The Wingham Times, 1895-03-22, Page 66 Tm9:4 WIN GUAM TIME, 111ARCII !,),24 4`-115
'? ttiit'tti inn
IritIDAN MAUCH 92, 1895.
' . •
PitarEc'rrIox has been a grand fail-
ure. Sir John Macdonald promised
that the population of the Canadian
Northwest would be' 1,000,000 in
1831; it .was 251,473. Sir Charles
Tupper promised that the -Canadian
Northwest would produce 040.000.-
001 bushol4 of wheat by 18.10; in
1891 it produced 15,000.000, Sir
Leonard Tilley said that the sale of
lands in the Canadian Northwest
would- reduce the nubile debt by
$103,003,00) by 18.)0 or 1831; the
net publicdebt of the Dominion has
been biereased from 8142,000,000 in
1.878 to $241,781,039 in 1893, show-
ing- a deficit in Sir Leonard Tilley's
estimate .of the effects of protection
nf. V00,000,000. Instead of a, large
revenue from the sales of Northwost
lands the. government have 'given
away over 40,000,000 . acres of the
test lands to railway companies and
other large corpora tions. • led to the publie:debt each year. All
Costigan, has gone to the &WIC
ProVillVt` intik later 111$ individual
Alta so it goes. So far as we can
learn but one out of the whole
twelve, drawing an aggregate of
$1,800 a week, is in Ottawa this
week and he, Mr. Angers, h
mhad to re-
main behind because of a slight in-
disposition. Poor man, he will be
apt to bo lonesome there all alone!
Some feel it is high time fbr the
Governor General to interfere. The
people are paying $1.,000 a week for
his salary and over another $1,000 a
week for his expenses of various
. kinds. Surely they have a right to
' expect something. fie, however,
has been attending eurling =Whys
• at Toronto and IIamllton; besides
receptions and addresses, and has not
had time, either.
Yes, so it goes. The pay goes
• straight on, ---nothing is surer than
that. The pressing. public business
is being shamefully and systemati-
cally neglected, ---nothing is more
evident than that. The people are
being. bled at every pore to raise
Ifiands-with which to. meet such ex-
! penses, and et these are overrun-
] ning the income by millions a year.
Millions and millions are being add -
No Work.and. Big Pay. •
. . •
We doubt if the affairs•ef aur Do-
niniou were everbefore
conducted suella Weak and vas-
• . Oillating manner they are now, .or
if we ever before had men -filling so
• Inahy important dephaments, and
TeceiVing such largo pay 'therefor as
"aiC.alr. The San has referred to these
. erio....CS.iiihtters, over and aver again,
•' freSh Illustrations are' occurring
'eVery day•of bow important
- '111.1S111CSS is 'being • neglected by- •our
Dontinien Mitilstem• in order that
their:owe. persenal.affairs: and, their
own party interests may be attended
toWe 'are now weeks past 'the. time
when the •aumnal, session of Parlia,
ment.should be held and the impor-
. tant financial and other legislation of
• the yearihould.bodisposed of. Thee.pple of Canada - are to-
. .• -day in .suspense - whether .another
essiOn of.the present Parliament will
be.lield at all .or •not. - It all depends
on, the, caprice and the • convenience
-of the ' twave Ministers .at • Ottawa,
• . and all theyleondescend.- to inforrn.
ih'e! country is simply - the .fact that.
-'iheqtrdstionhats not yet been Con--
- • '6idereir • ' : . • f•
- • Recenki •We: Air
rate .beegiven to
und6Riand..that-as,..soon as the algal
s iittinitebidd'he heard regarding the
*Itit:ib..W.sdparate school matter, and
(ineStiOti:: of remedial legislation •Wati
itld be at once de-
rdedthat ttiere Would be.!either an
'• seisien. Or ' inmediate
That' queitiorpwas •
• week'. - Nearly. all: t he
• f Ministers were. present, in. -Ottawa.
''We hardly remember when. all were
there•a week at a.% dine •before. It
. annorinced, however, that
Cabinet 'meeting - will be
L.'necessary taagree 'among themselves
what will be done about remedial
''':naeasures. • We are then coolly told
•-that the gentlemen have not time for •
a. meeting this week, because of
important engagements, and so the
whole Dominion left in sus-
..-riense • as -to when this Parliament
shall meet, or it' it please the
•'Ministers to have it meet at all. • '
What are these important. engage-
ments • that prevent the 'Ministers
• frounnttending to the business they
are being paid $27 a day and liber-
al. •expenses to attend to? The
Premier had on Tuesday a public
reception- given .by . his political
And. personal friends at,.,Belleville.
To' him, • personally. that • is impor-
tant, though of naconsequence to his
• paymasters, the. people of Canada.
' The Ottawa correspondent of the
Toronto organ telegraphs on Monday -
night that, " Nearly all the Ministers
• araleaving the city to -day to keep
important engagements.. The Gov-
ernment tate Cu.mberland, with the•
,PrenneV on board; and six of his col
100,06, leave fur Toronto." Tuesday -
/miming they went to Bellevillerand
Wednesday are to attend abig
party couvention Madoc, to help,
select a candidate for North Hastings. •
Another Minister, Ruins Pepe, left to,
attend a, banquet in his honor at
(),kksbire, Quebec. *Mettler he
went in a Government ear, at the
publie expense, we do not know.
Tapper and I taggart went. through ,
by a special to attend that. -The
Ftnance Minister luta gone to New
Brunswick to look after his election
elutlICe6 there. Another,. Bow. John
the same the cry woes up for the
101d Party, the Old Policy and the
-• Old Flag:
Will the tax -payers go on blindly
- voting for a continuance of these
things? What must the harvest be
if such a course is - longer tolerated?
We have reached a • serious crisis.-
Farmers' Sun.
DI.4 149 TB XILOM13.
•-• •-•.•
Mr. Joly was received with ap-
plause. In his opening remarks he !
referred to the gravity ami import-
ance of the subject he had ehosen as
the basis Of his address. While itt,
Prance he had been accustomed to
look upon Canada as a land of forest,
but since his arrival in this country,
his orthodox views in this respect
had been dispelled, and he had been- ;
dispelled, and be had beep surprised
to note the scarcity of timber which
prevailed in the old settlements.
When Canadians realized the clanger
which threatened their country by
the wholesale and indiscriminate •
slaughter of trees which had been
carried en in previous years, and
was still practised by lumber firms
and farmers in general, he was sure
they would rise te.a sense of their
ditty and demand -snob, legislative
enactments as would inthihre pre •
vent sueh spoliation. - The trees of
the forest had an individual -anl.
collective value. Inchvalifily, they
afford material for the • construction
of houses, stores, ships, furniture, etc.,
as well as being the source of fuel
for the country districts. But in this
century iron and steel were rapidly
taking the place of wood for building
purposes, ana coal as fuel was deem-
ed an adequate substitute.. So that
the forest in its individual value
might be replaced, and the trees.
allowed. to remain were nature had
planted them. Collectively, it .was
impossible to exaggerate the import-
ance of the forest. It was valuable
for the purposes of laying up and
dispensing. graclully the store of
water necessary to the fertilization
of the land, upon which depends the
CURE. • • . !life of nations, and nothing could
DEAR Stas, -I had evere.. Headache
replacethe forest in . that. important s
office. In old conntries, . such as
' for the past three years, and was not
free from it a single day. I used doctors' France, where the absence of the
medicines And all others 1 could think forest prevails, the fertility of the
of, but it did inea'niuoirt ceibuteiiiti hast dinliniShed in:an ever-inceetts-
/33aisclt I meuasteita ever made,auesen 1st .0,
MO there were. many
threeE:bottle of it, with tl3e that. similar instances found on the .eld
it has completely Cured me. Ithiekcontinent Of the fatal results wIrich
Burdock Blood Bitters, • 1.xith:for Head- 'i•
ave followed the destruction of 'the
Robes and as a Blood Purifier. is the best ,•
There was the danger of
in the world. andatn.glad to recommend , -Wrests;
it tonit fr eods. • • • • denuding the mountain slopes to such!
. • Miss FLOM. 1VDONALD, ! an extent that the snow and ice on
• " -Glett•NOrman, Ont. their summits, finding .no barrier in
the shape of trees to impede their
ad ea 1 4' to regrol
now so 4,13 tJ
svireity of the forest troos in tlw eld
sotlement had been seKously telt by
the farmers. Many lands should
110%.01' line been denwled of thols
natural fbrests as they were the
sontle of their only value, the soli
being otherwise unfit.for cultivation.
The best means to adopt in order
that the damage caused, by the iv-
inov..1 of the trees might be repaired
would bo to re -forest the land where -
(wee required, and in this uonneetion
the most valuable trees which the
sTound and the climate would g'ew
should'"be chosen. .Prom the experi-
ence which the lecturer had had in
this reapeet, he considered the black
ivalnut of primary importance.
Tliere were other trees which might
bo pia ti tett to advantage, namely,.
the ash, oak, elm and basswood. It
was not advisable for the farmer to
go to the forest in order to secure a
supply of shoots, If a large number
-were required, a considerable period
of time would be necessary in order
to carefully dig them up and. trans-
plant. And then after all this had
been acComplished, very unsatisfac-
tory results might reward- him for
all his trouble. - Each farmer could
have his own nursery of forest teees
at very little trouble anti expeec..e.
Grow the trees 'from seed. The
seeds were always plentiful at cer-
tain seasons of the year, and should
be sown at that period. The timer
might object to this manner of re-
plenishing the forests as being of too
slow a nature but he should always
remember that he is not planting
for the sole benefit. of his time and
generation. The benefits of his
action. would accrue to , thaFe who
came after. Children could he
taught and would take an interest in
this work. Hundreds of seedlings
might be picked up which women
even save the trouble of sowing.
Nature had been always *careful in
replenishing the species, and around
the base of almost any tree might be
noticed the tiny seedlings which with
careful training and culture would
in time serve to remedy the present
lack of.forests. If the farmer adopt-
ed the plan of growing trees directly
:from the seed, he might rest assured
that the ultimate growth would be
reached as quickly as in the case of
:those which might be transplanted.
from the woods. • Great care should
be taken in transplanting the trees
grown from seed when at a certain
development. The trimming of the
rbots wasa inatter of vitaliinport
TAM Peter,-Diseovered.1 • •
• progress,. 'would in the sprit's. and
"Other boys don't have10shovel:summer ,rush downward in huge;
.paths,!! muttered Peter, crossly, as he avalanches, and, melting 'Ander the
took.. the. big weeden. snow shovel warmer temperature of the decent,
and went out into the yard. "Other I would. transform the. rivers into
boys don't have to work same as I furious torrents instead of regular.1
• have to. . -Other boys don't----" ;streams, inundations and long
• "Hullo, Peter," shouted Tommy di oughts following insuccession. in.
Eaton's •cherry Voice, "Going to , Algeria, in the south of Prance, in
shovel.?"• Colorado, in Idaho and in the west,
• •'.'S'pose so," answered Peter,, forests had been planted more for
sullenly. "I always have to:" ) the sake 'of water and irrigation
-."Isn' fun !" exclaimed Tommy. 1 than for the timber • they would
"The snow is as light as a heap of yield. The object- of the forest was
feathers this time. Last Monday it to husband the supply of water, andi
was as heavy as lead. Snow like to distribute it as the country re -
feathers is better for shoveling than quired it for its deYelopment. The
snow like lead, isn't it every time ?" forests act' as screens against the
"S'posc so," said Peter. drying winds which suck - the
"PH race you down to the front. ture of the land. and serve to !A-
gate, Peter," exclaimed Tommy, crease the rainfall, because their
briskly, an' I don't believe you can ; temperature being lower than that of
beat Inc if you try either. I've; the open country, enabled them to
shoveled all our own paths this ; act as • condensers of the vapor in
[winter, and Grandma, Burton's drive the atmosphere,. and cause its pre -
way besides, so you sec I am pretty cipitation in the form of rain,
well used to shovelling by this time!" This statement had been berm
Peter's face brightened at the out by the investigations of Mr. B.
thought of a race. do it!" he E. Fernon, chief ot' the Forest De -
said, smiling; and then how fast partment of Germany, in his excel -
those shovels did go! lent book on " Forest Influences."
Peter worked with a will, and he The importance of the forest to agri-
laughed and laughed, and shouted Culture had been so well established
"Hoo ray" when he got ahead of in this and other works, that success -
Tommy and reached the front gate ful farming might be looked for only
first. • when the' farm was situated near a,
"Why-ce, I didn't know that you limit of forest land To ensure the
could shovel as fast as that!" said best return for his labor, the farmer t
Tommy, in surprise. "Why don't and husbandman shetild therefore - .
you work that way every time, and actively engage in the cultivation of
get it over With quick ?" forest as well as -arable land. Not
o• •
With many trees the tap -root grew
faster than that part of the tree
which appeared above the ground.
Its perpendiealar course should be
converted into a horizontal one, and
this mi lit be accom b.7
ing a stone either under the seed
when planted or under the seedling
when transplanted from foreign soil.
In this manner the tap -root would be
easily available at any time for cut-
ting, • the latter process promoting
the growth of the stalk. The tree,
when once taken, required care, es-
pecially if. it were plante. d in the
open. The pruning, when •perform-
ed, shoula be close, no stumps left to
prevent "waling. Nature :invariably
healed the .wounds which man in-
flicted, lint it often happened that tile
length of the stump hindered the
bard from performing the work un-
til the centre Of the tree had become
decayed. The limb should be taken
off in close proximity to the trunk Of
the tree -so close, in fact, Mutt the
hand might be rubbed over the spot
without detecting. the slighest ob-
struction. Where •. this course of
pruning had been adepted, the bark
had 4eedily covered the wound, and
the life • ..of the tree had not been
To purify, vitalize and enrieh the
blood. and give nerve. bodily And diges-
ive strength. hike Hood's S
"I don't know,' said Peter, slowly. for the lumber which it might pro -
"I guess I'll commence now." duce, but for the nourishment of the
"I guess you won't," answered ground and the inauguration of a
Tommy. "I guess you will bay° to perfeet system of irritation, as well
wait until the next snowstorm, 'cause as to produce a beneficent climate .
you haven't got any Grandma change. The old settlers were not
'Burton's driveway." to be censured. for their indiserimin-
I'll help you, declared Peter, so ate slaughter of the trees. The Very
down the street the two little boys abundance of the forests had made
ran. them •careless as to the manner in
And would you believe it, Peter wilier they treated them. A clear- •
watched longingly for the great gray mice of sufficient land for the main-
elouds that told of a coming snow- tenancc of themselves and their •
storm, and mamma never heard families had been an absolute news
another word about, "Other boys sity on their part. tut their ex -
don't," the whole winter long; for ample had been imitated by their
Peter haddiscovered that other boys successors, and it was the action of'
"do !"----Margaret,nane, the latter which the risintr goner -
1 '4 rf; 1..
• • .• • . • L8 all
Owed. 111 logy draft . gd,,,rdaitn: istactinia in
.:,.:+ltee and lew-torra 'or Nurseries ere
the lorg,st in the Da:minion • aru 7uu eves. Nu
substitution 1,1 elders. EN:elm:he territory and
liberal teams to wink: o.4.,et time a,4ents, Write
:Hp tit OilirAjThettlli1), Ont.
Tile only :NureorY ui Canadabavug testieir diehards.
TO 011HE
Poi. 20 years I 1;04'44114i rho torments
ni thu ',waned vi itai «bud and Manua
lithi linown of ugly Ohre I would
not have hesitated to have given hun
dreds or clullare to obtain it. I followed
the i ustrautions of 1111 eminent phySiollui
sy tinge treat., ts, 1 used
pow10,4 Pilo 0181.0 MO othere of +tit
Imvol, kinds. Front so.Ite a little teller
was gained, but nothing approaelled
cure, wilt; about retiigned to the fate
et Luiviug to pass through au Inmost II ti •
intern' ['tea tglit rAila tit:Miring' tau long 11A
I lived, whet] Ohass'e Ointment was
Inoue) t tO not -4M. The tainfollienta
in regard to itWere so strong and bore
With them a sense or con viotion with -
client to overcome Wy skeptieisat m re-
gard to its being no bettAr than the
rest. I used it, 'with the result or re-.
coking immediate relief and permanent
cure. For weeks and weeks r was fear-
fully afraid of a return or misery, but it
did not °emir. I started using Chase's
Ointment, hoping for relief and realized
n cure that is permanent. I du not be-
lieve there • ever WM worse .satte of
blind and itching piles than mine,
which legds me to OMR there 04 not a,
case to be rouordocl Chase Glut:tient.
will nut cure. Yours truly
GEO. W. Meatus.
Berm tford, Ont.
Prop. The New Morris Separator.
' 50o384. and
• 81.00 Bottle.
• One cent a dorm.
It is soid. on guarantee by all druggists.
It cures Incipient Consumption and is the
best Cough and Croup Cure,
hold ai nor n di: Store,
I--- ----••
• Valuable treatise and two bottles of medicine sent Free to
asroStrgrim 4.!1171011..u41170s.t004.1ce address. T. A.
1 .1..,
Cure. Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
•Are Purely Vegetable,
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
. .
Act gently but promptly and
thoroughly. "The safest family
medicine.' All Druggists keep
For '1"vaPnty-fivP Years
:. bt.aa:i.ingl) in (IL Imo.
.ape 0.
.• 11.
-IS PURL 81113D
-AT TIM --
Subsiariptionpriee,$1 per, year,in advance.
. " Kmiec 1 1 Yi, I 01no. - i 814.*Ti mo:
:nit eult,inin 8000 0000 steg 0000 1, s12.80 0000 • 08 0000
tiarrtlutili.0:‘• 20 00 18 00 I 7 00 ; 2 00
1 0 00 2 00 1 2 90 l _?. 00
. Legal dud other matt advelseniciiis, fic, far lint
top Ern insertIon, and tit . per II e CO each sub et:l1012
tersa imam loc. p14 line for first insertion, and
Iliii.0:181101iiiti, ,:folr:l.n.laulli sni:il:tiselquelit Inserticl . No lodat
did Business Ohances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines
name will be charged lusi than 25e.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Stray ed, SI tuatIone,
1100808 and rurnis for Salo, not exceeding 8 lint*
81 for dist month 000, por subsequent month
These ti VMS will be strictly adhered to
inihigpouiciptilvedttiee for local advertisemente, or 101
• Advarablemelit8 And 1004111000e8 without oaeolne
direutions, will Is inserted till forbid and charger'
at:connate iv. Trai.idtory advertisements mind
pain ill ...Mille&
, tillalacei for ciontrar adrertinmente must bo
• tee Quay fly Wel.lties ay noon, In order 30 arpeaa
, week
R. ELLIOTT ' • .
• wnrouau,
T •
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario-
-Coroner for County of Huron-
Oillco Up•stairs, next to Mr Morton's oMce, Wing -
Nun. Ont.
OFFIOD, o08te.-8 10 12 a: m., 1 to p. In., or A
Residence, Diagonal Street.
1.', NENNEDY,11. D., H., C. P.$ 0.
•/ , (suumwor to Dr. J. A. ideldrum.)
G hi Med did of Western University: Leto Rouse-
' durevon in London General Mespital, Special Otte».
tion paid to diseases of women and ehildren,
0111ce-Fortnerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Corner
of Centre and Patrial streets.
44 maims • . . Orr
pit DloASII,
8. Toronto, Member College Physicians and
Surgeons, Ontario.
. •
Private :aid Company funds to loan at lowest rate'
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town
and !arm prOpert,) bought and sold
OFFILS-TieaverBlock WiNoimat
%Unction: Ont
Barrister. Etc.
Mice -Meyer Block,
DENTISTRY.-J.S. JEtt0141E, L. D. S., WINOIAlli.
Is manufacturing first•class sets of
teeth us cheap 1141 they can bo made
" the Teeth extracted
absolutely without pule, by his now
process, guaranteed perm, sly sate.
ofFlUk.: In the hearer Block, °pin:mita the
Wtn. H. Macdonald; L. D. S
Will visit Gorri0 ist and 3rd Mondays
of each month. •-
W meow'. • ONTANO.V
pDung, I.V.L11011AN..
Sales attended M any part of the Co. Charge*
. •
• • •
MIN (MARIE, WM:luau, Gam,
Cupid doesn't fatten on a steady mensal AUCTIONEER PON TIM C01714TOEB
diet of corn beef and cabbage.
Seme men put into 'their pocket-
books much more than' their money.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn, says. "Shiloit's Vitalizer 'saved tn'y
life.' 1 consider it t!..e- best remedy for a
debilitated system 1 eve m used" For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Xidney trouble it
Axce1H, Price 7o eta. Sold at Chisholm's
Corner Drug Store
11U1ION AND 811U08.
All orders lett at the Tams office promptly &Non&
cd to. Terms reasonable.
• facitasso Ationoment von COUNTITA tiNNON ARS
rorrp...• • ; BRCOZ
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest.
„.; Notice.
. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed'.
All necessary Artfthitelliente Van be made Id th
TOMS' 0111cd
To women there are three kinds of' -
men -men, lovers and husbands
MOttey to Loan on Notes,.
POWDERS ,1 Notes Discounted
Courtship is seldom a training
school for what comes after.
Shiloh's Cure is sold on aguarantets
It cares Incipient Consumption. It is
the best Cough Cure Only one cent a
dose 2Sets 50ets., and $1. Sold at Olds-
hohn's Corner Dreg Store
. Cure SICK 14EADACHR arid Neuralgia _
Torpid Liver, Dad Breath. To Stay cured and
regulate the bowels. valet' Moe TO rAprit.
Potent Mc OINITTS AY 0111.141 Srortna,
Money advanced on Mortgages at si pet eantwIt
ptiviiewe of paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collected.
Reeve Block WInitham, Ont,
Two Unctione
'Possession In
-Every Othe
Owners ,Spol
Of St. Thorn
dieS, Fannie
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