The Wingham Times, 1895-03-29, Page 6taqb 4111 ,;,,aernaieni, at Ottawa they meat he Rev. W. A. Megay, 1),
CHI/. r 1114 Serstoxits. .`PEESWVPER. FORDWICH,
11- 111 tS If there te any linneAt inert in the
Woodstock, the well-known temper -
paella well disgusted hv thi th'lle• • once aaeaeate, will leetre in the
TUEIR 011411TO1S.
The Montreal WItness, in au ar-
tiele 011 the ehanees of the two politi-
cal parties,n th
ie imdi
penng election
vay s it is, we suppose,. apparent to.
everyone that the government enters
the approaahing campr
Iti aign weaker
every way than it has. beeri at
the 'beginning of any campaign since
1878. In the last election it had the
immense advantage of the leadership
ief Sir John Macdonald, a leader un-
matched in his power of attracting
aupport whose • prestige was, like
that of Napoleon, equal to forty
troops in at battle. It had the as-
aistanee of Sir Charles Tapper, \rhos()
assurance,. strung will and eloquence
-did much to strengthen its ratil
3111071,9; certain classes. It had the
assistance and support of Mr. Dalton
McCarthy and Colonel Plirien.,
whose influence, then strong, had
been strengthened in Ontario by
their coarse. It was solid, well or-
ganized and on the wholefairly satis-
fied as yet with the working of pro-
tection. It also strengthened itself
on the eve of the elections by spread-
ing its sails to catch the strong reci-
procity breeze then blowing by •a
false declaration to the effect that it
bad been invited by President Har-
rison's executive to negotiate for a
treaty of reciprocity, a statement
which Sir Charles Tupper later had
to acknowledge to Mr. Blaine was a
falsehood and to apologize for. It
suecessfully, though without a
shadow of basis, denounced the Lib-
erala as annexationists. It had no
vexed problem before it upon whose
solution depended the good will
alike of the French ultramontanes
and the Orangemen like the Manitoba
selivol question. It had no deficits,
no. depression to face before the
electors. 'Phe Liberals were alto-
gether disunited and were not thor-
oughly organized. Yet the election
gave the government a bare major-
ity, which it later ran up by unseat-
ing' niftily. Liberals and carrying the
bye -elections. The Liberals have
with apparent reason entered the
• present campaign full of confidence
a and enthusiasm. They have a lead-
er Who stands head and shoulders
• -above any other public Mall- in the
• Dominion, unless it be his ally, Sir
Oliver Mowat. Many of tbe oldest
and strongest
Liberals who have
been in retirement are entering the
Veld as candidates. They are united
and enthusiastic over their policy of
.tariff reform, which is strong because
orthe weakness of protection.. In
the campaign against protection they
Lave now the independent support
<if the Patrons of Industry and of
the.McCarthyites, among whom are
many former Conservatives. They
Lave apparently the support of the
farmera and workingmen to an
tent never before equalled; even the
labor unions of the cities have passed,
l• • resolutions against protection. The
, census statistics tell the story of. the'
.decline of prosperity under protection.
too plainly even for a government
statistical bareau, established in the
interests of protection, to disguise.'
:The 'sweeping victory of tariff re-
tbrm in the United States had. a
great effect upon public opinion in
• Canada. Altogether the outlook for
the goN
is yoralneat to say the ie,ast,
- •
O 7999S 51 1, v id any „ ' u 11
party 1)0 t11(14 or any other bon& ; loan Hall, On the even lig e AI arc
hore„..;ty , 2o.1-Stii,* U. Sobject :—"'Plie Duty of
, uader the auspices of the W,
consiatent with deveney and
that could. infinee a man to efaititnie
f Prohibitionists in view of the ap-
. . , pv01101414. Dominion Election."—Mr.
then. association with wen who seem
to otve 110 1 MIMI 01 • cii oa . is Ot
mei Mrs. R. J. Iliseocks entertained
office; so if there be any honest men. on d& and young people of the
in the Government it is theirto
duty !
„fl „I"„nethodist church, on. Tuesday even
step nut aud, declare theInscir”' " inn' of last week. A splendid
they must bear with the others the ;
igramme was rendered by the visitors
responsibility for the atanfoolery111- at
and an enjoyable evening spent.—
has beau going on for the last three •
IThe constable of Riversdale was
months. If a band of school boys ; tined 17.11. the ether day,
for driving
were playing Government in the i over rre'eawater bridge faster than
back -yard they couldn't resort to ; a walk..
--The Legislature has grant -
more silly and childish pranks than led the village poweg, to sell the
these men who are at the helm of 1 Imarket s n„„e. q ki4
our ship of state. -
Who are they who dare so to trifle I Nervous Pennia
with the interests in their charge? :
1 And those who are all tired out and
What manner of autocrat is Sir Mac- I have thut tired feeting or sick headache
kenzie Bowel! that he will allow the 1 WIC be relieved of all these symptoms
affairs of our country to drift along ; by,e%oliteitrigve
Hood's Sarsapa_rilla, whieh
in this reckless manner ? Why is theigun` mental and bodily strength
House not assembled ? Why do theseand thoroughly purities the blood. It
1ids° ureates a good appetite, come indi-
men paralyze our business industries I gestion, heartburn and dyspepsia.
by this uncertaintly ? Who are they00e.s
anyway? They are our servants ! 1 1.3 PILLS are easy to take, easy in
We hire- them. to look after the in-
terests of the people of Canada, and I DUNGANNON. •
they are sworn to do so. How long.;
The remains of Charles Barbour
will the patient people of Canada
were interred in Dungannon come -
endure the tyranny of the upstarts
who set themselves up in defiance to tery on Monday, 18th, Rev. D.
Rogers performing the burial ser -
their masters, .their country and
vices. The deceased was 77 years
their oaths?
old and was one of the pioneers of
Why all this juggling, this shifting
West Wawanosh. A few years ago
and uncertainty? If the country
were to derive any benefit from it he sold his farm and retired from
we could understand it, but the only farming, locating in Dungannon. He
reason for all this is to enable the had been for some dine troubled with
Government to secretly an affection of the heart, to whieh he
plan some I succumbed on Saturday morning
scheme by which they can get back last. He was highly respected as an
to power again. Of course they have
plundered the farmer and laborer honorable citizen, quite unobtrusive
in his deportment,
while they have been in office, but honorable in his
dealings, industrious in habits and
much esteemed as -a citizen. The
bereaved relatives have the sympathy
of their acquaintances and neighbors
in their bereavement. ,
that doesn't worry them. Of course
Ode policy has driven some of the
best blood of our country to foreign
lands. Of course they have done all
they could to make the rich richer
and the. poor poorer ; but what of'
Kidney Facts.
that ? Their only aim, their on! !! ly in Jan., 1892, my son was taken with
care is power ! Power! ! Power
Kidney disease. Though attended by
Let thein continue in power and draw three physicians, and change of climate,
their handsome salaries! This is an- - he grew worse and by '93 hart fallen from
parently their only study. The coun- 1.35 lha to 05 lbs. In 10 days from start -
try may go to the dogs; one class of Pals we were able to move him home.
the community may grow rich at the In 4 months be gained 50 lbs. and was
expense of the other ; the country fully restored to health by the rise of
may steadily sink deeper in debt, this triedictne. Jno. S. Hastings, 23 St.
but it matters not. These are secon- Paul St., Montreal.
daryconsiderations compared with the
sweets of POWER. So reason our
servants at Ottawa, the men whom
we send there to represent us.
I Isn't it .about time that some busi-
ness methods were introduced into the
business of the country ? Our con-
I na to use Dr. Chase's Kidney•Liver
Mr. John A. Barnard, of tho firof M(St ark Bar-
nard, Oatmeal Millers, has (tormented to net as agent
for the TIMES In Wroxetor, and will receive subscrip-
tions, etc , for same.
There was a quiet wedding at the
home of the Misses Montgomery, of
damn has become deplorable when Wroxeter, on the evening of' Wed -
the chief object in life of our paid n. esclay, March 20th. The contract -
servants is to deceive and defraud the mg parties were Miss Helena Mont -
very people they are supposed to re- gomery and Mr. David H. Marshall,
present, and from whom they draw of Belmore. The bride was sup -
their salaries? ported by her sister, Miss Maggie
, The old party cry won't do its Montgomery, while Mr. John Metcalf,
work again. The ranks of party are of Glenannan, performed a, similar
broken into by men who are seriously office for the groom. The bride
in earnest, —men who are accustomed wore cream henrietta, trimmed with
to work for the dollars they have to lace and the bridesmaid fawn serge
trimmed with lace. Rev. W. E.
I Kerr officiated. The happy couple
The cry of the old flag won't fool
' the people any more. It ill becomes left for their home in Turnberry
men who are trifling with their coun- i followed by the best wishes of many
try's interests to petite oftheir friends. loyalty. I
Men who love their country are not
. given to apply leeches to the best. Not So Convenient.
citizens of the country.
The old policy is well enough for Physicians indorse Ripens Tabules
the monopolist. He can afford to up- by prescribing the remedies they
contain, but in form not soconvenient,
hold it, and pay handsomely to retaincontain,
inexpensive and accurate as in Ripens
in power the men who made him rich Tabules.
at the expense of the farmer. 1
The farmers are going to be heard
from in the•near fu.ture. They are
realizing that, Grit or Tory, their in-
terestare identical and that the SALEM.
The Epworth League tea -meeting
s , given by the young people of the
policy of the Government is not a
policy they can subscribe to. No Salem Methodist Church last Thurs-
are hurt. day evening is pronounced by all to
matter whose feelings be the best ever given in the vicinity.
(political feelings don't count for ' Socially, financially and intellectually
much) let the farmers go to the polls it was a grand success. By 7.30 p.
as a unit, and vote for the men who in., the church was crowded with a
have their interests at heart. —Farm- •
, happy, expectant - audience. After
ers' Sun. . I the supper addresses of exceptional
Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and worth were delivered by J. W. Jen -
CM p (Jure, is in great demand. Pocket „4,,,,.„. Esti., Bluevale; C. W. Andrews,
size contains twenty-five doses. only 250. --"w"
Children love- it. Sold at Chisholu3's I Wroxeter; Rev. J. Greene, Gorrie,
Corner Drug Store. and Rev. G. A. Gifford, Ph. D.,
St. Andeetv's Presbyterian church, Wirighain. Recitations were given
Windsor, of whieh the Rev. J. C. by Miss Mattie Merkley and Miss
Tolinie is pastor, was burnt ort Nair. Sarah Bray. Music was furnished
day. The church was erected in by little Misses Fannie Thompson
1881, but since the arrival of the and Katie Hazelwood, of Wroxetee,
. present pastor it has been unable to and the Gordo Methodist Church
. accommodate the attetalanee, and it choir. Miss Bray's recitation, "First
was proposed to extend it where the Settler's Story," touched the hearts
manse stood. The loss on the build- of all, and with ReV. De. Gifford's
ing is esthnated at $17,000, organ speech Of eXceptional worth deserves
$3,000; and is covered. by insurance special Mention. A social. on Friday
to the amount of $11,200 on the evening brought the pleasant
building•and $2,000 on diversion to a clos, the organ, „ .
11100 ReSted, Mynd at Ease."
That is what it is when traveling •on
& St. Paul Railway; besides there is no
bolt trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee
chance to "kick," for tbe accommodations
' tiro up to date, the trains keep moving
• -• right along and get there on time. These
lines thoroughly cover the territory
between Chicago, La Crosse, St. Paul,
Idinneapolis, Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux
City, Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha
aed.Northern Michigan. All the princi-
pal cities and towns in that territory are
reached by the "St. Paul" lines, don -
electing at St, Paul, Clouneil Bluffs and
Ontabr. with all lines for points in the
far. west, Write to A. J. Taylor., Can-
, attain Priss'r Agent, 87 York Street, Tor-
onto, Ont., for one of their new map
• • time table and a brochure giving a
description of the Compartment Steep-
ing Cars. Tickets furnished by any
• coupon ticket agent in the United States
end Canada. The finest dining cars in
the world are rut) on the solid vestibuled,
efectric.lighted and stearn-heated trains
of the Chicago, Milwaukee Sr, St. Paul
=.t. Railway.
aall A million dollars in gold can't buy
a meal for a hungry heart.
i had feeling, loss of appetite and
4r#ervons prostration are driven away by
Hood's S.rsaparills, which makes pure
0 a tildino, who was. born in
New York state in Ibil) and depart-
ed this life on Tuesday, Mareit 12th,
-with the blessed assurance that he
was haleed a child of God. Ile had
been ill for some time with a compli-
eation of diseases and bore all his
suffering with meekness and Chris -
Ilan, fortitude, Ho has lived in
many places, but finally had settled
'here four years. ago, and daring that
• time bad proved, himself all 'honest
and upright citizen and a God fear-
Ina- man. He was Methodist by
choice, having jailed that denomina-
tion in his eighteenth year aud re-
mained loyal - and true to its princi-
ples and teachings till his death. He
leaves a widow and five children—
Albert, dentist, and Wesley book-
keeper, of Toronto, and Geo, and
John farmers of Michigan and, Mrs,
Gullieher, of North Dakota to mourn
tho loss of a loving husband and it
kind father, who have the heartfelt
sympathy of the entire community
in their bereavement. The funeral
took place from his late residence
on Thursday last at 1,30 p. m. and
was conducted by the pastor, Rev.
S. Edmunds, in the presence of a
large assembly. Tho remains were
interred in the new cemetery.
For Oyer Fifty Yearn
Mow' 0..othing Syrup has been used for over pa,
years by millions of Mothers for their ohilaren white
teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ebilil
Battens the y,tuns, allays all pain, cures Willa CUM,
and is thebest remedy for Diarrhant. Is pleasunt to
• ttrts,te;TwSecilyi-gergt .!nost'ite.rVItrr‘t Vhies
incalculable. Bo sure and RIM' for Mrs. Wi:sitow s
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Rebuked by a Prinae.
1 Li Hung Chang, who has been
called the Bismarck of China, has at
caustic tongue as well as a powerful
brain. His habit, it appears, is to
embarrass and frighten his guests by
irritating questions, knowing that an
angry man is at the mercy of a cool 1
one. A' German savant describes
his interview with him.
As soon as he was introduced the
; viceroy fixed his eye contemptuously
; on a decoration which the German t
I wore and asked bluntly what he had I
I paid for it.
"Years of work and want," said
the savant calmly.
The viceroy nodded approvingly,
and treated his guest with respect
during the interview.
1 Until lately Americans generally
1 shared the contempt of the
statesman for orders and decora-
1 tions. The little buttons worn by
, the Loyal Legion, the Grand Army
of the Republic, the Sons of the
Revolution and other less numerous
associations have taught them the sig-
nificance of these symbols.
In foreign countries they indicate
sometimes only high birth,
but more frequently are the ' only
distinction and reward bestowed by
; sovereigns for exemplary acts of
I courage or statecraft or for achieve-
; ments in scientific or scholarly pur-
The tiny ribbon or button has,
therefore, in these countries an actual
and high value which -an American
can hardly appreciate. For a man
to assume a decoration which did
not belong to him would be held as
unworthy of a gentleman as to forge
a name to a check. In fact it is an
offense punishable by
The Prince of Wales is said to
have an extraordinary and accurate
knowledge of the signs, 'colors and
membership of all orders of .merit.
It is a matter in which he permits no
trifling' as the following incident
shows :
At a recent state ball a beautiful
young girl wore a glittering jeweled
decoration on her breast. She
danced opposite the Prince. When
the ' quadrille was over he said
"That is a pretty ornament. May ° BA
gently : KIN
I ask to whom in belongs?" '
"To Lord Blank," said the fright- •powDER
ened girl. "He is my fiance, Ile ,
allows me to wear it" THECOOKSBEST FRIEND
"Can. you unfasten it easily ?" LARGE -ST SALE IN CANADA.
"Yes, your highness."
'Then may I ask you to take it
off, and to tell Lord Blank that it
Means something more than a bit of...
gold and a few diamonds to be worn I
merely as an ornament, even by al
'charming woman :"
Coughs and Colds eau 19.. Pared by name
Heathaeld'a Healing Thlgaia. 9ale at
50.. 15t Oitiliaanb' Drug ;4to5,., wiam1,40i.
The Nova Seal.), Assembly Wed-
nesday night rejeeted, by 21 to 12, a
woman suffrage measure.
VS ,„11.0.4),-, -‘11'.. ' •':'
itcgtx r‘ '` • ,e e,t9i...
:Are4 -AKp, SKIN
EAu-risiEetel`Colvli, C2E*1 0 NA,'
.m. i FOR,A CASE AT Walt. NOT (;URC
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVES TONIO.
Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. Sao., 500.,
cud $1.00 per package. Samples free,
KO NO fLhtteVatrhill2artinirn
Sold in lVingliam by 0. E. Druggist,
114.'11 tr11$
WING 114111, ON TAItIO.
Subscription price. Si per year, in advance,
— •
AnYEWCISIN.1 11.131:m:
sow: 1 1 yr. I 9 rho. it 1,5.
Oa, column N,I0 00 1 1140 00 V2,0 00 fl 00'
11,991 40 001 :m 00 IA: 00
TA 00 11 co I 7 00 i 2 0%
tine 1 nob da 3 00 no 00,
Liegal anti other mann 1 ail vei tia,00,31t,i, go, par tino
for that insertion, -esi de. per 'Mete mum subsetyont
Lemil notices lo pv. lino for first sertion and,
001' line for u.e.ii ',mettle) , No tlosal.
- notiee will be ellargr,1 loss 11,1.01 250.
Advertisements cf St.ray sil. Situatienti,
959,6 B1I$IT1I955 011autees Wanted. not exceeding 8 lines
nonpareil, til per month
lDouses and Fftrins for Side, not overcding 8 lines -
al for dist 111011611, 504. per sulisequent month
These It rind will he strictly adhered to
bpecial rate. tOr 100a1 inIVOltlikutDt'llt8, or tot
Imiger periods,
, Advertisements and local notices without specifie.
direetious, will lie insertedtill forbid and charge,'
according' V. Tem .ii+ory ail vertisements must
9., 595 mot
01tmoms or contract adi talk -nients meat be
the cini e 11) 59111111551166,5 noon, in order to appeal.
that wet*
To omeoEe tth rev ks eh tets aSon(Jo,
of their cus on Ltd.,t er
ir eG
Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the •
A Combination Plug of
Sti ',plies a long felt, wino. giving
the constillier one 20 cent plea. or a 10
eon', it•sel, ,ir a 5 cent niece of it.e i anions
"T It" brand of pure Virginia
The tin tag "T & B" is on every
A recent discovery by an old
• physician. Successfully used
monthly by thousands of
Ladies. Is the only petfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis-
covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi-
tute, or inclose $1. and 6 cents la postage in letter
and we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsooled
particulars in plain envelope; to ladles only.
stamps. Address The Cook Company,
Windsor, Ont.. Canada.
Sold at Chtilinini'99 7.ornar lil5l,11 Store.
your Druggist .for
1 -
Miuirr y &
For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath.
For Twenty-five Years
Hands and &aided Raw.
POr yenrs 1 have been a great sufferer
from itching skin trouble and salt
rheum. My hands an ankles were
literally raw. The first application Of.
Dr. ObeseOintment allayed the burn -
Lust ietenlitnTlysecnosration, oOniat bioxtilaond
atact relief for eelnillaine. ,}Bletisry A.
Parineuter, St, Oathariees, Ont.
' {v; Pr
Ciro VOA' NE MUCH E and Neuralgia
in 20 MINUTES, at o Coated Tongue, Diort-
ness.adiousness, Patin in tho Side, Constipation.
Torpid Liver, WO Breath. To stay r ur9.r1 and
regulate the howiils. wrier' Moe ro tAuE.
PAID* omnfrs ORIJOr aromire,
I5091A5, •
\ B. ToW LER. 5a.0.U.S1.,
itumber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario?
--Cormier for County of Huron—
°Moe lip.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing.
hum, Out.
Orem Illone.-9 to 12 a. to., 1 to p. m., or a
Residence, Mums.) titront. •
:I KRNN(tinEepcil.-srorLtenbru,.i.'1*.4.Pb8telL.iini.)
Med 91985 0? Western University: Late Mouse
durscon in London General Musuital, Ppecial Litton.
Mon paid to diseases of women and children.
of ()entre and Patrmi etreets.
Oflic"ei—sofriourmilerlyi occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Corner
M. R. Toronto, Mem be tt. Oollewe Physicians and
Su rg con Ontario.
Private tmd Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town
avd harm property bought and sold •
Winuhum out
E. L. clOgrNsoN, ,
'Barrister Etc.
Office—Moyer Block, Winghatu.
'" ;:! 104 mIsmanufacturing first-class sets or
teeth as cheap us they eon be made
in e Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely n I thout pail., by his new
process, guaranteedl.erie tly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick nooso
Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,
Will visit GOIT10 1st and 3rd Mondays.
of each month.
OE IlUitubl,
Sales Attended in any part of the OoCharge"
All orders left at the 'rums °Moe promptly attend'
ed to. Terms reasonable.
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Ali necessary arrangements MD be Made th
Times' onion
Money to Loan on Notes..
Notes Discounted
Money Advaneld on Mortgages at Bi eentwit
priellese of paying at the end of any year. Note
end accounts collected.
1401314. MoINDOO.
Reeve nick wisaws,