HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-09, Page 16-Appraisals - Property Management -Investments tia I - F r -Business -Resort Properties cliff REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 MAIN ST. SOUTH SEAFORTH V.C.' t Vic) Fox. REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE - 527.1511 RES. - 523-9525 SEAFORTH Beautiful modern new bungalow - 3 bedrooms, separate dining room Living room, Ultra modern kitchen - full basement - electric heat - 91' x 118' Lot. Possession immediately.' TUCKERSMITH 5 room mobile home in excellent condition with 4 pc. bath, carpeted and cushion floors, well insulated, 3 bedrooms. Lovely living room, large modern kitchen. Built in furniture, built on porch, drapes, cement patio. CLINTON 11/2 story insul brick house, 3 bedrooms, living room , separate dining room, kitchen with modern cupboards completely redecorated , carpeted throughout. Utility room, F.D. Oil Heat, nice lot and location. Attached garage. CLINTON 31/2 acres, cash crop land - within the Town Limits of Clinton - excellent potential for development on paved road. • HENSALL 6 room house - solid and comfortable • ne.yv F.A. Oil furnace in high dry basellient. Nice lot, 2 - 3 bedrooms, Garage. LONDESBORO 94 acres, 90 workable, cash -crop land - 1/4 mile off Hwy. #4 on County Road. W. WAWANOSH 100 acres, 60 ac. bush, 40 workable Adjoins Maitland Conservation property. -• PORT FRANKS 2 summer cottage lots 75' x 200' each. Docking facilities - ideal building sites. An ideal spot for relaxation. • 14-74-1 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 LARRY PLUMSTEEone 527-0052 PIERRE RAMMELOO :523-9478 Clinton Office, Phone 482-3821 Member of Huron Real. Estate Board Multiple Listing Service SEAFORTH HOMES 11/2 storey home on a good lot close to downtown, 3 bedrdbm home, nicely decorated on a large lot in school area. 3 bedroom modular home, good condition in trailer court 2 storey home in beautiful condition, centrally located, large lot. 3 bedroom new home in Egmondville on good sized lot. FARMS' 50 aces' of cash crop land near Holmesville. 120 acres, 100 workable near Blyth, 3 bedroom house, large b am Sow farrowing operation on 50 acres near Clinton. 100 acre cash crop farm near Lucknow with buildings 80 acres all workable near Clinton 34 acres, 22 workable, 12 of bush, gravel bottom. 80 acres, 70 workable 'no buildings, at Holmesville. VILLAGE & RURAL PROPERTIES Vanastra - 3 bedroom • home in gord area for $19,000.00 7 room house on 1 acre near Walton 3 bedroom country home in Bayfield area 3 bedroom brick home on 1'/4 acres east of Seaforth. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES We have listed a Variety Store, Grocery Store, Feed Mill, and a good selection of apartments and Income Property. Good selection of homes for sale in Clinton. 14-74-1 14 I roperty For.ale 14 Property For Sale Sales Persons Due to increased sales of new and used cars, Ideal automobile dealership requires new and used car sales persons. -Experience not necessary but an asset. -Must be aggressive. -Neat in appearanc$, • -Be willing to earn ',money. COMPENSATION PLAN -Above, average commissions -Bonus -Company car -Reasonable working hours. and conditions -Fringe Benefits. Apply in person to: DAVID NEILSON SALES MANAGER 52 7-1 7 5 0 4-74-1 11 Articles For Sale MATCHING blue flight bags in perfect condition 1/2 price, 527-0658. 11-74x1 300 ,Bales of second cut hay, Phone 345-2386. 11-745(2 SIX foot snow bucket will fit any loader with very little adjustment, 345-2527. • 11-74.1 HARDWOOD Maple ' firewood, 527-1545. 11-74-1 Produce your own electric power with a PTO driven Alternator- Generator All sizes available now Call collect 1-519-634-8424 PIG AMINT SYSTEMS PETERSBURG, ONTARIO 11-74-6 MOBILE HOME 50 x 10, 2 bedrooms, front kitchen, good condition. Price includes tax, stove, fridge and free delivery within 100 miles of Merlin , only $2900.00. 689-4823. 11-73-2 Sewing Machines For Christmas giving WHITES from $69.95 ELNA from $269.95 HUSQVARNA from $369.95 Used sewing machines from $19.95' Deposits, Mastercharge, Chargex, and monthly payment plan. Machines guaranteed up to 25 years with up to two years'free service. Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. every night until Christmas, Saturday until 5:30 Sew & Save Centre 149 Downie Street (2 doors south of Hudson's) Stratford, Ontario 271.9660 * 11,74-4 10-T•F,11;HE N EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 9, 1076 t you have an eye for real value • you'll eye the want ads regularly .., 1 Coming Events NEW Bingo Clinton Hall .8:30 Dec. 9, 1976. Admission $1.00. $220.in 56 calls. 1-74-1 eechwood Pottery's regular show and sale Sunday afternoon 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 21/2 m . north of St. Columban 345-2184 1- 69-tf HELP support Arena Fund. ',Seaforth Optimists VS Seaforth Firemen, Sunday, December 19, 1976, 2 p.m. Proceeds for Arena Fund. Tickets $1.00, Free draw` on door prizes. 1-73-2 Bingo Every Monday Night at the' VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton . 8 P.M. 15 regular games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200.00, must go. Door prizes and many other specials, Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-73-tf 1-74.1 Florida Florida Florida Come with FETTES TOURS AND TRAVEL to Sunny Florida and we promise y ou an unforgettable winter this year., We will wisk you away from the snow and slush so that you can relax on the sandy beaches and splash in the warm waters of Florida. Lots of sightseeing and visits to major attractions (Admissions included), also highlight our tours. Our experienced and friendly drivers, charming and eager-to-help escorts will be with you throughout to make sure that you have the ,time of your life, both on and off our modern coaches. We have a great line-up of a variety of exciting tours to Florida, for y ou to choose from, at very competitve prices. ***CHRISTMAS IN FLORIDA Departare:Dec. 23rd Duration: 11 days ***FLORIDA SUN SPOTS Departures: Jan .15, Feb.12,Fb.19,Feb.26, Duration: 14 days ***FLORIDA/NASSAU CRUISE Departure: Jan.29th • Duration: 14 days *** FLORIDA MID-TERM BREAK Departure: March 18 Duration: 9 days Enquire about all these plus many more like Padre Island& Mexico, California, best of Britain, romantic Europe, etc. that are also available right now. Call, write or drop in 'for a free brochurentaining the complete details of all our current tours. For all your travel needs come to Fettes Tours and Travel Ltd. "THE ONE-STOP TRAVEL CENTRE FETTES TOUR & TRAVEL LTD. MITCHELL 348-8492 MOUNT FOREST 323.1545 1-74-1 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 WordS $1.50, 6c per word • thereafter. SUBSEQUENT. INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TOinT seHrit S().ff!E •- 50c per ion BIRTHS 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c.. • IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words .$1.50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the .price of 2. • CARD OF THANKS - ' 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisem6nte after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline tot oltiasilled ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays. 1 Coming Events BOX In SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527.0050 ' BUS TOURS AIRLINE TICKETS CHARTER FLIGHTS PACKAGE HOLIDAYS ****** BROCHURES ON REQUEST Ont. Reg. No: 1239997 1-73-tf 2 Lost, Strayed LOST about one month ago Ladies gold rope chain. Reward, Mrs. Wm. Campbell, 527-0452 evenings. 2-74-1 LOT 4, 5, 6, 7, North Boundary of McKillop, 1 dark red Shorthorn, cow, approx. 900 lbs. Phone 527-1103 collect after five. 2.74-2 4 Help Wanted 7 Situations Wanted DO you need a mature baby sitter? Call 345-2667 7-74-2 8' Farm Stock For Sale REGISTERED 2 year old Holstein bull from excellent dam. 345-2295." 8-74-1 A 3 year old Palomino mare Can be registered Appaldosa breeding stock. Real quiet and well broke. A good child's horse. 527-1059. 8-74-1 HOLSTEIN cow, due, Lloyd Haney, 527-0197. 8-74-1 SERVICEABLE age Hampshire boars, Hamp X „Duroc boars, R.Q.P. tested and commercial.. Reasonably priced call Bob Robinson, 345-2317. 8.73-2 10 Used Cars For Sale 1968 Automatic, '4 door Chevelle, excellent condition: low mileage. Apply to Box 3255 The Huron Expositor. 10-74-1 1974 Ford, F100' .Super Cab, V8 power steering, automatic, excellent condition, 527-0543. 10-74-2 1971 Chev pick up truck, step bumper, power brakes, radio, 6 cylinder standard, excellent condition $1495.00, 262-6502. 10-74-1 11 Articles For Sale Kam burner electric range in good condition, call after 6 p.m, - 527-0520. 11-74x2 VELVET chesterfield and chair 2 table lamps, and one tub chair, all in good condition, 482-7439. 11.74-1 BRAND new power humidifier, 527-0844. 11-73x2 MOBILE HOME' 65 x 12, 2 large bedrooms, large front living room, excellent condiiton, Price includes new hydro service, tax, stove, fridge and free delivery within 100 miles of Merlin, only $6500.00, Phone 659- 4823. 11-73-2 TEN puppies to give away, 527-0675. 11-74x1 WOODEN TOYS, 1 set bunk beds; 1 swinging cradle; 3 high chairs; 5 wheel barrows. - Foster Bennett, 527-0263 11-74x1 ONE Goodyear Polyglass Whitewall snow tire, size F78-14 in excellent condition mounts on rim. Phone. 527-0941. 11-74x1 ARTIFICIAL 5 ft. pine tree; $8.00 527-1077. 11-74-1 YOUNG Muscovy Ducks, dressed orlive, Call 887-6991. 11-74-3 USED snow tires - One Uniroyal F78-14 -$2.00; one Uniroyal G78-15 -$10.00 and one pair' Mohawk F78-15 - $5.00. The Huron Expositor, 'Phone 527-0240. 11.74x2 APPLES Northern Spy, McIntosh, Wayne and Red Delicious $3.50 per bushel and up. Fresh cider, potatoes , cooking and Spanish onions and honey. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, Phone 524-8037. 11-71-tf 'CHRISTMAS trees, cut your own 54,00, 3 concessions north of Clinton Highway 4 (Cons. 6 - 7) 1 1/2 concessions east. Saturdays and Sundays in December. 11-73-3 SNOWMOBILE' 300 cc, 18 h.p., self starting 345-2974 after 4 o'clock. 11-73-3 • STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11- i3xtt APPLES: Buy now for Christmas, Northern Spies, Ida' Reds, Delicious. Bring containers , Ross Middleton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river, 482-9136. 11-73-4 ONE person's junk is another's gold mine. Turn your unwanted articles into cash with an EXPOSITOR classified. 527-0240. 11-73xtf TWO snow tires, 578.14, 3 tires A78.13 345-2102. . 11-74-1 'A small quantity of old or used clay drainage tile. Phone 527-1578 after 5 p.m. 12-74x1 SNOWMOBILE suits - one to fit an 18 year old boy and 13 year old girl in good condition. Margaret 14ulley , 527-1856. 12-74x1 A used Honda 70 trail bike. Would consider a good Mini Bike, 527-1059. 12-74-1 GIRL'S snowmobile suit, size 14-16,527-0675. 12-74x1 PUPPIES to give away, Phone 262-5151. 11.74-1 To Give Away six German Shepherd pups, 345-2185 after 6. 11.74-1 FOR BEDROOM or livingroom luxury give deep 'pile sheepskin rugs this Christmas. For the spinners Canadian 1/4 wool inquire Adamsdale Farm, R.R.4, Clinton, 482-7446. 11-74-3 MELLOW Sonic organ for sale. Call 527.1388 after six. 11-74-1 NEED cash for Christmas? Sell your outgrown and unwanted articles through an EXPOSITOR classified ad. Phone 527-0240. 11-71)(6 LADIES' brown Mouton fur coat, size 16 in good condition. Apply Hildebrand Paint and Paper or Phone 527-1880 or 527-1784. • 11.740 GIRLS Bauer figure skates size 21/2 . Three pairs step dancingi144x shoes sizes 3 & 31/2 , 527- ' 13561 12 Wanted To Buy Wanted to buy ladies tigu skates, Size 6a, -Phone 345-2148. 12-74-1 . , WANT to buy a fridge, a Ford or a , phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted' to buy classified ad. 527,0240. 12-73xtf 14 Property For Sale REAL ESTATE LTD. 482-9371 Clinton 175 acre dairy farm near Walton, 136 acres workable, fully equipped. Good 2 storey brick home. * * * * * * New homes built to order, we have a selection of serviced lots to choose from. * * **'** GEORGE R JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER /3:4-4‘.., • WEST toRNE-oNT,i 76! :11 Selling real estate is a bit like fishing. If you go. about it with quietness and,. patience results will come your, way. This year has been rewarding for us. We sold a paradise up on the Maitland River to a chap half way round the world from Malaysia, a property owned by two brothers in Copper Cliff to a nice couple in London, tobacco rights in the Port Elgin Southampton area to farmers in the Kent-Essex region, a gravel pit in Grey Township, a sandhill in McKillop, plus a fair number of houses, lots and businesses in and around Seaforth. We met people from \India, Pakistan, South Korea, Germany, Poland, Holland and Turkey; Some with jewelled turbans on their heads accompanied by genteel partners in dainty wrappings. All of it was interesting. The festive Season is near at hand; have a nice weekend. WILLIAM M. HART Seaforth 527-0870 or 527.1972 14-74-1 16 For Sale or Rent 3 Bedroom home in Brucefield, rural setting with suitable grounds for gardening. May call 482-7195. 16-74-1 TWO or three bedroom apartment in Mitchell. Private entrance. Available now 'Phone '345-2676, 16:74-2 I Additiondl Classified on Page 17 tri 11 Articles For Sale 'Table and 4 chairs. Phone . 527-1346. 11-74-1 COPIES Copies of your important papers documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITQR 11:-73xtf TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-73-tf SKI-WHIZ snowmobile '73 model, series 340. In good condition $475. Phone 527-0818 or 527-1257. 11-7x1 4 Help Wanted 1 Coming Events GOT an event coming up? 9000 people will read about it in THE EXPOSITOR Coming Events classified. Buy two insertions and get the third one free. Phone 52/7-0240. 1-73244 RECEPTION for Bill and Valerie Shortreed, Friday, Dec. 10., Family Paradise. Ladies please bring lunch. Ian Wilbee Orchestra. 1 -74x1 SEAFORTH OPTIMIST 1977 WINTER CARNIVAL FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 - 8 P.M. Arena Fund Raising Event Casino nite and Smorgasbord Tickets - Members/ Forge/ Seaforth Insurance SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1976 9 A.M. Snow Sculpturing 4 Categories at Opt. park 1 P.M. T.B.A, 9 P.M. - Carsival Ball Legion - - Aires 9 P.M. Dance - Arena - Lincoln Green SUNDAY, JAN. 16, 1976 T. B. A. A NEW Holland 202 manure spreader, ground drive. 482-7439. 11.74-1 SNOMOBILE Helmets with face masks, metal flake finish. Phone 527-1860. 11-74-2 SUZUKI - Folk Guitar, excellent condition, a good Christmas gift - Guitar and case $50.00, ' Call 527-0171 of ter 6 p.m. 11.74x1 GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. Place your low priced E4positer classified at 527-0240. 11.73xtr 11 Articles For Sale . MOBILE home 50 x 12, 2 bedrooms, front kitchen, new hydro service, excellent condition. Price includes tax, stove, fridge, skirting and free delivery within 100 miles of Merlin. Only $4900.00. Phone 689-4823. 11-73-2 New 1 floor brick home inClinton, attached garage, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, NA" basement. * * * * * 1 floor frame home in Clinton, 5 • rooms, 3 bedrooms,,, electric heat, full basement. * * * * * 44 Low priced 1'/2 storey• home in Clinton, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, dining and living room, full basement. Good location. ** * * * * FOOD FOR THOUGHT The beauty of snow is best appreciated by people with short driveways. 14-74-1 NEW BRICK HOMES $34,323. Harold White Homes offer these well finished 3 bedroom homes in Vanastra through the AHOP program. $1,700 down and $250. per month. Buy now and get free mortgage payments until April, or trade in your present home. SEAFORTH West Willi am Street - One floor 3 bedroom home, full basement, gas furna, large back yard. Three blocks from main corner. JOHN ST. - Close to Main St. 2 floor rerribdelled 3 bedroom home. Extra large living room, utility room, gas furnace, new aluminum siding. I - CHALK - 2 floor 3 bedroom newly remodelled home features aluminum siding, new kitchen, carpeted living room, bath with vanity and gas 'hot water heat. LOTS - 4 building lots at the south end of town. EGMONDVILLE GEORGE STREET - 3 bedroom bungalow 'features finished rec room , detached double garage, town Water. See this one before you buy. NEW- 3 bedroom bungalow $38,000, TUCKERSMITH Acreage - 50' acres partly bush. DUBLIN Year old - 2 bedroom bungalow with carport and paved drive. Good heated workshop with 2,000 sq. ft., zoned commercial, suitable for many types of business. ,Lots - 2 adjacent lots each 132' x 132'. $5,000 each with terms. Clinton Office 482.3595 John Thompson 527-0238 John Duddy 482.3652 Moranne Duddy 482-3652 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtors, 14-74-1 USE EXPOSITOR WANT -ADS Phone 527-0240 BOX 249 r. g V