The Wingham Times, 1895-04-05, Page 7The Farmer's Apple Orchard.. se ata. Not I41i;e Perfumes. It was at a lecture; the room was '£'O1WI' W)EU FROM Grit PAGE, hot and crowded, and Ails. Bitter— sweet sweet noticed that her husband was suffering under a sense of injury. What is it, dear? she whispered, under cover of one of the speaker's' rounded periods, Mr. Bittersweet's sniffs beeanle more- audible. It's the abominable odor of 'perfumery in the rooni, lie puffed, I'm iilm.ost asphyxiated by it. Why, l cancount tcluitc.(.n distinct scents twcry time the women, about us applaud. 0, well, try not to notice it, hvhis• pere(l his wife with that cheet'fn.lnes; always displayed 1)y the friends of p , the sufferer in sulk easels. Do listen to the lecture.; it fa,just splendid. Huluph; I stl)p0;e you like the; odor; wo1Oen always do tike what- ever costs looney. Do you happen to,know how much is spent /I111WI] ly OD perfumery in Ameriea alone? No, dear, I don't. What is it? Ung ----well, I don't remember the exact tigfires just now, but I assure you it is something enormous, For my part I think that the carrying of perfumes into public places should be prohibited by law, and the amontit of money which would other- wise have been wasted upon them might then go towards endowing an asylum for those idiots wbo don't know that others have rights in public-- Sh—sh ! You are disturbin peo- ple. The lady in the violet bonnet is looking daggers at you. Humph, the one whose Ilandker- chief,is poisoned with patchouli; I don't care if she isn't pleased. Say, I think I'll step out for a cigar. Do, said his wife, with a smile, I thought something beside the, per- fume was tl'onbling you. He came back before long with a smiling face and'settled himself con- tentedly in his place. As he did so the lady in the violet bonnet, who sat next to him, began . to wave • her handkerchief before her' face. . Isn't it awful, 'she whispered to her cent. wormy. Those sprayed six times yielded Ill per cent, first grade,. 19 per cent. second and 5 per cent, third, with 4 per cent wormy. The trees left without spraying, for the :sake of comparison, gave 25 per 'eent. first grade, 50 per cent, second; 19 per cent. third, with 9 per ccilt. wormy, The gain froth, two spray- ings was 120 per cent., from four was 112 per cent., from six 204 per 'cent. of strictly first-class fancy fruit, The apples were subsequently sold, ,consisting of 01$ barrels, the buyer ,graded them thus; 59 barrels firsts, • 41. seconds, and 1?; thirds; that is, he made 91 per cent. firsts, 7 per cent. seconds, • and 2 per cent. thirds; whereas Mr, Lodetnatl makes his highest percentage A -of firsts only id per cent., which was from the six sprayings; while the .average of the whole, the two, the four and the sig • sprayings, is 01.3 per cent. Tho difference between this and 91 per cent., as graded by the buyer, indicates the high stan- dard of Mr. Lodeman's grading. The small size of many of'the farm orchards and the multiplicity of varieties of which most of these is composed, together with the pressure .of other farm work in the spriug,may make the spraying of orchards seem an added burden too great to be taken up for the amount of gain. `This, however, might be overcome by a number of farmers that live contiguous to each other combining' for this purpose, uniting in the pur- chase of the requisite. outfit, and en - •.gaging a competent person to prepare the material, do the spraying, and .care for the machiney, The amount liquid required to efficiently spray -an orchard of large apple trees will .average about four gallons per tree ; less will not be sufficient to cover all parts of the tree properly, if more is used the excess will fall to the ,ground. Two men, one to drive .and do the spraying, the other to companion, wherever one goes it is work the pump, can thoroughly just the same—some horrid man :spray at least one hundred such! poisons the air with the odor of stale trees in a day. 1 tobacco; positively I couldn't stand Again, most farmers wait for a I it if I hadn't some strong perfume buyer to come. and take the fruit at about me to act as an antidote.• :such price as he may think best to' •offer. This man expects to make a ISCofit sufficient to -pay for itis time and expense; the. wholesale dealer to whom he ships must have his com- mission, and if sent to Great Britain the consignee there has his commis- sion. Why not unite also in shipping t market and r • he the fruit direct to -d OVERHEARD IN A Bus.--" Sir, you are a clumsy fellow—you trod on My foot." I am extremely sorry— hope I did not hurt you very much. The soft answer turned away the other's wrath, and even produced an apology. Oh, no, not very much— you must excuse me, I ain a little thereby save to the producer the l irritable—fact is, out of sorts, liver, profits of at least the travelling I biliousness, and that sort of thing; jyou know—thoroughly wretched. buyer ? Aly dear sir, of course I will excuse • In closing this paper the writer you; but why don't you take sone - desires to impress upon the farmers thing ? "Tried everything — no the importance, nay, the absolute ne- i good." Nonsense, you haven't tried cesaity of spraying their apple or- Holloway's Pills, I ' know' _ they chards every spring. The apple- never fail in eases like yours. "Gad ! cab and the eodling worm leave I never thought of 'em. Byjove, 'been allowed to go unchecked so 19.1 try 'em at once. Hi'. conductor, long that there is not an orchard in stop the 'bus." the country that is not suffering •from i the injuries inflicted by these pests. ' Tnis is Concentration. While we were ignorant of the One pill a dose, one box 25 cents. means of preventing these injuries One pill relieves constipation. One box there was no help for it, but now cures an orrlinnry ease. Ono Dill taken there is no excuse for us if we allow weekly neutralizes formation of uric :these to continue. It is not only acid in the blood and prevents 13rirrhtls Triothat the apple -scab fungus spoils the '1"n"'1"n" 431"4" and Dittbntea,only of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. apples, but by its great injury- to the leaves weakens thew trees, so that the ' Never did shy hecto, eh ? CV ills fruit which escapes being scabby,, neither did a rotten egg.. does not attain its full size. Nor is A RRmarkgble dare.—J, W. Jennison, the codling worm the only, insect inGilford —Spent between 8200 and 8300 in jut'ious to the orchard that the spray -consulting Doctors l tried Dixon's altd ing kills, The tussack moth, the alt other treatments but gat no beuaild yellow -neck and red -humped cater- One box of Chase's Oatrlrrh Cure (liclte pillars, the Banker -worms, the leaf- more good than all other renietlies, in fact I uansider myself cured, and with a roller, the leaf -folder, the leaf -ovum• 25 cant box at th At. -pier, the very'small bat very juju. The man who is constantly think - bus eye -spotted bud -troth, the Pal- mer -worm, and others that might be ing evil finals a thousand ways to named, are usually on band to add speak it. their quota of harm: If we are to 'terra Clover Root, the creat Blood :secure first-class prices for our ap- purifier gives freshness and clearness to • les we trust grow first-class fruit, the C(s:lhplexion and cures Constipation, 'pies,s., 50 cts., ani. Sold at Ohisholm's 25 et :and there is nothing more certain Corner Drug Store. than the fact that we cannot gather Nobody ever made life 'any fruit it we do not spray ' brighter for another by growling and cater apple orchards every season. grumbling. WIJN GUAM MNI_ES, APRIL 5,1895. " NT MOO SINAI, I Q. YEARS OF SUFFERING , 20 FAILURES ES TO CURE LAP" OCUSTCtMSOFTHE CHRISTIAls • CGi. kt`.1E THESE t�Q A f D• For 20 years 1 suffered the torments ; n. If the dmnuetl with blind anal itching 'files, .Usti: I hnown of any cure 1 would tot have hesitated to have given hen :reds of dollars to obtain it, 1 followed he instructions of an eminent pi -oakum) 6±1;. n using syringe treatments. 1 us.•al i { l+ewler's Pile Ou.re and 20 others of air.' -:i;!) 'event kinds. From some a little toli.'r Nos gained, but nothing approached 11 1 WWI about resigned to the fatetil I A' having to pass through an 111Mo:A uo interrupted caurlsa nt sit aim ing so long las 1 lived, when (.hns'1.. Ointment WAR 01'gtti(ht tO 10' notice. The. statements in regard to it were so ht room and core • with them a sense of c+onvicltion guilt cierlt t0avere1ms my skepticism 111 ,'e :card to its being no better than th t ' rest. I used it, with the result of r••-. oeivirig inlalediate relief and permanent1 cure. For weeks anti w,:olts 1 was fear- : fully afraid of tt return of misery, bat it did not occur. 1 started using Chase's Ointment, hoping for relief and realixeti 'l cure that is permanent. 1 do not be- lieve there ever wart as Worse 'late blindand itching piles than anion. which leads ate to think there la not a case to be reoordnd Chase's Oantauenr. will not euro. Yours truly GE0. W. Moan's. 'Brantford, Ont. I Prop. The Now Morris Separator. Elnpressive Sights tai lie Seen tit tlte'1Ettp gell Religions cumnanntty-- 'he 1}reelntis LlhrarY in Change of the flitter Monk- -Wm tato 11toe1:s Spend `.choir t,t.vws, Mount hepreserlt condition of the convent on .I r ) (Ll i Sinai 1Il 14i IK thus ( he 1) +l by 11 It tl tl1t ~outer in the Guard tam "It is. n inlpres• sloe thing tints to cont( upon 11, Christian colony and 0 Christian. absinth i11 the rocky heart of the Sivaaitic peninsula; 1a colony which can ti'ttce its ancestry to the earliest days of Byzantine Christianity, a churell which bears witness to the faith of Justin- ian lunl'1'lleodora, of (.'usintts and Damian, of Catherine of Alexandria, and (:ttheriue Of Russia. The convent itself is as mass of buildings, heavily furtressetl; there were clays when it had to defend itself against Moslem persecution and Bedouin ulttrnu- clerK. "The monks within, some twenty or thirty in number, are uncouth and tilt kempt t0 tilt last degree. Ilarcily a sign of the effects of the religious life can be seell in their faces, many of then revul- sive enough. But no visitor can fail to re- ment' er with gratitude their kindly and unaffected weleoine, Their feelings to- ward the English church are most friend- ly, and if an English priest is among the travelers he is taken within the screen and ailolVecl to kneel before the altar, and to take part in the celebration of the liturgy. The church is a fine basilica, richly but tastefully decorated and well cared for. Its chief artistic treasure is the superb mosaic work in the apse, of the seventh or eighth century, representing the trans- figuration, to which the church is dedica- ted. As a rule" there are three services daily, announced with chiming of bells and beating of the gong, et four and six a.m., and two in the afternoon (vespers). The eucharist is celebrated gene)fally twice a week, and on saints' day. "Beyond attending the services, the mocks do not seem to have much to do. Study, of coarse, they never dream of. There is a great deal of baking; of bread, and brewing of date wine alwayss going on, as well as some lazy whitewashing; there are the olives and vinesin the garden to be looked after; but for the most part the inmates live a life of serene and vacant idleness. Of the chief officers the prior nonentity, the nh sat promi- nentseems to be a o person being the steward, who under- takes the services and the internal econo- my of the house. Next in importance comes the secretary, a young macs in deacon's orders, with some pretensions to education, possessed of a good-natured heart and a minimum of bad French. • "The precious library is under his charge, though he knows nothing at all about it, and handles the MSS. in a way that is harrowing to one's feelings. But things are better now than they were onee: The books are housed in three rooms. with glazed windows; they are labelled,. num- bered, and most of then catalogued. Their contents have not yet been completely explored; but the latest researches war- rant the belief that the principal treasures" have been exhausted, and that another Codex Sinatiticns is not likely to be dis- covered in a waste -paper basket." You Think. It is something Else. The why of the bad feeling is 'what puzzles you It is easy to :imagine so many' causes, when the real ono is indigestion. You think it's something else. The euro is Itipans Tabules, A single tabule :.gives relief. Ask•the druggist. The plow 1; not go deep if the team hila an,r r`t',i -to say about it. Lo'irti newer tatl'ttl back because it sues a rount:ti,i lacers it holt. roar. Heart Dist3ttse MI:nutes.--A11 cagey of organic or apt. pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr, Ag- new's Cure, Sold at. Chishelm's Drug It is right for charity to begin at; store, Winghana. home, but she hits lint (lone her ditty If you would sleep well at night, until she has ,:;one all over the world, be wide awake when a stranger seeks -Itam's horn. I ii y.:u Ileve ,, ,.r,;i, And desire to be cured •ll tont r,Mic cf Iasi n ; your money, wo will send a C..:silCL:,g ih ..i -Ci? And medicine for that d so without a ..dn„ a cent cf pay In ndvan-e. f•::or a fair trial at youruwn homo, and you find Eta: enuino remedy, you can send us fJ3 to pay for _ :.;e, it not sr,tisfactary In every way you can return the Inhaler at our expcnso, and need not pay ono cent. Oeuld arythin; be more fair? 'tl g co lose. ver h n •to gainand not. n You havoc yt t ,, lr „ If the romo.!y Is not all we claim, we are the losers, not you. dust thinkof being cured for $3. ti S7'Ifi'IO dt aR ±'-:' c Rev. J. 1"t.. MAvETX, Methodist Minister. (*t- tawat, Ont., wriest --" Your (;crmichle inhaler i,t two months radically coral sty daughter of canonic catarrh: Rt:v. T, S, NORRts, late Bond St. Church, To. roma, nt.:--"Your Inhaler and ltlt.ttlEsto h;u: proven genuine in every respect. This Inhe;er Val Madlcino on t, "-I wlths.a.i pay 11140/ante. ti'lccaittclesr moan. 1 ) .4aniu rum © ABI1 I~ MI r tii�ontn csrsi?els :. atnicunlr;u- MP. noret.ts, (randurtor, tt CntatIO St., Toronto: -' 2 oar nratma•rt : t a trw is ors cured me ut catarrh of long standing. • ".IR. T. Xmas, no Christopher St„ To - route. :--"Your Inhaler nod 'Medicine cured Ma. J. A, M+;NAan, Schaw.Ont„writs.— The ire of a case of catarrh of tea yearti stand - Inhaler you sent has rat'k' ally cure's are f ca;,. gnu.” .Arch. It is worth matey tie:, -s your char;,. Titin le a ,^olden opportunity. ORtER TO -PAY. You run no ris!c, You can test 1t to your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for tho Good you cat. For remedy on above liberal terms, ..address. IVIEf3ICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YONGE Sr., TORONTO, ONT. JOB PRINTING, 1N and Burns are soothed at once witlx `INCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, cos",ors, 1311 A Beads, Circulars, Ase., *1e,, executed in the beet style or the art, nt moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Times Otffce, Wingham. ta^Q- ga Local ann Traveling Sa,kshteu YW 1 @R■ to Iaarnalu our hardy Canadian Grown N nrsery Stoc•ir. 't u guarani se satisfaction to r •prvsentativcs and Customers :aft Norhut•ies aro the lnrecst is the Dominion—oral, 700 acres. No 4tihsl l, Exclusive tand erritory to whole in or part time aueats. Write us. STONE Rt WELLINGTON. • (head Ottice,) Toronto, out. The only Nursery in Canada havirg testi Pam Davit 1GL It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam- mation, and prevents blistering. It is s the quickest and most effectual remedy fo;, • pain that is known. Keep it by you, ... -•.. » :r'�:...'""-+r- . .... ,t,. .%r..-aaar. 'Tw'r�cc"+.:tl-'-.: ,l, • '�, ;.��„ ,,.t ,. ,,��,�.. � ,Way a .c _ ^il" aenrciiards' 2041 else: WEAK MEN CUREDe ENTILEY,, -�- If you want, your FALL AND WINTER — iJ X Pir ►�^ made in the latest style, go to Vast Armaments of Europe.. Thirteen million bayonets prop torn the czar's throne.. Thetis the full strength of the Russian army on a war footing. Ger- many comes next, but after a •long inter- val, with 8,700,000 soldic rs; Italy has 8,15.5,.- 000 and France 2,850,1)00, excluding 850,000 auxiliaries Austria's fine army, which in quality is reckoned scarcely second to IC1ai- ser Wilhelm' , contains a maximum: of 1,704,175 linen.. England at home and in her colonies can mobilize a force of 662,- 000. The little martial republic of Switz- erland can summon 486,000 soldiers to; her banners in an emergency, and even pover- ty -cursed Spain boastsof 400,000. Austria, of all the powers,.hastlhemost burdeus•tnhe militsu'y establishment. Her annual ex- penditures on her army are $,25i5,000,U00, while Iiussitek,.with at army seTen times as huge, are Only 8186,000,000, luta Ger- many's $113;000,000. Iit proportion to size England's army is, perlhaps, the .most costly, Her 602,000 men require $82,000,- 000 annually for their support,. or only $15,000,000 less than the amount which • provides Franee with an enormous host of more tivan four times l+.:ngland'anuuahers. Roston Zetxrnul. G. H. • I RVI N, STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. gig—CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYI ARE you u el Nervous and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; no am- jl bition—lifeh'es;memory poor . easily fatigued; excitable and rritabae; eyes sunken, red and blurted; p'mples on face; dreams and might losses; restless;. hnggurd looking; wea>c back;. hone pains: hair loose; ulcers;. sore throat varicocele; deposit in Brine and drains at stool; distrustful; wantof confidante; 'belt of energy and strength — WE CAN CURE YOU/ RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K.& K. JOHN A . 1rANLIN. JOHN t.'tt•&NLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAR. Powmt3. opposite Bank of Hamilton, W Iia GUAM THE When yon go to war with a snake. the battle o443 to be with the end where the head is. Salm". IN English White Oils is the best barfly Giuimeltt in tete world. Good for man or h•last. 'Price 25 cents, at Williams' Drug Store, Winghant. The sun will keep or shining no matter how niueh we may tank about its black spots. Brits A NCC, SCTED COLD W ilo„ t:auctoVA t ilha!iy into Consumption. 0 EAR UP A 031D IN TI,1,1E Pyo ' (f+✓'"4o+r e1 it Cott r,a { OO1.1Q11F, 9r.7NCt('-r150, t .,e +313NE:3S c,e•. he • . 131c,r, 5 Ctic. BEFottk'AicaATtaaNT. AA Ar.0 ..., :,'i,,,4: T. Bbr'u..,. 'A ..A...a:uneT. AP rw.. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin says —"I was one of the count' e's vic- tims of early ignorance comate.,ctd at t8 3en14of age. I tried seven medical firma and spent $UUU w;t out avail. I gave up in despair. The (trains on my syst. m were weakening my intellect as well as hay sexual: nd physical life. My brother advised me as a last resort to consult Drs. Kennedy d li. rg.tn. 1 commenced their New Method Treatment and in a few weeks was a new pian, w th new life and ambition. This was four yearn ago, and now 1 am married and happy. i recommend these reliable specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.—CONI=IDENTAL. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS Aub M POTENCY CURED. "The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my ruin. Later on a ''gay life" a• d exposure to 1,1o' d di- seases completed the wreck. I had all the syml.tonn of Nervous Debility—sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine, nervousness, weak back, el 0. Syphilis caused my hair to fall out, bone pains, ulcers in month and on tongue, blotches on body, etc. 1 thank God 1 tried Drs. K"n' edy & Horgan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS. (lam" We treat and cure Varicncrle, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. •Aro son a victim? flare yon tease}e? Are Nott enntAmplatt 'l mar_ READER ! .riagei Has your illood b en dlsealeds' Hage yO1) an)' wsaknr s? Our New Method Treatment will cure i on, Il hat it ha.s clone fctr others it will do fur sou. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has trent, 11 you write for an 11011eP! "! ;Aim Free of charge Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE— "The you, Monitor" (illustrated), on Dieensrs of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. tcenled. 12?rNO NAIVII_S USED WITHOUT 'bRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No m• dl' ane s ret C. 0. u No names nn box••a or wool'*" open. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat- ment, FRED. syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. DRS, KENNEDY KERGAN, raDETRoh,micH.�. ■i'',WiyaW1,� •; ..•. P+?t, ,..> %: 315; 'z.ikE:nliw.rA "iabik"kht".Fria When faby leas slat, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, site cried for Castoria. What; site be a ati 'Miss, she citing to Castorin. Wilms:w had C!an.0 srcn, slat thetaCastorl.l. 1 1 'your confidence, ltlheunlatisni Cured in a day,—.S"unttl Mrs. 'I. S. 'ii atwkhnl9, Chatta13001'fl. Atneriean 13heumtatii+. Cure of Rheumatism Tenn, say's,''Shi1oh'S V'italliser'saved any' n,thaNecralgiaradically soresin1 to 13 lab's. life;' I consider it the best remedy for 3t Its atltion on the avatein is romarkiable and debilitated system I Ovela used" Per mysterious. It removes at (ince the cause I .Dyepepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it of the disease immediately disappears. `%'lie 1 lairCela. 1 rice 7o eta. Soot at Ohislhnlm s s trod a entlumshobein aeffi•tts.stoic, cents. t Corner _Price Store. THE �4E C R ET Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative power over every organ of the body.. The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin,a the Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human, system are regulated, purified, and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES alt diseases affecting these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Cot stipaa.. tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Bead. ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors,' Old Sores, Scrofula, 12heumatistn, Nervous ar General Debility, and all irregularities of the system, caused by Bad Blood or dia•.a ordered action of the Stomach, Vowels, Liver or Kidneys, Thousands of testi. menials warrant the assertion that 13.13.13. is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD.