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Bruisels 887-9269
'7W Thor Opkihrt•ring
Nails in our Hoods"
Ph. 523-4272 R. Cook, Prop.
Myth, Ont.
For a free estimate and a' look at
our newest samples of materials
THE.110,119N.:...:0)(P.OSITOR,- .14.9vEmBER: gor look.
Due to 'high 00/00 di iNa ha
received a limited gtiontitY of
at spectacular low prices.
P17-0811217il 2 Main St.
STETTHEIMER DOLL HOUSE decorated for Christ-
mas. Mother and daughter at tea in the living
room. Courtesy Museum of the City of New York.
STETTHE1MER DOLL HOUSE decorated for 1920's
Christmas. Friends in and 'around the art gallery
include Gaston Lachaise chatting with painter
Marcel Duchamp, writer Henry McBride' greeting
Florine Stettheimer, Edward Steichen on the bal-
cony photographing Elizabeth Duncan. Courtesy
Museum of the City of New York.
Tender loving' care'
for thriving poinsettas
Do you know the origin of the lovely plant we have come
to' identify with Christmas? These colorful plants were
first introduced to Amdica in 1825, by Joel Poinsett, then
serving as our Ambassador to Mexico, who brought some
16 plants back to his South Carolina greenhouse. He gave
them to friends and botanists with greenhouses who nur-
tured them carefully.
Poinsettias moved out of doors in the early 1900's 'when
a Swiss horticulturist, Albert Ecke, started to raise them
in California, for local holiday selling. Now we have come
to enjoy poinsettias, not only at the Christmas holiday,
but all the year round as well. The most popular is the
vivid red, but there are white, pink and marbled flowers
as handsome and radiant.
Pbinsettias need specific care if they are to flourish, but_
that care is not really complicated. They are happiest kept
at room temperature, near a window, in full daylight, but
out of drafts. Water when • the top soil feels dry to your
touch, keeping the soil moist but not' wet.
If you decide to move your poinsettia outdoors for the
summer, it will need cutting back to help it retain its shape.
To encourage a shorter, fuller plant cut it back between
the middle of July and the beginning of August, and repot
in a pot one or two sizes larger than the original, and
bring indoors again about Labor Day.
Poinsettias are photo-period sensitive plants that flower
in response to the \length of the day. Ten hours of day-
light and fourteen hours of darkness will start flowers on
their way,. but the least glimmer of light during the dark
hours will abort any 'flowering.
From about October 1 to mid-December, the plant should
be in complete darkness from sunset to sunup. It can be
put into a closet, in a room -that remains dark through
those hours, Or under a table that is, skirted to the floor.
If you have a large enough carton available up-end ft over
the poinsettia to keep light out. Unless the plant is kept
in the dark it will not flower.
The colorful bracts that develop from this period will
be ample reward for your tender loving care, and will add
much excitement to your holiday decor.
A restiVeName
"Merry Christmas" in
June? September? It is for
a lovely young lady in Sac-
ramento, California, whose
name is truly Merry Cheree
Christmas! 0, •
In answer to endless in-
quiries and as many jokes,
this charming young wom-
an never tires of explaining
that her name really is
Merry Christmas, and is
spelled just that way, She
is used to people thinking
it's funny and the constant
teasing, but enjoys the fun
of it as much as others,
Miss Christmas, whose
fame has spread all over
the world, spends a consid-
erable amount of time an-
swering the many people
who write her. She starts
writing her Christmas cards
in September.
Asked about marriage
proposals and changing her
name, Miss Christmas re-
sponded "Well, I've serious-
ly thought about marriage
a couple of times, but I was
raised the old -fashioned
way and I guess I'm looking
for • an old-fashioned .type
of person who thinks' like
I do. I really like the tra-
ditional things — like
Aluminum foil makes any
gift special looking and is
especially marvelous for
wrapping those odd shaped
things that never seem to
fit into any box. Wrap and
tie with brightly colored
yarn . . . several • different
colors at the same time!
New touches
bring color. to
Christmas table
Every day can be a holi-
day through the Christmas
season. A little imagination
gdes a long way in keeping
,your family full, of that
festive spirit : .1:
Sprinkle a touch of can-
died fruit into hot oatmeal
for a breakfast treat.
Give your favorite fruit
sseaeladds.that holiday look with
a sprinkle of pomegranate
Cut bells from slices of
canned cranberry sauce
when serving.
Candy canes make flavor-
ful stirrers in cups of hot
cocoa or tea.
Year-round favorite cas-
seroles have a holiday jook
topped with a cheese star.
Place a waxed paper sten-
cil of a Christmas tree over
a bowl of potatoes or rice
. . . sprinkle with• chopped
parsley . . yernove stencil • '
• Pimento poinsettias make
colorful garnishes - on any
one of many dishes or bor-
dering a filled platter.
Addressing a long list of
Christmas cards can really
be fun! Gather the family
'around the table and keep
them happily at work with
cookies and hot fruit punch!'
Ever try pancakes poured
onto the griddle in Christ-
mas tree shapes? It takes a
steady habd and concentra-
tion; but think how they'll
" delight your family.
All Types of Repairs
Phone 527-0270
Pulsifer uric
4 Seaforth
has harmonicas to organs in gift
.• items for the musician in the family
November Special
Free Case with purchase of a guitar!
Open every day except Wednesday
ifitaele offhtl'illi
Foal of Christ, seeks 1.9 recaptim the glory o won-
TeicielOt at chr , apes,celebrateng the
der of 0.0 Nativity. PeopleRverYwhere some .together
in •WarMth and goodwill, recalling thitgunrce'of--the
Spirit that binds then), together.
Although ' Pnrietmee Is celebrated'all over. Vie world, it is pot, really knownwhether -1);', PO 0e1311St
as a boy, Wier had a birthclay liarty. 4,-ews of his
time did not celebrate,birthdays. • .. such observances
ere for kings and other important POOPle, who lived ,I.A..1
alaces,,,With dr , without birthday* parties, JeSUS
an enchanted childhood, so 'say the legends. " One such story says Be made mud-pie birds one.
rainy day, and as He finished them, they flew ''away.
For having bowed down to , give its fruit to His HOY
Mother, Jesus rewarded a palm tree by having a
cutting of It planted 'In Paradise. •
The Magic of Christmas: Is happily contagious, transforming the world in an atmosphere of broither-
' hood and anticipation. Its magic brings families
together, inspires a spirit of generbsitY and giving,. and fills the heart with a heady lightheartedness
long remembered from one's childhood,
For it is in -childhood that the magic of the Yule-
tide is felt most keenly, The air qUiVers with excite-
ment and the promise of things to come. Pungent -
smells fill the house and little ones can hardly 'sleep,
nfoigrhltis.te, ning to the furtive sounds of mom and dad
tiptoeing and whispering and wrapping, far into the
An old French proverb says "Miracles' happen only
to those who believe in.thein." Surely, we can all be-
lieve! Surely we can reinforce our faith in miracles! "'''
Store Hours:
Open daily Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. '
Saturdays till 5 p.m.
The Christmas season
celebrated in mitaeurns
across the country, brings
a rich PartPly of holiday
customs, traditions and daz-
zling beauty.One such Os-
play, a Christmas exhibi-
tion at The Museum of the
Pity of .NeW Y.Ork, "A Party
at the $tettheimers" was
Put together by John Noble,
curator at the 1VInseiun. It
was a labour of love and
involvement for Mr. Noble
who says the personality of
the creator of the house
"very clearly expressed it-
self" in determining what
he could and could not do,
in creating a Christmas
fantasy in this unique doll
A different level of reality
has been achieved and a
set of dolls artfully designed
to bring the house to spark-
ling life. It is the Stetthelm-
ers themselves, Florine and
Ettie, Carrie and :their
mother, who are portrayed,
and the house was decorat-
ed for Christmas as they
might have done gin - the
mid-1920's, and peopled
with some of their illustri-
ous friends. -
The Stettheimei House
was made during the 1920's
by Carrie Walter Stettheim-
er, one Of three fabulous
sisters who, with their
mother "ruled for almost a
generation one of the ac-
knOwledged intellectual sa-
lons of our town." (Henry
Given to the museum 30
years ago, the doll house
was the life-long project of
this wealthy spinster: It
has advanced decorating
ideas, a miniature gallery,
and as Mr. Noble suggests,
almost ghostly glitapses into
the life of the Stettheimer
Florine. Stettheimer was
a self-taught painter and
stage designer whoSe works
were exhibited at The Mu-
seum of Modern Art, in the
1940's after her death: Ettie
Stettheimer wrote novels
under the name of Henrie
'Waste. Carrie; long consid-
ered the least talented of
the three - sisters, created
her fabulous doll house,
putting together its elabor-
ate furnishings herself.
Carrie Stettheimer created
Top Quality-
Whole Beef .90
Half Beef .91
Price subject to change
Free Delivery
- Within 10 Mile
Ph. 262-5830
'. All the miniature pieces
have, been, faithfully repro-
duced. There are tiny bat,
ties atop a dressing table,
a bathroom scale of minute
proportions, dishes and cut-
lery of microclimenalons,
and would you belie*, a
working elevator!
In the nursery which is
appropriately papered and
furnished, there I 4 set of
doll' furniture that could
fit in a nutshell.
The house was filled with
dolls of the Stettlieimers
and their friends, by Mr.
Noble, The dolls were mod-
eled from Florine's paint-
ings and dressed hi authen-
tic, styles of the day. Among
them are sculptor Gaston
Lachaise, painter Marcel
Duchamp, writer Henry Mc-
Bride, photographer Ed-
ward Steichen,. composer
Virgil Thompson and ether
eminent personalities Who
frequented the salon. Some
hf the greatest literary and
artistic figures of the 20's
and 30's were part of the
coterie attending the small
formal dinner parties in the
lavish apartment of Mrs.
- The most remarkable fea-
ture of the doll house is its
art gallery containing what"
has proved to be a choice
collection of works by im-
portant artists of the peri-
od, all created especially
for this mini-mansion. Of
the many small original
masterpieces, perhaps the
most celebrated are Marcel
Duchainp's miniature ver-
sion of his "Nude Descend-
ing a Staircase" and the
alabaster "Venus" by Gas-
ton Lachaise.
The festive doll house,
with its glittering ephem-
eral decorations and its
soignee occupants, show- a
glimpse of a lifestyle now
almost lost, a glimpse of
people who have become
o••••*••••oo•oro••• eeee ••• •'•. 0000 00000 • •
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Phone 527-0053 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
This Chiistmas
Let 5iissplteity
Show You Why
For the Highest Quality 4,
1. Positive fill
2. New flu crescent lighting
3, Rinse conditioner dispenser,
4. Three cycles
5. Three wash temperatures
6. Two rinse temperatures
7. Two speed 1/2 h.p. motor
'399.95 '259 • 95
Comparable to models selling for Comparable to models selling for
$549,00 $349.00.
Available in White and Harvest Gold
Free Delivery - Free Installation
I .turn WI Sri hati ,1111 .10.y 1 23 S
Illion bits Mil. On r4ht I
IKtohway..1{S, 60
a It
111.C. i
a dinntive world net
like the cue l which she
lived one of embroidered bed sheets, bedrooms lined
in chintz, lo*nriOix4 OTaRcr-les, crystal chandeliers.
Original petit point cov-
ers Many of the chairs and
also carpets the livix g room
• • •
• •
• •
• 0
• •
• •
• •
• • • •
• •
• •
• • •
• • • •
for evening
demonstration Of
organs or pianos
• •
4111 .0 .41.0 000 • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • ••aa) • • • • o'eo • ••
1. New end cycle signal
2. New push to start button
3.4our drying cycles
4. Two automatic. dry cycles
5. Illuminated drum
6. Available In electric and
natural gas
Merwood C. Smith,Ltd.
RR 2
Listowel, Ontario
Tel. 2914810