HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-02, Page 8nows strain r ad budg GEORGE of BRUSSELS John St. Brussels - 887..6751 Ladies & Gents Hair Styling Josephine St. Wingham i57-1932 READ-and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED LET US MAKE YOUR. OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials — CALL COOK UPHOLSTERY Ph. 523-4272 R. Cook, Prop. Blyth, Ont. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVId • !Tat nor Uoltribiterin. Nssdiin Oar Hasik" WE HAVE FREE "Vtill"f084124?"16§) /44v#08412 coo GIVE MOM A A Potscriubbe V09100/84§trormovorgat,VOZW4tr a. The Childrep's, Aid Society REQUESTS YOUR SUPPORT for its Christmas Bureau Gifts, new and nearly-new toys and clothing May be left at ilk zir-.3.5.4*,,i044-7 REMEMBER TEEN-AGERS TOO I 1 \'‘kif 3?-44ri DECEMBER § to 10 SEAFORTH TOWN HALL] pm - 3:30 pm gip Income Tax Receipts Issued For All Financial. Donations (REG. NO. 0184192-01-15) — • Children's Aid Society, 46 Gloucester Terrace Goderich, Ontario Otafiegrit2p*A107443R0.906ers NJOIfet4f084e 160:44 ti hat's the price f cushionsot to do with ban n ? a 1$""'TqE HURQN EXP6SITOR, DECEMBER 2, 1976 eve dislikes new morality Fide Odd Fellows Lodge were uded in a list of fraternal orgatn tions vhiich appeared recently in the Huron Expositor. Mrs. Peter. Malcolm was named social convener for December and will be in charge of lunch for the euchre to be held on December 8th at 8:00 p.m. Other members of her committee are '1,`' Mrs. James Rose, Mrs. William Bearss, Mrs. Ed. Beajss, Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill and M. Charles Felkar. Mrs. Norman Riehl and Mrs. Bill Bearss were serenaded for their birthdays. writer to depict what is ugly, shocking an unedifying in life when such depiction is made with serious intent." Rebekahs drape charter There's nothing like having a cushion or surplus in your Personal Chequing Account to take care of unexpected emergencies or opportunities— but at whatprice? After all, PCAs don't pay interest. But TD does the next best thing. flo-dtarge chectuing For those times that your monthly statement shows a constant cushion. of $200. or more) throughout a whole statement period, TD cancels all chequing charges for that'period . . automatically! Member., .of Parliament for Huron-Middlesex Bob McKinley ' announced on Friday the issuance of grants to Huron under the Local Initiatives Program totalling $76,940, ARC Industries at Dashwood will receive $10,200 for the job placement and procurement of the handicapped. The project will employ three persons. Five persons will be employed on a Huron County Beautification Program through $15,300 in LIP' funding. Another three will be employed through the Huron County Central Volunteer Bureau as the result of $12,240. That project will ' operate from Goderich Township. Environmental enhancement-Program organized by -the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority will employ four workers under a SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS.FOR EVERY OCCASION All pes of RepaiN Phone 527-0270 many cases it makes me feel sick that our children should be exposed to this" •Fuckersmith Reeve Elgin. Thompson indicated that he felt much the same as did Mr. Oddleifson. Stan Profit, Reeve of Goderich, said that to argue with Mr. Thompson and Mr. Oddleifson would be like trying to argue with Huron Medical Officer of Health Dr., Frank Mills told County Council last Thursday that if Huron does not agree to setting up a district health council with Perth County the provincial government might well force Huron into a five county body. According to Mr. Mill's report if the steering committee which is $9,400 LIP grant. Road and Park Beautification will be carried out by the Township of Tuckersmith 'ollowing the granting of $9,400 by LIP. That project will employ three to clean up and beautify roadsides throughout the township. At the same time as those announcements were made the Government announced its', intention to make available another $100,000,000 in LIP grants. Those grants will however be available only in areas where employment is seven per cent or more and Huron 'is running only four and one half to five per cent unemployment. the "senior citizens and monarchy of County Council". "It's up to you," he told the councillors, "don't pick the book up and don't read it." "I'm glad my children are older because the filth and dirt that children today' can obtain is just not up my ally17 Seaforth Reeve John Flannery noted. It was clause four cr.the seven presently examining the proposed Huron Perth Health Council idea were to recommend against proceeding the provincail reaction might be to lump Huron in with the five part Thames, Valley health council which covers Oxford, Elgin and Middlesex counties as well as the cities of Liindon and 'St. Thomas. The report notes that "to lose our autonomy as a two county health council and to be swallowed up in the tremendous population of a five part health council would be undesirable and would meet with just as much opposition from interst groups now opposing the health council and possibly would be too' late then for further consideration." Stirring committee member Warden Jack McCutcheon said a good Huron Perth Health council could do the area a lot of good. "At this time I would certainly have to support it because of what might happen if we don't." Goderich Reeve Stan Profit asked if Huron was being blackmailed into a two country system"because its the lessor of two evils." Dr. Mills ex-plained that while it is still unclear whether the council will have any fmancial controls or will be merely advisory. He said "Its a two edged sword. If it gets nasty, we're the ones ,who have to 'do the nasty work." He suggested that the council would also have to do the unpopular job of cutting back spending and closing hospitals if the klealth Ministry reduced budgets. ' clause statement around which the controversy was centred. That clause noted that "freedom of the press requires freedom of the Edeiwies Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting on November n with Mrs. Norman Riehl presiding. Thipcharter was very reverently draped in memory of Mrs. Carolineestrztler, Past ,President of Rebekah Assembly of Ontario,. Mrs. Eldon Kerr reported on visitations made by the visiting committee as well as cards and gifts sent to shut-in members. Further plans were made for the 65th anniversary celebration to be held on May, 4/1 , 1977. Members expressed regret that Edelwiess Rebekah Lodge and Huron. County Engineer J.W. Britnell is preparing a draft - budget for 1977 consisting ofthe normal maintenance items plus the road and bridge construction items as approved by County Council in their Long Range Construction Plan. The draft is expeted to be ready for the December session of County .Council. Accoding to Mr. Britnell the recent early snow storms haye Qaused a strain on the 1976 budget but his department still forecasts, that all projects can be completed within the original budget and finish with a small surplus. A Six per cent wage increase, Attendance down, According to a report by Huron County Museum , Curator Raymond Scotchmer to the County Council last week, attendance over the past year was down slightly (19,000 last year to 18,000 this year) but because of, higher admission fees the income actually increased somewhat. The highest- rate of attendarice across the board, was appro,fed for • employees of the County. Roads. Department. Museum income•up was in 1972 when, 25,000 visitors passed through the museum at Ghfrozdeeadrrily c this year the Museum lia. Registrar to" do cataloguing as well as helping in making of new labels. Registrar wNeaenkceynBdesatvoerligahlstoenwthoreked loasdomone other staff, `Bayf eld Reeve Ed *igerously protested • '14',C•.PP.99.tletttent of a 'Statement , 1-litelleeMai Freedom' which Vas:44410d to the report of the tihp.gy.Roarid presented to Huron 44*y 'council at its November lcctio,g lot Thursday. BY endorsing the statement, _ Oddleifson said, it indicates "We agree with 'the new morality. "Today, we pick up a. book and find it contains nine tenths foul' language," he told the council..''l do' not. believe in censorship but there must be some way we can control this -sort of thing." "I am not a crusader," he said, "but I' want to expregs my distaste with the recent direction Canada is taking in this field." County Librarian W. Partridge told Mr. Oddleifson . that "just because a book has some 'foul language should not mean that we refuse to buy it." He said it was important to look at the book in its complete context. feel.a sense of revulsion," the Bayfield Reeve said. "In Van Egmond group gets one too 4 Tuckersmith to beautify road with LIP grant Huron may get health council So if yoil write a fair number of cheques No-Charge Chequing could be good value. Ask about it at your nearest TD branch. TD Personal ,Chequing Account statement periods cover four or five weeks,tCon the last day of each period the statements are checked to see if No-Charge Chequing" applies. No-Charge Chequing includes, all TD PCAs except TD Personal Service Plan which has a flat monthly fee. MAKES WORK . EASIER WITH THESE SPECIAL FEATURES *** I. POTSCRUBBER CYCLE ALITOMATICIALLY WASHES SOIL ENCRUSTED POTS 2. AUTOMATIC PJNSE-GLO DISPENSER 3. DUEL DETERGENT DISPENSER 4. DIAL-A-LEVEL RACK LETS tOU UST lin, UPPER 5. CALROD HEATING UNIT IN BOTTOM F TUB .4; COME IN AND SEE FOR. YOURSELF QuAuiy.. • 111.07E SeAforth,Oniatio t ffide Phone 5274320 • Plant Phan° 5274297 I a TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make the difference ui tr '