HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-11-11, Page 23.7;fr r,,,••Ter.; ;• • ' • HENSALL COUNCIL — Because Hensel( Council will change after the December election, the 1975.76 grbup had their photo taken this week. From lettere, Clerk- Bob Heil, Councillor Paul Neilands who may . run again, Reeve John Baker, who's retiring and Covncilior Harold Knight who's running for reeve.. At the rear are Work Superinterident Gary Maxwell,. former Superiritenderkt Ernie Davis, and Councillors Leonard'Erb and.Murray Baker, neither of whom is' 'running again this year. (StaffPhoto) Varna UCW makes donations Darling' THE PLACE TO BUY MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Top Quality Angus Beef From Hensall Sales Arena and Extra Lean Pork From McGregor's lie SIDES OF BEEF Heifer 85' Steer ..== WHOLE CARCASS ileiier 79: Steer 85' FRONTS OF BEEF Heifer Steer ..... 74' HINDS OF BEEF = Heifer ...... 5 1.09 Ribs - 99' Steer ....... 5 1.15 Loins 1.19 PORK Whole 75' Sides 79' MMIUMManatinnininUMMI111111111111111MMUMia DEARING LAMB Whole or Half 1.49 ............ ....... llllllll lllll We Are The Custom Killing And Processing SPECIALISTS * Smoke House Facilities * Rendering * Government Inspected * Custom Deluxe Processing * Pickup Service * Aging Coolers for 110 Carcasses KILLING DAYS BEEF — MONDAYS HOGS — WEDNESDAYS Phone 235-0420 For Meat Orders & Custom Killing We reserve the right to limit quantities RLIN Correspondent Hilda M. Payne A visit to Greece and.,the Aegean Island was the topic- at • Unit 2 of Hensall U.C..W. at their November meeting on Monday, November 8. The speaker, Mrs. Harry Hoy, told how she and her husband , joined a party .of Shriners last month to take a trip to the Aegean Sea, flying from Detroit to Athens and then sailing.on the "Jason" among the islands and visiting ports ' in Greece and Turkey. -History is old in that part of the world. any even king place since the birth f C ist being classified m em. The 'mate is moderate, e women are hard workers but a working man is a rare sight.The main industry is sheep herding, the main crops( Olives, ,•cy,prus trees, honey and vines and the main hobby knitting. Athens was visited first, then Crete in the. very blue Mediter- ranean, Rhodes, Ephesus in In CNIB campaign- $50 short ' ARNOLD J:.STI'NNISSE LIFE -- and Mortgage Insurance 114n, Income Tax DeductableRe Watered_ Retirement Saving plans and Annuitles, • Income Averaging Annuities - Ask for °Or new Fleiible Premium — REPRESENTING Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada for 17 years, Tel. 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH fil/ • !1; if tf • if THE I-ItHION EXPOSITOR, NOVEWi0ER 11,1976 • s placedat enotap n i)e interested 62-5839 Or 262:5031 es, Correspondent Mrs. Mary Ch,essell 482.9969 "Treasures" was the worship theme for the November U.C,W. meeting. It was based 'on scrip- lure from Matthew 6: 19-34. Assisting Joyce Dowson with the program were her daughters Brenda and Bonnie, wh9 sang two duets, "Happiness Is" and "It's Impossible." She led on a "trea- sure hunt" of the many things members enjoy in their daily lives which can be looked upon as treasures. Bonnie read' a poem "A Day Worthwhile", and Brenda read a RemeMbrance Day poem "I Found a Friend." Marjorie Stirling presided for the business Ineeting. $1000. was voted to the Board of Stevvards, who have had a new —furnace installed, and are having new eavetroughs put on. Donations were given to the John Milton Society, and to the ,new Huron-Perth Resource Centre in Mitchell. It was decided to have a Christmas concert, with the Sunday School, teachers in charge of numbers from their own class s. Th December meeting will follow otluck supper at 6:00 on Wed., Dec mber 1, with former members invited' Cleaning Bee Members of the U.C.W. had a housecleaning bee at the church a couple of weeks ago, and since Eric Luther advises the campaign for the C.N.I.B.. is approximately $50- short of our objective of $1200. The door to, door canvass in Hensall has' been completed. if there are any rural residents who have not sent their donation please do so as soon as possible, Thank you. he especially wishes to thank the following groups who did such an excellent job in the door to door canvass in Hensall: Amber Rebekah Lodge; Women's Auxilliary; Carmel Presbyteriati Church and Women's Institute. Bowling • Washington Capitals 26 Toros 21 Flyers 21 Red Wings 16 Selects 13 Maple Leafs 8 Female high single and triple Was Karen Menheere, 232, 638. Male high single was Herthan Hoste .278. • Male high triple was John Van Rakes 771. then have painted the cupboards, walls and floors of the Sunday School room and kitchen. Personals The Orange Lodge held a dance. at Hully Gully on Saturday evening with a good crowd in attendance. The door prize was, won-by Fred James of Goderich. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murdock 'Morrison and Lodge donates to Barrie home Mrs. Maggie Campbell, Vice Grand of Amber Rebekah Lodge presided at the regular meeting Wednesday evening in the absence of the Noble Grand Mrs. Dorothy Parker, assisted by Mrs. Aldeen Volland, R.S.V.G., Mrs. Ruby Bell R.S'.N.G. reported for the Finance Committee. Mrs. Isobel Rogerson, presided at the piario in the' absence of Mrs. Evelyn MacBeath. The Charter will be draped in memory of the late Caroline Cutler past Assembly President. A donation was voted to the 1.0.0.F. ,home at Barrie for the Christmas .party. Mrs. Bertha Mac Gregor Jr. P.N.G. volun- teered to send items to the Tabloid. Following the meeting, the mernbek,,,enjeyed, euchre bingo in the lower hail: Visitors at the Queensway Nursing Home were Hazel McNaughton with her mother, Mrs. Ada Smillie. Pearl Passmore and Sid Pullman with Bernice Laverty. Mr. and Mrs. R.E.Pooley, Exeter, - visited several friends at the home. Visitors with Louise Mitchell were Mrs. Edna Anderson, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Denroache, Camp Borden and Leslie Mitchell, Crediton. Mrs. Pauline Jeffrey,' was , visited by Edmund Jeffrey, Mr, and Mrs-. Cahrles Greenan, Blanche Bechard, Darlene Stunipf, Mr. and Mrs.'Clemence Jeffrey. • Lynn Latimore, Harold Glanville and Alex Barrett were pregranirne for the general meeting on December 6 and the men's Smorgasbord' , was announced. Members were' laingmed of the new Resource Centre in Mitchell and it was decided to have another bowling party on 'November 27. The devotional was led by Mrs. H. Gerstenkorn and had as its theme Remembrance. Through the sacrifices of the fallen we are free. Let us always take time to remember and always wear a poppy to show others we rethember - Then "they will not have died in vain". After the Mizpah Benediction a dainty lunch ' was served by, hostesses Mrs. R.Mock and Mrs. , Grace Drtiminond. Toasted Oats . The fourth meeting of Hensall 3 4-1-1 Club, the Toasted Oats, was held at Mrs. Bisback's home and consisted of the • conclusion of meetings three and four, and included pra ctical work, demon- strations and eating. The members tasted wheat germ, roasted soya bean and :natural peanut butter (no flavourings) and prepared samples of arrow- root, starch and flaxseed. They also tasted cherry-bran squares and jam muffins. Bran Muppets The fifth meeting of the Bran Mupp,,s, Hensall 2, was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Pepper. Seven girls answered the roll call with "three things I have learned about flour." Mrs. Pepper demonstrated how to cook pasta, using noodles. For discussion we talked about around the world cereals and learned over eleven different ways to use cereals. The popular pastas, laearani, spaghetti and noodles, were discussed. Brenda Pepper, assisted by some of the girls, made tomato meat sauce which combines very well with spaghetti,. Mrs. Pepper made a ham noodle casserole which was enjoyed by all. A special thanks goes to 10 girl's from the three 4,‘H Clubs who did it very worthwhile job selling poppies in the village on Saturday. • day and Friday nights with Mrs. Geo. Reid. Bob Roberts had a successful hunting trip. He and Phillip Madden of Brantford were hunt- ing near Burke's Falls, and returned with a deer. Phil and his wife Pat spent the weekend . with Bob and Gwynne. Wilmer Reid has been a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and • Mrs. Wilmer Reid have bought a new home in Bayfield and are moving this week. visited by Shirley Prouty. Dorothy 'Prouty visited Roy McDonald.. Mr. and Mrs.Earl Sararus, Toronto, visited Mrs. E. Sararus. Cecil & Betty Smith visited several ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dilling and family, Sarnia, visited with Anna Dilling. Bill, Donna, Jiminy and Donald Perry visited Ernie Perry. Miss Greta Lammic visite& Vera Laramie. Church service was conducted on Tuesday by Rev. W.D.Jarvis with Louise Mitchell at the piano. Mrs. Toonk; Mrs. Timmermans and daughter Elaine; Mrs. Neevel, Mrs. Brand and Mrs. Wy nja of Bethel Reform Church entertained the residents on MondaY- of Bingb and' Music. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararus of Toronto visited with'relativeds, in Hensall an the weekend. Livestock sales . Demand at the Heinall Live- stock Safes WaSta4ive and prices were steady last Thursday. The supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers. Fat cattle; heifers, $37.50 - $42.25, steers $39.50 - $42.50. Pigs, weinlings $25.00 - .$30.00; chunks $35.00 - $38.50. Conditions in China. An informative talk on the health of the Chinese people was given by Mrs. Don Beck at the November meeting of Uhit 4 of Hensall U.C.N. on Thursday, November 4. She compared the conditions of the country before the communist take-over. The meeting opened with Mrs. James McAllister reading an article from "The Upper Room" based on Psalm 116. Unit 4 menbers decided to remain as a unit and the same executive to carry on for 1977. Thirty-eight,-visits were made to shut-ins during the month. Generarineeting of all units to be held on December 6, with Unit 4 responsible for lunch. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. reat The [Jensen Branch of the Canadian Legion, Branch 468 marched to the Cenotaph for the placing of the wreaths on Sunday morning, November 7, Rev. Donald Beck officiated. The wreath was placed by the Province of Ontario by Edwin Taylor; the Itensall Legion Braila was placed by Grant McClinchey; The Ladies Legion Auxiliary by Mrs. Beatrice Uyl and the town of Hensall by Reeve John Baker. Township of Tucker- smith by Elgin Thompson; Hay Township by Jack Tinney and LCBO by Garnet Allan; Bendix' Home Systems by Andy Imanse and the Kinsmen and Kinnettes by ' David Smale; Bank of Montreal, Eric Luther; Bank of Commerce, by Mrs. Homer Campbell. Lisa Hammather recited "In Flanders Fields." The party paraded to the Hensall United Church,' the service being conducted by Rev. Don neck. After the service the Legion and Legion Ladies Auxiliary had brunch and a' social .hour at the Legion Hall.• The Hensall Legion dinner will be held Friday night, November 12 at 7:30 at the Legion Hall. Robert McKinley, M.P. will, be the guest speaker. Legion ladies plan draw The Ladies Legion Auxiliary met on Tuesday evening for their. November meeting with the president Mrs. Beatrice Uyl presiding. The ladies are catering to the Legion Men's Remerri- brance Day supper on November 12. There will be an exchange of gifts and acitivites. M'rs. Mona Campbell won the mystery prize. "Mrs. Beatrice Uyl won the attendanCe prize and Mrs. Wanda • McClinchey won the, guessing prize. The "Money Doll" draw Will be held this year and tickets are available from members,. The draw will be on December 24. Personals Charles tvlickle, Hamilton spent the weekend with his mother, MrS. Laird MIckle. A Payne family gathering was held It the Latin Quarter Restati- 'rant, London on Thursday, November 4. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Berdan from Union; Mr. 'and Mrs. Floyd Payne from Tillsonburg; Glen Payne from Elmira; Douglas Payne from Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne of Hens* Mr. and Mrs. Wayne.,Payne from London, and Mrs. John Alegander and Paul of Hensall. An enjoyable evening was spent there. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bryer and Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett and Joe of Mount Clements, Michigan visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch. ' On Sunday, Mr. and. Mrs. Earle Chamberlain of Elora visited with the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch. Mrs. Alvin Rader of Exeter visited with her aunt and uncle, .Me. and Mrs. Sam Oesch on Monday. Mrs. Eric Munroe of Seaforth was a recent visitor with Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mrs. Jack Corbett is spending a week with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and sons and new baby caughter at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker returned home after spending a few days with -Cpl. Doug Wein, Mrs. Wein and David in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Munn have taken up residence at the apart- ment at 92 Brock Street. The ladies of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church held a most successful Fall 'Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday. The 'tables' were laden with a good supply of home baking, produce and sewing. The Arnold Circle evening Auxiliary, were in charge of the tea and refreshments.' Rev. W.D. Jarvis conducted a .seervice...in.:carmeLlreshyterian4.. 'Church on Sunday delivering an inspiring message in keeping with "Remembrance" season. Food Market Exeter 111111111M 111111111111111116 1114115111i lt f Ill At UCVV Describe trip Turkey, Mykanos, Corinth Delphi. The gods are still worshipped as in St. Paul's time, Athena the goddeSs of wisdom, Zeus the god of the athletes, Apollo the god of -light, and music to mention a few. Memories of St. Paul's travels were recalled as they toured. Crete was where Paul had his first convert, Titus; 'Ephesus -was where Paul spent two and a half years, was imprisoned and preached to crowds in the great amphitheatre hewn out of natural rock. The meeting was chaired by Mrs. Carl Payne who also conducted the business. Final arrangements were made for the Correspondent Hilda M. Payne ' The fifth meeting of Hensall 1 Barley Buddies was held at Vicky - Mann's hatise on Tuesday, October 26 at 8 p.m. The girls took up the meeting and discussed around the clock cereals, and then made chicken noodle casserole and peanut crispie cookies. Hensall 4-H Club (113) met' on tueday, October 26 and did combined eetings 113'& 4 which were in catalogue of cereals and flours, 8 girls answered the roll call which was "my recipe using a ready to eat cereal." Meeting four of Hensall 4-H (112; club, the Bran Muppets, was held oh Tuesday evening at ,the home of Linda Gerstenkorn. The roll call, "my receipe using a readyjo-eat cereal" was answered by eight girls. ,They discussed flour, its many kinds and uses and 'learned the common, troubles of muffin Making the main one being over mixing. Mrs. Pepper demonstrated bran muffins which wer enjoyed with jam and a glass of milk. Hensall 1 4-H Club The sixth meeting of the Barley Buddies was' held at Karen Volfang's house on Tuesday; Novenfber 2 1atlep.in. Tiatl call'; was answered by naming a free 'choice • cereal, Members Made hot-water gingerbread. family were the latter'S brother Kenneth Rogers and Mrs. Rogers, Miss Donna Rogers and Brian Jones, all of Wawa, Ontario. . Mrs. Geo. Reid Spent two weeks recentW"With her sister-in- law Mrs. Verna Greenbury, in Flint, Mich. Mrs. Robert C. Reid of Water- , down and Mrs. Joanne, Peuhkur- inen of Mississauga, who were attending the Convention for Exceptional. Children at the Holi- day Inn in London, spent Thurs. to Agean and 4-H clubs meet Queensway Happenings Tuckersrnith Vanastra . Day Care Centre ANNOUNCES a new, Reduced, Rate for lanoltart,lcellY,Thig andco. Chtfirtered Accountants Resident Partner ARTHUR W. READ 268 Main St., Exeter Bus. 235-0120 Res. 238-8075 We're Masters (1). I at Our raft! Four' Licenced Body Men to Serve You. COMPLETE COLLISION, FRAME AND REFINISHING SERVICE CARL'S AUTO BODY * 24 HOUR TOWING * Brussels 887-9269 Two Children from the same family, attending -the Day-Core 'SO PER WEEK - iwp CHILDREN $6 PER DAY , • $30 PER WEEK ON't . $4 - PER HALF-DAY, WITH LUNCH $3.50 PER HALF-DAY We're open from 6:30% 5:30, Monday w Friday. Hot meal at lunch-time. Indoorf outdoor play areas. Full rayigOot. educatioral toys. !AWN FOi A VISIT, OR CALL 482-3544 or 482-7647- ' elenefits Will last for many years to come" The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Malcolm Pou.gall, led in the service of song.