HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-30, Page 1.14
a uniform and equipment storage.
room for the different groups that
use the . arena, and public
washrooms will be put in.
Once this half is finished, the
south-west half will be closed
down for repairs. A new Boiler hot
water tank will be installed and
the cmeession area will be
completely renovated. This
section will also contain the-
recreation 'office and 'a roller skate
room and skate 'sharpening
The wire and glass which faces
the ice surface will be ripped out
and replaced by plexiglass.
(Continued on Page 3)
• almost finished. Construction on the inside should be
done by the middle of March. (Expositor Photo)
— The renovations to Seaforth's Community Centre
are nearing completion with the outside bricking -
AND WINTER HAS ONLY STARTED It maybe only theend ol December, but,
frsnowplow crews such as this McKillop crew above, liave been battling to kemthe
roads open for two months now. It doesn't look very .promising either with four
more monthW-of winter to go and the snow banks already piled high along the
roadsides. Maybe we'll get an early spring. (Expositor Photo)
THE HIGH ST. ROAD HOCKEY LEAGUE is out in full force during the holidays.
Jeff. Bedard and Dereck Cooper attempt to score on Jerry Wright. (Expositor Photo)
Christmas shoppers earn
widends in Seaforth
• ,
Keatings Pharmacy, Dwight Don .Horne at Box's Furniture, •
Willis at Bill O'Shea Men's Ron Lauzon at Graves Paint and
W ear. Mrs.E. Mac Storey at. Paper. Robert Hamilton at Huron
'Seaford:. Jewellers, Judy Lamont Expositor. and Mr.Glen
at. A and F Craft Boutique', Jim McGreggor , at Whitney
McClincheY at Archie's Sunoco, Furniture.
Council ,sees no change.
-in 'V.anastra garbage 'rates
While other service • costs are
souring in the face of inflation.
Vanastra residents will have their
waste removal charges remain at
1976 price's. next year.
A , meeting of Tuckersmith
Council last Wednesday, Dec. 22
approved the renewal of a
sanitation contract with' Chatnney
Sanittnion Sdrviees Ltd:, Auburn.
The contract will offer garbage,
pick 'up at Vanastra last year's
costs. or $121. per week..
Council also approved a
contract' for Local Initiatives
program grants totalling $9,400 to
cover wages and benefits iii the
linibing and removal of trees
hanging over roadways in the
In other business, a tender
from Rowcliffe Motors, Seafiorth
was accepted on a heavy duty 1/2
ton truck. The contract allows
$4,922 in trade. difference. Two
tenders' were received. on the
In final business, council
accepted a petition for the repair
of the McKe rile Drain. 'Roads
and general accounts totalled
The • inaugural Tuekersinith
Township Connell meeting
take place on Tuesday, 'January 4,
Whole No. 5677
117 th Year
SiQ,09 YPAIT -47 MYance
Sitteeomy1.5.'0P44. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEPEMBER 30, 1976. 24 PAGES
aimary push con
ut Seaforth arena .fund over
MARKING THE TOP — When Seaforth's arena
fund-raising thermometer was installed nbloody_Was
sure what would be the exact amount needed. 'Now
that the ril-ggic figure IS $60,060, Recreation Director
Clive BUist decided to paint' in the line so that
everyone would know we didn't have to raise a
-$100,000.. Even so, the- fund is still shOrt about
$15,000. (Expositor Photo)
'good faith when they had gone
ahead wgb' repairs earlier, and
asked if they were eligible for 2 - 1
funding. The Province initially
replied that they were eligible,
but three or four Weeks later said
that they had misread Seaforth's
letter and that the Community
Centre was not eligible.
A delegation from the town
went to Toronto to plead
Seafortb's case beforq Hon.
Robert Welsh, but no Word has
been received since from the
government. ,
• "I'm very optimistic, but anti)
we get something in writing we
don't know," said Mr.Buist.
Regardless of whether Seaforth .
receives I - 1 funding or 2 - 1
• funding, $60,000 is• still needed to
match Wintario.
The total cost of the
renovations is $240,000. The town
receives $60,000 under the
Community Centre Recreation
Act and under the
agreement. received 1 /3 from.
Wintario of the total costs.
Thc money raised to match, the
Wintario grant must be raised by
the private sector and can't come'
m taxes, Mr. Buis( said.
"If we fall $10:000 sh .- t:of the
560,000 goal., we'll e short
530,000 in total funding," he.
said. have to raise the
money .''
- Buist said' that
that. Seaforth's Com mi
Centre wasn't cond
outright .by the Ministry of La
has hurt the. fund raising drf(e.
• "II isn't a matter of having to
repair 4the building or there 'won't
be any houkey or skating as it is in
other' areas". he said. •
Mr. Hoist said, that there was
still some' donations scorning in
"If everybody got behind it. we
could finish off the $60,000.-
The renovations should be almost completed on the new
completely finished by the end of section. This half of.the arena will
February or the first part (if contain four full sized dressing
March.s oom a,nd two sets of showers of
If the town doesn't receive 2 - 1 wa rooms.The floor in this
funding, they already have . section will be asphalt planking
permission to float a ten year which isn't damaged by skates
debenture. • and doesn't damage skates.
At present the bricking is Also in this section there will be
Tuckersmith councillor Cleave Coombs, who has
been 4,mernber of the Seaforth Fire Area Board since
1970 and Is a peat. chairman was honoured at
luncheon last week by FAt3 Members. From left are
Bill Leeming of Mci<itiop, deputy reeve Bill . Dale of
Seaforth, reeve Allan Campbell of McKillop, Milton
Dale of Hullett, Ernie Williams, secretary tiegsder,
fire chief Don Hulley, Mr: Coornbsend Roy Swart of
Hibbert. (Expositor Photo)
The Seaforth ComMunity
Centre' renovations are almost
complete, but -the fund raising
campaign is still short of its goal.
About $48.-000 has been raised
to date towards the $60,000 that is
needed to match the Wintario
grant, according tO -Recreation
Director!Clive Buist.
"We are so close now it would
be a shame if we Were to lose
out." he said,.
The town is • still not sure if it
• qualifies for the 2 Wintario
funding whereby. the Province
pays $2 for every $1 raised, or if it
Will only receive I - 1 funding.
The new funding system'
announced this fall by the Ontario
Government said that any arena
that did not stand up to the
National Building Code as of
January 1, 1975 could receive 2 - 1
funding.- However, Sear orth had
gone ahead earlier and finiShed
repairing the arena roof . by
August 1974, leaving the rest to•
renovate later.
When the new funding system
had been announced the town
sent a letter to the government
explaining that. had acted in.
Perth will
elect warden
For the first time in many
years, 'there'll' be an election . fdr
Warden in Perth County.
'The Reeves' of Blanshard
-township and Wallace township
are seeking the County Warden's
chair in January.
Don Simpson of Blanshard and
Rae Bender of Wallace have both
:innounced- their intentions of
running fair 'the seat being
vacated by comity Warden Ed.
'f antmunceinents were made
at the final session of the '1976
Perth County Council.
Set plans
to wind
up penny
A telephone canvass of
SeaTorth citizens Will 6e a feature
of a program to wind up the Lions
million_penny project in aid of the
Seaford: , arena fund.
:With nearly 200,000 pennies
already in the glass fronted chest•
in the windoW of the Toronto
Dominion Bank the Lions penny
project. committee is working out
details for the :final clays of the
program. It is hoped to
ac'cumulate' the ecessary
additional penniesby ' the
we,ekend of Saturday January 8,
.Gifts in any amouOt may be left
at Seaforth banks or at Seaforth
stores displaying penny pots,
Gifts attract receipts for income
' tax purposes and donations if
. made by cheque or bills will be
'converted into pennies to. add to
the penny pile on display in the
hank according to committee
chairman. GOrdorr.Rimmet.
' Thy phone blitz will get
Underway Monday of next week
when members will call area
homes to learn how much is in the
penny , pot and to seek donations
in amounts sufficient to put the
fund over dice top. Area , radio
stations CFPL and CKNX are
co-operating and will announce
the number of -pennies that are,.
received eadh day Mr. Rimmer
said and added that gifts will he
picked up at the home or may bod,"
left at any of the penny pot
locations or at Seaforth banks.
On Friday aid Saturday of next
week the large Topnotch program
van will be located on Main Street
and feature a series of events. On
Saturday Perry Mitchell and his
dog Reaches, CFR -T\V
personalities , will be on hand to
provide autoraphs , and
encourage contributions.
It literally paid to he at the right
place at the right tiNe during
Seaford: Merchant's on the spot
contest, There 'were seven $25
winn e rs and., seventeen $10
winners in the contest that ran for
three weeks befot,:e Christmas.
The $25 winners were Mrs. FP.
Jewitt at Pulsifer Music. Shirley
Shobrook at Canadian Tire. John
dfield . at • Vincent Farm
Equipment. Ken Cardno at Frank
Kling Ltd.. Mrs. Reg. Hodgert at
Jack and Jill Skop, Betty Upshall
at Sted•mans; Robert Hart at
Stewart Brothers.
The $10 winners were Mary
Persell at •Larones, John
Henderson at Seaford:
Automotive, Ruth Pickard at Gee.
A. • ills and Sons, Mary
Warn mes at Sea forth Imports,
Mrs. Cliff Henderson at Bob and
Betty's Variety, Frnneil..Coicman
at Seaforth Pa ctnets Co-Op, Mrs.
Dan B..chert at Roth's Food
arket, Marlene Shulman at
overtly Shoes, Ruth l<t ight at