HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-12-02, Page 4E 'HURON EXPOSITOR, Dec BER 2, :1970
Beuermans married 45 years
RETAIL 379.95 -
.• 1 OM 1 i • W I
A YES vote will assist In keeping
liquor in' a controlled area and away
from the underaged.
A YES vote wilt allow organizations to
have banquets, dances, etc. and thus
Make A profit which would be put
bank . into the demtnunity•ag suppert
for bail, hockey and soccer teams, etc.
Ail Of Us At
Keating's Pharmacy
appreciate and thank all those who extended
Congratulations and wished us well on the
occa sion of the opening of our new store on
Friday. It was deeply appreciated.
As we mark this milestone in the history of
our firm and of the drug business that for so
many years wo.e.located at the same site we
look forward to continuing to serve the people
of the Seaforth community.
Merle 13. Hoover
Management and Stuff of Merner's wish to
hank you for your, Patronage in the last 2 years.
We look forward to serving you in the future
(-2 T-BOne, Sirloin, Wing
TEAK 1.29 libb:
1.03 lb.
co, k 'I j.
.4: ,
Baden Colby
i. 0. 10,
4 lb.
0) •
..(4, . 60, ,...,
Including Merner's Yuntous Processing
Matre de
10 oz. jar Instant
' Schneiders
' 2 / I lb. packs
Home oi the famous '-
Dashwood &asap
Campfire Thin
1 lb. Pack
.99 lb.
C) 4 r AltP" ,‘.. cs .4br. 4 ort *4;4. r rz,e4 la rj
,•,ti. 1, ,,
• (1'54
7 (. • .41 ,f,17 0: I. r .1.
RETAIL 219.95
40 Watts + 40 Watts
60 Watts ± 60 Watts
sale price
RETAIL 499.95
FM Sensitivity 1.9
RETAIL 199.95
TX-7500 UNER
FM Sensiti 1.9
RETAIL 2b9.95
Stocks Limited
Layaways Accepted
101hitario Street,
Stratford 271.2960
DOly 1.0 to.f -:Saturday,10 to 5
Community Council
Logoil donates :
$25 •la Dublin
Pio en
Winners of turkeys at the
annual Brodhagen C. of C. bingo
Roberta Osborne, R.R. 5,
Mitchell; Don Vanheyel, Born-
holm; Carl Meikle, R.R. 2, Staffa;
R.G. Jarmuth, R.R. I, Bornholm;
Larry Pitts, Stratford; Ken
McMillan, Goderich; Gordon
Daer, R.R. 1, Auburn; B.J.
Houston,, Stratford.
Ed Scherbarth Sr., R.R. 1,
Bornho4; August. Scherbarth;
Marjorie Papple, Seaforth;
Lawrence McLean, Mitchell;
Janice Priestap, Bornholm.
Murray Siemon, Mitchell; Carl
Faust, Mitchell; Maxine Hinz,
Monkton; Mrs. Jane Campbell,
Goderich; Darren Beuerman,
Wilfred Brouiliton, Monkton;
Matt McCreight, Dublin;
Marjorie Scherbarth, Bornholm;
Peggy Elligson, Brodhagen.
Gordon Elliott, Seaforth; Reta
Poster, R.R. 2, Goderich; Doug
Eickmeier. Bornholm; Lawrence
surgery. He is now having the
pleasure'to spend some time with
his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
E. Scherbarth and the twins Larry
and Garry in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rock, nee
Gale Humphries, are pleased to
announce the arrival of their son,
Stanley Martin James in Seaforth
Hospital on November 9. Congra-
tulations to the proud parents.
Grandparents and 4 grand-
St. Columban
Vincent Lane
In St. Columban Tuesday a.m.,
it's blowing snow and high winds
across Main Street and visibility
is almost nil. Everyone (but
myself) thinks winter has finally
arrived. Perhaps it has, I have
been wrong before, but for
reasons within myself, I am
looking for a green Xmas. Will
you like that or not?
Close neighbours called on us
Friday evening for a farewell
party before leaving the line for
our new home in St. Columban.
The evening was spent with
progressive euchre, chit chat, etc.
and we greatly appreciate the
kindness shown us/in all the years
we resided. here. We are hoping
everything will be completed and
moved by December 15.
Herb Britton, who has had
several operations on , his hip, is
recuperating .with his daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Len' O'Rourke. It
will•be some time however before
he is completely recovered.
Miss Margo Kale, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kale, is
expected home today, after
undergoing surgery in Seaforth
Hospital, Friday.
Mrs. Rose Hayden and son
Chris of Huntsville visited rela-
tives here over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keiffer of
Wingham were in St. Cplumban
Sunday. ,Mr. Keiffer was a one
time member of the Huron -
Connolly, Mitchell; Gladys Rock,
Pat Feeney, Dublin; Fred
Herbert, Mitchell; Reta Hinz,
Mitchell; Manuel Beuerman,
C. Norman, Mitchell; V.
Turnbull, Stratford; Ken
Jarmuth, Bornholm; L. Finch,
Downsview; Lawrence Seebach,
Stratford; Henry Diegel, Marjorie
Lake, Baden; Mervin Dietz,
Marie Melady, Dublin; R.G.
Jarmuth, Bornholm; Ken Kesey,
Dublin; Gordon 'Drummond,
Mitchell; Everett Walkom,
Mitchell; Mrs. Edwin Rose,
Ken MCLaughlin, Mitchell;
Rose Hodge, Port Elgin; Jean
Ahrens, Brodhagen and Murray
Kerr. Monkton.
Congratulations to the winners.
Friends of Mrs. Louise
Hoppenrath will be sorry to hear
she has been a patient in Seaforth
Commu'nity Hospital for the past
mothers, one from Cochrane, whp
spent a week with her grand-
daughter Gale and family.
Friends and relatives will be
sorry to hat of all those in
Stratford General Hospital; where
they are patients: Frank Eisler,
Floyd Capling, Wilfred Suehring,
Norman Eisler, Lorne Wolfe and
Alvin Beuerman. We wish them
all a speedy recovery.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Perth aeparate achool board, and
hopes he can now serve on the
Huron County board as separate
school representative. ,
The Dublin Pee Wee hockey
team won their second game in as
many starts by beating Bayfield
in Seaforth Sunday 13-4. Louis
Looby and Rob Lane led the way
with 3 goals each. John Hicknell
scored twice.
Single goals went to B.
Flanagan, J. Flanagan, P.
Melady, M. Kelley, Garry
Ahrens, Burlington. were the
former's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Ahrens en Sunday,
White mums adorned the side
stands in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, 13rodhagen on Sunday
morning in memory of the late
Henry Rose who passed away 13
years ago. They were placed
there by his wife Ella and family
Team members are: Goal,
John Louwagie,. Ken Whetham,
Def., Brendan Lane, John' Hick-
nell, Mike Van Drunau, Doug
Steinman, forwards, Gord
Murray, Kirk Whetham, Brian
Flanagan, Joe Flanagan, Mike
Bruxer, Pat Melady, Rob Lane,
Mike Kelley, Garry Malone.
My thanks to all who have sent
or phone me news items. Please
continue to do this, My phone no.
will remain the same, 345-2716,
but our address will be R.R.2,
Dublin, when we move.
Due to the regular meeting
falling on Election Day, Logan
Township Council met on
November 25 at 8 p.m. with all
members present.
Court of Revision on the Centre
Branch of the North West Drain
was held. There were three
appeals. Twelve acres of lot 29,
conc. 14 were added and all other
appeals were disallowed. The
Court of Revision was adjourned
to Dec. 20 at 2 'p.m.
Logan Township's Building
by-law and a Tilearainage by-law
were given three readings and
finally passed.
A donation of $25. was given
the Steering Committee of the
Community Citizens Councii-JA
Dublin District.......
Council. approved the request
of the committee of adjustment,
to seek- legal advice in making
decisions in . respect to minor
The minutes of the Mitchell
and District Protective Inspection
Committee, Mitchell and District
Planning Board and the Mitchell
and District Arena • and
Community Centre Board were
h eCouncil
will request the
Mitchell and District Planning
Board to prepare an amendment.
to the Mitchell and District
Official Plan to redesignate lots
32 to 35, Con. 12 and 13 in the
Township of Logan from current
"Hazard': designation to a
"rural" designation.
General accounts amounting to
$7,,142.30 and Road accounts
totalling $2,348.85 were ordered
Council adjourned to meet
again Dec. 20 at 1 p.m.
Variety show
hils good crowd
The Luther League of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church enter-
tained with a variety show Sunday
evening. There was a large
attendance and it was enjoyed by
young and old. A hearty laugh is
good for all.
Between now and Christmas
Music will be offering .
on the following Pioneer
Amplifiers and Tuners:
25 Watts + 25 Watts
• ; Correspondent
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
:FlOWers adorned the alter in
'the same church Sunday
Morning. They were placed there
by Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer-
man, who quietly observed their
45th Wedding Anniversary on
Saturday evening with their
immediate family.
Many good wishes were
extended to them during the week,
and lovely gifts were received
from friends' and relatives.
Manuel and Alice Beuerman
were married on November 28,
1931 by the late Rev. John
Alberti.. Their attendants were
the late Mrs. Albert (Jean) Hinz
and the late Norman Beuerman,
brother of the groom. Ring-
bearer was the late Wilfrid Jacob.
The two remaining attendants,
flower girls were Mrs.• Charles
Johnson (Myrtle Kahle), Detroit
and Mrs. Alvin Pryce (Eva
Beuerman), Kitchener.
They were blessed with two
• '
sons, Ray of Toronto, Wayne of
London and seven grandchildren.
Congratulations to the young
couple of 45 years.
Dave Quincey from New Jersey
was in Toronto on Sunday playing
. Mrs. Norman Bennewies
visited with her brother-in-law
and sister Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mikel and Dennis, Mitchell on
Mrs. Alice Tait, formerly from
Brodhagen, attended the worship
service by Pastor Robert Morley.
last Sunday at Seebach's
Lutheran Church, when little
Sarah Elizabeth, duaghter of
John and Rosella (nee Connolly)
Hearold, was baptized. The
former is a cousin to Alice Tait of
Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern
s. Wolfe were not able to attend
their little niece's baptism. Her
sponsors were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wolfegram from Mitchell.
Friends of Bill Scherbarth are
glad to see he has returned home
from Victoria Hospital, London
where he was a patient and had
Win turkeys at
prodhagen C of C
Green Xmas?