HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-16, Page 27Our decorations have roots Did you ever wonder where some of our Christmas • decorations and Customs originated? - The idea of decorating our houses with evergreen came from the Romans, who beli eyed it brought good fortune, The Druids were ancient pagans who considered mistletoe, to be lucky; they claimed it had curative powers. In Italy, Spain, Mexico and other countries where the Yule weather is warm, flowers make up the decorations. Likewise, in Australia, red and green Christmas bushes and Christmas Bells bloom. The Christmas tree descended to us from Norse mythology.Thor was the god of war, thunder and -strength. According to legend, St, Boniface interrupted a Druid sacrifice by yanking out the Thunder Oak of Thor and replacing it with a tiny fir. Some' historians claim the first Christmas tree was set up in Germany by Martin Luther, However, an older legend names St. Vinnifred as the originator. A few British homes probably imitated the German custom, but the tradition OAS not established in England until Queen Victoria married German Prince Albert. It is believed North Americans Were introduced' to Christmas trees by Hessain Germans sent by Britain 'to fight in the American revolution. Christmas tree farms have since become an industry in the United States and Canada. In England, the trees are kept in tubs of earth. These living trees seem more appropriate to the spirit of the season that our withering cedars and artificial pines. The idea of a community tree springs from the street festivals of Italy and Spain. Of course, not all Christmas trees are evergreens. In the missionary compounds of India, for instance, banana trees are used, and real fruit peeks out from amid the ornaments. Holland was the first nation to adopt St. Nicholas as the patron saint of Christmas, According to legend, he made his rounds on a coal-black steed that had eight legs and could race as fast as the wind. The children of Amsterdam left their wooden shoes filled with grain for-the horse. It was easy for North Americans to turn St. Nicholas' horse into a span of reindeer and to hang stockings in front of the fireplace instead of shoes. The idea that St. Nicholas entered houses through the chimneys originated with the old habit of cleaning the chimneys for Yuletide. In the eary days of England; burning the Yule IQ was the prime feature of the Christmas celebration; it signified friendliness and warmth. The fire was started with a piece of the previous year's lag. The singing of carols also 'originated in 'england, and one of the first Christmas h hymns was undoubtedly ':Glory To God In. the Highest; On Earth Peace Goodwill To Men". ModernCanadian carolers are relics of the Enlgish waifes that sang in the streets. The Greek Orthodox Church calls Christmas "The Feast of Lights." Christ is represented in Christian countries by candies, tapers, coloured lights on trees and electric stars. For example, on Christmas Eve a tall candle burns in a window of every house in Ireland. Meanwhile, in many small Canadian churches, candlelight flickers, as children, dressed in the costumes of the Nativity chracter,s, re-enact the story that marks the beginning of Christmas. Amid all our decora,tions and customs. the Nativity scene is the one part of our Christmas that has not changed. ry n'ar%;;; • • -.!!!2" ---- 0- 0. • -„; *NW • Specially purchased toy items on sale to Decembor 74th for to•extent of %Meta Canad ian Tire promises to ntaVe—gery effort to con- tinue supply. Of advertised items but we reserve the righr to limit quantities, • RR 2 Listowel, Ontario Tel. 291.3810 Store Hours: Open dally.Monday thno'Friday 9 0,0s. to 9 p.m.; Saturdays, 11118 p.m. "WNW '29 portable Suggested Retail Price $469. FREE DELIVERY FREE SET UP FULL YEAR WARRANTY FULL 2 YEAR PART WARRANTY NO CHARGE FOR COLOUR 14 doll with cake, magic candle plus birthday accessories! Archie Bunker's grand- son! Realistic male doll: Bottle, diaper; etc. Long.lasting foam body and wheels will not hurt childrerf or furniture! Special flexible axle and wheel system. Assorted models. ' The 6-Million Dollar Man Special Purchase 844 Beautiful Doll! Bionic Woman Special Purchase 944 • iv- Magnetic Chalk Board 688 Special Purchase VICTORIA GR TrtureT CoVi,r5 ANY SINCE 1ese51 VALUE LOADED TRACTOR TRAILER Canadian Tire Rig xtiogra turPke 1#10N .,EXPQSITOR,:•PEOIVMER 16,. yen Odds n' Ends by Elaine Townshend After the Itagie and hustle of, Christmas dinner, you 40'11 usually want to think about leftovers. But with a little planning ahead, any extra turkey can be filled into future meals in different ways, The family probably won't even notice it the second time around. First thing to do is remove the stuffing immediately after the meal is served and store separately. It can be refrigerated for two days or frozen up to two months. Wrap it in aluminum foil or containers or freeze in a baking dish until firm; then remove from the baking dish and wrap, in ,.freezer wrapping or bags.. To serve, heat uncovered for 45 minutes at 160°C (325°F). Then remove the meat from the turkey carcass leaving it in lar ge pieces. Use the bone's for making soup or broth. Remove the skin and fat and wrap the meat in aluminum foil or moisture-vapor- resistant wrappings or place in a covered container. Cooked turkey will keep for three to four days in the refrigerator. If you plan to freeze the meat, leave as little air space as possible in the package and make sure that there are no punctures in the, wr4,101)0. Seal well all the joins in the wrapping,. Package in amounts suitable -for recipes. Plain slices or pieces of Poultry may be frozen for one month. After this time, the meat becomes dry. If covered with a sauce or broth, the meat will maintain good quality when frozen for three months. Thaw large pieces of poultry in their container or wrapping for two hours at room temperature or seven hours in the refrigerator. In the former case, use immediately or refrigerate as soon as thawed. To assure your Christmas turkey of a repeat performance, try these recipes from .Food Advisory Division, Agriculture Canada: "Turkey Casserole", "Turkey Croquettes" ' and "Turkey Burgers". TURKEY CASSEROLE 1/3 cup chopped onion 1/3 cup chopped celery 1/4 cup chopped green pepper 2 cups sliced mushrooms :About 1/2 pound) '/ cup butter 1/2 cup flour 1 Teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 cups milk vilikl'ilt1,•••••• • 4 cup chicken bouillon 3 cups chopped cooked turkey 2 tablespoona. chopped pimento 2 cups cooked broad, n oodles (4 ounces 'uncooked) • Saute vegetables in butter until anion js_tranapareat, Blend in flour and seasonings: v- gradually add milk and bouillon. Stir and cook until smooth and thick. Combine turkey, pimento and noodles with sauce, Turn into greased baking dish. Bake 30 minutes at 350°F. 6 servings. TURKEY CROQUW1TES 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion IA cup finely chopped celery 3 tablespoons fat 1/4 • cup flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Dash cayenne 1/4 teaspooh savory. 1 cup milk 3 cups finely chopped cooked turkey 1 egg 1 teaspoon water 3/4 cup dry bread crumbs Saute onion and celery until onion is transparent. in flour and. seasonings. A,441r0,Stir and cook until smooth and thick,. Conaliine turkeyyitti cream sauce. ,hape into 12''crocittette.04, contiAne egg and water- Pip croquette§. :in crumbs;, then 0.0, arrd PVInilbs again. Chill 1 hour. PeOP,frY croquettes 2; to 3 minutes at 375°F, 6 servings, TURKEY OTMOER$ 3 cups finely chopped cooked turkey l cup soft bread crumbs 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon paprika Va leaspOOh poultry AP84006A 4t • v.444 VepPer. ;- beaten Pop 14 cup ;, , 1 tablespoons melted fat 6,:butteFeFl Ilo$044:gcr,bgn* 1 i(2,ounce , can' eranher0. . sAlice• , 1 Combine luxkey, ' et*MbSi onions .seaoitin0„ *gis And. catsup.. Sbape•in 6 pg#10,, 'Brown in hot fut.. 3 minutes'..eaehr Serve on harribhrger bun* with ,., cranberry 4414Cgt setltitt$s, CIMADIFIn TIRE J1J in fat Blend fottimetersomwzogarteAstotiel Idive her a dine-savinggi ft, at a money-saving price. Merwood C. Smith,Ltd Energy saver DISHWASHER Come to Merwood C. Smith Limited for the largest dis- play of refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, washers and dryers, televisions, stereos and much more in Midwest- ern Ontario. By manufacturers such as General Electric, Simplicity, Findlay, Norge, Gibson, Gilson, Moffat, Leo- nard, Quasar, Philips, Sharp and many more! by MODERN MAID or Simplicity Specially priced for Christmas, NOW#60,6** What lady wouldn't lotie thi(time saver? And what man wouldn't love the savings! The Modern Maid dishwasher features: • 2 power spray arms • rinse and hold • wash and hold • natural dry • normal wash with pot and pan cycle • full cycle • push button 6 cycle • built in or portable models , L cutting board top • Harvest Gold or White ry • tti 1:•!rit, 588 About 8" tall with movable arms, leans, shirt, jacket! ' Happy 'Birthday Tender Love Special Purchase Hey-y-y-y! It's 'The Fonz' Doll aSpecial Purchase Two grap,handles op erate scoop Remov able 'operator' "Fisher-Price Scoop Loader ' Seem' Purchase 899 4114041,01001041 • F.W. Tilley Ltd. • op About 141/2" tall! Joey Stivic Doll Special Purchase Bionic Enemy! Maskatron Special, Purchase I;1( 1088 Grab handle for dump- ing action Detach able scoop Plastic Fisher-Price Dump:Truck Special Purchase 999 Seaforth Two movable rescuers oxygen tank, tele serving boom & more! Fisher-Price Rescue Truck Special Purchase 944 Jr She makes graceful forward and back kicks, splits, pirouettes, 0.*Nriif06%.?4 Ballerina • Bari)* Doll Special Purchase . Fisher-Price Bulldoier Special Purchase, 1 1 TT • Two big grap handles, tow bar; removable driver Elastic. 444 Turkey con be a money saver. Make your turkey last by using the leftovers in a variety of * dishes: soups, salads, casseroles, sandwiches, croquettes, etc.. The following recipe, for "Turkey and Stuffing*Rake;t4a developed by Food AdVisOry Division, Agriculture Canada. It combines cooked ' turkey and turkey stuffing, providing about eighteen grams of protein per serving. Remember to remove the stuffing from the turkey immediately after the meal is served. if you don't plan on using it right away, refrigerate it and use it within two days. Turkey and Stuffing Bake 1/4 cup chopped onion 2 cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons fat ,3 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 122 cup skim milk powder 11/4 cups water 2 cups bread stuffing from turkey 2 cups cubed cooked turkey 1/4 cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon melted margarine Saute onion and celery in fate until onion is transparent Stir in flour, salt, pepper and skim milk powder Gradually add, water. Stir and cook until smooth and thick. Spread half the stuffing in greased baking dish. Cover with half of turkey then half of sauce. Repeat layers. Toss bread crumbs in melted margarine, Sprinkle over casserole. Bake at 350°F until lightly browned (25 to 30 minutes). 6 servings. Give what you'd like to give , at Christmas Get your Santa Claus money now with a low interest; life insured personal loan from Victoria and Grey. Get it today! YOUR CHOICE Slow Wheels each • Rev up the friction mechabism with one push and watch them go! Wide assortment of color ful kid-proof 'plastic vehicles. A fun-packed gift idea for youngsters buy.severall. • • .• ii!....0•!!!'!•:' • A CUTE AND CUDDLY COMPANION! 16" Holly Hobble Special 59 Purchase Colorful rag type doll stuffed with completely safe synthetic fibres and cotton. Dressed in a colorful country•style outfit. Long braided hair! SESAME STREET TEACHING AID FOR KID'S! With 10 numbers, 6 Sesame Street figures, box of chalk end eraser, 19'/. x 14" board Capital letters or numbers Et symbols for above, Set $1.99 Family Fun! Actiontaroal Crokinole Kar-A-A-ate Mil SpociarPurbase Special Purchase 995 16°8 Set Checker board on re Game of self •defence! verse side 24 playing Each stands 11" tall pieces. Coleco! You corurot action' Extra! Cash Bonus Coupons or use your Canadian Tire Card zw,zor.vfoinitA EVEL KNIEVEL RIDES AGAIN! Dragster Set Special 1 788 Purchase Realism replica of the famous Formula 1 racer, Evel Knievel figure, energy pump, parachute, Gyro-powered . needs no batteries! " "1 19,w.! II lam uot,yer NI, C. Smith 14" 1399 Dangerous foe of the Bionic doll has super Ready 'to go on any bionic woman and 6 powers like Steve dangerous assignment million dollar mans Austin on TV' just Irke on TV. Cuddly Friend! 15" Sandy Bear Special Purchase 499 A beaUtiful buy for little ones!' About 15" high. Safe! SAFE, INDOOR FUN FOR YOUNGSTERS! .Nerf. Mobiles Spacial .33 Purchase each 'Special Purchase • Your Choice each • Jennie is available as' a blonde or brunette in a variety of colorful outfits! She stands about 15" high. Soft vinyl body, movable arms and legs, 410gteglaiii0A., A POPULAR LITTLE PLAYTIME PAL! Lovable 'Jennie DOW 411 Sesame Street Gang 99 THREE POPULAR TV CHARACTERS! Special Purchase Each Special Purchase Authentic replica in a big 17 x 3'h x 5" size. Tough, durable construction can take whatever little truckers dish out! Detachable cab, Your Canadian Tire Store has a Catalogue Or et OW< Where yeti may order any item that may not be in stack. a No deposit required *Fast Service a Na extra charge Take your pick from The Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and Grover . all cuddly and soft with, hi pile 'Skins' Kids will love them' „.,.,,,,M.04tammotorm* 41,