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The Wingham Times, 1895-04-12, Page 3
r t y OIIAM Ti :ALES', APRIL 12, 189$ • q. ca T. iiJ. caLuMt . result of tui accident sustained about a year ago. The name of Mrs. Wil- w,,.Dry 1'•'n ,i5' TIII. 551':'Illill 1nt1,:YCIt.) Hanle hag always been associated mm with philanthropic work, and her ef- 1'' , :••,:,„„, / rf•i ./1 ,are frit,/ ars Lana, Wed r.,il •11 • at•ention, of the mothers and sisters Cu Elie Hast, that the )V„nlan'x Christian Temper. w110 8y111ptltiliEe deeply with her aura (intimmeets the third Jtuuday rverr month husband in his affliction. airs. mi. atthree oi•bi,k •harp, aur011,3h)ar, xt Nrx. nelnl's rmlden •e, P.it lek,;treei,. .111 Wiles aro made wet. ilanti, WhOSo 1110011 name was 1)ieJdinson, came of old Puritan stock, forts in this regard have created for her many warm and attached friends, 00111 As two Editor has kindly {;Iron ux past of hie. space, for fair Toric, we Milt ft loads of the cause to and was in direct Succession as a . lf 1 tllri;. What is :.♦•...u.L.•:,,...r .•.��i:v.a"tea\vim NINCHAM SA1 MILIS BANK ofHSNIILTOM WINGNAM. The undersigned in, returner„ thanits Capital, P1,25O,000. ''led, $000,000 i for past favors,beg leave to say that they i 1, have a very large stook of . President -40M 5TVAIrr. Vice -President --A. O. law" LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH , RASNELS, WOOD, c semi items of hrtcrest on all moral queatiuus ath0 (✓ 1 i' r se,, ' f,• — l 1 e t day tuany of our menthotb. temperance worker, her father, the N. �,1„ : , .. , on hand, which will be sold at very close Vii Rev, N. S. Dickinson, of Leominster, r i ° ^ :,+ A 1 prises to meet the requ:ren,ents of the • Mass., having always taken an il,;.,.. ,.. .. .,,.:.,...,. , ' hard times. • Evils of Li(iuor.Drinkin:,. , tense interest ill temperance work. Among thinking people in Franco ` Mrs. Williams, with her husband, 0 on roe 111 , • • lane a e the evils of alcoholism are attracting came t lli t I ' 18" •i, 1 f w a groat deal of attention, and only years afterwards became closely recently the academy of Medicine, 1 iclentlfted with )minnnuel Church, • the Academy of Dior{tl and Political , where she became the primary Sciences and the Superior Council, of , teacher in the Sunday school, and an the Public Assistance held a nieeting ;active member on the congregational . at which the whole subject wasgone '' board, of foreign missions. In 1883, over very carefully, In the sum- i when the Montreal W. C. T. U. was ming -up it was found that absinthe organized, Mrs. Williams was unan- is doing just about as much harmas i imously elected eorresponaing secre- are distilled liquors. Thus, one , tarY.. The Quebec Provincial Union pbysicia.n reported that in his prat -1 coaling into existence about the time he had found that out of twenty i same time the office of superinten- patients ten were suffering from dent was offered to the deceased, alcoholism, and that wine and ordi- : who accepted it. At the convention nary distilled liquors were respon- I of 1890 Mrs. Williams was elected sible for five of these, while absinth© recording secretary, and during the was the cause of the other five. same year she was also appointed From 1885 to 1892 the amount of I treasurer of the Dominion Union. absinthe and similar drinks coming In 1892 Mrs. Williams was advanced under the observation of the excise to the presidency of the Dominion and other officers of Paris had more i Union, a position which she occupied than doubled, and each year showed for three successive years. While in a greater yearly increase. . Boston, in 1891, deceased was elected _ secretary -treasurer of the World's The Late Mrs. Ella '. M. Williams, W. C. T. U., the first convention Dominion President W. C. T, U. then taking place in that city. At the second convention in Chicago, in 1893,.she was re-elected to the same position, which she filled up to the day of her death, conducting and dictating the correspondence and at- tending to the routine work. ''•1 Citizen and dome (guard When the Dominion W. 0, T. U. convention was held in London last June, the central figure was the president, Mrs. Ella F. M, Williams, of Montreal. This convention was a grand success numerically, spiritu- ally and financially, and while we all unite in giving God the glory, much of the success on the, human side was due to the executive ability *Ind tact of the president. During t he few, days she was among us Mrs. 'Gilliams found a very :warm place in oar hearts and we can scarcely realize that we shall no more on this earth behold her cheerful face or listen to her bright loving words. In her last letter to her "Dear Com- rades " she says: '• If the pen drops from my lingers some one . else will take it up." We know that the Lord's work will go on, though the workers are changed, but the women •. of London and Ontario will join i75. their Montreal sisters in - dropping, a tear to the memory of our dear firs. r 3" Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievers teething troubles, euros constipation and flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Casa Coria is the Children's Panacea,—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chfl• dron. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good cheer upon their children." int. 0, C. Os000D, LowoIl, Nass. "Castoria b t'to bust remedy for children of which I rout acquainted. S repo tho ("ay to root far distant when mothers will consider too roal interest of Emir children, and use Castoria f n• stead of tho various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending Meru to premature graves." Da. J. F. IirsoughoS, Conway, Ar' Tho Centaur Castoria. "Castoria is sowed adapted to children that I recommend it as superior Many prescription known to neo." II, A. Antenna, 31. D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Our physicians in the children's depart, mcnt have spoken highly of their czpuri- oace in their outside practice with Castoria. and although wo only lava among our medical supplies what is known as regui..r products, yet wo aro free to confess that tl;e merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." IINtTSD Mossi?Ax. Aso Dineste41t , Boston, Mass. ALLeN C. SMITH, Pres., Company, 7'7 DEtarray Street, Now York City. 15111, The funeral, which was a quiet one, took place this' afternoon from clean, well -made and well finished her late residence, the religious exer- cises being conducted by Revs. Dr. goods. Barbour and J. B. Silcox. The in Until all our cheesemakers and terment will take place tomorrow at dairymen fully understand the con - Leominster, Mass., her former home, Many messages of condolence have been received by her husband, among them being one from Miss Frances Willard, the president of the World's W. C. T. U. . 0 "Body Rested, Mind at Ease." ditions affecting milk .and the manu- facturing of cheese and fully under- stand and are able to put into prac- tice the very best methods of making fine Cheddar Cheese, we shall never reach the highest pinnacle of success in regard to a umfornt quality of goods. Mr. T. B. Millar, who has so ably 'That is what it is when traveling on fitted the position of Travelling In - the that trains of the Chicago, Milmita kee str'uctor and Inspector for the As- & St. Paul Railway; besides there is no sedation during the past four years chance co"kick,"for the accommodations will be retained for this work during are up to date, the trains steep moving the coming season. During April, right along and get there on time. These lines thoroughly cover the territory May and part of June Mr. Millar will Williams. between Chicngo, Ln Crosse. St. Paul, spend' two days each at the following Minneapolis, Aberdeen, ;vlltchen, Sioux factories among others on the dates Mrs. Williams -was taken ill last City, Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha given belotiv: Jumrner, but always endeavored -to and Northern :►lichigau. All the rinci- eep her condition unknown to the pal cities and towns in that territory tare Erma (near Attwood Station) April workers. She was to have attended reached by the "St. Paul" lines, con- 19 and 20; Ripley, May 29 and 90; netting at St, Paul, council Bluffs and Harriston, May 31st and June lst. the Provincial convention at Coln- Otnuhi. with all lines fur joints in the wall in November, but wrote Mrs. far west. Write to A..T. �1'syler, Can • This feature of the work is strong- 'hornley, of ilii:: city, in. August, stating that her physician wouIci not allow her to be present. She trans- acted ail the work of the Dominion during her illness, answered all her correspondence either herself or through an.assistant and kept up her editorial iv1rk. Finally her condition became snob as to cause alarm, and inquiries were made to learn the true state of •lafairs. But Mrs. Williams always replied that she was thoroughly capable to condaet her business, and spoke }words of kindness to all win exhibited an interest in, her. The editor of the Woman's Jouraal wrote, thinking that 1Irs. Williams was unfit to conduct her arduous labors, but a reply in verse was • sent in which the president pictured in beautiful language the flowers which ere daily brought to her by the tr Ys," the birds and other things in her apartments. She never, how- ever mentioned her condition. Three Foaths ago she was taken to her 1, and the attendant physician tated that there +vas no hope of re- covery. He was aarprised at the vi- tality of the patient, and was frank enough to admit that there was a slight change. Ara. Williams, how- + ver, steadily sank, until death re- • 'icved her. The cause of death was peritonitis. Deceased was a grad- uate of Wheaton Seminary, Norton, Mass, The following from the Montreal Star will faintly outline a portion of now afforded for a uirin� a know- " work to which her life was given cq , the early age of 12 years : ai yman should not neglect to per- StlnfiJwer was found to exhale If you w'tnt to buy a Suit or ON" erecat ycu ens ,Ar•C frau t3.©0 " Tllo Women's Temperances cheese, - form, and that is to become a mem, , 1 adieu Pass'r Agent. 87 York Street, Tor• lav commended to dairymen and mak- onto, Ont., for one of their new map ers are urged to spend a couple of days with Mr. Millar at some of these factories. The instruction's to be time table and a brochure giving a description of the Compartment Sleep. ing Cars. 'Picket, furnished by any . coupon ticket agent in the United States given are along the line of leaking For Oyer Fatty Years and Canada. The finest dining cars in early spring cheese, summer cheese AN cis AND wstb•Talsb limmur.—Mrs. Win the world ars run on the solid vestibuled, and operating the Babcock Tester .iow• bynthlur Syrup has boon used for over tlfty electric -lighted and steam -heated trains p , 1 years millions ohnothets fur their ehilarenwhile of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and are given by the association ! t"ethinu• with perfect success. It soothes the child 1 sotfenx the gums, alloys all palm cures wind collo, Railway. free of cost. Factory owners and•• anal I%th,:hest rwuodvtor Uiarrh.aa, Is pleasant to managers are requested to induce 1 the Geste. Sold by Druggists in Stora• part of the 1Vorlu. Twentydiva cents a fettle. Its Value is their makers to /asset Mr. Millar and incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Wj),SIOws . lS'i'ERN ONTARIO DAIRY- arrange if possible that the work at Soot1I ig ruycul and take no ot1 t.; Ju'. 'First Class. Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood Mots. per Cord, delivered. !Everything else equally low. Cocke and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. dairyman feel it his duty to be a member of the Dairymen's. Asso- ciation. The annual fee is only fifty cents, This amount can be sent to the Secretary in stamps or by a money order and he will be pleased to place the name on the list for re- ceipt of the annual reports of the three Dairymen's Associations of the Province, •besides the various reports and bulletins sent out by the Depart- ment of Agriculture for Ontario and by the Dairy Commissioner and Ex- perimental Farms, Ottawa. A circular asking a number of questions on some of the important features of Dairying' will be sent to makers and Secretaries of factories during the season. This means of gathering information was adopted with some measure of success last season. It is hoped that every one who receives these questions will re- turn the answers as promptly as possible. The information obtained by this means ' will be of value to every one in the trade. J. W . WnEa pox, Secretary, London, Ont. MEN'S ASSOCIATION. their own factories will not interfere , Fruit growers- around Hamilton The Dairymen's Association of with their getting away. It is only ' say that the peach buds have all Western Ontario again takes,pleasure by makers corning together and re- ' been destroyed and litany of the in submitting for the favourable con- eeiving uniform instruction that we !trees severely injured by • the cold. sideration of Dairymen, the follow- can hope to have a uniform pro- At the Bruce assizes at Walkerton ing programme of work for the eon- duct, ingseason, trusting that it will bo After the coin letion of this tour of l the charge of manslaughter against effective in improving and keeping instruction Mr. Milia, will begin leis ' Alex. Fraser in connection With the up the quality of western cheese. as Travelling Instructor and , death of Mrs. Elder was not establish - work During the past few years a large • Inspector. His services for this ed, and the jury returned a verdict share of the work of the Association •work can be secured by applying to of not guilty by direction of the has been along the line of educating the Secretary of the Association. i judge. the patron in the best methods of The Secretary of the Association I caring for milk and preserving it in win be available to render assistance' Far Ahead o f Anything I Have Aver Used. a pure condition for cheese making. to makers in testing milk and to lilt. John Ritzer. merchant, Waterloo, This is important, as it is impossible secretaries in malting up patron's ac- say "I have given Stark's Powders McIiBAN Re SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1893. DIMZOTt. ZO, 10415 Ps00Ton, Giro, Router. wn c,tnnov, d P,A. 7f Wooa, A. E. Ler. (Toronto). Qas}uor--J. TURN lit Lr,. I. SI slosh Bank-IIourr, lm to d; S otturda ,, 70 7.lowe i pestis r ea ed and inters. Special Deposits also rcceivcd at canvas rates of is-smat. bought in ds, Great Dritala eatBritala Anti the United States 13. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor, CEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE RICE OF MEAT HALSTED SCOTT AGAIN. Josephine Street Street • . Wingham, ant, A. HALSTED, Mount Forest. J. W. Scorn, Listow'e Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Roney Advanced to Farmers and Business Men., On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada of reasonable oharges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and N otes. STEAK, 100. PER LB. and other meats in low proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. I am prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn, and well dressed. GEO.SHArW Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1893. YOUNG LADIES Altentil in Canada—ofThe ilaornhants• Sank AND GENTLEMEN. of Canada Office Hours—From 9 a, ni. to 6 p. m. A. E, SMITH, A en . Cons , Send 9 cents in stamps, or 10 cents silver, and we will send you by retnrn mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A neat little Rook, being a perfect Guide in th art of Letter writing, It cnntains letters of the, ye, Friendship and Business• etc„ with valuable iihetrlic• ■ tions and advice. Every young man and woman umption. to make a really first-class article of cheese without a pure raw material to begin with. This fact, however, does not lessen in any way the im- portant duties devolving upon the maker. The maker is held as the responsible party in our co-operative system, and if his cheese are not up to the, standard, he alone gets the blame. Thereforehe should thorough- ly understand his business and avail himself of the many opportuluties counts in factories where the system (fur headache. Costiveness, Biliousness) of paying for milk by the percentage and Neuralgia) ,an extensive trial, and 1 of butter -fat bas been adopted. find them to give the grentest satisfac- tion in Inv family, I can very highly The Secretary of the Association rncomnlend them. They ere far ahead is always open for communication of anything I have ever used, and 1 have with cheesemakers and dairymen de- tried many remedies." Sold by all drug - siring information on any phase of gists at 23c a box, 5 boxes 81. Nice to dairying. If be eannot supply the take, immediate and permanent, desired information himself he has the means of getting it front. other Roots draw enormous quantities of if you have any Tweeds at Home, now is the time to save a dollar ort sources. moisture from the soil, and by this the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied . There is one itnportanp duty means it is discharged into the sat- i at wholesale prices for spot cash only. which every cheesomaker and every mosphere. For example, the common Should have this Gook. Address, V.luoble (teatise and t„ o bottles of ,nedielne Hent Sreo !o NOVELTY PC BLISHERS, Sar Sufferer. 0iro 0opres. and Post 001ce oddtess. •E d Ingersoll, Ont SLOCUH CHIMICAI. CO., Ltd.. Toronto, Ont. .1 1 . rn! Featherbone Corsets must no't be confounded with those which, were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of to -day is as far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAiR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years xpey" �e, and are pronounced the best Medicines for Famil THE PI GLS Purity the blood, correct alt diile sorn diersoof tt complaints the LIVER, incideSTOMACH,al o a1ofallages. AND RO\5'RLS and inva '111--IM 021NT'T1Vlh;NT Is the only reliable remedy for bad ogs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR 11RONOHITIS, 13011E THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN d ESDISEASES' all ILiS NO Eine QUAL.ndors throughoutMafactthe world,nt 78, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, London. t 'ParchasGrs should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not: 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WEBSTER � CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKING MEN'S TWEED SUITS: ,s*To $4.00 SPOT GASH. fromledge of the best methods of making d r Union the friends of temperance, We are led to believe, from reports ber of the Association. The fruit- nd religious circles in general se- regarding last season's work, that grower feels it his duty to be a mem• Bred an irreparable loss yesterday too many of our makers do not fully ber of the Fruit Growers' Association, by the death of Mrs, C. T. Williams, realize the importance of their work, the poultry than feels it his duty to of 55 Drummond street, after an 111• and neglect many of the little things be a member of the Poultry Assn. Hess of many months' duration, the that have to do with turning out elation and why should not ever twelve ounces of water in twelve hours, and an oak tits with an es- '700,000 s- .. i 00,000 leaves timated numbe would in the same way give off some- thing like seven hundred tons of water daring the five months it car, ries its foliage. Opposite the new Macdonald Block, Winglralm. 0 $1.0.00 on each, by purchasing front us. WEBSTER & 00i, • Merchant 'sitars