HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-03-29, Page 7• NiE, Wit NG HAM TIMES, MARCH 29,1895, WAS S1 GT, NT] ET THIEF. MAKING A TRAMP LOOK DECENT. A °GENTLEMAN JO[;," A NOTED ROAD AG�N.T• .A, Nevaria Itobbor fur Who Wen Ills Vic.. this. )1ac1 a wood Word to Say^1114 Un. paralleled Feet of holding Up Two It Only cost ate, but the New Order of :9thli;s ])idiot knot, A. group of business lien chatting on upper 13roa(lway late one warm night was approached by is beggar, who whiningly het S(l for a nickel, says the New York Sun. Ile was. a most object -looking •ob- ject. His hair waslongand 9n7 •ted his it l.al n 1 at , I. 1 beard grizzly, and iu general ho looked as If he night be the origitutl of Walter Stages at the Sande Time. Jones' make-up as a tramp. One of the 1 men whom he addressed asked: Joe Quinn was •neither a terror len a "Boys. how much would it take to get desperado in the clays before the two great I that into a Semblance of respectability?" railroatls crossed the west.Ile was a ' „Can't be done, George, it any price," gambled'—a prospector—a miner—a mint • was the opinion of two of his coelemiois, who could kind slid shoot when occasion re- I while the third sngg,'estecl that about "«1(! (mired, but not one to be warned away toy and a week's training would reform the a vigilance committee because he t;'tu ; tramp into a fairly geed imitation of a worse thou the average. Joe went book" man." on cards, got cheated out of a rich and „That's your idea is it?" observed of silver, and one day left Virginia City to George contemptuously. "Nov I'll bet pick up 7L new occupation. 1 bad l.noxlt 1 you reellaws anyhing yu like that fo'— well, say $15—I'11 rig that chap out com- plete from top to toe, and make hint as respectable a citizen its you want 'to see. Now, here's a bet. Yon fellows put in $10 each against my $30, and I'm so sure l'll win that Pll pay for the outfit myself and let yon citape be the judges. Is it ago?" It was a go. The beggar, who had been standing in open-eyed and open-mouthed him personally for` two or three years, and from his conversation and general bearing I had no doubt Olathe was well educated and lead been brought up as a gentleman. Ile left Virginia City to blossom out as a • a toad agent, and lie had uo partner. I had the honer or misfortune to be a passenger in the first stage he tried his Itan.l on. The spot was between Virginia City and Silver City, and the time 11 o'clock in the fore- noon. There were seven Hien of us besides wonder, told to sleet his prospective benefactor or ou a clown -town corner at f1 the driver, and while the four horses were o'clock the next morning, and the whole being watered at a creek crossing the road I party wore t4 meet at 111.8 place where the Joe steppedout with a gun in either hand bet was macleiu the evening 74t 8 o'clock. At the set time the other three parties to the bet met ou the corner appointed forthe deciding of the wager. At 8 o'clock sharp the proposer of the wager appeared alone. "Where's your $15 beggar, George?" in- quire(] the others. "I've left Min in charge of guy valet," ieturned George, "He'll be here soon and called for the passengers to descend. . I had a seat with the driver, and Joe called me by name as he called ale down. Itwas the first bold -up for a year, and no ono was prepared for it. As fast as we dropped • to the road he looked to see that all weap- ons luul been left behind,'7Lnc1 as we "lined up" he took position between. us and the -vehicle. He had a clear, mellow voice, and thele was 110 Menace iu Els speech as now." be said: Five, ten, fifteen minutes the party "Gentlemen, I have failed at gambling,1 waited, George slowing increasing signs LOS lectin r and digging. 1 I am now coiof nervousness. The others hard begun to 1)' 1 b going to try this profession for awhile. C want ; banter him, when a young man rushedaround the corner and, ruuniug up to your money. I propose to rob you in a ! George, cried: genteel way.' Use me like a gentleman i „ylr. --, that fellow you left with ale .and I will respect your feelings in return. gave Ileo the slip iffier getting; laic dinner, Mr. Blank here is my friend, but under and I ca n'e gob any trace of }line." the circumstances he will shell out with "Well, that's a nice thing,"returned the the Test of you. I will now ask hien to in- , trodnoe tee to each one of you in rota- gentleman. Then tumble to his compan- ions he continued,: Boys, how are we go- lion."Joe took from me fourteen twenty -dollar 1 ing to settle this? .Here';] ley 11174711117471tells igold pieces, and then I introducedhim toIlia that our beggar, after having got all a Mr. Baseoulb, who happened to stand . he 'could out of me, has flitted airily next to him. They shook hauds and they hence. ' "Joke's on you, (Adman." "Yon lose." were };}eased to see each other, and Mr. „You're boinecl to produce the Iran; that Bescomb handed out $180 in gold. So ft was part of the bet." "Come, pay up like went clear down the line, the robber • trusting to every man's integrity to hand • a little man, George." �� over•Ilis entire boodle. In this instance I ' Ole, i don't know, retorted George, believe every one of us did, as he got about pointing to the,man who had brougnt the $1,800 from the crowd. He did not ask for flews. "Gentlemene, let ale introduce to watches or jewelry, and when some one you. my rehabilitated beggar, fitted out at told hien that he bind forgotten the stage an, cn,ireexpense of less than $17;. 1)o I driver, who stood holding the leaders by ,- w;n'? . the bits, he laughed and called out: ' 1 The other three looked in surprise and "How mucid rasp Have you got about amazement at the supposed valet, and you, Sant?" could hardly believe, that the neatly, al - "About $30," replied the driver as he most sprueely, attired individual now the coins. , ; grinning cheerfully at them was the tramp "You area o 00111all pickings, and I know ' of the night before. He wore a jaunty you have a wife and chile; to support.: straw hat, 11 Comfortable looking loose gray Now, gentlemen, I (don't want your fire- 1sack suit, a colored negdige shirt, a well - arms, and 1 don't believe any of, you will 1 tied bow necktie, a pair of o tan shoes, and be tool enough to fire on Hie when you ' a prevailing air of entire respectability. Jgeb h0ldot woo, cue 11110 the uoaole mice I "You win, said the three in a breath, • drive ahead. Should you meet . withnother "if you did it within the price." rofessin Producing a slip of paper, he handed it to it will co lsoletyouitolrealizethele that youl ace 1 hii'ccompanions. The account was as fol - no cash to be robbed of. f A week later; though there were fifty ; Shave, hair cut and shampoo -.linen out looking for eine, "Gentleman ` ltoomfor dressing and bath • Jon " as we had titled trine frolu the first ' Suit of niiderolotliing hold-up, stopped another stage on that : pair of socks line.Neglige shirt, collar and cuffs attached.. 1 Necktie IPair of strong tan leather shoos . c'ritiolem. professional art critics are by 110 meant; the only people whose opinions of pictures 20 FAILURES TO CURE rr 20 YEARS OF SUFFERING are worth th bear ing, 8e many an tel tlst has found out. Michael :Herlihy had his little shop insured in a popularcompany and the agent presented 11In1 with a highly colored lithograph representing the bunting of a. block of buildings. Mr. Herlihy surveyed the picture for some monlents, nuitteriug to 111131801f the while. At last he turned a dissatisfied face open the agent. "It's nloigllty purty," lie et4id, "but it's nlesiif doesn't call it complete, sore, not by nidus 111741108." "Iu(leed," said the agent. `What is wanting, Mr. Herlihy?" "There's the bulldins, all roigltt," said Michael, "an' there's the foire;urines, an' the ladders, an' the horses, an' the shmoke too cinders. There's the pltyple runnin' 1Lt1' the foiremeu climbin' oop and (loon. 13ut," said Mr. Herlihy, turning his back on the painted conflagration and cou front- ing the insurance agent with anexpressiou of strung discontent, "who iver in the sv,:i(le wurrld saw a blither 1v that koiucl goin' on, an' not a bit 7Lv dog anywhere to be sane o1 the sthrete, sorr? Who's the -man 't painted that piether. Oi'd like t' be totld?" concluded Mr. Herlihy waxing scornful. "He's got a few things to l'tLrn before iver he'll be an artisht, Oi'ne think- in'!"—Youth's Companion. $ 35 25 08 18 50 12 3.00 sw. .. -After his second robberylie was so vitt- ' Straw hat Suit of clothes orously pursued that he had to abandon Pair of cult buttons the Silver City route, but in the course of Pair of ensponders -- a couple of weeks he was heard of up in Total 514.08 • the- Humboldt 'Valley. His advent was characterized by a feat which has no peer "There, boys," said he, "you see I had in stage -robbing. He caught the up -stage enough left over to buy flim a luncheon •80 and the down -stage jest as they were about for 20 cents and adinner fol cents and '1( to pass each other at y o'clock in the after- give him some change. And I find I lie ?noon. One had live peen 101(1 7L woman Stud looks good enough to pass in any crowd." t1 the other toter hien, a woman and a boy. "But what are you going to do with ' With the drivel) there were eleven met him?" asked the others. and all well armed and yet he appeared so "Oh, I'll get him a job somewhere. And suddenly and moved about so swiftly that I fancy that besides winning that bot• it was at first supposed there were four or I'll make a respectable Hurn out of that five robbers in the attack. The drivers ho chap." paid no attention to, but 11( Lined up the Ten clays later the same four business nine passengers, searched the first and men ;net by chance on the same Yonge street corner, and while talking there they saw the since ragged, unkempt object of misery shuffling toward then. Before 110 could e,c:Lpe they surrounded leiin. • His r b 1 1 1 1 t 11 1 hair find beard were a trifle more respect- able than on the previous occasion, but otherwise he was as complete a 'Weary Itaggles as before. A volley of questions saluted hint. • The object, seeing no chance of escape, whimpered feebly and said: "I got fired from the job for oversleepin' myself. noel ter collie haul: ter this, an' I sold the togs." "Sold the togs? What the devil did you do that for?" robably lined alone in the thickets and "Ho�v could a feller make any money omtains. • •I10 had a good horse and two ' panhandlln' with good clo'es like thein rccolvers, and occasiol1ally appeared at w on?" Ido enquired plaintively. 11 or country store to make purchases f provisions. At the and of a year the A 1(, n rylrll x Long Bend. reward, offered for him atnounte1 to ,T tlndXitary company were out to 7,000. His last hold-up had been on the uba river, 1 i 'California, and seven teen t out to capture }lint. They hired a gulag coach., -dressed cue of their nunl- r tits 118 n driver and another in the boob, d all were of course armed to the teeth. t may be that Joe hi some way got word f what wa•s up, for he caught the coa(11 ip rocky pass, shot the driver off his seat .-?nt +vountied two men riding within be- �o ho crowd were really aware of his �rese cc. When he commanded the re- • s ard-seekers to get down they lestno time . turning out. lie tent tho four wound - `I men. back uthe road, stripped of erything, spenthalf Mt hour in making wounded ee table as possible, and 'tt drove the .,rage into the mountaitis WOW tiro Horses loose.• -Chicago Daughters Trained for 1-1 Life. The greatest care and anxiety of the Hindoo mother is to bring up her daugh- ter to home life 11111 to make her a good housewife. 'When a girl is 7 years of age the 311011ier teaches her to cook and to clean the pots. Hindoos have two kinds of washing; one is the daily washing of everyday apparel, for the clothes are changed every morning after bathing. Every Hindoo must battle before he takes his meals. Religion requires that no food be cooked before the person who cooks it has bathed. Ileum every woman must bathe before she cooks. The clothes are changed and washed every day. • Ivifoly. Mrs. Quills (at one a.m.)—Where have you been until this hour? Mr. Quills—At ze officli, balancin' my books. Mrs. Quills—Well,1 hope they balance - betcer than your £eetl For 20 years..[ suffered the torments of the. damned with blind and itoping piles, Had I hnown of any cure 1 would not have hesitated to have given hun- dreds of dollar;; to obtain it, I followed the instructions of an eminent physician in using syringe . treatments, 1. used Fowler's Pile. Cure and 20 others of dif- ferent kinds. Front some a little relief was gained, but nothing approached a cure. 1 was about resigned to the fate of having to pass through an almost un- interrupted course of suffering so long as I lived, when Chase's, Ointment was brought to my notibe. The statements 1 in regard to it were so strong and bore 1 with them a souse of conviction stilt- (tient to overcome my skepticism in re- gard to its being no better tban the rest. I used it, with the result of re- ceivingimmediate relief and permanent cure. For weeks and weeks 1 was fear- 1 fully afraid of a return of misery, but it, did not occur. I started using Chase's' Ointment, hoping' for relief and realised a cure that is permanent.. I do not be -t lieve there ever was a worse ease of blind and itching piles than mine, i 1 which leads me to think there is not a case to be recorded Chase's Ointment : will not cure. Yours truly Goo. W. MoRitIB, Brantford, Ont. Prop, The New &turris. Separator. 7:00 25 „5 Made hint go throttgll the others. It was Said that his haul amounted to $5,000, and as it was all in gold coin he ltnd it lying ou a 1}ahketin the road when the passengers nl al' i:e( and the stage rolled away. By never interfering with the snails or express hatter Gentleman Joe eeo:tped Making official enemies.. Neither Uncle Sans nor the express officials were much .concerned about hunting down a man who dict not interfere with their property, and augur. pursuit 118 WAS made by sheriffs ended it smoke. In ono year the robber cid up thirteen (different stages and ado a gross hath of at least $20,000. He as never known to enter tL town, •aild • The Conceited Mouse. Once upon a time there was a very small mouse with a very large opinion of himself. -What he didn't know his grandmother couldn't tell him. You'd better keep a bright eye in - your head these days, saki she one chilly afternoon. Your gran'ther has smelled a trap. Scat! answered the small Mouse, as if I don't know a trap when I see it ! And that was all the thanks she got for her good advice. Go your own way, for you will go no other, the wise old mouse said to herself, and she scratched her nose slowly and sadly as she watched her grandson scamper up the cellar stairs. Oh, sniffed he, poking his whiskers into a crack in the dining room cup- board, cheese, as I'm alive ! Scuttle, scuttle. I'll be squizzled if it isn't hi that cunning litt.e house! I know what that is—a cheesehouse, of course ! What a nice snug hall ! That's the way with cheese houses. . I know because I've heard the dairy- maid talk about them. It must be rather inconvenient though to carry milk tip that step and through an iron door. I know why it's so open —to let in fresh air. I tell you that cheese is good! Kind .of a reception room in • there. I guess I know a reception room from a hole iu the wall. 'No trouble at all about getting in either. Wouldn't grandmother open her eyes to see me here ! Guess I'll take another nibble and go out. What's that noise? What in squeaks is the hatter with the door? rl'llis is a cheese house, I know it is, but what if it should turn out to be a-- 0-o-o-ceee ! And that's just what it did turn out to be. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING nooks, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311 Heads, Circulars, Se., die., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on shunt notice. Apply or address U. ELLIOTT. TIMER Olaco, twinghntn. 'i®ANTen _Local gnu Traveling Salesmen i® ANTen . to handle our !lardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. 11 e guarantee satisfaction to representatives and Customers. Our Nurseries are the largest in tho Dominion --over 700 acres. No substitution in orders. Exclusive territory and Aboral terms to whole or part time agents. Write us. STONE C WELLINGTON, (head Ot11ce,)Toronto, Ont. The only Nursery in Canada. havirgtesting orchards. ENTLE)19---01-= Cnptuin Sweeney,U. S. A„ San Diego, Cul., says; "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50e. Sold at Chisholin's Corner Drug Store. Finger Nail Omens. Cut them on Monday, cut thein for news. Cut them on Tuesday, a pair of A Texas the rouge recently, practicing at rii`le•-- new shoes. shooting. The lieutenant 111 e01n11111L11(1 Out them on Wednesday, cut theta suddenly became exasperated. at the poor for health, shooting, 7ttld, seizing a gull from one of (,rut them 011 the privates, cried angrily, "I'll show you fellows hot• to shoot!" Takinga long aim, for wealth, and i4 strong taint, and an aha altogether, Cut thein On he tmssed. Cooly turning to the private woo. who owned the gat, lie said, "']'hat's the Cltt thein On way yoit shoot. 1•Ie again loaded the weapon tulle missed. 'Turtling to the se('- t0 go. .,tali and tnitn In the ranks he remarked, Cut thein 011 Sunday, your safety "That's the way you shoot." In this way lie cchltr}rest t(imiss about fifty or sixty seek, the devil will have you the rust tittles illustrating to each soldier his per Of the Week. soma incapacity, and finally he accident- ally hit the target. "And that," lie ejac- ulated. hunting the Butt beck to the prl- blood, clear your complexion, regulate ver*. "ie tie wee- 1811001, " your 'dowels and stink° ; our bend clear. 1 Thursday, cut them Vriday, cut theta for Saturday, a. journey If you want your FALL AND WINTER rxrig made in the latest style, go to G H. I RVI N, Oft 14 hell. 125x., Ciao., anti ;. Sold at iChisi oitn's Corner Drug Store: opposite Bank of Hamilton, WINGHAM I ///q4//////////17,/ / �/NIP,/ / '(inert bring coughs and colds, / while PINY — PECTORAL brings quick relief. Cures all in- flammation of the bronchial tubes, throat or chest. No tin - certainty. )relieves, seethes, heals promptly. A Large Bettie for 25 Cents. MI5 d B EENCE CO.: 1TD. PROPRIETORS. MONTREAL. An Honest Offer, If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured without risk of losing your money, we will send a G.I:MIQIDE INHALER and modlclne for that disease without askin„a cent of pay in advance. After a fair trial at your own home, and yo0 find it a genuine remedy, you can tend us $3 to pay for same. If not satisfactory in every way you can return the Inhaler et our expense, and need not pay one cent. Oould anything be more fair? You have everything. to gain and nothing to lose. If the remedy is not all we claim, we are the losers, not you. Just think ofbeing cured for $3. TESTIMONIALS Rev, J. E. MAvarv, Methodist Minister, Ot- tawa, Ont., writes; "Your(:ermicide Inhaler in two months radically cured my daughter of chronic catarrh," Rev. T. S. NORRIS, late pond St. Church, To- ronto, Ont. :—"Your Inhaler and Medicine has proven genuine in every respect' MR. J. A. McNAtR, Schaw, Ont., writes;—"Tho Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat- arrh. It is worth many times your charge." This Inhaler and Medicine sent on trial without FAY ,(,advance. e. rl1 CERMItICE AINt1AIEIi �nnNEQFl16 ACUTEAtW C -V Motile = olceutuse I MR. Dorota9, Conductor, xi Ontario St., Toronto:—"Your treatment in a fete weeks cured me of catarrh of long standing." MR. T. Mites, ag Christopher St., To- ronio:—"Your Inhaler and Medicine cured me of ;tease of catarrh of ten years' stand- ing: This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test It to your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address MEDICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YONGE ST., TORONTO, OreT. •,r i-rirx.- do(x11s'eAZ o. 1 Had to "Grin and Bear It" when ho had a pain. You can grin and Ban- at once by using PEnat DAVIS' XLlie s Sold and used everywhere. A whole medicine chest t��M!' =__w rut). by itself. _Ii ills every form of external or internal pain. j�ci�lrmFL-m->jc'tr.,r'' ;wll"cilaplse,3 s3t, in - - SNft}1J!ABflS LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD 5 MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN q 1 T o: ittnnntuce ens folly in youth, oversxertictu c£ mind ane body indre- + 7 t I F 11 ES (J I.e't by lust and exposure aro constantly wteci in the lives and tuttut ®happineseofthousand+ofpromising )oungrnen. some fade mei wither at an early ago. net rho blossom of manhood, while others are £ore"d to drag out a weary, iriutiese 8110 melancholy existence. Others result matrimony but find no solace or comft•rt there. The victims are found in all stations of life:- The farm, the office, the workshop, the pnlpit,i the trades and the professions. - iS RE.TORED TO f1AANIr4000 BY DFS... K. & K. e \vu. A. WALKER. 'IVia. A. WALKER. bills. CHAS. FLRIIY, CHAS. FERRY. • t,:;4 i' y1; _l • i1 SBEFOSP: TREATMENT AFTER TREATMENT [:" NO NAMES OA TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CCN EitT. e1 ICI Wet. A. Walker of 10th Street sass:—"I have snfforediC t S'Y) H i L I S untold atonies for my "gay life." 1 was indiscree indiscreet young and ignorant. As `'Ono of the Boys" I contracted 1 yEMISSIONS mouth and throat, bone pains,• hair loose, pimples on Syphilis and other Private diseases. 1 had ulcers in the, s, face, finger nails came ori, e.eissions, became thin and.m despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Illercury, Pota h, etc. They helped me but eoald not cure me.lke Final afriendindacedmetotry 1)rs.Kenneuy &Kergan.r$ F'iwir New Method Treatment cured mein a feet weeks. Their treatment 19 wouuerfn3. 51 You feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to caro in asingle� ,•case." i'CURE3 GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED 6 IMPOTENCY i° VAF SCO©ELE ,a EMESS O S CURED cio � y�tf'f ►s7 .t Divorced hut united again t-4-4 STRICTURE CURED , O ("apt. Clues. Perry says: -"1 owe my life to Drs. K. ,b E. TiAt 14 l learned a bad habit. At 21 !. !incl all the symptoms ,,°f Setninal 'Wes • ness and Seerniator hcea, Einissicns were drain:n^ and weakening, my vitality. 1 married at N 24 under advice of my family doctor. but it was a �'isad exporir nee In ei =hto(.n months w.• were divorced. I 4..4 hen consulted Drs. K. & K., who restored me to mnnuood ill throe th ]ifnth 3 f l anew b r went S e t t Treat rent. Method ,� by their Naw i h iv• This wan faiuy nervos. We worn unitetl again enc are J41 --- �3 . six years ago. Drs. K. £.t K. aro ecientifio specialists and 1 heartily recommend them." t. a it al ; R�4, � We treat azzd cruet varicocele, Emzssiorts> Nervous 17::bitity, 5etzz t 4R t fl cakrtess, Gl et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, rl it b. sett). • 17 YEARS and Bladder Diseases. ser ARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK (:' K ii Aro yon tl victim? IIavo yell iost hope? :fro S•'n contemplating mar n.rDER • reugt? I?asyourBloodbeendisc7tseO? Havoyc-U guy wealrnes+: i7u7 ii New Mathocl Treatitteilt will cure von. What it has done for oth- re it will do for fou rr nr.CONSULTATION FREE. No Matto: who has treated von write for an honest opinion f reewm 1 ®of Charge. Charges reasonable. ROOKS FREE—"The Holden Monitor" tillustrated), onl7, 0 Diseases of Mon. inclose postage, 2 emits. Sealed.: : "NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- ; VATE.• No medicine sent C 0.1D. No names on boxes or envoi--.'°,: :toepos. Everythingconi'idential. Question list and cost of Treat-ti ment, FREE. tEN,8-r,71,-,:,,vcr..@RS1 KENNEDY KB 13AN91 lzkp.,•.(,�� ,gyp &�::�t� RR�� F� t�•- A,.. �'ir; e.: J5 ,... .*."tats; tipy.t9 B ,, .. `mG•4S,, .ems.` HE '•.�•'' C R T Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative , power over every organ of the body. The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human. system are regulated, purified, and restored to perfect natural action b}' this medicine. Thus it CURES all diseases affecting. these or other parts of the systetn, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head- ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Nervous or General Debility, and all irregularities of the system, caused by Bad Blood or dis- ordert(1 action of the Stomach, rowels, Liver or Kidneys. Thous;ines d tt'sti� rmottjais warrant the assertion that 1ti,1:.11. is the SES''I SPRINCG. MEDICINE FOR YOUNG R, OLD. 016- -- 4