HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-30, Page 5°sitar Christmas" 'with the ' cast . consisting of Narrator, Ron Godkin, Father-Cheryl Fraser; Mother-Patricia ,,'Hackwell; Santa Claus-Peggy 1-iumphries, Santa's Elf-Neil Mitchel); Children-Bruce Godkin, Brian McGavin . and Ed Baker. Pianists for the evening-were. Doreen Hackwell, Marjory Humphries, Marie McGavin and Marion Godkin. During 'the singing of Jingle Bells, Santa Claus arrived and distributed treats . to the happy excited children. September 23 LaJEEN CONTESTANTS Seaforth ,Fall ,Farr Queen Beatrice Thompson, sponsored by, Vincent Farm Equipment Limited; was in goddtompany at the Friday. Behind her is first runner up Debbie McClure, sponsored by Seaforth. Insurance Agency, second runner up Janet Bolton, sponsored by the 'Seaforth Optimists, Jbanne Ross, sponsored by the Queen's Hotel and .Brenda Padple; sponsored by Seaforth Gulf. (Staff Photo) Limits )6quiti We're Masters at Our craft! Four Licenced. Body Men to Serve You, COMPLETE COLLISION, FRAME AND REFINISHING SERVICE CARL'S AUTO BODY * 24 HOUR TOWING * Brussels 887.9249 •,, Notice to our CUSTOMERS Our December 31st - Year end is fast approaching We ask for your cooperation in checking any outstanding balances and for your rem ittance-to reach us before becet:nber. 31St, 1976 BALL-MACAULAY Seaforth 5274910 Clinton 482.3405 Hensall262-2418 ., , SEED CORN "- TROJAN Tx90 ., 1'795 UNITED RX30, 106 NORTHRUP icING 1X20. PX442 .BARN c ANTD AT SPRAYING • •••••oomotiaiitto-t4410' , Barn washing and disinfecting and spraying with carbola cattle spraying for lice and warble control. ,• HYLAND. SEED GRAIN • C.11. FERTILIZER Trace elements available if desired FARN(SUPPLY LTD. 1,WODHAGEN 345 2941. RoN Extiosiron, PEPEMBER 300 .197. 5 , • New Year's is the time to look to the future and make resolutions and wishes.- • 4 Herewith are my wishes for 1977., I wish the Consilmers Association of • Canada would cease taking potshots at farm organizations. Not long ago, my friend :Ruth Jackson, immediate past-president of the tii,no• to look the„ future. • r)irector rtf, service of Ms. MCKereizer. She inade , a ttemenfio_us contribution in home s and to ati M ric it9r7Benogtr: in this Ms, :McGhee is a graduate of the University of Ottawa,. with, a l3•Se• in nutrition and a M. Ed. in • educational psychology; She has also received a B.A., in general psychologY ,from •McGill University. Before joining the Ontario 'government in"1067, as director of home economics at the Centralia School of Agriculture, she .was a dietitian at the Brockville, General Hospital, the "ottawa Civic Hospital _and ,the Smith s Falls Ontario "Hospital School. .re*tia, trnit. • • Walton • §2,7418.48..887!8197'.. of ers Ani.loe.14.04 • i nBura] geadE for '..cimirly,cir bfngle wid :PPOWilit:. • Opteseptiflo.. . / f 6. I designate agricultural land in a better, more compre- hensive - way which would prevent top_ farm land from' being gobbled up at an unprecedented rote in Ontario. ' For Gordon Hill, the energetic past-peesident of the On. tario Federation of Agriculture, an easier job in his "re- tirement." Thoe who know him will agree he• won't stay Ontario Division of the CAC, was guest columnist for inactive long, His efforts, turned the OFA from a lack; .Tie day in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record. Her "gifts" for lustre organization 10 years, ago to a -driving force for the Yuletide season included three against farm organiza- ''farmens today. Lions and rote against all the rest of the world. I wish June Menzies,• vice---chairman of the antl-,inflation board, would spend less time , trying to emulate. Beryl Plumptre by also taking potshots at farm organilations and- marketing boards. More than a year ago, the Ontario government. agreed that price-setting marketing boards would adhere• to the spirit of the MB guidelines. A month ago, Mrs. Menzies met with senior marketing board of- ficials and .leaders in the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. ' ,AktP She spelled qu ri d terms to those people. In fact, she asked fluid mil andehicken boards to check their costs. Mrs., Menzies i not ask those two boards to scrap their pre§ent pricetsetting • policies. She couldnt. It turned out that" both boards were setting prices below . the ALB guidelines. • - For hog producers, I wish for' a return to prices of a year ago of $77 a himdredweight, not the loWs. of $52 now. For' milk producers, an increase in quota, especially for those who spent thousands in recent years expecting that increase, not the decrease thrown at them by the federal government last spring. For corn growers, much-enlafted storage facilities in Ontario 'so they can 'send their crops to market when „ prices are better. I wish the provincial, gnvernment would pay more at- tention to a recent priVate members' bill whith, would Lamm ere a • precipted by Bob Trotter Elder, Rd.. Owe. Oaf N3I3 2C7 • ; • 4, Gordon Bennett, deputy minister of the Ministry of Agrie(titore and Food has ..announc.e.d the. appointment of • Mary McOhee as director of the _ministry's Herne Echnomica Branch. , Ms. McGhee 'is at present' director of home economics and associate --principal of 'the ' Centralia`College of AgricUlture Technology, She • replaced Helen McKercher,. Who retired after serving 20 years with the Ministry, the last 1b years as director of the 41i.ome ,Economies Branch. - ' Mr. Bennett praised the length And jot. Peter Hannan, the .nevy 'president of, the OFA, best wishes foi- the next two year in keeping the OFA in front. He's young, • well-educated, ,articulate and pro-' •gressive, just the type of new blood needed: For Bill Newman, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture' and Food, success' in his farm income stabilization bill. Un- fortunately, he, was forced into making somelnajor chang: • es in that bill which I believe were not necessary.,The op- positiga i parties forted the changes and I'm predicting. • now that the Liberal party in this proidnce will have trouble living with the changes. , But that's their problem. ) .. To all the editors who 'are smart enough to buy .this column for their newspapers, may you .have another prosperous-yean, . But -Most of all, best wishes to those wonderful readers of ibis deathless prose.. One editor this year cancelled the colunin — for lack of interest, he said and got half a d en calls and letters to get-it back in th paper. • 17,..-, ork.a Aan extra special wish-for those readers who took the d " time nd trouble to put pen to paper and write ail.eati either in \-Iport of, or disagreeing with, some fof the opinions exp es/secl here. , I cannot acknowledge all of them and I want th'e writers "to knOw they are appreciated. , Have a happy,.. happy New ..Year, my friends., May your best day of 1976 be your worst. day of 1977. WaCfon Duff's holds annual cancert. Mts. Allan McCAll ti Correspondent . Rev. • Ed Baker was chairman for the Annual Sunday School Concert at Duff's United Churcli.. on • Wednesday • evening, Decensbr '- . The program' consisted of several. Christmas Hymns. The opening welcome speech was given by Nancy Godkin, Sherry Hoegy and Heather McGavin., Recitations... "A Hitchiking Santa" ,by Jim Clark, "A Little Girls Problem" by Tra'erey Bennett": "1. don't• Understand" by ' Gail Smith;"So Big and grave" by Steven Fritz and Charles Gulutze n. 'This was the Pre -primary class with teacher Dianne' Godkin. Primary Class with teachers, Marilyn McDonald, Marjorie 'Humphries and Dorothy Sholdice presented Recitations and song."A little Soloist" by Amy Workman; Fritz,, Joyanne Van Vliet, Sandra Sboldice, Cheryl Smith, Donna Godkin and Chrissy Achilles., Boys giving . recitations were Benny Hoegy; Craig Smith, Craig Hackwell, Jeffery McGavin, DWayne Achilles and Blaine Marks. All the class joined together to sing, "Christy Christmas" and "32 feet and 8 little tails". A surprise event of the evening was given by Phyllis MitChell folloWed by Joyce Van Vliet"s junior class giving a Christmas program of piano solos, `'''''fecitatiort and songs with announcer, Danny Achilles -vvith particpants Darlene Gulutzen, Timmy Fritz; Darryl Hoegy, Blaine Hackwell,'„ Gary, _Godkin, Cathy MeGavin, Jeanne McDonald, -Murray Sholdice, Peter Bennett, Grey HumphrieS, Darryl Smith and Elaine-Dennis. The Intermediate ',class, teachers Murray Dennis and Ed Baker presented 'a Pantorrtine, `Tivas the Night • Before elr e with Mr.,' and Mrs. Roily Achilees were and Mrs. Jerry Achilles And Debbie Of, Fergus; Mrs. Kathy Achilles, Danny Chrissy and Dwayne of W.alton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor, Rick, Lynn and Od of Kintail; and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sils, Tracey and Teddy of Seaforth and rth Mrs. Earl Mills spent Christmas with Drs. Jean and Gerd VVestermann of Burlington. Friday evening they took in the beautiftd Christmas lights at Simcoe: On Boxing. Day they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fells at Whitby. then returned home, on Monday. Mrs. Edna Hackwell spent Christmas Day w•ith Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hackwell at Exeter. Mr. James Clark, Ann and Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark, Rill and Gregory were ' Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McGilvary and family. On. Monday they were guests of Leeming and family. The many friends of 'William Bennett will b,:gd to hear he is back at in on , Hospital. '• following his operation at Victoria Hospital. London. Mrs. Sadie McDonald is home from hospital and, spent' ChriVrriasDay With Me: and Mrs, Reg Badley ''and family of Brodhagen. Christmas guests with Mr:and 'Mrs. Allan McCall were Mr. and Mrs: Jean Broadfoot , has- received word that her brdther SAM' Lc ve of Saskatoon passed away last' Thursday. his funeral • Mrs. Sean Miller spent the Christmas weekend With Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill MeTaggart of Goderich. Mrs. 'Mayme Tuileypf.BrUssels also' was a guest at the same home. Mrs. Douglas Currie and Jamie of Brampton and Mr...and Mrs. Toth Stevpnson s RonaId,aiteChris. Mr. and Mrs Jim McCall visited Sunday at the same home. ' Mrs. Jean. Broadfoot ipent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mes. • Robert McMillan, Seaforth. Christspas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon . Mitchell, Listowel, Misses Luella and Helen Mitchell, and • Jack Mitchell, Brussels, .Mrs: Bessie Mitchell, Hurdriview; and Miss Julie Ann Facies+. Wroxeter. Miss, Kathy Baker of London spent a few days last week with, her father ReV.-Ed Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shortreed held their pre Christmas dinner on Tuesday, December 21 when members of the family' Mr. and Mrs. James Shortreed,, Walton; %. Mr. ,and. Mrs. Bill Smith and family of Mitchell and Mrs. Joan. Beuerman and family of Stratford were .present. Mrs. Maude Leeming 'spent Chrismfas with her son W.J. Leeming andfamily in McKillop. Other members of the family at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. David ,Brady and girl's of London; Jane Leeming of Toronto and John Leeming of Elliott Lake. Christmas- visitors ..q!id to festiv ities .Ci istmas• night supper guests • .was on Monday. M y 20 ' A HAT THROUGH THE BARS COuncillor Bill Be nett s a talk with his jailer, DorothY.Williams at t e p onathdh jail on Saturday: Clintoh councillor Ro heeler is the jail's' other occupant. OCier. $70 was raised to put councillor Bennett in jail. None was pledged to g'et him out. . .(Staff Photo) r