The Wingham Times, 1895-03-08, Page 8M. 11• IVIC IND 0 0
- -4-
• •
While the quality and prices are
not only right, (-Lines," variety of
patterns enables ne to Alit MU' cus-
tomers. Our Prints for variety. of
-designs, softness of finish and delicacy
and. durability of color, gives us the
lead in this department. We invite •
the ladies to call and. inspect this
beautiful stock of Prints, and 10 per
coat off for cash.
Every evidence of the most perfect
taste will be found in our Dress
Goods Departneent. This season we
sbow many and fresh designs in
coloring trail shades. We are en-
abled te make our prices tempting
far beyond any store with small
stock. e!peelal prices. In Ifenriettas,
Navy nkl 11uSergee 1.1,eamine
Sergee:ell Deess Goode,
Scotch and Eng; WI Tweed:4. French
and Gentian relive- GoodS, in all the
new e•1 tri :tie', she! li'4, Including
oven ieg sliedee at low peiees, with 10 .
per cent. ter for cash 1
What surprises many people when
they price our mantles, we are just
asking half price for all our beauti-
ful Mantles: e;t1 aid 0,3 for 3 and $4.
We ae selling quite a number at the
great reduced priCetL Many of these
Mantles cau be worn late in the spring.
You had better see them before the
best are sold.
lot of odd sizes in Boys' Clothing that
we are clearing at about half price.
Bring the by down and get them a
cheap suit; it wilt pay you well.
SATURDAY NloriT. -Spacial prices in
Glovem, Hosiery, Prillinge, Ribbon,Laces
and Handkerchiefs. with 10 percent.. off
for cash, at
1i: iN iiA M Toms, MARCH 8, I8)5.
balance of cash on hand of 82,410.11. 1 cities tomanage their own insurar co by the people to . record their views
may add, on Moot of (alert Maitland, . the same scheme as Is now before the through the medium of the ballot-
. that they consider, it one of the best Courts , Coramil of the city of Toronto -Carried.. box. At the afternoon meetingthe
of the Order, ;met me far as aueletiee are . (nuttOil then adjourned. 'chair was occupied by lkir. James
concerned, that ' it ranks Ets high as any;. Dickson, Reeve of Vine, who, in his
also, that the -above is a tene and correct HOWICK. introductory speech, extended a wel-
abstract. ' Signed on behalf of CoartAfter over two years of me coto people of .all political faiths.
Meed, T. J. MeLeas, from a severe attack of la grippe, ' Mr, Grieve was -the first of the
11 ee Secretory.
Williams, the druggist, ealle pure drugs
-Rev. Dr. (iiffor.i preached in tha
Methodist chareli, Holliston, on Sunday
last, both morning and evaniog, Rev. Mr.
Casson taking Ms work here.
Salmoui's English White Oils cores
Chilblains. Rheumatism. rAprains, Bruises
and Sore Back. For sale at 2.5c. at Williams'
Drug Store,lWingleim,
-Au ilinetmteri lettere on General
Booth's "Darkest tegland" scheme, by
Capt. Scobell, of the Salvation Army,
assisted by the “Good vitan Brigade,"
was given in the Salvation Army Barraeks,
on Saturday evening last. Tile. entertain-
ment consisted of over 100 stereopticon
scenes of poverty and slum life in old
Tmndon. The Captain gave a short descrip-
tive sketch of tho panorama as it progress-
ed, which was full of thrilleg interest and
depicted in vivid colors kin squalor, want
and misery of the suhrnargarl tenth of the
world's metropolis. The proceeds of the
evening was in aid of the social work the
Army is carrying on in •Canacla, such as
cheap food depots, shelters, children's
shelters, etc., for the outcast of our Cane -
Alan cities. It is a loadab'e scheme and is
deserving of the sympathy and support of
the public, especially thp Christian cam.
our Maitland, No, 25, 0.0. 14.
ancia time ago it was suggested to the
of Court Maitland,
Recording' eeteetary
No. 25, Canadian Order ot Foresters,'one
of the largest and Most influential benefit
societies of the MIK, that a short resame of
'the operations of the society wouldbe of in-
terest to tltc-people of Whigham and per. .
baps other sections of the country. That 1
officer, °Stu consideralrld Eahor in going
through the various books' of the Court,
has supplied us with the following for '
publication :
Court Maitland, .No. 25, Canadian Order
of Foresters, which taking its name from
the Maitland river, was organized on
November 25t1i, 1870, with a Charter
Membership of 25, of which 15 are still
belonging to the Court. Since that time
242 members have been duly initiated, of
which 12 have died and 64 have withdrawn
and joined with other Courts of the same
Order, leaving a total membership of WO
in good standing. In the year 1879; there
e members inxtrated; in the year 1880,
them were 12; M the year 1881, there were
ten; in the year 188, there were 27; in' '
the year 1883, there 'were 25 ; in the year
1884, there were thirteen; in the year 1885,
there were 20; in the year 1844, there were
2 ; in the year 1887, them were 15; in the
row 1888, there were 21; in the year 1889, t
thero were 7; in the year 1890, there were a
.28; iri the year 1891, there were 18; in the p
year 1892, there were 10 , in the year 1803, t
there were 8; in the 11. 1,If394f there were i
&, Making an average membership of 15
per year for 10 years. During that period, '. p
this Court has paid mit for alt; relief, except C
TIO New Methediat Departure,
Hereafter there be a Methodist
years.and 0 .months. She was a of the NAti0113,1 Policy, end asserted
Young People's Associalipo for eaoh an -
wife and that not ono of these promises had
1faithful aml indulgent
I f • Ti %Rot din
which ended ill lung trouble, Jen- speakers to be called upon. Dis-
uette, wife of Mr, Robt. Earl, con. A, cussing the trade question, Mr.
Howick, was called to her rewind , Grieve reminded the audience of the
last Friday morning at the age of 31 strong Wilisee made by the anthem
nua eon mance. le de
at the close of the convention and formed
the convention at Toronto last weak met
: A g
• blow to the sorro
mother, and her death is a severe
wing family, who _ Mr. Grieve said,. to give the people
been fulfilled. It was a grand thing,
15, 18 or 20 cents per pound for their
deeply mourn their loss, She leaves
separate associations for their respective butter; but if the butter were sold ,
elected for the London Couferen4: Prod. hiR.GEO.MERRETT
a husband and two small children,
conference. The following Ofilaeril were eem. at a loss in the old country markets
who have the synap.athy of th.e•
umi e i e n dent, Dr. Thornton, Dresden ; .fit idee-
n t at la ee theirsore be -of 4 or 5 cents a pound the mass of
reavemeut, the people would have to Make up
president, Rev. G. 1?, Salton, Stratford;
s -mond vice, F. 'W. Daly, London; third
The following is the report of S. S. • that loss. The Government Might
13, Howick and Turnberry, for go further, 'and buy the farmers'
vice, Dia Shannon, Dutton ; fourth vice, N°'
MiiiS Forman, Stratford; president of the month of Iteln nary; Sen. 5th-- wheata o .et a us , or pay
Ruby Orlando» them 5 cents a pound for their beef
junior league, Miss Learoyd, Sarula, ; ER1' Neill 2531,
231, Agnes Fortune 128. Jun. 5th— and hogs. If the Government were
secretary, Ivor Break, Chatham; treasurer,
Hooey &A S. Willits 2 181.0 to put creamery butter on the market
Miss Gilehe St. lIarys ; retires ntative to Mary
,d 21:1. eon. eed_ it should do it at market 'Value. The
, • ; , Bee rev E. Della I7mlereee
13 Lapceley. Thr.:se will act' for ,
Waldo Weir 3d2, Frank arraigned the Goversnilliewnit)
ng the awelatiod win „liana, 3.00, Jennie Palmer 260. Jun. 8rd-- upon the charge of having
in tl n tt • f ti • I 1 1
Willie" 17 L. 2 nd —Wesley big' of Cauadian cattle in Great
Chatham, Windsor, Ridgetown, Stratliroy, •A_TarY
Pahner .185, Fred McIntosh 180, Britain. •I'Zis specific charges were
Sarnia, St. Marys, Stratford, Goderioh,
Wingham, Kincardine and Listowel dis- R. McGlynn 1(,4. Part 2nd—Howard that the Government had failed to
appoint competent veterinary sur -
Hooey 37, Jessie Barton 25, Armand
the London, Exeter, St. Thomas, Aylmer, Je!'810 Hone Y 11.11, Minnie Hayes 183,neglectie tam() le se l( e.
IHooey 17, Web Willits 1.
Town column. J.' HARTLEY, Teacher.
The regular monthly meeting of the I
Town Council was held on Monday even-
ing last. Members present -Mayor Brock -I
euslore, . Reeve Spading, Deputy -Reeve! Our school foot -ball team went
Union S. S. No. 13,
Holmes, and Councillors 'McKinley, Wil- ! (1°w":1 to play
Howick and "Turnberry, a match
son, Dore, Hill, Croydon, Neelands. The i
"ma. ! last Tuesday night, and although the
minutes of last meeting were read,
ed sued signed. A communication was boys did some good playing, they
read from Mrs. Lang, requesting Council were defeated, the Union boys seer -
to pay her rest for a few months. Moved ! ing one goal. It is expected that
by John Neela-nds, seconded by D. M. I the return match will be ,.played. in
Caordou, that the communication be referr- the near future. — The Epworth
League went in a body to visit the
ed to the Executive Committee, with
power to act -Carried. The Treasurer's Wroxet.:r League, last Monday
monthly statement was received, &hewing ' night. They report an enjoyable
a balance in tha bank of OM 59 -Filed. and profitable timee-Miss Emma
The Finance Committee reported as rol- ! Hall, of this place, was married to
R. Mr. Bruce McOrae,. of New York,
lows: A. E. Simmons, ptintiug, 23 ;
Elliott, printing, 213.50; R. aioRayilast Thursday. The happy couple
painting, $0; john Gillespie, streets, $21.15; left on the afternoon train to take
Wm. their wedding tour, carrying with
T. E. Comp], oak chair, t;21 ;
Holuies, repairs, wa,terworks, 23.45 ; W. I them the good wishes of all their
Patterson, tire and water, 23; Jos. Bullard, !many friends.—The contracts of
wood for hall and charity, 27.88 ; Munici-lhauling milk on the different routes
pal World, poll' books, .21.02 ; Jas. bcott, to the l3elmore Cheese Factory have
wood, charity and hall, 23.50; Wingham all been let for 1805. The milk -
Electric Light Go., lights for February, haulers are, viz : Wm. Prior, 10th
23(.2; Fred. Hughes, shovelling snow, l and lith of Turnberry; Jas. Ballagh,
V.00 ; Geo. Hughes, shovelling snow, • boundary. between Turnberry and
2450; B. Mitchell, shovelling snow, 0.75 ; Calross; Wm. Kelly, 2nd and 3rd ofl
D. Sutherland, $1.50; Jas. Duffield dr Son, Calross; Mr. Theeker, 4th and 5th ofl
supplies to Hall and Board of Health,23.05; Culross; Jos. Bucket, Sth and 60. of
S. Mitchell, plowing snow off sidewalks, Ctilross; Robe Rutledge, 4th and Sth
75 cents; Jam lterr, charity orders, 22; ' of Carrick; Chris. Hill, 2nd and 3rd
A. Ross, ttationery, 22.70; Mrs. Saint, of Carrick; Alex. St. Marys, the
teaming, 50 cents. T. E. Cornyn's account boundary between Carrick and How-
ls referred to Council; Patterson be ick; L. Murray, 16th and 17th of
paid 21.50 and 50 cents to Angus Kennedy; Howiek, Angus Stuart, the B line of
D. Sutherland's account, not being certified Howick; Geo'. Kergus, the boundary
to, be referred back to Mr. Sutherland for between Howick and Turnberry. It
explanation. Other accounts recommend- is recommended that all milk Sent to
ed to be paid. Moved by Wm. Holmes, cheese faetories, be strained through
seconded by D. M. Gordon, that the a cloth, as it assists in making a fine
Finance Committee's report as read be cheese. Farmers emuld put in extra
adopted -Carried. The Executive Com- feed for COII'a", such as, peas,'oats,
mittee reported as fellows ; That 49 acti9h corn, white flint (for July), and gray -
be taken in the Single Tea Aelgelation stone turnips, (fur early 1'1a11). Make
request. G. N. W. Tel. Co -that Council sure to keep up the flow of milk and
pay Co's taxes for 184, for carrying ivirem it will keep up the flow of money..
Re LIU Mill -Recommended that Count&
grant exemption for 10 years, providing LISTOWEL -
Mr;Clark carries out the proposalsjof his
Tho Young Liberal Club will
letter of 30th ult. Report left over till
nominate officers on Mara 8, the
election to be held a week, later.—
An adjourned mass meeting of the
Young People's Union will be held
in the Congregational church on
McIntosh 23. Part 1st -- Ethel
next meaing. Property Committee re-
ported, reconmending that the Clerk
collect Bell Telepi:one taxes, The by-law
relating to the Chief's duties was referred
back to the Con./sigma for amendment.
Moved by to.• M. Gordon, seconded by It larch 12. A eolleetion will be taken
C. Spading; -that the Mayor be authorized in aid of the Mechanics' Institute.
free officers are: President, Rev. Mr.
to order a co of the IlesSielpal World
for the use of the Councti-Osaried. The napkins ; vice-pres„ the presidents of
Mayor thought sonic changes should be ilei the soeleyes; reeesee., S. Kilgore;
made in some of the bylaws, anal then the c, -sec., J. Binning ; treasurer,
by-laws should be printed-Referfed, to a GiRe, BitaWell.—The well -know Emer-
Committee. Moved by R. Hill, se,c0tied ma Trio 'lei% a series of Ifery suc-
by Wm. Dore, that the motion passed N'ti.(bil eessm reeeteeo in town this, week
reference to drawing hose cart be reseindedsa the interests O. the itelpa Taft -
and thiit io the future we pay 21 for draw. lam of Temperaiete.—A very Oat.
ing hose cart day time and 22 at night eAlrit'anal profitable gm AU held fw
for drawing first cart, and whoever draws tint' Methodist chnivilt en Monday
cart has to retain cart to hose tower; ovefng' it being the nedasion of
and if second cart is needed, in the opinion social' given by Mr. Pietgb,.. Janitor,
of Chief, only one-half be paid for drawing who as tendered the Iteeelpts
it -Carried. Moved by D. M. Gordon, amounting to $20.—Friday Posit was
seconded by R. II111,. that the Executive fair day here, and from all seLG1ons
Committee -be midi* hereby authorized of the surrounding country came
cpexamine standeng bylaws and make crowds of farmers. Opportunery
uch. recommendations as they think enough a couple of meetings were
roper,. and: report at next meeting of /mid. in the interest of the candida-
estimatealer printing same tare of Mr, James, Grieve, the popular
-Carrie& Meved. by 1).- Gordon, representative of North Perth in the
attended bylV. C. Sperling,. thee 000, be. House of Commoner and the nominee
lace&th.the credit the Bohol Boatt1L-. of the Liberal party in the coming
&tried.. Moved.b yD: 141,; Gordon', second, eleetion.. Both meetings were sue.
insurance, $4,401,e0, and for burying the
dead,12i0, end fat ineurence, throngh the r
.1118h :Corirt, 812,000, and AM Lae p
ed IL C. Sparlitige that the CinmeiP eussful beyond meststOres and It ism&
equett our rexute Member tip mishit in, fe predict that they win exert a good
*ing a bill grantingepoternetowaseiret infilience when the time comes for
goons to inspect American cattle
brought through Canada en route to
the old country, that it had permitted
the inspection of American cattle at
the. frontier after dark,' and that,
instead of appointing officials to
escort the cattle over Canadian
territory, it bad entrusted the con-
ductors of the stock trains with the
duty of enforcing the regulations
imposed on the railway companies.
Mr. Grieve exposed the pretence of
the Minister of Finance that the
tariff had last session been revised in
the interest of the mass of the people,
and showed that as a matter of fact
no appreciable reduction has been
made at all.
Dr. Macdonald was given a most
kindly reception. Before entering
upon a consideration of the political
issues he paid a well -merited tribute
to Mr.• Grieve, who, he said, was
among the most industrious workers
in the House of Commons, and a
staunch champion of the interests • of
the farming. community, of which he
forms a part. Dr. Macdonald pre-.
sented an impregnable array of
arguments against the Government's
policy, and in convincing langaage
placed the Liberal programme before
the electors, who listened a ttentively.
Ile was followed by Mt'. McMullen,
who with characteristic force discuss-
eclethe public questions of the day.
Mr. -1. A. Hacking, Vice•President
of the Listowel Liberal organization,
presided at the evening meeting,
which was most enthusiatic..The
Town Hall was packed to the fullest
capacity, and many vainly Sought
admission at the doors.
When Sir Richard Cartwright ar-
rived he was given a reception which
showed how high a place the veteran
statesman occupies in the esteezn of
his fellow -Liberals. Sir Richard
never appeared to better advantage.
He was in splendid form, and he
made a most effective speech in op- February. Otte the wife of Mr. George
position to the • National Policy, and McIntosh, near Whitechurch; a son. qc*
MoLaon Gorrie,on February 17th,
justification of the policy which the
Illetteeee-In Howick, on February
Toronto, Ontario.
As Weil as Ever
After Taking Hood's Sareapariiia
Cured of a Serious Disease.
"1 was sull'ering from what Is known as
Wight's disease for five years, and for days at a
time I have been unable to straighten myself
mt. I was in bed for three weeks; during that
time I had leeches applied and derived no bene-
fit, Seeing Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised in
the papers I decided to try a bottle. I fdund
arsapargi la
relief before I had finished to dug half of a bot-
tle, I got so numb hel.0 from taking the first
bottle that I decided to try another, and since
taking the second bottle 1 feel as well ns ever
I did in my life." G no. MERRETT, Toronto, Ont.
Hood's pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy of action. Sold by all drugaists.
fiealtd Tenders will he rerelrid hy under-
sholed (marked ttuder) op to the 11.11 day of Mareb,
, A, 11, ISM tot the emotion of a hAni; 'Awl int the
baltufflul I,* of tlu, Comity of Unroll (One 11111e
south of Clinton.) Plan RIIII eats tic
even at Mr. Ales. ltlollurehlos take What:m.1mm
new up to Iiith of Match, Owl at '1'. hlt•Calltnn'tt,
Reeve of l,.etar, Prow now up to Unveil Sth, and at
quota's Hotel, n Ingham. from Oth of ;nevelt tti, tate
itth. The lowest or any tender not necesenrily ae
copied, ' IlltNItY EMBER,
citairauta of 13011dine Cont..
Oro liten P.O. ;4 -
It -
Maybr Burger.
Mr. Geo. H. Burger, Postmaster and
Mayor of Welland, Ont, says: "From
experience in tuy own family I cannot
speak too highly of Stark's Powders as a
pleasant, immediate and permanent cure
for Headache, Neuralgia, Biliousness
and Liver troubles. I ani also aware of
several severe oases in our own town
and neighborhood which have been
cured by them after the patients had
suffered for years, had tried all kinds of
remedies and had bean treated by don -
tors. -Guo. H. BURCAlt.
Two preparations in each box ; nue to
take. Sold by all tnedidine dealers at
25e a box, 5 boxes 21. ,
Is prepared to receive pupils in the •
above, For ternts,applyether residence,
19 Francis Street, Winghain,
pupil of Sig. D'Auria and Mr. Elliott
Haslem. .e
Opedfor Concert
- 011TARIO.
TO seerch out impurities and: drive
there from the system is the work. of
Burdock Blood Bitters ; thus B. B. 13.
cures dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood,
biliousness and all diseases of thoI
stomach, liver, bowels and blood,
Taken in Time
Hood's Sarsaparilla has achieved grddt
success in warding, off sickness which,
if allowed to progress, Would have under.
mined the whole system and given
disease a strong foothold to cause much I
suffering and even threaten deatb.t
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done all this
and even more. It has been taken in
thousands of cases which were thought
to bo incurable, and after a fair trial bus
effected wonderful cures, bringing
healthastrength and joy to the ad:doted.
AnotherImportant point about Hood's
Sarsaparilla is that its cures are per-
manent. because they start from the
solid foundation of puritied, vitalized
and enriched blood. But it is not what
we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story.
• -
411/10111Tosti ln Kinloss, Friday,
Liberal party has presented to the , thq wIt3 °I Mr. Wm. McLeod; a son.
pcorueenitartyiv.eiylibey :Ilya:twill:11: 1
the progress of his speech was fee -
'Go aP. ....4th, the wife of Mr. Richard Earngey; ---••• - • • •• -------.... . ...„ . .
quently interrupted by thealli: los: a
Ban. V
enthusiastid applause. Strong ad- byRfhBrheun7:fssKatet
dresses were Os° delivered by .111•Ifer... ostel7huoertmi,ocEsta:..MildalaY, to Mr. A. Koobel;
Grieve, Dr. liaedboald and Mr. I with snap shot bargains to
Mullen. Upon the motion of Messrs. cor,BLAND_poolo-At the residence 1 suit the times,
of the bride's father,. on Fob. 20tb, •by
Scott and Hay, a vote of thanks was arear1,7s. Copeland , .
. .
speakers. Cheers were given for the Mr. Geo. Bailie,. of Carrick. •
tendered Sir Richard and the other of Teeiwater t B b -
Rev. Stephen, Yoou nal,
1:laughter or I . .. .w AT1-I ES
Pupil of
of the Toronto Conservatory of Musk) is
prepared to receive pupils in
For terms apply at Dursley Rouse.
Has decided to open a Dress and Moak)
Making business at her home, No. 83,
Edward street, Wingham, near - Elaptist
churoh. Cutting and fitting a specialty.
Satisfactiou guaranteed.
Young men and women who graduate
aro e:ceersllnly fortonftte in sloorlog gboll posittont
oven during thins of depression
Aiiss ohm °id, of Carberry, Man., graduate of the
Shorthand Doumrtment of this school, has just so.
tOlecd good.poition with tho Calgary Jterald as
Stenographar:,Ited 'llookiteeper.
IT P.01...„,ip tO.ATTTIND the BEST.
write tor4:‘04tAine it interested. Address,
Chatham. Ont.
; Coro WOK HaADAOHR and Neuralgia
in 20 Lyn v0720, el4o Coatetirrongue, Dipt-
:. nese, 13i ilonsneen, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
: Tepid Liver. Bad 13reath. To stay cured and
I regulate the bowels. IIRRY NICE 'to vAnn.
Scerer-Beefles-At the rcqltlation
Queen and for Mr. Laurier.
-_:- •
the bride's mother, on Feb. 25th. ')y Rev,
I th.q. Malcolm, Wm. R. Scott, of 01,;•'.146101
Dako'li, to Sarah, daughter or Kra, .4,,
thoThteltitVielusiotfittliise Ct Oen travdjiiig Oh „141tIlieltritci;'s mother, Maitland conces- I
lefittoi MINI:Lilac -4 a' °Merle!, township, on Feb. 27th,
& St. Paul Hallway; besietroletherejs go ?...,°"1,ty. J. A. Veer, Mr. James. Wilson,'
chance to "kick," for the acclhipdhtiOly (-1 `"V'T'i 'hem, to Martha, yoongestj
a u e, e rains keeti o1Oving
fight along and got there on time; These dnuoter or te iiii.0 Walgate rebbutt. ee, ' 'Orem $2.150 up.
-At the remillenbe of t
“ilody Milid at haEith,,
!Braden, of Ci.:!.Irsonsus.rr -At the residence
Elgin, Rockford,
Columbus, warranted for
four years,
QR $
AY' • er te Fee 0-th '
itAis thoroughly cover the tftritory ti rid'a father. c 00
beCt1een Chicago, La Crosse.
itaipagolikato, ETA,beruoduluoiiBtohriell, bY Rev. ff. J. Fair, Mr. pen• to •
most consplathi.;atOCksofp
We have the Inrgest and
And 1),Torgs,,ttrn minbigau tj311 g ilyhrietophor ir., 1131;ft
, as- Wee M. .73. Dale, fourth ,uilluitiTertot.
lantiesom to Isabella
10t13 Ult., ,,t,.....,_ii!itniabiovttorilvvixtedciAing ,Jrand
pal cities towns in
territory .ri
d th
Omahe with allAines fot poilate in the lei: Los4. eow.elp
fleeting at Se. "Foul, Council Bluffs and `atul,"1,hIel.1.(lia"cleelr-Itho,"~i01.°: .;o6'hintleGlItiiifnrttil, abbrya
birthday preseets, in the
reached by ehe "St. Paul° lines Y :r
far west. yirrite'Vo A. 21 I r C
adian }'ass'r Ageeti,87 York
onto, Ont., for on* of their resit, Tor. „Pgrl'`")141*--14""*". of the bride% •
dew map r.tary'tl..7415.4;%;welthy Itiegidortx tgomory. "SYSIGITT PRUE.
ascription o t ChstnpartMent Sleep-
ictogrenatrise.ketTagickelettnntliturtivelibitiBsytaatt; " 64°18°14'. iI443 Ga‘leil441414
goniery. Jewelry repaired at lowest
rates, and fully guaranteed,
rime table andrb a Vroeteare. g6ving hlabularl Nt tier? nut. ,WateUes, Clochts and
an Canada, The Anatol dinitur taro in by
VA. Tithf.
elbettrin.lighted and steam.heitteid' *tine James 11, Cava:. sou --` The, Optician.
tlialterld are run on thellienitt(intilinied, OAV.tif -DV thurffititl, en lot
oftlin, Chicago, Milwiiukett• Ste nail Coven and nophini(ont` 46"111)'"" win haat Xov 15th 11104.
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