HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-03-15, Page 2THE MINOT-LA.1W rrMEs, 1MARCIT
Sojng to ave the Farm, get that mai take the interest In I grumbled ne Mere about hard work' I suppose its a perfeetly lin rmless The successful tempering' of Blain- Curio°Z7spVapeewrsta7etheMselves
The work of the farmhouse was the work that George has? Yea and the monatonY of his life, but hi alimeement, said a young woman of inura so as to give it the consie- foam a readable chapter in the his -
error for the day i the ebildree— have thought it only iight thet every way tried to show his aPPreela" ()Nervation, but for the life of me 1 tensa of iron is the latest triumph of tory of journalism. The London
eseeli the exception of the oldest eon, George should do a big share toward tion of ille father's kindness, Tti foal can't see the use of all this discussion F. Allard, the Levis blaeksmith, press News mentions the Wowing
. Who had gone to the village ---were runnieg the farm, and considered EU Hareweed was wont to sal eeeae that's piing on concernieg- niatee whose discovery of the lost F,gyptien samples;
kitchen Farmer Harewood, his wife hcaue, You aro disposed to think he had reason to bless his sister -ie.' it is trot a question of any trait of meebanical world some three or four' warrstroplaisrfersotpPitteer pervoentrogsblilsillitvecle
:fd, end in the big comfortable your duty done in giving him a sionallY in confidence to his wife that Most attradive trait to women. Why art of hardening copper startled the
and his wire,s sister, Airs, Lucas, him ungrateful because he wants to law for good advice/ and that lie general. application at all; it simply years ago, and only failed to make the preposterous intention of bring.
The farmer was reading. a paper, makes hie services more ing it out once every century) the
were sitting Atround, the center table. leave you now ,that every year owed it to her that he had a, stalwart depends on the 'Milan% idea of what the fortune of the author because at'
hie wife was putting a, patch an the But the boy is ambitious, and, is not But George never knew to what man at sonic ideal all through her cent trial of Allard's tempered alum- TI re! tfirrasttedp Inbaeci,reutittuk: e ?noittisr 151
valuable, arm to lean on in advancing; years. is most attractive in some certain expensiveness of the project. A re -
knell of little Harry's diminutive satisfied to travel in a circle. He lie owed. the cliallge in bis fortum, girlhood that the only worshipful inum has proved the success of his
leave you, Eli. Whom, could you 1 heard to mention the subject, and he Woruares Ideal of a, lean.
Alunztfurint Tempered,
knickerbockers,. and Mrs- Lucas was wants to. make some headway,. and •
Teton in tune. . man is the poetic, and soulful erea- new method and the practical pme itmilisteeqausleitriettliy No. 2foeist,d;reireein2.1:41._
eroeheting a hood of blae and white it's only natural." :Hood's Sareaparilla has achieved great ture, and then flop completely over poses. to which it was applied, After • lings. The first number. did not
zephyr ror a Small niece. The father leaned his bead an his success in warding Otr SIOLMOSS Wilit,lb,, and throw herself at the muddy feet having given the resistance of iron eotesine
in asinfelsettilacveewrstpisapetneerntie the
There wag, silence in the kitchen hand, a look of deep thought on lila if allowed to progress,. would bare under- of the•tousle headed half -back of a to a munber of articles manufactured .
savetor the snappies,b of the tire in the . grave weathetsbeaten face. His Tile :-1:3:roinvhetQl%tratietrao ofaut gal= college football team. • by him out of aluminum, he has ' world is E. Telegrama„ published in
eteve, the tiekleg ofthe. big eight- gentkesistetein-raw's plain speaking cuBe
Buffering andg 4iven. threaten death, It's all nonsense to e.ay that we - made and hardened a cannon, wbich Mexico, exactly four inehes square.
day clock ia : the corner and the bad, given vise to thoughts which had • H.00d's Sarsapargla has done all this women have gots any well -sustained, has just been tested in presence of.. In Japan the Sid GM Shim Dan.
never before e tered his head. • and even more, A . has. been taken. in well•defined ideals of manly Colonel Spence, the. American Consul- . Kwai Zassbi is printed with ite
. ,
rustle of the fernier's newspaper, and
wben Mrs. Hgewood sighed deeply,
both her sister and her husband
looked up in snrprise.
"What's tiki matter„ Sarah ?"
asked the lattdr. "That sigh was
.the loudest I eeer beard you give.
His.anything eone wrong? You look
as though you have a big load on
your titled."
"I have," „answered the wife,.
".And it is a loa;c1 you.must share,
Eli; I have borne it alone as long as
I can bearit. ;There is great trouble
in store for us-,% husband—George is
going to leave he farm."
The newspaper fell to the floor
and for a moment the farmer looked
at his wife, toe much surprised to
utter a word,
"Going to leave the farm !" he re-
plied at last. ;Sarah, you must be
Mrs. Harewbod shook her head
"I wish I were," she said. "No,
Eli, it is true. .George has made up
his mind to lea+e us. I have noticed
for months pas that he seemed dis-
satisfied and r stless, and. since you
sold Vixen he has grumbled a great
deal about wo4- and the dullness of
his life. And to -day I heard him
say to Jasper Flint that he would
not be here a menth from now ; that
he had enough of farm life; and if
weetfesed our consent to it he would
run away and take his chances."
"We'll see about that," said the fiant gang—nmeteen 7 --
farmer, angrily,. "Consent to it! I and Mrs. Lucas saw a quiver pass sof them prepared to fight; with "Body Reste,d, Mind at Ease.!'
rather think no1 I won't consider it over George's Iface as the childl
for a moment. ii'What would he be spoke. counsel and jury, to the bitter end. That is what is when traveling en
right, Hester,' he said at last.
"1 believe yr are more than half thousands of eases which were thought
/TR teoffeboetehcr urglueae.antdulafteertiraest‘air
character. We don't fall in love General and a number of Other
hu with a man because he fills out our dignitaries, With the greatest saccess. The title is printed on white paper;
sbeets or leaves of di ()lent colots,
think ibEtnging
t all over to -night and make health, streeeth nd joy to the attlicted. plan, but because we like the fellow; This cannon is twenty-six; indica long the inside leaves are printed on var-
up my mincl what to de, I'd he lost Another imports' t point about lIood's because NVO can't help ourselves in and five inches in diameter, the ious .brightly eolored--green, orange
here without George, and lmshan't Sarsaparilla is lat. its cures are per- f t ; and then• the1 metal of the gun outside the bole and yellow, It is not printed on
leave the farm '0' I can help it." ailment. beoause they start friun the in., clisoover that t s.
solid ound:teen of purified, vitalized la• Yc nee I.C$
"Force NVOI t keep him, Eli ; ' and enriched blood. But it is not what are. just those that WO admire. Our
being only a quarter of an inch bothsides, but each shoot is folded
thick. A eharge consisting of a at the fore edge, not at the back, aS
member that,"tand Mrs,. Lucas, • feel- we say but what Hood's. Sarsaparilla Ideal changes with each new case of pound of powder has been SULCOSS- in tills country, and ,the printing- is
does that tolls thIR story, heart affection, for if it were not so fully fired out of this little piece of done on. the first artfourth pages.
now. could we manage to endure a ordnance without - leaving any ap- It is about the size of a crown octavo
A, Foxy Old Pox -Hunting judge- .change of sweethearts I believe preeiable effect upon it. A new and ,pamphlet..
An old Irish judge On the North- that there are some girls in this more scientific trial of the cannon Tho Austrian Fortnightly Review
western Circil* loved the hunting, world who have made a selection has been ordered, by the Canadian is a unique literary publieation, iii
court -room. 's clerk was like- but they are simply freaks, and Quebec citadel by the artillery ex- •
every land„ and each article is print -
joyous pair they
field more than he did the sleepy from the other sex by.ruland rote, military authorities to be held at the that it has 'contributom in almost
look on them w th mingled wonder perts there, and the . United .States ed in the native language of the
ing that she had said enough, folded
up her work, and taking up a lamp
from a shelf by the stove, went up
stairs -to ber ownii•room.
Just at daybreak she was aroused
front a sound seep by the sound of
horse's hoofs in he yard. and looking
out of the wi ow saw Eli trotting
away on Roan.
"Where can he he going at this
hour ?" When she came down stairs
at six o'clock Qeorge was standing
by the kitchen; table, having' just
came in with Oro pails of milk. His
face wore a dicontcnted, unhappy
look, and he m ely nodded in return
for his aunt's
A few minu
entered, but 0
to one of the mildews and was look-
ing out dejectedly, did not even
glance up.
"You were out early, Eli," said
leery "Good. morn-
of.peace, yr hon ,
"Tim" said the judge, "do you which is pessesked by the man most The cannon just tested weighs 140 which two copies are printed daily,
s later his fatherthink you can get the first fellow to charming to her: He is not charm- poundS in all. If it were of iron and This exclusive publication is intend-
rge - who had goneplead guilty withot a jury trial, ing because his hualities first made the same dimensions- it would weigh ed for the perusal of the Emperor
and me to let him off with a week in him so, but hisc1xalities are the most 180' -'pounds. In appearance the alone.
jail ?" i ' charming becau the finds them in finished specimen looks as though it In Turin is a, paper printed with
"The easiest; thing in the world," him.
answered the faithful clerk. Just now, by t
made., d One fit e morning the clerk • and pity. deference, Consul, in ViONV of thismove, is writer.
"Yer honor, old Billy Dunane's devotion, physieal charms, mental Allard to manufacture, as soon as periodical for the blind, printed in
Hora Focunda is a useful monthly
Courage, te &mess, understood to have encouraged Mr.
whispered to the judge :
meet to -day, tit Ballykillmulligan ; attainments, the are all characteris- possible, a carmen twelve feet in Edinburgh from the "Braille" type,
an' they've a fine dog -fox." - ties that we like il men, but it is silly length for direct shipment to Wash- and all engaged in its production are
"Ho* many eames are on the to try to pick out'anYone of them as Ington ; but whether this is to be at blind.
docket ?" asked the judge, excitedly. being the most attractive to • women Allard's risk or by instructions from The, credit of having the smallest
"Twenty, for rioting and breach circulation in the world, belongs to
in general. To every woman that the United'States Govenment is not
r 77 manly duality is most charming known and cannot be learned. the Imperial Gazette of Berlin, of
e by, my opinion is
Mrs. Lucas. "]heard you ride away . "Make haste," then, and bring the thathe most cba ening characteristic
at day -break." 'Y - whole gang, ad, I say, Tim, • tell in a man would be that of consenting
"Yes, I went to Pine -Ridge mean. to buy a new dress without the faint-
idge on a Jerry to sadd e the mare.'
matter of business." . while."
"That's wherct, you sold Vixen,. The twenty p
papa, isn't it ?" ;i asked little Harry., into court—a d
est reference to making over an old
soners were brought one.
The twentieth had been. ,interviewed tbe tast trained: he Chicago, Milwaukee
worth a year him now if I let him "Yes, my leiy, I sold Vixce to by the clerk. He was called. • ' & St. Paul llail7. ty; besides there is no
- kick,"rfor the accommodations
go? He'd fall in with all sorts Lawyer Stanley. George," turning "Guilty or no,t guilty of the crimes ;31 brea ntlepett: ;late, the trains keep indving
of rascals in the city, and get usell to his son, "I've made up my mind charged?" demanded the Judge,with right along and get there on time. Thee
into trouble. Besides, I need him to part with thatl fifty -acre lot by the a propitious smil ,• lines thoroughly' cover "the territory
here. It'll be ,:ten years at least be- river. What do you think of that ?" "Guilty, yr h
fore Harry can!take his place, and "Of course yoi are to get a good mei" said, tbe era
he's got to stay if' I have to tie him price for it, sir!' said the young man ,Well." said th
or ; Heaven help between Chicago, La Crosse, St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Aberdeen, IVIitchell, Sioux
ty prisoner. City, Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha
• judge, glancing and Northern Mtehigaa. All the princi-
down:" indifferently. "te's the • best of land benevolently about the rOoM, "I pal cities and towns in that territory -are
reached by the; "St. Paul" lines, con -
"Why don't 6asti make ' him want you have." 1 • I faney I can let you off with a week."
tenting at St, Paul, elouncil Bluffs and
to stay, Eli?" asked the gentle voice . "But I haven't; sold it. I am go-IThe man thanked. the judge, and
, Oulaht. with all lines fur points. in the
of bis sister-in-law. • ing to give it aw y."stepped down. far west. Writeito A. J. Taylor Oen-
"If he's got g he city fever on him, "Give it away," repeated George, There was a terrific sensation adian Pass'r Ag"nt. 87 York Street, Tor -
ail the talking:0.n the world. won't do roused out of hs indifference and among the other' defendants,none of
onto, Ont., for no of their new map
time tableands a brochure giving a
any good," rejoined the farmer."Hewon't list* to a word." heard aright. than years in limbo. Here was a ing Cars. Ticlets furnished by any
whom expected to get off with less
starinat his f g -description of ,thl'a Compartment Sleep -
"Don't talk.; Don't let him ever "Yes, deeded chance to profit by "his -- honor's" ,COU1300 ticket air" t in the United States
suspect that yea are aware of his to some. one I th finest dining cars in
desire to leave you, Try a new and who darer n the solid vestibuled,
mg of all day.? ' voice weakened
"The best plan 1 know of is to tell to give it to my
Iiim mymind dreely, without any wood, to have, ,
beating about the bush; and the sees fit, without
sooner it is done the better," -"To me Yo
her as if lie had not
it, every inch of it,
and all mini. and Canada. Eh
nk a, great deal of, pleasa.nt mood. One
the world are run
,u,, it, laying ' his feted an earnest desire to follow the ele ,tric-lighted and steam -heated trains
plan, Eli, a plan I have been think- hand on his sons shoulder, and bis exaniple of their conu•ade, and of thePChichgo, Milwaukee & St. Paul
little."I'm goingacknowledge the crimes in a batch. Railway. - . .
"Do you all 'plead guilty?" de -
on, George Hare-
d to hold ' he
uestion or advice."
was made of bnrnished. silver., . an ink that becomes luminous in the
• dark, so that 'the matter may be
• An Eronest Offer, - read without the assista.nee Of
1! you have Catarrh and desire to be cial light.
cured send your.,narne and address to the At Prince Albert, a township ie.
Medical Inhalation Co., Toronto, - Ont.,. Northwest Canada, a weekly news-
a.nd they Mil send you Germicide In-
haler for the cure of that disease on paper appears in the handwriting ,of
trial. If you like it you pay them'43; its proprietor, who is also its own
if not they will make no charge, • Re-
member the address. (Adv. on another
• t.
An Important Decision.
A most important decision was
given lase week in a Divisional Court
of the Chancery Division by Justices
Robertson and Meredith In the case
of Gemmill vs. Nelligan upon the
much -litigated qeestion of the extent
of a, wife's right to dower out of the
proceeds of the sale of lands of her
husband where she hs joined in a
editor, reporter, printer and adver-
tising agent. The paper appears in.
violet ink from a gelatine hecto-
graph, and is. said to be widely read,
and is often quoted. by the printed
papers. --Chicago Herald.
Mayor Burgar.
Mr. Geo: H. Burgar, Postmaster and
Mayor of Welland, Ont, says: "Froin
experience in tuy own family I cannot
speak too highly of Stark's Powders as a
pleasant, immediate and permanent cure
for Headache, Neuralgia, Biliousness
and Liver troubles. I am also aware of
mortgage -for the purpose -of barring several severe cases in our own town
her dower, . that its, whether she is and neighborhood which have beim,
dowable out of the vthole proceeds of. by them after the patients had
suffered for years, had tried all kinds of
the land, or only tut of the surplus remedies and bad been treated by doc-
after payment of the mortgage. The tors.—Gro. H. BUROAR.
case in judgment was not one where Two preparations -in each box ; nice to
take. Sold by all medicine dealers at
the mortgage was given to seeure
it was 25c a box, 5 boxes 1.
part of the purchase money; •
given to secure nioney borrowed. by Meekness a Virtue.
the htisband, Jciteeph Nelligan, his
wife joining to Jbar dower. The Meekness bears no spiteful rage. •
mended the judge, eagerly- THE END OF THE CENTURY draws mortgaged lands were sold- in this
"We do !" shouted the enthusiastic near, and somehow the fact impresses action, at the instance of the moi -t- — ,
Meekness mitigates, and often
intend -to give that nineteen in chorus.. - one and makes ;One think. On the gageo, and realize 4,270, and after meekness leaves bygones forgotten.
Meekness suffers without whining,
"Now, Eli, don't be above taking fifty acres to me, father !" , "Fourteen yehrs transportation threshold, as it ivcie, of the twentieth I payment of the Mortgage debt, in- i
st woman's advice. Let me tell you "Yes, my boy, and with my whole makee," exelaimect the judge, with a century, we wipe and take a glance I Wrest a.nd 'costs, there, remained a Ikleekeess shows no rude designing.
how to deal with George. I have heart. You've! been a good son, dick of the jaw i. ' erry, is the mare back over the ears thatare gone, surplus in court of $1,082.57.Meekness aims to An , Meekness, though she seemeth shy,
been here three' months now, and 1 George, and I only wish I was able saddled yet?". How much has appened during this order was made byiMr. Justice Street i pacify.
Meekness ever. eondeseends,
have taken a deep interest in the to domore for you. But I am not a.
boy. I have seen his dissatisfaction rich man , as youknow, and I have cottrt to satisf
Meekness, harshness doth assaugc.
. now dying cen•litry ! What . wonders
directing that one-third of this s.ur- Meekness gaineth many friends,
Tidings front! Mono"- e' have been giVe , to the world! The plus should remain in.
even; Meekneesevalks in virtue's path
and recognized the cause. I have I your mother and three little sons to I suffered everything but death from power and use of steam, the electric
4 1 --Mrs. Nelligan's dower, in the Meekness never kindles wrath, -'
heard him talking to Jasper Flint provide for too. Still 1 want You Indigestion during for yOilTS and tried telegraph—the and - many others of her surviving her husband. She
appealed, contending that her dower Meekness in address is. civil,
f.tli SOnslial3dovfiernarlignotrte;
noIIrloect aBloodiagare the diseove ieS of the nineteenth
more than once, and. only yesterday to have a. start, And. this fifty acre lotMeekness is no friend to evil,
I heard him say that if he went to will yield, yotk, a handsome profft. 1 ",.'should be computed upon the whole Meekness loVes in peaee to dwell,
Bitters, and before finishing, the second eentury. But tat whieh will cause
the city what he earned, would be You ean have three days A, week to bottle I was as well as I could be, and the closing e iturthe lauds. Mr. sJustice y to stand. out value of Meekness ne'er lets anger swell,
B S P t t 5. I 0 Meekness He desires to grumble,
his OWn, but that Imre he worked call your own, ?and that will give has'e had good health ever Mune. above all that I s gone before and
Street followed thelopinion expressed
from dawn to dark, and was no you a chance to work, and if you )114. TEWART. OS Mite er,
Zioaville, N. 11 by him in I tett v., Bunnell, 21 O. R. Meekness rather would be humble;
1.eall,that aee to e me is the fact that
1, in which case, libwever the moil . , .. .
better off at the 'xicl of the year than choose to break that pair of young tes, *e earlier ha f was'discovered a . i
gwen to, secure purchase Meekness never is udisive,
at the begintri g. He ea,!is that Is ble. sin to mankind—those gage wasMeekness ever is submissive, •
Tont Blythe, ratio is in a grocery ,s money. The present ease—Gemmill Meekness hates to dwell in strife,
store in. the city,' gets $12 a week, v. Nelligan•--was the first taken to a , efeeknese leads a friendly life,
Divisonal court since Pretty. Bunnell
and. Tom is only! 17. Now if you I Meekness feels before she mourns,
and the decision of it was therefore
want George to I stay on the farm,- lleeknese good for bad returns: '
awaited with midi interest.
oxen I bought the other day from
Bagley, you can have them for your Long Enough.
trouble."Stephen A. Douglas and Mr. Lo
"This—tbis seems too muele:sir," joy were once gossiping toget
stammered Gerge. "I don't knew when Abraham Lincoln came
how to thank u." The two men inutediately tur
"Too intich1 Then I don't know their conversation upon the pro;
length of a man's legs.
"Now," said _Lovejoy, "Abe's kr
are altogether trio long-, and yours,
Douglas, I think, are a little short.
give him an interest in it, Eli. He
Judges Robertson and Meredith Sallow compleeion, blotches, playlet,
is 18 years and, has worked .e
talk plain. lie., has food and
faithfully for y , ever since he could, have agreed in,preferring the line Cif boils, abScesses, old sores, Bch:fills, and
what you'll sayi to this," 'and the
farmer took his ton by the arm, and
led him out on the porch. "There's
another present for yeti, my boy."
"Vixen," the) word came from Let's ask Abe What be thinks of it."
ways at his hee George's lips wia long sigh of joy, Then, turning to Lincoln, be said :
You. even sold the only horse you and with one bund he was at the "We're talkink about the proper
had that was fiC, for the saddle, and side of the ask mare he had. length of a mas legs. We think
•(keep was extremely fond of thought never see again, and bad yours are too lo
Vixen." both arms around her neek. "0, short, and we'd
"It seems a ty to keep a horse father, rd. ratb r have 'Vixen than you think is the
that no one hitt George ever rode,"1 anything else is
said the farinceo -and she was tool Ana he bu
light for work' I'm a poor man, pretty creator
‘!i deeisions bc innin with Rob t skin diseases depend impure vitiated
lodging, and t
year, to he stir
owns is the tot
o suits of clothes a
but all he actually
'0 dog which is al -
this world 1" Well, said
ed his face in the
Mane, and, in spite
g and Douglas' too
ike to know what
proper length.
fr. Lincoln, that's a
matter that I've never given aq
thought to, so of eourse I may be
Hester, and 413 afford playthings of his eighteen years, fairly broke Mistaken, but my first impression is
for my eltildrcli
can he r afford to keep an That. ended Georges desire to enough to roach from his body to the
down and itobbed. that a HMIS legs ought to he long
extra bore° that to have your sou leave the farm. was neveragain ground."
For doing god to all.
For speakin to none.
For hearingibefore judging.
Pot thinkink before speaking.
For holdinean artery tongue.
For beingl nd to the distressed.
For asking iardon for all wrongs.
For being tient towards every-
For stoppin the ears of a tale-
For disbelie ing most of the ill -
Norway Pine yrup cures coughs.
Norway Pine yrup cures colds.
Norway rine syrup heals the langs.
g g er Son ou
blood. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies
v. Robertson te that in Pratt v. the blood, remoYes all effete matter, and
leuneell, and have therefore allowed cures all the above natneo diseases,
the wife's appeal, The Prince of 'Wales is now a
millionaire, thanks largely to his late
For Over Fifty Year,
ett,0 ANis WstfrIlaran RamitoV.-M. Win personal friend, Sir John Rose,
;t:ii.lr.."„eic,4";,„te',1111';',3,,,,"?,,;,,,It'i,,,-creill:Aiit,:lOrat,";euii'T`Liieli,*.litilley° Last year bus indOille from the Duchy
I. s t f. e formerly Milano illinister of Canada.
sutlers 11,.. gums, Ailapittil pain, cures wind toile I. II a 4840 000
and ifs blinbust ronedy for 'Diarrheas., pleasant t6 ornwa ainotuite to , .
the taste. sold by i5u1st n eery part of the
Worin. l'wentv•Ilvo mita wattle. Its valna Lover: You are to0 tting prettier
Incalculable. lin BIM MO ask for bit*. Winslow every dtty
Soothing Syrup, and taki no othot kind, . Sweet Girl : ,lust now X
Iam living iv brown bread and water
that there aro two classes of people I now long can you keep that up?
whom it is hard to convince against 1 Sweet Girl: Ohi, indelhittely, toyer:
their will—women and. men. Then let's get marrfake. - •
A thoughtful `pbserver remarks to imprOve may Complexion. Lover