HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-11-04, Page 16NOMINATIONS Township of Grey Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Elegtors of the TOWNSHIP OF GREY in the County of Huron that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the Office of the Clerk for the purpose of Municipal , Elections will commence on November 11th', 1976 at the Kour of 9:'00 o'clock and close on November 15th, 1976 at the hour of 5:00 o'clock for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of: REEVE DEPUTY-REEVE -...3 COUNCILLORS 1 MEMBER FOR HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR GREY AND BRUSSELS 3 TRUSTEES FOR THE POLICE VILLAGE OF ETHEL FOR THE YEARS 1977-78 for the Township of Grey, of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in Section 34 of The Municipal Elections Act. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the required declarations, notice of the time for the holding of the Poll, including the Advance Poll and notice of the last day for • making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith. Given under my hand this 29th day of October, 1976. EDYTHE M. CARDIFF . Returning Office,r Township of Grey ' 22-69-1 111111M.., tiV110.4 t.XP9S,IT011=. '14,0110Y10,,E11 4,'.1976 Legal Notices 22 tegol NOtice0 23 Bus. Directory 23 Bus. Directory ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD WATCH AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS — WE SELL AND SERVICE — Bulova-Accutron- Watches — 3 STORES — t. SEAFORTH —.CLINTON — WALKERTON • 23-60-tf egal , Otigg,kt 22. Leitii Notices NOTICE Regarding Municipal Election December 6, 1976 Offices to be filled MAYOR, - REEVE, - DEPUTY- REEVE, - COUNCILLORS, P. U. C. COMMISSIONERS, - HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, - HURON - PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Who ip entitled to vote 1 Unless otherwise disqualified, anyone may vote in this election who is: 1.resident in Seaf orth or the owner or tenant of land in Seaforth or the spouse of the owner or tenant of land in Seaforth; 2.a Canadian citizen or British subject: 3.eighteen years of age or over; and 4.listed on the final polling list for Seaforth. Nominations for office Nomination day is on Monday, NOVEMBER 15,1976 1.Norninations may be filed in the office cf the Clerk during the period commencing at 9:00 o'clock in the morning, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1976 and ending at 5;00 o'clock in the afternoon, Monday, NOVEMBER 15, 1976. 2.Nominations must be signed by ten electors . and thee nominee must -Make a declaration of consent and qualification. 3.A nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5:00o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, NOVEMBER 16, 1976. 4.Nomination papers may be obtained in the Clerk's office. S'Af a candidate is nominated for more .than one office and does not file the necessary with- drawals, in writing before 5:00 o'clock in, the afternoon of 'Tuesday, NOVEMBER 16, •1976 he will be deemed to have been nominated only toThe office for Which he was first nominated. Advance polls - will be held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall from 11:00 o'clock in the morning until 8';00 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, NOVEMBER 27,, 1976. 1.Any elector who expects to be unable to vote on polling day may file a declaration and vote at an advance poll. JAMES CROCKER Returning Officer Town of Seaforth • 22-69-2 (Correspondents Hilda Payne 262-504 *Ad Bertha MacGregor 262,21325 Return from trip to Greece Local Briefs „ , „. „ , MrsT perry Adams AO km. Verna Or5.0,91t4p, Seat rt.11. are ten Corporal Miss flelen Adattl in Artie, . Mr. ,and Forr14, Grand Bend and Mrs, Mary Moore, Brantford, were *Out visitors of their cousins, Rev„ J. •,tti Ure and Mrs. Stewart. Rev. and Mrs., J. Ure Stewart were Friday guests of Dr, en and Ken and Mrs. Stewart in Waterloo. McGREGOR Top Quality BEEF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Whole Beef .90 Half Beef .91 Price subject-to change INCLUDES: CUTTING WRAPPING and QUICK FREEZING Free Delivery - Within 10 Mile GRANT McGREGOR Ph.' 262-5839 Obituary TavistockA native, Dr. Mervyn Hopkinson, , 50 :a Bruce County coroner, died at his Lion's Head home in a tragic, fire on Monday morning, Oct. 18. Adaccount in the Wiarton Echo notes that Dr. Hopkinson's son, Bruce, 23., was asleep in another, part of the house when he 'was awakened by smoke. He called the Dr. earl Harris Red Cross Hospital, located across the street from the Hopkinson house to ask staff to call the fire trucks. Bruce tried to rescue his father, but was unable to get' into the room because of heavy smoke, heat and flames. Dr. Hopkinson's wife, Norma, also a doctor, was in London at the time of the fire. The couple moved to Lion's Head in 1951 and since then have been the only two doctors in the community. Cause "of death , won't be determined until' the Fire Marshal's report and the report of the forensic science centre in Toronto are received. He is survived 'by his wife Dr. Norma Hopkinson, formerly of Hensall, a son, Bruce. at home, and two daughters, Mary, a student at the University of Western Ontario and Mrs. Steve (Joan) Irvine, R.R.2, Kemble as well as his father, Keith Hopkinson, who now resides in Lion's Head, two sisters, Mrs. William Muchan, London and Mrs. G. Taylor of •Jamaica. B. One member to the Huron County Board of Education for the Township of Tuckersmith and the Town of Cli nton. C. One member to the Huron-Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the Townships of Tuckersmith and Stanley and the Villages of Hensall and Zurich. Each of the members so nominated, if elected are to serve a two-year term, 1977 and 1978. The required Nomination Forms may be Obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be, completed, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by the above, deadline. For further information regarding the procedures under the Election Act, contact the undersigned. JAMES I. MCINTOSH Clerk, Tuckersmith, Fi.R.#4, geaforth, Telephone 527-0858. 2g-gg-2 Notice of Nominations Township of Tuckersmith Nominations will be received at the Clerk's office b y the Clerk of the Township of Tuckersmith in the period commencing on November 11 . and concluding on November '15 at 5:00 P.M. for the positions of A: Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillofi for the Township of Tucker- smith. SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET MMMMMMMMM ' tai MMOOMMMMM \qr I THE WALTON INN BANQUETS' and FAMILY DINNERS HOURS' 8 a:m. -7 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Closed ,Monday,, , 887-9293 ONE INDIVIDUAL or GROUP PORTRAIT IN Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Fink of Point Clark, ' R.R.#1, Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy have returned from' spending ten days cruising the Greek Islands in the Aegean Sea. This was a most exhilarating experience as many of the places they visited were following' in the footsteps of 'St. Paul in his missionary travels. They also stopped at Athens and Ephesus in Turkey,where St. Paul spent two and a half years, and other cities and absorbed much of trite .'eastern Culture. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal visited with Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Horton of Clinton on Friday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gelderland of Ridgetown brought Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Dyk back from Holland, Michigan to resume their visit with Mr and , Mrs. Sim Roobal. Mr: and Mrs. Sim Roobal and Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyk visited with Mr. and Mrs.Don Dodds and family of Seaforth on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith and family of Detroit visited on Saturday with the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch. Only a few teenagers turned 24 Cards of Thanks We would like to express a deep and sincere thank • you to relatives, neighbors and friends, for the acts of kindness and thoughtfulness shown during the sudden bereavement of our dear son and brother Jeffery. A special thank you to Mrs. Lynne Vivian, Dr. McKenzie, the Lockhart Funeral Home of Mitchell, Rev. G..Dill who's words will always be a consolation to us, the pallbearers, organist,• director and choir of St. Patrick's Church. To all who sent cards and' floral tributes, to the ladies who brought in baking, helped with the lunch and in any other way. We are most grateful for everything. — Luke and Mary Schoonderwoerd and Family. 24-69x1 Once more I wish to thank my relatives and friends for their kindness to me while in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Father Laragh; Dr. Stapleton, Box Ambulance, nurses and hospital staff. My appreciation to all. — Marguerite Dunn. 24-69-1 Mrs. Orville Beuermann and family express their deep appreciation to all those who were so kind and who assisted in any way prior to andduring our recent bereavement, particularly the nurses of University Hospital, London and Seaforth community Hospital. Special thanks to R. S. Box Funeral Home, Pastor A. Horst, the pallbearers, the flowerbearers, the choir, Lutheran Church Women for the Ititich. 4`o all our friends, neighbours Arid 'relatives who brought food, sent cards, flowers and donations to Charitable organizations. We are very grateful to 24-69-1 24 Cards of Thanks • I would like to express a sincere thank you to my friends and relatives for their thoughtfulness since I've been ill. Special thanks to Rev. Reuber, Dr. Brady, Dr. Brown and his associates at University Hospital. Your concern is deeply appreciated. '— petty Koehler. 24-69x1 26 Personal Carol, wife, and daughters Sandra and Stacy happily announce the Graduation of Thomas William* Somerville, 111 Columbia Dr. Huron Park, Ontario. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree = Physcology Major from Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, at the F all. Convocation on October 31st. He is a graduate of Seaforth District High School and Stratford Teacher'. College and is presently a teacher and Guidance Counsellor at Centennial Central School in Arva. Tom is the eldest son of Margaret and Walter Somerville, R.R.#4, Walton, Ontario. 26-69-1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson, Blyth are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Gail, to Robert Cameron Harris, soh of Mr. • and Mrs., Leslie Harris, Kitchener. The wedding will take place ht the Walton United Church on Friday, December 3, 1976, 26 -69x 27 Births DEVEREAUX ` To Mr. and Mrs. Ken Devereaux, R.R4, Seafotth at St. Joseph's Hospit41.. London on October 27th, a Sob. n04 out for the Youth Group Hallowe'en Party at the- United Church on Sunday evening, The schoolrooms, stairs and hallway of the Christian Fellowship building were weirdly decorated for the occasion and a lot of friendly fun was missed by those who did not attend. The regular meeting of St. Paul's A.C. W. was held at the Rectory in Exeter on Thursday afternoon. The President, Mrs. Forrest opened the meeting with the Members Prayer. Th e Invocation was, read from, "The Living Word". The scripture was taken by Mrs. Annie Read, M's, Anderson and Mrs. Windover. Rev. Anderson gave the Meditation. Secretary, Mrs. Helen Roberts read the minutes• of the last meeting. Roll call was answered with the word, "be" in, a Bible verse. Donations in lieu of the Bazaar and Rake Sale were received. As many as possible were urged to 'attend the Fall Deanery meeting at St. James, Stratford on November 15. Annie Reid gave the study book, "The Last Key Opens the Door". An article "On. killing a committee", was read. The meeting closed with prayer. Hensall stock yards Hensall Livestock Sales. Supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers demand was active and prices were higher. Fat cattle; heifers, $37.50 - $43.00, steers, $39.50 - $44.20. Pigs: weanlings $27.50 -$32.00, chunks $35.00 to $45.00. Brucefield Correspondent Mrs. Hugh Berry Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper spent Sunday with their son Bert and family, Neustead. Mrs. Lindsay Eyre has returned home after a pleaiant bus trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swan, London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan. Mr. Edgar Allan formally of Brucefield is a patient in London Hospital. , Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephens, Woodstock, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Elliott, London, visited on Monday in Brucefield, Clinton and with their aunt Mrs. Ida Menerey in Clinton Hospital. ' Mrs. John Henderson spenf a few days with their daugahter Mrs. Geo. Westcott Gobel , Michigan. The United Church Service in Hensall was in charge of the Rev. Don Beck on Sunday with Mrs. John Turkheim at the organ. The choir sang the anthem, "Sing Praises to the God of Love”. This was Reformation Sunday and the sermon was, "The Reformed Church, ever Reforming". In the space of twenty-five years in the sixteenth century, three great reformers were working with dedication, Ignatus Loyola, Martin Luther and John ,Calvin. Now, in the twentieth century we must weave together what, they started. Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday when the Hensall Legion will parade at the church. Unit 4 will meet on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. A very successful Auction Sale was held at ,Bonthron's Warehouse on Sattliday, October 30. Goods and chattels of all kinds were auctioned in aid of the United Church Manse Fund. To warm up the bidders, coffee and sandwiches and pie were served by • Hensall and Chiselhurst ladies. Many thanks to all who helped in any way to make this sale such a succesds. SIDES OF PORK available Now at New low Prices We'll Make up Cold Y'y „so Plates for your Parties, Dances, Meetings SIDES OF- BEEF 89% includes cutting, wrapping and freezing Fl ,r0,1 •(1 Mom, Dad or all the Kiddies may be photographed as a group — FREE PARENTS: We've arranged to have a nationally recognized profes- sional photographer at our stele op, the dates shown below, You can have each member of the family Photographed In several poses, and pick any one of them for your free portrait. We only ask that all children be accompanied by a parent, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY to get a living colour portrait you will treasure always. Several poses are taken and low cost additional portraits are available for those who wish them. It's our way of saying "Thank You" to, our many regular customers, and "Welcome" to everyone else, Incidentally, we believe' these photographs are'really something Special. They're beautifully posed portraits — not snapshots. And don't forget they be in living colour, so dress the children in bright colburs. ,PP:tv-v-tvvvvvvvvIv-v-vop-p-tiwl*vkt ? SATURDAY Nov. 6 — 10-5 p.m. A GIFT TO YOU FROM SEAFORTH :ter Mme.',;.. 7,Z4-Vrj 4',;*1700.111,004% „..