HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-16, Page 25I 0 "Mini-Maintenance" 100% Solid State Chassis 0 In-Line Matrix Picture Tube with additional pre-focus lens 0 Low Energy Consumption O Automatic Fine Tuning 0 Picture Control 0 Instant Sound .. . Quick Picture This portable was designed to be at home anywhere in the house. A mere 28 lbs. in weight, it can easily -be carried f rib-n-1 room to -- room. High impact plastic cabinet in light tan color with dark • brown accents. Built-in carry handle and dipole antenna. 13''4 (33.7 cm) high, 17 7 /8145.4 cm) wide, 151 %4" (38.8 cm) deep. Model WP34O2NN Simulated TV reception Merwood C. Smith, Ltd. Storo Hours: Opim doily Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. taturdoil till 6 p.m. RR 2 Listawol, Ontario T.L. 291.3810 Torn 10114 rood pam Way 11 1%.i, ens mile .a 001.9 "-A 140.1iON pcpor.oni..pEcOvi.BER top 1974... L (By Peter Marshall) Changes are everywhere. Many institutions and • customs that we once —thought sacrosanct have gone by the board. Yet there are a few that aside, defying time and revolution. The old message: "For unto you is born this day in the'city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord" is still the heart pf Christmas. It can -be nothing else. And this message can neither be changed — or quite forgotten, although there are many things that tend to make us forget. The idea of Santa Claus coming in' a helicopter does not ring true. No interior decorator with a fondness for yellow or blue could ever persuade me to forsake the Christmas Colors of red and green. I must confess that modernistic Christmas cards leave me cold. I canntit appreciate the dogs and cats the galloping horses, the ships in full sail.... or any of the cute designs that leave out the traditional symbols of the star.... the manager.... the wise men on their camels. Angels there must be - but they need not be modernistic angels in evening dress with peroxide permanents. There is no need to search for stories new and different. There is only one after all - and no modern author can improve it: "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night, And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of DAvid a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." We all feel the pressure of approaching Christmas. The traffic is terrible. You can't find a parking space . . The stores are crowded .... Mob scenes make shopping a nightmare: You are thinking about presents - wondering what in the world you can get for so-and-so. You think of friends and loved ones who are so hard to shop for. You can't think of anything they need (which is rather strange when you take time to think of it). Maybe there is nothing in a store that they need. But what about some token of love - what about love itself ... and friendship ... and understanding ... and consideration .... and a helping hand ... and a smile ... and a prayer? You can't buy these things in any store, and these are the very things people need. We all need them .,.. Blessed will they be who receive them this Christmas or at any time. -Let's not permit-the crowds and the rush to crowd christmas out of our hearts .... for that is where it belongs. Christmas is not in the stores - but in the hearts of people. Let's not give way to cynicism and mutter that "Christmas has become commercialized;', eep It never will be - unless you let it be. Your Christmas is not commercialized, unless you have commercialized • it. Let's not succumb to the sophistication that complains: "Christmas belongs only to the children. That shows that you have never understood Christmas at an-, for the older you get, the more irifteans, if you know what it means. Christmas, though forever young, grows old along with us. Have you been saying, "1 just can't seem to feel the Christmas spirit this year?" , That's too bad. As a confession of lack of faith, it is rather significant. You are saying that you feel no joy that Jesus came into the world. ...You are confessing that His presence in the world is not a reality to you ... Maybe you need all the more to read theChristmas story over again, need to sit down with the Gospel of Luke and think about it. I thank God for Christmas. Would that it lasted all year . For on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, all the world is a better place, and men and women are more lovable. Love itself seeps into every heart, and miracles happen. When Christmas doesn't make your heart swell up until it nearly bursts .,, and fill your eyes with tears....and make you all soft and warm, inside then you'll know that something inside of you is dead. We hope that there will be snow for Christmas. - Why? It is not really important, but it is so nice, and old-fashioned, and appropriate, we think. Isn't it wonderful to think that nothing ca n really harm the joy of Christmas ... ' 4 Although your Christmas tree decorations will include many new g adgets, such as lights with bubbles in them ... it's the old tree decorations that mean the most .... the ones you save carefully from year to year-- the crooked star that goes on the top of the tree ....the ornaments that you've been so careful with. And you'll bring out the tiny manger, and the shed, and, the little figures of the Holy Family ..., and lovingly arrange them on the mantel or in the middle of the dining room table. And getting the tree will be a family event, with great exci tement for. the children .:.. And there will be a closet into which 'you'll forbid your husband to look, And he will be moving through the house mysteriously with bundles under his coat, and you'll pretend not to notice ... There will be the fragrance of cookies baking, spices and fruit cake .., and the warmth of the house shall be melodious with'the lilting strains of "Silent Night, Holy Night." 'Attd you'll listen to the wonderful Christmas music on the radio. Some of the songs will be modern - good enough music perhaps - but it will be the old carols , the lovely old Christmas hymns that will mean the most. And forests of fir trees will march right into our living rooms ....there will be bells on our doors and holly wreaths in our windows And we shall sweep the libel skies for their brightest colors and festoon our homes with stars. There will be a chubby stocking hung by the fireplace ... and with finger to lip you will whisper and ask me to tip-toe, for, a little tousled head is asleep and must not be awakened until after Santa has come. And finally Christmas morning will come. Don't worry - be ready for it - YOU'D catch the spirit right. or it will catch you, which is even better, And then you will remember ,hat Chastinas • Means the beginning of Christianity .... the Secolid Chance for the world .... the hope for peace .... and the only way. The promise that the angels sang is the most woncle.tfuj music the world has ever heard. 'Peace on earth and good will' toward men." It was not a pronouncement upon the state of the world then Nor is it a reading of the international barometer of the present time ... but it is a promise a God's promise - of what one day will come to pass. The years that are gone are graveyards in which all the persuasions of men have crumbled into dust. If history has any voice, it is to say that all these ways of men lead nowhere. There remains one way - The Way - untried, untested, unexplored fully ... the way of Him Who was born a Babe in Beth lehem. In a world that seems not only to be changing, but even to be dissolving, there are some tens of millions of us who want Christmas to be the same .... with the same old greeting "Merry Christmas" and no other. We long for the abiding love among men of good will which the season brings ...believing in this ancient miracle of Christmas with its softening, sweetening influence to tug at our heart strings once again. We want to hold on to the old customs and traditions because ' they strengthen our family ties, bind us to our friends, make us one with all mankind for whom the Child was born, and b ring us back again to the God Who gave His only begotten Son, that "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" So we will not "spend" Christmas ... nor "observe" Christmas. We will "keep" Christmas - keep it as it is all the lone- liness of its ancient traditions. May we keep it in our hearts, that we may be kept in its hope o I .$ NEVIJOIBS FROM 04Plevatiltto2vvarqvirlcwowwwc"", COMMUNITY PROJECTS. o THINK ABOUT R. 'IP- 4P Prices Start as Low as 41..tz 44*- Ate" 12" 32'c T diagonal Fbrtable Color --\,/ Canada Works is a new job creation program that will be launched in January, This new year-round program is designed to get needed work done by people not employed in the private sector. Canada Works will accept applications from groups and organizations including private businesses who wish to develop, sponsor and administer vot.-th- while community projects. Funds will mainly be allocated to areas of high unemployment and projects will be tailored to special employment needs of your- local community, - Canada Works will generate employment for more----t!— than 60,000 Canadians who are presently unemployed. Application s will be considered twice a year- Winter and Summe': Think about your projects now! Early in the new-year, your local Canada Manpower Centre will have apple- - cation forms and a Canada Works "Guide to Applic ants," with full details on the program. Canada Works for your community. Make your worthwhile projects work next year! A second program is for students. Young Canada • Works will create jobs for more than 20,000 st.tidents next suminerThe emphasis will be on pro- jects of solid community value. It has many.of the same features as the year-round program, except projects will be limited to 14 weeks during the summer months. At the same time. Young Canada Work , will enable students to gain valuable work experrence and test -/ their career aspir"ations. Like Canada Works, your Canada Manpower Centre will have application forms and a Young Canada Works —"Guide to Applicants" early in the new year. So, think about vv hat your organization would like to do for students:Youngtahada Works for students in your community. Manpower Main-d'oeuvre and Immigration ,et Immigration Bud Cullen Bud Cullen Minister Ministre IT'S GOING 10 WORK FOR YOUR COMMUNITY.