The Wingham Times, 1895-04-05, Page 414
app. Brunswick House.
i:Aring haul, - - out
• •
Oa ThurrAlay tit Ltd week, Mr„
Wha Daue, of this plaee and Clerk
of llowlek for inaL1e. yeare, passed
auae Atte" lingening flhiws. The
funeral took place on Saturday after -
Culross Star Lodge, I. O. C.
has purchased a lodge room, and
geve a box social in Clark's school
house, on Friday evening last, to as-
sist in paying for their hall. This
lodge is one Of the oldest and best in
the district.
ljt 00.( IR 11) a m •,•t imts
FaitiDaY J.e.PPate i, isee.
EinTortz AL. NOTES.
A INVOLUTION was passed in the
Imperial House of Comnions, the
ether day, affirming the advisability
of givieg local legislative assemblies
to England, Scotland, Ireland and
A. ersee'rea from. Montreal says
%hat Sir Joseph Hickson, (Chairman
of the Royal "Prohibition.'" Commie-
aiou„ has sent a report 'to Ottawa
after a. full consideration of the evi-
dence. The majority of the com-
mission do not favor prohibition.
Mn, 01,VID CREIMIT41); formerly
Manager of The Empire, (has been
appointed Deputy Reeekver-General
in. Toronto, in place eaf Mr. C. J.
Campbell,. who, having reached the
.age of 73 and having been twelve
years in the office, has been super-
annuated. The changie 'will take
place May 10. The salary is $8,000
per annum.
AT A Cabinet meetinglon Saturday
at Ottawa, the. Premier, Sir Macken -
zine Bowell ; Sir Adolphe Caron,'
Postmaster -General; Mr. G. E.
Foster, Minister of Finance, and Mr.
John Haggart, Minister ,of Railways ..amount of' grain crushing done told°.
.and Canals, were appointed to confer Itheniffor the rest of the season.The
with the delegates trona Newfoimd-14anners in this section are..complain-,
land regarding the proposals for the 'mg of a scarcity of seed peas, eats.
union of Newfoandland with Canada.
On Thursday atteraeon last, in
Frank D, Sexsmith, a very re.
speetable young farmer of Huron
township, who. cut his throat on Sat-
urday night last, died on Wedues-
day, .A.priil :ard, Sexsmith.was
in good •eircumstaricea and. with
everything that goes to make life.
happy, and. his rash net was a com-
plete surprise to his many friends
and acquaintances. Temporary in-
sanity was doubtless the cause of.bis
action,. He leaves a wife and two
small children..
Patine of the line is •unknown.—On Mr, Jerome, Dentist, Wing-. IV. B. Clark, a convict in the 1, en -
Saturday afternoon last Mr. Thom" M ere stbe"TsilthinmktkieLlatitallel:raelim itentiary, has sent a letter to Chief of
Leek, Migineer at the Morris, r, Geo, or Police Williams, of London, in which
& Rogers piano factory, fell down on Nye: "There hi ntlolcletir viatintikl'trif IINVITIbli7rarYal he tells what lie alleges is the true I
1 t f le. )c ce a very Little Dandelion Pills. ' story of the Donnelly murders in Bid- I
severe cat an his right wrist, sever Mr .inlay andereon, '• Ex -Deputy., „ inh sore years ago. He tells bow
;Eust Wawatioeh.' saye; "They ""'"'
I the names of the murderers, fourteen
ing several of the arteries and pie e eeve ever tlie murders were effected and gives
ews. Ile is out of danger and is re. aursee.te most satisfuetory
covering nicely.—Mr, John Hendee. Th mas Taylor, Warden tor the in all,
eon, Sr., died. at his residence on Main County of Heron, Eliys: 1.I would not use
Louis Cyr, the Cauadian strong
SC, Listowel, on Sunday night last. any other Pill."
Chas, Proctor, ath line ofrilMoitrris; man, who has a redorel of lifting 4,000
Mr. Henderson had not been strong Eieirtsti eio %let UnQ 1)11 t out N uns
pounds with his back and blinds,. and.
'ter many years and had a paralytic, .
4Jase. daunt, Ex -Warden for County who has. fairly lifted a 273A. dumb
' stroke about two months ago, since of. Bruce, sava ee have found them in.
! whieb time be haabeee gradually sink- . deed a wonderful Pill," bell, has ootifled his representative
. in New York to try and arrange a
of his age, haviug been born in the ed on application.
Hundreds of like Tostimon Ws turnish.
heavy weights and put up dumbbells
ling. The deceased was in the 58th year I match with Eugene Saralow to lift
icity of Quebec, Canada, on the 17011 . for $1,000 a side and the heavy lift-
1of June, 1837. Ile removed to On- I ' ing championship of the world.
Toronto ip. 1850 to Janet McIntyre, i bridesmaid, Mr. John Smale„ being
tart°. and was. Married in the city of
who survives him. They CAM W groomsman. Tho congratulations
Listowel thirty years ago, and Mr
ility.IncStook p LiveMarkets.
Y '' emus to the young couple start ng
Henderson followed his business as East Buffalo, N. :Y., April 1.—
out in life together. The tastefully
Cattle—Receipts, 2,800 head; mar -
1 plestener and contractor for a num-
1ber of years. Mr. Henderson bats arranged tables bountifully spread,
ket, fairly good demand: stockers
two brothers living, Robert, of volt 'were filled several times by the
and feeders, receipts fair and demand
William, and Thomas, of Stratford, guests, who evidently enjoyed the
light ; Milch cows and springers,
and one sister, Mrs, Perry, Stmtford. reunion arid wet.° bent on sociability.
receipts fair, about 15 to 18 cars all
Their daughter,.Mrs. George Forbes, fT0111.0 a fewhappdy pair left the next day
told, demand fair ; veals and calves,
days' visit in London. We
of New York, was in attendance at ., receipts 650 head, market stronger
, Join with others in wishing them
f 0. od fat veals Ho s—Recei ts
her .father s bedaide for some weeks P
loner life and happiness.—Philip or o • g
TEESWATER, before his death. The fancied took ,0b00 head ; market fairly active
Wade has been spending the winter 18
view cemetery and was largely at- under the parental roof, but returned and steady at about last week's clos-
place on Tuesday afternoon to Fair-
ing prices for all kinds ; Yorkers,
to Buffalo on the 22nd. Hi
tended. Mr. Henderson was ,one of s sister,
0 4 9" • • • d
'The bill for the sale of the market
square ;has passed the Legislature.—
On Wednesday evening of last Week
a happy event took place at the
residence of Mrs. S. Kirkland, Tees -
water, ,when her daughter, Miss
Mary, eves united in marriage to Mr.
Wan. %Wilson, of St. Helens. The
naptial.knot was tied by Rev. Jas.
Malcolm and the duties of gnoems-
anan(and bridesmaid were performed'
by Mr. John Sharpe and, bliss Eliza-
beth Kirkland, sister of the ebride.
Aacorepany of about forty, relatives
.and ;friends were ,present. The
t0.0. the bride were numeronsand
the well-known residents ,of the town
from the old days, and his kindly and
genial disposition made hien a gen-
eral favorite with his aesodiates,
' Mr. Joseph Kilpatrick„of the 9th
(concession of Ashfield, left his li,ouse
the afternoon of Wednesday last
for the purpose of taking -a load of
blocks to Lucknow. His ,road lay
through the bush and aCFOSS fields
for a considerable distance. As Mr.
Philips was returning from bis work
lter seven o'clock he found him
eying beside the sleigh dead. He had
'evidently fell off the sleigh and died
Mrs. Robert McCorkindale died without a strug•gle.- Dr. Case was
iquite.-suddenly on Sunday and WaS called and gaveas his ..o,pinien that
buried on Tuesday in Brandon 'he died of apoplexy. There were
cemetery.—Sawlogs continue to pour over one hundred vehicles in the
into Livingston's - millyard and the procession'which accompanied the
farmers are getting an -immense .remains to the Dungannon ‘cemetery
'on Saturday.. The deceased was
'buried by the 1. F.; he being a
(charter member of Court Wawanosh
No. 1227. Upwards of 100 Foresters
took part in the burial tervices.
,ceaeed was 51 years.of age.and a
strong pillar in the Methodist church.
His sudden death was a great shock
to his family and a surprise to all
who knew him. He was an mere-
•tionally strong and hearty man. His -
wife epd eight children., the oldest of
whom is 19 years, have theeympathy
.of the whole community tin their
The Government, he said, desired ief extra good quality,—jamee Tee sad and sudden loss. — leecknow
time to thorougaly :consider what Ticolileft on Friday morning for 1-66' ;Sentinel.
action was best, and in May, when Angeles, Cal., where he hopes to be
:and barley, which are very hard to
,get , this vicinity. -Charles
Welland- is recovering from a very,
the. Manitoba Legislature, Premier *lions attack of La Grippe.—Mr.
14e. B. Wray, the. genial postmaster cif
Green way, in moving the .adjourn- leklina, and son of ex -reeve Wray, .ef.
nent of the House till May .9tb, said .Morris, was renewing old acquire.
that the Government had 48 yet seen 'stances here last week.—This .11ILs!
no reason to change its ;policy in f ibeen.a poor season so far for sugar-
enspeet to the seboolsof theiProvince. anaking but it is said that the sap is,
the House re -assembled, they would
be able to definitely declare their in-
tentions. -
g , • 4 • / -
Mrs. Malott, has been the past year 'e
visiting friends in Ontario, but left packers, $5.10 to $5.15 ; good medi-
by the C. P. R. for her home in San urns, $5.20 to $5.25; rough common
Francisco, Cale—Mr. McLean, of the to choice, $4.25 to $4.75: pigs, fair
boundary, renamed to Montana. He to good, $4.70 to 4.85;$stags, corn -
was accompanied by Mr..T. Elliott, mon to choice, $3.50 to $4. Sheep
son-in-law Of Mr, Eli Elliott, and and lambs—Offerings, 22,000 head ;
John, son icif Mr. James Elliott. The trade fair, for best fat lambs steady
good wishes ,of their many friends at about last week's closing prices:
follow them. Such a scattering of thchic,e to best export wethers, .$5 to
old friends todifferent places remind 9i.'•" ; export ewes, $4.50 to $5;
one of the well known lines : culls, common to fair, $2.25 to $2.75;
lambs, fancy, $8 to $8.50 ; good to
"When Shall we all meet again, choice. $5.90 to $6.10 ; fair to good,
Oft :shall glowing hope expire,
$4.50 to 0.25 ; culls to common,
Oft shall weary love retire,
Oft may death and sorrow reign, to $
E'er we alt shall meet again." Montreal. Que., April 1. ---There
were about 400 head of - butchers'
-e-Mr. William Wheelens and family cattle, 350 calyes, 60 sheep and 20
'were eanprised the evening of the spring lambs offered for sale at the
29th by a large number of young East End .Abattoir to -day. The but -
people who gathered there for pleas- i chars were present in large numbers
ure and (mild acquaintance sake. and trade was fairly good, but
Following is the report of S. S. prices continue about the same as on
No. 6 for the past month: Sen. 4th— last week's markets. prime cattle
Total -450—E. Blackwell 334, . J. being a trifle higher, while common
Homath 332, Aggie Mitchell 326, stocks were a shade easier in price.
MaItIKET 111',Paereee
Wingbani, Apr;; 4, 1805.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produn Dealer,
Flour per 100 lbs.. ...... 1 41) to 1. 75
..... 0 03 to 0 65
Spring Wheat 0 03 to 0 05
'Oats,. *4 44 4 • 0 83 to 0 34
I Barley 0 36 to 0 40'
0 58 to 0 60
13 to Q 16
10 to 0 10,'
25 to 1 50'
'Butter rolls
I 4 • 4 *4 I, 0 R
lEggs per dozen ...... — ,... 0
' Wood per cord—. .. — .... 1
I "il'ot t es, per l'ittsiiel ...... ,. a P°er t°11' .. ... — " 1100too t?) )(i
I Tallow, per lb .. 0 05 to
'Dried Apples, per lb........ 0 4i. to 0 05,
1C1iickens,......... ...... 0 25 to 0 85
• Turkeys...—. 30 to g gg:
Ducks.-- ........ 4444,14 8
...... ••••ese , 1, too 0 06
lessed Hogs 5 sit to a 50*
Beef 994444,4 44 .... 4 00 to 6 OCP
Fall Wheat, 0 57 to 0 52'
Spring Wheat . . ..... ; . 0 55 to 0 57
Barley.. '
0 40 to 0 45,
Cats......... ..... .. .. 0 34 to 0 34
Foster Fyfe 221, W. Campbell 170. A few of thebest beeves were sold at
Jun, 4th -Total, 450—M. Cowden about 4c per pound, pretty good
317, Andy Mitchell 313, Aggie Cow- animals. sold from 3-hc to 3e per
den 281i, W. Porter 286, Ida Homuth I pound, rough and half fatted beats
201, John Foxton 136, L. Bryce 80, ' sold at from 2.1-c to 3c do., and some
Ed. Johnston 48, H. Johnston'34, of the leaner ones brought very little
. . A. E. TficalsoN, Teacher. Over 2e per pound. A few of the
A very successful public examin- best calves were sold at from $5 to
atioft was held in S. S. No. 3, .Turn- $S each, but common veils soldat
berry, Glenannan school, on the from $1.50 to each. Mixed lots of
afternoon of Friday, March 22nd. sheep sold at from 4c to 4?,,c per
' The school house was very nicely I pound. Spring lambs sold at from
decorated for the -obeasion with ever- $2.50 to $4,50 each. Fat hogs are .
greens and tissue flowers. Mr. Dun- ,
easier in price, or from 5e to 5ic per
benefitted in health. .
lop, the teacher, was assisted by pound .
C 44144 .. 0 55 to 0 65
l'otatoes, per bushel., .... . . 0 40 to 0 40
iF.,}1,_ , Ler dozen
Butter.... .. .. .... . ...... 00 1103 ttoo 00 1114
. . .
Cordwood . 73 000toto47 500:
Wool... — ........ ....... 0 17 to 0 20'
Fall Wheat
Wroxeter, Aproiln40, ti.oe 905.60.
Barle.... 0 50 to 0 56
0 45 to 0 4.5.
Spring Wheat '
33 to 0 sa,-
10.0.t ss .........0
0 57 to 0 57
0 40 to 0 40
Eggs. per dozen 0 13 to 0 13.
Wood, short 8 00 to 8 004
0 12 to 0.1H6.
Wool 1 50 to 1 504
rzied Hogs 0 10 to 0 16;
5 00 to 6 00'
4 50 to 5 504
Potatoes, per bushel— ..
u er.
ARTIII:It J. IRWIN, D. D. P., L. D. 8., ,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvaniec
Dental College.
Pupil of
of the Toronto Conservatory of Music iIt
prepared to receive pupils in
1 For terms apply at Dinsley House.
Alii; AGAIN!
Rev. Wesley Leech is visiting his Misses Cooper and Stokes and Messrs.
GLENFARROW. Torontof April 1st. — Offerings
. brother, Mr. Joseph Leech. --Mr. Mc- Powell, Thompson, Hartley, Mont -
were fairly liberal to -day, but prices with snap shot bargains to
Mass Bentley and Messrs &and M. Kerizie Messer has returaed ihome gomery and McEwen. The different
Tan Minister of Agriculture has a
suit the times.
0.4131Vbfl11, 8.11 of Blyth, spent a &IV eerom Stratford Business College.— classes, wheia 'called a,nd questioned were no better for anything but
bill before the Ontario Legeslatare
da here last week visiting fitie d by the assisting teachers showed b hogs Six carloads were taken for
.5 n s. Mrs. Robeit blathers is some better , y
in reference to the packing of fruit. ___ey,e,are.serry to have to report --Mr. Blackwell or W' al
me. aam elm -
f . the readiness of their answers that Montreal. Receipts at both markets
were 33 ears of hog•s, 100 lambs and
It provides that all packages of fruit that IAD, 'Wm. Gemmill is eat pneeent :dew was in the '11
, „ vi age on Monday.— they had received a careful eraining '
must be graded and numbered 1 orvery sill %with "La Grippe." Two Miss Mary Collie is visiting relatives on the various subjects required for sheep and about 75 calves. In
the respective grades. When the butchers' cattle this market was
barely steady. Too thin cattle were
examining of the classes was over, a
2 according to quality, and any per-
son who shall knowingly and with
Intent to defraud, sopiere or arrange
apples, pears, plums, peaches, neater -
Ines, cherries, grapes, apricots or
doctors an attendance.—Mr. DAVIG1 in Toronto. --Mr. John Mitchell, of
,conducted the Christian; Wingham, was in the village last
Endeamorklast Sunday evening. He week, (on business.—bir, Will Bailey
spoke very emphatically about; went to Molesworth, on Tuesday,
"Seeking the Kingdom."—Mr. IL Mrs. Wn. Messer and Cora weee
Chittie au -gaged to work for the' %Isidro. in IVingliam this week —
berries of any description, whateeier, 'summer With Mr. John Jacques, Ilea John Landesborough, of Tucker -
whether graded or ungraded, 111 any Illowicke—Quite a number of our ;smith, was in Bluevale on Tuesday.,
box, crate, barrel, basket, or other
Young people attended the concert at ;on business. — Mr. Christopher
artiele, for delivery to any otherper-
nelmore last Friday evening, and Thornton,shipped a carload of fence
son in each a manner as to cone=
defects in size or quality or other-
offered. There was not much buy -
lunch was served, the scholars and.
ing for Montreal, only six carloads
visitors by the young dames of the
section, of whom a goodly number being taken of export cattle. One
were present. This being over Mr. or two lots were picked up at from
ic to 40 per lb. For good cattle
John Hartley was called to the chair
3.1c toette per ib„ but not many of
.and a short, bat interesting pro -
the right kind are offering. Bulls
gramme was disposed et It com-
fetch from 3ic to 34c per lb. Stock-
reportprised songs (by the pupils and
ers and feeders—Not much was
a good eime.—Mrs. McIntosh, this week. 3/Ir. Joh Lake ,others) instrumental music and short
postsn done. For big breeders, from 1,200
of Gorrie, as at present the guest of 'so shipped a load.—Mr.Sut eerland speeches from the interested parties
wise shall be liable on summary con- Mr. and Mrs. Hooey --Prayer meet- i f
Guelph,was her Pr-- -- t
esen . ntheir addresses, a ex
I 11 - to 1,300 lbs., . good prices will be
vidian thereto'. to a penalty of not . inhsisuramn,eceekageenntimosiness.
ling at Mr. James W.ylie's, itliS Aveek. Mr. Alex pnessed entire satisfactionin the paid. Quotations were from 2 -ie to
Elgin, Waltham, Roekford,
Columbus, warranted for
four years.
Hi CD $ 6 _ 5
7 L
From $2.50 up.
We have the largest and;
mos comp ete stookof
suitable for wedding and
birthday presents, in the
less than $1 nor more than $5 and
R. Fortune has returned from Mustard, representing the Brueefield
' manner in which the scholars ac- 80 per lb. Ilogs—There was a de-
oosts, besides other prosecutions or Toeeidedly firmer feeling and an ad -
onto, where he has been attending cheese company area- hem last Fri- quitted themselves and with the (Ifs-
vance of fully 10c per cwt. Good,
the Ontario Veterinary School'. We da3ry looking over the plans and di- ciplme of the pupils daring the after.
are glad to hear that he has graduat- mensions of he Bluevale cheese nom' which reflect mach credit, not long, lean hogs, weighed off the ear,
ed with honovse—Surprise parties are factory in order to lay them before only on the pupils, but on the teach-
sold at from 8.60 to $4.75 per cwt.
all the rage now, The one last Fri- the shareholders, who intend build- 61'. And we venture to say whenThick hogwere selling at from
$4.50 to $4.00, weighed off the cars.
day night was a grand success. frig a new factory this sprinee at became time to. dismiss, that each
A wee has been introduced into
the Ontario Legislative by Attorney -
General Mowat to amend the law so
As to secure for widows of' persons
dying intestate and without children
Brucetield. The fact that this isIlle one Went home feeling quite pleased Offerings in sheep and lambs were
LISTO*EL, light. The market was simply
third or fourth time durino. this Win. with the afielnoon he had spent with
a reasonable share of the husband's About six Sunday morning last
estate. Heretofore a childless widow fire was discovered by W. Mite,
could only claim one third of her editor and proprietor of the Listowel
intestate husband's property, his Banner, who was driven from his
relatives coming in for the lion's bedroom by smoke with the follow -
share. This has been found to work ing result: S, M. Smith, jewelry
hardship, and, the amending law store, and Barber's photograph gal -
provides that in such eases where lery, completely gutted ; upper itart
the estate is not worth over $1,000 of R. Moore's hardware store badly
it shall go to the widow absolutely burned, and the stock of hardware
and exclusively; where the value is it the store below damaged by water;
over A1,000 she shall 1)e entitled to Bonnet & Bowyer, tin and hardware
$1,0:,t) absolutely, and in addition store, badly burned and the stook
the. same interest in the residue as damaged ; upper part of 0. A. Lee's
she would have It had been the new photograph gallery badly burn -
whale of the estate and the ainend- ed; Clitnie's bedroom over the print-
ing act had not been passed. *lug office damaged by water. The
ter that people front a distance hthe litte ones.
ave nominal.
eotne to look at the Bluevale cheese aert---- arirtintiviraJ,/,. —
factory with the idea of building ,
like it proves that it is a model face ' mANLEY 7 S CELERY- N R V E COMPOUNI1
eV -watches, Clocks and
Jewelry repaired at lowest
rates, and fully guaranteed,
Wingharn, Nov. 15th, 1894.
The OPtiefatr.-
It was a happy crowd of neighbors'
and friends that gathered at Mr.
*lames Elliott's, to witness the Mar-
riage of his daughter Eliza, to David
Kemp, of Teeswater. Mr. Harailtort„1
pastor of the Baptist church, Wing.,
ham, officiated. The bride looked)
lovely in cream eashmere adorned
with lace and flowers, as did also the
sister, 'Slim. Annie :Elliott, who was
The Best BlooclPurifier, Tonic and General Health 1 t .eorever0 ffe,TreLof
domankind, We do tot fear eau=
parison You will get more 4ennine permanent benefit ot fxEi30l
than out of a whole dozen of' any other "Compound" on the market. It 'Contains no injurious drugs, and is based
on Gummi= instead of Atoonot. Try ft ! You will then know the truth. ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE,