HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-02, Page 7e 1111111111, 4•1111141•111. TO THE VOTERS 'OF SEAFORTH I have been a lifetime resident of Seaforth and if elected romise to use a common sense approach to all matters and have them carried 'out in a fair and efficient manner. , VOTE JIM SILLS For Council For Transportation 6011 527-1248 Re-elect HENRY HARBURN Deputy 'Reeve in .Hibbert I have been a member of council for 10 years, 6 years as councillor and 4 years as deputy reeve. As a member of County Council for 4 years, chairman of Reforestation fish Ad game commitT 2 years and property committee one year and Roads committee one year. served 3 years on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. I have been active in sports for a number of years, With 10 years experience and time to spend I can serve you best for another term On December 6 VOTE HENRY HARBURN Your Personal Greetings VV1LL BE SURE To reach your friends, neighbours and r,[atiVes When you pia& them in The Huron Expositor Phone 527-0240 Greetiros will be published in the Expositors of December 16, 23 and' 30, (fxpositor To the electors of Tuckersmith Having been nominated for the' position of councillor I solicit the support of Tuckersmith ratepayers at the polls on Monday, December 6th. Always been active in community and church activities, 4H, Junior Farmers, Young Peoples, 4H Club leader for 12' years, director of Seaforth Agricultural Society for past 12 years, executive ,of Seaforth Curling Club for the past 8 years. For further information or transportation q,11 482-9196. • 4+ Robert Fotheringhom Jock's Jottings s Budget shows Provitice has pr By Jack Riddell MPP, contract. The Attorney General The. Government's budget said he would consider such an statement made by Treasurer amendment. 'Now that it has Darcy McKeough is a virtual' passed second reading, the admission that the Province faces legislation Will go to committee serious economic problems. The Treasurer took one hour to announce only on tax change despite the fact all the indicators but one show Ontario is lagging behind the rest of.Canada. The single tax change involves the tax exemption on machinery which the Liberal Opposition Members did not object to, but not without surprise the change received very vocal objections by toe N.D.P. The Gevernment will extend for an indefinite period the exemption of the 7% sales tax on production machinery and equipment bought by private 'ndustry, and will extend the <5.1 xemption to include equipment or pollution control or the removal of waste and noxious fumes. This continued sales tax exemption will cost $10 million in the last quarter of the current fiscal year, and an estimated $160 million in 1977 k' 78. The Government's objective is to attract job creating capital to the Province, and to maintain the' ' Bayfield Reeve Ed competitive footing of the Oddleifson called a, $1,508 ceiling Province and Ontario firms in on salary increases bidding for investment and "discriminatory" and called for a business against our principal recorded' vote when the Special rivals, including the province of Committee tabled , its Quebec and the states of New recommendations for salaries at ' York,. Minnesota dnd Pennsyl- Huron County Council on e, vania. Even with the extension of , Thursday afternoon, the sales tax exemption beyond The vote lost 49-5 but 'Mr. the original December 31st cut-off Oddleifson told County date, the provincial. sales tax Clerk-Treasurer Bill Hanley to be burden on a new plant opening in sure his name was recorded as -. Ontario still would be more than being in objection to approval of twice-the sales taxes levied in the recommendation, At county council for detailed' examination before going back to the ,t,gislAture for third and final reading in the spring. Also this week, the Attorney General stated taht he is convening a meeting of regional Crown itt torneys to instruct them the company). Pressed by Stead Smith, Liberal Leader, to table the lease agreement, the Minister said he would consider dohirso - the lease coyers, the use el the land around the base of the jumps. he said "the financing for this winter will give operators the backing to get sponsors for ,events. Premier Davis has announced that the Government is inviting advice an the economy from .labour, business, consumer, farm and social service groups at a public conference to be held in February. Opposition Members were cynical about this announcement, which they called a pre-election political move, commenting that it Was not at all surprising that the meeting will be open to the press. "That's why you're having it, isn't it?" said former Liberal Leader Robert Nixon, and Pat Reid (Rainy river MPP) commented "There mus t be an election coming up." The two day conference on February 10th and 11th will be,, under the name Partnership fore Prosperity, and the Premier told the Legislature he wants "a broad spectrum of advice" on the direction of the economy after federal wage and price control's expire. Patronage A former Conservative researcher' and defeated candidate has been hired by the Ontario Government at $150 a doe A invovled would be writing the pointed out. contracts. Some opposition Stanley.Reeve Anson McKinley said the men were given 11 per members suggested modifying a section of the act to allow a court cent raises last year which were court to alter support obligations of a ,much larger than those given other employees. He told the meeting that the lower end of the pay scale was held back last year and this year would make up fof that inequality. Stan ,profit, Reeve of Goderich, said he did not agree with the 4 Bayfield Reeve's objection. He Michigan and Ohio. Mr. Oddleifson was protesting Need Housing a , c cruse in the committees e, The Liberal comments on the recommendation which said that Treasurer's -statement indicated, a "six percent increase be that the Government should have granted to each of the Exkutive launched a major home , Grpup personnel, to a maximum " construction program. We lack of $1,508. affordable" housing in this • The Bayfield Reeve said that if Province. There is high everyone else was entitled to a six unemployment in' , the home per cent increase in salary it was construction industry. ' This es a discriminatory to place a ceiling major area where action was on the two top , paid County needed—so that Ontario doesn't employees. Those affected by the continue 'to lag behind the rest of ceiling were Medical Officer of 'the country in affordable home , , Health Dr. Prank Mills, whi. conseruction. ' . earns $37,024 per year, and At the same time; the „, County Engineer Jim Britnell, le Treasurer also tabled documents who receives a yearly salary of which fie. maintained showed that $32,578, after the increases. the Federat goyernment's ent eee, „Qedleifson said it was teethe inflation ,.program has been a money he Was, objecting to bet success in OntarioAnring its first that it was a point of principle. year of operation. Warden Jack McCutcheon, During debate on the family who headed the . Special law. reform legislation, Committee made up of council the Attorney General stressed executive committee and the that caution was necessary with chairmen of all its other 'respect to giving courts too much committees, said the limit was # power over marriage contracts, put on the increases for the two because if courts could override employees because•ofeerovincial provisions of marriage contracts government regulations on such , the result would be' that tthe' increases. The government pays a courts instead of the parties large portion of their salaries, he Watch shopping by mail alwi CAC k\. in the matter of cowl authori- zations, which should not be released,. --- Albeit Roy, Liberal MPP for Ottawa East had produced a copy of an authori- zation to wire tap, to demonstrate that the Government had gone against established practice in not releasing the authorization in the, case of the wiretap carried out on a conversation between Donald Turner and his lawyer. sad' because it was a percentage increase, all employees appeared to be getting about the same treatment, when in fact the "higher paid help" was getting significantly more money. Before the increases the M.O.H. received $35,520 and the Engineer $31,080. Other increases include $1,456 for the Clerk Treasurer and $1,274 for the Deputy ,Clerk-Treasurer bringing their salaries to $25,870 and $22,360 respectively. The Planning Director will eseeive an increase of $887 bringing his salary to $23,062, the County Librarian gets $656 more bringing the salary up to $17,056, the Administrator at Huronview now earns $19,292 after a ,eaise of, $742. The Social Services Administrator recieved an increase of $634 to raise his salary to $16,484, the Development fficer got $611 bringing, his 'salary to $15,886 and the Museum Curator received $520 in increases bringing his salary to $13,520. The sailing wasn't a great deal smoother for a recommendation that milage allowance be increased effective January 1, 1977, from 14 to 16' eetits per mile for those. receiving the car Subsidize The Provincial government will subsidize its two ski jumps at Thunder Bay for another season,, according to the Minister of Industry and Tourism. He said a loan of about $100,000 from the "Province's Northern Ontario Development Corporation will be given to Thunder/34 Ski Jumps Ltd. (the development corporation owns all the shares io allowance of $60 per month and from 19 to 21 cent• per mile for casual mileage. Exeter Reeve Clarence Boyle told the meeting that anyone who would take 20 cents per mile was "a robber." He said that even if petrol goes to $1.00 per gallon it would still only cost him $6.00 to attend a county Council meeting where he received a free meal "Which I should not get" end $12,50 gas. renumeration. "I%rould still be making a profit by coming here," he said, "and I shouldn't." Goderich Reeve Stan Profit suggested that et least the County Councillors should be taken off the list of those to receive the 21 cents in milage. • Warden ' McCuteheon suggested that "that'is easy for, someone who walks to meetings to say." In the end council approved the increase in milage rates as well as an increase in the per diem rate for Councillors. That rate will be increased from $44.00 to $46.00 for a full day or night meeting and from $27,50 to $28.50 for a half day meting. The Warden's Honorarium was increased by the same motion by six per cent from 1977, from $2,500 per annum to $2,650 per annum. TH „ • as Chairman of a Committee of Government officials which will study problems of condominium owners, The . Minister of Consumer and Commercial - ,,Relations has announced the appointment of this man, Darwin. Keeley, and other members of the Committee, and the group will hold public hear ings throughout the Province and is planning a conference' to hear the public early next year. Evelyn Gigantes (NDP - Carleton East) attacked the appointment of Mr, Kealy as patronage, saying he has set up a riding office in the Ottawa suburban riding and has mailed literature to voters, although he has not been nominated yet to,,run again for the Conservatives. Th grouywill recommend changes in legislastion governing condominiums in time for action by the Legislature in the spring session. Liberal Pat Reid criticized the Solicitor General for doing nothing while organized crime escalated in Ontario, and called' for an inquiry saying the inquiry in Quebec into organized crime had exposed some of the ringleaders Vinted out that it is generally* agried that publicity is one of the most effective ,weapons' in dealing ' with this problem. However, the Minister maintained that organized crime, while a serious problem, high on the list of police priorities, does not warrant a public inquiry. Cost for one insertion is $2.00 for 20 words or less. Additional words 8 cents each. Second insertion for only 1/2 price. tee Among the Malay sincere good wishes sent to you for a Merry Christmas please include oursl Mary and Bill JZo'nes. , Every year, Canadians buy millions of items by mail, enjoy- ing the convenience of shopping at home, far from the madden- ing crowds and free froth the pressure of sales staff. However, the delays that often accompany mail order shopping are sometimes disappointing. often the consumer's cheque or money order is cashed ten days after submitting an order and delivery is expected to be equally swift. But some mail order firms handle thousands of ordere each week, and the processing of each shipment can take another five or six weeks, even longer during the Christmas season. To avoid disappointment at Christmas when shopping by mail, shop early. if it's too late this year, Christmas 1977 'is just around the corner. Another tip: it's also best to have goods sent C.O.D. if possible. Before sending pre- rr payment to an unfamiliar, firm, check their reputation among your friends, or write • to the company requesting a list of past customers whom you may contact. To be safe, order from those firms that provide a street addresk and phone number, rather than just a postal box. For further advice and aSsist- anee, write to the Department of CeriSumer and Corporate Affairs, 781 Richinond Street, London, Ont. N6A 3H4, MOH,, engineer should get more, reeve argues Electors ofDublih Having been nominated-to-serve as a trustee in the police village of Dublin I solicit and will appreciate your support and influence. e Ernie FLENUNG Bill and Wilma Jones and family extend Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and the New Year. shAstm $ Greetings with best wishes for the Holiday Season and the coming year to all out friends. ,— The Jones, Seaforth. MON./ DttEMBER 6,Y HUGHr FL For Hultet Co-,Onct' Past Municipal experience for progress dedication and interest in tax dollars. ALL RATE PAYERS EQUAL