HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-11-11, Page 20Ratepayers Meeting Township of Stanley A Ratepayers Meeting for the Township ' of Stanley, will be held on Monday, November 15th in the Township Hall, Varna, commencing at 8:00 P.M. Mel Graham perk, Treas:, ithlt,""aiicefield . 1-69-2 Ratepayers' Meeting Township of. Hullett , A ratepayers meeting will be held in Londesboro Community Hall on • MONDAY, NOVEMB" ER 15, 1976 to hear potential candidates for Council and School Board -offices and to discuss Township affairs generally. CLARE VINCENT CLERK, HULLETT 1-69-2 Classified' Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numberkor prices count as one word per set. Words joined 'by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -'No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $1.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half-inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. • BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word Sc. IN MEMORIANIS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of • verse. • COMING, EVENTS - 20 words ' $1.50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the ' price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c, 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME'OF INSERTION. • • NO cancellation of mullipid insertion • advertipeatents after Noon, Tuesday, Diadline for classified ads is 12•Noon Tuesdays: National Trust REALTOR H. KEITH DIVISION 100 ACRES In Grey Township, bank barn,' modern seven room one storey brick home, oil heating, good cash cropland 60 acres workable, priced at $67,000. TWO STOREY 3 bedroom, in Seaforth, gas heated, new carpet, modern kitchen, large bright livingroom with diningroom area, home in excellent condition, ready to move in. THREE BEDROOM 2 storey modern ,home in Cromarty, oil , heating, fireplace, small barn, car garage on a large " treed lot, small down payment. FOUR BEDROOM Modern 2 storey frame in Seaforth, 3 piece • bath down, 2-piece up, new aluminum siding, iiew son deck, new' carpet, oil heating. Call JOE O'REILLY 345.2465 1440-1 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 LARRY PLU1v1STEEL Phone 527-0052 PIERRE RAMMELOG 525-9478 ' Clinton Office Phone 482-3821 Member of Huron Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service SEAFORTH HOMES: 1 1/2 storey home on a goo'd lot close to downtown, $30,000.00. , 3 bedroom home, nicely decorated 9n a large lot in school area 3 bedroom modular home, good condition in trailer court 2 storey home in beautiful conditiori, centrally located, vinyl , siding, large lot. 2 bedroom home close to downtown for $15,000,00. 3 bedroom new home in Egmondville. COMME4CIAL We Offer a feed mill with good eictuipment, good returns in a good rural location. Here's a VAriety store with good returns, excellent location in a booming town. Thriving Grocery Store in booming town in Huron County. We also have other commercial properties for Sale. FARMS 50 acres of. cash crop land near Holmesville 200 acre cash crop farm, good buildings,' near Auburn Sow .farrowing operation, 50 acres. 120 acres, 100 workable, near Blyth, 3 bedroom house, large barn. VILLAGE & RURAL PROPERTIES Almost all new 3 bedroom, 1 floor home in Hensall for $27,000.00, Varna - 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 storey home on large lot. Snowden Acres - new home, fireplace, large, lot near Lake' Vanastra - '3 bedroom home in good area for $19,000.00. 2 good sized lots with docking facilities in port Franks. 2 bedroom .,home 4ast of Clinton on 1/2 acre • $22,500.00. 7 room hOuse on 1 acre near Walton 3 bedroom Country liome inBayfieidl area 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 storey house hi Hensill 3 bedroom brick home on 11/4 acres East of Seaforth, Good selection of homes for sale in Clinton. 14.70-1 20 'THE HURON EXPOSiTOR, NOrki.agl 1976 j( e the-want ads regularly 4 1 Coming Events HAM & EGG Supper, Ribbed United Church, Staffa, Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 5 p.m. Adults $3.00. Children under 12 $1.00. 1-69.2 ANNUAL Turkey . Bingo November 26, 1976 St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Dublin, sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association, 12 regular games; 3 specials and 3 door. prizes. Admission Adults $1.00. Children .50c. 1-69-2 DANCE to the music of The "Wilbees" at the Seaforth Community Centre. Saturda,y, November 20. Dancing from 9:30 to 1:00. All profits for Arena Renovations. Tickets $2.00 each available at the Recreation Office and at the door, 1.69-3 The family of Ronald and Dorothy Gorden invite friends, neighbors and relatives in honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary to be held at Family Paradise Friday, November 12. Best Wishes Only. 1-70-1 1 Coming Events. "OLDTIMERS" Card Party K. of C. Hall,St. Columban, Thursday, November 18th. Cards 2 - 4 P.M. 1-70x1 Beechwood Pottery's regular show and sale Sunday afternoon 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 21/2 m . north of St. Columban 345-2184 I- 69-tf ANNUAL Bazaar Festival and Tea at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Saturday, November 2b, 1976. • 1-70-2 The Hospital Aux iliary will be having a "Winter Magic" Dance at the Legion Hall, January 29. 1977. Ian Wilbee's Orchestra will provide the music. 1.70.1 DON'T FORGET Mixed Euchre Legion Hall, Wednesday night, November 17, 1-70-1 1 Coming Events FIREMANS` BALL' , Seaforth Community Centre, Saturday, November 13th, Music by Maitland Sundowners. Tickets available from all Firemen. 1-67-4 BLYTH Centre for the Arts presents an evening of opera excerpts from the Masked Ball and several other operas in English by the University of Western Ontario Opera Workshop in Blyth Memorial Hall, Friday, November 26 at 8:30 p.m. Adults $3., Students V. Tickets available at The Huron Expositor or Mrs. William Ball, 527-1801. 1-69-3 AUCTION SALE of donated items, to raise funds for our Arena renovations. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 ' ' At the Round House Any items that could be donated would be• appreciated. Please drop off at the arena or round house. For pick up call MRS. E. ELLIS 527-0125 Or RECREATION OFFICE 527. 882 1-69-3 BOX189 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 • BUS TOURS AIRLINE TICKETS CHARTER FLIGHTS PACKAGE HOLIDAYS ****** BROCHURES ON REQUEST Ont. Reg. No. 1239997 ' I -69-tf Bingo Every Monday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. 15 regular games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth ..lackpot$200.00 must go. Door prizes and many other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-69-tf 3 Found SMALL black long, haired poodle type pup with red collar and long tail. Phone 527-0440. 3-70-1 4 Help Wanted ORGANIST for Carmel -Presbyterian Church,' Hensall, duties to commence January 2, 1977. For further information phone 262-5054. 4270x3 PERSON'to clean snow from path at Goderich Street West residence each morning as weather makes necessary. Apply Box 3254 Huron Expositor indicating rate per hour. 4-70x1 PART .TIME maintenance, in Seaforth area. Apply Box #3252, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. 4-69-2 APPLICATIONS FOR ustodian Applications will be received by' the undersigned up to and including SATURDAY,NOV. 13, 1976 for the position of Custodian of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Applications should be in writin and indicate experience and a ary contemplated. ALTER McCLURE Chairman of the Board R.R.2, Seaforth,Ont.- NOK IWO 4-69.2 Dairy Equipment Services Person required 'by local Surge Dairy -Equipment dealer. Farm interest, ambition and mechan- ,., leaf ability essential. Opportunity for right For more details please fail 527.103 ? 4,-69-2 4 'Help Wanted HOMEMAKER REQUIRED TO live in modern house. Car to drive, close to downtown. Contact Milton Johnston, 161 James St., Clinton, P.O.Box 1216, 482-9707. 4-69x2' 8 Farm Stock For Sale PALOMINO stallion, 2 yrs. old, gOod with children, 527-1794 after 4 p.m. • 8-70-1 10 Good Cows bred Charolais. Phone 527-1447, 8-70x2 40 Hereford heifer and steer calves, Govenlock Farms, 527-1848. 8-70x1 11 Articles For Sale 1974 Suzuki 90, best offer, 527-0971. 11-69.2 HONEY for sale, 2 and 4 pound pails, Apply Wilmer Kelly, 101 James Street, 527-1023. 11-66-8 APPLES, Macintosh, Courtland, Delicious, Ida Red: Northern Spys, bring containers. Ross Middletons Storage, 1 mi east of Bayfield, north of river, 482-9136. 11-69-4 CUSTOM CHRISTMAS GIFTS Hand crafted leather purses and wallets. Club crests, initials, etc. Order now for the special people on your Christmas list. Howard and Frances Breen, 345-2865. 11-70-1 4 Month old quarter horse colt, Phone 527-0166. • 11-70x1 SOLID Oak library table. Phone 527-0227. - 11-70-1 ONE grey insul-birck home to be moved off premises or torn down. Located across from the Van Egmond House in" Egmondville. Fol• more information telephone 527-1301 after 5:30 P.M. 11-70-2 50 x 12 two bedroom mobile home partly furnished with skirting, very good condition, $5,300 delivered. 'Phone Merlin 689-4823. 11-7q.2 YOUNG mans and womans skates size 6 and 7, also skidoo suit to fit girl 10 to 12. Excellent condition, 527-0969. 11-70.1 HARD Maple firewood ready Split. Phone 482-9921 or 482-3367 after 5 p.m. ' 11-70x3 • NEVER used, ladies figure skates and skate 'warmers, size 6, $20.00. Phone 527-1068. 11-70-1 SNOW TIRE and wheel for 69 Volvo, 2 snow-tires 15 x 800, 345-5270. • 11-70x1 • SET of Sunbeam cattle clippers set of blades also one pair of snow tires, size G78 x 14' on Chevelle rims, 345-2616. . 11-70x1 ONE1976 Arctic Cat and one 1975 Arctic Cat., Phone 527-0566, 11-70-1 1971 '- 175 Honda 527-0091 Best Offer. FORD RIMS: 2 - 5.5" x 15" to fit any F100, 'F150 Ford Pickup or Bronco. Excellent condition. 527-0064 after 6:00 p.m. 11.70x1 COPIES. Copies of your important papers documents while you wait. Letter size, "25c each. TILES RON EXPOSITOR 11.69xtf . TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-69-tf FIREPLACE type stove solid door- and fire screen -"used only once, Price $150, will sell for $100. 482-7126 after six. 11-70-1 LIBRARY TABLE, harvest table and a parlour table. Phone 521-0063. 11-70-1 • ROXBORO Garden, 527-079,5k potatoes, squash, spider plants. 11-70-2 , 'ONE wooden eombfnation storm and• screen door size 7 feet x 3' feet.. Phone S27-0922, 11-70x1 2 Low mileage snow tires, size E78-14 completewith rims froril Chevelle 527-0941 after 6 p.m' 11-70xi 11 Articles For `Sale MOVING BASEMENT Sale: Saturday, November 13th, 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Work Benches; Large Oak desk; 19th century school desk; •copying machine; odd dishes; old bottles; books, National Geographic; magazines, dating back to 1930; dbil buggy, toyS; old chairs and tables; hand tooli; portable television 21"; sun lamp; heavy fridg. cart; various other items. Tuckersmith school house 11/4 miles east of Brucefield on the Mill Road.527-1032. 11-70-1 65 12 - 2 bedroom mobile home, pa furnished, very good condi 'on, $6,900 delivered Phone Merlin 689-4823. 11-70-2 DRY Maple firewood, Ken Carnochan, 527-1545. 11,70-3 RAY'S Shoe Repair is now putting zippers in coats, shoes, etc: 35 Huron Street, Clinton. Now on sale. boy's insulated boots, size 4, 5, '6, $2.001 a pair. 11-70-1 • 1 Pr. Girl's figure skates, size 3 and I pr. boy's skates size 13 in good condition. 527-0715. 11-70-1 MeINTOSH Wayne Red, Delicious and Northern Spy apples and fresh apple cider. Potatoes, Spanish' and cooking onions, fresh honey and maple syrup. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037. 11.69-tf To give away, part Labrador, part German Shepherd puppies. Phone 527-1857. 11-69-2 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron' Expositor, Seaforth., 11-69xtf 12 Wanted To Buy TURN unused cameras into cash. Photography students require good used cameras in worlarig order (35 mm. range finder and SLIP preferred) Phone 527-6380, evenings 527-1481. 12-70-2 i Pr. Girl's skates size 5 and 1 pr. boy's skates size 2. 527-0715. 12-70-1 14 Property For Sale LARGE Seaforth house for sale by owner, excellent oppOrtunity to own house and have' mortgage paid by rental income of upstairs apartment. $24,000. Phone 527-1490. 14-70-2 MA 'FAR LANE. REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER EXETER 235.0541 53 MAIN STREET SEAFORTH' - Brand new 2 or 3 bedroom homes available in newer part of town. Electric heat, large hying room, separate dining room, sharp spacious kitchen, 4-piece bath, large lot. Call Bob Thomas, 482-3096 or 235-0541. 14-70-2 COLEMAN ST., Custom built every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are aecompliihed by low, cost Huron Expositor want Ads. that 527-0240. 14 Property For Sale !MIST REAL ESTATE DON NEW BRICK HOMES $34,323 'Only $1,700 down and $250 per month for these well finished 3 bedroom ADOP Gov't. assisted homes. Located in Vanastra. Can also be bought without the AHOP program, or you can trade in your present home on one. Open house each Saturday and Sunday after- noon. SEAFORTH West Willi am Street - One floor 3 bedroom home, lull basement gas furirace, large hack yard, Three blocks from main corner. JOHN ST. - Close to Main St. 2 floor remodelled 3 bedroom home. Extra large living room, utility .room, gas furnace, new aluminum siding. CHALK ST. - 2 floor 3 bedroom newly remodelled home' features aluminum siding, 'new kitchen with extensive Gebel cupboards, panelled and carpeted living room, bath with vanity and gas hot water ' -king. LOTS 4 pudding lots at the south end of town. • EGMONDVILLE THREE 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - Features large carpeted li ving room with dining area, finished rec room in basement, 100 amp service, oil. heat, town water, 3 year old double' garage. Good location. NEW - Three bedroom bungalow $38,000. • . . TUCKERSMITH Acreage - 50 acres partly hush'. • KINBURN TWO YEARS OLD - 3 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow, electric heat, full insulated basement, drilled well. Priced in`., the low 40's. LIKE NEW -.One 'floor. 3 bedroom home of 1400 sq. ft. Aluminum siding, dining . area. full basement, oil heat. Priced in the low 30 's. COUNTRY LOTS r--- 14 acre for mobile. or custom homes, water available $4,000. • WINTHROP MUST BE SOLD -L.- 2 floor, 4 bedroom .home, separate:dining room, full basement, detached double garage. A good family home in a good location. Only $20,000. DUBLIN Two adjacent lots each 132' x 132'.. $5000 each with terms. Clinton Office 482.3595 • John Thon`mson 527-0238 John Duddy 482.3652 ' • Moranne Duddy 482-3652 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED' Realtors • l4.70:1 14 property For Sale REAL ESTATE LTD. 482.9371 Clinton ,Farrow to Finish operation near Bluth, Fully equipped Community sales barn in Huron County. * * * * * 2 storey 4-plex in Clinton, good location. * * * * 1 Clint exce 1/2 sta' rb sec in 3 acres near Hensall, 11/2 storey home, 8 rooms. Barn on the property . * * * * * * 100 acre dairy farm near Clinton, fully' equipped. * * * * * ,v1o' ome in McKillop 'Twp. fully furnished. * ***** FOOD FOR THOUGHT ''Do it now" is more than a motto; it' is a way of life. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER BOX 249 , WESTLORNE-ONT] 768.1170 ,1111 '5 Apartment Buildings in Seaforth No.1 - McMaster Apartment, West Willitain Street, 8 units. No.2 - Seaforth Apartment, East Goderich Street, 11 units. No.3 - 3-store block on East side of Main Street. 3 stores - 5 apartments. No,.4 - Royal Apartment, corner of Main and Gnderich' Street. 12 units: No.5 - High Street apartment, (-corner ,of. Market and High ' Street. 6 units. Open for offers on one or all. "*,***** 111 acre farm north of Holmesville. L-shaped barn and brick house. * * * * * * 60 'x 60 heavily-constructred building in the Seaforth Industrial site. * *'* ***. 6-acre parcel of rand with Modernized home. * * * * * * A one' floor residence a hoot-and- a-holler from Main Street. Recently been updated ' and renovated. * * * * * * 4 , Two-storey red brick , catpeted, bath up and down, stylish: kitchen and pleasing lot. . WILLIAM M. HART 527.0870 or 5-27-1972 . 14-70-1 I 14 Property For Sale 2 'bedroom red brick bungalow, modern kitchen with dining area, large livingroom, 4-piece path and detached garage. Located on large treed lot near Seaforth. Apply Box #3253 The Moron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. 14-70-4 15 Property For Rent FARM HOUSE 9 miles from Seaforth, all conveniences, room , for garden, immediate possession. Dublin 345-2198. 15-70-2 3 Bedroom farm home with all modern conveniences in Hensall- Kippen area. Available December 15th, 262-5988. 15-70- 1 3 Bedroom house two miles from Seaforth. Apply, Scott Poultry Farms, 527-0847. 15-79-2 3 Bedroom apartment in Dublin. Available immediately. 345-2754. 15-70-2 19 Notices RESPECTABLE Walton • gentleman has excellent four bedrobm older home to share. References required. Phone 887-6540 mornings. 19-70x1 WOULD the party who ilemoved the windmill from our lawn on Hallowe'en please• call or write me to • let me know ,its whereabouts. No name necessary. Joyce van Vliet, 887-6915. 19-64.1 FOR complete sewer hookup, call the experts 32 527f-o1r' o. i9 details, Kling t. HOME and farm repairs, cement work, masonry work, specializing in, fireplaces, chimneys and other odd jobs. Free estimates, For more information please call Stan Kirkham, Mitchell. 199 348-8797.:6-ff MM. For expert CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and ' . PROCESSING Bring your anjmals to • iblne of the famous 41.0"-V Dashwood Saustio VlaRNMS I 1 mile moll lifThidmiMerle:tMilii 161.114m:don 237•11iI4 19-69-tf QUALITY DRY CLEANING SERVICE • Take your garments to SEAFORTH IMPORTS on Main Street - Our Agent in Seaforth , GRAND BEND CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS ip Repairs and alterations, suede and leather cleaning, wedding and evening gowns a specialty. 19-69-2 Eavestroughing Roofing and Chimney Repairs Call - 482-9706 For estimates 19-69-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guarantee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284. 19.694 Additional •,.. Classified on Page 21 8:15. -• three bedroom brick home with Phone: one car garage- finished rec room 11-70x2 with fireplace, carpeted bedrooms, finished laundry, and wash room in basement. Call Ray Henderson, 527.0276 after 6 P.M. ,---- 14-70-2 HOUSE for rent 11/4 east of Seaforth and 2 miles south. In clean condition, •all conveniences, car garage available. Lots of room for garden. Immediate 14-70-1 posession. 348-9376. 15-68-3 vt 1