HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-16, Page 18PERTH-HURON SHORTHORN CLUB — Past President Ross Procter of ,R.R.5,
Brussels and newly elected president Ken Mewhinney of Lucknow chat with guest
speaker Ross McCall of Brussels Stockyards Ltd. at the annual dinner meeting of
the Perth-Huron Shorthorn Club in Brodhagen Wednesday. (Photo by Oke)
At Perth-Huron Shorthorn Club
To the ElectOrs of Seaforth
Thank you for your support
at the polls on Dec. 6
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
James Kelly
To the voters-of Dublin
[wish to thank you for your support at the
polls on December 6th and look forward to
serving your best interests in the future.
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to you all.
Matt McCreight
To the Electors of Hibbert Township
I wish to thank all those who
supported me on Monday,
December 6
A , special thanks to all who
worked on my behalf
Season Greetings to all
Henry Harburn
Deputy Reeve
,:orarigavor/ .46%9 imonowsmstite
would like to express my
appreciation -to the voters of Hullett
who supported me at the polls on
Dec. 6
Greg Brandon
ii ,iir ,o-e 440,002001.71gAP
T9 the Electors of •Hullett Township
I wish to extend a special thanks
to the voters o f Mullett for their
support and confidence on
December 6th.
1 will endeavour to serve in your
best interests
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Torn Cunningham
Many Thanks
I would like to extend a sincere thanks for
the support I received on Decem er 6.
I will endeavour to serve you to best of
my ability.
I would also like to commend 'all the
candidates who allowed their names to stand
and hope they will , accept appointments that
have to be made by the Town.
Betty Cardno,
To the Electors of
I would like to express my thanks
for your support in electing 'me to
the Huron County Board of Education.
Don McDonald
I wish to thank
all the Separate School
North of Hwy. # 8
who supported me on
Dec. 6th
as their representative on
the Huron County Board
of Education
Blessings of the Season
Eugene Frayne
A sincere "thank you" to
those who supported me at
the polls Dec. 6th and
congratulations to Mr.
Eugene Frayne on a
successful campaign.
Oscar G.
I would like to thank all the
people who supported me at
the polls on Dec. 6
To everyone a Happy Christmas
and the best in 1977
Peter Jansen
Noise Limiting
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Included Strength Molar PA Capability
A 1,11 CS
'Cobra 21 79.'5
Cobra 29 $199.95
Cobra 89 $299.5
Cobra 135 SSB '599.95
Boulet Cowboy Boots are
unequalled for quality and crafts-
manship. They fit the stirrup as
perfectly as they do the foot.
That's why they won the West.
Selected leathers, perfect
craftsmanship, better contort
and style. Get a pair now!
with. DELHI
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Make This
A Big 10-4!
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Famous Cobra
Noise Blanking
Complete Sales Installation and Service of
R. R. 3 Mitchell
3 miles East of Mitchell on No. 8
Watch for the Pines on the South Side
szi.v ss.N.N.wiR xsx sx‘N.,\‘‘v z1/4- ,N&N.L‘,
Unitecl Church supports
rnarfreting boards
Ken Mewhinney of R.R.1,
Lucknow, was elected president
of Perth-Huron Shorthorn Club at
the annual dinner meeting in
Brodhag:en Wednesday night.
He succeeds Ross Procter of
R.R.5, Brussels.
• Ron Shelley of R.R.2, Gorrie,
and William Lannin of Dublin,
were elected vice-presidents.
Gerald Smith of R.R.2,
• Brussels, secretary-treasurer, for
the past eight years resigned. His
successor is to be named at the
next meeting of the executive.
Mr. Smith was named as, the
club director to the Ontario
Shorthorn Club.
4-H members from Perth and
Huron Counties, with Shorthorn
calves, were guests of the club:
Glen Frost, Cambridge, secretary
of the Ontario Shorthorn Club,
told the farmers present not to
push 4-H calf owners on to win at
shows but to let them enjoy their
calves and gain experience for, the
second year,
Each 4-H member was
presented with a gift of $5.00.
Bruce McCall; manager of the
Brussels Stockyards Ltd., was the
guest speaker. He said farmers
with feeding cattl, had gone
through the hardest year with
unfair • ' prices.
Bert Pepper, secretary sales
agent for the Canadian Associa-
tion of Shorthorn Club, said there
Marketing boards got
unanimous approval from the
executive of the United Church
General Council November 25 on
recommendation from the
Council's standing committee on
agriculture and food resources.
It was the third try for the
committee which had first
presented its, resolution at the
March meeting of the church
executive. That was_referred back
for re-drafting and the same thing
happened to the revised
resolution November 25. It was
evident that opinion of the
68-member executive was divided
on the issue, even among farm
and rural people (Members of the
Genbral Council executive
represent all areas of Canada).
Finally, it was agreed to
approve the following policy
statement on m arketing boards
submitted by committee
chairman Rev. Douglas A,
were 800 clubs in Canada at the
present time. He displayed
literature, truck decals, pictures
and other material that can be
used for teaching in schools or
4-H groups or by owners of
Brydon of Southampton, Ontario.
"The Committee on
Agriculture and Food Resources
reaffirms the basic human right of
equality of opportunity and
justice in the use of resources for
the feeding of people. We believe
a viable agriculture industry is
essential to the economic and
social wellbeing of Canadians.
Agricultural industry is
responsible for providing a
continuing supply of food for
consumer and a fair return at
those associated with food
production. The Committee sees
Marketing Boards as part of the
framework of this industry.
Marketing Boards have their
limitations both in constitution
and application. Many persons
accentuate these aspects such' as:
loss of some individual freedom,
inability to effectively soble the
world's foott problem, inability to
satisfy all producers and
consumers. And while we know
that from a world perspective we
must move to a real sharing of
this world's resources,
nevertheless, Marketing Boards,
when constituted to regulate
production and prices for the
producer, give stability to
production thus givihg a fair
return to the producer, a constant
supply to the consumer and
provide a vehicle which can help
us to responu more consistently to
world food needs.
The committee affirms the
principles upon which Marketing
Boards are established and
recommends that the executive
inform its constituency (church
membership) in order to seek
understanding, .support and
approval of both producers and
consumers for the implemen-
tation of these principles."
m •i
To the Elect° s of Tuckersmith
I wish to thank everyone that
voted on` Dec. bth and special thanks
-to the ones that voted for me
To alrthe people of Tuckersmith
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year from all of us at
Falcon Spring Farms
Frank Falconer
Gerald Smith resigns after 8 years