The Wingham Times, 1895-04-05, Page 3)1/4
.7 .
atitmie4 wino pasta)
; A iltAVYOr BUM fOr his success on There was once a ventriloquist so •
OM and, Qat. Tliki Talking Do3.
(„0„.„,„:4,} Tun masa= 'MANCH.) One (if the saddest and most fatal cross-examination found his matellin poor that he was obliged to travel on ' W INGHAM,
a recent trial, When ho asked a long- foot from town to town to SAVO eX-
•P (1 .11 anti H of. anti .VfY Land. aecidents that has happened fOr
ewe union meets tno Nionday every month
tho met. that tho winan's Christian Temper -
Well ran the affmitkot. of the mothers itud sisters Of some time, betel M. john err, one
respected sous of toil, on ThurSday '•steady for the past twelve years." road by a dog as forsaken as Min-
e s proMinent and highly
. answer was: "I have worked at it gentlemen of adventure in Oriullii's fboarvporvefaryvolz.gbeegstkoicakvaotro say that they
suffering witness of tin -roofing. The pease, much after the manlier of the The undersigned in retureiug thanks, C41)44'4°145°)ZOTOR:"1.! IK""
off and, on, hut have worked at it tales. One day he was joined on the.
t threa Marp, for one hoar, at Mrs. LUMBER SHINGLES LATH
.61.„ m Pat lek Wein,. Ali latiluS art'. made Weis afternoon of last Nveek. Mr- Kerr "How long off' and en have you seltc but who seemed' desirous of be- - • 7
1 T.ONA:Ell°11, APRIL I.
Proldont-aous Ereaar.
Vice.Pri-dilent—A. G. RASMAY.
410 . /WIN elittor0a, Ogo,
As Gle Witt'sr it t.4 ith.illy given us part of his and his hired man. were in the swamp wol +Lc. at it?" coming his companion. woos, A. 13.
epaee, for our wild:, we twit blonds of the cause to "Sixty five years," They journeyed toe.ether to the
o 11, an en el et- t tame on hap , which wi 1 be sold at cory close
a f Oashier—J. TURNISFIT,.
amid items cif interest on all moral questions of the felling trees and had cut down an t "II 11
day to am of out mom Mb,
ash about fourteen inches in diameter t
which when f 1 lug canie in contact I "Then you have been a tin roofer being troubled with the inconvenient 1/41.13
Greater calamities are inflicted on
cliff t ad, n than was ex- "No sir ; of course I haven't.
• I
i • • tired, hungry and penniless. Not prices to meet the requirements of the
a 1
menkind by intemperance, than. by with a leaning cedar cauktig it to go from, birth ?" refinement which comes from a long
the three great seoure•es-war, in a eren le 0 ;
have worked a,t, your trade-61xty-five so he and the dog sat down to eat a I Square,
that to escape was out of the ques-
line of a,ncestors, the man had de-
First Class Shingles, $1.10 per
"Then why do you say that you voloped. the quality know as cheek„;
pestilence. and famine."--2Rt. Hon, pected, and as the silOW was so deepl
IV, E. Gladstone, 111, P.
savia a It If , V 'I; ", • • -
. ,
1. Deposits of and upwards receit'ed and intere.
Special Deposits also received at currant
rates of ir..irot,
Drafts Oreat Britain and the Mated MU*
bought and sold
yetus E. L. DICKINSON', aolk•itnr.
supper for which they could 10101 ts,pitany-
'14, Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered,
tiori, the result was that the butt Of 1 •alaccause you naked how long off The room, was fall'of Wang •
"I'll Change My Life.'0
, the tree struck Mr. Kerr on the and on 1 had wOrked at it. 1 have the stranger took a conspieuque seat,
Admiral Farragut, the hero of a
hundred fights, accompanied his
father as cabin -boy on a voyage to
New Orleans, when he was ten years
old. He was aceustomed to relate
the following incident as the turning- Atchem, the, super.
sixty-five ; What will you have? " asked the Everything else equally low. Come and
abdomen and legs, breaking one leg !worked at it oft and. on
in three places between the knee and ' years'-twohtY years on and forty- only waiter the place employed ; and. ',see us before buyfng, as we will not be
body, and once between the knee five off. . the order embraced nearly every'a undersold,
and ankle, while the foot of the other Hero there wag a roar in the cou.rt thing On the hill of fag E. ivid4EAN .t7 SON.
leg. was broken, also his nose. Mr. room but not at the expense Of the ""But I want something for my Wingliam„fune 7th, 1893.
witness, and, his inquisitor hurriedly dog, too," he added. "Ask him what
finished his examination in great he will have," The waiter muttered
confusion.-Ilarper's Magazine. something about "Whatcher giving
us," so the stranger said, "What,
Dryden, 'who resides across the road Stark's . Powders, each packagei of don't you like to ? Well,' Bruno, will
from. Mr. Kerr, but about half a rvto' :tic tdi cv,o,onotseitinsbtom,x,o, preparations,thecover Ofoinvlail . you have beef or fish ?
mile from the scene of the accident, forms a measure for one dose, an im- "Beef, every time," said Bruno,
and also sent to Harriston for medi- mediate relief for Sick Headache and looking with mild brown eyes at the
cal aid. With the assistance thus Stomach, also Neuralgia, and all kinds ,
obtained he was removed to his home, ,Litifinees:.vous painfi, and another in cap- "And what to drink !"
(from yk to X of one is an ordinary
but 'despite all that human skill could dose) which acts on the 130wels, Liver 'Water, thank )rou," said Bruno.
do he slowly sank until death came and Stomach. forming a never failing Bythis time the landlord and every
gerfeet treatment, for all' Read and
to his relief, some four hotirs . afterone in the place were eager with
the accident. Had it not', been for mplaints. They do not. as suppressed wonder). and gathered
his great physielal strength and amoto:smitoasp:illis andeso many other medicines
their *effect or produce after about to hear a dog talk.
more than human nerve he would eonstipatien, and are,nice to take. 25 The ventriloquist feigned indiffer-
have died on the spot, but when we I cents a uox, at all medicine dealers. ence by eating with avidity, while
had few equals and no superiors, it ! She Had a History.
- .
lug something. His cogitation
say with trrith that in strength be ! the landlord was evidently consider -
can be understood how he box•e up ' Detroit Free Press: A well-dressed
resulted in his offering the strane•er
point of his life :- human strength managed, to extri-
"I had some qualities which I •
tate him from this position and at
thought made a man of me. 1 could once ran for his brother-in-law, Mr,
swear like an old, salt, could drink a
stiff glass of grog as if I had• doubled
Cape Horn, and could smoke like a
locomotive. I was great at cards,
and fond of gaining in every shape.
At the close of dinner one, clay my
•fathee turned everybody out of the
-cabin, locked the door, and said to
me, 'David, what do you mean to be?'
'I mean to follow the sea,' said I.
'Follow the -sea? Be a poor, miser-
able, drunken sailor before the mast,
kicked and cuffed about the world,
and die in some foreign fever hospital
at last?' 'No,' I replied; 'PR tread
the quarter-deck, and command as
you do,'. 'Never, David,' my father
answered :. 'no boy ever trod the
quarter -de& with such principles and
habits as you. have. You'll have tp
change your whole course of life if
you ever become a man.' My father
left me and went. on deck. I was
stunned by the rebuke, and over-
whelmed with mortification. 'A
poor, miserable, drunken sailor be-
fore the, kicked and cuffed
about the world, and to die in some
fever hospital at last! That's my fate,
is it ?' I said to myself. ;111 change
my life, and change it at once.' He
- but sad to relate at lodge the sad
did 50, and lived to treadthe quarter -
;tidings arrived that he was dead,
de& an upright, valiant, and dis- He was buried ou Sabbath by the C.
tinguished man.. 0. F. and his remains were follewed
. ' to their last resting place. by over-
133 Tune 125 members- of the C.-0. and135
Hood's Sarsaparilla has achieved greet rigs. Visiting Foresters were pre -
so long. It was a sight that those • and sharp -faced woman passed into three hundred dollars for his wonder -
who saw it will long remember. the lawyer's office, and very shortly fol tall ino.a dog.
Mr. Kerr was just in the prime of was standingby his desk. The ventriloquist • appeared to
life being just thirty-seven years old, :"I. beg your pardon," she said, in hesitate a moment, and then said,
and was very highly respected by salutation, "but can you spare a abruptly, "Yes, you may have him
all who had formed his acquaintance. few moments of your valuable time?" for three hundred dollars."
He leaves a wife and three children "I am very busy, madam," he re- When the money was paid and the
to mourn the loss of a kindhusband Plied, "but if you have anything of ventriloquist was about to leave he
and tender father. Mr.. Kerr Was a importance to communicate, I shall turned to the don'patted him affec-
member in good, standiflg. in the 0. be glad to hear it. Pray be seated." tionately, and said, "Good-bye, old
:0. P. and, when he left the house "Thank you, no,"
she said, looking fellow, you've been a good friend to
after dinner be told his wife he a clerk or two rn a nerv- me."
would be home earlyashe was go. ous fashion.. "I am a woman with a "You are no friend of mine," re- I
ing to lodge in Harriston at night, history, and -" . turned the dog, "to sell me to another
"Excuse me," apologized the , niaster. As you were mean enough
attorney, seeing a fee appearing, on to serve me such a trick, I'11 have
the horizon; "possibly you had revenge. I'll *never speak another
better step into my private office word as long as I live." .
with me, where you will not be in- The ventriloquist then made off
terrupted." with all possible haste.-Ffarper's •
She thanked him and they went Young .People.
if allowed to progress. would have under ' from Palmerston, Tevibtdale into the adjoining room.
, i
success in warding 011 meatless whieb, sent
mined the whole System and -al",
disease a strong too thold to cause emelt ! Clifford, itiooreheld, Neustadt, Ayton,
: Listowel, Newbridge, Fordwich, "Now," he said, when they were
seated, "I presume you wish to con.
suffering and even t brenten death. ' and Mount Forest• -While Messrs. [suit me on this matter of your his -
}food's Sarsaparilla has done an this !Shortreed and Wolfe were on their I tory ?"
and even wore. It has been taken in 1
I here."
thousands of cases which were thought ; way to the funeral of the late J. ' "Yes, sir. That is why I am
to be incurable, 41nd after a fair trial has 'Kerr, on Sabbath, their • horse in •
effected wonderful tin reg. bringing 1 SOME manner got detached from the "Very Well, proceed. Anything ERNEST MCGREGOR, OF WHITBY, ONT.,
Another importitn t pOint about Hood's to thewill
health, strength and joy to the whicted. cutter on the C. P. R. bridge, and it Plu. may say
Sarsaparilla . is that its cures are ped over the railing to the side the strictest confidence. You were PERIENCE-CORED or PERSISTENT
per_ jumped
manent. because they start from the of the track into driftof snow,and, saying you were a woman with t DYESPEPSIA BY B. 13. B.
solid feu lidati,m of purified, vitalized strange to say, it did not hurt itself, history?" This very sy ip„ ' i
and enriched hi sod. But it is not what WORST KIND OF DYSPEPSIA.
we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla ' though the jump was twenty-eight. ly as an encourager.
f .t. rri fl. . v 1.tber of the lastGeartaratee,-I write to inform you
does that tells the story."Yes sir," she began, as she laid
that for years 1 had been troubled with
1 the sleighing in some places, .the I histor3r
a docament before hiM. "It is a Dyspepsia,
of Napoleon Bonaparte in infcines which entitely failed, 1 at last
•1t'ew days has had a telling effect onand having tried other
- •
What is in a name ? Much if it be . . Bitters, or whteh tenk two ottles, the
plenty in fence corners. -The last a month, and -
a good one; and much if it be a while seems to have been death's ' h
bad one. 'harvest in our midst, as on Friday
Take all else that I have but leave , last John, third, son of Mr. Coign -
Me my good name. I hotin, of Minto, was laid in. his
It is more than Wealth, more than ;grave, which makes four deaths of
health, more than fame. a i four of the most sturdy, robust
It is wealth. It is moral health. young men of Uinta in about six
•It is fame. • weeks. The first being Mr. R.
We persume, of course, that the Daley, next Mr.. Shannon; then Mr.
good IMMO i6. really deserved and , Colquhoun, and then Mr. Kerr, all
not purely false end fictitious. - One i within a radius of about tour miles.
mayhave notoriety or newspaper I --It is our painful duty also to record
iamb and still not have a good namethedeath of Mrs. James Reid, which
with thoie who know him best It I took place on Monday last, of cancer.
is those who know .us best who have I Mrs. Reid has been a constant suffer
the best right to give us a name. I for a, long time, but her sufferings
What is Ina name? Everything: ; were borne with Christian heroism
What is a name but a symbol for as she looked forward with pleasure
something or somebody, and. that ; to the dine when trouble and trials
symbol calls to mind all that there. is would have Tie effect on her. • She
of the object or the person. ,11eaves one son and a husband to
Father, illother, , Heaven, Christ 'Imourn her loss. -Miss Doyh one of
What's in a name ? Everything is ithe pupils of the highschoolhere,:con-
named, A name is everything. I 'ducted service in the Methodist
Josephine Street —
Mount Forest,
J. A. Batimin,
Deposits Received and
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
Vielham, Ont,
J. W. Scow,
What IS 'W orth ?
roads are nearly bare though there is eighteen monthly parts at fifty cents found relief and re re in Burdock Blood
. .
I) . T h
result being a perfeet core. Although
He threw up is ai , only a young lad 1 had been troubled
had him and he Couldn't get away with Dyspepsia for four or five years,
until he had put clown his name, and but 1 can say nt,w that 13 B. B. does its
now when "a woman with a history" wt irk faithfully in the worst kind of
Dyspepsia. and has proved itself the .
is mentioned in his hearing it makes
only cure for me.
cold chills run down his back. ELL' •A'1.0alticoott,
Whitby, Ont.
On long or short time, ou endorsed notes
or collateral security, Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. 'Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special' Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada-. The Merchants' Bank
of Canada
Office flours—From 0 a. m. to p.
A en ,
1 di Y. SU ...I JA .1 1 1 Il . I I liiii. 1 II li I II
Valuable treatise and two bottles of medicine sent Free to
szolluififearimiap Express and PostOface address. Z A.
n CO., Ltd . TOtOdtd. Ont.
Belief in six houre.-.3istresising Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in MN
hours by the "Great South American Kid- Be Got There at Last.
ney Cure." This groat remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on a0- The foxy boy applied for a job.
count of its exceeding promptness in geliev- Do you want a boy '? he asked of
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and the magnate of the office, standing
every part of the urinary passages in male
an n female. It relieves retention of water before him cap 10 hand.
and pain in passing it almost immediately. Nobody wants a boy, replied the
V yon watt quick relief and cure this is magnate eyeing him sharply,
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
• Do you teed a boy? asked the
,applicant nowise abashed.
His Denomination.
Nobody' needs a boy,. came the
An old farmer had received discourailti„o' reply.
order en a bank for $G0 for produce, The bo stack his cap on the back
ete„ supplied to a. hotel. On pre. of his head,
sentino. it the teller asked:
Well, shy, mister, he inquired, de
haVe to have a
A young man who has got a name I chure,h last Sabbath morning, and. 118,‘v‘feViritaitn p" The will you you
The inagnate collapsed.
is ready to go into the banking hilsi- Mr. II. Gordon, a former pupil of thehe
ness or any other business. The farmer was puzzled for a •I'n1 sorry to say we do, said,
He has a stock -in -trade to last High Sehool, in the evening. W
e moment (he had never heard the andguess
term I you're about what we
of it, Ire has something that money
him a life time if he will take earela former student of the High School , notes.) nen he rallied.
"denomination" applied, to want,
,. . I also notice that Mr. W. II. MeArter,
here, was appeintecl chairman of thel
cannot buy, and which he cannot i "Well," said be, "yoa may give
sell, and deliver the goods. 'the heft of it in old Baptist ; but the
:under graduates meeting in the re -
It the pride and joy of a righ- i .0t7 i pig the old'ooman•-give
is cent trouble in Toronto University. •
1 vi, hen. the students leave hem they
teens mail. We should prize and keep Me $10 of it in Presbyterian.
are ready to figure in almost any I
it is a priceless pearl. --Industrial ellen& t t „„
in life. Nothing like the I For Over E•ifty Nears
School• Record. : Harriston High &hoot in, the West f AN BM ANIS wstpkvataa 1ncisay.-11Irs, Win
Slow' &tithing Syrup has been used for over fifty
1 for edueation.-The Ilireeniasons of years by milliens fit mothers1
for their chilaron while
ShllOWS Cure is sold on a guarantee. • the town and country held M
a ost within rr, wait perfect Suedeilii. t soo 6 .t 0 c t
totfenti the gums, allays all p.11n, titres wind edict
th a h bil I
the hest Cough Cure Only one cent a successfili at home in their beautifill and is thebost remedy for iTarirliaott4s plortscroticot
It dares Incipient Consumption. it is
dose Mots, 5octs., kid $L Sold Itt, Chi's. monis on i out k ,
‘t 1 A "8 h it the teeter
v fare i t , a worm, walla. v+3 ten s it u . _
gc"'bf? 1)rut s 5 liattle IRIS) value is
holes Corner Drug Store. enjoyed themselves in games, &C. incalculable. Bo sato and ask for MrS. Winslow s
Soothing Syritp, and take 00 other kind,
Far Ahead of Anything I Have
Ever 'Used.
Mr, John Ritzer. merchant, 'Waterloo,
says t • "I have given Stark's Powders
(for Headache, Costiveness, Biliousness
and 1'ettralgit9 an extensive trial, and
find them lb give the greatest satisfac-
tic% th my family. t can very highly
reootomend them. They are far ahead
01 anything I have ever used, and 1 have
tried many remedies." Sold by all drug-
gists at 25o a box, 5 boxes 181. Nice to
take, immediate and permanent.
' and other meats in low proportion.
also on hand,
1 am prepared to pay the highest price
/for all kinds of fowl. They const be drawn,
and well dressed.
Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1803.
Rend 9 cents in stamps, or 10 cents silver, and we
will send you by retnrn mail the ••
• A neat little Book, being a perfoct Guide in the art
1 of Lettcr Writing, It contains letters of Love,
Friendship and Business, utv„ with valuable instruc-
tMons and advice. Every young man and wonum
should have this T3ook. Address,
Ingersoll, Ont
•`""•"--.7. """'""."'"`"'"'.'"'"'!."'"•7 .
Long Vaist,
• .'
CLrrect Sha,
Combined with the best filling in
the world, makes the " Featherbone
Corset " unequalled.
'FW! t7- lic:2'15,31Y1.
A Blessing to Every Household.
These retnedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the best Medicines for
- Family use.
Purdy the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, sTOmAcH, KIDNEYS /.1.1) Mum and
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
THE CD IT•7112/1Td.1 'I'
Is the only reliable remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR flB0OHX1IS, SORE
DISEASES JT BAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late OS, enfold Street, London(
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
r.Purohasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
• _ .'"
have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for
$4 00 SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save dollar oh
the Making of each suit, and get a good lit. .First-class Trimmings sUpplied
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If, you want to buy a Snit or O'Veiccat -cu
$10.00 on each, by purchasing from us,
Opposite the xieW Macdonald Block, Winghatn.
time ham $3.00
Merchant Tatters