HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-16, Page 5.1A
PHONE 527-0240
A History of McKillop
by Mrs. Joseph Grummett
The Story of Seaforth
by Belle Campbell , each $4.00
A History~ of Tuckersmith
by Belle Campbell each $4.00
each $3.00
Huron County in Pioneer Times
by James Scott
Settlement of Huron County
by James R. Scott
each $1.00
each $5.00
Varna in Reviev!
J. Floyd McAsh
Seaforth Women% Institute
Souvenir, cook Book
First Presbyterian Church
A Century of Service each $1.00
each $3.50
each $2.75
The Importance of Liberty
by tred Van Epiond ch $4.00
but (Naga
We stock
Local History
Local Authors
From Forest to Thriving Hamlets
by Belle Campbell each $4.00
The Story of Hibbert Township
A Hibbert Review. [Part
A Hibbert Review [Part II]
Three booklets dealing with the Township of Hibbert
by Belle Campbell each $4.00-
(Please allow 25 cents' Per book for mailing charges)
Visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.
Manuel Beuerman on Sunday
were their sons Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Beuerman, Jeffery,
Wayne and Jill from London. At
the same home is Ray Beuerman,
Toronto who is spending some
time with his parents.
We are sorry to hear Carl
Priestap is a patient' in', Seaforth
Community Hospital where he
had surgery last week.
Order today to ') avoid
disappointing increases
6-24-24 15-15-15
Drop in for your
Pack 3.25
THE micisuron• Pecemn I.
0...:*1 topic
Twp, plans drains
Hibbert Council met December
7 with the rate payers on the
Drainage Works, along with
Henry Uderstadt,
Township Engeineer. After the
reading of the report, discussion
followed on the size of tile, if open
drain would be cheaper (it would
be), and assessments. The Reeve
gave all present an opportunity to
either withdraw their names -from
the report, or to add. One
ratepayer added his name.
Council indicated they would
accept the report, cause a
provisional by-law to be drawn
up, and a Court of Revlon date
set. The estimate cost of the four
Film on Christ Christmas
many turkeys etc. it has
accommodated; but (you guessed
it) the chocolates are long gone.
The moral is, fellows if you are
looking for something for your
wife, buy her a roasting pan.
The P.T.A. Bingo which had to
be cancelled Dec. 3 due to road
and weather conditions, was a big
success Dec. 10. A capacity crowd
filled the hall.
o win at St. eter s LCIA/ Prize winners were: Turkeys,
branches was $38,000.
The minutes of the Protective
Committee, ,,.The Mitchell &
District Arena, Seaforth Fire Area
were all read and confirmed. The
minutes, of the Mitchell & District
Planning Bearrl were held over
for the Clerk to obtain an
explanation of "Adjoining" from
the County Administrator, Ken.
Road vouchers in the sum of
,$23969.65 were approved, and for
General Account $64484.00. This
included Huron Perth
R.C.S.S.Board final levy, and
four Tile Drainage Loans.
Tile Drainage Loans for the
' Jane Delaney, Mrs., Riehl, Mrs.
'Don Farewell, Mrs. W.D. Wilson,
Vincent Lane
With the eleetions surrounding
us here all completed to the
satisfaction of an elected', and for
the most part those defeated, as
well, the big question now is have
you finished your Xtria$-^
if you pattern after me,
seldom do anything until the legit
day or minute, sometimes a quick
decision works very satisfactorily.
I recall the first XMas after we
were married, I bucked bad roads
with horse and cutter the day
before, and bought my wife a
large roasting pan, and if I
remember correctly, a large box
of chocolates inside which would
only cost $1.50 or $.2. at that time,
And believe it or not, after 50
years the roasting pan is still in
use. It has been loaned, and I
couldn't venture to guess how
NEW SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS — Ronald Murray ; PUblin; $10t1/1
O'Leary, R.R.2, Staffa; and14,1i;‘i m h Montgomery, Wingha, attended ea olververe,
the December meeting of theu
ron Perth County Roman. Catholic Separate School
Board Monday night in Dublin. They will be taking their place on the Board at an
installation swearing in ceremony on January 3. {Photo by Oke)
Plans were made for the
Christmas dinner social along
with exchange of gifts and a
special Christmas project, also for
visiting shut-ins in Kilbarchan
and Hillside Nursing Homes. The
visiting committee reported they
had made several calls.
Unto the hills was chosen as a
doSing hymn by a visitor. This
concluded the business and Mrs.,
Elligsen again thanked the ladies
for all co-operation and extended
her personal best wishes that the
organization may continue to
grow spiritually, her closing
words being, May God bless us
The pastor then presided for
the election of officers which
resulted 'as follows: president,
Mrs. Robert Robinson; vice-
president, Mrs. Edward
Scherbarth, general
treasurer, Mrs. Robert Beuer-
mann; mission -treasurer, Mrs.
Albert Bauer; secretary, Mrs.'
Edwin Scherbarth. The executive
are to decide on other various
Light refreshments were
served by Mrs. Hilda French and
Mrs. Martha Hinz.
Sincere sympathy from the
community is extended to
Christian Leonhardt and family in
the sudden death of Mrs. Emma
She was born in Brodhagen and
died suddenly in Seaforth
Community Hospital. Her sons
Mervyn and Alvin and families
live in Brodhagen. =. •
Pastor Horst from St. Peter's
Lutheran Church officiated at the
funeral which was held at the
Lockhart Funeral Home in
Mitchell. She will be laid to rest in
Brodhagen Cemetery.
Sorry to hear Mrs. John Austin
is confined to University Hospital,
London where she had surgery on
Friday. Her father, John Knipe,
Brodhagen received word that
she is as well as can be expected.
Henry Davey has been in the
same hospital for some time. We
wish them both a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock
enjoyed a week with their
daughter Gwen and son-in-law
Boris Bruder Kitchener.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs:
Lavern Wolfe were the latter's
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz
Jr., Vicky and Brad from
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Bode and family in
Kitchener were Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Bode and Norman Bode on
Wants What
You. Don't Need!
Want Ads
Pee Wees Win
Dublin Pee Wees won two More
last week defeating Zurich on
their ice 6-3 Dec. 13 and Grand
Bend 11.1 Sunday in Seaforth,
Zurich, Rob tane, J,
had 2 each, Loohy, Mike Kelly,
one each.
The Grand Bend game was a no
'contest affair. Mike Kelly with 4,
led the way. Brenden, Lane and
Looby got 2 each.
Vandrunen, Melady, Hicknell
with one each completed, the
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
Members and their families of
Brandh 9044 of the Lutheran Life
Insurance Society of Canada
gathered in Grace Lutheran
Church basement for their annual
The night began with a pot luck
supper convened.by the Mitchell
members, Adelia Capling and
Ellen Schellenberger, assisted by
Marion Feltz and Sybilla Dipple.
The winner of the lucky plate was
Mrs. Larrie Brown, Stratford.
This was followed by a business
meeting conducted by the
president Ray Rock. Reports were
given by various officers. New
members were welcomed and
correspondence was read.
Local officers elected were:
president, Ray, Rock; vice presi-
dent, Geraldine Bode; secretary-
treasurer, Ellen Gilk; auditors,
Rev. A. Horst and John Gloor.
It was decided to have the next
meeting in the form of a Valentine
Box social to be held in Monkton.
Convenors named were Magda,
Scholl and Marg
Rock, Monkton.
Friends and neighbours of Mrs.
Louis McIntyre are ..glad to see
she has returned to her home
where she is convalescing after
being a patient in. Seafoi=th
Community Hospital for al%week.
Welcome home to Manuel
Beuerman who was a patient in
the same hospital for a few days
and is recuperating at home. We
wish them both a speedy
Sincere sympathy from this
community is. extended to Mrs.
Norman Eisler in the death of her
husband,, formerly from Logan,
who died in Stratford General
Hospitatoply a feW days after he
was admitted. Also to his only
daughter, Mrs. Beatrice McNain.
only sister Mrs. Georgina Sieman
and 3 grandchildren. A large
number attended the funeral from
The funeral was held at the
Grace Lutheran Church with Rev.
Vernon Threinen officiating.
Distinctively Personal
for Invitations, Thank-
You and Notes.
Perfect for Gifts
25 Informals and 25
The name in raised black printing on fine quality
white Vellum paper with matchi ig plain envelopes.
7.35 to 9.45
0 40%.0A %. 0_0 . . 0.0 ,
9 For the person with c\ er\ - Single $5.95
A colors imprinted name or
-‘,j initials
.1" de
- thing, choose from our \\ i
selection of styles and.
Doqble $9 95
Put your name on these
handy personal labels -
Excellent for Cameras,
Toys. Stationery and thou-
sands of other uses. -
SO Facial Quality Napkins
and 45 regular.
sire matches, 12.90
Yellow '• eraser-topped
pencils stamped with a full
name in gold. Handy gift
for'the scholar. l2
Attu: (Waitst 2ammst
lhe. Jelin flamer
Ideal accompaniment to
any table ...luncheon, tea
or dinnerAapkins in a linen
or facial qu&ity imprinted
with your name in gold,
silver or black. Choose from
a wide assortment of colors
'and styles.
Wide range of colors.
Personalized book matches
in a
Show your good taste . .
an attractive clear plastic
drum - containing ^ 50
personalized book matches.
Choice of
A filmstrip, Christ and Christ-
mas around the World was shown
at the December Brodhagen
L.C.W. meeting. The singing of
Joy to the World ushered in a nice
opening to the theme. The film
showed various customs and
traditions ,from the lands' of ice
and snow as well as sunny Mexico
and Africa. Following the film,
there was a reading, Friendship
at Christmas, then the hymn, 0
Come to my Heart, Lord Jesus,
There is room in my Heart for
Thee, was sung and the devotions
were closed with prayer. Mrs.
Edward Scherbarth and Mrs.
Boyd Driscoll were in charge of
this portion of the meeting.
Mrs. Edgar Elligsen presided
over the-business. This being her
last meetine since her term as
president has expired, she passed
out little favours during roll call
as a token of appreciation for the
co-operation she received during
her four years as president.
General and mission
treasurers' reports were given
showing the ladies had a. good
year financially and were active in
many ways, sponsoring h child in
Japan, contributing to Lutheran
Church synodical missions,
making relief quilts, hosting
world day of prayer, senior
citizens' day and the Western
District Assembly, catering to two
weddings and the bowlers'
banquet, serving -14 funeral
lunches, sponsoring installation
of a, telephone in the church and
contributing to the renovated
Mike Feeney, Francis Maloney,
W.D. Wilson, Mrs. Bonnie
Cronin, Mrs. Audrey Malone,
Mary Connelly, Jean Maloney
and Frs. Maloney.
Specials: Paul Reyner, Steve
Steinman, Mrs. Doug Racho,
Frank Nyland, W.D. Wilson,
Mrs. Luella Murphy, Gord
Consolations: Karen 'Cronin,
Mary Ann V anbergen , Mrs.
Leona Nigh, Mrs. Jim Devereaux.
Door Prizes: Barbara Sloan
and Frank Nigh.
The "Old Timers" card party
last Thursday afternoon was a
disappointing turnout. I under-
stand there was a mixup on the
date.. However those who did
attend had an enjoyable
Winners were: Ladies high,
Mrs. Mary McIver; low, Mrs.
Glen Zimmer; lone hands, Mrs.
Leo Murray; Men's high, Lou
Coyne; low, Louis Feeney; Lone
hands, Lewis Coyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manley,
Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Malone on Sunday.
Jack D. Malone has recently-
returned from a business trip to
Mrs. Williamson, Mike and
Cathy, .. Thorndale spent the
weekend with her father Mike
Doyle and other relatives.
Mike Doyle visited in Zurich
Sunday and while their I under-
stand he was snowbound.. Sorry '
Mike. •
fiscal year 1977 for $7500,00 were
approved, with construction to be
clay tile.
Tax refunds in the sum of
$319.60 were approved. This was,
for taxes paid twice, and dogs
that were charged for incorrectly.
The Clerk was instructed to
advertise change of date of
Landfill Site opening from
December 25th to December
27th, and from January 1st to
January 3rd, January 3 is the last
date the site will be opened for
the winter months.
The last regular meeting of the
year will be held on the 20th
December 1976 at 2 P.M.
2U0 Presson Labels
(White or Gold)
Cocktail napkins and
matches both with name or
initials imprinted. De-
lightful souvenir of your
holiday parties or a
thoughtful gift for the
Lutheran Life Society meetp
-Choose from these
Four Type Styles -
Mi.. Did Robinson
WPC :west MS
c 50 Facial Quality Napkins
imprinted in red or gold
and attractively packaged