HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-30, Page 22GT REAL ESTATE Fettes Tours and Travel Now that' Christmas is, over, its time for that relaxing trip you've been thinking of all this time. Call Fettes Tours and Travel now to get away from cold and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Book one of the following but Flurry! FL ORIDA SUN- OTS You have a choice of four departu e dates from fan. 15. Feb. 12, Feb. 19 and Feb. 26. The 1,ghlights of this 14 day tour are visits to Silver Springg, Busch Gardens, Miami Beach, Disney World, Cape' Kennedy, Marineland and many more with admissions included. FLORIDA-NASSAU CRUISE This 14 day trip takes you to Florida and on to. Nassau, Bahamas, aboard 'the most elegant cruiseship, S.S.Ernerald Seas. Meals on board. Always an early sell-out. It departs January 29th. FLORIDA MID-TERM A 9,day 'Family Vacation' leaving March 18. just for the mid-term break. Beach Bar-B-Que, shopping excursion, visits to the dog 'races; Disney'World, etc. Special children rates available. PADRE ISLAND & MEXICO Guided city tours of New Orleans, Houston. Corpus Christie, Rockport and Port Aransas, also visits to King Ranch and Nuevo Mexico, brighten this 18 day relaxing tour. Departs March 14th. All these and many more including California, best of Britain, romantic Europe, Scareanavia, etc. are also available now. For ALL your travel needs come to FETTES TOURS - TRAVEL LTD. `Y OUR ONE STOP TRAVEL CENTRE' FETTES TOURS AND TRAVEL LTD. • MITCHELL - 348.8492 MOUNT FOREST - 323-1545 1-61-1 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES Bob Peck VARNA 262-5748 19,YI3-tf Viwo....1.111.•Iommommo• momorimmos.m,•••••••iImmommomp moism••••••••••••••••••••• Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Set‘of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per cold-Tin inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 vyords, $1.59, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each additional Word 6c. Three insertions for the price. of 2. CARD OF THANKS 0.- 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c. aSc DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYM ENT AT TA /1E INSERTION. NO tartoellatiOn of multiple Insertion advartiaernents after Noon, Tuesday. ljOadlitk't toe eititsifled ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays. MOH ELECTRONICS *we 2'1.1150 17 SPARLING STk SALES & SERVICE • TV 41 RADIO 4, HI - Plo STEP.E0 ".6 a • ON EXPOSITOR,IDgCEIVIBER 30, 1976 e a New Year rule • nt ads, .w.r.h4ndy tool MP use w 14 Property For Sale 19 Notices 14 Property For Sale 4 Help Wanted 11 Articles For Sale I. Coming Events Coming Events '11140Q merchandise given ..*in011y-.151 draw late January at Olt 4 eyboard Kapers" wagtail- TIciTts And details at PLIT.SIFER MUSIC, SEAFORTH. 'M,Sri onth'S special: new & used electric guitars, amps drums, organs, pianos, etc., at up to 50% - Saving. Phone 527-0053. 1-77-tf SEAFORTH I.H.L. 'Dance, Game and Draw, Saturday, Jan. 8th. Watch the I.H.L. All Stars play Mitchell Int ermediates at 8 p.m. Dancing after the game from 9 P.M. 1 A.M. and after the dance there's a Beef Draw. All this for $2.00 and .tickets are available from LH.L. players and at the door. 1-77-2 ' Produce your own electric power with a PTO driven VOLUNTEER TRAINER For Seaforth Junior Hockey Team. Must have general knowledge of first aid and be willing to travel with team. Contact R. DINSMORE 527-1224 or 527-1138 4-77-1 BEECHWQOD POTTERY will be open as usual SUNDAY,-JAN. 2nd. from 1 p.m. to bp.m. 21/2 m. north of St. Columban 345.2184 Best Wishes to all our friends for a Happy New Year 1 -77-1 Vanastra. Free mortgage payments until April. Trade in your present home. - Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thompson $27.0238 John Duddy 482.3652 Moranne Duddy 482-3652 GEORGE R. NOTICE Grey , McKillop, Morris • WASTE- DISPOSAL SITE AT -Walton • The Waste Disposal Site will tie closed Alternator- Generator JOHNSTON' REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER All sizes available now Call collect 1-519-634-8424 PIGAMINT SYSTEMS PETERSBURG, ONTARIO 11-74-6 BOX 249 wEsT LORNE-ON,T1(7,58.1173 DQN HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtors Help Wanted NEW LISTING Beautiful red brick home near Main Street in Seaforth. 2 fireplaces, 1 1/2 baths, all broadloomed downstairs. Oil heated with hot water. Every part of it attractive. Immediate possession. Good reason for selling. Priced to suit a careftil buyer. WILLIAM M. HART Seaforth 527-0870 or 527-1972 14-77-1 BRODHAGEN Chamber of Commerce Winter Carnival February 5. 1-75-7 ONE person's junk is "another's gold mine. Turn your unwanted articles into cash with art EXPOSITOR classified. 527-0240. 11 -73xtf 14-77,1 Applications will be received up to JANUARY 10th, 1977 by the undersigned for the position of SECRETARY-TREASURER of .SeaforthAgricultural Society. Applicant must be bondable. KEN R. CAMPBELL.,,, R .R .1, DUBLIN, ONTAILIO PRESIDENT 4-76-3 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25th:1976 AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1977 EDYTHE M: CARDIFF Clerk, Township of Grey 19 Notices Township of Hibbert BOX 789 SEAFORTH MOO 519 52'-0050 BUS TOURS AIRLINE TICKETS CHARTER FLIGHTS PACKAGE HOLIDAYS ****** BROCHURES ON REQUEST Ont. Reg. No. 1239997 tf SPECIAL SALE: New and used electric guitars, amp,s drums, organs, pianos, a/c., at up to 50% savings. Ptilsifer Music, Seaforth, 527-0053. 11-774 19-7'6-2 VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE WINTER 1977 PROGRAMS Registration at the Centre Dec. 27-30 , Mon. Through Thursday, 1 - 5 p.m. It's still not too late to register the "'first week of the new programs commencing the week of Jan. 3, 1977. Recreation swim time Fri., Dec. 31, 2 • 3 p.m, The Vanastra Centre will be closed Jan. 1 & 2, 1977. 1.77-1 GOT an event coming up? 9000 people will read about it in THE EXPOSITOR Coming Events classified. Buy two insertions and get the third one free. Phone 527-0240. 1-73xtf AI 20 Auction Sales SANITARY LANDFILL SITE - The Landfill Site will be opened on December 27th, 1976 and January 3rd, 1977 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The site will be closed Saturday, Dec, 25th, 1976 and Saturday January 1st, 1977. is ****** JANUARY 3,1977 will be the last opening day of the Winter Months. The site will be closed after this date until further notice. 1973 Ariens A r row snowmobile bought in '74, li ke new; One Kodak Square Shooter No. 2 camera like new, must sell. 345-2757. 11-77-2 KEN APPLEBY DECORATING Spray & Brush Painting Paper Hanging "" Exterior & Interior MITCHELL 340,9303 19-66-12 5 Bus Opportunity • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Would you likca business of your own? You don't need an office to start. Begin at home, full or part time. Ideal• for husband and wife teams. For interview Phone - Collect - 271-9300. 5-76-8 Lobb & Gethke • AUCTION CALENDAR A Auctioneers - Appraisers Clinton ,Monkton 482-7898 347-2465 Bingo Every Monday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. 15 regular games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go. Door prizes and many other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. To Give Away, pteferably to farm, year old male medium sized • dog, good with children. 482-9208. 11-77-1 20-76-1 GESTETNER INK' AVAILABLE At The Huron Expositor, 527.0240, Seaforth. 11-69xtf , AVON Seaforth Avon Representatives .Nish You A Happy 19;7 SEAFORTH HOMES GEORGE ST. • Modern 3 bedroom bungalow, rec. room, detached double garage. CHALK ST. - 2 floor 3 bedroom newly remodelled home. ,hot water heat. JOHN ST. - 2 'floor 3 bedrooM remodelled home, gas heat. WEST WILLIAM ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow, gas heat. OUT OF TOWN TUCKERSMITH - 50 acres partl y bush. DUBLIN - Year old 2 bedroom bungalow. Good 2000 sq. ft. heated workshop. -64OTS , - 2 adjacent lots in Dublin each 132"x 132' $5,000. each. c KINBURN 2 year old brick and aluminum , bungalow, bcdrobtns, drilled well. KINBURN Like new 14,00 sq. ft. one floor home. 3 or 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding. NEW BRICK HOMES $34,323 Three bedroom -homes in 14 Property For Sale SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 23 Bus. Directory 6ONNA COSTELLO 527-1621 3-piece Ladies Saber suit, like new. size 18. 527.0844, 11-77x1 ANONA C. RC .7, fER 5 2.16 Coderieh' CHARLES FRIEND, A.M.C.T. CLERK, TOWNSHIP HERBERT 19-76-2 Remodelling and interior Renovations 527-1295 Bea rss Aluminum 73-77-2 Modern equipment. We guarantee all work. Write or -call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284. 19-73-tf 1.73-ti Stree ONE white pant suit, size 14, 2 white uniforms, size 14, like new condition. 527-1355. 11-77x1 BARBARA NEIL f.7716',3 , THIS AREA CCULD BE YOUNS1! CF a Your Carpenter For building kitchen cabinets, steps, additions to 'homes and renovating. Contact JIM COLEMAN R.R.1, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 527-1684 " 19-76-tf YOUNG Muscovy Ducks, dressed or live, Call 887-6991. 11-74-3 APPLES: Buy now for Christmas, Northern Spies, Ida Reds, Delicious. Bring containers , Ross Middleton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river, 482-9136. Ara 11-73-4 .RACkS For expert CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING DALE 527--0510 If you ire interested in Er=rnin,,money in your spare time to ,-,ay those holiday tills phone .Carolyn Thompson 2?-0238. • • Bring your animals to 5-77-2 /hone .9,1 the famous 44/-1.1 , Oashwood Sausask , r lart\IZIZ Si-tuations Wanted 24 Cards of Thanks MISTLETOE for sale, .50c per package, MacLeans Flowers. 1,1-77-1 CUSTOM blowing driveways, reasonable rates, 527-1480.7-75x3 I 2 milv..mhaD1101%mnr.m1017hut,oli. 217.111.1 19-73-tf' JOHNSTON: The family of the late Mr. Harvey C. Johnston sincerely thank all their friends, neighbours and relatives for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown to thein at the time of the losS"of a dear husband, father, and grdndfather. Thanks to everyone for the beautiful floral arrangements, cards and donations to the Heart Fund and Cancer Society. Your thoughtful- ness will always be remembered. 24-77-1 12 Wanted To Buy 8 Farm Stock For Sale PUREBRED serviceable ' age Hampshire boas. Duroc boars, York X Landrace boars. R.O.P. :.tested and commercial. Bob Robinson, R. R.4. Walton, 345-2317. . 8-76-2 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING Beef-Mondays, Hogs-Tuesdays Al's Market Phone 262-2017 19-60-ff WANT to buy a fridge, a Ford or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad. 527-0240. • 12-73xtf TRI TOWN . BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Retarris siness , Farm- Individual 14 Property For Sale 10 Used Cars ForSahe 1970 Cltev. Nova "350 cubic.inch, 3 speed standard, Excellent Condition. Rally wheels, new wide oval tires, new exhaust system, good gas _mileage, will certify. Barry Gorddii, 527-1518. ' 10-77-1 "cINTEE HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 'LARRY PLUMSTEEL Phone 527-0052 PIERRE RAMM'ELOO 523-9478 Phone 482-3821 ,23 Bus. Directory - To all our customers, thank You, for your kindness at Christmas and co-operation throughout the year. We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. Your news paper boys, Larry, Leonard and Leo Teatero. .„ 24-77-1 LAWRENCE BEANE 11 rut cficld Phone 482-9260 - Available year round 19-73-tf ' R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME 47 High Street Seaforth Phone: 527-6885 23- 74-tf Clinton Office Member of Huron Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service SEAFORTH HOMES 1 1/2 storey home on a good lot close to downtown, 3 bedroom home, nicely decorated on a large lot near school. 2 storey home in beautiful condition, centrally located, large lot. 3 bedroom new home in Egmondville on good sized lot. FARMS 50 acres of cash crop land near Holmesville. 120 acres, 100 workable near Blyth, 3 bedroom house, large barn 100 acre cash crop farm near Lucknow with buildings 34 acres, 22 workable, 12 of bush, gravel bottom. 80 acres, 70 workable no buildings, at Holmesville. Large Dairy farm, good house in Goderich area. 300 acres, 250 workable beef farm, no house near Brussels. 250 acres, 175 workable, good house, beef & corn dryiTirset up near Brussels, 100 acres, 65 workable, brick house, dairy barn, near Brussels. 100 acre, 80 workable, 20 pasture beef & sow operation near Brussels. 90 acres. 55 workable on Maitland River near Brussels. 1969 Volkeswagon as is, $150.00 or best offer. 527-1522. 10-77-1 '69 Corolla station wagon, as is. safety checked in June -with 5 good 12 X 600 tires _& one' 12" wheel. 34572757. 10-76X2 Eavestroughing Roofing I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbours for,,cards, gifts and visitrWhile I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney, Underwood & Malkus, Rev. M.E.Reuber and the nursing staff. Everything was greatly- appreciated. - Don Dolmage. 24-77-1 I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for gifts and visits while I was in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Underwood and Malkus, lqiirses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital. Branch 156 Canadian Legion and Rev. Roberts. - Mrs, Gladys MCLarnon. 24-77-1 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office 527-1240 11 Articles For Sale and Chimney Repairs Call HARD MAPLE for sale. split. $50 truck load delivered. Phone 482-3162 and • after five phone 482-9921. 11-75-4 COPIES Copies of yoUr important papeis documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-73xtf Tues.,Thurs., Fri., 9:00- 5:30 Wednesday, Saturday 9:00-12:00 Clinton 482-7010 Monday 9:00 - 5:30 BY APPOINTMENT 23-73-tf 482-9706 For estimates 19-73-tf 1st - 2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS WHITNEY-RIREY FUNERAL HOME Sincere and courteous service Ross W. 1Ribey, Director 87 Goderich St., Seaforth . Phone Seaforth 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS 23- 73-tf For debt consolidation, new purchases or refinancing. No hidden charges or bonuses. We specialize in the hard to get mortgages. Call collect anytime. 1-579-0100 HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete-line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Mail Street Phone 235-1951 1 -73-tf VILLAGE & RURAL PROPERTIES ' Vanastra - 3 bedroom home in good area for $19,000.00 3 bedroom country hOme in Bayfield area 3 bedroom brick home on 1 1/4 acres east of Seaforth bedroom home, with good barn on 2 acres near Brussels COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES We have listed a Variety Store, Grocery Store, Feed Mill, and a good selection of apariblents and home Property. Additional Classified on. Page 23 ti 19-.73-0 Exeter McKellar t. OLD type red hand sleigh. like new, 345-2757. 11-76x2 barn and commercial painting, airless spray, ,,hydraulic aerial truck, sand blasting, dial: 345.2879 for spring and summer prices. LAURIE McKELLAR R. R. #2 Stalin, Ont. ALUMINUM SALTS For a complete line -of aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, eavestrough, doors, windOws, railings, awnings and shutters. ' Call • BEARSS ALUMINUM Good selection of homes for sale in Clinton. 14-77.1 FARM type snow blower and 2 wheel trailer, 345.2757. 11-76x2 Olouswommolem. HAPPINESS IS a new Yamaha snowmobile from Elder Enterprises, R.R.2, Hensall. Phone 262-5598. '11-76-4 15 Property For Rent 19 Notices HOME and farm repairs, cement work, masonry work, specializing in fireplaces, chimneys and other odd jobs. Free estimates. For more information please call Stan Kirkham, Mitchell. 348-8797. t4.111tf• 111 23-75-tf COUNTRY house for rent, oil furnace, 2 bathrooms, 523.4275. 15-76x2 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD at 527.1295 19-73- f FOR BEDROOM or livingroom luxury give deep pile sheepskin rugs this Christmas. For the spinners Canadia r 1/4 wool inquire AdamsdaJ Farm, R .R .4, Clinton, 482-7446. 11-74-3 WATCH AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS WE SELL AND SERVICE , Bulova-Accutron- Watches -S STORES SEAFORTH CLINTON.-WALKERTON . 23.7'3-}f ONE three bedroom apartment available January 1, 527-0920, 2p.m. - 5 p.m. I5.77-tf 2 two bedroom' apartments, near hospital, one available immediately, one available AntPSry 1. Phone daytime, 348-8504, Evenings 229-6768. 1 ,546-tf •t (JO sill: 9000 people read the exPosrrok clasSified ads every week. Place your low priced Expositor elaStified at 527-0240, t1.73xtf' SEAFORTH it • . •