HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-09, Page 26rdizehrs fine markets... of fine foods ' A Welcome and Appreciated Gift That Will Please Anyone! A ZEHRS GIFT CERTIFICATE for MialsoilatIves, onoloyeesi AlgAlkWART, bosinsus Itil*IdattlatOtiOtt4efitiikalti/litilatiecilatierg AND ENDORSE /Y 7116 RECIPIENT, Wilt 11 REOEfmEC., pENT C104004 40 1,1110 040 114014041,401F410 . 401104 W 111 ASK ANY AS no moot no onOto PIN* MIAS HEAD OFFICE: 571.4110 zehts r. MR. & MRS. JOHN DOE iff• C,, t„ alp TEERTip icErf, WHEN PRESENTED I ANY RN RS /DA FT'. mutcHAtioise TO THE VALUE Of ESS DOLLARS FliA1 THE ABC COMPANY LIMITIO— ', • f THE HURON. AXPQ$1,TOE4 :DECEMBER 9, lon ck's jottings pI new regulations improve school bu safety (Liberal — St. George) asked the Minister to include in his report information regarding the case- load of the after-care workers handling each teenager irge had died, • and Stephen Lewis commented that the report would probably show that the probation officers concerned probably had such heaVy case-loads that "nobody had time to look after them. I think you will find what is true of all services in, Ontarie - that after-care folloW-up is desperately inadequate." "inclining in this direction". The Minister of Transportation and Communication announced the reduction of gas prices by Imperial Oil at Service Centres on Highways 400 and 401. Mr. Snow„ stated that he was questioned in the Legislature ahout the differential in the price of gasoline between Highway Service Centres on the 400 and 401 and off highway Stations. The Minister, in a word of explanation, said- that these service centres operate under a lease agreement with the oil companies which tender for the award of such leases, and the lease agreements' call for a percentage of the 'gross revenues, not a per gallon rate. The Minister said when most of the leases or contracts were drawn up, fuel was at a- much more reasonable price but as the costs increased the sale price of the product increased. AS a consequence, the 400-401 service centres have been paying their released from provincial training schools. The Minister of Correctional Service.a told the Legislature this week that nine boys and one girl between the ages of 14 and 17 had died in the year ending March 1975, while they were still wards. of the province, and that there had been ten• similar cases in the previous year. He said the teenagers had been free from training schools for an average of 17 months before their deaths. Margaret Campbell, MPP Minister of Transportation and Communications, or the Premier, to delay issuing Greyhoupd with the necessary permits, until the Cabinet has had an opportunity to consider the major policy change. Entrance Exams Liberal MPP foe Kitchener James Breithaupt, raised in the Legislature the fact that the Minister of Govedrnment Services, Margaret Scrivener had indicated in a recent newsletter to constituents that the Government may introduce entrance examinations for universities, and has asked Ontario's principals and headmasters to produce a plan for , a province-wide investigation of standards in testing and marking.The Minist er of Colleges and Universities has admitted that university entrance examinations may be introduced, that the idea is being studied, but he didn't care to suggest that "it will happen next fall." According to the Education Minister, universities are rental percentage on ,inflated ,costs. The Ministry negotiated with the Oil Companies and as a result Imperial Oil has agreed to lower the prices they charge motorists using service stations on Highways 400 and 401. The Ministry is also now committed to amending its agreements with the Oil Companies, allowing them tp reduce th,e amount equal to the increases from September, 1973, from their gross revenues. The increases from September 1973, stem from higher Federal taxes and the oil producing countries well-head royalties. As of November 23rd, the price of gasoline 'at Esso stations on Highways 400 and 401 has dropped anywhere from five to nine cents a gallon. Follow UP The Provincial Government is to produce a detailed report on the follow-up care provided for nineteen teenagers who have died in the last two years after be(ing company paid "thousands" of dollars to bring 70 witnesses to Toronto to support the company's application. Liberal Leader Stuart Smith has stated that bus service to many small Ontario communities is threatened by the Transport Board decision to permit an American controlled company to operate on the two main Ontario routes , under discussion. "It appears hat the Davis Government is willing to condone this sell-out to American interests at the expense of a Canadian Company owned by Ontario taxpayers", he said. Gray Coach officials said this week that Greyhound will skim the profits' from these two money-making routes, making it impossible for Gray Coach to continue to provide service on money losing routes in the rest of the Province. Stuart Smith and other Opposition Members have tried repeatedly to persuade the (From Jack Riddell, M.P.P.) Regelations Were filed this • Week, by the Honourable James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications, to improVe school bus transportation. One of the main areas the regulations concentrate on is the school bus driver's driving record as well as the operator's moral character, • The Regulations setting forth Measures to improve school bus safety will come into effect February 1st, 1977. These 'Measures are Any applicant for a school bus licence will be refused if that .person's driving record shows more than six demerit points. A licence will be withdrawn from the holder if that person's driving record shows an accumu- lation of at least nine demerit points. Any applicant will be denied a ti cence to drive a school bus if he or she has had a licence suspension .within the past year resulting from a driving offence under The Highway Traffic Act or the Criminal Code, A School Bus Operator's licence will also be withdrawn should any bus driver be convicted of two or more motor vehicle related offences under the Criminal Code of Canada within the past five years. A li cence will also be denied on withdrawn, should an applicant or driver have been convicted of a moral offence such as rape or indecent assault or conviction of importing or trafficking in narcotics. The reasoning behind these measures is that .a driver considered to be a poor risk to driVe his or her family car, is also an equally poor risk to transport children daily on a school bus. In the case of the denial or withdraw! of licences because of moral offence convictions, the Minister said that we owe it to the children being transported daily to see that they. are safe in every sense of the .word. In addition, the regulations require that a Defensive Driving Course or a School Bus Driver Improvement Course, on a one time basis, be taken before a Ilicence is granted to operate a school bus. It will also be necessary to carry on every school bus, a First Aid kit, prescribed by the Canadian Standards AssociationJor school buses. Greyhound There has been considerable discussion this week about a ruling of the Ontario Highway Transportation to allow Greyhound Lines of Canada Ltd. to run buses on routes between Toronto and Buffalo and Toronto and Sudbury which are at present served by Gray Coach, a subsidiary of'the Toronto Transit Commission.., Gray Coach spokesmen have said that the company will appeal the decision to the Ontario Cabinet, but the Minister of Transportation and Communications has told the Legislature that he agrees with the Board's reasons for giving the ruling - complaints of poor service by Gray Coach, and the need for competition on the routes in the public interest. Leonard Moynehan, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union has charged that telegrams of support for the Greyhound service from union locals, read in the House by the Minister, were paid for by Greyhound, and that although more jobs might be provided they would not be in Ontario, because Greyhound would then have a cross-Canada service, with drivers from the United States, or from Winnipeg driving through Ontario. A vice president of Greyhound admitted in a telephone interview, reported in a Toronto newspaper, that the GEORGE of BRUSSELS John St. Brussels 887-6751 Josephine St. Wingham 357-1932 Ladies & Gents Hair Styling zo.,4144 super special super special ZEHRS REG. 98' lb. 78. ZEHEIS REG. 83' It. PRIDE OF CANADA • REGULAR OR BEEF C CANADA 'A GRADE BEEF CHUCK BLADE ROAST REMOVED BLADE BONE super special CANADA 'A' GRADE C BEEF CHUCK SHORT RIB ROAST SKINLESS WIENERS ,b SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SAT. DEC. 11 super special PRODUCE OF U.S.A. SUNKIST • super special PRIDE OF CANADA ZEHRS REG. $1.08 lb. ZEHRS REG. • 48' - SLICED PREPARED NAVEL 63 SIZE 1's LUNCHEON MEATS 6 6 S oz R PKG super special SCHNEIDERS BROKEN SLICES ORANGES super special CALIFORNIA JUMBO BUDDED lb. C • ZEHRS REG. 99. lb. super special ZEHRS FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM GROUND BEEF ZEHRS REG. S1.09 DIAMOND WALNUTS 8 COOKED Helpful hints for winter driving lb. HAM 6 oz, PKG. C CALIFORNIA NO. 1 FRESH CRISP lb. HEAD LETTUCE SCHNEIDERS FRESH $1.09 SPECIAL! ENGLISH SAUSAGE_ 23_ SCHNEIDERS LOOP STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE lb. $1.19 SCHNEIDERS EYE OF THE ROUND' super special ZEHRS REG. Sr.79lb. , Winter weather gets the blame' for a lot of. accidents. But, acco ding' to . the 'Ontario 'Safety League, the real culprit in most cases is the driver who fails to adjust tp cold weather problems. Here are some of the causes of winter wrecks' and. the defensive driving measures used to avoid them. "Too fast for conditions" is all too frequently listed as an accident factor. When the road is slippery you can't stop as quickly or as safely. Lower your speed when the road surface "is hazardous. The Ontario Safety League states that you should stretch your following distance to even double or triple the usual road interval. Abrupt turns, lane changing and -sudden acceleration or deceleration can cause bad skids on ice and snow. Anticipate turns or speed changes and make them slowly and gradually. Li mited visibility is a major problem. A driver vitio scrapes only a lilttle peephole in 'his ice-covered windshield is asking for it. Clear your , windshield completely of ice and snow and keep it that way. Also, scrape outside mirrors clear. Be sure your defroster is in good shape. Poor traction has caused many a crackup. Check tread wear on your snow tires and keep them inflated' correctly. Tire inflation should be checked more frequently during winter months to be sure pressures are at recommended levels; cold weather reduces tire pressure approximately one pound every 5 degree celsius drop in temperature. There's only one trick to winter driving,• according to the -Ontario Safety League ....take it slow and easy, from start, to stop! SWIFTS PREMIUM SLICED HEAD SIDE BACON ONTARIO FANCY MACINTOSH •APPLES 5 lb X1.29 lb. 949 SWEET, PICKLED CORNED BEEF CALIFORNIA NO. 1 SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER FLORIDA NO. 1 KING SIZE CUCUMBERS EA. 69c SPECIAL! • FRESH SLICED 39c lb BURNS SMOKED FULLY COOKED 1/2 OR COTTAGE' ROLL WHOLE lb '1.39 3 SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS - 9 VARIETIES PORK LIVER_, SANDWICH ROLLS 8 °2 UNICEF is volunters UNICEF does not share in the United Nations budget, which is financed by regular pre-determined government contributions. Rather, the United Nations Children's Fund is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions from governments and people. Your purchase of UNICEF greeting cards and calendars goes a long way in helping UNICEF provide food, clean water, medicines and school supplies for children in 109 developing countries. 2 for 59c 2 lb. BAGS 3 for .0. GRADE 'A' BEEF CROSS RIB ROAST lb.- 98c ONTARIO NO. 1 SWEET YOUNG CARROTS MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED FRESH ONTARIO. PORK lb. $1.29 SIDE SPARERIBS b 9.19 COTTAGE ROLL FCZVAC super special WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. super special super special ZEHRS CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE FRESH EGGS 711 E.D. SMITH DELICIOUS KRAFT SPIRALS MACARONI AND CHEESE DINNER 6.75 oz, PKGS. C GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 oz PKGS. FOR BAGS FOR doz. SUNMAID - SEEDLESS RAISINS 15 oz, BOX 9.1.9 CUDNEY CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL_ , 100,, TINS 3 for 89c THE UNCOLA - RETURNABLES REGULAR SEVEN-UP PLUS 2S:32,11. 3 for 89c LOW CALORIE - RETURNABLES P L U DEPOSITS26oz 3 for 79, DIET SEVEN-UP ROYALE - WHITE. YELLOW. PINK OR PUMPKIN $1 .99 r.#!STIITOTSYELS super special • CARNATION BONUS SIZE FROZEN super special GRANNYS FRESH DELICIOUS C Water Weill DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS PHONE Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0715 J' BUTTER • TARTS PKG. OF 12 HASH BROWN POTATOES 2 1/2 n) BAGS 2 VARIETIES FROZEN PREPARED MEAT TRAY super special WITTICHS OLD COUNTRY STYLE 2 ROLL PKG 99c '2.19 BROMO SELTZER 160 g 1,39 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED SPRAY HOLIDAY FARMS 2 lb HOLIDAY FARMS PREPARED FROZEN . CABBAGE Rom 2 lb. FRESH BREAD 2.0, 8 oz, PKG. 79c SECRET ANTIPERSPIRANT 9.59 BADEN CHEESE • 12 oz .3 BLACK DIAMOND INDIVIDUAL WRAPPED CHEESE SLICES COLEY BRICK 0R for L.. 4 1/2 oz. 21 REG. PRICE 5 STRAINED FRUIT VEGETABLES OR JUICES BABY WASHCLOTHS 787 SEALTEST CREAMED OR LIGHT 'N' LIVELY COTTAGE CHEESE 16 oz. 69c COLOURED 1 /4 LB, PORTIONS BLUE BO AUTO BODY REPAIRING 3112 — $1•59 super Spepiai. PLUS DEPOSIT ON JUG g ft„ DIETRICHS FRESII"BAKED o- SCONE ROLLS RUPERT FROZEN • COD FISH & CHIPS 20 Oz PKGS, OF i 2 2 f 89C ANY BRAND FRESH c MILK PARTLY SKIMMED 3 QT. BAG OR JUG SPECIAL! r 26.402 $ 01 n iiitteCtISLIAEltIRY Qui.K mua 1 lb. SIZE 99 SPECIAL! PURE VEGETABLE SPECIAL! OIL ROYALE • 4 COLOURS ak FACIAL TISSUE100!Z for 99* ZEHRS BRAND INSTANT COFFEEroz_s_2.99 SPECIAL! • *Complete Collision Service *Custom Painting *Frame repair *Side mouldings *Door mouldings *Windshield service SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 19 oz. FABRIC SOFTENER FANCY SLICED, CRUSHED OR CHUNKS LIQUID FLEECY ""z 42.39 ,DOLE PINEAPPLE_ 2 for 99c. PLASTIC WRAP -11 3/8" WIDTH 'SUNSHINE FROZEN SPECIAL! WRAP so !1' Z for 99* FANCY GREEN PEAS219c SPECIAL! NEILSONS SIZE 'AA' • CARO OF 2 . HEAVY DUTY MA% ICE CREAM SANDWICHES, ICE CREAM BARS OR , ak Ak EVEREADY BATTERIES IV* NUTTY CONES 6 P ACK OW SPECIAL! HEAVY DUTY ' SPECIAL! CARD OF 2 "C" OR "0" OR ONi•VOLT — KRAFT PURE EVEREAD BATTERIES99C. ORANGE JUICE, - 64.g, IF YOUt GET A DING — GIVE US A RING . ECS Seaforth Collision ,. Centre FERG r.1 US,I IA1 vhfAID 41 ,4" NEW HAMBURG, HANOVER, KINCARDINE AND GODERICH CA <<<PI 310(Af101,15 IN Iff HI P 111 I Ill AND AMfifliDol <<< near of Esso gtitkokt E. 617404.88 "