The Wingham Times, 1895-03-08, Page 3Pi. C. T. U. co tlIVINf
great mother heart of humanity,
htn1<cf, wise, powerful, walling
t ,l „• { rillytxrin1 .IA\III,)
tllrrntgll the earth and scattering
;.blessings everwllere.
P"' "r" f,t(1(1 alai �(.,nlr• "1.\ a.(rr L"nd. ; T11is organized motherhood search-
es among the laws tInit govern our
W,;41 call 1tr, nt,eodea, of He, mothers eta ,0atprt •
tr• i a• i,,,.1 . that tiro woubu,':s (lnri,ti ui T,•ntp,•r• COthllti'y alio pleads for protection for
at.:': i ire, nt:•eta Chu third SL'11dsv urn• n,rnt)i t `Volnfll and children, without Ill011eV,
),t G(1rv.` n'clo..k •1:u•p, Mrone Imo, at firs. ndrn'a ,
rmi•tar•. •u, Yat•'i.+k Arcot. All lach;.1 are nude. Wel- : Wit.htmt infliWIRti' of position awl
Apower she asta])11.;ht's her Oa fins 011
A. t',u L:dipur lrul ogle.(:irrn u:{ p tri al els .
a;)aer, for our will, ,re lupi f,),•,als nt tilf+ Minh' to the heart Of the nation. She mania q
day iur,uty or QUCulrnlhutnetaci lu•,rut tjq.:+ul..nsof, tlle l 111; f) (k) ;;00(1 1141(1 hl'121;;5 ns rho
.„>,,.....,- „,.. .m.., ' larger good of the doing. N,) keine
50 poor but she can ()lite!' therein ; no
Wily %very Woman l3:atx'Lld; Mote ; prison so Clark bat'sho bring'; a light
Willi the W. O. T. 17. n light,
I10 heart so lonely 'but she hrinn:'t a
[Mr.% Mary McDonnell, Toronto.) r cheer,. She 15 no r(apeCtol' of persons, .
Mothers have been slow to grasp I She lays leer embargo on the rich
the thought that in union there i;;'l' woman's time anti purse, :and both
strength, but the tendency of the f aro given to her service. She says .
age is to organize. It has been said , to the poor woman, come to 1111, and
that it is easier to organize tt trust I will snake you rie.h in good deeds.
than to trust an organization. How- Sile Ilan folded up pages andpages
true this may be, we know that 1 of musty creeds and written thereon,
the tendency to combine is epidemic "Love thy neighbor as thyself ; love
and the press informs us that the worketh no ill to itis neighbor, there-;
contagion is spreading with alarming fore love is the fulfilling of the laic'," i
rapidity among . the women of all She is anSWerin„g, the praVrr of
}ands: •
And why not? Surely she who
rooks the cradle has a trust worthy
of a combine. The mother, in all
her varied relations to the race, is
the highest type of humanity, as
each organization reflects its own
image and that alone, then why not
spread abroad in the nation the
beneficent light of organized mother-
hood. Our humble opinion is that a
elation should reflect its higher as
well as its strongest types. Voices As a judge, Bushe, the celebrated
we Iove tell us that "the hand that Irish jurist, was merciful, and owing
rocks the cradle is the hand that to an incident in his early career as
rules the world." To those who love t1 lawyer, he was somewhat slow to
to wander in the wilderness of falseconvict on circumstantial evidence.
theories this has a pleasieg sound, I A short time after he was called to
but looking abroad we behold !nen I the bar, he was retained to defend a
brutalized by the liquor traffic and I prisoner accused of murder. The
the ��
Page and L'iustics. To be carnally mindedmindedi5 death,
Whenever faithfaithg:;:a'., t�;, l++1.<+°i to brit to 1)e) sl,irtttatly ntilld('<l is Iifu
pray fou rain it fakes an 1:11:lo'c'hs, and peace.
Every time treasure is laid 1111 in
!heaven it does solIleb(,dy goo(t UII
i it is only the truth we follow ghat
has power to lead Us straight to tied.
The devil will be :.111'0 t1) stay
awhile tf he call; 0a roti IYI1 1
Ii yO
are idle,
Comply with 1,4's conditions And
the NO; Mows of heaven can't stay'
Christ himself, "That ye may all be
Par over Fifty care
As Seto AND 1VNtu.Tiuo, )1ti11NUr,-Mrs. Winslow' St.othintr Syrup ha) been used for over fifty
years by millions of mothers for their ehileren while
t(othh-•, with perfect success. It soothes the child
sotfens the gums, alloy's all pain. cures wind Calle,
nod is thebest rotted for Uiarriora, Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggists in o+err p,ut of the
Work,. Tucutyflvecolas a unttio. Its lnine Is
hlcalenloble, He sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow e
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind,
Circumstantial Evidence,
h1 -power with its hands on the !victim's name Was waiter I1tey1( r,
helm of government, guiding the i and it was supposed that he had been
ship of, state straight on the rock of killed by a party of rebels of whom
dire destruction. Women are tlhe:re I one became an informer, and was
it is true, but not at the helm; . Ivo- { the chief witness for the prosecution.
man with sweet !home faces who 1 The witness for the prosecution was
tenderly care for the stranded , correct and careful in all his details.
wrecks, women who kneel by the ; He stated that the body of Meyler
bedside of shattered idols and weep i had been buried close to the shore,
over buried hopes. I wrapped in a coat of the same texture
It is the old, old story, Rachel ; and color as that stated to have been
weeping. for her children, and re-
markable to relate, Illtehael's right
to weep•has never been questioned.
Custom has led' many to inian'ine
worn by the deceased. Bushe neither
cross-examined a witness nor called
evidence upon the part of his client ;
and before the judge commenced his
that this same right inheres in her charge the jury ,stated that they
daughters, litany of whom have I were prepared with their verdict.
accepted this imaginary heritage! Bushe said: "Wait a moment,
without questioning. Kings, princes, I gentlelucn. Did any of yoululow
priests and governors have heard I Walter Moyler, the deceased ?�� The
this wail of anguish, hearcl and _re- i reply was that all the jury knew
baked not. That propheeymight ; pini well ; and immediately Buses
be fulfilled, said the prophet. Poets ' shouted, to the dismay of the audi-
have song, "Men must work while I tors: "Walter llieyler, come into
Woolen eep." Clearly this was a I court ! The . supposed deceased
recognition of woman's•rights and to I rushed upon the stand, and pointing
all mothers deprived of their off- , to him, Bushe exclaimed :
spring, whether through the mandate - "There, gentlemen, is my cle-
of at Herod, x declaration of war, or 1 fence'"-
through a traffic licensed to destroy, ; "Body Rested, Mind at Ease."
this right has been conceded Without . That is what it is when traveling on
a murmur. They might fill the air ten at. is ninsof is
hiengo, traveling
with lamentations without being . St. Paul Rail ay; besides there is no
thought 'unwomanly, or getting out- chance to "!tick," for the aceommod ations
lido their sphere. I re up to (late, the trains keep moving
fight along and get there on time. These
• T110 011,0
encouraging thought in .'litres thoroughly cover the territory
between Chicago, La Crosse. St. Paul,
of Israel
with this typical mother; Minneapolis, Aberdeen, ;,iit'3heil, Sioux
Of Israel is, that she would not V: Oity. Yankton, Council })[offs, Cniaea
comforted. VI'I are glace that s' le au(1 NortLu rn kliolligso. All the prinei-
would'not. Thi mothers who sit at a pal cities and towns in that territory are
case in Zion, who 'are satisfies) with reached b1( the "St. Paul" lines, con -
existing conditions, who have all the On1ah watitSt, Poul, noun utl h all lines fur points in
rights they want, arl3 tile great far west. CVrits to A. J. 'Taylor, Cnn-
stumbling block in the,,Aty of those ' :Winn Pass'r Agent. 87 York Street, Tor -
who labor to snake t1 e:nation• as safe onto, Ont., for one of their new map
as the home. As„•t0 the value Uf•all - time table and a brochure giving a
description of the Compartment Sleep -
organization, jil-t`a,t depends on \its int,( Cars. Tiokets furnished by any
component parts, the end in view, coupon ticket agent in the United States
and thes crit in which it is carried and Oanade. The ti nest dining cars in
Out. shall/.ire' that back of all the world are run on the solid vestibuled,
d'lootriwlighted and steam -heated trains
movements and reforms lies the in- ofthe Chicago, Milwaukee .0 St. Paul
finite law of eternal right, to keep in Railway•
harmony with God's law is the
foundation principle of the W. C. T.
U. As the home is the citadel of all
that is best in the nation, therefore
the iio[ne is our neat consideration
and we cannot be true to God and
Moine it' we negleet the nation.
This is where so many women
fail. Keep within bounds and we
aro with you, they say. Alt, ray
timid sister, oven oar adversaries
-will go that distance ---nay, further.
They will contribute liberally to
organizations that will continue
their efforts to the healing of sears.
But we want to keep our children
and our neighbor's Children without
sear or blemish, • and as 'scattered
atoms lack force we therefore cool.
bine, "Prepare ye the way" is the
watchword, and to make straight
their paths our mission.
The liquor trate is abroad in the
nation and the W. C. T. V. is the
seminal on the watchtower. The
Ram's horn Blasts.
Faith in Christ changes the coffin
into a chariot.
Every reform that comes and
stays begins in the heart.
Some people could say more if they
didn't speak so much.
Little chickens never fidget under
their mother's wings.
1 ut was' dragged out of Su:1on1, but
there are 50211(. C1lnrelt 11K'1111'ta who
live there yet.
No matter what lft: may claim to
b(1 in (hurch, a stingy mall cannot be
a happy oils.
Tile luau who shrinks from self-
denial pushes the cup of linppilless
a'Yay t'rci[n tiis lilts,
The man who loves sill is a sinner,
no matter h01w i,ig a place be may
fill in the church.
Give the ,devil your cont and it
won't be an hour before he will conte
back after your vest.
There is a good (teal of public
}(raying done that don't loran any-
thing' 111 heaven 0I' on earth.
Purity don't stop working at the
trade because somebody swears to a
lio and sends it to prison.
No man weighs anything in the
chlireh of Christ, tuhless Ile sloes it on
the scales they use in heaven.
The religion that is noisy in church
is sometimes very quiet in places .
where it is needed ,just as hitch.
• Plain Force of Character.
It is neither by his intelligence nor his
talents, says Max O'ReI[ in the Revue de
Paris, that John Ball has created the im-
mense British empire; it is by force of
character. '110 maintain an empire of more
than 100,000,000 people scattered over the
earth, to widen it every day, without func-
tionaries, with 11handful of soldiers, and
more often with volunteers, is wonderful,
it must be acknowledged. And, at pres-
ent, I can afflrin.that not a single colony
causes John Bull & Co, the least appre-'
hension. A magistrate and a dozen police-
men administer and hold in respect dis-
tricts larger than five' or six French (10-
par...aents. Justice is meted out to the
natives as impartially as to the colonists.
All these young nationalities enjoy the
most complete liberty, political and so-
If I have not succeeded in proving, in
spite of their thousand and ono whims,
the Anglo-Saxons are the only people in
the world who aro perfectly free I
have wasted my time and yours, dear
readers. There are many people in
Britain who imagine that the future
reserves for the British empire a con-
federation having its centre in London.
If, during all my travels alnongthe Anglo-
Saxons of the whole world. I hale ac-
quired 11 deep conviction it is that the
colonies will never accept the realization
of this dream. Each would want to pro -
servo its individuality and nationality.
Moreover, none of them have the least
desire to be comprised in the quarrels
Britain might have with any European
nation. They will remain branch estab-
lishments of the firm of John Bull & Co.,
or they will be independent.
Of the Dutch settlers in Africa M. Blouet
says: "The Boers aro farmers and hunters,
and nothing else. Ignorant, bigoted,
backward, they do not change their ideas
any more than they change their linen.
They are hospitable, dirty, brave and lazy.
They have much religion and very few
scruples; they are satisfied to live like
their ancestors and ready to die the day
their in(lependeUce is ntenaee(1. Johannes-
burg will absorb the Transvaal; the apathy
of the Boers will have to give way before
the ever-increasing activity of the British.
The 'Transvaal is destined to become an
Anglo-Saxon republic, which will one day
fortis part of the free 'United States of
South Africa."
A Curious Custom.
A custom that has existed for several
centuries is still inaintained in some towns
on the lower Rhine, On Easter Monday -
auction day -the town crier or clerk calls
all the young people together and to the
highest bidder sells the privilege of danc- I
ing with the chosen girl, and her only,
during the entire year. The fees iow into
the public poor bort.
0. llonnelly. prop. of the popular and
!.veil -known- \Vlndsor Hotel. i !listen,
Ont., was troubled for years with Itching
Pilon. 11ce woe p('t's:c(s(ted 1)y Jas. Me -
Garvey, Allieton. livery man, to use
Ch,ise's Ointment, %Oiell he did, was;
cured, Imo had na i•etlll•n of then and
hi„ h1y rcenmerltl:: Ma ()D anic'nt its It
sovereign tiill't' for Piles.
Tilt' 111a11 who sett fl bad. example
is working €or the devil whether lie
knows it or not.
Norway Pine t+yrup cures coughs.
Norway Pirie Syrup cures 0()1tls.
Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs.
Tho mind Li its own place, and in
itself can make a heaven of hell, a
hell of heaven. ----'Milton, '
To have perfect health you must have
pure blood, and the best way to have
gurf, blood is to take Hood's Sarsaea-
The windows of heaven can be
seen from earth by looking through
a Bible promise.
Sallow complexion, blotches, pimples,
boils, abscesses, old sores, emit fele and
skin diseases depend on impure, vitiated'
blood. Burdock Blood Bitters purities
the blood, removes all effete matter, and
cures all the above named di'eases. .
The loan who works for the good
of others is taking God's way to gain
strength for himself,
When Baby was stele, we gave her Castoris,
When she was a Chiltl, sae cried fur Castoria,
When she became Miss, alto clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, 'she gave them Castoria.
Whenever a bird is about to fly it
looks up, but some men shut their
eyes whenever they take an impor-
tant; step
With a cough, cold or
sore throat. Use a
retnedv that relieves
l. from the start, soothes
IORtk..1 and heals the inflamed
tissues of the larynx or
�-•• bronchial tubes.
is a cera sin remedy based on a clear know-
ledge of the diseases it was created to
Certain in its offsets and never blisters.
Read proofs below:
Boma,carman Henderson Co., I11., Feb.21,'01.
Dr. D. 3,15)11111 bo.
Dear Sire -Please send me ono of your Flores
Books and oblige. I have used agreat deal of your
I(endall's Spann Cure with good success' !t is a
wonderful medicine. I once had a mare that had
an0eeult)pav61 and live bottles oared her. 1
keep a bottle on hand all thettme.
Yours truly, Cans.
Ir 1 4� C►�91i49®til cath
Dr. B. T.1(snnAL11 Co. CANTON, M0., Api'. 3,192,
"Kendalls spavin Oure"several much success. your
think it tho best liniment 1 ever used. Haus re•
moved one Curb, enc Blood $pnvin and kilted
tiro Bono 5pnvif,. have recommended it to
several of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep It. Respectfnlly,
S. It. 1(Ar, P. 0. !lox 318.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
i 1)r.. 3. er. )lC it _,17)4 L.3; Colfi'4Nlr,
r:rl..younck, V•r.
----'----za-'3r . -•••e �� r�czr ..........
Valuable Ott.
Cottonseed oil, now so hnportant com-
mercially, has been known to commerce
for a long tittle. New Orleans once at-
tempted to use it for street lighting. It
was an} i)hl charge of abolition days that
slaves wore fed on cottonseed, a charge in-
lligultntly denied by the slavehoiders,
Never be afraid of the devil when though cottonseed was then used as food
roti know you are on the Lord's by the `pettsaints of southern I urope.
side. 1 Otte orate Latest.
In everything that it is right for yAt a late meetingg-of the Royal Society of
Y t, " hngland an appliance called a therinogen
US tOs do we can count upon Christ t1Vas exhibited. It was a quilted cushion,
for help. ! wi;h line wires arranged inside by which
it could be hotted to any desired tempera -
Nothing can strengthen oar hearts torr by electricity. It seems to have been
like knJlvin,; til:tt we are right with us l with success in the hospitals, where
God. ; it maria): it po Bible to keep up the temper-
ature of patients during, prolonged opera -
It took the life and death of Christ tions with hemorrhage without ,such cum -
t0 make the truth known 011 earth bel:some appliances as blankets and vessels
that I iod is love, of hot
col DANo- ,u F'F
HAtHbS0MEi' 25
itl.bestCough wed Tames Gondtee
1/1 Dinh. :",'d by druggists . , _jmagitt
WIN+ r 1 T ' 0-UNt.
The urnl(Tfii(,rnr'tl in returning, than:LI '1$ e,F
fon reed ftirbi':l.l,t' i leave tf> nt»�' refit «h'r. ift tri f! 0otd t )) 7 . )^, tf „th
ItilVitave'largo we u:ylct[�wr 1104 i.p,r WWII
y Ft(r(st( of
'aUGa�a t^a9; s, 9 :,,, ,.y , LATIN o1 Belk tiiO.
,I�Ikh,, EE, O 11MOLES, s '4't):1 Li!11.,)i11(i ,[
l ►,I, N., :i;
Ii1n) 1h:t aro .,e.• to IheirRkaE;:1o, WOOD, 6p40e, 1)ecliiiar wants Uri` : 'r tuicv u+(4 try an
general fletvoipapar..111 tin) cif :1 01.1
on hand, which 1:i11 be sold at very close eel:e'Liws ell:enper:te:le:aleere• t,re:pared
prio('s to meet the reililircilreL't'i of the ler their l):'t,t 1::.. r:f't. ti.ey ere
hard tittles. sive. Harper's Young I'ont;k (New Vork)
costs ;52 a year; 'j'h(• You tll'l, i),+ u[aanio8
(Roston) 131,75; tiolilon Da;is
First Glass Shingles, $1.10 jour , j)hia)) '3; and Si. \i(+11.11Je • I;:t:tr York)
ci3. i They are worn! the lUota'y, trut they
Si9�r�. , are luxuries.
T(e ght page) Jo inns! tj'n t� ci teat iweeklyn
Wood 75o�s. per Cord, delivered. l
+ Kingston, taauaOa, tle4i2;ned for the peni-
s sal of young porsous of i,oth sexes he -
Everything else equally low. Crane and tween the ages or ten tio11 tweut:y, with
see us before buying, as we will not be a department for ohildren, 11p,1 inhnod at
ndersold. a price within the reach of 1d1. Tt will
contain the cream of all the loading
Awei'il.'all periodicals of the NL1mo class
Wingham, June 7th, 1808. as well us the many publications of like
nature to be found in Lnglnnd, in addi-
tion to a duo proportion of original
matter. Youn;,r people like stories, and
these will be given in abuntanu5. Among
the miscellaueoas crontents of the paper
may be mentioned ahe0uot8 of •travel%
adventure 013(1 d1Peoret'y. explanations of
McLEA' ,t ;',0N,
WMkl TE0 • __iMIesloadnce rnTrr:lrIealirn; Caalndnnmu,
Grown Nursery Stork. 11 o gnarant-c sat is ra,•Sion to
represontatiitsand Customers CurNitrrrries are
the largest 111 the Dominion -over 700 0(108. NO
substitution in orders, l:xolash'e ter,itnr) and
liberal terms towooloor parttime a:euts,'Writn wondetIL1 Illi Hi/tic)n,i, ingt.lnCt`B Of re -
US. STONE )t SVISLLi'\(iTnx, 1 tllarkable intel[igel'ce in unitnills, anec-
1 dotes,eto. Parents may rest tlssuredthat
(Bead 011ier,) Turmdn, tint,
The only Nursery in Canada havirgtesti/torch:tr,is, 'tile moral tone of the paper will be the
i very highest.
- ..___ - f Price, 50e a I ear: trial trip for two•
' months, 10 cents. The best wily ore(nit
HALsT �"i�°r i fa by postal order tit a cast of two cents,
though sron11 silver is Carried safely
1 enough if wrapped in soft paper. Ad-
- A-jy--w-:EDI.:vLS- dress . J. Shanks, till Rideau et., Ring -
Josephine Street • - *Thom, thit,
J. A. 11Absr50, I J. W. Scow,
Mount Forest. Listowel
Deposits Received and Interest ZETLAND S .W MILL
GEORGE i•MCRISCN, Proprietor.
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Hien,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes Lumber of all kinds,
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all First -Class Shingles,
part(, of Canada et reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to. Col-nd Cedar Posts.
lecting Accounts and Notes.
rigouts, lu Canada- The merchants' flan
of Canaria
Office nours-From 0 a. In. to 5 p. 111.
A ell
Car Load Orders a Specialty.,
WOOD delivered to any tart ,of Wing- •
ar ham.
iceur1;er$by manprn,ul.ti) anomie)
xsznrtrinmeiz;ma zz,e m-nzvit s m•taa„ta: ,,
CJ21) iO1s THHOMSON, ' ,•
Box 135, •11'inghant . 0
1. R oelt% in stamps, oe 10 cents silver, and we-
will lsend you bey return until the
1 A neat little Book, beings, perfect Guide in the art
C of Latta. writing, It, contains letters of Love,
Friendship and Business, etc., with valuable in,true.
tiers and advice i:rory young Mau and woman
ishould have this 130011. Address,
Ingersoll, Ont
A. Blessing to Every Household,
These remedies have stood the test of flfty years experience, and aro pronounced the hest Medicines for
Family use.
Purify the Mood, correct alt disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, 1(1U\EYS AND 1Mi1I•L$ rani%
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of alt ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad egs, cores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR iinoNCalz2S, SORE
DISEASES IT 1IAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 633, Oxford Street, London, •
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world,
i. r'Pnrobasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
have decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for
$4.00 SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar oIl
the making of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat ybtt can .!ttwe fl(nt ESA!
$1.0.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
WEBSTER & 00.,
Oppo.sits the )low'Mac(lonalcl Iliock, 'Wingbam.
1llercliant Tttilati
I '1'