HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-11-25, Page 27Sugar and I Spice by Bill Smiley I shuddered 1 got talking to a chap at the curling club the other evening, He seemed a pleasant, straight-forwardpftierlly sort of bloke and we bought each other a drink. "My name's `Jake, Jake Sloan," he introduced himself. I reciprocated. Some- how the conversation got around to Canada's immigration policy, which seems to be disturbing a good many people these days. I asked him what he thought of it all.. "Oh, I got nothing against immigrants," he said, expansively. "The country needs them." I asked him why. "Well, we gOtta have Chinese and Greeks to run the restaurants," he opined, "for one thing." "Yes?" "And we need the Japanese for market gardeners, and the Eyetalians for construction work and running the fruit stores." ''Is that all?" "Well,, we need a lotta hunkies, for the heavy work, like, you know,• mines and longshoremen and all that." "You haye no prejudices then, about allowing people into this country?" I queried. "Absolutely none," he replied firmly. "We gotta have them West Indians so as people in Toronto can have domestic servants, and there'll be somebody to do the dirty work." "How about Indians?" I asked. "Well, I kinda feel sorry Tor them. They were here first, but now they're all drunk or on welfare or both." "Actually, I', meant people from India. And Pakistan.' "Oh, them. Well, I'll tell ya. A little bitta them goes a long ways, They're all too well educated. They come here with nothing, and first .thing you know, they're doctors , and teachers and all like that, and taking jobs from our own people, and thinking they're as good as we are." "How do you feel about Europeans?" "Waddaya mean?" "Well, you know, French, Hungarians, Poles, Czechs, Yugo-Slays ..." "Oh, now, wait a minute. We got enough frogs already .inthis country. And them others, they're too smart. They come out here on a shoestring, and before you 'know it, they own 200 acres of prime tobacco land, or they turn, into architects, or they own a shoe factory and boss a whole lot of real Catiadians,arpind." "You haven't mentioned the Germans. We 'have a lot of them„.", "Ya, the Krauts are40.K.h.They're clean and theyre good.workers: But y. our know what happens, eh? They save their money and first thing you k now, they've bought a summer cottage and live like kings, just like they won the war, or something." "I presume that you'd have no objections, then to a steady flow of immigrants from the Engliih, Welsh, Scots, Irish?" "Well, I wooden go that far. The Limeys are sorta hoity-toity, like they got a plum in - their mouth. The Welsh can sing, but . they're crazy. The Micks are either Catholics or drunks or both. And the Jocks' are pushy peasants with an accent that would curdle your blood. And most of them are skilled tradesmen, stealing the bread out of an honest Canadian's mouth. "How about the Portuguese," I asked rather desperately, "or the Arabs?" "Well, now, the Portuguese tend to crowd together in the cities. They'd be O.K. if we had a sardine industry, or lotsa olive trees. But we ain't. A few of them ARabs might be awright, if they brought some of their oil money with them. I wooden mine being an Arab, you know," here punching me jovially with an elbow.. "Three or four wives, an. I heard all 'ya gotta do to get a divorce is clap your hands three times and say '1 divorce you!' Priddy neat, eh?" I agreed it was priddy neat. "You certainly seem to have an open mind about immigration," I suggested. "But if you were to become Minister of Immigration, to whom would you really open your arms? South Americans, perhaps?" "No way. Them spics are always having revolutions and such. And half them can't speak any English. No, I'd like to see us thrown wide open to Australians. They're pretty mouthy but they're good drinkers, like Canadians. And besides, they're so far away we wooden get many of them." I shuddered. "Next," he said, showing that he was in touch with world affairs, "I'd welcome a whole slew of them Rhodesians, if they hafta get outa their own country. They're white, good workers, and they know how to keep the blacks in their place. Just to make, sure they didn't take a lot of good Canadian jobs," he chortled, "we could send them up to the Mackenzie, River area to sort out the Indian's and Eskimoes." It was getting on. I asked Jake, from a combination of curiosity and politeness, what his own ethnic background was, as I couldn't even imagine it. "Oh, I'm a pure Canadian. My grandfather was Polish, and he married my grandmother, who was half Scotch-half Indian. My ole man changed our name from Slovinski to Sloan. We're third- generation Canadian." I went home and washer!, .out ,rny brain , withieap and water; and wondered, for not - the first time, at my fellow Canadians. • th Apples-a money saving dish 4 ,tiehate. Mr- Roy said tbe..,courts had already ruled that the order in " question was a public document; and that the Minister was misleading the House. The Speaker asked Mr. Roy to O withdraw WrPmatic and whcl? tte ronaedtn do ass,„the Sergeant at,, Arms' tiledrtorl taint from the House. As resnit'of MT. Roy's. Irlitlative the Attorney General has assured everyone that a Gift Ideas for Christmas C • : 0 • • a a Boston Rocker :• Curio Cabinets by House of Braemore 0 0 SEAFORTH Phone 527-0680 BOX FURNITURE ti "Jack's J9tijna THE I-IVRON EXPOSITOR, NOVE 'MRER gs, 1976, • Happily, no one ever seems to tire of the...all-Canadian fruit - Apples. With their shiny bright color, apples are their own 'display packages. Tart firm apples are generally referred to as cooking apples, and the sweeter varieties are eating apples, although many kinds are tagged "all-purpose". When you buy, select firm, bright fruit, noticing the size as well as the variety. Small apples are perfect for turning into sauce and pie, or serving to children; large fruits are best for baking. Try this "Sausage Apple Skillet", making use of your hotnemade applesauce, or a commercial product. Each serving provides about 10 grams of protein so it's not only good, but good for you too! Sausage Apple Skillet 1% pounds pork sausages 3 cups cooked noodles (6 ounces uncooked) '4 cup sausage drippings 1 cups sweetened applesauce or 1 14-ounce can , 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg The Happy Citizens met in the Legion rooms November 4th. One minute's silence was, held for Reta Orr who passed away since the last meeting. Euchre winners were Ladies' High - Mrs. Jessie McGregor, '/ cup buttefed soft bread crumbs 1 tablespoon chopped fresh Parsley. Fry sausages, Drain, reserving 1/4 cup drippings. Slice sausages in 1/2. inch pieces. Combine sausages, drippings, -applesauce and nutmeg with noodles and heat through. Top with bread crumbs and parsley. 6 servings. (By Jack , The Driver Licence Classifica- tion program was announced this week ill the Legislature by. the Minister of Transportation and Communications, Mr. James Sn to become effective e ruary 1, 1977. With these new regulations, every driver, no matter what type of vehicle he or she drives, will h ave a driver's licence relating to a specific class, and he or she will be permitted to operate only the vehicles indicated in that class. The Chauffeur's licenCe classification will — be ,o discontinued. Being paid to drive will no longer be a factor in the new 'licence system. Instead,, all drivers will be categorized, depending on the characteristics of the vehicle driven. Drivers of cars, light trucks and motorcycles need take no action to obtain new licences. When their present licences expire, they will automatically receive the new type of licence. However, Bus drivers, truck drivers - 'and " companies are urged to take action now to obtain replacement Drivers of heavier' vehicles, such as commercial buses and trucks or tractor-trailers, will be reclassified under the new program. New drivers of such heavy commercial vehicles are subject to a great deal more physical, mental and emotional strain than are for instance car drivers, these operators will h ave to meet higher health and vision standards. They will also have to file periodic medical reports to,. confirm that they are continuing to meet such standards. Drivers holding a Class A, • C, E or F licence must provide a satisfactory medical report every three years to age 65 and annually thereafter. Class D drivers, although required to file a. medical report initially with their applications are not included on a cyclical basis, Medical reports may be required at any time from any driver for driver - C'dittrol purposes. The 'new regulation's provide, for a one .,year conversion for those who wish to upgrade their licences on the basis of their driving experience. The new driver licence classi- fications are - Class" A" - Any 'tractOr-'t?ailer'br truck trailer combination. May. , also 4tivc v4icles„.),n, class, D • and 'e 14 Class "B" - Any school bus. May als6 drive vehicles in Class C,D,E,F and G., Class "C" - Any bus, but not a school bus. May also drive vehicles inClassF and G. Class "D" - Any truck' or combination provided the towed vehicle is not over 10,000 lbs. May also drive vehicles in ClasS G. Class "E" - School Bus maximum of 24 passenger capacity. May also drive vehicles in Class F and G. Class "F" - Regular Bus maximum of 24 passenger capacity and ambulances. May also drive vehicles in Class G. Class "G" - Any automobile, small truck or combination up to 18,000 lbs, provided the H towed vehicle is not over 10,000 lbs. • Class "M" - Motor cycles, Class "L" - Valid for the operation of a Class 0 ni otor vehicle when accompanied by a holder of a valid Class A, B, C,D,E,F or G licence, occupying a seat beside the L licence holder, for the purpose of giving instructions in driving' the motor vehicle. Class "R" - Motorcycling train- ing: this authorizes holder to drive the motorcycl e for the purpose of training, subject to restrictions such as time of day, speed limits and prohibition against passengers. Ottawa East Liberal MPP Albert Roy called upon the Government to lay criminal charges against the O.P.P. for bugging a privi- ledged conversation between an accused killer and his lawyer last Easter, with legal authority. He said there are transcripts of the tapped conversation in the Lanark County .. , Jail superintendent's office between Donald Turner, subsequently found guilty of non-capital 'murder, and his def-nce lawyer Mike Quigley, although none of the information. received was used in the Turner trial. During a heated exchange' on this subject, Mr Roy called upon the Solicitor-General to produce, the authorization a communication between Turner and his solicitor could be intercepted, and asked how the Minister could, as the senior law officer of the Crown, avoid taking a pOsitipn on this matter. The Solicitor-General stated he was prohibited by the Criminal Code from tabling the authorization in question. 'When Mr. Roy challenged this statement, the Minister accused the Member of being irresponsible. The Speaker subsequently refused to allow Mr. Roy to read the full relevant section of the Criminal Code, because the time for oral question period had expired, and the matter threatened to develop into WMS. names Miss Campbell to executive The First Church W.M.S. met Friday afternoon with fifteen members. The president opened the meeting with a poeni "Under christ's , Guiding Hand". Following the singing of Hymn 386. correspondence was read. Miss Belle Campbell was chosen to fill the vacancy on the nominating committee. ,The executive are responsible for the December meeting and the "Holiday Wheel" money is to be brought to the December meeting. Mrs Molly Waddell took charge of the study period and opened with a reading "Our Father's Help". Mrs. Cairns read a portion from the study material. Scripture was taken from St. John Chap. 15, verses 1 - 9 read by edythe Coleman followed by prayer from the book "Prayers for the Family". Mrs. Waddell concluded the meeting with prayer. NAL directive will -Fu ctpt,ttr the proper authorities ensuring - that te(ug ;Aut::riati :lil:Ptnd ii;g7°E. 'priviliged conversation a lawyer ant} his. Happy Citizens play euchre Lone Hand - Mrs Edna McLellan and Low - Mrs, Belle Moore. Men's High ' - 'Leo Murray., • Lohe Hand • Frank Smale and Low - Zack McSpadden. Lunch was served by the social committee. PERS • GIFTS FOR MEN Big and Small REPLICA CASE TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS by ERTYL for the little fellow SNOWBLOWERS POWER WASHERS by BOBCAT by PAMLINE AIR COMPRESSORS by ROBT. H. LANNING for-ihe big fellow TAPE, DECKS TRACTOR RADIOS` fOOtt' teis F1. LON & SONS' CLINTON 482-3409'8 4010-leittor-4-40*-- NOW, WON DISPLAY Lilts Tinton . (fxpositor Since 1860, Serving the Community First