The Wingham Times, 1895-03-01, Page 5k
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WTCI'CH 1)1:aT.1 N DL :50 EXPENi)I. electoral (lit tr ier, or 'elt11,501) more in l of which bite been paid 1311 te14 il1,(17,
E. all,. be si(lc:-t mucic foes of time and leaving a balanee of. 1. 11,821..33 in
In times of 'treat ftunne.ial de- neglect of ordinary lalstheee. I the Imperial bank to thecretlit of the
pressI4, and misfortune like beteOf What 'Willie LI that Bet arnywtty?!grand receiver, (;;11,133.33 or this
every Termer, inallmfi,tcrurer, and l�ilnply none. The Provincial vase's' i balance Wine' held for delayed claims.
other sensible bll ilies:s emu, findit (bets were already prepared and avail - The balance of relief call No, 15,
absolutely 11(!Cee.sary to (snrtaf shit;, and timid 1i the been tit<ecl With-'ttilltiniting tofifteen tenit:s a memberordinary expenses, end to avoid tint any Much expellee or trouble, :for the Ontario jiti'iedietion wa:s
Incurring; all almeeessnry expend!. These were prepared by the miens ordered to be paid from the Grand
tures So as t() make elide (nett and local municipalities throughout the 'Lodge fund,
avoir( gtattigg deeply iut,„it•(;s., Our country, tate( are thervforo, mere 1111, ' It was announced that telly two '
Dominion cioverinnent, letweyi'1', (late partial and just to both pnrtkes. They lodges out of pearly 40), were in '
not protein' to be guided by. any such are quite as fair to one prtrty Its to arrears for suppiiee, etc'„ at the end
prude,lrial principles ae the•!, It the other. The Dominion elections oi'the ;year. 'Pim Grand ()r;*:loiter,
goe,R right on increasing its ordinary for many years ~veru held with the,te duo. Milne, 1)reeentc•Q an elabe rate '
annual expenses, and hwurring largo lists and neither party had just report of the work done (butte' the+
unnecessary expeutliture. Of courtie • cause of.complaint. year. The report etated Mr. Milne
it does not pretend, under the eir- The 0611,ti00 of public and pri- had organized fifteen new lodges, '
euneetances, to (make ends tweet; lust vatoinnds thus spent under the added 1,000 neer members to the
year there was a deficit of a million existing law and administration is order, visited 109 subordinate lodges
and a quarter, and already this year, needlessly spent. Every dollar and delivered ;iti piddle addresses. ,
with five months yet to come, the i might have been saved and it juster Mr. D. Spry presented the report '
actual deficit ia about three millions! ' and more impartial voters' list could of the Committee en Laws, which
Nor does it pretend to avoid keeping have been ha(l for the mere asking. suggested several important amend- ,
out of debt. Two years ago the net ; The Patients of Industry favor the ments to the constitution. These '
debt was ;',42,11,6e1,030, the largest repeals; f that needless and expensive were dismissed and generally adopt- I
that it had ever been in the history Dominion votere' lila law at the ed. The election of officers, resulted
of Canada, but it did not stop there. i earliest opportunity, and they pro- as follows ; Past G. M. W., F. ei. In-
if Last year it was $246,138,029, being test against any more needless ex- wood, Toronto ; Grand M. W., I). F. f'
an thermic of more than four and a, penditure on faney Royal Commis- Macwatt, Barrie ; Grand Foreman, I
balf millions In the twelve months.. slams. P. W. Unitt, Toronto; Grand Over -
rr'.ngs oomfort and improvemeee end
tempo to personal enjoymeet ~:heti
rightly used.. Tho many, who live be'
ter than talars and enjoy life more,
kc� o;:penditero, by more pro:reel"
adapting the world's best produet•:t t>
the needs of physical being, will atto:t
the value to health of the pure liquid
kreativo principles embraced In the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Us c ;cellenco is duo to its preventing
'in the form. most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the xefreshingancl truly
beneficial properties of aa, perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
.Even that 18 not a stopping point I Corning down trnan actual business seer, 0, P. Orahain, Brockville; i and permanently curing .00nstipatlon,.
with the present Administration; last , transaeation, see what these two wit- Grand Iteeordor, 1'L U. Carder, St.
wee(. it was officially announced that ' necessary items of expenditure repro- Thomas ; Grand Receiver, James I
the public debt had mounted up to sent to the tax -payers of the country. Rushton, Ridgetown ; Grand Unide,
$2.0,407,463, en the 1st of February, Supposing a number of men were de- John Wilson; Owen Sound; G. I.
being an increase of no less than tailed off to tweet just these two bur- Watchman, Henry Watson, Clear- '
three and a quarter millions in seven dens alone. These days it is a pretty vine ; 0. 0. Watchman, J. P. Brown, '
months 1 And so it goes and so it successful farmer who can rake and Niagara Falls; Grand Solicitor, War- ,
may go until the alarmed tax -payers serape $500 a year over and above ren Totten, Woodstock; 0. Medical
and property holder's of the country his necessary living and expenses. Examiner, J. M. Cotten, Lambton '
put an end to snit reckless extrava-
Tho people should well know that
It requires eery hard work, prudent Mills. Supremo Representatives --
saving and much careful manage- 11'. G. Inwood, Toronto ; Daniel Spry,
ment to do that. Not very many of London ; D. F. Maowatt, Barrie ;
much of this expenditure is needless- our praetical farmers can do it this and all Past piasters. The Supreme
Iy high and that no small amount of Sear. But select out of such as can Lodge will likely meet at St. Paul,
it is entirely t1i111eCC'SSarj'. The Sun and it would require about 300 of Minn., in June next. Grand Trustees
such farmers to pour in all their $500. --P. 4. M. McCardy, Brockville ;
sayings for the year to pay that Thomas Sergantt Toronto; T. I).
needless Royal Commission bill. It Pruyn, Nnpanee.
would reclaim the '500 a year hard —
has already mentioned several ex-
amples of these needless expenses,
and it will continue to mention
others! Just new we will only refer
to a couple of items. , earnings of about 500 more of our
1. The Royal Prohibition Con finis-
!farmers to meet that rascally and wi-
sion. Nearly, four years ago the I necessary Dominion voters' list bill !
Jamieson prohibition resolution canto F In the face of just such glaring in -
up in the House of Commons and the ; lipuitiet are our farmers expected to
Crovertlment slept tracked it for a wept right up and vote the "old
time by submitting and carrying policy" ticket just as though they
through a resolution in favor of arp- really enjoyed being thus fleeced
. ' pointing a connnission to inquire and skinned
• (`without delays,
the workings of Or, supposing the farmers were
our liquor lays, the probabilitof 1 allowed to pay the two "little bills,"
not in wheat —a few of many of the same, need -
prohibition being a success, if adopt- less class—
ed, and all that sort of thing'. That it1 and not
commission has already cost the IN is uotr avout GO cents
country $120,000 with a whole lot Of a bushel and the average production
items yet to conic and not a line of in Ontario is about 20 bushels to the
„ a report has coupe in yet, so far as we
have ever heard, except the reports
of expenses and money needed. The question . for a Parliament, would
taxpayers will get off well in the
The Methodist people; have been
very enterprising during the past
year ; Donnybrook has built a closed
shed costing about $300. Westfield
also built one about the same size,
costing about the same amount,while
Auburn built additions costing about
$200, so that they will have shelter
and comfort for nearly all the teams
that crowd to the several appoint-
ment every.Sunday. In addition to
this about $70 Have been expended
on parsonage improvements.
acre. The Royal Commission fares ' TUItNBERi.'.:'.
which has simply enabled the, f Goderic
W. Fillips, late ob town -
Government to stave offan-awkwarci ship, has rented the Wm of Mr.
Sutton, 13 line, Tarnberry, 2i• miles
end with that coll mission if ; 150,000 require 200,000 bushels of wheat to
will foot the bill. What does the
country get for it a[1 ? Simply noth-
eng of practical value, A couple of 250 of our hardest working farmers
ordinary newspaper reporters would raise forte acres each for this ono
have collected more to three months
single purpose and they would not
and at an expense of not over $1,000, have even a bushel ]mfr them for next
or they would la all probability -losemonths. Undo': his enthusiastic
their situations. These five gentle_
year's seed grain, to say nothing of ministrations the societies should
the hire, and labor expended.'
men have been three years, off, and The Dominion voter's list iniquity have prosperity'
on, at the work at an expense of
.1.1 a day each, or would require 350,000- bushels of
something like xy
$70 a day for the batch, and vet,
wheat to pay the public bills up to GODERICH.
when their report is completed•
date, or the product of nearly 17,50' (Tttttnuretl for last, Imo.)
acres of land, with the grim prospect The cold experienced here during
presented, whenever that may happen that a good many more thousands of the recent storm was something very
to be, who expects it will have any bushels will yet be needed in this exceptional in Goclerich. The titer -
effect on Dominion prohibition legisla- mometer registered 2Odegtees below
{: tion anyway ? Sir John Thompson bfarmers toattee alone. esetl1apartl50of the actles zero. however the stomp has given
stated to the W. C. I. U. ladies at
Stratford last year that he would not °t their best wheat fields for the way to the most enjoyable of winter
••hold himself bound to be govetnecl purpose of meeting this ORO needless weather.—A very pretty wedding
by that repent, thous(( liedidnot expense and no less than 350 would ceremony was performed in St.
want to make any move till it was have to put their shoulders under the George's church, on Wednesday, at
burden !--Canadian Punters' Sun. eleven o'clock, by the Rev. Mr. Turn -
presented. Haig. John Haggart made i ball. The contracting parties were
,at similar statement from a pabiie i Mr. Elwood and Miss Slack. The
platform a few days ago. "Wait for GRAND LODGE A. O. U. W. church -was crowded with prettily
`the report, by all means," has been The seventeenth annual meeting dressed guests and interested on -
i the cry, "but don't be governed by of the Aneient Order of united Work- lookers. ----The ice cutters have been
1 -it unless it suits your convenience." men was held in 'Toronto last week, busily engaged securing ice from the
That cry of "wait for the Royal Cont- Tho report of the grand recorder doek.—The lake is frozen more than
Ing the whole p)1•oltitntion questeatr ship during the year. The total
iii_for this entire parliaunetit. That and number of certificates in Ontario is
711 -nothing more, is all that the Canadian i 27,500, representing $55,102,000 of
tax -payers have got to show for I insurance. During the past year the
$120,000 of expenditure. We do maximum was exceeded by seven
not hesitate to say that nearly every - deaths, neeessitating 11 can upon the
c)rpllar thus paid out has been need- supreme lodge for $13,973, which was
lessly spent. allowed. The following totals are
'w The Dominion voters' lists. • Al- also of interest: Number of lodges,
ready over $200,000 has been spent Dee, 81st, 1894, 384 ; number of
-on tate preparation of' an independent certificates issued, 38,468 ; number
Dominion voters' list this year of of deaths, 1,511€; beneficiary paid
largo deficits, and we are not yet at ant, x,3,032,000 ; death rate per
make it. even up to elate, or 'the pro-
duct of nearly ten thousand acres of
the best wheat fields in Ontario. Let
east of Winghaln. It contains 150
acres, and is rented for three years
at a yearly rental of $275.—Mr. C.
W. Andrews, the obliging station
agent at Wroxeter, has been eng,•a;-
ed by 'the Congregational churches
of IIowick and Turnberry to supply
their pulpits for the next three
mission has been Successful itl shelv-
showed 2,470 application for member -
ten miles out and some parts are
suitable for skating. ---At the last
meeting of the G. C. I. Literary,
Mr, Hooper, B. A., gave an interest-
ing account of his trip to Halifax
and other points on the Atlantic.—
Miss Pauline Johnston will be in the
Grand Opera IIouse on the evening
of March lst.
(intended tot' Inst lssua)
pig. harry Halliday has opened
it barber shop in the south end of
the end of the expenditure by any nnnniit, 71 per 1,000. Forty-four the village. Harry is it good barber
gleans. It will cost a quarter of, a 1 lodges and 2,(X)0 members in good and we slope to see (tint liberally
million out of the public treasury y I standing, and sixty -rive temporary patronized. --- Some would-be bad
the time it is printed and ready t'or suspensions withdrew to form grand Men tweeted It disturbance at the
Vise, if not a good Ileal more. Then, !lodge of Quebec and maritime pro- ball here, last week, but were quieted
le it hits been estimated by it good vines. The total ettsli received on by one of' the boys threatening to
Aihmehority in sneh mattei:s that it lies' beneficiary land is $4.21,811 ; this, bring his mother to clean out the
cost private parties on one side or with balance on hand, Jain. 1, 1815, „Nauri. !Ai -ore than • One hundred
the other in the various localities, an' 0,M12, less t.W.f9 transferred to relief couples assembled last Tuesday at
,average ..of ... 4800 itlore for. cath fund, ivakes a total of $1241,78t„ ontj rho residence of Mrs. O'Neil, of the
It has given satisfaction to millions and
mot with the: approval of the mee'fie.1
profession, because it,acta on. the
keys, Livor and Bowels witho:•t r ,) .I_-
81ntg there and it 13 perfectly free.'.::.:::
every object iotable subataueo.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by r.11 drug-
gists in 75c, bottles, bub ib is rew.u-
factured by tho California Fig Syrt::
Co. only, whose naino is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of �i+iga,
end being well informed, you will not
eceefit any substitute if offered.
!Lake Shore, to witness the marriage
of her daughter, Miss Abbie, to Mr.
B. O'Loughlin, The nuptial sere-
- moue was performed by the Rev. N.1
J. Dixon, in the •R, C. church at
Kingsbridge, after which the tom -1
1 pany proceeded to the residence of the
bride's mother, where a snlnptuocs
repast awaited them. After full
' justice had been done to the good
things provided, dancing commenced
and was kept up until next morning,
when 'all dispersed wishing Mr. and
Mrs. O'Loughlin long life and happi-
1(ew Light on Courtship and Marriage.
An English writer has recently been
giving some what he calls "Dery light on
love, courtship and marriage" that is
worth considering. Anybody, he says,
who has not yet fallen in love can readily
raise the vision of the subsequent dear one
by looking at himself in the glass. If he
be stout, the girl will probably be thin; if
he have asuub nose, his lave will center
about the (roman one; if be be dark, 10 to
1 a blonde ultimately captures hien. Thus
nature corrects defects and strives to
realize her ideal. The same holds good in
pleasure of the mental qualities. A fool
should make it his business to fall in love
with a clever woman, and, conversely, a
wise mall should marry a fool if be has
any respect for nature. Note, further,that
girls with Roman noses aro, as a rule,good
house managers; but against this amiable
quality must be set the fact that your
Roman nose is essentially managing in
every direetion and is not content with
domestic duties alone.
Your Ronan nose, in fiat, requires a
complete surrender and is rarely happy
till she gets it. Noses, he thinks, are a
leading index to character. Avoid a sharp
nose. If, besides being sharp, it is tinted
with varying shades of red or blue, or is
bine pointed, there is an asperity of temper,
which it would not be well for you to
encounter. Let your converse with "blue
points" be confined to the oyster bar, then.
Avoid the blue -nosed maideu as you would
the blue -nosed onrang-outang—both are
capable of infinite mischief. He also
cautions us against red hair and Imshy
eyebrows. In selecting ahusband "choose
a sensible num, one of solid, mature judg-
ment." Excellent advice, only a bit too
general, as is lits infallible recipe for win-
ning his love. To do so a woman must
possess womanly graces, the power of
setting out her qualities so as to inspire
the tender passion and gift of fascination.
That is the whole secret.
Stub ]£nets of Thought.
A woman talks et her hest when she
does)r't know what sheds talking about.
I)otnesl le felicity is of as many types as
religion is. •
We unconsciously judge ail men by our-
(While a man is thinking how a thing
ought to be done, a woman will do it.
Cupid always goes about with his bow
and arrows loaded.
A wise man discovers by patient study
what a fool standees npo».
Women admire handsome then, and love
homely ones,
No woman should ever worry cover the
has of a tttit•t who hadn't the courage to
ask tor her.
Coln tri(i n ,
"Leave the hour,."
Fol' an ins!aut ix' rutifruuted the girl in
"'cry well," he nlitilt•ercd, with an ef,
fut•t ,
Ile win tine to his work,
bough nbutginr 811(1 asocial outcast,
lir ict'i not only the home, but the station-
•.• ION in the kitchen and the greed(
--FOR '1'HE
It is now nearly twelve n.o)itft t, t41ee we MA t,I.(`lttl it;. Crnr dc:tau', tltt- the preeent ttlaImgelnt'iat. At that time, avh011 we ams i1):0..'tl t..rir mien-
of doing a y t g t�
�..'' e ,: r �J14jCT.I tlr CASH I USI.1,�Y E ') )_-•-.« .
'1110 knowillt, Ones looked very wise, and declared it ('(ittiti not 1;1' done in
Winghaln, but we have proven clearly, net; only to ourselv(s, lad to the
pubiie at: large, that It can l:e dune in 'Wine-haln, We have had many
years exeerionee ht the L()NG c'I,LUI'i' SYSTEM, under every existing
condition, and pt',tluulicta it a fi'!luie every time, Now after one ,)ear's
experience of the CASH SYSTEM, tied that in a time of great depression,
1vc' have comm out on top, mid pronounce it at success. We have in the past
by keenly watching' the markets of the world, carefully studying the wants
tf our customers, ;mall profits, and close attention to busiilc'::•s, succeeded in
our aim, in placing good (aoc,ds within the reach of all. We 'are (,appy to
state, that this year we are in a much( better position than ever to give
you tete benefit of cf;,se bnyiig. sow before: STOCK TAKING, and in
order to make roof.: for S I1IXt GOODS, we will, during the remaining
days of our tinancii 1 year, melte SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in prices; all
FUR and IIEAVY GO()De1 will go, REGARDLESS OF COST. It will pay
you well to cali o11 us during the next THIRTY DAYS and see what CASH
BUYING and cash selling will do for you,
G. McINT Y R ,
Winghaln, February 13th, 1895.
Having bought out the business of the BEAR from the
old and well-known firm of Orin & I-Immorts, and shall take
possession of the same on the 1st of March, we beg to advise
you that we intend conducting the both stores as usual, under
the firm name of IloMue1t & Iiowees. Thanking you for past
support, we beg to solicit a continuance of the salve, and as
we intend to conduct our business on a system which we feel
will be more satisfactory to our numerous customers as well
as to ourselves, namely, roil CASrI clic PRODUCE, and selling
our Goods at the Closest Figures, we feel that it will be most
satisfactory to all concerned.
3. ri . I1O.311ET111i & SON.
P. S.—On account of the changes about to take place in
our business, as will be seen from the above, we must have
the books of the present firm closest up not later than the last
of the present month and must ask ten immediate settlement
of all accounts by that time.
Respectfully Yours,
11O:/11U'1'113 mai SOX,
What's the good of waiting for it to turn up and then not be able to "fill
bill"? In the interval, get yourself in shape by taking a course in the
Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London) Ont.
We lay great emphasis on our practical course, See our proof, our successful
students, A. M. Stewart has received the position as travelling auditor uitti the
McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write as for catalogue and particulars
addressing carefully,
.1. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
College re -opens Jan. 9nd, 1895.
tock Taking Sale.
Every line of Winter Goods clearing out at a
TS,, ^�
and EUB BER.: