HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-23, Page 39BUt if you Can't bringMe that I'm
sure if you bring me something
else,,I would be very satisfied ••••• ,with it. There will be some
'cookies and something -to drirtl.
Yours truty,
• ' Barry Moore
P.S. -1 have tried to be a good boy
all year.
mas, I would like Joey Stivic and
Jaws, if you have them.
Thank you for the gifts you
brought me last year. I hope yob
can find my aparttrient bee ause
this is my first Christmas in
Ontario. Your picture is on my
Gale Gatble
How are you and Mri. Claus?
Are your reindeer, elves and toys.
• ready for, the big trip? I am ready
and I bet everyone else is too.
Is Rtidolph's nose all,shined up
to show' yoti where to go? I hope
you were not too busy last year
Dear Santa:
• I am 5 years old and I live at lA
Main St., Seaforth. For Christ-
Is Rudolph's
I hope you can nose shined up?
find apartment
Rebate causes
LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans
Income Tax Deductable Registered
Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities.
Income Averaging Annuities .
Ask for our new Flexible
Premium R.R.S.P.
Tei.527-0410 Sun Life Assurance 117
GODERICH ST. EAST Company Of Canada
SEAFORTFI for 17 years.
Up only '2000
County approves
property budget
Subject to final review by the Huronview Committee for
1977 council, Huron Coupty Management. The 1977 budget
Council voted to appsove 'the will total $2,381,600 with the
Property Committee's 1977 ,, County share of the budget being
general maintenance budget on $194,184. , -
Friday which totals $116,325. The This reprtisents an increase of
less than $70,000 and council
asked Huronview administrator
C.A.Archibald how, when costs
continued to rise , the establish-
ment could 'manage such a small
increse in its, budget.
Mr.i Archibald explained that
residency' at Huronview has
increased from 280 to' 305,
generating more revenue, while _
no expansion or increase in staff
had been necessary to
accommodate the new residents.
Mr. A rchibald also ,reported
taht earlier this year a one year
agreement had been reached with .
the Service Epiployee's Union,
Local 210, which provided for a 45 "
The 1977 budget fro the Huron cent per hour total wage increase
County Museum was struck at (25 cents effective January 1 of
$69,975 for 1977, up $3,975 from this year and 20 cents effective
last year: Revenue to cover that July 1 of-1976) in all categories,
cost will be generated by subject to approval of the Anti-
admissions at $12,500, . a inflation Board.
provincial grant ,of $12,000, sales."This increase," the report
at $2,000 and a` grant 'from the' noted, "resulted in an average
county of $43,475: „ s 10,3 per cent increase which was
The Property Committee met rolled back by the A,I.B. to eight
withrepresentativekethe Frank per cent."
Cowan Company recently along, approved
Ap sa a mm resultrecot theenc w
with the chairmen of various
boards and committees and Friday's meeting to authorize the
members Of the Executive group Clerk and the Warden to sign a
to review County insurance two year agreement, providing
policieg• for a 35 cent 'per hour increase in
, In - connection with crime all! 1c9a6te6goarnides,27 nefcfeecttisvepJear n ha u,aury r
-coverage,- the committee
authorized the limits re Broad increase in all categories. effective
Form Money for the Court House Urinary 1; 1977.
be,reduced rrom $6,000 to $3,000 In other Huronview business
and raised from $3,000 to $6,000, the council supported a
in connection with the County recommendation
Home.that the Huronview
In other budget matters council per diem rate, for residential care
approved a budget for. 1977 to remain at $15.32 per day, subject
cover: operating costs of to approval of the Ministry of
Huronview as presented by the Community and Social Services.
was total budget in 1976
$114,152. •
Making up that total will be
maintenance at the Court House,
including salaries, employee
benefits, supplies, fuel, utilities,
insurance and telephone, Cost
$83,450 nxt y ear as opposed to
$78,650 this year.
Registry Office maintenance
budgeted to cost $7,425 in 1977 as
compared 'to $8,292 in 1976 and
maintenance at the Assessment
Office is down to $25,200 in 197'7
from $27,000 in 1976, An
insurance policy on the Old Huron
County Jail, now leased to the.
Town of Goderich, will, cost $250.
Local Authors
We S' 'lock
*Complete Collision
*Custom- Painting
*Frame repair
*Side mouldings
oigilndshield service
Grve US A RING ..
Seaforth COI I ision
Rear of Esso Station
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Lower Interest Rates
1st and 2nd MortgageS'
anywhere in Ontario on
'Thuterim financing on rieW construction
or land,4eviel o p to t
Meted Officet 56 Weber Mreet, latcherier, (511 744,6535
Minds. Office Tad; Street t Ilatiover (5191 3644121
Dear Boys. and Girls:
• Thank you all .for your lovely letters. I'm so pleased
to read that you have being trying hard to be good girls and
boys. •
Of court you know that these 'last few days before
Chfistdas are the busiest days of the year for all of us at 7
,the North Pole. Right now we're putting the finishing touches
on a few toys and the elvee-have just started packing my
sleigh for'the long journey south.
Christmas Eve I'll be stopping at each one of yogr
homes and I' 1.1 try "to• bring a nice toy for each of you. I'm
looking forward to all the milk and vookies ,rthat many of you
are planning to leave for me. Ana Rudolph and the other
reindeer have 'been licking' their chops, thinking about the
carrots that Swill be left out. for them.
Thank you again` for all yo r letters 'and -for your love.
and kisses for .me :and t s. Claus.
Lo e,
(Contimied_from Page 2 11 • that some of the amounts shbwn
municipality, actually • spent on' ' for "Sources of Funds" for 1977
roads within.its boundaries 'in a • are -estimates, only." •
given year. The 'agreement in "The Ministry do not normally
Huron happens to have be Set
at 4,5 per cent at some time in
past he said.
Mr. Britnell explained that in
some Counties this problem was
avoided (or the act was
"Little Lord Jesus"
"'Even So, Lord Jesus, Come"
MEDITATION: 'The Tale of Two Inns"
AdOOD,SHOW The-applause was long andlaud at St.
. .
on Wednesday when area senior citizens were treated to
by students at the school. More photos on page 4 and 5
advile us of our regular subsidy
'allocation until early in January.
The actual amount of the 1976
surplus {estimated at $71,000)
will not be known until the Coqnty
audit' is completed in
circumvent ed) by the urban areas mid-January."
not bothering tactualljt apply for. , • . .
. _
the rebate. Remember! It takes but a
Stanley Township Reeve Anson moment to place an Expositor
McKinley said the "idea of a Want Ad. Dial 527-0240.
'separate road rate is archaic,, but , ....,
it is in the provincial statutues."
a. Ulan tried to be a good boy all
*M.-Thank you -for my toys you
fgalfe me last year. This y ear 1.
would like Smash up Derby, the
game Jaws and Mr. Mouth, also 4
colouring - book and crayons. I
would also like Six Million Dollar
'Map. I will leave an apple and a
glass\ of milk for you and some
cookies and carrots for the
• reindeer.
Ray Lamont
(age 5 yrs. old)
54 Goderich St. E..
Mommy. is
'writing' this
Mommy's writing this letter for
me . I want toy guns, not real -
just toy ones. Please leave a
,stocking with a candy and a
balloon for me.' I want Dad to
have an electric Calculator with a
battery that • lasts longer and
longer. I want a train that goes
around and around.
I cant,tell you what Mom wants
or she will hear. How come some
:people call you St..,Nick?
Our puppy w ants a to bone for"
Christmas andI want a couple of
toy bananas for my (toy) monkey.
Why do people dress up as Santa
when they aren't , really Santa? I
want to -see your reindeer
sometime. I am five years old.
'Aaron Broome
I'd like a .
I would like a holly and Heather
playhouse, a Birthday doll , a tea
' -set. Kate would. like Dream me
Baby and Ty ler a garage. Will be
I was shy
when I saw you
twill be godd. 1 Was shy when I
saw you, because -it was a 'long
time since I saw you before. I
fine. I will leave some cookies and
milinor you and some carrots for,
the reindeei.
Elizabeth. Anne Stewart
R,,R.#1, Dublin
patrick's School in Dublin
a concert and a cart party
Have a safe •
Xmas hpliday
Make sure you and 'bur family
have a happy Christrhas by taking
a few precautions, to avoid
accidents ..that can mar your
enjoyment. St. John Ambulance
provides 'the following check likt
of things to do for a safe and
injury free holiday season:
1. Be sure your Christmas Tree
is standing in a pail of water to
keep it front drying out.
2. Make sure-your tree lights
are in good condition with no
frayed cords.
3. When decorating the tree be
Sure to use a sturdy stepladder
instead of a chair or stool.
4. Make swe that children's
toys are sturdy , ands-suitable for'
their age group. „
5. Pot snail children get
preSerttS that have do
The..„act, he said, should
"I hope- councils will work in
future toward the elimination of
this system," he. added.
The question of rebates came
'up when 'council was asked to
Pass an estimated road budget for
1977. Following the debate, the
moOgn was passed with only<Mr.
Ginn voting in opposition..
The Road Committee had
recommended approval of a' raod
budget totalling $2,832,000, 'up
about 12.7 per' cent from last—
year's total budget of $2,513,000.
Fixed costs for such items as .
roadside maintenance,: hard,
surface maintainence, gravel
surface maintainence, winter,
control, safety devices=vert
maintainence totalled 46
as compared to $.949,000 last
A, tot lot $880.000 has been se
aside in he 1977 budget for road
construction' and • pavirtg as
compared • to -last years
expenditures of $813.000. Road
number 30 westward for 2.5 miles
for the village of Clifford will,be
paved at a cost of. $150,000.
Road number one from Carlow'
south for 4.0 miles will be paved
at a cost of $250,000. Road
number, eight , from Clinton to
SuMmerhill at a cost of $120,000
and Road number 'six from
Highway fain. for 9.3 miles will be
paved at a cost of $2804 000.
Anot her $40,000 will be spe,nt
on miscellaneous construction
and $10,000 for the clean up of
projects left over from 1976.
Pre;engineering and the purchase
of land in 1977 is estimated to cost
$20,000 and $11),000 has been set
aside for an update °trate needs
• Another $85,000 has , been' set
aside.as Huron's share of cost of
construction of boundary bridges,
$40,000 fots drainage assessments
And 120,000 to cover stOdit
balance and Machined debit,,
In tiiC repoit SUbtititted Roatl
Committee eitairmati. Joe Kerr
said thatit "must be emphasized
• From Forest to Thriving Hamlets
by Belle Campbell, each $4,00
, The Story of Seaforth
by Belle Campbell
each $4.00
A History of Tuckersmith
by Belle Campbell
each $4.00
A History of McKillop
by Mrs. Joseph Grummets
each $3.00
The Story of Hibbert Township
Hibbert Review [Part I]•
A Hibbert Review [Part •
Three booklets dealing withsthe Towns/hip of Hibbert
by Belle Campbell . each $4.00
,Huron Ciunty in Pioneer 'Times .
by James Scott , each $1.00
Settlement of Huron, County
by James R. Scott
Firit Presbyterian Church
A Century of Service
Varna in Review
J. Floyd MeAsh
Seaforth Women's institute , Sciuvenir Cook'Book
The importance of Liberty
by Fred Van Egmond each $4.00
(Please allow 25 tents per book for mailing charges)
ar Santa;
will leave you an apple
Seaforth r Ontario
and arty not this year. oes
Rudolph's nose, ever go 9
My name is Darlene Moore. I
am -ten years old and , live in
Egmondville. I really liked ' the
watch you gave me last year.
Thank you, I cannot think of
anything I want for Christmas this
I am pretty sure that I would be
satisred7Th--vit anything you would
like to bring, me. When you get to
my house,_ If you do, there will be
a little snack on the table for you.
Yours truly,
Darlene Moore,
P.S. have my stocking.up by •
the door.
'1 am seven
years old
I would like a pool table please.
And table tennis and baby that
away. I would like easy bake
oven. And the bionic doll, talkie
talkies and the sunshine family
and happy birthday tender love. I
would like talking Cookie Mon er
and Talking Oscar, Ernie- an
Bert and_ Ernie and' Bert and,tlit-
buggy. I would like 'Barbie's
Dream Boat, Barbie's Fashion
Plaza:, I would -like the. Sesame
Street, motor bike play set.
Front Soan Dodds
R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont.
I am seven years,old.
wanted to stand beside MornM y
to tell ;-au 1 vAnted Dream me
Baby. if you d`9 nothave one you,
could buy one in the stoite., We .
cannot leas e the lights on of the
Xmas tree because the house
might 'burn (limn but we will
leave you a treat to eat.
Lose Kate tPapple)
.R .4. Seaforth,
ank you
for 'last year
• Thank you for the presents you
brought me last year. This
Christmas please bring me a
Walkie-talkie se t, Super-slider-
snow skates some arrows for my
.bow and- an Evil K nivel. Stunt
Billy Stewart
Reindeer will
get apples
,Thank you' ftir the presents you
brought me last year. I am only 4
'years old so. m y Mummy is
writing this for me, • '
This year Santa, 1 ould like a
Rub-a-Tub dolly. a oy Record
player, a story book colouring-
book and crayons.
Please will 'you bring my' sister ‘
,Sesa toy radii) that plays
Would you please bring my
neVy baby Sister a rattle and a
piggybark. •
4, will leave you some cookies,
Santa and- some apples for the
Mary Lou Stewart
R.R.$1. Dublin
Hope you& Mrs.
Cl,ausr are fine
Thank you •for the gifts you
,lave me last year. l have been a
good girl tnis•-year, This year 1 ,How are you, Mrs.. Santa, the
would like a model car' that yOu elves and the reindeer? Thank ,
paint& put .togeth er, Hugo inan-lou very much for the watch you
of a thousand faces and. Probe.:' gave me last year. This year 1
`Hope you and Mrs. Claus are would like an Aeronautics Kit.
How are you
each $5.00
each $1.00
each $2.75 '