The Wingham Times, 1895-03-29, Page 3nell, of St, to, left on laud to take of the re - Int Hymnal resbyterian. nd Ireland, The coln.- urgh on .tlia REMEDY ST. T bilstere. NHL 111,, Feb.21,'21, f your Horso It deal of your Imes;10 is a mare tat had cared her. I s, PowELL. CURED , Apr.3,'92. toles of your eh success. I sod. Have re- st and killed mended 10 to pleased with •. 0. nossss, address hMPd.N>:, T. MILL raprieto;r. Lids, ingles, Posts, Specialty. rt of Wing - co 110215011, N'Ill Klaaan . 0 banned= in not even sit L. Menthol •' ing about all s Corners. ant $roe to any dram. H. o. , Ont, . n,14:.10 li E Per a n write to any years' ommnnios.. look of In.. bow to Gb. f mochan. Uo. receive tient), and Iublic with• nil@ paper, s b Yat• thn Tort in the 1t free. a1. Single ains beau. he of new n show the ddress scenes :Rs its j 8OAP (r SOAP %of foreS. and tegs. hurt time loth and editon TUE WINGRAM TIME'S, MACH 2R), 11 1 T. Oa CWAIN j THE MAL! f. O6A SCHOOLS. t (t•• N1Di Cr :l. it. T'n wr'ufltAts duel (li.) TEXT Ola Till') RI•. ED.IAL ORDER VASS- P:D JIl '1'1111 PRIVY coma'. AND A' •. :i ••j it t 1 !t u1., on 1 Vrtr•i.rN Land. SENT TO MANITOBA. Ottawa, March 21.—This after- noon, in the presence of his Minis - tors, Lord Aberdeen signed the Remedial Order upon Manitoba. It is as follows At the Government house at Ot- , .��,. tame, Thursday, the 21st day of �.. March, 1895, Present, His Excellency The Hamm of ]7rlxilting. the Governor - General - in- Council. Following. aro extracts from a Whereas, on the 2(ith of November, paper on the :them topic by Ding Ai ,1892, a petition by way of appeal Nguk, matron of the Foochow Girls' " under the provision of section 22 of Boarding School, It is a witness to chapter 3 of the acts of the Parlia- tivo truths; (1) 'Pile oneness, if we ment of Canada, passed in the 33rc11 may so speak, of temperance when- year of Her Majesty's reign,, and in - ever it be preached, (2) The oneness Waled " An act to amend •a.ncl eon - of testimony to the evil wrought by- tinue the act 32.33 Victoria, chapter the serpent whose trail covers the 3, and to establish and provide for wide earth : the government of the Province of Shall we who have been called from Manitoba " (commonly called the -darkness into the .light still cling to Manitoba Act), and continued by 4 the things of derkncsy. 1.r The British North America Aet of 1 Those who are in the power of rum 18.71," was presented to His Excel- ' Cannot see its harm. lency the Governor-General of Can - Those who think a little drink Ada in Council by and on behalf of does no harlit have never investigated the Roman Catholic minority of Ilei `• the effects of rnm•drinking, 1llajosty's subjects in the Province of The best way to stop drinking is Manitoba, passed after the Union, i for the government to prohibit it. and by an act passed by the said 1 Chinese people drink rum and Legislature ip the 44th year of Her when it has ruined their bodies they 11Injesty's reign, chapter 4, which 1 say the evil spirits have made them may be cited as " The Manitoba! sick, School Act," and by the acts amend - Some food cannot be eaten if left ing the same the Roman Catholic over. night,. but intoxicating drink is minority of Her liajesty's subjects in I the product of food kinlong enough -Manitoba acquired the rights and , to ferment. privileges in relation to education IThe ft-nimtilo .-`tin When Satan wouid have you corn- thereby conferred upon thein,, in- I thenitrr • • t mit some sin he first makes you l cladding the right to build, maintain, drunk. equip, manage, conduct. and support i Our duty as Christian women is Roman Catholic schools in the man -1 to keep strong drink from our child- ner previded by. the said statutes,; ren, teach them the harm ofdrinking the right to a proportionate share of i • and prevent others from tempting any grant made out of the public • them to drink. funds for the pup's() of education, ' and the right of• exemption of such the Province of Manitoba) and as members of the Roman Catholie well for the Province of Manitoba, Row Dralnkurda Are Made. church as contribute to such Roman upon reading the said petition and . a Catholic schools from all payments the statutes therein referred to and !3Y DEGREES TIME APPETITE GROWS ON or contributions to the support of any upon hearing what was alleged by. THE U_\'CO�'SCIULS'VI( TI\I• other schools. counsel on both sides His Excellency That subsequently in the 53rd the Governor-General in Council was We often wonder how it is that year of Her Majesty's reign, two pleased to. order and adjudge, and it sane, reasoning beings become drunk- statutes were passed by the Legisla- is hereby ordered and adjudged ards, especially when surrounded tare of the Province of Manitoba re- that the said appeal be and'ttle same with evidences of the awful results of toting to education, which statutes is hereby allowed in so far as it re - the drink habit,. came into force on the first day of lates to rights acquired by the said The explanation is siuiple. May, 1890, and are entitled respee- Roman Catholic minority, under leg - No one ever begins to Sae liquor tively, " An Act respecting the 1)e- islation of the Province of Manitoba, mistake. with the expectation and mach less partment of -,education," and ".An passed subsequent to the union of the hope of beeolinin' a • drunkard. If Act respecting Public Schools," and that province with the Dominion of . • it happens to protince pleasurable. that the effect of the two last named Canada, and His Excelleney the servient to work. '. excitement, he repeats the (loan now • statutes was to repeal the previous' Governor-General in Council was ------ and again, but fails to note the fact acts of the Province of Manitoba in pleased to adjudge and declare, and Mayor Burger. that he is constantly increasing the relation to education, and to deprive it is hereby adjudged and declared, r Postmaster uaaratdty and that, .the etieets tare 1 ' Mr. GOO. R. Burg a ., 8ays: and 4 the Roman Catholic minority of the , that by the two Acts passed by the Mayor of Welland, Out, says: "from becoming more profound. In fact, rights and privileges which it. had Legislature of the Province of Mani- experience in niy own family I cannot thinks very little, if at all, aboutacquired under SUCK .previous + toba on May 1, 1890, intituled re- speak too highly of Star lt's Powders as a is• danger. caring only for the statutes; and by the said petition the ! spectively " An Act respecting the pleasant• immediate and rmanent cure effects. Even when the taste of said Roman Catholic minoritypray- !Department artnient of Education," and " An .for Headache; Neuralgia, Biliousness liquor is offensive, as it usually is to p p and Liver troubles. I am also aware of qed among other things that it might ' Aet respecting Public Schools," the several Revere cases in our own town t1iose who become drunkards, he be declared that the said last men-. rights and privileges of the Roman and neighborhood which have been O1ts it down or • resorts to various tioned acts did affect the rights and Catholie minority of the said Pro- cured by them after the patients had means of disgni ins its taste: privileges of the said Roman Cath- vince in relation to education prior suffered fondr ea had had tried All kiyds of beginner is not aware of the p p remedies and been treated by doe- r. olie.minority of the Queen's subjects to May 1, 1890, Navin; been nl.fieeted tors.—GEo. H. BURGAR. fact that he is not quite himself while in relation to education. by depriving the Roman Catholie Two preparations in each box ; nice to enjoying the pleasurable alcoholic That it Blight be declared that, to ; minority of the following rights and Mase. Sold by all medicine dealers at excitement. His friend may not His Excellency the Governor-General ' privileges, which previous to and un tic a box, 5 hoses 0.. • notice it at first, but it is not long in Council, it seems requisite that til May 1, 1890, such minority had, iAn accident, attended with • fatal until it becomes apparent to those theprovisions of the statutes in force viz: 1 I results, occurred in Minto' township who know hien belt and then to all - in the Province of Manitoba,prior to(a)The right to build, to main ' who may see tit• hear flim speak. �. " on Thursday afternoon. While Mr. the passage of the said acts, should tain, equip, manage,. Conduct and John Kerr was chopping in the bush The victim may n It be so oblivious be re-enacted in so far at least as support Roman Catholic schools in he was caught h falling tree and to. these mental elutnges that he may be necessary to secure to the the manner provided for by the said terribly crushed a his thih being 1tonestly considers himself duly sober Roman Catholics in the said province statutes, which were repealed by the broken. He was also injured inter- I when he is visibly drunk from his the h tnaght to dandmaintain, e uipi, I twAThe 90to aforesaid. ' n_ally. A physician was called in and I head to his heels. g His first reaalizaatian of h(s condltiolt "e' cpp I (b) right Std all he could to relieve the injured i schools in the manner provided for i ately in any grant made out of the , man, but without avail. Deceased is when he finds it necessary to• take by said statutes, to secure to thele public funds for the purpose of edu- i was a son of Robt. Kerr, was a favor -1 liquor to make him feel comfortable, their proportionate - share of any cation. ite with the young men in the town - he has probably been taking it for grant made out of the public funds 1 (c) The right of exemption of such 1 ship and was respected by all who i • this purpose for a long time without for the purposes of education, and tot RO11ia11 Catholic schools from all pay- knew him. He leaves a wife and being aware of it. relieve such members of the Roman meet or contribution to the Sn ort What must be his thoughts andCatholic church as contribute to such 1 I of any other schools: pp ,there Children to mourn his loss. fee Ings when he first realizes that he Roman Catholic schools - from all i And His L:ceel1eney the Governor- i "BY THE QUEEN'S COMMAND,"I is a dipsomaniac —[Pittsburg?tCom- or contribution to the sup- General in Council was further payment p- once performed at Windsor before meredal-Gazeetc. of other schools; or that the 1 pleased to declare and decide and it . portany t r Her Majesty and several members of said acts of 1890 should be so modi-1 is hereby declared that it seems re- the Royal Family ; and, oh, it was .....,r i'- tiers n,• amended AS to effect such l nniaite that the systems of education'purposes. And that saoh farther or I embodied in the two acts Of 1890 the most delightful experience I have ever had. Tho 4 speaker was an 1, FREE FROM HEADACHE. Won a,til nit •,tfeution, ni the tuothora •urd staters 7014 the ;net, tint, thn tY'rurui'-, Uhelstl:ut *runnier. Allen Lindon meets tin third Huffily c% on? 1001100 et thrri o'<•n•u•h •hu•ir, for ,mc hair, ot JIr8, 11011U8 voider) ?e, t'•tt••lek strerw. All ladles are made wol. 410411•. As Lha Ii,hter !tad kindly OM us part et mola. apace, for our w .1k, We rash ti tend" of the cause to send Wins of interest on •41 moral questions tit the cloy to au,' ei our members, ONNIIWIESISSInt for Infants and Children. THIRTY years' observation of Castoria with the oatronaf;n of Millions of persons,-liormit usto speak of it without guessing. It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants anti Children the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It gives thorn health, It will save their lives. In it Bathers have something which is absolutely safe and praotiooily perfeot e,s a child's ,netifoine. Castoria destroys Worma. Castoria.allays Feverishneuil Castoria prevents vomiting Behr nu''cL Castoria runes Diarrhoea and. Wind Co1lo. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizes the ofFects of ortrbonto acid gas or poisou^us air. Castoria does not eonta'n morphine, opium, or other narcotic prr•perty. Castoria assimilates the food, reenlatns the stomach and bowel% giving healthy and natural sleep. Csstoria is put up in nra .-ni,e bottles only. It b not sold in hulk. Don't allow any one to roll von anything else on the plea or rromise Oat it is "just as gnod" awl "will answer every purpose." .lee that van fret Q:-A-S-T-O-IY,-I-A. i'1 Ort eV01.9 r-x•aplper. • .. r."3.4' 1.1 3 :tetl• "�e`11a1 Yh•LJ zJ�t:l Ct • It is Well to Know. That time is the largest part of most men's capital. That too much of the housekeeping of to -day is done indifferently. That one cannot be graceful with- out perfect freedom of all muscles. That to be the mistress of a home is to have a kingdom of one's own. That many of us live beyond our means, and there is no grievous That the golden rule of' worldly success is to make yourself self -sub - =t other declaration or order might be; aforesaid, shall be supplemented by enthusiastic young actress, as popular made as to His Excelleney the Gover- a provilielal net of acts which will as she is beautiful. • "The honour nor -General in Council should udder 1 restore to the Roman Catholic minor- was certainly a great one," we the circumstances seem proper , Land ity the said rights and privileges of lnurmurcd. "Yes," she responded !i 'THREi: YEARS or SUF5EttING, HEAD- ACHE EVERY D,11', AND NO RELIEF that shell directions might be given, i which such minority hlls Been sp sic- ' , • r`11AV it vas not only that; 1� /ROM DOCTORS OR MEDICINE UN- kllllt?lilY j STILI. . B. D. B. 11IADF. A COMPLETE provisions made and all things done 1 prived as aforesaid, and wttieli will Ilett �f hjta i!� Ivan so kind, you l ngaq. ill the premises for purpose of aftbird• modify the said auks of i$:id In so ' CURL. ' 31. ai it is din you good, the Way she ing relief to the said Roman Catholic 1 far, and so far only; ,s inay be Ei sled you," rl'ltttti las 3tlst it, Mart Slay,—I had severe lir adAohe minority in the said province as to necessary to give effe,,:4 tt) the pro., Pli`gper treatment is all We 'Want. for the past t R single day. I used was s His Excellency in couneil might visions restoring vne rights and privitl ,iue-tontlls of the sielkll ss we suffer I 'cps in pal.;,�,ttatiph {a), (b) and •(e)' Might be cured if we runly had proper 1 Nam SA1 Mit LI 'GVITO:tr, The undersigned in rett.rnicg thanks for past favors,beg leave to sny that they have a veru large stock or LUMBER, SINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &a.,, on hand, which will be sold at very elope prices to meet the requ;renents of the hard times, First Class Shingles, $1,10 per Square. Wood i5cts. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. .Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. MCLEAN & SON. Win3ham, June 7th, 1S93. CUTS DOWIRE PRICE OF MEAT HALSTED 8G1)TT AGAIN. . ? capital, 03,2 e0,Oue. 14t,;t, g05�0,000 Vrcaldont-••,esti SrcAnr. VVc1 reekdent-.A.0. 1t4t,8Ay. irlIItZCTOIt€i , mix i'KOCron. Gee. Rn4cat, tt'if dl lnem, yi I' A T Woo», A. 11. LEL; (Toronto). Cashier --J. TUIRNBLULL.. Savings Bate--Ilnnra,lnt') 3 s4stn+rdat'a, IO I. VepoeltR Of 51 and ulru'anie received aud'iatere, allowed. I Speolal Deposits also received at current rates -of ir+.sreat, Dlrafts on Great Britain and the United Staten bought anti Aoki B. 'I,LrLSON, AazNr, E. Lr•D1CKINSOI' , Solicitor. CEOs SHAW -RAIN- p,s- Josephine Street • - W°�glanl, Ont, J. A. i(ALSTrp, J. W. Score, Mount Forest. Listowel De -posits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short Limo, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and N otos. medicines and all others 1 could think seem meet. ot, but it did me no good. My uouain And whereas the 26th day of herein b; l a attetii6ioned. t:e';tnlent. If yell attire its or fee[ Dttt said I must try B. 13. 13. bemuse it is the February, 1895, having been iv., �V' hest medicine "ever made, and I took pointed for t a '(oleos Edi IX,ieutetiaitt at3Ve1`oI of sorts, seep rdf Enols elle true 1 throe bottles alit, with the result that p 4 he !dentin, of the WA; or I>r •ovitfcc'of J i.ntt;sh•t tot the friends of Lite ick and sufferi1 g ° , it has completely cured me. I think alrpeatl and the same'cpmingon to be' time bei,no wick the Leaisla,t4tire'eftoe Ilolloway's Mks and Ointment. ;, Bu, ek Blood Bitters, both for Head. heard on that clay 'and ort the 5th, said pr o,�rnaYota and all patsoltls 'tivhom Acll And as a i3lood purdfier, is the best 6th and r tin days of march 1895 in it in 'ili never 1 1 it to o wort friends. m glad to recommend the presetlee of counsel for the het% -'and dttin tt e>ly'se)tves au 'clingly. the mane notice A •nlho believes that the m a`fe 11IIas PLoI; A MGDorilAr,b; donors (the said Roman Catholic :° Jell v y►ic Girl sllduld 1+ entdrely depelidetat Alison Agents in Canada --The Merchants' Bank of Canada Office Miura—From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, 1 • A ell . 1 1411 , 1 1, 1 1 1 1 8.1. 111 4 , 14111, 11. 111•1141111 , Consumption. Valuable treatise and two bottles of medicine sunt Free to say Sufferer. Give Express ni•d Post °Mee address. T. A. SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO., Ltd,. Toronto, Ont. STEAK, 1OC. PER LB. and other meant in ldtiv`proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also on 11 and, ,' - • 1 I am prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of fowl. They roast be drawn. and well dressed. GEO. SHAW Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1893. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Send 9 cents in Ctantrs, or I0 cents'silver, and wo will send you by return stall the PERFECT LETTER WRITER A neat little Book, beim: a perfect Guido in the art • of ',Otte Writing. It contains letters of Love, I Friendship and 13ustness, etc„ with valuable inatruc. tions and advice. :v o n c Every young man and woman should have this Book. Address, NOVELTY Piz BLISHERS, Ingersoll, Ont COMFORT IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391 " Improved All -Feather - bone Corsets." No side .steels to break, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. Alf First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell "them. A Blessing to Every Household: 4. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND UIrTMENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronou#need the best Medicines for Family use. �a THIJ PILLS I Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, .II NEYS A, 0 1.O EI.S and invaluable in all complaints incidental to females if alt ages. TII 02NT1V1.� j] fT to the only reliable remedy for bad cgs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOIL F1tONGF1I1I8, SORE TliitOATS, COUGES, (`OLDS, GOUT, 1U EUMATI8J1, GLADUI.AR SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN DI8EA5ES IT HAS NO Is(ZUAL. 111anufactured only at 78, New O ord. Late 588, Oxford Street, Loudon, and sold by 8111Uedleine Vandor8 throughout the world. t:. -Purchasers should look to the Label oil the Doze and Pots. If Bic address is not 583 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. c kill) Glen N'on:man, t1ut, minority of I'ter 7+iajesty's subjects in 'Clerk of t11+d� �'.lit'3>'y Council. ltttslaatatEl•. YY EBSTElam. CO. have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for MAKING MEN'S T EEG SU ITS TO $4.00 SPOT' GASH. It 'Sohn have any 'Swends .A \tome, now fis the time to save a dollar on the Making of each stilt, lad get a good lit.5' First-class 'Trimmings supplied at wholesale prices for spot bash only. -'yea. w.r.r+r If you want to buy a Suit 01' veyccat 3cu,?i+ a>lr'e firm f3.O0 $10.00 on each, by pttrebasing from us. WEE3Q" Opposite the new 1.Vlatdonald Bloc T 0 s 4Merebaltit, Talions ( I