HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-23, Page 19'Susan hn ev J. Roberts Seaforth Seaforth -will seek support from, all the muncipalities in Huron for a request .to the two local school boar& to -give councils an idea of what their tax requirements will be earlier in the year. Deputy 'Reeve Bill Dale told oSuncil Monday night that receiving the school board leVies This is what gives us our joy. Our God is with us. This is what our celebration is about; to remember that He promised, "I am with you all days ,even to e end of time." Father, May this corning celebration of the birth of your Son bring- us Your Divine help and prepare us for eternal life. Amen Rev. Robert Roberts Egmondville United Church There is an old tradition in the old countries which tells• us that during the Season of Advent when Man' remembers the birth, of its Lord a Certain angel is sent from heaven to earth disguised as a man to spread the message of Christmas. The angel is -not a minister nor a priest; he does not preach the message of "... peace on earth good Will to men"; rather, this messenger from heaven lives the good news that God is very much, among . us, The angel-visits the shut-ins; he shows warmth and compassion to those who know only seeks support as late as April makes it very hard for local couccils to do' their own budgeting. "With the' amount of help they've got up •there, they could at least get an' appoximate figure to us," he said. Mayor Betty Cardno and councillor Wayne Ellis suggested that deputy reeve Dale and reeve John Flannery 'could bring the' request, up at County Council. "Others may feel the same way," councillor Ellis said. On a 'recommendation from deputy reeve Dale, council .decided to write a the other municipalities, seeking support for the wqtiest to the boards, and to send the replies to County Council. From sill of us St: The id 111110111111111111111111k Out in the country, on top of the hill south of Myth Ph: 523.4595 or, am mu mit ilia umiwiam min ma aum 1111 ( BANK RATE FINANCING on all models - new and used Come To Brussels Motors See Our Selection 2 - '76 Chevell Malibu Classic 4 door — 2 door . '76 Chev. Impala 4 door H.T. '75 Chevelle Classic 4 door '75 Monte Carlo 2 door H.T. '75 Ford Custom'500 4 door sedan '75 Chev Impala 4 door '75 Cutlass 4 door H.T. A.C. '74 Catalina with' AC ':77 44 Gran PontiacT Torino 0M; door 0t.Ac 4 door sedan 74 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door KT, A c 2 — '74 Ford custom 500, 2 dOor T Oldsmobile Delta Royale a c 4 door h.t 73 Pontiac 4 dr., H.T. ' 72 Pontiac Grand Prix 2 door H.T. '72 Cutlass with AC '711 Cameropcntiacs- V8 Auto, PS PB 2 .fr,7 BRUSSELS STATION WAGONS '74 -Ford custom 500 73 Gran Torino Ac TRUCKS 2 - '75 Chev. 1/2 ton • 4 • '74 Ford Louisville, 750, 5 speed, 2 speed axes, 18' van or cabin chassis. .,'74 Chev 3/4 ton , '74 Ford 3/4 ton pick up V8 auto p.s. p.b. '73 Chev, 50 series with 12' van. 2-7 Chev 6500 series, 366 eng. 900 x 20 S spd, f8' vans or c & c Number of 7l -74 Chev & Ford vans Number of Ford tconoline automatic, power steering, power brakes. MOTORS "THE BOME OF BETTER USED CAItS" LONE 804173 " BRUSSELS, ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING ' 110. OMNI NMI IOW MONO MOO ONO 01410 IMO MOM TH4 HuRoti`gxposrtoR, DECEMBER 231, et Christmas clay a rtttle bleak. I, didn't make ChriStM4 cake this y' ear so that theoretically gave me lots of time to do other things. EVery year for• the past five or' six I've made this , Christmas cake but I have trouble getting past the first step. The fruit and raisins would get put in a bowl and doused with rum. They're supposed to stay that way overnight and the next day you make the batter and put the eake together. But that day in the rum usually stretched to several weeks because I never seemed to get time to get back to the fruit and • make the cake. The fruit would dry out and I'd have to add more rum. Anyway, for several years I had either the rummiest or the dryest fruitcake around. So this year I gave that up for a lost cause. I decided to Make gingerbread people (no sexism in this column) instead. 1 don't have one of ttiose pastry decoiating tubes so I used little silver and ulticoloured dots for —eyes and our God - Divinity Itself revealed. We pause then from our buttons etc. Let me tell you it isn't and.p. resent to us in human form, ' ordinary. activities for 'Christmas easy to make those' tiny things What awe, what mystery fills this time to remetnber that He came stick.• And all those little plaCe, fills this moment.. We fo us and that He remains with us gingerbread people cut out on my We are preparing to celebrate • pause spiritually and mystically, to and how' much Our Good God kitchen counter top started to enjoy its presence. make me dizzy. That night I what is the greatest event in the' loves us, And for all of this there must be counted little brown things with history of mankind; the birth on Our God is present. He is a response on our • part. silver dots, not sheep, to get to earth of Christ our God. present with us in this year of • May it be to live in God's - sleep. 1976. His name is Emmanuel a presence with us here on earth all • Some of. the gingerbread It is a wonderful e.ent that name which mean's • God-is-with -- the days of our lives with all that people were going to be haepened long ago in us Christmas tree decorations but I gave up on that after sticking ribbons to three of the little dears took me -about half an hour. After all that, only half of my gingerbread person made it to the tree and the rest crumbled en route. It was probably a mistake, but we decided to get away from it all and take a day off last weekend. That involved driving through Friday night's blinding snow storm to see the National Ballet 'in London. Just out of Cromarty the car died but the better half, with prayer and positive thinking, he resentment and scorn; he makes swears his mechanical skills had lighf the heav y heart; he loots nothing to do with it, ) got it going for the good in the bad; he brings again. peace to those in trouble. This is The ballet was great. Karen the message of Christmas; this is Kain danced with an infectious God at work amongst his peoAlee,. grin on her face and. movements that were as smooth as silk. We Now to those who are new in stayed overnight with friends and next day spent too much time and money at an auction. "Saturday night we arrived, home exhausted with tons of things' yet, to be done for Christmas. Given the condition of our house, getting , ready for Christmas involves a whole lot more than putting up a tree and a few wreaths. This .year it meant sanding and refinishing all the downstairs floors except the kitchen's. My Scrooge like husband, who caught my column about carols last week, says he's too bloody busy working on the floors to sing anything. But he was serenaded several times over the weekend by friends who took my message to heart. One friend even played her Autry no .less, for me at a Christmas.party. It's all m usic to my ears and he's coming around (or getting worn down). The floors looked so bright and- shiny on Stmday that we were inspired to move some furniture into the living room. It was stored at my mother's house and she MR. & MRS.., SANTA VISIT SINGLES CLUB — Tpm and Anne,Kulholland of F.11.3, Mitchell,weretwo of the newlyweds greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus at the Christmas Party held by the Singles Club of Huron Saturday night at Vanastra. 'Since the Singles Club was formed about two years ago fifty couples from the group have been married. These couples were special guests at the Christmas Party. (Phbtb by Oke) Messages from the, clergy • NO matter 119W hard-1. to to, 1, get everything done well ahead of time and 2, *4y. calm and swag regardless of whether it'S:4099.9c, not, the last days . before .Christmas always „ turn into hectic rush at out place. ' • And I imagine it'4 the same for a lot of you. To make you feel a whole lot better about .your pre-Christmas rush, I'll tell you" what we've been doing. Then you — can pat yourself on the back and say "at least I'm not THAT disorganized." Sunday night I gdt the Christmas tree up and decorated. Big deal you say? It is .„ last year we didn't get the tree up until Boxing Day and while that sort of ,provided a relief from the after 'Christmas let down, it made God is with us even today Rev. H. J. Laragh St. James Parish Seaforth Bethlehem; a wonderful story, the greatest' story ever told. -Is it our God who is born? Tell us what have you heard and what have you seen? What happened was not just a normal natural event. For the bsabe involved is loving Hitn entailS. Christmas angel represents love the. Faith of who have little faith,, the_ angel will come as an outsider. To those who live the Faith; they know that the angel is anyone who shows the Love, the Mercy, the Compassion,. the Warmth of the Christmas Message to their fellow man. Do not expect the Christmas angel to knock at your dbor; the Chrsitmas angel is you. ' You're Invited • As the'shepherds kept their vigil at night, our Savior was born.j Let us rejoice as we celebrate His glorious coming. Sincere thanks to all. joyous hRiSTIVIAS • favourite 'carol record, by- Gene No strings attached puppetiers puppet show — How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Squirrel Who Believed in Santa: Thursday, Dec. 30 at 3:30, Seafoith Lower Library. I \ You're invited to an open house at the Van Egmond House on Wednesday, Dec. 29th from 2-4 p.m. to view typical pioneer Christmas decorations. was daniecl.glad to ,Net rid of it. But that meant a rush trip to Seaforth, oo mean,-feat as we were expectitig friends for dinner at 5 p.m, They arrived just before Andy and - the furniture so, naturally they worked for their meal, helping to move the couch in before they could sit on But anyone dropping by our place about 10 p.m. Sunday night would have found a lovely pastoral scene. Six of us sat around in the newly furnished living room, looking at the tree which' seems right at home, despite the fact that it's the first Christmas tree in at least 20 years to stand in the room, eating home made mince pie. The moral is, relax, and enjoy the holiday season. No matter how much rushing-around we do, there comes a point when you have to 'Say woaa, what is this all about anyway? Christmas is all about a Child who was bdrn to bring peace and harmony to a troubled world. It's ' a time . to enjoy qatighter and memories with good friends and family. It's a time to think about what each one of us can do to make this community and this world a better place—It's a time for the children and a time to look for' ,and celebrate the child that lives in every one of us. Sure we'll get a little frantic as the big day draws near. But I'm trying to remember that me, -in a good and joyful humour is more important than the best gift, the best dinner, the 'best tree or the best cookies. May you all have a joyful Christmas with family -and friends. Tiny Tim said 'it best; "God bless you every one:" PO 10 .010 country, 10P Of 160 hill nna mlia south of Bbith ' STORE HOURS Beginning' Friday, Decemifer 17 -- OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M— Christmas Eye, December 24 to 6 p.m. December 26 - CLOSED December 27 9 to 6 p,m, Regular store hours begin again December 28 Remember our 16th annual Factory Outlet Sale Ends Friday Dec. 31. Don't miss our extra special final clearances. It's been hectic for all of us at the Expositor this week, mating last minute preparations for our big Christmas and New 'Years issue But we've had a lot of fun too, especially with this week's ,centerfold photos of the Expositor staff. Now most of us, maybe Dave Robb is the exception, never dreamed we would ever make it to a centerfold anywhere. But Dave came up with the layout of the bells and as there was no way we'd atl fit on , one it was centerfold for all of us. Dave set up an assembly line to take everyone's photo' last week but there ' was a lot' of grouching about "my hair looks horrible" and "I always take a bad picture" so we gave all the grouchers a choice. The Expositor Christmas greeting, referred' to' affection- ately around here as the ding,a- lings had one bell earmarked for each of us. Anyone who didn't like his, or her picture could run a blank'bell, suitably inscribed with his or her name: At last count, nobody volunteered to go into the paper as a blank ding-a-ling but just to make sure, you'd bOtter turn to page, 12 and 13 and take a look. • Now we work really hard every week. bringing your Expositor to you, but we have a wgohoedthtei rmethtoeyo and ,each person work 50 hours a week or three, contributes a lot to making this paper what we modestly thing is a good one. Thanks to all the staff for effort that is usually above and beyond the call of duty. And Merry Christmas to each of you from each of us. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS WATTS RECORD CARE KIT • 21.95 SENNHEISER HEADPHONES - MODEL HD 400 . 34.95 - MODEL HD 414X 49.95 - MODEL HD 424- - 74.95 TEAC HEAD DEMAGNETIZER, 25.00 MAXELL "FREE FOR THREE" 13.99 . CASSETTE CARRYING CASES 19.95 PIONEER CAR CASSETTE - MODEL KP 212 89.95 . „ PIONEER CAR 8 TRACK MODEL TP 252 66.95 TEAC MIX-DOWN PANEL 39.95 TEAC SOUND ON SOUND & STEREO ECHO UNIT 49.951 KEITH MONKS ADJUSTABLE FEET FOR TURNTABLE 12.50. RUSSOUND SPEAKER, SELECTOR BOXES 45.00 and 130.00 RUSSOUND TAP rE RECORDER SELECTOR BOX 55.00r MOM 101/4" REEL TAPE 20,95 and 29.95: TEAC 101/2" METAL REEL • 17.95' MAXELL CASSETTES CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN AMISH, 14; ()kiwi° biltietteli Stratitorti ;.0.4,71,-.29640 e*" Ofre‘A A 4 V % eno .mi l 4 4# t f) Ar 0 wymi_ smmmim • ammisx Let us. one and all, delight in the treasures and adornments that decorate Christnms! Our thanks.