The Wingham Times, 1895-03-08, Page 5THE WINGNAM NIARItti
MART*11 GREAT FIRE Ri Thc, firemen could not newts it, and with us this evening', We are glad
lt was a foregone cenclusion that the B9 many of us are permitted to be
eteeple woeld go in an hone or two, with you, though we regret that '
Thousands of people stood. arontel i while some id' your children and
*1A84 1113"11s A'Ins Diji'l'uts' 'anxiously gazing upwards, ..t. fire- : grandehildren are unable to be
— • man tried to climb up, carsying. an . present in body, yet you may be
Termite, March IL—For the third extinguisher,. but was. unsuccessful : sure they are present thiti evening- in
been yielted by a most dieastrous :about a quarter after three o'elock. : wishing: you many more years Of
eonliateration. the january 6 the :. The steeple fell Into the street, the pleasant lite togieher, We beg you
0-10hr. 11PWSpl1ier butming, h. 10. MC- bell having fallen out a few minutes • to accept these chairs, and we. will
Kline -es wholesale ennissery estab- .earlim With regard to Eatons, the I be pleased to think, when absent,
'Aisliment and adjacent pieties were
e lestroyed with a total loss a about
$700,000. Three days later fire
broke out again in a spot adjacent to
the ruins, and damage was done -
to the ('tent of three-quarters of 4.
million dollars.
At 12.30 this morning a third fire
started. This time at the corner of
Yonge and Queen streets. The cen-
tral feature of it ,was the vast depart-
mental store .of Robe Simpson,
W111,01 WAS burned to the ground,
the building stud stock being a total
oss. Numerous buildings around oss.
vere burned, and the total loss will
amount to 'between $800,000 and
$900,000. The insurance will po-
i bably reaeh two-thirds of this
I . amount. The origin of the fire is a
anystery„ het there is grave
time within two montirt Torento has • in the attempt. 111e steeple fell spirits and that they join with tie in
store would undoubtedly have been and, some of us at least, far away,
burnea bat for the aid rendered the : that you are resting comfortably
Ilre brigade by the specially drilled after your long toil in a. good arm -
brigade of the Itatons employes. ; chair, for it Is ens desireohair, in presen-
These. were early on the snot. mut ting them to you that they will be in
with strenuous exertions, playing on !daily me, We ids() present you
the roof and fronts, the tire was pre- 1 with this clock, aud hope as it marks
vented from spreading to their 1 the minutes as they pass and chim
building. It was about .15 beforetaway the hours, that you will feel
the fire was Nay tender contro1.1 that they aro marking pleasant
Three firemen were injured,
settle-Imoments sed such happy hours as
what seriously, by falling walls
; "Will leave no regrets. We also pre
and otherwise, but none fatally. sent yen with these books, and trust
Chief (4'rahath• sustalued a sPrabed they will be a source of enjoyment
ankle, while you in the evening of We are
The losses are estimated roughly
as 'follows : resting, from your work. We trust
that God in His mercy may long
Simpson, on baildiets„ $125,000 to 50,000; on stock, 050,000. Insur- spare you to us, and that the patient
Christian life which we have watched
since, on building, .$100,000; 00
von living so ninny years, may be an
stock, e-50,000. P. Jamieson s lees
'''ar- on stock, $125,000; insured. for $25,- incentive to each one of us to follow
10 believe Sdi
t was incendiary I •e1
acter. Simpson's store was a six- 000. Loss on building (owned by ,eicoeuilianytehseefeonotsteps •of Christ, where
story building standing at the south- ithe Arts ASsociation), $1.5,000; in- you walkime since our
west ',comer of Yonge and Queens earliest recollections. aWe trust that
streets. It was put up last summer,
and a. portion of the •carpentering
'work was hardly finished. Four eif
the floors were stocked and two
empty.. Tho building was worth
its $12l00 and the steel: about $350,-
• 000. The fire started la the reartof
Siinitson's, and. the flames eptlead
with great rapidity. A genearel
:alarm was rung in at 12.35., and the
full :force of the tire brigade was
soon on the scene. By 1 ,o'elock !the
flame had spread to eteeh of the tour
comers, and the lire threatened to
engealf several blocks. The steam
ifire,epseine was in action, and gave
valuable aid. The water pressure
was good, but the linemen •_eottld not
pretend to cope with the flames at
the top of the high Simpson building.
Wall after wall fell., and myriads of
parks were scattered over the east-
ern portion of the eley. •
The clothing stoma P.. Jamieson,
on the northwest corner of Queen.
and Yonge, was soon .a total ruin
"evith Ail the conteists. Sutcliffe .&
Sons, millinery and 4,ry geode, Im-
mediately north of Jamieson', .on
Yonge, was gutted, TArith a total ,loss
, of °stack. G. McPherson, boots and
Shoes, next north, was half burned.
Soutteof Simpson's, on Yonge, Wan -
ices, :the jeweler, suffered severely,
the rear part of the premises being
„stmbelehurt. Neil C. Love., druggist,
• gutted, though the froet was not
next south, suffered .slightly. Omer
Jamieeon's store opposite •Simpsoe's
was what is known as Agree-atm:al
the property- of the Ontario
Agricultural and Arta Association.
In it were a very valuable .collection
surplice $10,000. Insuranee on
stock -Breeding reeords, etc, $1,500. ,conti
He wbo has kept you thus far, may
Sutcliffe & Sons, loss, $100,000 on nue to keep and bless you. and
stock; inSuranee. $45,000. Loss on that when gathered home at last
two separate buildings, facing on you may see every one of your loved
Yonge and gel:ma :streets respective- Tines coming in and gathering round
ly, $10,000 each. Insurance, two- "de great white throne, there to
thirds. Loss on Knox•Church, $10,- , praise God for Iris redeeming rner-
000, insured fully. Gourley, wins 'des throughout the eternal year.
ter & Leaming, pianos, loss by upe : During the reading of the address
and water, $6,000:Insured. Tremont 'the chairs, ;clock and books were
House, loss $28,000; tie:sera for $10.,- presented by .different members ,of
000. Dutatield sts .0o., $5,000; insur- 'the family, Rev. Wise Beugh re-
ed. Hendereon •& Co., auctioneers,: sponded to the address on behalf ef
$5,000; itisaved. iiiiiine & Co., $40e- the happy couple, Whose cup of pm•e
000; insurance, t::20,000. T. is.: 'enjoyment must 'have been as full
-;e--; -nsurenee• just then as It was fifty years ago.
Browne, loss, $221 ono i
i5,000. Mies M. E. Brisley, steels Then followed the neighbors, who
lOSS, $7,;600; !insurance, $2,000. presented them with ieveral useful
articles, expresSive of long-standing
n eight) orsh ip and close filen dsh i p.
Then came the general handshaking
and hearty tongratuiations. The
scene was very affecting, but such a
seene must surely make the peth-
way of the •old pair more beautiful
and fragrtmt and.the heavens a
great deal brighter in the evening of
their lives, while .the children will
look back to this event as one of the
fountains on We's road -side from
which they Will ever drink a pleas-
ant and satisfying 'draught. Music,
some times—Mr. Matt. Elliott km games, etc., 'contirmed until a late
tinseling:de, iiinenew organ from Mr.'I hour, when the friends left, feeling
J. B. Cummings. All Matt. needs I egrateful that, they bad been -privi-
now is sonae;one to !play it. ileged to attend at least one golden
Mr. James Menzies, of the 10eh I weeding in tete- nee time.
concession, was kicked in the moutlei The Council met on Monday,
by a colt the other day. The demi' March 4th, 1895. Members all pres-
found it necessary toesew the roof' 4. 'ent. Minutes of last meeting. read
the mouth, so:serious was the injury.: •and passed. Plans mid specifica-
--Mr. and Mrs. R. James and Mr. P. Cons Ths rebultding, br idge on river,
of atecetele of cattle pedigrees and Mrs.'amelillieaIZ, 60.11ZOSSSiCion Mondayf I.tni' ' ens: 011119' received from Alm
,otkeseofficial stock breeding atecoude," and Tuesday of last week. Ainslev, County Engineer. After
wlueia cannot be replaced. All were Mr. D. N. McKellar, wno has sold cnreftllig examining the same, it wes
t total JOSS with the builditag. Fur-; his farm and :stock and implements, 011°,17. ed by Mr_ •Scott. seconded by
titer west .an the same side of Robertson, that Me Ainsley be
Queen, 'hes renloved :to Thltlh, iwhere he will' empowered to advertise for tentless
street was the Queen street front of!.engage hi eleatemaking, Mi I re,
Sutcliffe & Son', whick was spatted.: Kellar is so 'experienced --c--heelee: •Tor rebuilding, said bridge forthwith,
Next eame.the Queen street fruit •of, :maker, and the Blyth ;people atenders to be received wp to Tuesday
re to:, 19th day
T0110101114, Co.'s great departmeutai ,be congratulated tea securing hi Joint petition from rate-
s of this month, March—
stablishment, which was but little services. : payers of Union Ss S. No, 6, Dist a.nd
injured- At the northease corner. Goisees Wa.DIDalk.--.--,A very pleas- ' West Wawanosh, requesting that BI -
stood the Henderson block. oecapied. ant event trams/deed .trt site home of i lot 3,.
by J. Bonner, gents' furnishings, anti Mrs Henry Wittlattuate East Wawan- , eon6, be token from sada
Miss Me E. Brislay, milliner. Both' .0sh, on the. 20th at Feb., 1895, it : Union S. S. No. 0 and ,edded to S. S.
were burned out. The C. F. Adams being the celebrattee of the golden No. 13 received, when it was moved
Company tame next north, and the wading of Henry Wiglatinan and by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr.
roof of this phew was badly burned, his beloved wife-, Harriet. A large Brown, that this council deem it he,
... and their stack greatly injured by :eompauy gathered
of children. eight expedient to take any 'action what-
(watee, At the siOutheast corner of out of eleven; geandebildrea, twenty- ever in this matter in the meantime.,
• Yonge and Quotes stood the Imperial: four puesent out of thirty-seven, and and would advise that the trustees of
Bank building. This escaped dam ,old neighbors, not a few. The even- school sections Nos, 6 and 13 meet
age in the lower part, but 'F. .L; hip; was full of interest to both old and settle this business amongst
theesselves--CatTled. By-law No.
Brown, with a. large stock of farnie and young. The old becoming
'es titre, upstairs, nets burned oat,: young again as they recounted 6, 1805, alfthorizing the trastees of
4sMilne & Co., next south, stove niers' events of the days far away; while Unket S. S. No. 16, East and West
<thetas, were burned out. C. M. ' to the youtag life grew larger as they Warreetosh, to borrow $650 on the
credit of said, school section, for
Henderson, next :Adjoining, lost, &ell in the presenee of these events
everything. Dunlield A Co,. gents' of by -gone days. . It wastoall a.- school 'purposes, read three times and
;furnishings, and the Tremont House. gladsome time. After a. magnificent :passed. The Treasurer's bond re-
--hotel—furthee south, wore about .suppee the following; address was calved, and being found satisfeetory,
threeetuarters burned out. 4krorind read by the second son, George :...... . was accepted. 'Moved by Mr. Sather -
oft Queen street east, again, the D11.14.1t FArfrgit ik.'sto M0TuM-117e, land, seconded by Mr. Brown, that
the Reeve and Mr. Lockhart, auditor,
meet the new Treasnrer, Finlay An-
derson, at Mr. Carr's residence, on
'Wednesday, the 6th inst., and re -
J. Bonner, $8,000 on stock; illSitl'-
ance, $1,000. Pythian Hall, loss
$1,000. The 'Zee spread to St.,
Michael's Hoepttal:and the Metropoli-
tan Chuck .lyttt,only for a lemma,
beine fortunately •quickly extin-
Mr. Jas. 'Cochrade has been away
visiting at his.daughter's, Mrs. Rites
near New Eantbmg. —Mr. Wm. EU'
liott, sr., has been ,onhee
tsick list for
The Ontario lectitnates. report eontains newt' tables of Stan*, -
Tho estlinates 18,5 were ties which will be (if interest to Wu.
brought down on Thursday after. cationaists, and unfelt valuable in -
noon of last week. The total amount
6,rmation regarding the ,workings of
of the estimates is the different branches of the school
For current expenditures thre
eis HYstQni of the, prn
asked .0 ts.,28n.61, divided up as
1r. • 40s ft
moved on ti, 1L n•Itt pu
lie reieleed
front Mr. Iniimage. 1;t, had quite a
good deal of itiaienhy In getting
e, on aceonnt of the snow.- -The
afilowe•Civil government, $216 - GODERWII. :!avt is in full f ;Term nal.
Pythian ITO wits somewhat danetged, your children, graucichildren and
but fortunately escaped severe in- friends, wbo have met here this day
jury. to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary
The two features of the fire, atfta of your Wedded life, wish to extend
the Simpson building had gone, were to you our hearty congratulations on ceive all papers, documents, safe,
the questions as to whether Eaton's your having been spared to pass so eto,, belonging to the treasurer's of -
great store would be saved and the many years of married life together. Ree, at present in Arr. Carr's posses -
burning of Knox: Church steeple. We are very thankful to find you. siert—Carried. Council then ad -
Knox church stands next to 811111)- both in the enjoyment of SO good a jotiiiid. to meet again on Tucsdn y,
sett's on Queen street. On the south degree of health. Though you havellOth day of this month, when path -
side & are brand lit on the steeple, not been exempt from. the Ms and ,mestere, pound -keepers and fence -
about the at 1,45 o'cloek, and sickness to which humanity is heir, !viewelts will be appointed for the
burned steadily for nearly an hour yet we are pleasect to see yon so hale 'current year.
without making any great blaze. and so capable ofenjoying yourselves P. PoirrERFIELD, Clerk.
TO oo "W..* AoTat•SioTTA, TOIVITC o.TIWTO,O....Ti
402.50 ; legislation, $128,C00 ; ad. Theate ttollegiInstitate teed ---
ministration of juitice, ;;?117,317; publIc entertainment the tlrand
education, ..6e2,379.41; public 1)1en'a nwn F
eel erifitlY evening law. I
'Phe entertainers were Miss Pauliue
institutiou.s' maintenance $787 450.
Johnston and Mr. Smiley, and both
of these gave excellent satisfacteta
011(11101'0 rvpatedly encored. Notwith-
standing the success oi the evennie
immigration, $8,125 ; agricul turo,
f..,%183,186 ; hospitals and charities,
0190,416,57; maintenance and repairs
of Government and departmental
buildings, $78,290 ; repairs to public
buildings, $31,000 ; repaire to public
works, :t1.2,618 ; charges ou Crown
lands, $107,809; miseellancousexpen-
diture, $114,092.1.0 ; unforeseen and
unprovided, $50,000. On capital ac-
counts the total amount asked is •
$328,636, made up of the following
items: Public buildings, $209,926 ;
public works, $21,790 ; colonization
roads, $06,020. On refund account a
vote Of 824,983.82 is required. In-
creases are shown under the follow- -
ing heads: Civil government, $2,-
273,50 ; legislation, $4,300 ; ad-
ministration of justice, 8766.16 ;
education, $7,187.28; public institu-
tions, maintenanee, $15.387 ; im-
migration, $200 ; agriculture, $501;
hospitals and eharities, 87,357.50;
refund aecoant, $1,668.96. Decreases
in the amount asked for appear under
these .heads: Maintenance and repairs
Government and departmental build-
ings, $1,024.i1; public buildings
$9,714 ; public works, $9,984 ;
miscellaneous,. 8100,298.40; coloniza-
tion roads, $7,450 ; Crown lands,
$17,500. In miscellaneous expendi-
ture the reduction is largely in the
item of election expenses, the sum of
$10,000 only being asked, compared
with $85„000 last year. The sum of
$1,150 is asked as a gratuity to the
widow and family of the late J. S.
Monaghan, court reporter. There is
a reduction of $9.,015 in the estimat-
ed amount of gratuities, and of $0,G00
in the semi required for the School of
Mining, Kingston. A sum of $4,000
is asked for a pioneer dairy farm 111
Annual Report of the Minister of
The annual report of the 'Minister
of Education for the year 1894 has
been issued, and con tales nitwit in-
teresting information. The sum-
mary of statistics for 1803 shows
that the number 'of Public schools in
the province was 5,041, an increase
of 64 during the year. The number
of Roman Catholic Separate schools
was 313. and of Protestant Separate
schools 10, an increase of one in the
former, and a decrease of one in the
latter. There were 96 kindergartens,
with 200 teachers, and 28 night
schools, with 65 teachers. The total
number of pupils registered in Pub-
lic schools was 443,001, a decrease
of 5,203, and 'the average attendance
237,563, an increase of 5,293. In
the Roman Catholic Separate schools
there were registered 38,067 pupils,
an increase of 601, with an average
attendance of 21,863, ah inerease of
303. There were 8,963 persons em-
ployed as teachers in Public schools,
of whom 2,617 were men and 5,310
women, a total inerease of 145. . The
average salary of the male teachers
was $423, and of the female teachers
$300. There were in the province
129 High schools and Collegiate in-
stitutes, having 539 teachers, and
23,055 pupils. The total amount ex-
pended on Public schools was $3;-
780,732, and on High schools 8723,-
721. There wore 8,707 pupils at-
tending kindergarten schools, an in-
crease of 711 during the year. The
report points out that there has been,
a very gratifyingincrease in the
number of pupils studying history,
geography, hygiene, and other of.
the Bigler branches of elementary
education. The average cost per
pupil in the Public echoolsis given as
88.54, and in the lligh schools
In the latter 70 per cent. of the
pupils studied commercial subjects
in 1893, OS against; 23 pee cent. in
1867, 39 per cent. Latin, as ,pgainst
1)0 per cent, in 1807, 5 per eete.
Greek, as against 15 per cent., -15
per cent. French, as against 38 per
cent., and 12 per cent. ilierman as
against none art that time. In 1807
drawing was studied by 670 pupils,
and. in 1803 by 10,200, and photo.
graphy- is now taught • to 1,056
pupils. There were in 1867 56
university matriculants from High
schools, and in 1833 there were 415,
while 2,120 students went in that
year from the High schools into mer -
candle and agricultural pursuits. In
addition to these general figures, the
as an entertainment, it was not t -men
a success financially, Owing to several 1
other meetings held 00 610 0111111'
evenings—Tie:sacrament of the Lord's
supper was celebrated ill Knox j
church last Sabbath.—liev. Mr.
Richardson, formerly of Goderich,
preached in the North Street Metho-
distschurch on Sunday Inst.—The
Crnsaders are in town holding meet-
legs in the Tempt Tance hall each
night of this woeic.—A pleasant
social was held in Victoria church on
Mr, Alex. McGowan &ilayed at
Mr. Finlay Anderson's. --The Nichol-
sons Bros. tease a social hop to the
young people Iasi; Friday evening.
They report a good thne.--Mr. Jas.
Scott, while descending down the
stair in his barn, had the misfortune
to fall and break two of his ribs.—
Mr. Hall a student of Toron o
College, preached in the Pregei
tellieu church last Sunday morning
and evening.. Mr, Hall is a splendid.
speaker. The Presbyterians of Bele
grave would like very much if they
could have the opportunity of enjoy-
ing similar diseources to Mr. Hall 's
every Sunday. --E. Living-ston was
down to Petrolia last week on busi-
ness.—illessr4. Taylor and Scott were
visiting friends in Seaforth and Bruce -
field last week.
isese •St
Brines comfort and improves.:e
tweets 10 personal eujoyme:..i: Tjacti
lightly used. The many, vho Vivo tel.
ter than others and, enjoy lifoinoro,171:.1
lees expenditure, by more pror4tIy
adapting the world's best predo4a ta
the needs of physical being, rill attor.
tho value to health of the puro liquid.
laxative principles embraced itt tho
re:necly, Syrup of Figs.
its excellence is due to its presenting
hi the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant toeho taste, the refreshing ancl truly -
beneficial properties of a perfect lam,
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,:
e.lapelling colds, headaches and fo:•crer
rnd permanently curing constipal:..a..
It has given satisfaction to millions =Id.
7net, with the approval of the medical.
7,rofession, because it,acts on the Eid-
.-.175, Liver and Bowels without wcfi
cnntg them and it is perfectly free froza
t_vcry objectionable substance.
4yrup of Figs is for sale by all
f,..ts in 75c. bottles, but it is mann-
lActured by the California Fig 5y7up
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name . Syrup of Figs.
being well informed, you will not
.cit any substitute if offered.
It is now nearly twelve months, since we first oyeeed up our doors, un-
der the pr4sent management. At that time, when we annoueced our inten-
tion of doings a
The knowing ones looked very wise, and declared it could not be done in
Wingham, but we bave proven clearly, not only to ourselves, but to the
public at large, that it can be done in Wineham. We have had many
years experience in the LONG CREDIT SYSTEM, under every existing
condition, and pronounce it a failure every time. Now after one year's
• experience of the CASH SYSTEM, and that in 0 time of great depression,
we have come out on top, and pronounce it a success, We have in the past
by keenly watching the markets of the world, carefully studying the wants
of our customers, small profits, and close attention to business, succeeded in
our aim, in placing good Goods within the reach of all. We are happy to
state, that this year we are in a much better position than ever to give
you the benefit of close buying. Now before STOCK TAKING, and in
order to make room for SPRING GOODS, We will, during the remaining
days of our financial year, make SWEEPING REDUCTION'S in prices; all
FUR and HEAVY GOQDS will go, REGARDLESS OF COST. It will pay
el to call on us during the next THIRTY DAYS and see what CASH
d cash selling will do for you.
C:PYR. 0C.111.1 -3E
4 *)
tock Taking 3Ie.
Every line of Winter Goods clearing out at a.