The Wingham Times, 1895-03-01, Page 88 SPRING HATS ' C l Il F. \.'t1 1 .1 t)1 C• 4 A #. . TIMES, MARCH 1 ,, WO BELMC)RE, ULYTIt. • Messrs. i$tne 8; Lnne :;hipped two .t meeting; was held fit the earn - ear loads of lumber to New York mere -lei hotel on Saturday week for from Wroxeter station last week. -- • the renew of organizing a joint - GENTS' NEW ENGLISH EATS.We have opened this week. one Mee of up-to-date English Hats. These lines are very new and stylish, at special prices. Also a very large stock of new Ties, Collars and Shirts, See our White Shirt at 50e. READY MADE CLOTHING. Our stook in this •department is Very coniptete, at low prices. See our stock of Boys' Clothing. Also .our new stock of Spring Tweeds. LADIES, We have something. very special this week in Dress Goods and Prints.. We commence our All Wool Dress Goods, •1:0 inches wide at 20c. up to • $2.00 per yard, with our very large discount of 10 per cent off for cash, at M. D. MCINDOO'S. ;hiss Minnie Fryfoyle, who has been - stns, company to nt<lnufaettue under the doctor's care for solve buster and cheese. There was a time, is improving nicely.—Mr. Thos. large attendance of those interested, Appleby, who has been residing in and a company was formed to be Bluevale for the past year, has re- known as the Blyth Cheese & Butter turned to Belinore, --- Mr. John . Manufacturing. Company. Messrs, Abram is laid up with a sore back N. Cunning, Robert Marshall, Jo n caused by a heavy lift in the Ellis, Walter McGowan and James swamp. !Hoover wore appointed provisional ////. a directors with instructions to apply 4'v EAST WAWANOSH. for incorporation under the Joint �f The sale of Mr. John Anderson. Stock Companies Act. The faetory Tuesday week, was a most success- ; will be built on Mr. Robert Marshall's ' ful one, there being a very large ,farm, nthe town. ;north of number present, and the bidding spirited. The stock sold at good Little Books. --- Cotton Mather said, that since he had given away many little books, God had given to him many great books. Great books have their value, but little books are far more important for common use; and while students may need the great books, the people need the little ones. Busy men and women have no time for long stories. All the books of the Bible, as written, were little books Thousands of people who cannot read large volumes would gladly read brief, pointed tracts and pamphlets. Persons interested in scattering "small books on great subjects," will do well to examine the different numbers of the Anti -Infidel Library, published by H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhili, Boston. Most of them are 5 or EYROXE'rER. fimures cows bringing. front ; 30 to • M. John A. Barnard, of the flim of mark & Bar. bringing. by the Bet. Mr, Daum. Mr. Edgar 17tin+urn, of Wrap, to ,Miss 1111n•y Gamble, i ot Moeskk, DM% TUCKER,- In Wingbarn, on the, 25th inbt., 1'Vitiintn Puekor, aged 71 years, months and 5 days. (iltnx Itl `.L'u 1 ntterry, on the 22nd inst., Iioniuutin, \) ngeLt bon or Mr. Wm. Gray, egett IS ,)ears, 4 months mita lea 1 days. <; Untie -In East Wawnnosh, on the 2Gth inst., George Reid. aged 50 years, anti 6 mouths, , t• 'l TENDERS FOR Q., , n 1 i /�tvt6C,E"1' Oshawa., Ont. nard, OiI men; Af Hers, has ronKented to setas agent A h Yearling ling heifer' $21 I a' t d 'll 1 s thy •ti >• calves from $11 to $30 sheep,$18 a ��• $62 eaC ; a yea ' , , , for thu Thos n rose Pr, nn wr n.vo rot . u 1 d e ;tone etc for snn.a. � ,�. ti kTMB q( '; �( [�� per pair ; two year old colt, r60 and M1'. T, 1''.. Scott, who has been r '9 the driving team, ti 5G and $4L re- working for T B Sanders for the • 1 •t. ltrekurued to l►is Caused by &rdl/ammatoa•y spectively. Everything was sold past Sex 11t011t11., 1.5 except one article. Der. Peter Deans, ; hone a t M ni .,--DI . Brawn has been ( Bevelling ]• of W'ingbani, wielded the hammer, lin.l",1)o'ee for a few flat's, nit is re- -Mr. David Dunbar has secured the I coy: ering —Mr. C. W. Sndrews, C;; A Perfect Cure by Hood's Saran-, paella, contract of supplying the VVingham P. R. agent here, eontinetctl services ices , "it fnrcta me much lle:suro to recommend Public School with wood for 18t)ti, , l 1 Methodist;on auudn3 LISTO\VEL. played here on Saturday last between; v:elihlg so bad that leo could not get up stake Carson & McKee, of this town, the Harriston and Wroxeter clubs, • to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I Iiarriston was victorious by 9 ,.Nota, v'. 1'` y auxiotts about Ilia, and having read the score Baine 3S to' lel ilr. A G rV9 S'r� lIa 11 the I need's ;; rrsupatrilla, biy son was stilieted with evening. --A eurling lnateh was' •relit pain have received word that a large con- signment ot goods for them from the old world was on board the steamer Elbe whieh has gone to the bottom of the sea. --A game of hockey was played on the rink here on Tuesday night week between a team from Walkerton and the town club. The home team had the game about all their own way and though Walker- ton scored once early in the game they were not able to. score another goal and lost the game by ten goals to one In the death of Win Dixon in the jnluts, accompanied with 00 r' - fry par' L� • Fortune, ti t of Milverton, 1\ <ib in A about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I deter - town this Week.— Mr. and D1t's. II, I so notch Snell, of G oderieb. have, been visit- i n toed to try it, and got a half -dowel bottles. ins friends here.—;lie. W. M. Robin- four oY tvlliell entirely sorsa 1ii)n. bins. u. A. L itizi• . Oshawa, Ontario. son was called away on Monday last it. ]l. Ile sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. to Orillia, to attend the funeral of his birato '3 Pills act easily, yet promptly and mother.—Mrs. Earl, wife of Robt. eflicrently, on the liver and bowels. 250. Earl, Concession A, IIosviek, died on Friday,' the 22nd inst. Death re- sulted from the effects of a severe tubers in the Dominion Parliament attack of la grippe, from which she me , never fully recovered. She Was but that is,' they will be kicked out. which occurred Saturday night Last, 31 years of age, and leaves two —From the piles of snow ever e, Listowel lost a well known and re- shall children. The bereaved bus- where we •woukl suppose that if it speeded citizen He had been suf.band hits the sympathy of the entire went away of a sudden LakefHuron fering for some time with heart community.. The funeral was con- will rise several feet. n ront o trouble, and for a week previous it tlueted on Sunday and the remains Halliday's grocery called Halliday's was known that his end was near. were interred in the Episcopal church - Private Bank, but he has it removed Deceased had been a resident ofeeiuetery. t 1 into the centre of the street.—Two Littowel for about twenty years, rinks from here went down to i "„� havingremoved there after retiring r• I Guelph on Tuesday to compete for ,' t, HARRISTON. . , the Guelph city tankard. On going from farming east of Toronto. Ile - On Thursday afternoon a sad and ' to post we hear both - rinks have 'cz •'tbt 1 RN. Sealed Tenders will ho reee •ed by the under- signed (Marked lender) up to to 16th clay of March, A. 1) ,120.1J, Mr the er 'etiou a bank earn on the Industrial Farm of t e 0 my of Moron (ono mile south of Clinton.) 1• an and apeciticatione eau be even at Id r. Alex. 1.1 31 ebiy s 011lcu, Clinton, from now up to lath of a •h, and at T. U. Stetaihim's, Reeve. of t«ester, f r now up to .March 5th, and at querns Morel, a ;sham, from Iltlt of Mauls to the 16th The lower or airy tender not necessarily ire cepted, HI:;�tty ElLBtlt, Chairman of Building Coin., Crouton P. 0, VOICE CULTURE. MRS. ET IEL OH Is prepared to receive pupils in the above, For terms,apply ether residence, 10 Francis Street, Wiugham. MISS cWHINNEY, SOPRANO, • g. D'Auria and Mr. •Elliott pupil of Haslam. Open for Concert Engagements, WINGRAM, ONTARIO. MISS FORMA DI�1SLEY, Pupil of SIGNOR DINELLI, Cut this out for Reference, - It will; not Appear Agafn, Dr. FIr as k remains ONLY 3 4 DAYS i3iwasF,ts Itnennurne--A. 1d., Smith, A. Hunter, Rev. S. ,pones, W. Aldrich, tto.,t'to. Also a number oir' Wiugham references. DR. FRANK, SPECIALIST, Chiropodist (Ki-libp_o-dist), Dermatalegistand .tlla:izenr, at the Brunswick House, Wirngham, For a few days, headquarters for genius and skill. DR. FRANli, the President of the Association of 14 eminently qualified Ameri- can and FrenohCbiropodists,(ki-rop•o-dists) and Det'matalogists, is here, and can be con- sulted free of charge, for a few days, at the Brunswick Parlor and room No. 21, first floor, head of stairs, ladies' entrance. DELICATE, PERMANENT .AND ABSOLII- 7-. TELY PAINLESS. Trade Marl; Chiropodist (ki.roe•n•dist) and Do,nrntalogibt treat.. Mout. Tisk Inc male from • ma College, St. Thomas Judge Lacoutse, Berlin, ominent and Influential r, a will be furnished on trio • Motion, that have been pal (feels tuned. Simeon ;tar aiueiie.--tinyor Campbell, ok, Coats, bars. Col. Tidsdale, err„ etc. Thankful for his vis' to Sim , a. A terrible suf- ferer, almost a crippl for y •is', has been quickly and painlessly cured by Fronk, Chiropodist (1d•rop-o.disonst).---305. oat , uudettaker, •nmtic s, t arts, Mules, Chiiblains, ln- .1 } tails, (nnrstissack on the of the Toronto Conservatory of Muaio is prepared to receive pupils in INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. For terms apply at Dinsloy Hoose. 10 cent pamphlets, in readable type, but so was a man who took eonsi Cl c 0 packed with facts that they contain as interest in muuicipaI affairs, and sat fatal accident oeettrre(1 on the farm been successful in the first draw, much information as one would often find as a member of the town council for of Mr..Tas. Shannon, who resides a' No. 1 winning' from Milton, No. 2 in a book costing a dollar. The drools- some years. He was a Conservative short distance from town. Last fall winning from Berlin.—A number of tion of some of these publications has been in politics, and was a member of the Mr. Shannon had ereeted-a windmill horse buyers have been in town Methodist chnreb. tor the pw'p se of pumping water i lately, lett we have not heard of and supplying power to run his many sales.—Rev. Mr. Cameron of �r'-` chopper•, straw -cutter, etc., olid Knox church and Mr. Ferric of SLEF�I'i HOLLOW. while William Jatnes was oiling the t Winghani will .exchange pulpits next The social given by the Christian gearing at the top of the windmill Sabbath. Endeavor, last week, was a splendid success. The progralnme wase as follows: Singing by the congrega- tion; recitations by Miss .Jessie Hooey; solo, 00 Mother's appeal to her enormous, nearly sixty tons of a single one 'et these little tracts having been printed. We do not often see "third million" on the title of any publication, but persons who are curious can find it by sending five cents to H. L. Hastings, Boston, Mass., for a copy of the pamphlet, "Will the Old Book Stand?" or by sending twenty-five cents for an assorted package of his Anti - Infidel tracts. A Successful Business and Shor Youngmen e and women bpsiness or shorthand cour Business College, Chath to a good position. Th' fully successful i sec for ggaduates. :. on placed last fall, w s Washington, Mi York to fill the mrith Col. H. land Director C and School. d a thorough g at the Canada , e. sure avenue school is wontler- ng good positions many other students r. A. E. Yates, from who was sent to New ition of Stenographer Hadley, Vice -President Son, with guitar accompaniement; istian Men's Union, New 'recitation by Miss Jennie Bremner; York. In a letter received from the duet by Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gem- connected with both societies. Isis . 24th, the wire of Mr. John Carrie ; a Colonel, who is an entire stranger to Mr. mill; quartette by Messrs. Chas, and sad death has cast a gloom over the daughter. aj McLachlan, dated Feb. 15th, he has this to Fred Kitchen, D. W. Gemmil and J, whale neighborhood.—One day last b' the wife of Mr. 17. 0 —astIrw ntElliott; a Feb.n . say: IC. Bremner. The President, C. W. week, Mr. 1). 13i1•n,, while running GILLIES—In Culross, on the 5th met., Mr. D. McLachlan, Principal Canada Andrews, then made a few appro- a shaper in Dowling t&, I.eighton's elle wife of Mr. Hugh Gillies; a daugh- Business College, Chatham, Ont: I priate remarks, and announced the faetory, met with i painful accident, ter. :gear Sir: Raving had Mr. A. E. Yates, proceeds of the social •,x10.60, eon- he having had the misfortune to McIxNNor—In Culross, on the 8th a graduate of your College, with us as I siderably more than was expected. 'have all the fingers on one hand Inst., the wife et Mr. John McKinnon; a stenographer, typewriter, secretary and (broken, but under medical treatment 0013. r office manager for three months, it might LONDESBORO. lis doing well. This is the second F., the iI—In l�eeswater, on the 19th please you to know that he gives perfect The Rev. Mr. Buggin, of Blyth, time inside of five years he has met lust., the wife of Mr. John Forayth,groeer; ;i sen. satisfaction, and if your College does its preached Missionary sermons last 1 with a similar accident, the first Aetax--In Lncknow, on the 18th Inst., work as well in every case as in his, it iA Sunday morning and night, in the being the loss of three fingers Of his the wife of Mr. Wm. Arlin; a son, �` one of the greatest blessings for the ling - tees community, or in fact, for any of the, his muffler in some way came in con- i tact with the revolving shaft, he having neglected to put the wheel Ostentatious luxury conjoined with out of gear before he ascended, He coldheartedness in pinching times shouted to one of the boys to turn ' gives edge to the silly ravings of im- boy " D. Bremner; reading by Mrs. the wheel out of gear, but not un- • ported Socialists and their indigenous Andrews; duet by Mrs. D. W. Gem- derstanding what was wantedhe went imitators. mill and Mr. J. K. Bremner; address and told his father, but by, the ti mei �.. - . _.... „ .-..._._ ....... ,_.......-, by Mr. Gribble; solo by Miss Hooey; 'help arrived he was strangled. Ile I -`-.----- --- recitation by Mr. C. W. Andrews; was a young ligan just ill the prime Bulle. trio by Messrs. D. W. Gemmill, J. of life, being a little over 28 years ,' Ilotzo�•n—In Wiogbam, on Feb. 24th, E. and D. R. Bremner; trio by- Mr. of age, was highly respected by n1i, i the wife of Mr. W.'1'. J. Homuth; a Andrews two little boys; recitation as was evinced by the numbers who. dau,hter.V�,.N byMiss Mary Hooey; solo b - D. W. turned out to the funeral on Sale! , F'oeeesoN'—In last Wawfinosh, on 3, b eb. 18tu the wifa uL` Mr. Geo.Robinsun• Gemmill; recitation by Miss Maria bath, it being the largest funeral . a dauehtor. Gemmill; duet by Mr. Andrews and ever seen ill this section of the i<.%HANey--In Bluevale, on Feb. 23rd, country. He was buried with 1. 0, i the wire of .ver. Geo. Haney; a son. Tzp 0. F. and Templar:s rites, he being lICueuee--In East Wawanosb, on Feb. • Methodist. church here, Mr. Fair fill- left hand. --We are pleased to hear Pinups—On the 12th con. of West ing the Blyth pulpit in the morning that the report that air. Yule had Wawanosh, on the 17th inst., the wile of great army who need sue], men, that eon and Mrs. Ashley in the evening.. --The sold out his bakery business is with- Mr, Samuel Phthps, a son. Rev. Mr. Fair has eolnmenced Boldin out foundation, but that ` he has Pk/Ay—et the Manse,Kinloss, on the be imagined. 13y reason of my acquaint. g 14th lust., the wife of.Rev. A. McKay; a ante with hitn, the Canada Business special services at the I inbul'n ap- bought the residence of 1114, hang is daughter. College stands very high in my estima- pointment.—Mrs. M. Ashley is this quite correet.-•--Phe remit of the poll Gu>uN--In Clinton, on the loth inst., tion. Trusting that its success may eon,. week in Toronto attending the Ep- at the Young Men's Liberal Club, o11 the wife or Wm, Gunn, M. D'.; a son - guile, and that yen may be so fortunate as worth League (lonv ention, she beim Friday Net. was its follows: Presi- Earn or --In West Wawanosh. an the to secure such young men ase Yates for a delegate from the Londesboro dent, 0. L. ,Schmidt; 1st Vice fres., eth inst., the wifeof Mr, Choreas l+iieleon; your scholars, I am, ' ' Methodist League.—There was no A. rr. Campbell; 2nd Vice Pres., NV, a Son. Yours respectfully, meeting of the I. 0. G. T. held on 1). McLellan; Sec., R. le. Dale; Treas., Jo6tvsTONE-�ln East W atvanosh, on elle I6tia lust,, the wife of Mr. Robert IftivaY H. IIAntstr, • Tuesday night, owing to the lecture Jas. McJh i'ehie, M. A.; Executive Johnstone; a son. Vice-1'rea. andDfrector, given in the hall by bur, Dawson, ;Com., J. Wilson. (High Behoof Waitangi). Sieh a testimonial from a man of Col. There will' be lodge next Tuesday student), A. T3lfk, A. Memo, R. BAVLiss--At At the reside. nee of iiadley's integrity and standing, speaks night, as usual. Mr. Dawson, of -Henry, and it-.- t,rieve. There bride's father, Clifford, by the Rev. S. wolnmet for the school. This institution Kincardine, the well-known Tem- were two sets for each office, the Young, oa the 19th inst., Mr. grease hate been doing a grand world for years, ei)d perance lecturer, gave a grand lee- colors being 1)jtte and red. The Bayliss, of I owiek, to Miss E., daughter it deseeeitig of tee suecrss which it ie en. tune. All went home well pleased, blues elected SVC R. 1+', Dale, ,y'. rte. of Mr. Geo. Puck, 1 joying. Mies Clara (lid of tete Shor},I)and There was it good turnout, the hall Mtn ehie, R. Tlenry, It. Grkwe. The ofthe brtae'e t thr, on tF ebru ry 20th, Department has just been placed as being pretty well filled, and we hope reds are 0. L. Schmidt, A. (.T. Camp, by the Rev. Mr. Young, of Clifford, Mr. stenographer and ho k•keeper with the that we may have the pleasure of bell, V. D. Mel ellan, J. Wilson, A. Thos. Copeland, oil Teeswater, to Mies q`Gaigary Herald"; the previous week, Miss hearing Bro.Dawsott hereagain.---Miss I31ack and ,A. Moore. The pelt was Barbara Bodie, . Ales i'kftledocic ss tetcnograpller and assist- Lizzie Iirunsdon is here from litchi. exciting (rent start to finish and xSit ere, t•--Deitftoclu-�-Atthe rosidnnce " n IT arse bride's mother, on arebrutary 17th, vise thesoprepa.ation* Bae 0 datrok k with W Whit le Coam on a visit to her old friends and those who were elected will have to WHY NOT Young men and women who gradoat h d his courts. ire 1pIt<eR a circle 04 at ..ire 1,l,. a he r .v jio,.ieotae should grow g j oiot, osn ialrosi f t minis) ipersp!'ratiun) and all diseases of the fey .'uecesstull • cured by the most approved mediciti,Imethods of own originality. based upon many years experience and the most extensive practice among the best families in the metropolis. The most painful corns removed in a few minutes positively without the slightest pain (instead a pleasant sensation) and relieved at ont:e by the aid at cocaine and the application of a medi- cated corn blanket, w9•ieb keeps them from being; sore or returning. i o acids whatever applied. Fiwnt AN bxell Amos.—There are many pretelisions to skill in the art ot treating earns, bunious, bad,. mails, oto•, but Dr. Frank is know n to be capable in the highest degree. ,. 11r;An •rum following testimonial from the Rev. Father J. 0 Bergen to the delicate skill and muccess of Dr Frank m his professl0n. Flu»i Bev Father .1 C Bergen, of Iiingstun—n tribute :--I most warmly recommend Dr Frank to all persons aftilate.t with the misery of t•orns or N' other trouble of the feet, Ile has relieved one most Y speedily and effectually, and 1 heartily wish these words of mine lit,)• be of service to him. • Sant. Asortlsa evidence that Ur Fraiit merits the 9 conndenco and patronage of those tt'r..ul,led, 1vtth afflictions 0 the feet: Tan ewe of litany tents disappeared.liefure the skillful Band of Dr frank, Me painlessly •revved for too a number of corns; one of which wet; very large and dee». I cordially commend him to any and all woo arty need such a. benefactor. Lie handle+ ono's foot so gently that it Is a teal Outgun) to be treated Ey- hien,—A tribute from the late grand , opera singer, Emma Abbott, solidi){LrlllA MxeiiA.oS—D1 Frank, who recently visited our city, has 1 roved hingalf to tie a skillful many cases i a arotina� r t line {t" 'frit B ili•it+ G and c t u been e that have been veiled incurable, an\t complete stra- p.ts crowns rt. olds)rlrrt,wi: i a wish. to „ lar_ 4,,. .X gentlemen to tar' ' At THE GMNJDA BUSINESS COLLEGE, a• i I :� ishtps ladies and CHATHAM, ONT., ;e that he not only are exceedingly fortunate in scouring good positions even during times of depression Miss Clara Old. of Carberry, Man., graduate of the Shorthand Departmorit of this school, has Just se- cured a good position with the Calgary Herald as Stenographer and Book-keeper. IT PAYS to .ATTEND the BEST. Write for Catalogue If interested. Address, Di McLACIILAN, Chatham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being south half of lot 31, concession 14, Last wawanosh, containing: 100 acres, more or less. Thera areabout 76 acres under cultivation, the balance is principally bush. There aro on the place a comfortable brick house and large frame barn, with stabling under• neath, also a splendid bearing orchard and a good spring well, The farm is situated Illi miles from Wingharn and 1; from Whitechurch, and not far from a school. The farce will be sold reasonable. For particulars apply on the premisesor address, White church P. 0. TNOAIAS COOK, Prop. East \Vawanosh, Feb. 21,'06. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS ELL& WYNN Has deekdt t1x open a Dress and Mantle Making business at her hotels, No, 83, Edward street, Winghaui, near Baptist church. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. POWDERS Cure SICk' HSADACHS and Meuralgta In zo 1d1HUT15S, alma Coated Tongue Diar.i- mess,13'110t itess, Pain in the Sitio, Constipation - Tc.rpid Liver. Bed Breath. To Stay cured and • regtnata the bowels. vette InclE To PAI(E. - 1 believes them froi.�all sufferings in the feet but teaches how to take proper care of them mud secure lasting comfort. Tun MOST BEragEl LADIES need not hesi- tate to eitll at this elegantly kept house. Their names will not be referred to. Char- {, ges reasonable. and the amount named be- fore anything is done. Twenty years ex- perience, consultation free. When request- ed Dr. Frank will call on ladies at their residences vlthout extra (:Margo. 111111 A8v ANN! with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATCHES Elgin, Waltham, Rockford, Columbus, warranted for • four years, '(DR $6_x75_' WALNUT -CLOCKS From fa2.$O up, We have the largest and most complete stock of SILVERWARE, ' suitable for wedding and birthday presents, in the county. EYESIGHT TESTED FREE. rWatches, Clock and Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully guurunteod, by WIr.1.1.`MA7EA Vv, The Optieitm PRION 21; OENrO AS. bouts s7'Ortos. ;(, Wingltam, �Tov. loth, 1.801. bank • eerier i to•) e e , b ti a Rely 11Ir Cameron Mr A Sinolai otect and Ad ' n Vont` Head, P 1r 11� Er b 011' is eomi g, and will he at the n Wend end other Hair nom of t font- Styles. Every tact tad gentleman wl , is bald mr Whose h r has become thin mild take advar• go of this visit and eensuithtnt.' If then groa•tIt be ti adapted in cath ea .• RENWEND, OFRONTO, nswfek fleece, \t'inghaum, 011 tt'etb.teday, lith fes• encs (Mite u•1gs,'rouprcs,Isaugs,switehee, a ltamber dealers, Boyne City, Mieli, such acquaintances.—Mrs. Ii. minim is, in distinguish themselves to the 'entire to Milts Mary Darroch, all of Minto. itis Goods are worn h thousands wi.h trati ying te$ui4te.-�» Elan ernbet work of the tokosl. . millinery openings.. ''dVili meet the doom of the present o the bride's tnottia r, On February 17th, .BIN1118 I'e11111te speak for themselves regarding the London this week attending tiro' satisfaction of all or 1 tan afraid they 81'tlrsort GmitBL M --At the residence wi Etotei, Wednesday, Iffaieh Gth.