HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-23, Page 29rid now . agaiiii it's Christmas. :Mail it briar, gam good fortune ' , tfiriAitove• BONTHRON FURNITURE HENSALL • It was with regret after two , faithful years as President that Mrs. Jean Henderson of the Tuckersmith. Group resigned. Mrs, Marjorie Breadfoot, Vice President, will preside for the next two years. Obituary Howard W. Lemmon died at his lateTesidence Victoria St., Exeter on Friday, December 17, 1976 in, his 67th year. , Surviving is his wife, the fornter Vera L. ,.Smith; sons, William A. Lernmon, Wakefield, Quebec; ,Roberti- L. Lemmon, London; Mrs.' Wesley (Donna Margaret) ThOmas, London; Mrs. Rdbert • (Marion) Kerslake, Exeter; sisters, Mrs. Leona Parke, Hens,a11; Miss Viola Leminon; Toronto; Ws. Clarence (Aldeen) Volland, Hensall; Mrs. Olive-'Marshman, Mississauga. .A brother Preston predeceased him. March 6, 1975. • Twelve grandchildren and one great-grandson also survive. Funeral service was held from' the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall on Mond'ay, December 20 at 2-p.m. conducted by Rev. E.S. Stephens, Brucefield. Interment was in Baird's Cemetery. Members of the 1.0.0.F. Lodge held a memorial service at the ,Funeral Home Sunday evening at - 9 p.m. .Pallbearers were Alex McBeath, archie Parsons, Paul Lebedew,, Bob Foote, Malcom D-6ugall, Albert Postma. • ' A • To you, whose . faith and goodwill we treasure, we wish the Joy and Peace of Have a Ho-Ho whole lot of 'fun -this Christmas,. as you share the precious gifts of , the holiday! 44. • iro the Christinas season, we say, "WelCome!" To our good friends and patrons, We say, "Thanks, and the best of everything always!" ,Ron & staff of MERNER MEATS Dashw000d May ,the Blessings of the Christ Child be with you all through this glorious holiday and always., V , Our sincere thanks. • \ U NDALE DIARY 'Exeter • OR, PgQ0.M.0023L'1974 Mensal, OCW hears- a out r - MI SS 11' . . ,. _. . . , .. . . , ..' 0 • . 0 , in Brazil flowers in the sanctuary in January.' She also read a little Oil timers play here Corresppndent Mrs. Hilda Rayne. • •Thirteen members answered the 'roll call- for the Christmas .. meeting of Unit 2 of Hensall United Church Women on Monday evening, with Mrs. Ron Waring in the chair. She welcomed everyone...4nd read a -Christmas poem:, Mrs. Verne Alderdice 'rdnducted, the devotional, reading the Christmas story in Modern language. Christ- mas carols were sung: The business was conducted by Mrs. Carl Payne, Unit leader. Unit 2 is responsible for the ,poem, "Snow white foal" and reread a letter from a missionary in Brazil after giving a short background on life in Brazil. Mrs, Cecil Pepper and Mrs. Carl Payne -,— read a humerou's skit orT"Testing,---' - It's a rat' race." For the study period, l)ars. Ross cmh Forrest read an article on Christ- as in Germany where the ristmas season is suite differ- ent from how we celebrate it here. Mrs. Waring read another poem and then closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Nedger Venirer then conducted • a work period making favours for the Nursing Home trays for Christmas. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bill Mickie. Lloyd Wheeler of Brussels, a third generation bee keeper. showed a documentary film on the activities of bees and ,the making of honey, when Kippen East W.I. held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Vern Alderdice, Dec. 15. He was introduced by Mr's.' Ernest Whitehouse. and thanked by Mrs. Harelti ParsOns. The roll call for the meeting, "An Industry on your ,door step" shdwed saw mills, corn driers,' extensive farming in beef and cattle, home heating and many bthers, . $25 was donated to the Children's Aid Society Christmas Greetings 'were received from neighbouring ,Institutes. Mrs. Harold Parsons gave the Treasurer's report and it was decided to hold the euchre parties again .in the Legion, Hall in the New Year, The Centre Group will be in charge of the first euchre in January. A letter _was read from the women's Institute in Kippen, Scotland paling the way for .an exchange of pen pals if the local Institute is interested. Mrs. James Drummond read a poem; "Priceless. Gift" followed by several short stories. The President. Mrs, Hoggarth;tave the President's Message, "What is in a gift?" • Many Christmas carols were sung with, Mrs.R. Broadfoot accompanist and Santa Claus distributed the "Secret Pals" gifts. Courtesy,remarks were given by Mrs. Hbggarth and lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge, Mrs.,. Stewart Pepper...and Mrs: Wm. Mcgowell, Mrs. Robert Bell and k1rr. Ernest Whitehouse had charge 'of the program. , Personals A family dinner was held at the relatives. Mr. Lorne McBride attended the ,funeral of Mr. Don Kay in Clinton on SaturdaY7 This community was shocked to h ear of the death of Mr. Howard Lemon, a' former resident of this district before ,he retired to Exeter. The CooVer family tAld their family Christmas dinner in' the church on Saturday night under the auspices of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper. Mr. , and Mrs. Charles Reid entertained members of the Reid family at a dinner on Monday, Dec. 13. Their guests were Mrs. Geo. Reid and Dou.g and Peggy. Reid of Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker, Mr. and Mrs. R.J.Larson. Mrs. Ed. Reid and Mrs. Beulah Smith of Bayfield. 'On Sunday they had a Christmas gathering for twenty members of Bernice's -family. Congratulations to Don and Debra Rathwell, whose baby boy was born on. Sunday in• St. ' Joseph's Hospital. We'd like to , extend' a warm Correspondent Mrs. Hugh Berry Tuckersmith Group 1, U.C.W. of ,Brucefield United Church met Dec. 9 with a full attendance: A dinner of roast chicken and all the trimmings was enjoyed.. Mrs. Muriel Allan, Mrs. Marjorie Broadfoot, Mrs. Jean Henderson were in charge. The meeting opened with a poem by Mrs. Allan and the hymno,—"Away In a Manger." was. sung with Mrs. Alice Scott at the piano. Mrs. Broadfoot read a very interesting reading,"What Makes Christmas?" The scripture "No Room in The Inn," was re ad by Mrs. Allan and Hymn, "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" was sung. The offering was received by. An interesting hockey game was played in Hensall arena on Sunday afternoon when London Old Tirfiers beat 1Goderich Old Timers, 5-3. Ken Doig dropped the first puck marking his official last appearance ,at a hockey game. It is a pity that more people did not tarn out for this match. Mrs. Broadfoot and dedicated by Mrs. Allan. The Secretary's report was given by Mrs. D. Sillery and Mrs. Berry reported a very successful year. The penny . contest amounted to $186.00. Mrs. Broadfoot read thank you cards from shut ins and those who had ,.been ill. Mrs. Henderson chaired the business part of the meeting. The -cook books have arrived and will be sold for $2.00. „ The January meeting will be 'held on Jan. 12 in the afternoon.' The committee in charge conducted the Christmas program. ,Mrs. Elsie Henderson Rang, the Christmas Bells accompanied by Mrs: Scott and a number of contests -were held. Gifts • were distributed to all present.Then a cup of coffee and cookies were served. The Christmas party closed after a very pleasant evening. An Old F ashioned Christmas" Concert was held at Hensall. United 'Church on Wednesday; December 15. and created as much ,excitement and interest among both children and adults as it ever did in years gone by. The littlest ones performed first and remembered their parts very well. What did it matter if they forgot? there was always a prompter among the other performers! Each class in turn presented a number up through thp Sunday School until we reached the seniors. Everyone' was different andieminded us of the different aspects—Of Christmas. ' Towards the end, the Senior Citizens contributed some old songs, 'an instrumental, a reading and carols. Not to be forgotten is a beautiful duet by Mrs. Erie Luther and Mrs. Nan Britton. And to crown the whOle evening Santa arrived and distributed candy and fruit to all the good boys and girls. After entertaining at , the Queensway. Nursing Home, the regular meeting of the St. Paul's A.C.W. was held at the home. of Mrs'. Forrest on Wednesday afternoon. The Secretary, Helen Roberts, read the minutes of the previous meeting.' Members answered- the roll call with a Christmas verse. The President conducted 'the business after Which a Bible .. quiz was conducted. The meeting closed with a prayer. - Personals Miss Viola Lemmon, Toronto, Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Volland and family of Stratford visited with , Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Volland week. . . e Bank of Montreal held their annual Christmas Party at the Pineridge Chalet on Saturday evening. Mrs. Doris Bonthron, Shelley and 'Janice of London were visitors this week with Mr., and Mrs. Bevan Bonthron and daughters. Mrs. Brian Collins and Sarah of Kitchener spent Wednesday with theformer's mother, Mrs. Laiid Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and baby daughter were recent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's parents Mr. and __Mrs. Jack Corbett. (COrrespondents Hilda Payne 262-5018 and Bertha MacGregor 262-20,25) ee,...014 .fashione0 concert Kippen '. Beekeeper shows film to WI members Correspondent borne of Mr. 'and Mrs.. Ross Rena Caldwell . McBeath on Saturday for the may we ,join with Santa in wishing, you good cheer! It's been a joy to serve you • and we sincerely thank you for the opportunity. Varna Seniors enjoy Rec. committees party A good time was had by the ladies' • lone hands; and Harry forty people who attended the ' Baker, men's lone hands. Sam Recreation Committee's ;Thompson' had the birthday Christmas party for Seniors, held closest to 'Christmas. in the township hall on Dec. 15. Lucky draws were won by Euchre prizes went to Mrs.. Harold Dowson, Wilrrker Reid, Harvey Baker, ladies', high; Mrs. Lulu Smith, Mrs. Eileen . Dorothy Cox, ladies' low; Greg Consitt, Mrs. Kathleen Hill, Mrs. McGregor. men's high; Perce Nettie McClinchey and Frank Johnston. men's low; Mrs. Bell, McClinchey. Family members gather for . Xmas dinners- welcome from the community to Joyce Scott, who moved this week frohi Barfield into the home she purchased recontly from, the Hayters. L.-0.L.' 1035 held its annual meeting on Dec. 6' wit'h a dinrfer at Hully Gully, returning to. the Orange Hall for the election. of . officers .for the.next two years. The following, is a list of Aire new officers: Brother Ron Taylor - Past Master, Bro. Bob Webster. - Master, Bro. Barry Taylor - Deputy Master, Bro. Eric Chuter Rec, Secretary, Bro. Brian McAsh = Asst. Sec., Bro: Bill Dowson- Treasurer, Bro. Bob Hayter • - Financial Sec:, Bro. Louis—Taylor -, Chaplain, Bro. Doug. McAsh - 1st Lebturer, Bro. Allan ,Hayter 2nd.'Lect,, Don Taylor - Marshall, Bro.: Watson Webster - Asst. . Marshall, Bro. Dave Roy - 1st Committee Man, Bro. 'Keith Stephenson - Tyler. The L.O.L. - sponsored card par ties will, resume on Jan. 14, 1977. It is hoped the arena will soon, be open for skating: REEVE'S WIFE WIT GIFT '— Mrs. Elgin Thomp6on holds the anniversary clock presented to her husband 'at the party held for them on the retirement of her husband as reeve of Tuckerrith Towngbip af ter 15 years. (Photo by Oke) Brucefield UCW has chicken dinner