HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-23, Page 35will knowil artisU 'et nationally lulown for his cooking and serving ,of wild plants. Mr. .• Gray runs the Nature Bounty School in Loden and conducts lecturea and correspondefice courses on the selection, choking, preservation., and eating of wild plants. Mr. - Gray recently appeared at the Waterloo public library, ' p erformances under the. Ontario Outreach program are free. Individual libraries should rbe contacted for further details. , Ole That'll l ast All Year• long! • • • SUBSCRIBE ONLY A YEAR IN CAN kDA ..mme asloom . . , mom imam mem amoon .0••••• Name • Address • hizh, ZO/41;;a1 111 out old thlinp, heart care /ad with di/ /,:iftrultd to y'Oetkii HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth, -Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the name of: ro7 Address' O Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent. q Please bill Me. 0 $10.00 Enclosed. 0.00 Walla. 1.4 THE prtinoN EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario I ' Please enter a Subscription in the name of: ' I 'Name .- I , I Address 0Indicate here if Gift Card' is to be sent. 0 Please bill me. - 0 $10.00 Enclosed. . 7 From: ' Address A Bus'. 345-2512 Guaranteed investment Certificates 5 years, 10 1/4 % Intelsat payable Semi- anniially, 'lot 'accumulative. awls amok Since 1860, Saving the antrninnity First , and health.. 'I' - is for the yOung in'. heart whO look upon • each Christmas With • new spirit, a new. Yule-tide and; perhaps, a nevrYule - log. C - is for the good cheer'ef the season, the carors, the carollers, the carillon, the chiining of clinrchAells, the caring for-others and even •for the name of the day, itself, Christmas. H - is for a, holiday when hearts are turned to thotights of peace on earth to -hien of goodwill. R - is .for relatives to be rem• embered, with gifts and cardp arid maybe,' a Christmas rose. I is I. the new, ice skates, for the • imagination of those workmen whose skills turn store windotvs and streefg into incredible fantasies, for the humble inn in Bethlehem town. . A a S is for the smells and sounds' of the season, for the shepherds who, watched their flocks and, of course, for Santa•Clatis himself ' with his. gift-filled sleigh. 4 spo!°.1s917,:, ILL SING A SONG' OF 'CHRISTMAS — North,side United's Jurilor_)Choir were featUred -performers • when the Seaforth Lions Club entertained at their annual Christmas'party at Huronview on Sunday.. The Liohs-have'beerra Christmas tradition at the- Remembering , Th rt • tit (By W. Airong) "HAY wreath's and mistletoe, Christmas trees with lights aglow, -Stockings hanging in a• row," • It's Christmas. ' • ,Yule Jog embers burning ShadOws dancing- to and fro, Candles flickering on the snow, It's Christmas, (Bain) Christmas, As of rejoicing, is with •us once again. As we hear, in song andistory,, of, that first Holy Night, of the MiraCle and the Message of the Manger, may it hearten and inspire us. Not only on Christmas Dv b_ut-on ▪ every day, let the hope and happiness,' the peace and promise of Christmas spread its, radiance through our lives and, in part, dispel some' of the darkness of doubt and error abroad in our world. May the, boundless blessings Of this holy time be bestowed upon all readers. ' • Whatbetter way is there to wish all of you • the merriest of holidays than to spell it M -. is "for the music of Christmas; the. maddening crowds !doing their last minute • shopping, the magical. spell the season casts over most of.us and especially the children,. the Measureles'a joys of families and friends meeting again'. E- is for the Eve itself, the eagerness of the-, ". tiny tots nosing around the tree at alistrange ours to. see what Santa packed for them. • 7 is for the fabled reindeer including- Rudolph whd h as become as much a part, of Christmas as Jingle Bells and Saint Nicholas, for the 'rosy red' cheeks of :, little children gathered in reverence around an outdoor radiant creche, .reflecting an event -two • thousand years old. R - is for the r,ewards•of work, for-the richei . of a bountiful nation, for therapture of hearth !MAIM EXPOSTOR, DECEMBER 23 1976 4 ' Home for about 5C1 years. Choir members shown, here are, left, -Lima Ellis,-Tracy McPherson, Lisa Savauge, LaUra Chesney and Janice UnderwoOd.. • (Expositor Photo) • Public libraries in the region of Waterloo and in Forth, Huron and Wellington counties are sponsoring performances of some of Canada's best "known artists through the Ontario Outieach program. Jan Rubes, Czechoslovakian- born opera singer, television personality, writer and narrator, recently performed ..Christmas programs for children ,in Cambridge and Stratford, and will be aptiearirfg ih the Kitchener, and New • tilamburg public libraries neTt (December 11). Saturday , Working with Guelph opera singer Ann Linden, Mr. Rubes traces the development of music- and singing throUgh a selection of Christmas songs in many languages. - The program is part of the singer's' efforts to populariie opera, and this forms the basis for his regular' television, show, ,.Guess What, as well. •form his numerous ,concert performance appearanc • Canada. / Wh ile opera will always be something of an "elite" art form, said Mr. Rubes, there is- no reason why ,Children cannot be exposed to fine music and singing at an early age. "This is the only • way to encourage people• to develop a love of music, he said in a recent interview. '!While.'opera itself is nly patronid by six percent of e people in Germany - the home of opera - nevertheless there are manly people who have never even had the chance to think about music as an art form." Mr. Rub.es.," whose li.,brary ' performances are coordinated by the Midwestern regional library system, also starred the movie "The` Incredible Jo n and. has recently con eted work on the Canadian film "Lions for Breakfast'''. Also appearing through' the Outreach grant 'program is the Toronto Con%ort group. Five regular -musicians, supported by guest artists, perform vocal. and instrumental music" of the medieval and renaissance periods. • Toronto COnstirrwill appear at the Kitchener library January 20, at Guelph library January 21,' at the Palmerston library in Wellington county January 22, :and at the Cambridge public library, January 23-. The joy of the new year will be' celebrated "in a play by the Contact Theatre group. Contact Theatre will present its own, vocal and musical material by new Canadian talent in' Cambridge 'January 15, in • Guelph January ' 22, in Ayr January 29, and in • We(ll)'ngtonCourrty February' 5: Some locations for • the performances are still to be Recently the Outivehplitario "grants, which are provided by the 1Vlinistry . • of culture and recreation, sponsored performan- ces by George Gray, 'a London- based plumber who hal become I\ \ 4 .A. -01 \ 1\ 1 cHP.1 EVER -,-jollfik • --, ,.. ... ' _ .:, ----sa ' % ..,, ,.. , _ ..:. - . 'iiiiiiii ...,„ \..... 4,.... _ ‘ ...: ,.•.-.. ....... -._,,,,ii, .... ; ,,..,..- .,..4....„,, /..e. iii/ // 4. ;.; '". ' -:•,.!2,-L'A -.49 /i, 1°-`411k.g.kkei' ,cf fe iN.... '.44r441.4kar= eii70 ..._-,,* ti of.Cheistm. from the East, for the holiday table laden with turkey ,and all the triMmings,• for the tale of . T - is for the Three Wise Men who came ,, Scrooge and.Tiny Tim, for the Christmas tree with its tinsel 'and twinkling lights. .. -M - is for , Moderation mixed with - merriment, for:•*meditation during the- mid- night,, church se vide, for the music and the musician' • hell: ... - ' te, f . , A - is r auld tconaintances ne'er. forgot, - • for, the ageless story narrated by .St,. Luke, for . ' the Christmas..' angels. and angelic choirs. . S - is for Silent Night,' Holy Night, the. .... ristmas carol knownland sung around the VW-orld, one which had its beginnings in 1818<in the tiny village of_Oberndorf; Austraia, when Joseph. Mohn, a parish priest, and Franz Gruber, ,a schoolmaster, wrote the simple hymn jor a guitar after mice ,had eaten the bellows of the church organ. • ' ' There you have one way of spelling , Christmas. . , . • l'have been tempted many times to"say how Christmas is not whatituaed to be. I miss the magic of a horse-drawn sleigh and. the snow. - seems ' shallower and less whites . The • -fairylands on:frosted window panes,are almost rare due to central heating. The artificial tree* ,, never exudes tire fragrance of 'pine or spruce. : ' Even the 'kitchen table with it§ festive fare . seems to have lost much of its did mysteriouS dekight. And'the carollers wrapped in woollen • •togs who sang under the street lights, where .., are they? Where are many ,of the things that I used' to be? When . I challenge change, perhaps the change 'is somewhere inside me' .so wlien this pulsing modern. age is full.,.of • happenings at tirrieS difficult to share, one has , .., enly to thumb. a Bible page-to find the story Of Ihe babe --of Betheiehem ' Whose birth we . Celebrate. ' ' - , ''.. ' • A few years ago the ew York , Life ,, t4 Insurance Company issued' the . following 4 • Christmas • Prayer . Which needs repeating, again and again.. "Let us .pray that strength .; „and courage abundant be given, to gall, Who work for a world of reason and understanding; •that the good that lies in every man's hear t may, day by days be magnified; that men will come to -see more . clearly not, that which . ., dignies them, but that which unites them; that each bout May bring us closer' to a final victory, not of nation over nation, but of man over his own evils and weaknesses;' that the true spirit of thisChristnias Season, its' joy; its beauty, its hope and, above . all, its abiding . faith may live among us; that. the blessings of peace be ours, the peace to build and groW, to, live ih harmony'and sympathy with others and' to plant for the fliture with confidence." you ' "A Merry Christmas! friend, to u And all whom ytou hold dear, • ' . , And 'may its joy remain with you ' Through all t129 coming year." (McClelland); 1 GIFT SUBSCRIPTION xpositor What would be illore apf preciated t ari all the news from the home area ? The Expositor is, as good as ti letter from home. "4.Local and District Pictures 4. More Revis of Local and District Happenings *interesting Editorials Money-Saving Advertisements *Church and School Nevis •from Townships WHEN .-YOU COMPLETE YOUR GIFT LIST BUY YOURSELF A SUBSCRIPTIO.4 May"yours be merry and-gay. Our hearty holiday thanks' for your kind patronage, DIEGEL'S DEPT. STORE .MITCHELL