The Wingham Times, 1895-03-08, Page 1VOL. XXIV.---NO, 1211.
'Having purehased the Bear and
all the interest in it contained, from
the old and, well-known firm of Orr
Hiscooks, bog -to state to all its old
patrons and the public generally that
they will- assumo possession of the
.same on Monday next, the 4th inst.,
and can. assure the public that this
:same Bear,although 'under a changed
management, will spare no effort to
:supply the wants of its customers in
the future, as well as it has done in
the past, as our increased facilities for
doing so are greatly improved, and
'will be strictly un to date methods.
'Our stock will be most complete and
the Bear feels satisfied that it will be
able to Suit the most fasthkonS, in
variety; as well as in qualrty and
In this line we shall keep only the
very choicest and best, and will be
-eonstantly'gosorted, so that the Bear
can assure it'a patrons they will , be
supplied with every article fresh and
good, svith which to tickle the palate.
Here again the Bear will be found
.:to contain a large and well -selected
in adding this additional branch
to Our business, the Bear is bound to
make this department superior to any-
thing ever before in Wingham; and.
will be placed under the personal
:supervision of a first-class Milliner
'from the city, so that the ladies may
,depend on it that their interests. will
'be thoroughly studied.
The Merchant . Tailoring and
'Although a part and parbel of the Bear,
will still be carried on in the old stand,
late J. J. Iiomuth & Son, and in it will
be found the beat selected stock of Spring
Overcoatings and Suitings in town, and
will be made up with the best trimmings
and in our well-known superior style of
• cut and workmanship. A perfect fit
_. We ha all tlis latest styles in Ties,
!Collars and Cuffs; and can suit the most,
particular taste.
in all the very latest designs. In the
Department we lead all competitors; we
shall carry a more superior class of goods
than has aver been shown in Winghtun
before and being purchased at the lowest
figures for spot east', -we are in,a position
to defy the keenest cOnipeatitinn.
The Thar begs to state that for
Spenk11191 rotn over twenty years' experience, I can
sum up in a very few words some ot the results of
indiscriminate nee of glasses% In the CO of odd
—Vitdullti weakening of the good eyo aliti making
it muoh okra, susceptible to disease, such as elan.
coma, iritis, etc, In cases of astigmatism, nnsnit,
able glasses will cause neuralgia pains in the Ms,
frontli headache, riatarea, paralysis of the [morn.
tnotlation, r, suiting in permanently impaired vision
which no skill can restore, The tittle edit come, and
I !LIN 1504n, when eiti•hL testing opticians wiU bo
placed ou the 81%1110 footle:rag dontIstsand chemists,
and hat ,t toss an examin4tion before beirnrallon,
ed to practice,
PROF. ("AfAIUBERI4A/N visits Wingbarn
twice each year.
Marriage Lteenses
Issued by PRAillt PATLESON, No 23, Vi -
tori a street, Wingh am , On t. No witnesses
41e I- EsT Place kisftlael;:dEchtt! 4
0 "is cation, Shorthand. .
0ett.., is at the Ceti- 4,,
-ow Business Cole 4,
lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. :
liegueselonabay Canada's Greatest come
meretareehoois. Cm zi
aoes tree, Men- :
i tion this paper. Shaw It hiiiutt, Principals.
All parties indebted to us/eiher by note
or account, will please la i and settle at
(MCC, at the old etand, e prefer settling
with all our customers irselves.
tau & Htsceuxs.
ee-eepee D. Petrie ad Rev. ee. Cameron,
of Herriston, excleentd pt pits. on Sunday
Needles le, a pa.
err & °emery's.
'—Geelpb .Centra 1.1xhibitc.nhave ar-
ranged the dates of heir next :Fair, which
wilt be Sept, 170, 1 3th and litth. They
Lard 10o. a lb., ..r & Colter) ' a.
---Huron Spring seizes will begin in
00 lerieh next week. .
Iierrings by the Half Barrel $13.135.
II. E. theme.
—The mei horse ft. r will be held in
Wingham, ou Friday next week, 150
4 nstant.
Baby oarriage. runners, to At any car-
riage, at T. E. COLWYN'S.
1.441{119;15 silver glass starch 16 cents.
IL B. bernere
--Mr. F. G. Spa ling has invited his
S tuday school to spend an evening
with him at his ho eethis week.
Try oar 20o. a Kerr & Conery.
egular meet!'
Canadian Order a
night next, lith in
specialty requested
of Wingleun Connell,
hoaen Friencle, Mouday
A. full attendance is
—The next mentiug ' 'elattlencl rest y- 'We are giving 10 per cult. off for cash on
tery will be held in Wit gitatn, on Tueselt y all gthods•
10th instent. —March's Iambi' w entrance was uu-
AL IL MoIernee.
. pleasteetly ueceptiv . The alley breeze
For the latest and romped novelties in
Spring Boots and Sho...—both in quality became a bitter bli: eerd, the like of which;
and style, go to D. CrintDON, it is to be hoped wi I not occur again.
--The Mak e Bros, Comedy Centrally —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.
closed n very successful :sawn in the town ; Grelteeces market grocery,
hall, on Tuesday eternize!". --The Dairymen'," eon a entiou which was
Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the tehave been held in Kincardine, last week,
surest and adept cure for colds in the b• It was postponed eel account of the roads
world. Price 50 cents, at, Williams' D ne
r--- being blocked,. will a held on Wednesday
Store, fiVinghant.
—Court Maitland, C
Foresters, will hold thei
ment, iu the Court ro
naciian Order of
next, loth inst.
D. M. Gordon i: leading the grocery
anneal entertain-
netne 111 tete oig va nes. ho gives le sugars
this (FridaY) and general goods. .
—Fright young: et er of Dresden ccntrib-
Cash will give y u ,eger returns at D.
Al. Gordon's then y can get elsewhere, uted gt15. to the fin. nee, of that town last
why? Because 13eweek fes violation e the. liquor law in by -
t 1' t and
expenses are lower th en others. ing drinks on Sum ey. The peoprietor of
—Rev. A. Margret , of Speedeideewill the hottel was also., aed,
preach. next Rowley the Congregational
church both mornit g and evening. Aal
are cordially welcoree j to the services.
A large aparttnet 6 en, the sexed• fiat of
the else:donee:1 block, suitable for offices or
dressmaking rooms,. Orient. .A.peey to,
—Watolies,cloeke and jewelry promptly —It is. expected. Lila& the R. A. W.
repaired and turfy warranted by Heetwe .
PARR, ape.. Macdonald Block, Winghame Ae—ana, evangelist, ri the: Congregational
church of Canada,. %ell conunewee epecial
- W 11 , to • 4. hasfie d 1
ber of licenses. tet. eigh k ler taverns and two, evangelistit- service, inithe-Ootigee.gationel
i church a week from 1.11u:itt y,. Meteele lith.
for shops. The tali dieense fee for the
former will be -924,5 ad for the latter 4155,1 . Baby cargage r. unerse. to• fie any caw-
Ilillard lieenseseere A „et!, at $10 for the Ara.'sags, " T .2. Ca• its':.Nsr
table, $5 for the eecael,. and $2, for each e —A young:man ir . ae neighboring town
additional table. who may be called Jethn.,11..Tone.sennewered
Starporit's Betel/oh Wlette Oils is the best :fee advertisement ce t/i•Nf5W York firinevho
bluely Liniment la the ,ittrAid. Good for Reed they woolet-seurtheentene of any roan's
man or beast. Rat:12 25 cerete, at. Williams"- future wife on- lee 'pt of 10, ennta The 1
Dg Store, Wingluente . young man sent, th money. and i veceived 1
always have a good L air. —We take the following from the .A.t- : this answer beeretu n of. mail:. Mrs. John i
50 cent Teas imi 85 cents. 11. E. Seem, wood correspondan e. of the Brussels Post i J. Jones. ._
—Exchanges all over announces acct. of last week: Miss 1de... RettOTI, of Wing -I if you reqpire• L e. etneesexs, .
dents to 'boys an . girls riding on t e hana, delivered. Lel address before the; yen will be amply repel b oking.tnrough
runnel:a' of sleigh and on Baptist Young-Peo le's.IIalon. on "Missiou- '; DeM, Gordon.% splen tew stook. '11,rty
. impor.t all their, oure a, direct- that:eters -
jumping on them They a not tali ary Work among.tee Indians of our North- .
t, Y
warning, however. west." Miss Peltmn whet, labored among . finer re„ ' • "e• n
ge of beautiful goods tp-seleet- from
last S' :mtnee, spoke with con- I than housett who buy. seened.hand. oughe rend Colds can be cured by using ' the Indians
Heathfield.'s Healing Balsam. For sele at siclerable autliori:ey,, and her address was !
—The Canadian
50o. at Williams' Drug Store, Winglaam. listened to with he-ere:it andpr
i ofit. eZe0-' i -
lye 'Stock teFavm
: Jonenal.foriVearch-hat came teamed. As
—Sunday week the anniversary —G. T. R. traine3fOr Tornno and east i usual, .itrconteins mu' h that tweeting
of the Methodist chur ati in Kincardine, the leave Wingbeen at- 6.25 ee.m. and 11.20 a. :
&.B;.;, 8.25 ; onewtrwus.--tow
s in c eniection.witie form -
congregation, ia re pollee to a request pent., via Clinton:and Geelple. Good con- : leg.: The Le embelltehed, with an
made the previous S mclay by the pastor, notations by all trains. 1 ilinatration ofa, fin t specimen. of a
sum of $1,015. The tmonnt asked' for was —The Huron. Ileetnaity Dleilical As- :
John Haig,.1-loarcl's Bette:In,. Ont e a.ud: the
Rev. James Livings one, contributed the Thcrouglibred• horse belonging to. Mr.
01,000. sooiation met at Bel is. beetle Loodesboro, : '
on Teesday, Mar& ;rein. A foie number of I f°1swing are " ft"' -of -.lie many astIotss of
•leenhael'• 'Foot rot
ean• of. past,eues;"
tease' "Sewing of
berries feneproht ;"
m ;7" "Ptetaitry ras-
py may be -obtained.
publishers, 20 Bay
Lleatniteld's Healing Balsam cures eekle,
24 lbs Standard Granulated sugar O.
H. B. Baas
'ell—Supreme Orgareir Pattleon, of the
Order of Canadian134ae Circles, has bee
satablieh a circle he
in town endeavoring t
D. M. Gordon has the test veins in Teas
4:0 any house in tate trac 3, tor he huports
his Teas direct.
well -Attended social,. milder the
auspices of the Christie. Endeavor Society
in connection with the I •eebyterfeei church,
Was. held on Tues lay ivenieg leer, in the
lecture room of tl,e clarech.
Fresh water* received daily or the Star
re;taurant, and !served in any etyle.
Jas. Melianxivar.
ittle Red Riding
the Town Hellion
22nd inst., by the
ath School scholars
a to be the event -o
--The operetta,
Irood,''' MIX be given
Friday' evening, Itlee
Methodit Church, ial
tenet others. It prance
tue season:.
To let.-- Gond norner store, opposite Dr. the members of the voiessiom wee present,. I It' te'est ''"-"The care
Chisholm's McClure's old stand Apply sheep , 0 Ewe a
to Wrn. Brt'tton, Winglea,m, Ont. " Dr. Clark, Gate/deli . (weepierl the chair. I itl1 AT , , 0
"GtOWings al sprine
Theta was considers de• diseuseton on var. ' e
—The Advance we, in errorlaet week Rees Subjects oil late est treelteprofession,lsKing graite1" "(oe
in stating that Mr. Frank Peephannan, the ' advacenient, of eaterinacy education i ;13-telleePiThlg °A the fa
formerly of this town, had been, nominated being the chief: totem. The following ing,e,' eto. A. sample.
oleapplication to th
as a Prohibition Can i 'date fie %nth Ox- gentlemen were ap pinta& texesad essays .
ford. The gentleman nominate& was Mr,
W. W. Buchanan, /or of tlie."Tempter,"
of Hamilton,
—Private moneys to loan' ole mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest.. Apply to
. tf ,Thrter Nenreeens,
Street, Toronto.
et the next meeting it Wingheen on July ,;
240; J. 1.17ileore, S-.D.:11CcIntosh, 1/. Se! TlietOennattie trance. leiteetellerteed
C. meoreger„v. 8.,. Buckati, Ir. tatmiste,4—W e are overstockee teeth oh kinds
; of Boots and Shoes, Cardigans,. Overshoes,
S. Penhbers. etc. A.s we need. money., we have
• Gee the prices away down. No, reasonable
SALE.11, 0.8TaltIt. I etTer refmsed. Gooin Bacrunas.
—Mr. E. E. Sb -ppard, of "Saturday All poetize •gettin thebesale bibs printecli; —The fallowing,,wch. we take from the
Night," Toronto, ha- deelined the tempt- at the Tx:km.01410e win ime a free notice.; stafenbh Expositor, of
tug offer be received _rem Chicaage,and will [ inserted iretbis list up to.the time of sale.' ,
13' * • YI g P
remain in Catutda. 'Don?" will', thevetere, Pernar,..1ALMCIt Se —Toresamved auction; aome time in Winghe a /net autumn, and
continue to write ent atadninglyietSaturda,y sale of Wierougare Hereford and Grade; •
Y *" , ,
. 3. . te,,
Night and his reade —whether they agree , Stock and implainet s.. Sale tocommenekel eitteet son oilars. rt elven, .0.,.
vdth all he says or ot —will. be pleased to!, et 1 O'cleelt sheet). 8,.. D. Wellwood, peeve.; died at his itome lore 01 eawam:pStejoatlfo,rtohn;
learn of his determi alien. I prietor. .1. Carrie, trotioneor.
eilnesame evening est, at the age of
1 Tncieumv Menet= 14.xn — 13nresentedI1
and Crosa Cut Saws must go out at once, auction sale of Far a, Ste0k and. Image.;
Out they go—The balance of COW' CilitiltS I ' - , tetenty-onteyeats. 11 had been ill fote
s, ein obliged to give up
menta. on let 4, a a 7, Turnberry, PI se '
--n-- his position atk do ay -postmaster last
Alex- Gemmall, pro ietress. Peter Mans,
I summer. but until th day before 110 died i
anet7oneer. i he was able to see and
Blunax, Nemec n.—Tinreservedt rid I
I- Wb called on him.
tion sale of Ferro Stook and Implements, he WAS very weak, a
on, lot 9, eon. 1,Ternberry, (Bluevale Road).
throvi off the phlegm bleb had accumulat. j
It Lemmex, proprietor. jas. lienderson,e „.
a died about six rn, Ile had lived in I
anctionter. I Seaforth the great mitt of, and. i
Patten:, Moot 1i.—tlnreserved aue. was a grant favorite ith everyone, being a
tion sale of Farm Stock and implements, .
t, t d , ' 1 t ions youug matt. Ifo
inted out the direful also 1,0, containing 50 acres. on tot 84,
will be greatly miss and hie mother mull
k traffic- Bev. Th' con. 0, East Wawanosh. Mrs. Geo. Iteid,
otber relatives have ho deepest sympathy
don, who was taking pronvietrosa, John Carrie, onetioneet.
ComfortabledevelErtee house for veeet ap-
ply to Mt Lamont,. Box 107. Wingheme or
at the Timeteoffice.
—ThedEleolc Social that was to have been,
held in• the Chive tgatione.1 church 0711
Feb. 23th.willthe hell next Tuesday event*
ing, reth insteat orelock. Rev,
Margrettecti. Speedide, is expected to bet
prseent.. A.geod p egearnine is being pre..
pared. A cordial incitation is extended.
to all.
Sample pairs-andi odd lines winter mitts,
at half price. Large t lee heavy leather
sehool bags :3a cents, for 60 days.
-.The manyyfrientli.ot Rev. R. N. Graut,
ofWillie, and avell .2ORNXIi in Winghain,
one of the ablest' pres-lhere, in the Presby.
teriau reit wet tec_ popular Knoxonhen
or the Canada Brest)) terian, will be sorry
to learn that he -has clued it advisable to
go to Bernindoefor setae: menthe for the
benefit of his lwalth. "ett,
regardless of Opet, for coeh, only. The
early bird gets the worm.
Jas. A. Cnine & Co., Wingham.
—There was a attendance et the
Gospel Tetnperanc meeting, held in the
Tesnperanoe n Sunday evening last.
'Mr, A. Daws.m. pied the chair, and
music wan furnis ed by th Union their,
Ma% ilas, delivered the address
of the evening, and 'ix forcible and appro.
priato language p
results a the ati
Camero'n, of Hex
Bev. D. Perriee
few remarks befor
onverse with Monis I
ednesday morning
a, being unable to I
Tice Delineator for April is called tta
Spring Announcement Sumber, and is
excellent specimen of ltie most popular
womany's magazine. lupplementary to
the regular issue of ) stterns there is to
ug, vitJa illustrae
will interest all
papers on the,
elpted by the ill-
ness of the avAbor, are re' umed ; and there
s egun a meet practical series on Freser.
vanen and Retrovetion, t e firstinstalment
ele, o: tee Petting way and Care of.
epfurs. Mrs. Rog,er P 'Or writes very
ntertainingly me the l_tiquettt of First
allseend Introduetions, giving the accept -
d usages and formulae ; and the second
aper an the Experiences of aTraining
Sehoollette increaseetlet iutereat already
elt in the•stibject. Wit Dean of Barnard
College contributes a, ariningly written
article ori ti. Girl's Lif and Work at the
University of Chicago white) she was a
Fellow, 18031-V4; 13e le Pierson ,Springer
writes foroibly of T e etUog es an Em-
ployment for Warne ; and Sara Miller
Kirby givesbe
.ltbe.r natinetion iu Kinder-
garten Teachimg. ow to. Melte Dolls'
Houses is shame Crepe and Tissues
Papers, new • and ceediugly pretty dee
signs aro given; Ma euetiate Iron Work,.
Knitting, Tatting, ,ettinsand Creel:mange
and the chaptesr osBuret Leather Work
end information of the
:implements. end advice •
Cookery article gives
• ilislies. There IS re
tee of Pineapples and.
Table Decoration and
time on Floral Cratere.
is bright end
?' Son is earnest and
tare enter-
s -eel Salmagundi Party.. •
eview of the• Newest.
evening'e arestsetnent.
mental .Musiteend an.
timely trete le on Bic el
floes of Costunees, that
lovers of the wheel, Th
Votce, whiele were fate
ork that day, made a
I of the whole torula
the close of the meet. The Modern Way. ' her of the Ottnarli
10,3,110. Produce and Close Cash I3uyors commends itself to tile well -formal, to do and the funeral v1
superior inducements will be offered. in/I.:mot charlotte McDonald wishes to pleasantly and effectually what was for-
merly &tie in the crudest matinee and
VID Stitt oTIVAP AXI) ALWAYS intimate to the laches Whighem and
T vicinity that the Dress and Mantle making disagreeably as well. To cleanse the
tity. He was a mem.1
Order of Foresters,
under their auspices, '
Net That Bind.
Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate the
gives illestratitn
erecessary toole-an
Ar beginners.'S'At'd
reeipes for some n
paper on the S..erwl
Grape Fruit, on -s..
tile usual contribi
Amami the Tese.T.
trailing, Mother=
instructive, ana
suggeat a deligEtiti
TIlere is alseeee
Henke, someibsti
ler Carol.
—For &steamstedinrierg, and cheap
genre' furnishings, try Webster .& Co. Temeerres
Remember the "'teem. one• door south of .1 A Presbyterial • (
1.A. Grahaeres_ grocery store. • arrce will be • leel.
Geo. Melee/she of the Standard 'WintAierne.
Furniture Faotery, lace been in Oakville ill Albania . 18th, com
for a week or se. Le was, taken ill while , skterp. The progre,,
on a trip easteand -cached the helm of an Selaging, Pstelhei
uncle in Oakville.. tee Titbit:47 as possible. , selection; P.reercee
arrived home on .Teesday evening last. He I Address, Rest..A.,
had a, severe .attacl .oillefientmation, but is clioreh, subset::"ff
recovering nieely, Ttefio, Whet- thev
ctponsible for thei- •rowth ;" disenssion;
Sieving, H•erran 28SAddress, Rev. Jas..
Makolm, reesteeeten .subject:. "Ways ant(
moans to suppress the. Liquor Trellice,
diseuseion ; Clesinflytnn, 14,1 Itenetliee
hien: Tlin' chain. 'rill be occupied bythe
tleoderatoe- of the- S'rssbytery, Rev. R.
.1. T, • public. are. eordiallee
Seafeeth Eapies,en : ?drs. Hangliton, oe
Winglareisateretw' her daughter, Mrs.
P. Coven.
ExpressIr.. janies Iltreashaer,
jeweller of Winglia. in town a few
days last. week..
Leaden Aelv.etteeei :. Miss Nellie Mac..
done.ld, donator ed i. Mactitnald,
for East Huron,is v siting her aunt at 307
Driferin avenme,
Myth Standaitil
ham, was visiteng h
lees Jana Beee.
left on. Wednesday
with Win ham frion
G. H. Irvint. the tailere has put in an
extensive stook cf. tweedS„, worsteds, etc.
Call and ciee. them. Geed; goods, geed
work, good At guteninteetle Opposite Bank
o Hamiltcate.
—The EVeoltvillte
against an. insuranee
through the come
holders. His moth
1•tenrcler warns people 1
:vont who is going !
tee eavendling noliey
ci. is to And out in •
what conapanyecerteen parties are insured.
and tell them ahat. the• company whichii!
issued Cabitepolley I te, ensecended end thaet
he is ettephayedeo, :...1'pet its affairs. Hal
suggestJ., tran.eferie eee thepolioy to a relit...,
able cempanye In• ' °Met to do this he re. -1
quires the vietiin t a, sign, a slip of paper
suppooed to boa tr nsfer;, bot which Ina
short time tarns°. r:to•be a note for 1351',
D.. Al. Cordon. is • offering the bluest
range of men's, ycothsl'ancl boys' suite,,, at
prices hitherto• tx beard ot in Wingliam.
It veill-pay• you to, *0 them before giving
your ordeal
'reference on Temper -
ire • the Ftesiketeriarr, Monday evening,
encing at 8 o'clock
eme will be as follows::
.4.- }leading Sbripture
Singing, Ilyneu 264;
;Stable. M.
le Fruits of theLiqr:or
ere, watt who are re -
--The tollovvaz ' it the result of the
weekly tseetten .examainations helitt the
Rest deportmene. 30. the Public School,
deiribg the.montli et January andIFebrn-;.
ary. The• subjec s. upon which the ex-.
aminations vet. held were, A.tithmetio,
Algebra,. Comp° -Hien, Literattue, Gram-
mar, &op:1)+bl and History. The num.
bets are poreentt,ges:
&mon: 011,0:—.1,V. Robertson 82, B•.
Cummings 70, . Cummings 77, W.. Mc-
' ' W P .
rs. Graeey, of Wing.
parents, Mr. mut
Or a two weeks' visik
Miss Al. V anstene, rho has been visiting
relatives in littmiltota returned home last
Stelorth Sun.: Mi'Norma, Dinsley,ol
Winghatn* is in town this week visiting the,
Misses eaten,
Miss Jennie tt, 597 Broadway*
Winnipeg, is visiting at the resideuce ot
n town.
Baboon- 74, S Parquharsotz 73, W.
Mr. Senate! Youhill,
quharson '72, te Gordon 09, B. Johnston
Welsh 6(1, C' 1‘1°Tavis1i 65' X.; -Ideas a flying visit,
Miss raga volume
from Toronto, where
ing the millinery op
Miss A. Id, Huhn
ing friends in Mitch
NWyeeeekke., returned Ito
Miss Young, of
friends and relative
M. C.
lsbister (13,.J. 3neU 02, Z. A. Maltay
A. Dawson 80 C. Vansto,ne 00, 1,/,,Bisbee
58, N. Camphad 58, L. 'Vanstone 57, L.
Blackwell 86, t Field 54, L. Itobertson 53,
K.Ross 48, H. -tamilton 48, b. aohustort
48, M. Maxwell 15, G. Stiles 41.
;Amex CrAse. -P. Clegg 74, M. Morton
/0, E. Tucker n, M. Rose Al, S. Jackson
01, J. Greig 59, 'I. Cargill 58, Galbraith
58, J, MeEinlay i7, B. llfoDotogli 57, John
Park 56, A. St wart -54, M. Gregory 54,
A. Fades 54, L. tradwin 53, J, Gray 52,
d 43 IA It I 39
Mr. George Atatts;
mewing acquaintan
Mre. and Miss Ct
It, Ir., gave his Huron
est wee k.
twine on Fridley 1zz
he had been 'Abend,
t, who has been visite
1 for the past, few
on Tucklay Of las.4i,
ondon, was -visiting
3m town this week.
istowel„ has been re-
sin town this week.
rtis, of Myth, were the
guests of Mr. S. G scey this 'week •
bueinees, formerly tarried on hy Miss M. Byetem and break up cold% headache and stornaelt ea other cough medieines do; but
Tito wide-awake buyer catches on quiek. Mr Miller of MAchell, spent a few clay*
Johnston, will he continued by her iu the fevers without tmpleasagt after effeets, use on the contrary, it improves digottion and 1
old stand, Gregory Meek. Frei, lifoodynt
the delightful liquid 10:Atha remedy, strengthens the stomach. US *MK* %re NyVoati gitittthberirgltatleOrgrtilatrOeretitlytintg fo
r' but
in to. w.n, imttweek, "111 cau8in,
tailor .systero taught. Cutting and fitting yrop Pigs. 110141111 It BOWLES i specutiti. Fi immediate and pronounced. 30, A. Cron & Co., Wittglisau. Mitobeal.