The Wingham Times, 1895-03-22, Page 3r - THE WING .AM 1.114 141'48, MARCH 2/, 1895, ,...._..�n...,_.:��in thol�ol n of Terror, W. C. 1`s ?U, COLUMN g g there Was a+1 b1 OR/Vs:LIVED Ii'CRTUNEs, l Queen 'Viororla's Labor. . i h r � . The Queen does much wprk ti • Hover appears to public view, In Llfcr iloi�rraNZA 'KINGS ll.t ya one year alone she has road not less W 1 N G H A l Magazine whore an immense amount • r which e•ess ,rise ss iu'9 WINoiIAN SitANCIL) ,of guu-powder was stored, with l[OW 'rill MILLIQ • 1r' tiI:.(11 r$n5- ,J f 3(1 rtlul !t ytllr• rutrl .yrtiiee I=rfnd, other hinds of explosives, There esiel, Wan; two Tien rail I Ito at,entfon, of the mothers and suitors p1pe' ,filled it with tobacco, and lit It • to she taco, that the Woman's phriskian Temper. w1111 a taper, His companion said, .snot( .Union meets the third Monday every month yon should not' smoke in this mag - as three 0,,,104; ,perp, for ono flour, at Mrs, Helm's resider'o, Pat ick street. AU ladies oro made web same; if you are going to smoke, go ems. out there. Ile replied, I am not As the Editor has kindly (Avon ns part 01 his space. for our work, we ask friends of the cause to going to have my liberty interfered amid items of Interest on all mora( questions of the a with.. Liberty ! Has an ll day to any of our members.y ma " indulgence is endangering millions If drinking men could only see the of other people? It is quite a ,mis- efiect .that whiskey has on the taken notion of liberty if you claire,stomach, they would never drink another drop. right to exoreise liberty when his the right to smoke in a magazine of gunpowder, But the • clunking *• habit is worse than a match lit in If one w$itld form an idea of what such a magazine. There is not only the saloons are doing, let him visit peril in drink, but there is absolute the police court; in almost every and consummate destruction in it, CMG liquor is the cause of artiest. • and. I,do not know how. )i could take 7•r . lany other position, knowing the e'- •" I.iigh• license is• the rum -seller's frets of the drink •traffic, than to set big gun,, Plenty of " teii�peranee„ myself, "against it, tooth and nail, ,people loan and shoot it for him, It with pen and tongue, with principle nay " kirk " the politicians yet. and practice, and I ask God to help as „ • you . all' to look at it in. the same lfallt." There will be no peace in the r' 'politics of • this country while some Thirty Reasons for Prohibition. fathers incl • mothers are watching• l 1. Strong drinks• deprive men of and' waiting for the return of their a their reason for the time being. boys at night from the saloons, • 1 2. They destroy men of•the great- . * est intellectual strength. . . Arohbielem Spaulding deelares..i B. They foster and .encourage "One.great question that is going'•to ,.every.spe cies of inlmoralty,; be foreed into politics is the question I 4. They bar the progress of civili- of prohibition, The saloon in zation and religion. • America has become a nuisance.. The j :1. They destroy the peace- and - .N. liquor traffic, by meddling with I happiness of ten thousands of ram- politics and corrupting politics, • hass ilies.• become a menanco and a clanger. ! . 6. They reduce virtuous wives =x * * and children to beggary. Look* at a map and you will see I 7. They cause many thousands of imaginary lines running from one 'murders. side of the Unitecl States to the other 8. They prevent all reformation lines of latitude; but there is one line of character. which the geographers have forgot `� Theyrender abortive the ten to put in, and it runs from the strongest resolutions. Atlantic to the Pacific, clear •across 1 i 10. Minions of property expended r n them are Jost. the continent, What is it A line of • reeling, staggering, maudlin human- 11. They cause the majority •of ''!sl ity 9,500,000 0drundards by a close i eases of insanity. estimite, robbecl of everything al -i 12. They destroy both the 'body • andthe soul. niost,except life. i . 13• They burden sober people I with millions for the support of A traveller. says : Coming down ; paupers. . from Chicago recently, 1 was amused! 14. They cause immense expendi- • and pleased at an announcement by tures to prevent crime. the Pulima.n porter, It was night 15. They cost sober people im- and we were in Illinois. He went menso sums in charity. • - tbrough the coach raid cried with a 16.. They burden the country with loud voice, Gentlemen, all you who enormous taxes. wants beer or anything to drink, must hay it to -night. In de morn- ing we'll be in Mississippi, and you can't .get nothing down dere. I felt, tunity removed. but didn't say, " Ilntralr for llissis- 19. Sober people want the nuisance removed 20. Tax -payers want the burden removed. 21. The prohibition of thein would save thousands now falling. 2.2. The sale exposes our families Christian Temperance League, and to destruction. aims to unite in a co-operative alli- 23. The sale exposes our persons ante all the foes of the ram traffic. to insult. • .It aims at the extirpation of the 24. The sale upholds the vicious saloon, and pledges itself' to work for and idle an the expense of the Indus - the enforcement of existing laws and Worts and virtuous. for the early enactment of more 25. The sale subjects the sober to stringent laws looking. to this end. great oppression. . The members are left free to choose 26. It takes the Sober man's earn - their own political affiliations, but ings to support the drunkard. are cxpeeted to oppose, by influence 27. It subjects numberless wives and by ballot, all candidates identi- to untold sufferings.. fled with or favoring the saloon or 28. It is contrary to the Bible. • any kind of liquor traffic, and to re- 29. It is contrary to common gard all party measures as subordin- , sense. ate to the• higher duty •of • obeying 30.. We have a right to rid our - God and serving their fellow men:. !selves of the burden. 17. Because moderate drinkers want the temptation removed. 18, Drunkards want the oppor- sippi !" 3 A New Departure. Coluinbia County, N. Y., has in- augurated naugurated a new departure in tem- perance reform. . It' calls itself' the 1_ . On .The increase. HEALTH RESTORED. t. It appears that the crime of mut- 1' lc )ler is increasing in this country at • an appalling ante. It is stated that the number of murders committed in the United States )luring 1892 was 6,792;°t'hat in 189t the number was , 5,006;;. in 1890, 4,290; and in 1889,1 G, NTnI AI> rr,--k'or three years 1 have stead of this injurious " pelting " the 3,567.. These figures. tell indeed an; been terribly troubled with that distress- ears should be weshed out with warm oinirious story which ruav well ar-! ing complaint, constipation, and triers water and a little good soap, and APPETITE REGAINED 'INGNAM SAW MILiS'BANK ofxamuror DWINDLED. than 28,000 dispatches. Every day' The undersigned in returning thanks Capital, 01,200,000. fest, 400,000 While the accumiation of wealth the sealed boxes are brought to her for past lavors,beg heave to say shut they wherever she is bores filled with buve a yell' large Stook of i'reayaant. aoaN 5 L'Aax. in the hands of a few is stn evil that' vieo•ereafaent-.n. 0. HAW!. should be vigorously combated, there Government documents and the daily are not looking indications that It of the Triune Minister. These LUMBER, SHINGLES, l.AT� , Plitins7 'Dutra contains within, itself the seeds of its • duties constrain her Majesty toi'pllow'MELD 9` OO )O8$ Maocron, GNo. Reaolh 1V.a{ faTPynx, Df P,, A, T � WOOD iJ ® �, weep, 4. 0, Lr r, (Toronto). strictly her own routine, from which ; 'il. , n.. own clestrectien, Farnilies like • the .she is loth to deviate, She is in Cashier--3,TiURNBULL. Astor b that fasten tliclnselvps like on hand, wlaiuh will be sold at tory close ab to constant ,colnmuniclation with hot ! prices to meet the: requirements of the e nes on a single spat and, suck Cabinet Ministers, arid, as Melbourne, ' hard times, out the resources of is connliiunity Palmerston, Disraeli and Uladstonc from generation to generation, are have often proved she displays rare i • happily caro and the conditions that them ' b ; ability iti and drSCi)1nII1?ltln,"a tact in the bili.. rirst Class Shin B. WILLSON,x permit em to subsist may' be easily handling of the most delicate and im- Square., . tf¢ Aosi altered by legislation„ The difficulty glen, SI10.per aviAR's af}k--Iloura,10 to 3• Saturdays, to 1, Deposits of $1 ant( uplvard1 toren cd and lntoro. snowed, Spec$Rl epoeits 13)311 rcceircd at curr4lnt, 1 rates of tt; ,nit. bought tandsol ray& Rritain and the ITtrikacl Stlatet or tant matter to bl . L. DIC,lasTSO , 80110itor. ,Flat very handsome hand has WoAd' �SCts. jter Core delit+ered of maintaining great aggregations of p s pu le business capital intact under ordinary circuli signed mare state papers with larger I f stances has been strikingly illustrat- results, than any other swaying the ed in San Francisco. rod of empire to -day. It has been A few. years ago, among many reverently kissed by men and women large accumulations of wealth in. this whose names will live for many town, Dight stupendous fortunes.stoocl generations—by Wellington and conspicuously pre-eln inent--•-athe four • Maeanley, by Peel and Tennyson, by railroad fortunes of Flood, O'Brien, Peabody and •Lowell, and thousands Mackay and Fair. The widest ideas of the gifted, the generous and brave prevailed concernieg•the size of these and- the fair who have moved through hoards. Sanford .-and Huntington were commonly supposed to be worth at least X100,000000 ap• iece . At one time Mackay was the. richest roan, in the world and his wealth was figured as high as $600,000,000. The esti- mate was' based . on the reasonable idea of taking'the dividends of his mining stocks as the, interest on a capital sufiicient • to produce such returns at•orclinary rates, and per- haps allowing for a geometrical . in- ereas s on the previously observed sale. • Of these huge fortunes only that of Hunting ton remains undiminished, in the orginal hands, Mackay is living but his wealth; actual and, reputed, has shrunk until he sometimes finds the pure halls of her court, For Over Fifty Yearn • AN t to AND WELL -TRIM) 11RT11SDT.—Mrs. Win 'slon'`'S,,nlhine Syrup has'been used for over fifty, years by millions of mothers fortheir ebilurco while teething, with perfectstWce o. It soothes the child eotfe)s tha gunk; allays ail pail, cures wind colic, and is thebest rowed y for Diarrhtea. Is pleasant to the taste. So1d'bv Druggists in mery part of the Worlu. .Twenty+tiva cents a unttle, Its value is incalculable. Be sure and' ask fol. Mrs. T1insloiv s Soothing syrup, and take no other kind, • • The Sweet Child, A sweet child sat at a .table near me in a restaurant not long ago. He was a child of the Lord Fauntleroy type, and its another's -back hair had that hopeless; tired -of -life loos:' that only the •possession of that sort • of offspring can give. The sweet child it hard to lay his hands at short was' frank in his comments oh every- notiee on $3,000,000 or $4,000,000 in thing he saw. ready cash. ' The Stamford estate has "Oh, Ina!„ said he, pointing t� a been generously dedicated to public man whose ears were so arranged uses. The Crokcr estate has to sup that they could freckle on the under side, "get on to them ears." "Hush, Georgie," remonstrated the mother, visibly embarrassed, "the gentleman will hear you." "Huh !" said Georgie, '"if lie couldn't with them ears he ought to. be ashamed." pert several families and several ex- pensive establishments. The. Hop- kins estate, is probably sltiailer now than when Mark Hopkins did, blood and O'Brien saw their wealth diminish to ordinary proportions be- fore their death, and their hours are not conspicuous now among the multi And only the strident voice of a millionaires. The shrewdest and waiter somewhere in the distance hardest of the bonanza kings has broke the silence. lust died and his wealth will be divided into several parts in any case, and may be all swallowed up by' the legal talent that has displayed such absorbent ability in the Jessup and Blythe cases. On the whole, the American atmos- vents attacks that result from dis- h e favorable is to the ac p el as itorders of the stomach and liver. cumulation of vast fortunes, does not To prevent is better and cheaper appear particularly* to promote their than to repair. perpetuity. ---San Francisco Examiner. For Well People. Most medicines are for the sick. Some can be used with good effects by persons apparently well. Oeca- sional resort to Ripens Tabules pre - Taken in Time Hood's Sarsaparilla has achieved great success in warding off sickness which, 1f aillowed,to progress, would have under• mined the whole system and given disease a strong foothold to cause much suffering and, even threaten death. Hood's Sarsaparilla has'.done all this and even more. It has been taken in thousands of Cases which were thought to be incurable, and after a fair trial has effected wonderful cures. bringing health, strength and joy to the afflicted. Another important point about Hood's Sarsaparilla is that its cures are per- manent. because they start from the solid foundation of purified, vitalized and enriched blood, But it is not what we say but what Flood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story. The Cara o1 the Ears. A prominent physician says that more than half of the ear troubles from which people suffer during the Not so Stupid. - There's a roan to see you sir, said the office boy politely. Well, you stupid, didn't I tell you I wouldn't see anybody ? Yes, sir. Then why did you receive him? I told him to wait without, sir. Without. what ? • said the boss, expecting to crush the boy by his chestnut. Without any change of seeing you, sir, and the boy dodged through the door. 15 Years of Itching. Win. Golding, commercial traveller, 130 Esther-st., Toronto, says : For 15 years I 'suffered untold misery from Itching Piles, sometin es called pin worms. Many and many weeks have. I had to lay orf. the road from this trouble. I tried eight other pile oint- ments and so called remedies with no. cold weather can . be traced to the permanent relief' to the intense itching _ and stinging, whish irritated by soratch- habit of picking at the ears with the,., Mg would bleed and ulcerate. One half STRIEN GTA EtETURNE`D.• 1 finger nails or' hair pins or some a box of Chase's Ointment cured me Distressing Constipation Cured by I other hard substance, which irritates completely. • • In- The decision of Chief Justice Meredith at Sti. Thomas that no evi- dence of previoiilet applications by .john Hendershott for insurance upon the lives of people other than those who are direetly concerned in the ease; as young W. H. Hender- shott;the alleged murdered man, is adiitissible, will have an important bearing on the IIyams ease, which comes tip in the Toronto Police Court oti Monday. The amount of evidence upon which the Crown At- toi'neyr hoped to make out a strong case will be e,tcluded; Some ' testi- mony Winch was to have been given by . lairs. Hyams and illus, J. M. If 'you want to buy- a Suit er Cvcrecat you carr Core frc�rl T.3.00 - Pillows will not be received. • I portlier gives freshness and Clearness to .1. ell ets 60 eta el Sold et tlhigholm'tl 3, rest. the attention, of thoughtful different medicines until last• spring, people. These murders, of course, ' when 1 commenced taking Burdock 1 Blood Bitters', and after the use of five have a; variety of o'auses, but it is !bottles had no more of my terrible ' safe to assume that ehicf among suffering. Before 1 began using 13. 13: these causes is the ase of intoxicating, 13. my appetite had almost gone and 1 beverages. Frenzied by `drink men • Was then and Very weak, but after the use of each bottle I could (and so did are prepared to comttrit the most othem) see a wonderful Change in my desperate of C140)es. With the wide-' looks;, and 1 felt my strength returning iy extended saloon system • in this I to rue. �y Mho. GP.O. EAidAN, • Dickinson's ending, Ont country incl the neige consumption of intoxicants we have given a cause, and in the itillt'mine prevalence of ' I I tttle boy ---Mamma, t wish you'd the cgtte of murder we may see the I. find out who it was hypnotized me, ic consequence. ' and punish 'em severely. , Why He woujd'no�t Drink. i Mamtna•- �Wha-at ? Dr. A. T. Piecsen being asked wily 1 Little boy--Wllile you was out I he declined to drink wino on a cel•- was pulled right into the pantry, an' taro oecasiot, reliitting the following forced to eat a lntll lot of those cook- impressiV incident, : " in Paris, dur- ccs you said 1 mustn't toltch. thoroughly dried after the operation. If the ears are sensitive a little cot- ton 'may be put in before going into the open air though this,• is apt to make theta even Inure sensitive. In extremely` cold weather .before ven- luting out, la good way to clean the ears •15 to rap a corner of a towel around the linger, and with a little cold cream earefirliy wipe out the cuticle, It will remove every par; title of dust and will really protect the ears from the cold, but i;t can seemly be recommended for regular use. 'W. Tolland, sen., it resident of Exeter for over twenty years, died Thttrsdatr from mum' lit the throat. Ever)'thing eltie equally low. Cows and see us• before , buying, ns we will not be undersold. CEL SHAW lazcLEA A: SON. CUTS DOWN1THE PRICE OF MEAT Wingbam, Jona 7th, 380,3. __ AGAIN. STEAK, 106:. PER LB'.: HLSTE1 OOTT ios.gpililis Sifeeet - �`z' Van, ant, J, A. Esesreh, ' �� .1. v Senn, • Mmrnt Forest. Listowel Deposits Received and •interest all wed. Niptiey Advanced to Farmers and Busine€=s 1Vleri, On long'or short time, urn endorsed notes or collateral sotlu,ity. Sale notes bought at a fair vnluat.00. lIvneyremitted to all parte.01 Oatadu .. r.: sonablc charges. • Special A.ttontier, Given to Col; looting ea :counts and Notes. agent& In Cnria'ita- The Ilgerobnnts' Sash: 'of Canada Oflre Dew,- l� rani 0 n. m. to 0 p. fu. A. E. SMITH, A en . flakcirc -44 N. MaKeS 1�!it, �re3c;�',' tat .1. ��!r In the system, strains the lungs and prepares a way for pneumonia, often. Braes consumption. PYNY - PECTORAL positively cures coughs and colds in a surprisingly short time. It's a scien- r tine certainty, tried and true, Booth• Ing and healing in its effects. LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 25 CENTS. and other meats in low proportion. 11• A . PORK SAUSAGE also on band 1. • I am prepared to pay the highest price for all kilidfl of fowl. They must be drawn a1}d'well dressed. GEO. SHAW Winghaln, Oot. 10th, 1893, ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Potts. Car load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing - ham. ireordersby mail promptly attends) GEORGE THOMSON, Sox 125, win;;ham . Oa YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. • Send 0 cents in stamps, or 10 cents silver, and we will semi yon by return Snail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A neat little Rook, bewga perfect Guide In the art of Letttr Write,: It contains letters of Love, Friendship and ilusiness, etc., with valuable instruc- tions and advice. Every young man and woman should have this Book. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, Ingersoll. Out A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have ston.1 the twit, of.tltty years experience, and are proneunced the best Medicines for Family nee. 11111F PII DS Puri?) tic blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AM) BOWELS and invaluable in ail complaints incidental to females of nll•ages, '2r E 0.11\7111/1.M.;1\711 Is the °nil reliable remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR RRCN€RITIS.• SORE THROATS, COUGHS, )'OLDS, GOUT. 1U'EUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS 'AND .ALL SKIN DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. blanufactured only et 78, New Oxford. Late 583, Oxford Street, London, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. rPurihasers should look to the'Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are dpurions. WEBSTER & O. have decided, for a' short time, to reduce tjie price for MAKING MEN'S TWEED_SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT GASH. If you have, any' Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First -Class `Primthings stipp`ltid at wholesale prices for' spot rash only. $10.00 on ench, by purchasing from us. Iiarl'fl Cleves Root, the great Blood' W E BST R & V ��,/ the Complexion cud cures Constipatiion,1 r"31ci•ehant ` iltitor Corder' Drug Store. Opposite the new Macdonald Meek, '1 'ingbar. r r'