HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-23, Page 30I.
Mary's Sewing Centre:
Florence, Jean, Jan, Mary,
Muriel, Irene and Earl
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887051 357 1932
YOU WIN — StanlerTownship senior citizens were the guests at a Christrnas sAarty
in their honour at the township hall in Varna 'on -Wednesday, sponsored by the
township recreatioh committee. Playing cards here are, from left,. J. K. Cornish,
Brucefleld, Jean Bell, Bayfield, Lulu Smith, Bayfield (hidden) and Harvey Hayter
of the Stanley Rec Committee. (Expositor Photo)
Chiselhursf UCW
exchange Xmas gifts
The U.C.W. of Chiselhurst the worship service, the theme
United Church held their Christ- being "Star of the East.'
mas meeting On Tuesday after- A candle lighting ceremony
noon with the president, Mrs. with Bible readings by Dorothy
Harold Parker . opening the Parker, Mary Brintnell, Dorothy
meeting with a poem "The- Brintnell, Pearl Taylor, Frieda
Christmas Visitor."
Boa • and Loretta Riley was
The roll call was answered by enacted while Miss Jean Cole
fifteen members and, eight played "Star of the East". Rev.
guests. A "Thank You" note was
read froni' John and June Jacobi Don Beck gave the Christmas message.
and Mrs. Thomas Brintnell gave The president thanked all for
the treasurer's report. Mrs. Alf their support during the past
Ross was in charge of the year. The meeting closed with
program. prayer, after which. gifts were
s`) A quartette comprising of Mrs. exchanged, with eaCh .,,, one's
• Jack Brintnell, Mrs. Alvin 'Cole, Secret Pal. Lunch was served by
+ Mrs. Dick Taylor and Mrs. T. , Mary Brintnell, Dorothy Parker,
Brintnell sang "Silver •Bells": "Rose • Harris, Vera Ross, Marg
Mrs. Alvin Cole was in charge of Upshall and Loretta Riley.
Queensway Happenings
, Visitors during the past week at '
the QueensWay Nursing were: .
Florence •Hodgins, Centralia;.
Mrs: Tripp, Mrs. Porciello and
Betty Smith visited Lynn
Latirnore and several ladies. "
John and Iva Ridley, Illa Dunn,
Miss Greta Lamtnie, Mrs.. E.
Alexander viSited,.Vera, Lit/nide.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pooley visited
several residents,
• Lodge
donates to
Noble Grand Mrs., 'Dorothy
of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Taylor were Cathy. ar.d Donald
the Vice Grand Mrs. Maggie, 1Valper, Brenda Walper and ,Rock
be "exChanged with your Secret
Wednesday evening assisted by Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
the visiting committee. . Rev. G. Anderson, Exeter
donation was, voted to 'the Wednesday accompanied by
Children's Ain Society. Arrange- Louise Mitchell at the piano.
W.etiesday, January S. Gifts will
Campbell,- who gave a report or Vanderwiel.
ments were' .made to hold the The, ladies, of the, Anglican
Parker presided for the meeting
"Secret Pal" meeting on Church entertained the residents
During the business, a conducted the church service on
with music,andbingo. Mrs. Frank
Christmas Party was held in the
Forrest was in charge. The Staff
diningroOm on Thursday evening Following the meeting, • the with an exchange of gifts.
entertainment committee took
charge of a euchre biogo followed
Carmel ladies' by e lunch and social ,hour by the
social committee. 'Noble Grand
Mrs. Dorothy Parker expressed pack Xmas boxes thanks to the entertainment and
social groups.
The W.M.S. and Ladies Aid of
Members of the, Cancer, Polio Cannel Presbyterian ch kirch
and Tuberculosis . Committee of packed boxes of treats for shukin
the X.0.0,F. and Amber Rebekah members On Tuesday, December
Lodges distributed 'plants to
14, which were distributed to, the
"shut-ins" on Sunday, Dec. 19. various homes.
We wish you a joyous, firt: "
flied holiday season,
' Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year
• The Hensall Senior Citizens There will be "a meeting of th,e
met on Tuesday evening Dec. Executive early in the New Year.
14th for their ,Christmas Fatty The Secretary read a letter
with 48 in attendance. The club from the New Horizon PrOgrgm
rooms were gaily decorated in. from Marc • LaLonde. The
keeping with the Christmas entertainment were 'Charlie and
season. .Leila .Hay and ,Rosa Harris.
President Percy Campbell Charlie s was Master of
presided for a 'short session of Ceremonies and extended
business - and warmly welcomed, Seasons -greetings to all and"
all who were present. It was , presented a humorous film on
decided to.-cdiscoritinue having Laurel & Hardy day using the
Open House Tuesday and Friday new projector for the first time with
afternoons, until after the New Bill Rogerson in connfiand. '
Year. Carol singing was then enjoyed
A • committee of three, Pearl with Dorothy Mickle at the piano.
Taylo. Rosa Harris and Percy A reading by„Elyabeth Riley was
Campbell were appointed to much enjoyed'.
investigate the purchasing of a A "film on flowers was then
Carpet Ball Set and , other items shown "There is nothing, more
for entertainment crafts. Mrs!' beautiful than God's great gift of
Mickle and Mrs. Alexander flbwers". The President
volunteered to act on the Open expressed thanks to the
House Committee in place of committee , for the very fine
Mrs.- Bell who finds it difficult to - entertainment.
get out in the winter months. Several members reported that
the Seniors had a fine evening,
guests of the Kinsmen, who
treated them to a bus trip to
Wingham to see•taping of Circle
8 1.3.aneh Show on Monday
The weatherman turned on his
best and on returnine to the club
rooms in H ensall the Kinettes
aSsisted the Kinsmen in serving a
Cbristmas'Iuneh, Percy Campbell -
extended thanks th 4.11. • .
The lunch ,committee. Ernie &
Olga ' Chipch4se .17$c Gladys
'Coleman along with the.
entertainm,ent, treated the
members to'- a Hot Turkey
Christmas lunch, which ' • al1
enjoyed. A"hearty vote of thanks
with much applause • was,
extended to the committee in
charge of,. the very .enjoyable
evening . in keeping with- the
happy Yuletide Seaseri.,
Rev. VCD.Jarvis conducted the
service at Carmel Pr,e.sbyterian
Church on unclay; the addeess '
being "It's the Gift That
• Counts". The Sunday School and
ch oir under the direction of Mrs.
Malcom Dougall and T eachers of
the Sabbath school presented
Christmas Pageant "The Old Old
Story". The congregation took
part in the Carol singing. The
Annual Carol Service was held at
Cromarty Presbyterian Church' at
2 p.m. followed by a Fellowship
hour sponsored by the Couple's
Club. The service next Sund4
will be a serVice of carols and
scriptures with a,thought for this
Holy Season.
Tuesday, Dec. 28th
Friday, Dec. 31st
during normal hours
Give her a
time-saving gift,
at a monersaving price.
Energy saver
Specially, priced for Christmas..
Come to Merwood C. Smith limited for the largest dis-
play of refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, washers and
dryers, televisions, stereos and much more in Midwest-
ern Ontario. By manufacturers such as' General 'Electric,
Simplicity, Findlay; Norge, Gibson, Gilsariailloffat, Leo-
nard, Wieser, Philips, Sharp and many morel
IVIeTwood C. Smith„ Ltd
Edmund Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs.
Clemence. Jeffrey and Blanche
Bechard visited Pauline Jeffrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pullman,
London visited Mrs. Laved., Rev.
Bruce Pierce, - Crediton visited
Mrs. Alf Weurth, Mrs. Almeeda
Parsons and Hugo Schenk.
Belle Reid, Varna visited Clain
Mrs. Martina Denomme, •
Zurich, and Mrs.Louis Denomme
visited Louise Mitchell.
Jerry -and Ruth Ford visited'
'Mr.- Ford's mother Mrs. May
Ford. "
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferguson
visited several residents. Marion
Schenk and Jeanette, Lippert
visited Hugo Schenk.
Mrs. Harry Hoy visited Bernice
Lavery and Alex Barrett.
.Visitors with Mrs. Adeline
CARE FUL CARD P.LAYERS -- The photographer
can see his hand, but nct oTie else can as" Perce
Johnston, E3ayfield ponders his next move in a
euchre game at the Christmas party for Stanley
senior citizens last week.Thates Sam Thompson;
Brucefield beside him.
(Expositor Photo)
For your last minute
6 Whore Personal Service is still
*Brussels important 887-9000
shopping we still have a
good selection of gifts
RIN G S ;"
. Also the draw, for a dinner ring and Bankon Builova
will be drawn on Dec. 24 at 6 o'clock.
Don't forget to enter yow name.
M ayer
,S Audrey St Lloyd
jewellery & Gifts
• Our Wish is that this season
befilled with Inner peace for you
and yours.
With deep sincerity,
we' send Christmas
Greetings and Best
Wishes from all of
U's at
ii'ur warmest wishes
for the holiday. It's a time to
be joyful and to say, "think you".
For the.Profesdliallthicli se*. us or your,
- HAIR PRovvors
available for services
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Sunday, Dec. 26th
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Thursday,Dec. 30th,InVentory
Saturday,Jan. 1-New Years
Suggested Retail Price $09.
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