HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-11-11, Page 22Advertising... a showcase for intelligent , shopping. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD Water Wein' DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS • PHONE Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 Im• a.1/1. Additions may be made in the normal manner by application at the Clerk's Office, Mill Street, Dublin. Revision of .Voters List under The Liquor Licence Act Revision of the Voters List will commence 27th October and end at 9 P.M. STANDARD TIME SATURDAY 13th NOVEMBER 1976. Charles Friend, A.M.C.T. Clerk, Township Hibbert ' NOTE THAT ALL TIMES SHOWN ARE STANDARD TIME PROCLAMATION C:405 OF WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASV') TO TAKE NOTICE AND GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY RE:LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE N THE MLNIC.pALITy OF TOWNSHIP. OF HIBBERT PUBLIC NOTICE IS GIVEN OF THE FOLLOWING VOTE TO BE TAKEN: ADVANCE POLLING FOR THOSE PERSONS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN THEIR OWN POLLING SUBDIVISION ON THE POLLING DAY. ADVANCE POLLING WILL BE HELD Saturday, November 27th, 1976 Between the., hours of 11 'a.m. and 8 p..n. Standard TiMe 'at The Hibbert Township 'Office, Mill Street. Dublin, REGULAR P REGULAR POLLING Monday. December 6th, 19.76 between the hourS of j11 a.m. and Bp m:. standard time at :the Township Off ice.: 4 Persons entitled to vote. (a) Has attained the age of 18 years on Polling Day. (b) Canadian Subject or Other British Subject. (c) Is ordinarily resident in the Municipality for two months . up to and including Polling Day, VofeW List The Chief Elections Officer granted permission for Municipal Voters List to be authorized voters list under Liquor Licence Act. . has the the the NOW PAYING A HIGH RATE OF 1 0 1/2 0 a Guranteed 0 Trust Certificates for 5 year term a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Ronnenberg Insurance Agency Brussels openTuesdays and FridayS Phone 887-6663 MONKTON PHONE 347.2241 Monday to Saturday noon [anytime] William E. Bennett Disability Insurance, Group Insurance; Mortgage Insurance. pegistered Retirement Saving Plans, Life REPRESENTING Crown Life Ins. Corn pan !Since 1900] Tel.Officc 527-1610 Res. 527.0913 • .I a' .1-- BaptjsmoHl servicp.helO I 2,,—'T, *i6 HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER, 11, 1976 I • 24 Cards of Thanks Jason Muir would like to thank friends and• relativeS for their kindnesses shown to him while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Whit man, Malkus and the nursing staff. 24-70x1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to my family and friends who visited me while I was a patient in the Seaforth Hospital, also for cards and flowers'and to Rev. Horst, Dr. Brady and all the nurses and staff. Your kindness was very much appreciated. — Wm. Bennewies. 24-70x1 I would like to thank my friends for their cards, visits and flowers while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and nursing staff; Rev. E. 'G. Nelson for his visits; All was much appreciated. ---Annie Harrison. 24-70;x1 We wish to thank our relatives,' friends and neighbOurs for the, lovely flowers, cards and gifts on the occasion of our 40th Wedding Anniversary. Thanks to our family for the lovely dinner and evening held in our honour at the .Optimist Hall. ' The thoughtfulness of everyone will always be' remembered, -- Ed and Alice boyes 24-70-1 We would like to Ay "Thank You" to all our relatives, neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness shown to us in the loss of our baby girl. A special thanks to Father. P. Oostveen and Dick Box, to all who sent masses, cards, flowers and food to our home while I was in the hospital and since returning home and to those who' helped in way.. any other Your thoughtfulness will never be orgotten. — Don and Irene Kelly and children. 24-70-1 We wish ' to sincerely thank our f amily for treating us to a delicious dinner at Walton Inn on Saturay. Special thanks to our daughter, Kaye and her husband, Fred, for being such gracious hosts at the social gathering of relativ,es at their home in Brussels on the occasion of our 40th Wedding Anniversary. A mere "Thank You" seems., So inadequate, for the lovely gifts from our family and grandchildren, 'ind 'from relatives, including those beautiftil roses; and the many cards from relatives and friends, along with their good wishes. It is •.• Hear Ye! Hear Ye! ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF. COMER FURtlITURE STORES 80 KING ST., CLINTON (NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE) - opening specials. - 5 DRAWER CHESTS REG. $49.95 $ 29'6 95 WAGON WHEEL BUNK BEDS REG. $79.95 $ 59.95 hurry in - there's only a limited number of these items 15% .OFF ALL ' CERAMICS Marked down prices on other selected items. .... gi ts, (eitetievk utensii2s otervtotiabo2ict 1,t Your Personal Greetings, WILL BE SURE To reach your friends, neighbours and relatives When you place'them in The Flikon Expositor Phone 527ii0240 Cost for one insertion is $2.00 f9r 20 Words or . less. Additional words 8 cents each, Second insertion foe only.1/2 price. , • . ,Bill and Wilma Jones and family extend Best Wishes for a Happy' Holiday Season and the New' Year. A SEASON'S- Greetings with best wishes for the Holiday. Season and the coming year to all our friends. — The Jones, Seaforth. Among the many sincere good wishes sent to you for a Merry Christmas please include ours! — Mary and Bill lanes. Greetings will be published in` the Expositors of December 16, a23 arid 30 Of • • • • 0 o• 22 -Legal Notices 22 Legal Notices 22 Legal NotiCes 24 Cards of Thanks all most deeply appreciated, and made our Oay one to remember. — Peter nd Isobel Mc.Cowan. 24-70x1 27 Births COL MAN — To Mr. and Mrs.. James Coleman, Seaforth, at Seaforth Community Hospital on November 2, a son, Kevin James. . 27.70-1 McDOWELL DOn and Elizabeth McDowell are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Jill Elizabeth, on November 5, 1976, at K/-W Hospital, Kitchener, Ontario; a sister for Craig. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stewart, Seafortrh and Mr. and Mrs. harvey McDowell, Blyth. 27-70x1 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Vote Under the Liquor Licence Act. Information for voters We wish to express our thanks to everyone who showed their concern to us and the family, and to all who helped in anyway after • Clair's accident. It was all greatly appreciated and will never be • forgotten. — Sam and Mary McClure, -24-70x1,- • • • • • • • • • • • • S. • We would like to thank our' • friends. and relatives who sent 44: cards, flowers and gifts •while we • were in hospital. Special thanks to Dr,. Whitman, nurses and staff of • Seitforth ComMunity Hospital. — Shirley and Kevin Coleman. 24-10-1 • • • I Would like to thank everyone whb sent cards Ottd visited tne • vvlille I 'Was. ht the hospital. A • I would like to thank my friends and relatives who sent me cards and flowers and who visited me while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Particular thanks to the nurses and Dr. Rodhey. — Mrs. Pearl Dale. 24-70x1 speciartiaoks to the nursing staff; Or. Malkos and the euchre ChrIttaeOntiardt,24-70x1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Classified Ads pay dividends. Pulsifer Music • • • 4 'Seaforth • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • org ans or pianos 1 • , • o. ,Ka.1161, OFFICIAL COUNT THE ADDITION OF THE VOTES CAST FOR EACH SIDE TAKEN FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE POLL AS PREPARED AT EACH POLLING PLACE TO BE ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY . Tuesday, December 7, 1976 AT TWELVE NOON AT THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE. 1 We wish to take this opportunity of thanking our friends, relatives and, neighbours for the many gifts, cards and flowers on the occasion of our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Special 'thanks to our family who made it such a memorable occasion. — Gerald and Riek Groothuis 24-70-1 '"visited With her mother Mrs. Anger who is seriously ill in Victoria, Hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McGregor and attended the baptismal service of thpir grandchild, Auction Sale • Tuckersmith group No. I. U..C.W. held an auction sale on Monday night, In spite of poor weather there was a , good atteridattee. WOODEN KITCHEN. CHAIRS REG. $22 EA,, $1 95 I O. The bidding was brisk with auctioneers Mrs. Edna Paterson and Mrs. Doris Sillery and the results most gratifying. The Pennies were heavy but the captains Mrs. M. Walters, Mrs. H. " McCartney, Mrs. B. Stoll and Mrs, Mary Haugh handled them graciously. But the •treasurer, Jean Henderson and Vera Berry decided that there must be another easier way of making money 'than handling copper. Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. standard time at the' • . Township Office, Mill Street, Dublin • .7—POLLING TO BE HELD AT (REGULAR POLLING DATE , • POLLING SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION • OF BOUNDARIES AND AREAS CONTAINED. 1. Cons. 1, 2, and 3.- Lots 1 to 30 inclusive, and. the Police. Village of Dubli n Con. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, and .9 Lots 1 to 30 inciusive, and the. Hamlet of Staff a. 3. Con. 10. 11, and 12. Lots 1 to 30 inclusive: Con, 13 Lots 5 to 30 inclusive, Con. North ThameS Road Lots 22 to 27 inclusive, and the Hamlet 'of Cromarty. SUBJECT OF VOTING ,Are, you in favour of the sale of spirits,, beer, and wine, under a dining lounge' licence for consumption on 'licensed premises where toed is available? .A.re youin favour of the sale of spirits., beer and wine' under a lounge licence for consumption on .licensed premises? ..._ PUBLIC MEETING THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE NAMES OF' THE PERSONS IF ANY APPOINTED TO ACT FOR THE'AFFIRMATIVE AND FOR THE NEGATIVE RESPECTIVELy UPON THE POLL TO BE HELD UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE AC1: I .Monday, November 22nd, 1976 at the township hall , Stone, at : :00 p.m. _ REVISION OF LIST OF VOTERS THE AITIO OF OLJAL.FIETi PERSON SE S M,SD AT ENUMERATION, THE ADDITION OF PROXY , VOTERS AND N THE CERTIF CAT.ION OF PROXY CERVFiCATES. ;NOTE FINAL OATEI I . , ' • Saturday, November - 13 ,1976 24 •Cards, of Thanks 'I would li ke to thank everyone for the cards, gifts and visit's I received while ,1 was in the hospital.Thank you also to all the doctors and nurses who looked of ter me arid made me well again. — Larry McClure. 24-70x1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • POLLING PLACE Township Office, Mill Street, Dublin. Township Hall, Staff a. Cromarty Presbyterian Church Hail, Cromarty. CerresPon4ent Mrs. Hugh Berry :-Mrs..J.W.McBeath spent a few days in Toronto with her niece Mrs. Audrey Rumble where she attended the wedding of her niece Miss Christine Rumble, Toronto, on Friday evening, Nov. 6. Baptism ,ervices took place in Brucefield United Church when the following children were baptised by the Rev. E. S. Stephens, Staci Jennifer Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin. Christopher Jason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Layton left on Sunday to spend the winter in Florida. Mrs. Elsie Henderson , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson and family, Sarnia, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. and Gordon. andMrs. Wallace Jackson visited with relatives in London on the weekend. Mrs. Jackson Dublin. Ontario GOD SAVE , THE QUEEN Charles R. Friend. November 4th. 1976 RETURNING OFFICER • 24? Cards of Thanks We wish to. express our appreciation to relatives and friends for the many cards, gifts and flowers received on the birth of our son, Dean Robert. Special thanks to Dr. Underwood and the nursing staff. — Garry and Betty Jean Finnigan. 24-70-1 I would hike to thank Dr. Rodney and the staff of the hospital. I also would like to thank the people who sent me cards. —Ken MacDonald, 24;70x1 I wish to express sincere thanks to all who (helped in any way after the accident, to Dr. Malkus and Dr. Rodney , and nurses at Seaforth Hospital also to Box's Ambulance Service. Thanks to Drs. Rorabeck and ',Hurst and theist associates and the nurses at University Hospital. Thanks to all who visited and sent cards and gifts and a special, thanks to Rev. Nelson for hia Visits. ',A special 'thank yoit to the 'Canadian Porreadrs OA Grade nil class for their geierosity, such tithe you tealiid how ',wonderful it is to have Mends., Clair McClure.. 2440i . *Kw.' Kg..... • K. Ira • gr jR has harmonica's to org ans in gift items for the musician in the family November Special Free Case with purchase of a guitar! Open every day except Wednesday Phone 527-0053 for evening demonstration of