughters and one son survive her. One of the dough - tors, Mrs. (Dr.) Barkwell, is living in London, Eng.; Nina is in Ger- many, Mrs. Holt, of Chicago, Mrs. Welsh, of Huron, and Misses Maggie and Maria, who resided with their mother, were with her at the time Qf ides cloth, TN SOT]) Ml', A, Mu,t'- ittiy, i5 a resident of Iced Jaen(!,, Mich.- The funeral, which took place on Thursday, was largely at- tended.—Mrs. Wm. McMullen is visiting in Winghain.—A bio yet club has been organized in town with the following officers for the ensuing year: Hon.' president, John D. Nichol; president, 3, G. Murdoch; vice-president, A. B. McLeod; treas- urer, J. F. Berry; secretary, Al. B. Murdoch; captain, D. N. Lawrence; first lieutenant,' R. Hughes; second lieutenant, W. M. Stuart; club re- porter, C. Kent Willson; bugler, J. W. Armstrong; mascot, George Berry; club liar, Henry Grundy; managing. committee, Al. Miller, Geo. Lawrence and W. Stuart. The club will 'be known as the Sepoy Cycle Club,. and it is their intention to join the C. W. A. --Mr. Peter Keyes, for some time past in the em- ploy of it[r. D. C. Taylor, has gone to Galt, where lie has secured a more lucrative position.— Donald McLeod is visiting friends iii Ripley. At a meeting of the Loyal ()range Lodge, No, 428,on 'Tuesday evening, it was definitely decided to celebrate' the coming anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne in Lucknow on the 12th of July, and invitations are being sent to all the lodges in Iiuron and Bruce to join with tlieni on that oc- casion. Many prominent numbers of the Orange order; ns well •ns ether distinguished speakers, Im''o been secured, and a large amount is to be given in prizes, etc, The energetic committee who have change oP the celebration programme will leave nothing undone to make it the finest demonstration ever held in Western Ontario. , G-ODERICH. On Thursday morning of last week about ten minutes to eight a fire broke out in Armstrong's dry - goods store. Alarm was given, but before the firemen were aIle to play upon it the lire had made consider- able progress. For an hour and a half' the flames steadily gained ground and it seemed as if the whole block would be burned. The great- er part of the population of our town was present at the scene. Three streams poured upon the fire, but the high wind was against them and it is certain the whole ,block would have been burned had it not been for the brick walls between the stores. Armstrong's store. with the millinery attached, Calbick's book -store and the Grand Opera, [louse were entire- ly destroyed, besides all the damage done to shops on both side::, as Mr. Grundy's grocery, Mr. Robinson's dry -good stare, hiss Pitcher's nimbi - cry. Mr. I3lhickstone's restaurant, Di'. Richardson's cdentistry office, Mr. Mitchell, of Star office, the telegraph office of H. Armstrong, and Harry Hart's equipments of the Opera House. The total loss is estimated at ;":30,000 and most of the above carried insurance, exeept Mr. Cal - 'Wel:. He also had the additional misfortune of receiving• severe in- juries during the fire. Two of his rips were broken. Mr. Acheson, who owns the block, intends to re- build it immediately. Mr. Arhn- strong's loss is very heavy, and it is reported he will not resume business in Goder[ch. We are sorry, to lose such an energetie business man.— ' The snow is all gone and our streets are quite dry. The ice on the lake is breaking up and the river is very high on account of the much winter .snow which has melted between Goderieh and Lakelet. The sailors and fishermen aro staking propar- ations for the operations of the coin- ing season. YY INGU AM TJ.MES,, APRIL N, WROXETER. IIOWICK. An unknown old malt who was Mr. John A. narnard, et ton Tirm'i Melt & Par'g walking { The following is the report of g along the Wellington, Grey, noedUTnr .,;tteanxwnin trt't" t:111011 8. S . No. 13, ltowiek and and I3rueo track about three: miles - flus, Ote , for sane. 'Turnberry, for the month of March: north of Guelph was struck and in- # The football club was reorganized s Sen. 5t11 t'-- Ruby Crittenden 110,1 stoutly killed by a passenger train ,` on Monday evening of last week. z'tgues Fortune 10.2, Ella Neill 101,1 on Tuesday. The officers for the coining season Jun. 5th—Lily Fortune 1131 Mary are as follows : Pres. R. Rann; Vice- Hooey 151, Dane l� . 1t c.ir 128. Pres, A. Goebel; Secy, W. J. Sander- 4th—Joseph Underwood .17.), Char- NESS AU MANTLE MMHG. son ; Treas., W. M. Smale ; Captain- lotto htteMiehanl l;,'), I3ch11 [inderwoad R. Ross,—Rev, Alt•. Malcolm, of Tees- 308. Sen. +trot ---Willie: Abra ni 282, water, occupied the pulpit in the Frank (iemznill 286, Jennie Palmer Presbyterian church, on Sunday last. ,228, Jun. 3rcl---Lennie Anderson —A representative of the Canadian 205, Mary Willits 1.11, John Under - Building and Loan Association has wood 18.1. 2nd -•-- Marg\' been canvassing the town this week.. 127, Robt. Underwood 118, Henry- -The bursting of the Gerrie dans, McGlynn 11 t. Part 2nd—Jessie on Monday afternoon, caused quite a Barton 35, Iiowarcl Iiort• 31, ,�.t•- flood here• The water rose higher wand McIntosh 33. Part 1st -Ethel than over within the memory of the Hooey 20, Web, Wallets' 3. The oldest inhabitants, Part of the road following promotions were mule at was washed away, but owing to the the recent examinatian : Prom third activity and energy of the villagers, to fourth class—Marks required to the dam was saved.—Last week pass, 440 --. ij'illiaui Ahrant 519, news reached us of the death of a Frank 514, Waldo E. former resident of this place, Alex. Weir 434, atndler'Son, who 1m is been for, some years in Manitoba, and who left there TEESWATE1;. last December for the state of Oregon, Mr, J, S. Mcl%innon,D. D. H. C. R., where two of his brothers reside. He paid Court Victoria, No. 52, Cana - never reached his destination, hay- dian Order of foresters, -an official ing been drowned on the way. The visit on Tuesday evening. After the body was not recovered until a few i business of the Court had' been con- weeks ago, when the news was sent eluded, the meeting was thrown to his relatives here, --The Adv9eate ! ppou to the plane and a most enjoy - has been enlarged, It appeared last able evening was spent by all. The week as an eight page weekly.-- programme, which consisted of in - Rev. R. S. G. Anderson received strumental and vocal,- music, ad - notice last week of'the death- of his dresses .c was •L splendid one and 111 18$ .,t(,lfily.3[.4 'WYNN fins decided to open a Tress a,nd Mantle cure $(Q1I� HEADAC11° ..t Ptn,raigta s2Q!.•lz,;;;Ji,s,atoe'•ud1'>,G't",t n' �inlsinc 1,ltslnt,N9 at her horny, :tin, 83, nese,lih,iausutss,Pun;nthaSd.,c'u., :tratton hd 'nrd, street, 1Vinglian i. ne:a• l3aptiet ; Terrilid river gad nr.at;,. •ani ,, r,:, ,i :.n c hureb, Cutting and fitting n opeeialty, r gu.eto tete f,owe:s. vrra+� rvn..: i' : aa,:,' Satisfaction guaranteed. PRrpe 26 C,G,ure.I:;r E9rru:•: ^ ;oPfi'.4',R liminess - .t 1. 1 a it ,� g Gi, ° MISS MCPHERSON, Late of Toronto, Wishes to intimate to the Ladies of Wingham and vicinity that she has purchased the . �!LLIN RY BUSJNES so successfully carried on by Mrs, Herdsman for so many years, and has entered into possession of the same. She will keep a well -selected stock of Millinery Goods, consisting of ' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, LACES, &e., in all the latest novelties. THE MANTLE DEPART 6�.� ENT will also contain a varied assortment of father in Scotland. Deceased had was well carried out. ---:The directors i I1/41ANTLE CLOTHS, SILKS, SATINS, been a Presbyterian church minister of the Teeswa ter Mechanics' Institute in Glasgow. He was 68 years of age will give one oftheirpopularentertain- at the time of his death.—Mr. Robt. ' ments on the evening of Friday, Thynne has commenced excavating IApril 12th. The, Laing Bros., of the cellar for Thos. Hemphill's new { Acton, with one of the marvellous, block on Main Street...new, improved Edon Phonographs, assisted by the best local talent, will BLIJEVALE. furnish the entertainment.—A Young Liberal Club is being established in Wo are pleased to learn that Mr. I the village. Joseph McPherson, .a former Blue - vale boy, has been promoted to the 13ELGRAVI:. management of the curtain and' car- James Rath, who formerly resided 1 -•-- pet department in the warehouse of near here and was.well and favorably i �: C. F. Adams Co:, housefurnishers, • . , F. �, t known, was on the, 31d inst. united I '` J,YT Toronto.--Mrs. Thomas Coultes is in marriage to Miss II:11, of tiullett. ��' `r. ' ' . the proud possessor of a milk jug—Wm. Watson has boon laid up, " `' • ' which is, supposed to be at least 175 during the past week with a severe; . —FOR THE years old. The jug is heliotrope attack Of la grippe.—J. M. Render-, and white. On the front of it in son shipped a couple of carloads of CASH raised white work is the lion and. potatoes on 'T'uesuay of this week to cheese from, /Cantle Making a Specialty. Latest Styles and Pesi`eet By keeping nothing but the best of goods, and giving prompt and careful attention to the wants of her customers, she hopes to merit .a con- tinuance of the patronage so generously extended to her predecessor.. REMEMBER. THE PLACE—Mrs. Herdsman's old stand, Josephine street, Wingham. Apprentices Wanted. MISS McPHERSON, the unicorn, on one side a dog and dragon and on the other side a lion and cubs.—Mr. Richard Jackline, of Grey, has the job of the river Mr. McClelland is also handling the same article. The price paid is 35e. per bushel.—J. II. Stevens is work- ..' ing overtime in getting his stock of It is now nearly twelve months, since we first opened up our doors, un-: STE driving.—Mr. Walter Huggin is en -buggies complete before spring sets der the present management. At that time, waren we announced our baton - gaged for the summer with Mr, in and Elam Livingston is now tion of doing a John Currie, East Wawanosh.—Mr. in and hruonrhau►dles in ad-+ Joseph Pugh is erecting a verandah dation to his other nranuttetures and `--~STRICTLY CASH ° BUSINESS in front of his store.—Stilts and at tlic present tiule is enhplo� in;; iG The knowing ones looked very wise, and declared it could not be done in wood bees are the order of the day. hands.-1Vat,uus are..rtcatin running, Wingham, but we have proven clearly, not only to ourselves, but to the —Mr. John Mothers, of the Ethel but there is eonsider:iblte snow art. public at large, that it can be done in Wingham. We have had many flour mills, spent Sunday under the some places yet.--31e.'.srs.. Clegg, years experience in the LONG CREDIT SYSTEM, under every existing parental roof. — The waterin the Watson and Ewigh, drovers, were condition, and pronounce it a failure every time. Now after one year's river was very high on Monday andin town on•Frid:ty last, all keen for t experience• of the CASH SYSTEM, and that in a time of great depression, the flood carried away part of theexport cattle and they are paying 5c. we have come out on top, and pronounce it a success. We have in the past dam and some logs.per lb for good encs. --'Phe fatrrners by keenly watching the markets of the world, carefully studying the wanW of our customers, small profits, and close attention to business, succeeded in in this section are complaining of a GLENFARROIV. scarcity of seed l'eus. oats wind barley, our aim, in placing good Goods within the reach of all. We are- happy to Mcssts. Ii. ilenninve gs •and J. Len- 1` hick are very hard to get in this you the benefit that this fecloso buying.in a mubeforech teSrOCK position than ever anto d in nox were confined to the house with vicinity. , .� ...-�....� .... order to make room for SPRING GOODS, we will, during true remaining bad colds last week.—Miss Eva Bolt days of our financial year, shake SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in prices; all ably conducted the Epwprth League rk ` 1 UR and HEAVY GOODS will go, REGARDLESS OF COST. It will pay meeting last Thursday evening.-- you well to call on us during the next THIRTY DAYS and gee what CASH The recent rain has caused the river BUYING- and cash selling will do for you. to rise, and it is working havoc, with some of the farmers' fences. ---Mr. Gallagher and 1i1r. !Wylie hacl wood bees last week.—Messrs. John and Thomas Short. who have been very , ill, are improving nicely. Mr. 14'nh. Gemmill is improving also. --The! literary society still flourishes. An 1 interesting meeting is expected i tz� �) g \�.;,.,, f 41/+ 'm,S�jo�k Takrng leio had the misfortntre to have a needle � ��,tr .,• /I \`;: broken in her hand while scrubbing + last Saturday.—Mr. John Fitch had] a wood bee on Tuesday afternoon of , 13rings comfort and improvement and 1 tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet- tor than others and enjoy lifo more, with lca3 expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to tho nocds°of physical being, will attest the value, to health of the pure liquid la::ative principles ombrac©d in the cmcdy, Syrup of Figs. ha oxcollence in duo to its presenting l.i 'the form most acceptable and pleas - a::1; to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax. a;.ivo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and riot with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- nesys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. SEE THE PRICES. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug. gists in 75c, bottlet, but it is mann• featured by tho California. Fig Syrup Co. only, whose mode is printed Oil every package, also the name, Syrup of Piga, and being Well iinformedi you tilt mol scoeoit "v. aubutitute if off.roc'T - 4 Fig:301Ft40.131.3E1®moi �Y• G. McINTY"RE, WINGHAM. MACDONALD BLOCK. EMWLEDGE last week, They cut about 20 cords. The ladies gathered in the evening and necessary preparations being made, the light fantastic was vigor- ously shaken until between 12 and 1 o'clock, when a rich, abundant and tempting repast was served. The physical wants amply supplied, dancing was renewed with increased animation, and was brought to a close a little before 8 o'clock, when they dispersed, having thoroughly enjoyed themselves. T URNiiI•;ztRY. Mr. Samuel Vanstoue, of the 6th concession, has a Leicester ewe which gage birth to seven lambs, on Friday morning' last. They were all well matured, but four of thein were dead at birth and two have died; since: It is doubtful if the ewe and remaining lamb will live, Seven lambs at one birth is looked upon as something unusual. Every line of Winter Goods clearing out at a Sacrifice: FUR GOODS, LADIES' JACKETS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, SHAWLS, HEAVY TWEEDS, PELT BOOTS, SOCKS and. RUBBERS. IT ?Av. YOU. T. LLS, WINGHAM,