HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-11-11, Page 21ALUMINUM SALES For a complete line of aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, eavestrough, doors, windows, railings, awnings and shutters. Call BEARSS ALUMINUM at 527-1295 19-69-tf CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING Beef-Mondays, Hogs-Tuesdays Al's Market Phone 262-2017 . ' 19-69-tf VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES Bob Peck VARNA 262-5748 39-69-tf 1st - 2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS Fo debt consolidation, new' purchase or refinancing. No hidden cha s or bonuses. We specialize in the hard to get mortgages, Call collect anytime. 1-579-0100 HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. • 19-69-tf KEN APPLEBY DECORATING • Spray & Brush Painting Paper Hanging Exterior & Interior MITCHELL 348.;9303 19-66-12 20 Auction Sales 20 -Auction Sales * PUREBRED HEREFORD # * DISPERSAL For * MR. STANLEY JACKSON * Kippen,Ontario * Sale will be held at *▪ DENFIELD LIVESTOCK • w sr SALES LTD. • Denfield, Ont. * * THURS., NOV. 18th * At 1 P.M. E.S.T. * .20 cows with bull & heifer -lc * calves of different ages, * * rebred to Jaybee Silver Britisher, due from sale rn Jaybee * Silver BritisherSiwreith a 4 lb. -r‘ • a day gain. 20 Auction Sales - Lobb & Gethke AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers — Appraisers • Clinton Monkton 482-7898 347-2465 • Sat., Nov. '13, Lakeview Auction Sat.,Nov.20 - Real Estate, furniture and appliances for the Estate of the late Charles Cunningham, 118 Gordon St., Clinton, Ont. 20.70-1 20 Auction Sales GREY TOWNSHIP Truck Tenders Council will receive tenders for the purchase of 1965 heavy duty Chev.. • single axle dump truck, equipped with 9ft. plow and 12 ft. wing 80 Series. (As is) .Tenders will be received at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario until' 5 P.M. NOVEMBER 15, 1976 Garage. ROSS ENGEL Road Supt. R.R.3, Brussels, Ont. 21-70-1 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until the 25th day of Nov.,1976 From person or persons interested in SUPPLYING A • Catering Service. at the Brodhagen Community Centre, duties to commence January 1, 1977. For further information contact Ken Smith, Sec.'; Phone 347-2977 21-70;2 Tenders Invited * * * * 4( *4 -4( If' * 21 Tenders Wanted time to spring. Some are daughters of Real Silver* Truck may be seen at Township * Prince 3M, 4i heifers bred to* *,Standard Di a mond 76C; * to oeifers bred to calveo 4 B heifers ri t sired iNs 11- ev 4* by :J; ra May; y 8ee Jaybee Silver Jackson n • dispersing his herd due to* ill health. ng No reserve.' * * For further info;mation * Phone 519-527;1927 Auctioneers 4rik HUGH IF ILSON & TOM ROBSON "P" 4- .666 - 0833 Ilderton 666-1967 20-70-1 * )4- *****-1(4.4.-* For services required by Seaforth Community Hospital as follows: 1. SNOW REMOVAL for necessary snow plowing, snow removal, snow blowing, and sanding as may be required from time to time on roads at Seaforth Community Hospital and on Centennial Drive. Tenders to indicate equipment to be used and rate per hour including necessary operator each unit. 2. GARBAGE DISPOSAL For the removal and disposal of accumulated wet and dry garbage .at intervals of not more than 24 hours. , Further information concerning • any of the tender requirments may be obtained from the under- signed, • individual sealed tenders -ortovering each of the requirements and on which is to be indicated the particular requirement of the tender i.e. "No. 2 garbage disposal" miry be submitted to the undersigned on or before 12 o'clock Noon, Monday; Noveniber 22, 1976. The lowest o$ any tender not , necessarily, accepted, GOKDdN MeICENZtE ADMINISTRATOR Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads swiFortiletiMVIVNITV HOSPITAL 21.70-2 AUCTION SALE VANASTRA - Highway No. 4, 2 miles south ofClinton SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 at 12 o'clock Sharp . Vanastra Warehouse - Featuring Furniture, . Appliances, Some Antiques and many other items NO RESERVES 200 Air Force small desls, large assortment of fluorescent light fixtures complete in 4 ft. & 9 ft.' lengths, used electric wiring; large assortment of chdirs; 5 refrigerators; electric stoves;. hot plates; many- wooden beds; chests of drawers and dressers; coffee, end & Pantry tables; 3 electric guitars, amplifier; 2 skill saws; coiling tile; large quantity of plywood (8 ft. x 30"); iron railing; electric broom; 4 snow tires; sewing machine; 2 coin clothes dryers; assortment snowmobile suits; bath tubs; 2 oak barrels; antique balance scales (working); wash boards; 2 large trunks (excellent); This is just a partial listing, many more items too numerous to mention. a BILL THOMPSOL' TERMS OF SALE CASH `Sales Director 482-3085 • PERCY WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER KIPPEN, Ont. 262-5515 4•••poial••••••*•••• 20-70-1 SALES SERVICE. • TV a RADIO Fl • STEREO Phme,527-1150 • 17 SPARLING $TREET SEAFORTH 19-69-tf ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Furniture and Appliances for the . ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES CUNNINGHAM to be held at 118 Gordon Street, Clinton, Ontario (first street south of railroad tracks on Hwy. #4) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, at 10 A.M. Property consists of a 2-storey frame house on a lot 66 x 132. property will be offered subject to a reasonable reserved bid at 11 A.M. For further information or viewing of property phone Richard Lobb, Auctioneer at 482-7898. NOTE: A good home for a handy man or investment property. Terms 10% down on day of sale, balance ih 30 days. Full listsing of furniture and contents next week. R. LOBB AUCTIONEERS R. G. GETHICE Clinton Bornholm 20-70-1 • Township Hibbert Notice to- Electors A meeting will be held in the Township Hall Statta on :Monday Nov.,15th 1976 at.8:30 p.m. . To discuss Township Business, the Vote under , the Liquor Licence Act, and to hear any Municipal or School Candidates who wish to speak. CHARLES FRIEND A.M.C.T. Clerk 22-69-2 22 'Legal Notices Nominations Township Hibbert Notice is hereby given to the. Municipal ' Electors of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perthr that pursuant to the Municibal • Electors Act,. 1972 and amendments thereto, that- the period for nominations of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors, Three Trustees for the Police Village of Dubli n, and one member for the Huron Perth R.C.S.S. Board for the Town of Mitchell and the Townships of Fullarton, Hibbert and Usborne for the years 1977/78 will commence on Nova 12th 1976 and conclude .5 p.m. Nov. 15th 1,976 .„ Nomination papers may be obtained at the • Clerk's Office, Mill Street, Dublin, and must be signed by at least ten qualified electors and be deposited, 'with the Clerk by 5 p.M. November 15, 1976. CHARLES FRIEND A.M.C.T. Clerk - Township Hibbert. 22-70-1 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER Nominations for the following may be filed at ' the Clerk's Office in Brucefield 'from Thursday, November 11 to Monday, November 15 at 5:00 P.M. One Reeve, One Deputy-Reeve and Three Councillors for the Towaship.of Stanley to be nominated by' qualified elect ors in The Township of Stanley. One Member for the Huron County Board of Education to represent the Township of ' Stanley and the Village of Hayfield to be nominated by qualified Public School Electors in any of the above mentioned Municipalities. Nomination Forms to' be used are available at the Office of the Clerk. MEL GRAHAM Clerk-Treas. • R.R.#1, Brucefield 2-3 Bits. Directory R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME • Additional Phones: 23-694 CloisifiGa. Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 JOHN E. LONGSTAFE . i OPTOMETRIST • Seaforth Office 527-1240 Tues.,Thurs,, Fri., 9:00- 5:30 *-'Wednesday, Saturday 9;00.12:00 Clinton 482-7010 Monday 9:00.5:30 . BY APPOINTMENT • ,• 23-694 on Page 22 ,\, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Nominations fOF COUNCIL EMBERS and , THE+ikna.o.o.gxpOrr..9. 19 Notices 19 Notices - 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales 22 Lewd Notices Notice of. N:Putt Township c;4-71 ruckersOf Nominations will be received at the Clerk'S offiCe b y the Clerk of the 'Tqwri0bIg-pr Tuckersmith in the period comm„encihg-On." November 11 and concluding on November 15 at 5:00 P.M. for the positions of A. Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors for the Township of Tucker- smith. 1.Nominations may be filed in the office of Clerk during the period commencing at 9:00 „ o'clock in the morning, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1976 and ending at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Monday, NOVEMBER 15, 1976. 2.Nominations must be signed by ten electors and the nominee must Rake a declaration of consent and qualification, 3.A nominee May'WIthdraw from a nomination at ,,any time before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday ; NOVEMBER 16, 1976. 4.Nomination papers may be obtained in the Clerk's office. 5.1f a candidate is nominated for more than one' office and does not file the necessary with- drawals, in writing before 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, NOVEMBER 16, 1976 he will 'be deemed to have been nominated Only to the office for which he was first nominated. Advance poll-s - will be held in the Council Chambers at the , Town Hill from 11:00 o'clock in the morning until 8';00 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, NOVEMBER 27, 1976. 1.Any elector who expects to be unable to vote on polling day may file a declaration and vote at an advance poll. JAMES CRIkKER • Returni4 Officer • Town of Seaforth 22.69-2 Notice TownS p of Stanley 2nd and Final payment of 1976 taxes are due and payable on or before November 15, 1976. 'MEL GRAHAM Tax Collector 22-69-2 23 Bus. Directory ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD WATCH AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS — WE SELL AND SERVICE — B41ova-Accutron- Watches — 3 STORES SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON 23-6941 WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME Sincere and courteous service RoSs'W. Ribey, Director 87 Goderlch St., Seaforth Phone Seaforth 527.1390 CEIVIETERT MONUMENT& • 23-694 Nptice The Township of Stanley Landfill. Site will be open on Saturday only FROM '9 A.M. to 3 P.M . beginning November 1, 1976 until further notice TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Mel Graham, Clerk, Brucefield, Ontario 19-68-3 SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified WaiCe Ads' 10, . NOTICE Regarding Municipal Election December 6,1976 Offices to be filled MAYOR, - REEVE, - DEPUTY- REEVE, COUNCILLORS, P. U. C. COMMISSIONERS, - HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, - HURON - PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOAR D,• Who is entitled to' vote 1 Unless otherwise disqualified, anyone may. ' vote in this election who is: 1.resident in Seaf orth or the owner or tenant of land in Seaforth or the spouse of the owner or tenant of land in Seaforth; 2.a Canadian citizen, or British subject; 3.eighteen years of age 'or over; and 4.1isted on the final polling list for Seaforth. Nominations 'for office Nomination day is on Monday: NOVEMBER 15 1976 B. One member to the Huron County Board of Education for the Township of Tuckersmith and the Town of Cif nton. C. One member to the Huron-Perth Rbman Catholic Separate School Board for the Townships•of Tuckersmith, and Stanley . , and the Villages of Hensall and Zurich. Each of the membees so nominated, if elected are to serve a two-year term, 1977 and 1-978. ' The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the Clerk's• Office and must be completed, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by the above deadline. For further information regarding- the procedures under the Election Act, contact the undersigned. , • ' JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk, Tuckersmith, R.R.#4, Seaforth, Telephone 527-0358. 22-69-2 23 Bus. Directory, USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240