The Wingham Times, 1895-03-01, Page 4A
Fill WI (iI1.LM TIMES, MARC. z 1 1,89 5.
�.n viii I ) 1 ,
t Lteh 5 Bent fish with a t't 1 red. We port ix about ((11111)11 teti and will • i' +r. u. S. acerola►[+, Dentist, Wing- \1()Il1tIS% . t 1 E i' 1ti.P( ct" t'.
} .uu rayl;: "'i't illiiui>1d' Little Dandelion tP11ti]}1 t.
M bttil(1 seated ilthttsc'� still semi. our even ire 1)Ial't'U ilk } ollr hA11t1, tl.r;` , 1)illt; art* the best in the market."' The Connell girt at the Council
1 ttliiidl'e11 (111 to be. ea.ttcated. And \ (1111 consider:Won, with al 1'1('19' tel 4 r, Geo. Cruickshank 't)�, 11:hig :on, February 8x8. 1805,
'1'urt)bt'rry. 1a(tdRttl Morris, Feb.1'clt. lrtll, its, 11;t;'.
\ ' '(' 1 our 1,t11ti out with a fast^_Il legislation as may illtp['al' to be t ata; s: "There es nuI'til eqt;(t1 tt) �4tllialucp' meant to ttll'i,ltrnnlc'Ttt. :kleltlberri ilii. corrected by 1'. I)cai.r, 1'>'l•t...t' i 1)e::lv •`
lastly, ♦ t b it I 1n 1 1
:., 0 gun 31;11 a :'lt) (Itg to Mint fer proper, i i �! `rl'....... The ld('c'\'c' in the (quo. ti'1ton1` r• 100 ll,n
, , , , � M. . Finlay Anderson, Tis-11(puty• I k'a1t tVlteat
Little Dandelion Pills.
1 40 to 75•
1() cent I►Il'clt I3e might 1,:i1{` add- isle gttt'�tieyl of tisk' 1t1,t;t2ltTialttt , , 1) Ll to 0 5?
Reeve of East Wo anoah, says: "'I a,ev - Minutes of laet meting feats and!
rigs wheat 0 rlt t(> 0 57
,�_ !'(1 tila;t we try to 1n �.t t (i: eltt•i1;, {)f t z Oyet'llillent house at the ex- i me t}ata rnWit tiittisflictory Pill 1, have t'\'(1' ('L4ftrlllS'ti. \1Ui ('.Sl b;\ 11 111. ldllJt,t(.; , U,Lt., 0 :It) to 0 Ol
R, 1, ,�& , y{'t support a t;yt tl its of pF'ctt('eticRl 1x'IINI' Of the YPUCltlee' will no doubt tl used.. ^n r1 eeroud ed by Jae. Bowman, fhat the I Theese
by \visor h tilt' eats or Flt•at"1\' every remise, your earnest attl•lltiolt. and 1 i _Jac, + = ylor, t ardetl fc'r tt>(, lender i f tl`!. I'rtt. ,(I . Herald, 'l ,t't e - 1)caw iii 0 et t<, Q
t, unt.\ of Barin, list, would not th ' ' ' "' I , t ` Y +, to
ai'ticl e n e teed i:; it.vat;tt d fi t n :3u trust that the policy which may the l ,clutter, rolls .
,,tu1 et}H'r mill:' ithrr to do township printing. :l( lttk
.tol'tl `..• r,• 0 L, to t) 15
,j! r.., #(> ,1(i per Ce'tlt, altlttlttl it \will •bt` 1413'11 its may prove 1 Onus, Xo3 tor. itis lie of ltnrriti. 111! to s& alt tulle for a' 2:), ht' aces prod ; \yoott tmr writ, ... .. , 1 :et t3) 1 60
TEE11 ,4A• • W. TELEGRAM 4: 1 to ltt' generally :dtlsf<letttry. 1 1)': "I walla not be without W,111ia11)1. __carried. '1 \' Thos. t'tkl[ , ""
moved b , Hay lice raj:.. Int to N 00
1' Pills." 1 t• t,,� pa bu>,1'•�j• o :,0 to 0:35
app. Brunswick House.
Wiughv t - - - Ont
t1e 1 inai�Z • imcz
Ftaireee MARCH 1, 18105.
MR. Janet Lexie of Otonabee, was
nominated by the East Peterboro'
MB. D. K. Eni;, of Downie, was
nominated by the Liberals of Shutt'
Perth Tuesday.
JANE'S To2.Tox, the president of
East Bruce Conservative Association,
wh > was nominated last week as
Patin candidate for the Commons,
bas declined to run.
T. J. WATTERS, acting Commis-
sioner of C'nstolns, was seutenced to
one year's imprisonment at Ottawa
Tuesday for retaining possession of
Government looney.
SIR Jona. CARi INt: has announced
his' intended retirement from public
life at the close of the present Parlia-
ment. For thirty-eight years he has
represented the city of London in
The Privy Council met at Ottawa
Tuesday to hear the appeal of the
Bogan Catholics of Manitoba against
the school law, but at Mr, McCarthy's
request for an adjournment post-
poned the hearing till March 4.
THERE are 51 Patrons running for
Ontario constituencies and one for
each of the Manitoba divisions out-
side of Winnipeg. No Patrons will
be nominated fn. Quebec or the
Maritime proviticee
Tnxtm is a rumor afloat that at
the general election ILon..T. C. Pet-
torson will receive the Conservative
nontinntlon for North Bruce, Mr.
McNeill taking one of the mann
vacant seats in tate Senate, It is
generally believed Mr. Patterson will
not :solicit re-election in West Huron.
A Grand of 1 to
MEETING' ti t lis d Assocr -tion of the Patron, will be held in
Toronto, on :!larch 11th. It was
(1;igitsally illtcndcd to postponed this
s :<
eting on accont of the expected
announcement of a general election.
bat the i:xemtiwe have decided to
eonvene the Grand nd body on the date
na used.
isat• 3
IT not ,all improbable that
11r. Arch. Gillies. of the firm of t �il-
lies t\, Martin. Teeswater. will he the
Liberal candidate for East Bruce.
Should the Liberals succeed in in-
ducing Mr_ (allies to accept the
domination, there would he rto doubt
as to the remit, as Mr. (ililies
is well known and very popular in
the Riding.
Sone Conservative speakers have
been using the argument that the
farmer is in as good position to -day
,11 he was twenty years ago. because
though lie received but half what lie
.did for hie wheat the purchasing
Trower of a dollar is much greater
than it was. It is just as fair to ap-
ply that illustration to the dollars
the government receives and spends,
and that being the case the $27,-
579.`203 revenue of the Dominion
:should go as far as $55,000,000,
twenty years ago. This would go
t) show that the expenditure of the
Government bas been grossly ex-
tra va gant,beeauso even this immense
is not equal to the expendi-
Tire= is more than the
•1,ittl grain of truth in the following officials now paid by feta and with nei:son and a resident of the south Clark. Reid, A, McKague and J. Mc- I slow mid weak for common to fait
eCticisin of the tittles by a shrewd respect to the remuneration they part of said township •-- Carried. 1 ague vntett yea and Mr. Allison lots..r Sales: God lambs, $5,;,0 to
farmer 'zee" We let our timber rot Should receive, including in regard Moved by Mackay and Johnston-- nay, ----Motion carried. J.1icKague ;5.75; light to fade, $4.1., to $5.15;
end i>ny f,'neing. We throw away to the said matters respectively' the That A. �. Stewart's offer to do all —Allison ---That this Board do now mixed sheep, $3.,)() to $4; choice
taw ashes and grease and buy soap, prat;tice and experience of' other the printjng required by this commit adjourn to meet again on the last wethers, 100 to l05 lbs�+T $4,25�to
Ci'e raise (togs and buy and.
s. We countries. The commissioners have for this year at $G0, be accepted=- :Saturday of March, in the town hail, $4.50; culls and common, $2 to t,3.
lot sue Menhir', e to waste a rd. buy t pur�,tted their' task with diligence Cat'ritltt. Moved by Johnston and!�Tecswater, at 2 a'clook p, in.--- Closed barely steady for common)
fe;'r}ilr1r ,- lYc grow weeds and and. have glade frail inquiry into the Kn(htz —That as the bridge on eon.' Carried. , • I grades; firm for others; fair clear-
'vt' itxcla es x. rooms. 't' In 2ttclb 1'ctcrl'C to •t tens. eir re• t , a , �, , is in a bad condition G. A.1 ni`otat, See ante.
ONTARIO LEC4.1 -6:..,..s... € £31'. :scut(+ the lase session the nlFlnl, i 1 )t�ln i int melon1, ) Count i• w'oo'ed by G Geo. Kirkby, that the . ••t'tt rr�: t!r tb r� ct.t to 0 Ou•
` eighth ,,r' Assembly of
building' of rite 1%i'o('1�1'ilil! . �yllaltt „fa pled .T tit'N . i1 h have futtudl them in 1 et[tirnt of 1):tt;it+l 1X11}' lllltl 1>the1$, I)ricd t� jrlrle.3, v., l., o P to 0 05
The t ighth iat„i, stove Ass mbll
the Province oi'thttatrio \v,ts ty•e'tu'l1 has been e1)tnl)letl�tl, mut patients tleeti nwonderful Pill." - •
" ) (1 :13) tg 0 r)0
'1 enreday of last week, wee dee here admitted before the end of the 1 Hundreds of lit:eTestimanials furnish. No. 5 anal attached to S. r. o.:3, be l,ltcl'13
taken into . consideration at next ? u 1tt• '13 0 0.1 to 0 00
Ctii"r:u°sur.. ata, W. + ,.., !> h.: to U 00
I'. Y. li)r south 1?, 1\a: e}e(•tt°d condition of .elm' of the other inti' couticll meetlug, :tuts that the {,lent pressed Hol,,,,,, I ulr to 5 00
Speaker, anti the Spteelt from thc,ltttt•ianr. {;lull sl►ottttl be rebuilt this spring, ter b['. i;tstrltctccl to notify all parties ill- Beef
4 c!o to 5 04
I '1111 leased. to be able to inform give Contractors opportunity to get terestedcr r
Throne, as read by the Lieut: i t ;~ " pP accurdiu„ly--Carried. clic;
Governor, was 8i fu110\w, ; iyou that eousiderable progress has timber on the ground in winter Auditors' report leas then presented, Fall Wheat
Jlr, ti tl':Lket' and t ietifit`111 11 et G,ll' !been innate Oaring the past y('.ai' sly season, the IIL C%0 and the mover Of and examined by the 00111311, stud, 011 14'pi'ing Win at
l to Flt'blti'atOrS t0 \i'12Un1 were Stll)-'this motion have the contract let as motion of \Y111. Isbister, seconded by Iitokv
I.e;;i:lattivr Asaem})ty; oat:
Ill tlpenint1' this, the first S(O5Ittn t/fa
mitred :ill questions relating to the ;;Dolt as the proper notice is given— Geo. Kirkby, the report was adopted. Peas
the eighth Parliament of the Province, nu: ettled account, between the Carried. 1 i((1 Moved by Reid and Mac- Tenders for building of bridges were
1 ani glad to welcome ..Oat a, the Dominion and tate Provinces eif On- key --That at next meeting of coun- then opened and the tender of Duff
representatives of the people as -i tare) and Quebec, and between the ell, iettilmasters, poundkeepet's and & Stewart found to be the lowest.
011 relieving thereby 1 crowded.; ed on tt mlltdttlon i \
�.,�.... ”, Ueest
seinbled for the despatch of business. itm0 I,
w� hile the past year was =favors !parties interested have shown their
able to the agricultural interests sincere desire to have the differences
terests in some re�pccts, the prices; between them settles speedily and
of many products, especially grain ! atnicably. ,
and stock, remaining unusually low, ' The public accounts for the year
it is very gratifying to know that `just closed will be placed in your
increased interest has been taken in j wilds at a very- early day. You
improved methods of farming and will be glad to know that the total
in the reports and publications of the : expenditures of the Province were
Department of Agriculture. Various 1 kept well within the appropriations,
agricultural associations and organi- and that the actual receipts were
zations have been making increased I considerably in excess of the esti-
demands for instructors. The `mate•
special dairy lvot'k in connection The estimates for the current year
with the Agricultural College at! will, without dela', be submitted for
Guelph has been prosecuted with' your approval. They will be found
very satisfactory results, and I 3(11 ! to have been prepared with aL due
pleased to learn that last year proved regard to economy and the necessities
to be the most successful year in the : of the public service.
history of the college. The session will I trust be noted
From time to time public attention for the wisdom and prudence of your
has been directed to our northern deliberations, and for measures cal -
districts as suitable for settlement by . culated to promote the best interests
an agricultural population. At thof the Province.
present time considerable interest is
being manifested in this direction, CULROSS.
and it is proposed to establish, with i1 h �I• Hutchison, con. a In
11 R. ut o
P P ,
in -
your approval, at a moderate ex- tends removing to 1Vinghalil. His
pense, a pioneer dairy farm to attract successor on the farm which he now
further attention to these new dis- occupies will be Mr. Geo. Bodie, of
tricts, and also to prove their adapt- Carrick. --Mr. T. Keleher, con 9,has
ability to agriculture. ! leased his. farm to Mr. Henry Moyer,
During the past year the Rainy , of Carriek, and will in future reside
Lake region has corse, into notice ars on the old homestead near Guelph.—
a gold field. Mann explorers have Mr. J. L Fraser, who disposed of his
been attracted to it, a number of farm some time ago to Mr. Evans, of
promising locations have been taken Tecswater, will remove shortly. He
tall and partially developed, and it is will locate somewhere east of Toron-
expected that several mills for treat- to.—Mr. Samuel Smith, who has been
ing ore will be in operation this year. ill for several months, is recovering
The pospeet of gold mining in this slowly. It is to be hoped that he will
district will no doubt promote settle- soon be completely restored to health.
The Culross council met Feb. 15th,
1895. Members all present. The
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
last meeting were read. Moved by
Mackay Welwood—That tion
fackaS andmo
No. 12, of last meeting, means that
no money be paid to the Treasurer
for mileage, depositing or withdraw-
ing money, postage or making out
Treasurer's statement, and that the
Treasurer shall receive no pay giber
than a salary of $100 for any work
required by council—Carried. • Mov-
ed by Reid -and Kuntz—That the
minutes of last meeting of cottneil as
amended be adopted — Carried.
Moved by Mackay and Johnston-.-- _
That the Clerk write the makers of
Culvert and Sewer pipes for prices
for all the different sues—Carried.
:Moved by Kuntz and Monkey—,
That this Board having examined
the Treasurer's books and Auditors'
report for the year 1804, and believ-
ing the same to be correct, that we
now finally audit the Treasurer's
'rav1110- anti that 'all the:
1110111 of the rich agricultural lands
in the Rainy River valley,
A hill will be laid before you con-
tainingsome supplementary provis-
ion which the experience or the last
general election sae indicated to be
desirable in the election laws. The
registration of votdrs act of last
session with respect to cities having
worked satisfactorily, you will he
asked to consider the propriety of
extending nes operations to towns.
Your attention will be invited to a
measarede3igned to lessen the num ber
of appeals in the courts of' the Prov-
ince and otherwise to simplify the
proceedings of the Superior Courts:
a measure to provide in mattere of
Provincial jurisdiction, that where
jurors are not unanimous ten jurors
may give a verdict, and some other
measures of law reform.
You will further be asked to con-
sider bills for extending the benefit
of the factory act and the children's
protection act; for revising and con-
solidating the acts relating to age's books and accounts, sand adopt the
culture, and the acts relating to Auditors' report, and that the print -
mechanics' institutes and free ii- ingcommittee have 200 copies of the
braries, , Auditors' report printed for distribu-
The Supreme Court of Canada tion --Carried. Moved by Welwood
having held that the Province has no and Johnston—That By -Law No. 4,
power to pass a prohibitory liquor' being a by-law for appointing road
lacy, my Government is taking the commissioners, be given the usual
necessary proeeedin s for an appeal readings and passed ---Carried. Mov-
to her Majesty's Privy Council upon e(1 by Johnston and Welwood---That
this question, and the appeal is ex- 1ty-Law No. 3, being a by-law con-
pceted to be heard and disposed of firming the appointment of the sever -
before the end of the present year ail paid officers of the municipality.
feueeviewers be appointed, and that Moved by Jas. Bowman, seconded by
the Clerk have a by-law prepared 11 m. Isbister, that the tender of
accordingly --• Carried. Moved by : Duff' & :Stewart, namely, at15, for
Kuntz and Johuston --- That the Clark's bridge and $;$07., for Forbes'
fluanee report as just read be adop. bridge, be accepted, providing they
ted --Carried. Bovet. by Mackay furnish satisfactory security for the
and Reid—That this council do now completion of the work ---Carried.
adjourn to meet again on Saturday, Moved by Jas. I3owm n, seconded
Mauch 10th, at 10 o'clock, a, ln,— by Geo. Kirkby, that H. Mooney be
Carried. appointed inspector for Clark's
Finance Report—Hulley Watson bridge, and Win. Isbister for Forbes'
breaking road, $2; school house No. bridge, to supervise the sante during
2, polling booth for provincial elec- construction—Carried. The follo9i'-
tioll, $4; Thos. Melvin and other's, ing accounts were presented for pay -
breaking gravel road, $8.15; Hamil- )vent, viz : R. Johnston, Auditor's
ton Branagh, gravel road, Y, Camelot keepof Fisher, $8; Jno. i —_.—�-.__.._-
r salary, w 10• C. McClelland, do., 10;
„{L50, Jas. Donaldson, breakin;, _._.._.
gravel road,.$13; Wnl. Ritchie and
others, breaking gravel road, $28.50;
Geo. A. Pringle and others, break-
ing gravel road, $^,13.25; Wm.
Ritchie, C. P. R, road work, con. 2
and 3, $1; John Armstrong, salary
as Collector, $50; John McRae, ser-
vices Its Auditor, $8; Robert Watson,
services as Auditor, «S; Peter Clark,
salary as Treasurer, $90; Chas. But-
tof salary Clerk, on balance ., a n asC ei _U
registration fes .10•
(,has, Button, e , b ,
Peter Kuntz, services on Board of
Health, $5.25.
Board of Health—Feb. 15th.—
Board of Health 21et after adjourn-
ment of Council, lit the call of the
chairman. Moved by Peter Kuntz,
seconded by Wm. Reid, that the
Clerk furnish the medical leen in the
towtlsllip with blank forms to report
all cases of infectious and contagious
diseases, and that they be requested
to report to Chas. Button, secretary
of the Board of Health for the town-
ship, Teeswaatcr P, O. --Carried.
Moved by 11'tn. Reicl, seconded by
Joseph Welwood, that the Treasurer
pay Peter Kuntz the sung of -$5.25,
being for phtcarding houses where
infectious atnd contaglnus titsoaaes
existed—Carried. Moved by Peter
Kuntz, seconded • by Wm. Reid, that
this Beard of Health do now ad-
journ to meet again at the call of
the Chairman.
Hexer ;1 -r 1cKAr, Chairman.
tl r.8
0 40
0 '37
0 so
Potatoes, per bash' 1........ 0 30
Eggs, per dozen
to 0 58
to 0 57
. to045'
t0 0 28•
to 051
to 0 3,5 .
018 to 015
,,. 0 00 to 7 00
1300 to 400'
..,. 0 17 to 0 20.
Fall wheat
Spring Wheat
Potatoes, per busbel.. , .....
Eggs, per dozen
Wood, short
Dressed Hogs
Wroxeter, Feb. '138, 1805.
067 to 058
058 to 058
040 to 040.
030 to 030
0 53 to 0 65-
018 to 013•
015 to 015
800 to 800
1 50 to 1 50•
o io to 0 10
500 to 500
4 50 to 6 501
The Directors of the Culross
Mutual Fire Insurance Company met
115 per motion of adjournment, 1n the
town hall, Teeswater, en February
23rd, 1885. Members all present.
R. Little, President, in the chair.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and on nt011011 of Clark and
Reid, minutes as read were adopted,
J. 1IcK.ague. -- Allison --- That all
applications for insurance be now
laid before the Directors for estamin-
ation -- Carried. Allison -- J. ;\tc-
1 ague --•-'That having examined 1:1
applications and found them setis-
fitetory, the President and Secretary
are hereby instructed to prepare and
issue policies for same -- Carried.
Allison ---J. McKague --- That the
account of A. G. Stewart, Atlnotlllt-
ing to 3.00, for printing, be paid ---
Ainsley, plans afld specifications for
Clark's bridge, $8; Misses Exford,
charity, $10; T. S. Brandon, salary
as Treasurer and expenses, $105. i
Moved by 11'm. Isbister, seconded by i Notice dN sural
Statutes oEl1u!arro,
Thos. Code, that the above accounts aha pnraon4 hnrinlf c ,
bepaid—Carried. On motion of Arehibaid Brunt, (nr Rer .
r,tat wan•ano,lh, 3u the Co
Tai. Isbister, seconded by Geo. deceased, who died on or
Kirkby,the council then adjourned iteoembar in the ye,r of
ei;;ht hnudred lord nhtet
to meet again on the 25th March, at rend by post prepaid or
solicitor for John Brun
ten o'clock a. in. estate of the said dee
' h t d
huforo t e es at
• IliiClerk.
11 . t,.\
CLARK,, nauzs, addresses ti
--.M of their claims an
may), hold by th>
To search out impurities and drive said adntrnrstraf,r 331 ! proceed 10 di,tribute
them from the system is the work Of iota of the Sid deeoased a11t011>r the parties e
theroto, ha, i • re5. ret to (he claims only of
Burdook Blood Bitters ; thus B. B. B.
he shall rhes rale nottt e,
cures dyspepsia, consti constipation, bad blood,i x. 1ANsxovr, \vin;;hanr,
P + nlicitor for tee said adrn}lstrato
bi'iousnel�s and all diseases of the r nI)at' lrinrhllut this 7th day of February, As
stomach, liver, bowels and blood.
Live Stook markets. '
Toronto, Ont., rebs 2G. --Alt told SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SAIF.
the market contained 42 carloads of: r1'tro t
stuff to -day. Of these 25 carloads
came in to -day, 13 on Friday and 4
on Sunday. The offedings included
t;J sheep and lambs and 550 hogs:
Buying for Montreal was poor, the
news from there being very depress- :
ing. Trade in butchers' cattle Was
bad, because of heavy offerings.
Several carloads of cattle were left
in the pens at the close of the day.
One or two cattle, lextra fancy,
touched 3 ze per pound, but the rul-
ing prioes for good butchers' cattle
were from 3c t0 3sc per pound, the
latter figure for really choice. Com -
neon and inferior cattle were hardly!
wanted at any price. Those chang- :
from .. toZ. C
bands went at fi n C
in an
per pound, according to quality.:
Export cattle — Messrs. 'Dunn Ss!
Thompson were buying a few for
shipment, via Halifax, at from 3c to,
4e per poand. Only the very best
will suit these buyers. In sheep and '
lambs --Offerings were light to -day,
only about 70 head, the feeling was
firm. Shipping sheep brought from
3c for bucks to 3 e for good ship-
ping sheep. Lambe wort; active;
prices ranged from. •lc to 4o per
pound. Hogs were firul. Good
long fairly Canada hogs for culls'
bacon sold. at from :;14.10 - to $1.30
per ewt., weighed off ears.
1':vst Buffalo, N., Y., Feb, 211,---
0, ---
Oatttle--- Receipts, 141) head. Mar-'
ket strong ants firm. Prime 1,170 ib.
Carded, Allison—Clark---That the steers, 5.25 to $5.30; good to extra.
Secretary get { 03) copies of Auditors' prime. shipping, •1,55 to 3'3.1 ; light
report for 18.11 printed and that he steers, $'3.50 to $l1; feeders, ;'3.13:) to
send ant: copy to each member of this 63.10. Hoge—Receipts, I,8J0.) head;
Company ---Carried. Clark—A. 31e- market steady for light hogs, and
In accordance -with the promise be given the casual readings and Kagne That the President attend strong for other kinds. Sales r• --
given, purse
"87, chapter
Mg Aga
t) sat
t to Revised'
(3 sec. Se, that
the estate of
of the township of
of Huron, y000,an,
bout the lsth day of
1,0(33 011' thousand
100 are requested to
elreur t, he undersigned,
, the atlut 'stutter of the-
se(' tt
ae 1 t Wiugho 1. O. on Or
f to ch A. n. 1 h
r s(
., r their
det•eriptions, fol >articular,.
the nature of the s urit', (tt
3; and that after the sal • ay, the
he ata •
very t•uprrior Yount,* Shorthorn
13u1k4 for tzatle, at prices to suit the times..
Color rect. one tit•teen months gid and.
ono twelve.
ME ('LO ,
\Vhttt'el:ova P. 0.
made to the House last session I ap pissed --Carried Moved by Reid the next meetlntr of the Mutual l� are 'Yorkers, $4,25; mediums, $4,30 to
Lot 32,Con. 14, East awaoosh,
Monty of an run.' For particularsapply
to the uncierstt;oed nt \l�ioeham.
SAMUEL 1�L 1'`OUii1LL,
Real B$tnt a Agent,
r ei,. 13, '05. hent Block..
U�,hen ,S gI 4111111'.
s�uid �r�
T ,M1Y:'a LOC
Opposite I'ost Ol3}ee,
Everything kept in stock that can be
obtained in a city restaurant.
J. ROGERS, Proprietor.
and rapidly growing children
derive more benefit frotn Scott's
Emulsion, than all the rest of the
food they eat. Its nourishing
powers are felt almost initnedi-
ately. Babies and children thrive
on Scott's Emulsion when no
other, form of food is assimilated.
pointed sit c0tnfhissioit to collect and and liaekay-That as thele is no t`nderwriters, Association of Ontario, $� .35. ; o extra heavy here: pigs, �r�r g
report the facts bearing on the vie\vs t:onstalile in the south of the town- to be held in the Civ of 'Toronto, on $1.25 to $1.80; roughs, ;.3.50 to ,�p,�r��t .
which crave been expressed with re- 'chip of Culross, this council 'ream- 5th March hest, as x dole ate from $3.75; stage, i!3 to 43.50. Sheep --
specs to the mode of remunerating' Friend the appointment of t 1, tic- this Ittstttauce Co. 'Mr.:llltson asked 1 Estimated receipts, h,8s)0 head.
prover- and appointing certain Provincial Candlish, he being a fit and proper for yeas and flays, when Messrs. , Market steady for ;;nod lionise, but
tin, gt . +td ti t•e d 1 'Ch ' 1 } t I t 11
stimulates the appetite, en:•iehes
lifeblood, overcomes \axon;; and
gives strength to all who ta;.c it.
For Coughs, Colds, Soto Throat, Bron•
chins, Weak Lungt, Emaciation, Con*
sumption, Blood Diseases and rill Forms
of Wasting. &afaa•,,+,T,uphlet. Free.
.k• 1st B.wao, Oclltv10e. All Druggists. 10.1. AO*
r, -
I12 tulles of !treat f
pr+eSal. s, and ntiSfril•ttln(
t°.i'ery�itt'Iltet', 1na21111111
other sensible l t1 11-- s u:
ttbsolntt•ly necessary
or'dinar'y expenses, an,
incurrhee all ounceeteet
tare, eo as to snake 013111
avoid getting deeply into
Dominion Government, is
riot pretend to be guided
prudential principle, ;tai
goes right on increasing
annual ktxp;ttse-3, and inc.
unnecessary expenditure.
it does not pretend, um,
cumstttnC(a5, to make end:
year there was a deficit t
and a quarter, and alreat'.
with live !months yet t0
actual deficit is: about tht'
Nor clines it pretend to atvt
out of debt. Two years
debt was $241,681,039,
that it had ever been in
of Canada, but it dict not
elt, Last year it was $24G,13t
an inerease of more Chau
half millions rig the twel
Ite Even that 18 not 11 St01
with the present Adnlinis
week it was officially ann
the public debt had plot
$240,407,4013, on the lst c
being an increase of nt
three and al quarter milli,
months 1 And so it goes
may go until the alarme(
and property holders of t
put an encs to such reeklc
The people should well
much of this expenditure
ly high and that nq sinal
it is entirely unneeessae
has already mentioned
simples of these needle
and it will continue
others'. Just now we wi
to a couple of items.
1. The Royal Prohibi
sion. Nearly, four ye
Jamieson prohibition ros
up in the House of Com
Government side track
time by submitting a
through a resolution iu 1
. ' pointing a commission
"without delay" into tlic
our liquor laws, the p.
prohibition being a SUCC
ed, and all that sort of
com2nission has ah'e
country $120,000 with
items yet to come and n
a report has come in yet
have ever heard, except
of expenses and honey
taxpayers will get off
end with that conunisfic
will foot the bill. W
. country get for it all ?
ing of practical Value.
ordinary newspaper re
have collected more in
,) and at all expenee of n
or they would ill all pr
their situations. 'Tues
men have been three 5
on, at the work at 0
something like $14 a
$70 a clay for the baa
when their report is e
presented, whenever 11
to be, who expects it
effect on Dominion pl'ol
tion anyway ? Sir .7
stated to the W. C. T.
Stratford last year 1113
diolcl himself bound t
by that report, thou
want to make any me
presented. Hon. John
,t similar statement
platforsn a few days a
"tire report, by all In
fit11e cry, "but don't 1)
11 unless it suits your
That cry of "wait for
mission" has been Sue
ing the whole 1n'oli
ab, for this entire pavliaul
nothing more, is all th
tax -payers nave g
$120,000 of expend
not hesitate to say th
dealer thus paid out
lessly spent.
2The Dominion
ready over $201),003)
on the preparation of
Dominion Voters' 11
large deficits, and Ww1
the encs of the expo
means. It will cos
million out of the ptt
the time it is printe(
use, if not 8 good de
it has been estilna
• S7nt1)0rity iti 811elt 111,
cost private parties
the other in the vena
,everage ..of .. 4800