The Wingham Times, 1895-03-22, Page 5• s M. H. SioiNDOO.. PRINTti, While the quality anti, prices aro not only right, endless variety of patterns enables us to shit our cus- tomers. Om, Prints for variety of designs, softness of finish and delicacy and durability of color, gives as the lead in this department. We invite the ladies to call ami inspect this beautiful stook of Prints, and 10 por cent, off for cash,, DRESS GOODS. Every evidence of. the Most perfect taste will be found in our Dress Goods Department. This season we show many ravel fresh designs in coloring and shades. We are en- abled to make our prices tempting tar beyond any store with small stock, Special prices in IT:enriettas, Navy and Black Serges, Estamine Serges,Freneh Coatings, Dress Goods, Scotch and English Tweeds, French •,,J; and German Fancy Goods, in all the new colors and shades, including evening shades at low prices, with 10 per cent. off for cash. MANTLE GOODS. What surprises many people when they price our mantles, we are just asking half price for all our beauti- fal Mantles: $6 and $8 for $3 and $4. We are selling quite a number at the great reduced prices. Many of these Mantles can be worn late in the spring. You bad better see them before the best are sold. ••ti READY-MADE CLornrNe.—We have a lot of odd sizes in Boys' Clothing that we are clearing at about half price. THE I,WINGHAM TIME to try the ease with 11jurors, or with to new jury, or before his Lord- ship alone, Mr. McPherson would not agree and His Lordship said he would prefer not trying the vaso himself, though ho was willing to agree to any arrangement rather than postpone the caro in view of the large . amount of cost involved, Another sensation occurred when DIr, Avlsvvorth announced that Thomas Woods, one of the plaintiff's witnesses, had conversed with some of the jurymen during the evening, Minutes of meeting of; the Town• notwithstanding lirecourt's warning ship Council, held March 18th, in to the jury, and had treated, and McDonald•s Hall, Bluevalo. ` Mem- urged them that damages to the ex. bers all present. The Reeve in the tent of $5000 should be given Plain. chair. The minutes of last meeting tiff. Mr. Aylswovth offered to sub-' were read, approved and signed. stantiate this charge, but itwas! Communications were read from S. found that Woods had gone back to' Graeey re Shrigle,v funeral. Moved Mitchell by the early train, and His I by Mr. Gemini!), . seconded by Mr. Lordship deferred enquiry and i Musgrove, that the Clerk be instruct - action until the main ease was dis- , eel to write to Geo. Shrigley, White - posed of. As no agreement could be' church, re expense of his f'ather's fun - S, MACH 22, i m4/!T<., some $588. Garrow, Q. C., and I+'. Blair, for plaintiff; Mabee and Blowett for defendant. In the Queen vs. Pritchard Milli- gan, 8 witnesses were heard for the proseeution and 6 for the defence, but after half an hour's deliberation the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, 1.. Campion, Q. 0,, for de- fendant.—Goderich Star. TURNBERR,Y, arrived at either for a settlement or; e1al—C.tirriecl. The Reeve reported for an immediate proceeding with i that the bridge committee had meton the ease, His Lordship .said he had the 25th of February, and awarded no alternative but to postpone it un- contractofbridgetoRobt. Jamieson at til the fall assizes. Dlessrs. Ayls- $655. Moved by Mr. Diment, sec - worth and Garrow then made a ended by Mr. Gemmill, that a by - motion for taxing the costs lost by law be passed apppointing the fol - the mis-trial upon the defendant lowing, fence viewers for the current Campbell, who they argued was year, namely : John Rutherford, primarily responsible through his ne- gleet to state, at least to his counsel, that his brother was a member of the Thos. Aitkins, John W. Watkor,. John Robinson, James Elliot, Thos. I purchased a bottle of Hoot's Sarsaparilla, Evans Peter Scott Win Ilomutll which made me fool better at once. I havo con- , , timed its use, having taken throe bottles, and Broken in Health That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in the Back Appetite and Health Restored by Hood's S.araa;,arilia. Mr. Orme, Steele • St. Catherine's, Ont. i" 0. L Flood S; Co„ Lowell, Mass.: "For anumber of years I have been troubled with a general tired feeling, shortness of breath, pain in the back, and constipation. 1 could get only little rust at night on account of the pain and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired in my limbs that 1 gave out before half the day was gone. e. I tried a great number of medicines g any permanent relief from any llood'sWo Cures source until, upon recommendation of a friend, jury. His Lordship said the point and Robt. Leathorne—Carried. By- t was a difficult one, first as to his law read three times and passed. power to so tax the .costs, and second Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, second - as to how far Campbell was blame- ed by Mr. Diment, that a by-law be ointinn• the follow' and the counsel could sent a current year, Bring the boys down and fret them a Y able, but lie would reserve judement passed •app ng t him aaar pound keepers for th b cheap suit; it wilt pay you well. authorities on the. question ,villa'. namely: Robt. Jenkins, Geo. Biem- SATURAAY Nicurr.—Speoial prices in they might" hunt up in the mean - Gloves, Hosiery, Friilings, Ribbon,Laces time. - and Handkerchiefs, with 10 per cent. offStevens vs. McGill. an action • for cash, at for M. H. MCINDOO'S. the price of building a house in Clin- •ton. Owing to the number of small • items involved in this ease, His Lord. HURON COUNTY ASSIZES. ship withdrew it front the jury and • referred it to the • County Judge to THE SPICING SITTINGS FOR THE TRIAL take evidence. Garrow, Q. C., ,and for a couple of weeks. He came to or Jt7RY• OASES. • James Scott for plaintiff'; Campion, pointed for the current year, nanre- ly :..Daniel I+'rif le lames Fraser,Listowel about twenty--f}ve years ago ^ •'. Q. C., for,defendant. , • t i This court was opened -en Tuesday Beacom et al vs. Dygert et al, an Wm. Aitkins, Alex. Cameron, Ed. and carried on a butchering business , Jenkins John McKinnon, Wm. for over twenty yea rs. He was ' 1 married here to Miss Elizabeth i to a assizes. P. Merrier, of Shakespeare, who survives acting as crown counsel. The fol- postponed , .John Hutton, Thos. James, hint, with a family of five sons and lowing were sworn in as the grand Holt for plaintiff: ) : Sydney. Smith Aitkins, four dannhters • the eldest jury: for defendants. •• Benj. Holmes, Lawrence Fyfe, John , son, Straughan vs. Young, action for Willits, John Fortune, sr., Peter August is a resident of town, the . James Down foreman, Exeter; Fred. , others live with their mother. Me. Baker, Stephen; Samuel Elder, breach of promise -of marriage., Hastings, John Robertson, Prank Joseph Griffin, Ashfield; Ghe parties tiro well known and 4* ! t1rruthers, Peter Deans, Geo. Wade,.foLrtably off; was but t tt lost lllnu>t `sof • coin- Crediton;his s ected residents of-the-townshi ` of Chas. Homuth, John Gemmiil, Jos. Y • 1 Feel Like a New Man. 1 have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I did, and enjoy perfect. rest at night. 1 have much pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsa- Co CHARLES C therne s, Oittwith 1o. Erie Pre- servingIlood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet euy iu action. Sold by all druggists. sac. ner, 'Geo. B. Scott, Thos. Gilmour, LISZ nW1T Geo. Nicholson, Henry Wheeler; , Another old resident of James Stewart, Robt. Douglass, Wm. Listowel, Deyell, Wm. Netterfield, Robt. Max- Dir, A. I . J. Lustig, died at his home well and Robt. King, lot 81, con. 1 Chesley, where he has lived for —Carried. By-law read three times the past four years, on Sunday morn - and passed. Moved by Mr. Gem- a last. Be has been affected with mill, seconded py Mr. Musgrove, that :t tumor in his throat for solve time, the following pathmasters be ap and had been confined to his room morning last by Mr. Justice' Fergu- action for the warranty of a stallion, son, .George W. Field, of Guelph, was on motion of defendant's counsel t l! tl fall I3omuth, Leo Orvis, David Marshall, lot 2, eon. 10, John Copeland, Thos. Solomon Hardy -and Fred Kibler, Zurich; Jas; Potter, .E. Wawanosh; John H. Edward, Goderieli; Horace Foster, Clinton;; • •Samuel Gidley, Exeter; James Halls, Usborne; Daniel Manley, McKillop; Joseph Wilson, Goderich. • There were •only two criminal cases as follows ; The Queeii'vs. Thomas; Aitkinson, of the township of Biddulph, a•chargc of rape and criminal assault ori one. Mrs. Rundle. On motion of the Crown this case was postponed to next assizes, on account of illness of. the prosecutrix, bail being renewed in $400 by the accused, and two se - f$200 1 W P t p Higgins, Hugh . DlcDou all John savings by going security for a Colborne, and geeat' eterest was felt b , g g ' , friend. rte was a cuof the in the ease should it -be gone into I°Powell, Saml. Vanstone, Wm. Eagle - fully. By consent, 'however, a ver= Son. John Kirton ; James Elliot, Listowel lodge +,1 Iz ni k men and was diet for $400 damage?;' was 'rendered Thos. Walker, Jas. McEwen, jr,, insured with theist for ;;:?,000 dd had infavor.of plaintiff with costs of the Thos. Pope, Peter Scott, Robt. Hamil- also a policy ,,f $1,000 in the" Water- aetion. - .Caineree,' EOM • & 1i;olntes ton, Wm. Douglas, John McEwen, loo rutted. _— for plaintiff; Garrow & Proudfoot Chris. Moffatt, Saml. Black, Robt. ItO t'IC;I : for defendant.• King, jr., John Diment, sr., Henry This week tt c are- called upon to Wilson vs. Reid et al, liras .an Diment, Adam - Cleghorn, Wm. Van - chronicle the death of Mr. Geo. action for alleged trespass by David stone, Joseph Yeo, Geo. Moffat, Geo. Dockets, son ryf, Mr. 11'n:. Rockett, Reid, John Hislop, Charles Bates, .Walker', John Abraham, Robt, Me - formerly of this township, which took Joseph Jardine and Joseph Kidd in Intesh, Hugh Thompson, Wm. Mit- place at the residence of if r. Chip - hauling stone from the 'bed of the shell, Robt. Miller, John Miller; man Jacques on the 2nd coltcersip- river Maitland last; summer, across a. Wingham Town Plot, Thos. Netter - en Saturday last. The funeral which lot owned by plaintiff, By consent a field, Robt. Kitchen, Peter Murdoch, took place on Monday was largely verdict and judgment. was given for Abraham Swindlehust, James Netter-opeel, plaintiff against all the defendants field. Wm.. Campbell --Carried. By - foot t sac t, ; roue - for one shilling damages without law read three times and passed. foot for the defence. g Moved DI • D ddb In the Queen vs.. Pritchard liilli• costs tte to the defendants, other than by r M. invent, seconded , y gan, the jury ,returned no bill for David Reid, but against lain onls 'to Mr, C4'ttickshank, that•if any changes common assault; 'turd , a vile bill for the 4th of October -last, the injunction .in the above list Of pathmasters are to be made perpetual. Garrow & wanted, notice must be given to assault oecasioltst; ,bodily' pain. p p , some member of the Council or to The civil list ' comprised eight Proutifoot for plaintiff; I'. Holt, L. L. cases, the first being:Clark et al vs. Town.. of .141tcliell.' This was an actidn for damages by reason of a buggy being upset on St. Andrew's street in Mitchell. The cause of the upset was claimed to be a pile of sand left on the street by a firm of builders, and Clark had a leg broken, from the effectaof which he died.. Some 40 witnesses were summoned, end, they array of; legal talent - Was dminously largo for the loser of the suit. Garrow ..and Proudfoot for plaintiff, Mrs Clark;,. lviesworth, . Q. Dancey shill I+1, Campion for defen- the Clerk before next meeting of the danta. . • , • • Council --Carried• The following The Land 'ut•, 'made their pre-_ accounts were passed and orders on '' y p Treasurer were issued : R. Elliott, sentment, reporting 19 prisoners in the jail, 2 of whom are females and printing, $6.50; Edward Farley, utterly incapable, by reason of age charity, ; Roby bt. Lowry, o ry,secondedchari, and infirmity, 3 of the males are al- I by Mr. Musgrove, that turfs meeting so too feeble to work, and 12 of the I do.tlow adjourn tolnetin whole lot are able-bodied and healthy. do n v adjourn ale, on t, in McDonald's April mien, The jury highly commended ha1r J. , tit next at 10 o'clock a. m•—Car ti91, \ '1 KNOWLEDGE the creaminess of the jail and the riecl JOHN BURGESS,Clerk. Brings comfort and improvement and Th used. Tho man who live bot• the process made tOrvard l the exec- • BELGRAVE. ter than others and enjoy life more, with 0., and Thompson for gown - of Mit- tion of a house, of refuge. His Lord- - leas expenditure, by more promptly obeli; Cameron, Bolt S Holmes for' ship, in receiving. their report, . ex-'' James Brandon of Logech, Man., adapting the world's beat, products to defendant Campbell, and Geo. W. pressed his opinion that some punish- who has been spending a short time the needs of physical. being, will attest McPherson for defendant Edwards,, ment should be provided for those With friends here, returned to bis the valuo to health of the puro liquid these ;wire being the builders who able to work, but Who seemed to home last week.—It would be worth laxative dy, printyrup of Figs, braced- in the had placed the sand on the street. prefer to be sent to•_ jail as vagrants. any person's while to call upon R. J. For the prosecution 11 • witnesses The last case on the list was Erb Tufts to see the selection of minerals its o cellouce is duo re its presenting were examned, and during the ex- vs. Erb, in which plaintiff, a resident he has collected•---Belgrave L. 0. ]n trio foam meet acceptable and ptcas- h• L., utili to tltr taste, the refreshing and truly amination of the fourth witness for of Detroit, sued' her motker who lives1 No. 462, is getting a new banner, beneficial properties o£' a perfect Iax. at a in Grey 'towneliip, for, a promissory: Bro. R. J. Tufts having the oer. i1t%vo ; efFeotuafly cleansing the system, the defence it `was learned that- brother of the defendent Campbell note of $450. The defence was that . The .banner will cost $45. They dispelling colds, headaches and fevers was a member of the .jury on the the note produced was not the one intend celebrating the i3attlo of the and permanently During constipation. ease. Mr. Garrow objected to pro- signed by defendant, bat probably -a. 13oyne iii Belgrave this year. -A It has given eatisfaetion to millions and eeeding with'thb case; but offered to copy signed in pencil Originally* by very sad event occurred in the vit- mot with the approval ortheinadicaI do so if juror Campbell was excluded the daughter, but with, the natne of lege on Friday ntortting in the death profession, because it acts lin the Kid- and the remainder of the case tried .defendant afterwards written over it of the young child of Mr. and Mss. 'toys, Livor and Bowels without weak by 11 jitters. Ity his Lordship's in ink, Defendant was ruling to Vin. Hobbs. At four fit the morn- evoty et jetionabl aubetat ee free from recommendation ; tii0 case was ad- pay the amount at once . when the Ing the child was alive and apparent- Syrup of Fi a is for sale by all drug- dourned until tl , ornin- to. see if note she claimed as.the original was ly .`alright, but on awaking at seven gists. in 75c. 'bottles, but it is manu- a could ga the Counsel could come to some agree- produced. His Lordship charged the parents were smitten with the sad Acton y by the CaliforniameiFig Syrup . • d Very Co. only, Wheat Carrow and Mr. Aylsrvertlt agrees . amount.. "of• the note with interest, ,three clhlkli en fit at, similar' way • Accept lay Iubstttute if effeted. condition of the court house: They tends to personal enjoyment when Complimented the County Council on. rightly y, Merit as to the .farther• - hearing of strongly in favor of plaintiff, and. site. feet that theirchild Was dead. deka e'also the name, Syru of Fi a. the evidence. In the morning• Mr. jury gave her a. verdict • for • dietsingular to say that they have lost and 'bolas Well infor:med,, you will not i DH SS AND MAHEI.€ MSS s .(ii k11IA ilk' AIN' rias decided to open a Dress anif Mantle. t1l;tkina business at her ruins+, No, i".duard street. Winuh.iln. ne.,r Beat.iat hint reit. Cutting and titling a specialty. Satisfruetion prunran1' d. FOR SALE O T T POWDERS:lox32Co Cure SiOK H ADAQIW And Nenialg,a i : hi 40 snnurtra, alep en IRO Uizr f.,ottnty.o UIuro n!`ss; l3utnusness. i';'in in the S°dr, Constii,atton - ; to the a nuersti" .1. •'h,id Liver. 13dd areata, 1 o sty; run d tont re,,u.eto the haws:s, war mom TO mice. ; pnrce 6 1raara .t7 Rirua firortg4. 14, lra +v awanosh ,i part; uial's>rpp ' t s't'int haat.,... tilta tI1 it Il 'l,, iit';gl L, +„ agent, limas Bloc , Business MISS M0PHERSON,. Late of Toronto, Wishes to intimate to the Ladies of Wingham and vicinity that 5110 has purchased the ,Ml.L NEIY BUSINESS,.- so successfully carried on by Mrs, Herdsman for so many years, and has entered into possession of the tiame, She will keep a well -selected stock of Millinery Goods, consisting of , HATS, FLOWERS, 1'E. THERS, - - ` RIBBONS, LADES, &c .,. in all the latest novelties. THE MANTLE DEPART' ENT • will also contain a varied assortment of MANTLE CLOTHS, SILKS, SATINS, SATIN BROCADES, FLUSHES, VELVETS to choose from. Mantle Making a Specialty. Latest Styles and Perfect Fit, By keeping nothing but the best of goods, and giving prompt and careful attention to the wants of her customers, she hopes to merit a con- tinuance of the patronage so generously extended to her predecessor. °. Grand Openingon Thursday, Friday.and Saturday, 31Ifareh 28th, 2JtJa and 30th. • REMEMBER 'rnn PLACE --Mrs. Herdsman's old stand, Josephine street, Wingham. Apprentices Wanted. MISS MoPTJF RSOI\. ,y VE DI T FOR THE— CASH SYSTEM - It is now nearly twelve months, since we first opened up our dcors, un- der the present management. At that time, when we announced cur inten- tion of doing a STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS_ The knowing ones looked very wise, aiid declared it could not be done in Wingham, but we havo proven clearly, not only to ourselves, but to the public at large, that it can be done in Wingham. We have had many years experience in the LONG CREDIT SYSTEM, under every existing condition, and pronounce it a failure every time. Now after one year's experience of the CASH SYSTEM, and that in a time of great depression, we have come out on top, and pronounce it a success. We have in the past. by keenly watching the markets of the world, carefully studying the wants of our customers, small profits, and close attention to business, succeeded in our aim, in placing good Goods within the reach of all. We are happy to state, that this year we are in a much better position than ever to give you the benefit of close buying. Now before STOCK TAKING, and in order to make room for SPRING GOODS, we will, during the remaining days of our financial year, make SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in prices; all FUR and HEAVY GOODS will go, REGARDLESS OF COST. It will pay you well,to call on us during the next THIRTY DAYS and sec what CASH BUYING and cash selling will do for you. icaw 4CAEILI-X 0 ., Com: McINTYRE, WINGHAM, MACDONALD BLOCK. Stock Taking Sale. Every line of' Winter Goods clearing out at a Sacrifice: - FUR GOODS, LADIES' JACKETS, READY -MAD CLOTHING. SHAWLS,' HEAVY TWEEDS, • FELT BOOTS, SOCKS . and RUBIBMS. SEE THE . ,I T' WILL PAY YO . T. .MILLS, S, 41