HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-16, Page 32Si-6500 AMP L IFIER. 25 Watts + 25 Watts SALE PRICE 1179. RETAIL 219.95 SA-7500 AMPLIFIER 40 Watts -I- 40 Watts SALE PRICE $299. RETAIL 379.95 SA-8500 AMPLIFIER 60 Watts + 60 Watts 7 sale price • RETAIL 499.95 TX-6500 TUNER FM Sensitivity 1.9 SALE PRICE $159• RETAIL 199.95 TX-7500 TUNER • FM Sensitivity 1.9 SALE PRICE 23 • • $ RETAIL 299.95 Stocks Limited Layaways Accepted 16 Ontario Street. Stratford ±11.2106010 Bah 10 to 6 Saturilay 10 to 5 (ItO PIONEER SALE Between now and Christmas Music will be offering VERY SPECIAL PRICES on the following Pioneer Amplifiers and Tuners: .1) "CHILDREN will love Plaid Jackets with or without Borg lining & hoods. Leather mitts, Gloves ,and Moccasins. Woolen Scarf and Hat Sets, Sheepskin Scarf and Hat ' Sets. Sheepskin Toys, Stuffed Animals, large and small. coxlitOtotiON0141," Warm Woolen Sacks FOR WORK OR PLAY AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS Pure Virgin VViool or Wool Blends The Thrill Of Christmas Shopping is more enjoyable in the "old World Atmosphere" at Bainton's Authentic Old Mill in Blyth „Here quality is better and prices are lower. Factory Outlet Prices continue through December H uman values important at Xmas Christmas! --- that sparkling jewel in the long winter's cold-- is a day when words are not enough. To capture its glow and its potential we have to resort to songs and symbols, for this is the day of the heart... What does it mean? Watch the face of a small child as a little voice pipes, "Away in a Manger, no crib for a bed" smell the tangy fragrance of mince pies and cookies as preparations are made for a grand family reunion. These delightful sights and sounds and odors provide a partial clue. But Christmas is much, much more. It is a rapping at the door of our spirits, a call (unless we deaden it, with a surfeit of things), to our warmest and best actions. It is a time to remember that life, with all its shadows and frustrations, is wonderfully good, a gift to be savoured and appropriated no matter what our circumstances. It is a time to marvel at the mystery of a snowflake -- "What heart could have wrought you, 0 filigree petal " -- to enjoy the blue shadows that lie across the drifts, to—appreciate the sturdy evergreen standing straight against the wind, It is a time to worship and to revel in the joyful carols the cradled Babe has inspired over the cenfurieS. At Christmas let us be grateful for the past and let us give ourselves to the future, Technological accomplishments are useful and impressive, but it is the human values that give life quality and depth. This well-loved interlude calls us to a new.,respect for ourselves and for those other selves, who , with us, shape or share this chapter of the human story. licady with herbs, spices, and spitit§, and presented in handsome cooking vessels, pates Make splendid Christmas gifts. bong- lasting of course are the many kinds of colorful molds in OVal, round, or loaf shapes - both atrial' and large - made of enameled iron, glass, pottery, and tin. In principle, the word "pate" Should apply only to meat or fish dishes enclosed in pastry and baked in the oven. The term, however, is also used, to describe any preparation put into a pie dish lined with rashers (strips) of bacon or pork fat and baked in the oven. The latter type is usually called a "terrine" but common usage has applied the term "pate" to these preparations. These are always served cold, whereas the real pates can be served hot or cold. Cut into generous slices and served with crusty bread and "cornichons" or pickled cucumbers, these offerings are savory and decorative additions to the '..holiday table. Pates may be served not only with French bread or crusty rolls, but on a cheese tray with assorted crackers or as an open-face sandwich garnished with olives, pimento or slices of hard-cooked eggs. Food Advisory Division, Agriculture Canada has prepared two economical recipes for holiday feasting. The "quick Liver Pate" requires few ingredients and may be..prepared in no time at all. A more elaborate recipe , called "Chicken Liver Pate" is just right for the person who has more preparation time on Host has to watch ,booze What's the likely response to a Christmastime get-together without booze? Boos, of-course. Frankly, you're mistaken if you think you'll incur the displeasure of friends and neighbors if you refuse to serve them alcohol. Some might be offended, but you may be surprised to find that the majority would enjoy a non- alcoholic party, or one where. alcohol is kept to a minimum, perhaps even more than a party where alcohol is flowing freely. This, after all, is the season for all good hosts to come to the aid of the partygoer by recognizing that the festive spirit doesn't all come out of a bottle... by realizing that seasonal fellowship and goodwill cannot be poured into people., You don't need to be a party pooper, or a Scrooge, to celebrate with your guests in a way that doesn't equate being groggy and pie-eyed with having fun. For those who prefer to drink something other than alcohol -- make alternatives available: coffee, for instance, or . a fruit punch. For those on the slronger stuff, you don't have to issue a ration book; but you can keep ' ;heir drinks to measured one- ounce shots, increasing the amount of mix as the evening wears on. A further consideration of your guests' livers -- and perhaps their lives when you think how many alcohol-related traffic accidents occur at this time of-year -- is to serve coffee and food at some point during the party. This won't cover up those who have bad too mucb to drink, but it will separate' them from"' the booze supply, enabling them to metabolize some of what they've consumed. Wherl -it's time to call it a day, the host who's .concerned for his guests' safety would do well to look closely at guests who are on their way home. Never mind getting them to say "The Leith police dismisseth us." Those who look as though they'd have trouble kving safely should be given a lift someone who can, or put in a taxi .. or put up for the night. M any drinking drivers wind up not just with hanovers, but as headlines, especially at Christmas and New Year's for what you might call the mourning after. Running a party where the guests enjoy themselves without seeing double or falling flat on their faces doesn't mean you have to be•mean just considerate. By being a good Christmas host, you help your guests live to attend next year's party. THE tisIRON EXPOSITOR, RECEmEtpl 16, low ates -.niake great Christmas gifts VertiSing., a shimi4i'age for intelligOtit ;•Shoptiti CANADIAN AtivirriisiNa Atonsoi* Bennet her hands. Grinding the meat and liver will be easier if the fat is removed from the meat and the membranes and veins from the liver. In this case, strips of bacon are used to line the loaf pan. Thin , slices of unsalted p,prk fat may be used in place of the bacon, but the strips of bacon are easier to handle. The bacon also adds palate-appeal and flavOr, and is of course thoroughly cooked after two hours of cooking time. although it is still white. In general, a pate is done with the juices surrounding it run clear when pierced with a sharp knife. It will also come away slightly from the sides of the' pan. Refrigerating pates for two days before serving enhances • their flavor. As taken from the oven, they may be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for about four days. They should riot be frozen. QUICK LIVER. PATE 1/2 pound finely ground liver sausage 4 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon mayonnaise or - salad dressing 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Dash curry powder Dash cayenne Dash nutmeg 1 tablespoon brandy or 11/2 teaspoons brandy extract Combine ingredients and blend thoroughly. Refrigerate overnight. Makes about 11/2 cups. CHICKEN LIVER PATE 1 pound veal shoulder 11/4 pounds chicken livers 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped onion 1 garlic clove, crushed 2 tablespoons fat 1/4 cup drippings from meat 1/2 cup light cream 3 beaten eggs 2 tablespoons salt 1/2 teaspon allspice 1 /8 teaspoon white pepper Dash tabasco sauce % cup brandy or 1/2 teaspoon brandy extract and 1/4 cup vLatEr 1 Pound Bacon. 2-bay leaves Trim fat from veal and veins and membranes from li vers. Cut meat in 2-inch cubes. Saute with onion and garlic in fat until lightly browned on outside but still pink inside (3 minutes), Drain, --..serving 1/4 cup drippings. Put meat, onion and garlic through meat grinder twice using finest blade. Combine ground mixture, drippings from meat, cream, eggs, seasonings and brandy or brandy extract and, • water, blending thoroughly. Line 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with strips of bacon allowing the ends to hang over shies. Fill lined pan' with mixture and place bay leaves on top. Fold ends of bacon over to cover top of mixture, adding more strips if necessary. Cover with double thickness of foil and set pan of hot water. Bake 2 hours at 350°F. Remove from pan of hot water and allow to cool uncovered. Remove bay leaves re-cover with foil and refrigerate. Turn out onto plate and slice to serve. Makes about 3 pounds. Christmas lights signify hope . All over Canada, the Christmas lights are shining. Blue, green, gold and red, they sparkle, their radiance displacing shadows here, highlighting them there,-both within doors and without. Nothing could be a more significant symbol of this season, nor, after the shock and fear of our unhappy fall, more welcome. How we need light! Christmas, of course, can be mere escape - for some even an orgy - but for the thoughtful this returning celebration of the Birth helps to restore our sanity and our humanity. Machines may be everywhere, but Christmas reminds us that it is man who makes and operates them, Laws may rule us, or try to, but it is men who make the laws. Every neD:thrust forward, every dream that lifts us even briefly from our sorry ruts, begins in some human heart. Here lie buried the seeds of our hope and our despair. For a few precious weeks, thank God, 'hope is once more ascendant. We dare believe that better and more significant tomorrows may even now be lying in the cradles of Canadian homes, as once they lay, for all men, in a,Bethlehem manger. ORIGINAL OLD MILL IN BLY111 °tamp Ismirtrzz„ voin wait moat I OUR SELECTION OF GIFTS IS SECOND TO NONE GUARANTEED TO BRING SMILES FROM EVERYONE infitANOPNviosvote- THE ELEGANT LOOK of SUEDE & LEATHER is HERE TO STAY Coats of all lengths to suit your life style. For ladies and, men in genuine Shearlirig, luxurious fur trims and all season coats with zip-in linings. AWN VioNAVrottiSP042* Fashionable Accessories Genuine leather hats and handbags made of the same quality leather as our coats in colours to match. Leather gloves and mitts for all the family with a great selection [approximately 30,000 pair]. tiii*TheAstsok FOR A VERY SPECIAL GIFT Canadian Sheepskin RUGS • tslatUral and Colours 8.75 to 19.95 ICELANDIC SHEEPSKIN RUGS Snow white warns 24.95 9NLY co, Monday to Thursday . 9 to 6 CHRISTMAS WEEK 144101#6416: Friday T., Saturday • 9 to 9 Dec.n 0. 2014 90 23.! iti;:i9 Sint4ay 1 Rh 6 THE GIFT THAT BRINGS WARMTH FOREVER (4:000414"Nk IN BLYTH BLANKETS Glen Laine satin bound and whipped edge blankets of Virgin Wool. 'Only at Bainton's will you find such luxurious quality Made from our Selected super wools. PURE VIRGIN WOOL THROWS In Pure Mohair 45" x 72" at the Railway franks Since 1894 PHONEt 523.9666 (Area Code 519) OM